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Session 31 of the Chairman's Journal October 2, 1854 - June 25, 1855 Vol 10 pages 134 to 154; Vol 11 pages 14 - 35 University of Virginia Session 1854-5. Chairman's Journal

Oct 2 1854

[EVENT: University Administration:Personnel Decision  1854-10-02]  Approved the nomination of Ethelbert Rawls(P43744) as Proctor's Clerk


Gave Mr. Wm B. Colston(P35430) leave of absence two days to visit a relation.

Gave Mr. J.W. Anderson(22080) leave of absence ten days on account of indisposition.


Gave Mr. Wm Wallace Bird(P40536) leave of absence four days to visit a relation. (w)


Gave Mr. H.A. Conrad(P23497) leave of absence three days to accompany his mother to Cumberland(PL4911).


Gave R.J.T. Scott(P36921) leave of absence one week to visit in the county of Caroline(PL4522) (W)


Gave Mr. Jas. W. Morgan(P22961) leave of absence until the 31st inst. to attend meeting of Sons of Temperance(CB0205) in Staunton(PL4177)


Gave Messers T.W.(P29627) & W.B. De Yampert(P28716) & B.J. Curry(P39655) leave of absence two days to attend wedding of Mr. A.H. De Yampert(P34412).


Oct 27 1854

Gave Mr J.R.L. Hardesty(P22870) leave of absence for five days from the 30th inst. to visit Richmond(PL4241).


Gave Mr. G.M. King(P39192) leave of absence till Monday 30th to visit home.

Gave R. S. Hamilton(P29610) leave for the same period & object.


Gave leave of absence to the following gentlemen to visit Richmond(PL4241).

Wm. F Coleman(P38352) for one week from 30th inst.

Gray Carroll(P22541) for one week from 30th inst.

John Meredith(P26636) for one week from 30th inst.

R.G. Shepard(P23851) for one week from 30th inst.

W.H. Sheild(P36380) for four days from 31st inst.

W.H. Burton(P28897) for four days from 31st inst.

R.A. McChesney(P23980) for four days from 31st inst.

C.C. Hyde(P40342) for five days from 31st inst.

R. Nottingham(P29598) for five days from 31st inst.

J.N. Craig(P25737) for five days from 31st inst.

C.D. Fishburn(P26451) for five days from 31st inst.

R. B. Davis(P39604) for one week from 31st inst.

F.L. Johnson(P26141) for three days from 31st inst.

J.R. Kyle(P37419) for 3 or 4 days from 31st inst.

H. Chapman(P35498) for three days from 31st inst.

A.Z. Kimmel(P38859) for three days from 31st inst.

W.B. Dorsett(P21889) for three days from 31st inst.

H.G. Norris(P35583) for three days from 31st inst.

W.M. McNutt(P41442) for three days from 31st inst.

Lewis F. Terrell(P38491) for three days from 31st inst.

W.S. Newman(P28525) for six days from 31st inst.

W.T. Seawell(P37534) for three days from 31st inst.

F.D. Cunningham(P23461) for four days from 31st inst.


H.H. Stevens(P40277) for three days from 31st inst.

H.E. Merrill(P36677) for three days from 31st inst.

H.T. Johnston(P27776) for six days from 31st inst.

J. M. Porter(P27448) for three days from 31st inst.

J.S. Taylor(P26609) for three days from 31st inst.

R. Archer(P27893) for three days from 31st inst.

Oct 31

J.B. Moore(P39885) for five days from 31st inst.

W.P. Jerdone(P27498) for three days from 31st inst.

Geo B. Taylor(P23504) for four days from 31st inst.

R.L. Hendrick(P22186) for four days from 1st Nov

W.N. Starke(P39415) for three days from 2nd Nov

V. Dabney(P26877) for three days from 2nd Nov

H.K. Cochran(P28553) for three days from 31 Oct

J.H. Timberlake(P43809) for four days from 1st Nov

Ch. J. Terrell(P39747) for six days from 1st Nov

L. Hodge(P27560) for four days from 31 Oct

B.J. Epes(P37547) for four days from 31 Oct

Nov 1. 1854

Gave the following gentlemen leave to visit home

C.W. Barksdale(P25956) for eight days from the 2nd inst.

John P. Thompson(P28747) for four days from the 2nd inst.


Archer Anderson(P28247) for three days from the 3rd inst.

P.B. Cabell(P31757) for three days from the 3rd inst to Richmond(PL4241)


Gave leave to J.T. Brown(P22211) to be absent three days from the 6th inst.


Gave T.S. Bolling(P43459) leave of absence one day

Gave Powhatan Clarke(P23594) leave of absence two days


Gave J.J. Downman(P35503) leave of absence six days from the 8th inst to visit home


Gave J.J. Winston(P37614) leave of absence 3 days to visit Washington(PL4211)


Nov 9 1854

Gave Mr. J. N. Craig(P25737) leave of absence for five days to visit home.

Nov 13 1854

Gave Wm. H. Sheilds(P36380) leave of absence 9 days to visit home.

Nov 21 1854

Gave Mr. Jas Sandford(P42060) leave of absence for ten days to visit his father who is ill.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance  1854-10-27]  On the night of the 27th of October, a party of students in disguise, numbering perhaps 12 or 15, created disturbances on the lawn, by the blowing of horns and making a fire in front of the Rotunda(PL8428). The Proctor(P43737) who visited the scene of the disturbances, supposed he recognised among the offenders Mr. John M. Porter(P27448), who had previously obtained the Chairman's(P43731) leave to matriculate, but had not then matriculated. The Chairman(P43731) communicated the Proctor's(P43737) suspicions to the Faculty(CB0105); who at a meeting held Nov. 1st. requested the Chairman(P43731) to send for Mr. Porter(P27448) and examine him touching the matter; and if he should become satisfied that Mr. P.(P27448) was just chargeable with the offence indicated to withdraw the leave to matriculate, and require him to quit the University(CB0001).

The Chairman(P43731) accordingly, as soon as practicable summoned Mr. Porter(P27448) before him. The result of the interviews was that Mr P(P27448) denied being on the lawn at the


time specified, and stated further that he had participated in no disturbance at any time during the present session.

Nov 9

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Destruction of Property  1854-11-09]  On the night of Thursday Nov 9. at a late hour three or four persons, supposed to be students, perpetrated various outrages in the University(CB0001). Two at least visited Dr. McGuffey's(P43668) Pavilion(PL8470) and forced open his front door, but ran off at his appearance. They broke into his office (an adjourning dormitory) scattered some of his books upon the lawn; broke a chair and defaced and injured another, carried off some of his private papers, and finally threw a billet of wood against the window of a chamber occupied by ladies, breaking a number of panes of glass.

During the same night they broke into Mr. Becker's(P43733) office, took off some of his books, defaced a table &c _ They also visited Dr. Harrison's(P25515) and did some damage to one of his doors.

Nov 23.

No clue to the perpetrators of these outrages has yet been obtained; farther than that the two who visited Dr. McGuffey's(P43668) were students. On the 11th a letter was addressed to him signed "two students" in which they expressed great penitence for the "disgraceful affair";ascribed their misconduct to their being drunk at the time, and enclose 20$ to pay for damages &c _ The money was returned through the Post Office. The person who applied for it is known.


He is supposed to be cognizant of the guilty parties: and so are several others whose names are known. The Chairman(P43731) has given instructions to the Proctor(P43737) to confer with the proper officer in regard to the measures to be adopted to bring the offenders before a court of Justice. The Faculty(CB0105) will it is hoped thereby get possession of their names so as to punish them under the laws of the University(CB0001).

Nov 11

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns  1854-11-10]  Dr. Schele(P43667) reported Mr. Salle(P25334) for having in his possession (10th inst) a pistol in violation of a law of the University(CB0001).

Nov 13

The Chairman(P43731) sent for Mr. Salle(P25334), reprimanded him for the offence reported, and required him to deposit the pistol with the Proctor(P43737) to be returned to him when he leaves the University(CB0001), or to be delivered to any person to whom he may sell it, provided the purchaser shall not be a student of the University(CB0001).

Nov 23

Gave Mr. W.H.H. Lynn(P36425) leave of absence six days to visit home.


Gave Mr. Ch. Norvell(P25073) leave of absence three days to visit Richmond(PL4241) on business.


Gave Mr. J.N. Craig(P25737) leave of absence five days to accompany his mother to Harper's Ferry(PL8354).


Gave Mr. D.E. Hancock(P27904) leave of absence three days to visit home.


Nov 29

Gave the following gentlemen leave of absence to visit Staunton(PL4177)

Mr Joseph C. Cabell(P27991) for four days.

Mr Geo. E. Hunt(P37360) for 3 days

Mr. A.P. Mason(P37484) for 4 days

Mr. Ch. Grattan(P34856) for 4 days


Mr. Geo. E. Dennis(P35637) for 4 days

Mr. P. H. Carpenter(P40633) for 3 days

Mr. W.A. Monteiro(P33561) for 3 days

Mr. L.L. Duncan(P33705) for 3 days

Mr. G.W. Simms(P41655) for 3 days

Mr. W.N. Smith(P43370) for 3 days

Mr. W. Newton(P30076) for 3 days


Gave Mr. A.E. Dickinson(P23340) leave of absence five days from 1st Dec to visit home.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct  1854-11-27]  On the 27th of November a difficulty occurred at a Fair in Charlottesville(PL4204) between Mr. C.W. Helm(P23360) and Mr. W. L. Henderson(P37820), the latter being at the time in a state of intoxication. It was adjourned until the next day for settlement. On the 28th, ineffectual efforts were made by the friends of Mr. Helm(P23360) to bring about a peaceable adjustment. A hostile meeting between the parties followed, in which Mr. Nash(P22247) the friend of Mr. Helm(P23360) and Mr. Th. T. Crommelin(P29929) the friend of Mr. Henderson(P37820) became implicated. Mr. Helm(P23360) was unarmed. Messers Henderson(P37820) & Crommelin(P29929) were armed with Bowie knives, and Mr. Nash(P22247) with a pistol. All of which were drawn during


the encounter, but fortunately without bodily harm to any of the parties.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns  1854-11-30]  [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1854-11-30]  It appeared on enquiry that Mr. Henderson(P37820) was most deeply implicated in violating the laws of the University(CB0001). He had the reputation of generally going armed, and of sometimes displaying his arms in a reckless manner. His habits altogether appeared unfavourable to the successful prosecution of the objects, for which he ought to have come to the University(CB0001), and injurious in their influence upon others. It was therefore thought best to separate him from the institution as soon as possible. Leave was accordingly granted him to withdraw on the 2nd of Decr., and he left the University(CB0001) the following day.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:postponed 1854-11-30]  Mr. Crommelin's(P29929) conduct in the difficulty also appeared in a very unfavourable light. He was advised to withdraw - but he offered an explanation in mitigation of his offence, and it was not thought fit to insist on his withdrawal without taking the advice of the Faculty(CB0105).

In the case of Mr. Nash(P22247) who has sustained during his connexion with the University(CB0001) an exemplary character, both as respects his deportment and attention to his duties, there were such extenuating circumstances as would have justified


wilder measures had success attended the effort to quietly separate Mr. Crommelin(P29929) from the University(CB0001). But failing in this effort the Chairman(P43731) felt constrained to refer the matter to the Faculty(CB0105) to take such further action, as should seem necessary for upholding the laws and putting a check to the dangerous practice of carrying arms, which there is reason to fear is but too prevalent among the young men who resort to the University(CB0001).

Nov 30

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  1854-11-29]  [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Destruction of Property  1854-11-29]  [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance  1854-11-29]  Mr. Brock(P47123) of the Delevan House(PL9115), reported that G.E. Hunt(P37360) and Thomas G. Field(P23108) visited his house at 12 O'clock on the night of the 29th. Nov, in a state of intoxication- that they behaved in a most disorderly manner, using profane language and making various noisy demonstrations _ That they broke out two panes of glass in a window at the head of the first flight of steps during their visit. Also that a gate belonging to Mr. Diggs was found at the door of one of his boarders, next morning, which he supposed had been carried there by the above named students.

He reported Mr. Th. Ewing(P34059) as being of the party but stated that he had reason to believe that he was not intoxicated, and that he made some effort to keep the others quiet.

Dec 1.

Messers Hunt(P37360) Field(P23108) and Ewing(P34059) were sent for,


and severally informed of the foregoing charges against them. They acknowledged that in returning together, from Charlottesville(PL4204) on the night of the 29th they visited Mr. McCall's(P24861) room at the Delevan House(PL9115) at the hour of ten O'clock, but left some time before twelve O'clock. They denied explicitly that they committed any of the disorders laid to their charge. Messers Hunt(37360) & Field(P23108) however admitted that they had been drinking. For this offence they were reprimanded; and warned against a repetition of it.

Dec 8.

Gave Mr. W.B. Hall(P38867) leave of absence three weeks to visit a friend in Washington(PL4211).


Gave Mr. J.L. Sehon(P24184) leave of absence six days to meet his father in Washington(PL4211).


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1854-12-14]  Gave Mr. Jos. B. Myers(P23158) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001) on account of the condition of his eyes _ subject to approval of Faculty(CB0105).


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1854-12-15]  Gave Mr. S.R. Burford(P40328) (who is over 21 years of age) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1854-12-15]  Gave Mr. G.E. Hunt(P37360) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001), upon his statement that he has the written authority of his father to do so.


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1854-12-15]  Gave Mr. S.E. Thomas(P23260) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001) upon his statement that he has the written authority of his father to do so.


Gave Mr. J.P. Harrison(P34859) leave of absence ten days to visit home.


Dec 18

Gave Mr. Robt. Fitzhugh(P37750) leave of absence ten days to visit home

Gave Mr. C.W. Barksdale(P25956) (who is indisposed) leave of absence for three weeks from the 19th inst to visit home

Gave Mr. Josiah S. McNutt(P26919) leave of absence for ten days to visit home.

Gave Mr. A.S. Epes(P31018) leave of absence for fifteen days from the 21st inst. to visit home

Gave Mr. C.P. Goodall(P43170) leave of absence for one week from the 20th inst. to visit home.

Gave Messers L.H.(P27509) & W.L. Pike(P26871) leave of absence for ten days from the 21st to visit a friend in Liberty(PL4414).

Gave Mr. J.A. Quarles(P27240) leave of absence for 5 days from the 21st inst. to visit friends in Louisa(PL4790).

Gave Mr. A.Z. Kimmel(P38859) leave of absence for two weeks from the 19th to visit home.

Dec 19

Gave leave of absence to the following gentlemen

A.W. Cockrell(P27507) 5 days from 20th to visit Washington(PL4211)

J.W. Hambleton(P32657) 5 days from 20th to visit Washington(PL4211)

W.S. Vaughan(P36389) 1 week from 20th to visit Washington(PL4211)

J.F. McKneely(P35622) 1 week from 20th to visit Washington(PL4211)

D. Marsh(P32688) 6 days from 20th to visit Washington(PL4211)

H.F. Butt(P26627) 6 days from 20th to visit Washington(PL4211)

O.H. Baird(P27264) 2 weeks from 20th to visit home

J.R.L. Hardesty(P22870) 2 weeks from 20th to visit home


W.H. Burton(P28897) 1 week from 20th to visit home

B.C. Bouldin(P22581) 2 weeks from 20th to visit home

H.J. Norris(P35583) 3 weeks from 20th to visit home

R.G. Holloway(P33456) 12 days from 21st to visit home

G.M. Williams(P36591) 6 days from 21st to visit home

M. Leftwich(P23152) 1 week from 21st to visit home

J.R. Person(P36462) 2 weeks from 21st to visit home

C. Little(P30697) 2 weeks from 21st to visit home

H.B. Christian(P27050) 10 days from 21st to visit home

B.S. Vawter(P37258) 10 days from 21st to visit home

O. Stevenson(P40283) 10 days from 21st to visit home

R. McIlwaine(P22179) 10 days from 21st to visit home

L.L. Holladay(P23607) 10 days from 21st to visit home

Geo Gordon(P29307) 2 weeks from 21st to visit home

Edwin Taliaferro(P32269) 10 days from 21st to visit home

B.F. Michie(P30695) 10 days from 21st to visit home

V. Dabney(P26877) 10 days from 21st to visit Gloucester(PL6140)

Jas. Wm. Morgan(P22961) 2 weeks from 21st to visit Petersburg(PL4227)

Ro. Hutchinson(P26953) 2 weeks from 21st to visit Clarke(PL4573)

Richd. Archer(P27893) 2 weeks from 22nd to visit home

R.C. Thornton(P29171) 2 weeks from 22nd to visit home

W.A. Monteiro(P33561) 10 days from 22nd to visit home

J.A. Walker(P40395) 10 days from 22nd to visit home

Jas Cammack(P25840) 10 days from 23rd to visit Louisa(PL4790)

J.L. Johnston(P36924) 10 days from 23rd to visit home

A.E. Dickinson(P23340) 6 days from 23rd to visit home

W.H.B. Mahood(P22497) 12 days from 23rd to visit home

A.G. Shepherd(P42687) 5 days from 23rd to visit home

R. Q. Terrell(P38020) 7 days from 23rd to visit Orange(PL4264)


Dec 20

Gave leave of absence to the following gentlemen

Spencer Coleman(P32328) 14 days from 21st to visit home

H. Stribling(P31222) 2 weeks from 21st to visit home

G.M. King(P39192) 10 days from 21st to visit home

R.H. Anderson(P41889) 12 days from 21st to visit home

R.L. Hendrick(P22186) 15 days from 21st to visit home

Th. E. Davis(P37294) 10 days from 21st to visit home

F. James Jr.(P33361) 12 days from 21st to visit home

J.M. Strother(P43769) 12 days from 21st to visit home

Archer Anderson(P28247) 12 days from 21st to visit home

C.H. Toy(P43803) 10 days from 21st to visit home

J.F. Segar(P40362) 10 days from 21st to visit home

G.H. Snead(P22887) 3 days from 21st to visit home

R.M. Winston(P30944) 10 days from 21st to visit home

A. Warwick(P41766) 2 weeks from 21st to visit home

N.M. Long(P31012) 2 weeks from 21st to visit home

Th. E.R. Dew(P33070) 2 weeks from 21st to visit home

W.H. Bolling(P29261) 2 weeks from 21st to visit home

Ch. Drayton(P33120) 2 weeks from 21st to visit Bedford(PL4175)

Ro. Crawford(P34516) 10 days from 21st to visit Louisa(PL4790)

P.C. Edmunds(P28312) 10 days from 21st to visit Philadelphia(PL4362)

C.O. Shelton(P22435) 10 days from 21st to visit Liberty(PL4414)

W.M. Fishback(P38792) 10 days from 21st to visit Staunton(PL4177)

J.R. Gwaltney(P22494) 10 days from 21st to visit Washington City(PL4211)

Th. Overton(P41329) 7 days from 21st to visit Washington City(PL4211)

J.H. Powe(P38522) 10 days from 21st to visit Petersburg(PL4227)

J.J. Winston(P37614) 7 days from 21st to visit Washington(PL4211)

W.C. Torrance(P27606) 7 days from 21st

J.B. Curry(P39655) 10 days from 21st


Th De Yampert(P29627) 11 days from 21st to visit Richmond(PL4241)

W.B. De Yampert(P28716) 11 days from 21st to vist Richmond(PL4241)

Th. G. Field(P23108) 1 week from 21st to visit Richmond(PL4241)

S.P. Mathews(P34904) 1 week from 21st to visit Richmond(PL4241)

R. Corbin(P31875) 12 days from 22nd to visit home

S.W. Corbin(P24913) 12 days from 22nd to visit home

P. M. Tupman(P37041) 10 days from 22nd to visit home

W.H.H. Lynn(P36425) 12 days from 22nd to visit home

A De.J. Hart(P26671) 10 days from 22nd to visit home

T.C. Rice(P23996) 9 days from 22nd to visit home

L.F. Terrell(P38491) 10 days from 22nd to visit home

Jos Blandford(P43415) 2 weeks from 22nd to visit home

Th. W. Anderson(P21991) 2 weeks from 22nd to visit home

G.W. Richards(P24344) 5 days from 22nd to visit home

H.M. Mathews(P37280) 10 days from 22nd to visit Baltimore(PL4215)

W.B. Lyles(P40187) 11 days from 22nd to visit Washington(PL4211)

W.H. Tompkins(P41245) 10 days from 23rd to visit Louisa(PL4790)

F.W. Yager(P36208) 7 days from 23rd to visit home

J.P. McGuire(P28369) 7 days from 23rd to visit home

D. Rector(P30930) 10 days from 23rd to visit home

F.L. Johnson(P26141) 6 days from 23rd to visit home

A.A. Gray(P30294) 6 days from 23rd to visit home

N.C. Orrick(P27066) 6 days from 23rd to visit Fluvanna(PL5384)

C. M. Mathews(P40825) 2 weeks from 23rd to visit home

J.T. Cropp(P34653) 10 days from 23rd to visit home

W. Saunders(P36585) 8 days from 23rd to visit home

Ch. McCormick(P41842) 12 days from 25th to visit home

J.C. Selden(P30834) 2 days from 25th to visit home

R. Nottingham(P29598) 7 days from 24th to visit Richmond(PL4241)


Dec 21

Gave leave of absence to the following gentlemen

W. T. Seawell(P37534) for 10 days from 21st inst. to visit home

G.W. Simms(P41655) 7 days from 21st inst. to visit home

W.B. Dorsett(P21899) 10 days from 21st inst. to visit home

R. G. Sheppard(P23851) 10 days from 21st inst. to visit Staunton(PL4177)

J.D. Coffee(P33962) 10 days from 21st inst. to visit Washington(PL4211)

W. Ruffin(P26755) 10 days from 21st inst. to visit Washington(PL4211)

W. Fitzgerald(P24143) 10 days from 21st inst. to visit Washington(PL4211)

J.Y. Beall(P27806) 2 weeks from 21st inst. to visit home

J.F. Shunk(P36953) 2 weeks from 21st inst. to visit home

Ch. Grattan(P34856) 1 week from 21st inst. to visit home

W. A. Holman(P36537) 2 weeks from 21st inst. to visit home

W.M. McNutt(P41442) 2 weeks from 21st inst. visit home

M.B. Howell(P27305) 1 week from 21st inst. to visit home

J.T. Lovell(P37263) 1 week from 21st inst. to visit home

Th. L. Yancey(P33288) 1 week from 21st inst. to visit home

Ro. Hamilton(P29610) 1 week from 21st inst. to visit home

J.R. Parham(P30985) 2 weeks from 21st inst. to visit home

Th. F. Maury(P22354) 2 weeks from 21st inst. to visit home

R. A. McChesney(P23980) 2 weeks from 21st inst. to visit home

J.P. Thompson(P28747) 2 weeks from 21st inst. to visit home

J.W. Mills(P38974) 1 week from 21st inst. to visit home

J.W. Clement(P42818) 1 week from 21st inst. to visit home

W.D. Thomas(P21902) 10 days from 21st inst. to visit home

J.A. Templeton(P33492) 10 days from 21st inst. to visit home

W.M. Crawford(P24676) 6 days from 21st inst. to visit home

H. Chapman(P35498) 10 days from 21st inst. to visit home

T.S. Bolling(P43459) 10 days from 21st inst. to visit home

W.H. Proctor(P43810) 10 days from 21st inst. to visit home


R.H. Newman(P36675) for 10 days from 22nd inst. to visit home

W.L. Rice(P25636) for 10 days from 22nd inst. to visit home

F.D. Cunningham(P23461) 10 days from 22nd inst. to visit home

C.S. Alexander(P28167) 10 days from 22nd inst. to visit home

J.M. Seig(P36353) 10 days from 22nd inst. to visit home

E.B. Smith(P29134) 10 days from 22nd inst. to visit home

L.R. Bailey(P24506) 10 days from 22nd inst. to visit home

John Temple(P31621) 10 days from 22nd inst. to visit home

J.W. Chinn(P24005) 10 days from 22nd inst. to visit home

W.B. Hudgins(P28765) 8 days from 22nd inst. to visit home

S. C. Redd(P28834) 10 days from 22nd inst. to visit home

A. F. Mathews(P41241) 1 week from 22nd inst. to visit Richmond(PL4241)

N.C. Sheppard(P23606) 10 days from 22nd inst.

J.W. Pritchett(P29829) 6 days from 22nd inst. to visit Richmond(PL4241)

J.M. Wilde(P37180) 7 days from 22nd inst.

D.S. White(P36813) 2 days from 22nd inst.

W.B. Ritter(P29657) 7 days from 23rd inst. to visit home

Larkin Willis(P23850) 10 days from 23rd inst. to visit home

H.W. Reinhard(P28102) 7 days from 23rd inst. to visit home

J.M. Hanger(P29054) 6 days from 23rd inst. to visit home

W.P. Jerdone(P27498) 10 days from 23rd inst. to visit home

Lambert Tree(P31020) 7 days from 23rd inst. to visit home

J.S. Taylor(P26609) 10 days from 23rd inst. to visit home

W.B. Holman(P34272) 8 days from 23rd inst. to visit home

Jas. R. Kyle(P37419) 8 days from 23rd inst. to visit home

P.B. Cabell(P31757) 8 days from 23rd inst. to visit home

Th. W. Page(P28854) 10 days from 23rd inst. to visit home

W. S. Newman(P28525) 10 days from 23rd inst. to vsit home


M.L. Anderson(P39231) for 10 days from 23rd inst. to visit home

H.L. Moseley(P35575) 10 days from 23rd inst. to visit home

N.H. Payne(P26583) 7 days from 23rd inst. to visit Staunton(PL4177)

W.C. Garnett(P27736) 10 days from 23rd inst. to visit Orange(PL4264)

J.K. Drane(P28779) 6 days from 23rd inst. to visit in the country

G.W. Erwin(P41357) 6 days from 23rd inst. to visit in the country

Th. L Preston(P24577) 3 days from 23rd inst. to visit in the country

F.N. Read(P24619) 7 days from 23rd inst. to visit Nelson(PL5388)

J.A. Nelson(P24049) 4 days from 23rd inst. to visit in the country

Edwd. P.E. Lewis(P23052) 2 weeks from 23rd inst. to visit home

H. Hudnall(P40974) 1 week from 23rd inst. to visit home

P.H. Carpenter(P40633) 1 week from 23rd inst. to visit home

A.S. Garnett(P30977) 4 days from 23rd inst. to visit in the country

M.S. Goodman(P29818) 4 days from 23rd inst. to visit in the country

C.W. Helm(P23360) 10 days from 25th inst. to visit home

L.M. Randolph(P32393) 4 days from 25th inst. to visit home

D.M. Claytor(P26233) 3 days from 25th inst. to visit in the country

Dec 22nd.

Gave leave of absence to the following gentlemen

W.G. Hudgin(P26544) for 2 weeks from 22nd inst.

W.S. Turner(P35673) 10 days from 22nd inst.

D.E. Hancock(P27904) 10 days from 22nd inst.

R. Martin(P42768) 10 days from 22nd inst.

Ch. Mayrant(P40427) 9 days from 22nd inst.

T. A. Minor(P33919) 5 days from 23rd inst.

B.B. Stuart(P35552) 10 days from 23rd inst.

David Watson(P21955) 10 days from 23rd inst.

Jas. L. Jones(P31228) 10 days from 23rd inst.

W.B. Colston(P35430) 10 days from 23rd inst. Richmond(PL4241)

A.J. Almond(P29864) 7 days from 23rd inst.


W.N. Smith(P43370) for 1 week from 23rd inst. Richmond(PL4241)

Ducan Stewart(P29823) 1 week from 25th

R.S. Miller(P32705) 1 week from 23rd

J.H. Dabney(P31603) 1 week from 23rd

W.E. Towles(P34660) 1 week from 23rd

J.R. Wilde(P28029) 1 week from 23rd

T.H. Davis(P37446) 1 week from 23rd

W.N. Starke(P39415) 2 weeks from 23rd Washington(PL4211)

C.O. Young(P32445) 10 days from 23rd

Ch. Wood(P34475) 9 days from 23rd

L.E. Brooks(P28080) 8 days from 23rd Woodville(PL8057)

P.R.H. Thompson(P25172) 9 days from 23rd Richmond(PL4241)

W.B. Peake(P25100) 4 days from 23rd

C.L. Dupre(P40748) 5 days from 25th

C.J. Kemper(P27209) 8 days from 23rd

J.M. Martin(P40948) 6 days from 23rd

J.C. Carter(P36704) 3 days from 23rd

H.H. Perry(P33085) 3 days from 23rd

J.M. Porter(P27448) 10 days from 23rd

J.L. Chandler(P42565) 11 days from 23rd Washington(PL4211)

W.H. Benson(P24610) 11 days from 23rd Washington(PL4211)

A.C. White(P26436) 10 days from 23rd

R.A. Haynie(P40438) 5 days from 23rd Staunton(PL4177)

J.M. Purnell(P42439) 6 days from 23rd

A.J. Wood(P26675) 4 days from 23rd

H. McCoy(P40041) 10 days from 23rd

J.C. McKethan(P38187) 4 days from 25th

J.R. Latimer(P23114) 4 days from 25th

T.P. Stoney(P29473) 1 week from 25th


Dec 23rd.

Gave leave of absence to the following gentlemen

C. Garlington(P41406) for 2 weeks from 23rd

F.M. Wanamacker(P36962) 2 weeks from 23rd

Pow: Clarke(P23594) 1 week from 23rd

C.C. Hyde(P40342) 4 days from 23rd

A.F. Wills(P41298) 4 days from 23rd

J.N. Craig(P25737) 4 days from 23rd

J.F. Cobbs(P24439) 4 days from 25th

W.A. Gage(P25910) 4 days from 25th

J.B. Urquhart(P35234) 5 days from 25th

J.D. Perkins(P34013) 4 days from 25th

S.G. Compton(P33531) 8 days from 25th

Geo. B. Taylor(P23504) 8 days from 25th

S.P. Owen(P29953) 7 days from 25th

J.E. Field(P30276) 3 days from 25th

J.C. Cabell Jr.(P27991) 10 days from 23rd

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance  1854-12-20]  On the night of the 20th of Decr: some ten or twelve persons, supposed to be students, assembled on the lawn at an early hour, and commenced blowing horns, and making other noisy demonstrations. I went amongst them and advised them to disperse and not to disturb the quiet of the University(CB0001): but without effect. Though apparently not intoxicated they seemed bent upon a frolic, and showed no disposition to be dissuaded from their purpose. They proceeded to make a fire upon the lawn, and at a later hour broke down the door giving access to the


bell, went to it, and rang it for some time. All the parties were so completely disguised, that it was impossible to identify any of them.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  1854-12-21]  On the 21st of Decr. about 12 O'clock I saw four students on the Rail Road above McKennie's Bookstore(PL8519), some of whom appeared to be intoxicated. Having, as I supposed identified three of them as Messrs. B.J. Curry(P39655), W.B. De Yampert(P28716) and Thomas G. Field(P23108), I sent for these gentlemen, and examined them on the subject. Mr. Curry denied being present at all, on the occasion referred to. Mr. De Yampert admitted that he was of the company, but said he was not intoxicated - was engaged in taking care of others. Mr. Field admitted that he was intoxicated. This being the second offence of the kind on his part, that had come to my knowledge - and he having been reprimanded for the first and warned against a repetition, I informed him that his case would be referred to the consideration of the Faculty at the next meeting, and discharged him.

Dec 25

Gave Mr. G.W. Berry(P42821) leave of absence for 12 days to visit home.


Gave Mr. G.F. Salle(P25334) leave of absence for one week


[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  1854-12-27]  On the 27th of Decr. saw Mr. E.A. Roberts(P25115) near McKennie's Bookstore(PL8519), in a state of intoxication. Subsequently, sent for him - charged him with the offence- which he admitted. Reprimanded him and warned him against a repetition.

Dec 28

Gave Mr. J.S. McCall(P24861) leave of absence for three days.


Gave Mr. J.L. Hodge(P27560) leave of absence for five days

Gave Mr. H.A. Herbert(P39620) leave of absence for one week.

Mr. A. Maupin(P43755) reported Mr. D.M. Claytor(P26233) as being at his table on the 31st of Decr. in a state of intoxication, and using profane language in presence of Mrs. M(). I sent for Mr. Claytor the next day and made known the charges against him. He admitted that they were true and seemed heartily ashamed of his conduct. He said that being the close of the year he accepted the invitation of a friend to drink with him. Unintentionally he had indulged too freely. That it as his first offence since his connexion with the University(CB0001), and should be his last. That he had made a pledge not to drink another drop during the session. I reprimanded him for the offences committed and encouraged him to adhere to the pledge as the best security for future good conduct.

University of Virginia Session 1854-55 Chairman's Journal

January 1. 1855

Gave Mr. J.P. Harrison(P34859) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001)

Jany 2

Gave Mr. D.B. Lucas(P26713) leave of absence for 4 days.


Gave Messrs A.E. Dickinson(P23340) & Z.J. George(P36468) leave of absence for five days.


Gave Mr. J.M. Lowry(P40522) leave of absence for 5 days.

Gave Mr. Th.F. Johnston(P27776) leave of absence for ten days to visit a sick parent.


Gave Mr. W.B. Hamblin(P29870) leave of absence for eight days to visit his Guardian.


Gave Mr. J.S. McCall(P24861) leave of absence for three days to visit Richmond(PL4241).


Gave Mr. W.B. Hall(P38867) leave of absence for two weeks, the state of his health as he alleges not allowing him to prosecute his studies for the present.

Gave Mr. D.E. Hancock(P27904) leave of absence for 3 days to visit a sick relation.


Gave Mr. Z.J. George(P36468) leave of absence for three weeks to visit Caroline on account of the state of his health.


Gave Mr. Chapman Little(P30697) leave of absence for two weeks to visit home on account of indisposition


Jany 23 1855

Gave Mr. C.W. Helm(P23360) leave of absnce for two weeks from the 25th inst. to visit home, he not having used the leave granted at Christmas.

Jany 25 1855

[EVENT: Student Misconduct  1855-01-25] [EVENT: Boarding  1855-01-25]  Having had reason to believe that there were students boarding at hotels in Charlottesville(PL4204), in violation of the Enactments, I made enquiry and ascertained that Messrs A.S. Douglass(P25265), J.R. Wilde(P28029), J.D. Coffee(P33962), S.P. Owen(P29953), David Richardson(P36668), James Sandford(P42060) & T.G. Howorth(P27545) were thus offending- I sent for these gentlemen (with the exception of Mr. Wilde, reported to be sick) and required them to return to the licensed boarding houses. Messrs Douglass, Coffee, Richardson & Sandford promised to do so, and made their arrangements accordingly.

Mr. Owen(P29953) objected to the requirement, stating that he could not find suitable accomodations, and espcially that he could not get a room to himself at a licensed boarding house. That quiet and seclusion were indispensable to the successful prosecution of his studies. He had secured these at his present lodging and he would ask leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001) rather than make a change. That he was prompted to such purpose by no spirit of opposition to the due enforcement of the laws of the University, but because he thought his longer continuance at the instituiton would be unprofitable to


himself, if compelled to live in a crowded boarding house- and withal, there were circumstances of family concernment which rendered his return home desirable.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-01-25]  I informed him that compliance with the enactments would be insisted upon. Whereupon he asked leave to withdraw, and with the concurrence of the professor whom schools the attended, the leave was granted (Jany 27th).

Mr. Howorth(P27545) alleged the state of his health as the cause of his seeking a hotel, and asked to be allowed to remain at the same. His case was referred to the consideration of the Faculty(CB0105).

Mr. Wilde(P28029) having in the course of a few days asked leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001) on account of ill health and the leave having been granted, it became unnecessary to see him in regard to the violation of the enactments referred to

Jany 30

Gave Mr. John L. Johnson(P36924) leave of absence ten days to visit home on account of indisposition.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-01-30]  Gave Mr. C.W. Barksdale(P25956) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


Gave Messrs H.D. McClintic(P31035), J.E. Dubose(P28404), Ch. Norvell(P25073), D.A. Zimmerman(P41101), Wm. M. Crawford(P24676), H.F. But(P26627), Wm. McNutt(P41442) & J.C. McKethan(P38187)


leave of absence for six days to accompany the remains of C. M. Hamilton(P32757) a student of Medicine who died on the 27th inst, to Bath Co.(PL6568) for interment.

Feb 1. 1855

Gave Mr. J.A. Templeton(P33492) leave of absence for six days to visit his family.


Gave Mr. Th. F. Maury(P22354) leave of absence for two weeks to visit home on account of his father's illness.


Gave Mr. Vawter(P37258) leave of absence for four days to visit Washington City(PL4211).


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-02-07]  Gave Mr. Charles McCormick(P41842) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001) upon his statement that it was the wish of his father that he should do so.


Gave Mr. J.G. Frey(P32575) leave of absence for two days.


Gave Mr. J.P. Thompson(P28747) leave of absence for three days to attend Louisa Court(CB0112).


Gave Mr. Th. W. Page(P28854) leave of absence for one week on account of indisposition.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-02-16]  Gave Mr. J. M. Wilde(P37180) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001) upon his statement his mother (now in Charlottesville(PL4204)) wishes him to do so.


Gave Mr. W.G. Garth(P24262) leave of absence for two days.


Gave Mr. G.H. Snead(P22887) leave of absence for one week, to visit home on account of indisposition.


Feb 27 1855

Gave Mr. W.N. Starke(P39415) leave of absence for four days, and Mr. H.E. Merrit(P36677) for one week to attend a wedding in Richmond(PL4241).

Gave Messrs D.G. Howorth(P27545) & W.F. Shamburger(P27726) leave of absence for three days to visit Washington City(PL4211).


Gave Mr. W.N. Smith(P43370) leave of absence for one week to visit Richmond(PL4241).

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-02-28]  Gave Mr. Ch. Mayrant(P40427) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001) upon his statement that he had the consent of his Guardian to do so.

Gave Mr. J.W. Morgan(P22961) leave of absence for one week to visit Washington(PL4211).

Mar 1

Gave Mr. Taylor Scott(P36921) leave of absence ten days to visit home on account of the illness of a relation.

Gave Mr. G.M. King(P39192) leave of absnece five days to visit home.


Gave Mr. A.E. Dickinson(P23340) leave of absence for three days.

Gave Mr. A.D. Warwick(P41766) leave of absence ten days on account of indisposition.


Gave Mr. J.N. Shepherd(P37779) leave of absence six days to visit home.


Gave Mr. Gray Carroll(P22541) leave of absence for one week to visist home.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-03-05]  Gave Mr. W.B. Holman(P34272) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001) on account of ill health.


Mar 6 1855

Gave Mr. L.F. Terrell(P38491) leave of absence for five days to visit home.


Gave Mr. W.F. Coleman(P38352) leave of absence for five days to visit Richmond(PL4241).

Gave Mr. J.B. Urquhart(P35234) leave of absence for three days.


Gave Mr. D.B. Lucas(P26713) leave of absence for two weeks to visit home on account of indisposition.

Gave Messrs W.H. Bolling(P29261) & C.E.R. Drayton(P33120) leave of absence for one week.


Gave Mr. Ch. J. Terrill(P39747) leave of absence for one week.

Gave Mr. J.D. Meredith(P26636) leave of absence for ten days on account of indisposiiton.


Gave Mr. J.M. Porter(P27448) leave of absence for one week to visit home.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-03-12]  Gave Mr. Henley Chapman Jr.(P35498) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001) upon his statement that his father advised him to do so on account of his health.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct  1855-03-12]  Reprimanded Mr. Wm. B. Dorsett(P21899) sharply for having been absent from the University(CB0001) a week without leave, and informed him that unless his attendance at lectures and diligence in his studies should henceforward be entierly statisfactory to his professors, he would be reported to the Faculty(CB0105) upon the fist complaint for dismissal.

He promised to heed the warning


Mar 13 1855

Gave Mr. Fleming James Jr.(P33361) leave of absence for two weeks to visit home.


Gave Messrs R.H. Anderson(P41889), Archer Anderson(P28247) & J.M. Strother(P43769) leave of absence for twelve days to visit Richmond(PL4241) (home).

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-03-14]  Gave Mr. James W. Williams(P34920) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


Gave Messrs W.E. Towles(P34660) & H.C. Chambers(P27028) leave of absence for two days from the 19th inst.


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-03-16]  Dr. Cabell(P39304) acting for me in my absence gave Mr. T.P. Stirling(P28138) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001). Mr. W.P. Jerdone(P27498) leave of absence for a week from the 17th inst. & Mr. Hudnall(P40974) leave of absence for two or three days. He also gave authority to the Patron(P43737) to settle the account of Mr. Jas W. Williams(P34920), who had leave of withdrawal on the 14th inst.


Gave Mr. John Cunningham(P34183) leave of absence for ten days from the 20th inst. (sick)


Gave Mr. F.D. Cunningham(P23461) leave of absence for six days to visit Richmond(P4241) (home).

Gave A.G. Shepherd(P42687) leave of absence for ten days to visit a sick relative.


Gave Mr. H.L. Moseley(P35575) leave of absence for a week or ten days, & allowed Mr. J.P. Thompson(P28747) for 3 or 4 days.

Gave Messrs Jos. C. Cabell Jr.(P27991) & T.W. Brevard(P21874) leave of absence for five days.


Gave Mr. J.S. Taylor(P26609) leave of absence for one week from 26th inst. to visit home.


Gave Mr. Geo. M. Williams(P36591) leave of absence for one week.


Mar 24 1855

Gave Mr. John G. Frey(P32575) leave of absence for one week on account of indisposition.

Gave Mr. Lewis H. Shuck(P28790) leave of absence for one week from 26th inst. on account of indisposition.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-03-24]  Gave Mr. J.H. Vaughan(P21765) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001); his mother having requested that he should do so.


Gave Mr. W.N. Smith(P43370) leave of absence for three or four days.

Gave Mr. J.W. Pritchett(P29829) leave of absence for four days from the 27th inst.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-03-26]  Gave Mr. W.L. Rice(P25636) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001) at his own request (over 23).

Gave Mr. Thaddeus Branch(P22913) leave absence for a week or ten days on account of indisposition.


Gave Mr. B.F. Reynolds(P35336) leave of absence for three or four days to visit Mr. Jno. Cunningham(P34183) who is sick in the county.

Gave Messrs Jas. A. Quarles(P27240) & A.E. Dickinson(P23340) leave of absence for one week from 29th inst.


Gave Mr. Powhatan Clarke(P23594) leave of absence for four or five days.


Gave Messrs D.E. Hancock(P27904) & E. Taliaferro(P32269) leave of absence for three days & Mr. W.D. Wood(P21873) for a few days.

Gave Mr. C.W. Helm(P23360) leave of absence two weeks from 2nd April to visit home.


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-03-31]  Gave Mr. P.H. Carpenter(P40633) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


April 3, 1855

Gave Mr. J.R. Saussy(P27629) leave of absence for one week, on account of indisposition.


Gave Mr. Th. E.R. Dew(P33070) leave of absence for a week.

Gave Mr. Larkin Willis(P23850) leave of absence for 3 days from 5th inst.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-04-04]  Gave Mr. W.A. Holman(P36537) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


Gave Messrs L.L. Holladay(P23607) & R. Corbin(P31875) leave of absence for 3 or 4 days (home).

Gave Messrs A. De J. Hart(P26671) & A.H. Payne(P26583) leave of absence 4 or 5 days from the 6th.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-04-05]  Gave Mr. J.D. Coffee(P33962) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001) in conformity to a recent order of the Faculty(CB0105).


Gave Mr. J.W. Bones(P29975) leave of absence for one week to visit Philidelphia(PL4362).

Gave Mr. Ch. Wood(P34475) leave of absence for three days.

Gave Mr. Alex Wills(P41298) leave of absence for 4 days from 9th inst.


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-04-09]  Gave Mr. Wm. Morris(P25805) of Charlottesville(PL4204) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-04-09]  Gave Mr. Robt. Scott(P36745) of Florida(PL4407) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001) (called home by the illness of his mother).

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-04-09]  Gave Mr. Sidney J. Rogers(P36319) of Ky.(PL4268) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001), his health requiring it.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-04-09]  Gave Mr. L.L. Duncan(P33705) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001) on conformity to a recent order of the Faculty(CB0105).

Gave Mr. Preston Rogers(P35899) leave of absence for two weeks from the 11th, to accompany his brother to Kentucky(PL4268).

Gave Messrs W. Monteiro(P33561) leave of absence for 3 days


April 9, 1855

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-04-09]  Gave Mr. Wm. B. Dorsett(P21899) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001) in conformity to a recent order of the Faculty(CB0105).

Gave Mr. Robt. Fitzhugh(P37750) leave of absence for once week, to visit home.

Gave Mr. W.S. Turner(P35673) leave of absence for three days to visit in the country.


Gave Mr. A.G. Chapman(P30323) leave of absence for two weeks to visit home on account of the state of his health.

Gave Mr. Jas Cammack(P25840) leave of absence for 2 days from the 11th.

Gave Mr. W.H.H. Lynn(P36425) leave of absence for four days from the 11th to visit Richmond(PL4241).

Gave Mr. Ch. C. Schley(P35374) leave of absence for three weeks. (Called home by the death of his sister.)


Gave Mr. R.J. Koontz(P40675) leave of absence for three days & Mr. Geo. B. Taylor(P23504) for a few days.

Gave Mr. Willoughby Newton Jr.(P30076) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001) on account of the state of his health.


Gave Messrs Jas Walker(P40395), J. Hanger(P29054), J.S. McNutt(P26919) and A.J. Penington(P35278) leave of absence for one week.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-04-13]  Gave Mr. R.Q. Terrell(P38020) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


Gave Mr. Hardesty(P22870) leave of absence for four days.

Gave Mr. C.C. Hyde(P40342) leave of absence for 5 or 6 days.

Gave Messrs C. Garlington(P41406), J.M. Wannamaker(P36962), G.M. Lewis(P23928) & Ro. Hutchinson(P26953) leave of absence for one week to visit Weyer's Cave(PL7328)


Gave Messrs C.P.T. Moore(P32802) & Th. L. Yancey(P33288) leave of absence for three or four days. Mr. H.H. Stevens(P40277) for five days & Mr. Ro Crawford(P34516) for three days.

Gave Mr. J.H. Kennard(P32105) leave of absence for two weeks (Health).

Gave Mr. A. Hunter(P40915) leave of absence for one week.

Gave Messrs J.T. Lovell(P37263), J.Y. Beall(P27806) & J.W. Anderson(P22080) leave of absence for one week from the 16th.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-04-14]  Gave Mr. B.F. Reynolds(P35336) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-04-16]  Gave Mr. Ch. E.R. Drayton(P33120) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001), he having been advised to withdraw in consequence of inattention to his duties.

Gave Mr. Jas. J. Rudd(P31122) leave of absence for two weeks to visit home, to recruit his health.


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-04-17]  Gave Mr. R.G. Thrift(P25074) leave to withdraw from the Univeristy(CB0001).

Gave Mr. J.R. Parham(P30985) leave of absence for two weeks to visit home in consequence of indisposition.

Gave Mr. J. Cunningham(P34183) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001), on account of ill health.

Gave Mr. H.A. Conrad(P23497) leave of absence for one week, to visit in the country to recruit his health.


Gave Mr. B.B. Stuart(P35552) leave of absence for five or six days, to visit home.

Gave Messrs B.J. Epes(P37547) & A.Z. Kimmel(P38859) leave of absence for three days from the 19th to visit in the county.

Gave Mr. J.A. Field(P30276) leave of absence for 3 days.

Gave Mr. Ch. O. Shelton(P22435) leave of absence for one week from the 19th to visit a sick relation in Lynchburg(PL4371).


Gave Mr. T.W. Page(P28854) leave of absence for 4 or 5 days (Home)


April 21, 1855

Gave Messrs Ro. S. Hamilton(P29610) & Geo M. King(P39192) leave of absence, each three days, to visit home.

Gave Mr. Wm. B. Hamblin(P29870) leave of absence for one week to visit a relation in Fluvanna(PL5384).

Gave Messrs Whiteside(P41166), Darwin(P35029) & Douglas(P25265) leave of absence for three days to visit Staunton(PL4177).

Gave Mr. G.W. Simms(P41655) leave of absence for five days to visit home.

Gave Mr. J.A. Nelson(P24049) leave of absence for three or four days, to visit in the country.


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-04-21]  Gave Mr. B.J. Curry(P39655) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-04-21]  Gave Mr. W.A. Gage(P25910) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


Gave Mr. J.T. Lovell(P37263) leave of abasence for ten days to visit his father who is sick.

Gave Mr. R.C. Allen(P33256) leave of absence for five days to visit home.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-04-23]  Gave Mr. R.R. Darwin(P35029) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-04-25]  Gave Mr. A.D. Warwick(P41766) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

Professor Minor(P22874) acting for me in my absence from the University(CB0001), 26th, 27th, 28th of April

April 26

Gave Mr. J.N. Craig(P25737) leave of absence, his professors concurring, for four days.

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Self-governance:Petition Faculty  1855-04-26]  Messrs Geo. T. Harrison(P36824) & E. Taliaferro(P32269), a committee, deputed by a meeting by a meeting of the students held day before yesterday,


applied for leave to invite Prof Koeppin(P47284) of Lancaster Pa.(PL9145) to deliver a public lecture on Monday next, on the subject of the modern Greek tongue, in the public Hall. On consultation with various members of the Faculty(CB0105), in consideration of the well known learning of Prof K(P47284), and especially of his acquaintance with the subject in question, and the probbility of his awakening an interest on such topics, leave is given, upon the usual conditions (if any are usual) in respect to the use of the Hall.

Gave Mr. P.H.R. Thompson(P25172) leave of absence, his Professor concurring, for ten days.

April 27th

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-04-27]  Gave Mr. Z.J. George(P36468) leave, his Professors concurring, to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

Gave Mr. W.R. Capeheart(P41554) leave of absence, his professors concurring, for three days.


Gave Mr. E.C. Preston(P24412) leave of absence for two weeks to visit New York(PL4614) for the benefit of his health.

Gave Mr. B.J. Epes(P37547) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


Gave Mr. D.B. Lucas(P26713) leave of absence for one month on account of the state of his health.

Gave Mr. Wm. F. Coleman(P38352) leave of absence for one week.

May 2.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-02]  Gave Messrs Messrs J.N. West(P36719) & J.H. Montgomery(P30454) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


May 2, 1855

Gave Messrs W.C. Torrance(P27606), A. Whitehead(P34811) & J.W. Clement(P42818) leave of absence for four days to visit Weyers Cave(PL7328).

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-02]  Gave Mr. A.E. Dickinson(P23340) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

Gave Mr. A.F. Wills(P41298) leave of absence for one week to visit home.


Gave Messrs J.M. Hanger(P29054), S.W. Holman(P28487) & A.G. Shepherd(P42687) leave of absence for two days.

Gave Messrs J.F. Segar(P40362) & Th. C. Elder(P29044) leave of absence for three days.

Gave Wm. M. McNutt(P41442) leave of absence for four days.

Gave Mr. E.P.C. Lewis(P23052) leave of absence for 10 days from the 7th inst.


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-05]  Gave Mr. F.M. Wannamaker(P36962) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001), his neglect of his duties rendering it advisable.

May 5th

[EVENT: General Misconduct:Drinking  1855-05-05]  There apprearing to be sufficient reasons to believe, that several individuals between the University(CB0001) and Charlottesville(PL4204) are in the habit of selling spiritious liquors to students, some of them under cover of a license from the county court, and there being no doubt that the opportunities of indulgence thus afforded to the students are frought with very evil consequences to themselves, and productive in


many instances, of disorders which disturb the quiet of the University(CB0001) and affect its reputation, I deemed it expedient after consultation with several members of the Faculty(CB0105) to instuct the Proctor(P43737) to attend the court to be held on the 7th inst. and take such measures as might appear proper, to defeat any applications which might be made to the court for licenses either to retail spirituous liquors or to keep houses of entertainment, anywhere between the University(CB0001) and the town of Charlottesville(PL4204).

May 7 1855

_ Note _ The licenses were refused by the court at the insistance of the Proctor(P43737).

Gave Mr. W.S. Newman(P28525) leave of absence for five days to visit home.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-07]  Gave Mr. Geo. B. Taylor(P23504) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-08]  Gave Mr. J.S. McCall(P24861) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001) - he having been advised to do so.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-08]  Gave Messrs W. Fitzgerald(P24143) & J.R. Troup(P27928) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-09]  Gave Messrs W.H. Bolling(P29261) & W.N. Starke(P39415) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

Gave Mr. Th. F. Maury(P22354) leave of absence for four days.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-09]  Gave Mr. H.L. Moseley(P35575) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001) on account of ill health.


May 9, 1855

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-09]  Gave Mr. Th. C. McCune(P31313) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

Gave Mr. Th. W. Page(P28854) leave of absence for four days to visit home.


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-10]  Gave Mr. J.E. DuBoze(P28404) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

Gave Mr. L.F. Terrill(P38491) leave of absence for a week to visit his uncle in the country.


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-11]  Gave Mr. W.C. Torrance(P27606) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-11]  Gave Mr. W.L. Pike(P26871) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001) at the request of his father, acting under the advice of the Faculty(CB0105).


Gave Messrs W.S. Turner(P35673) & W.J.F. Bettis(P31933) leave of absence for one day.

Gave Mr. Sam G. Compton(P33531) leave of absence for ten days.


Gave Mr. R. McIlwaine(P22179) leave of absence for two days.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-15]  Gave Mr. Burr Randall(P25691) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001) (called by the illness of his brother).

Gave Mr. Jas. E. Tooke(P36256) leave of absence for one month, the state of his health requiring it, as he alleges.


Gave Messrs W.S. Newman(P28525) & C.P. Goodall(P43170) leave of absence for two weeks.

Gave Mr. B.S. Vawter(P37258) leave of absence for one week from the 21st inst.


Gave Mr. W.D. Wood(P21873) leave of absence for 4 days from 19th.

Gave Mr. J.K. Drane(P28779) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


May 18, 1855

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-18]  Gave Messrs S.M. Edwards(P30605) & R.G. Woodson(P26632) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


Gave Mr. D. Hancock(P27904) leave of absence for one day.


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-21]  Gave Messrs Ro. Crawford(P34516) & S.W. Holman(P28487) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-21]  Gave Mr. T.H. Johnston(P27776) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001), upon his statement that his mother requests him to do so.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-21]  Gave W.S. Turner(P35673) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


Gave Messrs Jas. K. Kyle(P37419), C.P. Moore(P32802), J.F. Cobb(P24439), & R.A. Haynie(P40438) leave of absence for four days.


Gave Mr. J.W. Mills(P38974) leave of absence for four days, to visit home, on account of indisposition.

Gave Messrs Saussy(P27629), Stoney(P29473), Bones(P29975) & Stevens (J.L.)(P22689) leave of absence for four days to visit Weyer's Cave(PL7328).

Gave Mr. W.B. Sims(P29821) leave of absence for 2 days & Mr. J.S. Taylor(P26609) for four days, each from the 24th.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-23]  Gave Mr. W.H. Burton(P28897) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


Gave Mr. W.M. Crawford(P24676) leave of absence for two days, Mr. John M. Porter(P27448) for four days, & Mr. A.J. Penington(P35278) for one week.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-24]  Gave Mr. A.Z. Kimmel(P38859) leave to withdraw form the University(CB0001).


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-25]  Gave M.H. Pollard(P37598) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-26]  Gave Mr. J. Chapman Harris(P40792) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


Gave R.H. Fitzhugh(P37750) leave of absence for five days


May 26, 1855

Gave Mr. Hudnall(P40974) leave of absence for two days from 28th.


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-28]  Gave Messrs J.W. Bones(P29975), T.W. Gillison(P33841) & J.R. Saussy(P27629) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-28]  Gave Messrs H.P.R. McCoy(P40041), & R.A. Haynie(P40438) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-28]  Gave Messrs J.D. Wood(P21873) & Th. G. Coleman(P22876) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

Gave Mr. J.G. Ware(P24732) leave of absence for one week.


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-29]  Gave Mr. J.R. Hardesty(P22870) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-30]  Gave Messrs J.W. Clement(P42818) & W.D. Bragg(P37943) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-30]  Gave Messrs Th. F. Maury(P22354), Th. R. Mapp(P38749), Ch. C. Massie(P22848), W.S. Summers(P29434), H.P. Farrow(P23153), Henry Williams(P30158) & W.S. Vaughan(P36389) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-05-31]  Gave Messrs Jos. H. Blandford(P43415) & J.H. Kennard(P32105) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

June 1

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-06-01]  Gave Messrs A.C. Kincaid(P38130), W.H. Baxley(P27797), H.F. Butt(P26627), J.E. Burkhalter(P42385), J.S. Beazeley(P33394), & Ro. H. Fitzhugh(P37750) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

Gave Mr. Felix Wood(P35635) leave of absence for 3 or 4 days.


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-06-02]  Gave Mr. Richd. Archer(P27893) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-06-04]  Gave Messrs Joseph C. Cabell Jr.(P27991), C.J. Prentiss(P41731) & D.G. Howorth(P27545) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-06-05]  Gave Mr. E.P.C. Lewis(P23052) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001) under resolution of the Faculty(CB0105) of 4th inst.


June 5, 1855

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-06-05]  Gave Messrs Geo. D. Palmer(P33347), Th. W.(P29627) & W.B. De Yampert(P28716), A. De J. Hart(P26671) & W.T. Seawell(P37534) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

Gave Mr. J.Y. Beall(P27806) leave of absence for one week.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  1855-06-05]  Having, as I supposed, seen Mr. A.G. Shepherd(P42687) intoxicated on Saturday last, I sent for him, and interrogated him on the subject. He admitted that he was intoxicated, but said it was his first offence of the kind, during the session, that he very much regretted it and that it should not be repeated. He was reprimanded and informed that a repetition would cause his separation from the institution.

June 6.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-06-06]  Gave Messrs W.(P26755) & J. Ruffin(P29633), J.L. Stevens(P22689), Th. P. Stoney(P29473), J.S. McNutt(P26919), Th. Ewing(P34059), G.M. Williams(P36591), H.C.(P25013) & R.E. Allen(P33256), T.R. Dew(P33070), J. Grammer(P25007), & J. Latimer(P23114), leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


Gave Mr. J. Monteiro(P33561) leave of absence for one week.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-06-07]  Gave Messrs Hudnall(P40974), Hudgin(P26544), Keller(P43119), R.C. Thornton(P29171), Spencer Coleman(P32328), G.W. Erwin(P41357), McIlwaine(P22179), W.S. Armistead(P23008), R.H. Newman(P36675), Parham(P30985), & B.S. Vawter(P37258) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

Gave Messrs Richd.(P31875) & S.W. Corbin(P24913) leave to settle their accounts with the Patron(P43737), with indefinite leave of absence (called home by illness of their mother).

Gave Mr. J.L. Johnson(P36924) leave to settle his account with the Patron(P43737), and to be absent the remainder of the session, if his health requires it.


June 8, 1855

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-06-08]  Gave Mr. A.J. Pennington(P35278) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001), under a recent order of the Faculty(CB0001).

Gave Mr. L.F. Terrill(P38491) leave of absence for one week.


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-06-09]  Gave Messrs W. Saunders(P36585), J.W. Pritchett(P29829), H.B. Christian(P27050), A. Whitehead(P34811), & A.G. Shepherd Jr.(P42687) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

Gave Mr. T.W.M. Coontz(P25441) leave of absence for one week.


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-06-11]  Gave Messrs J.M. Purnell(P42439), S.C. Redd(P28834), G.N. Lewis(P23928), J.M. Sieg(P36353), & R. Nottingham(P29598) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

Gave Mr. W.S. Newman(P28525) leave of absence for 10 days.


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-06-12]  Gave Messrs C. Garlington(P41406), Ch. Norvell(P25073), R.R. Hutchinson(P26953), S.G. Compton(P33531) & John Temple(P31621) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-06-12]  Mr. Thaddeus Branch(P22913) had leave of absence of the 26th of March for a week or ten days to visit home on account of indisposition. He has been detatined at home ever since from the same cause, and as it would be unprofitable for him to return to the University(CB0001) at this late period of the session even if his health permitted, leave as been given him to withdraw and his friend Mr. Slaton(P22250) has been authorized to settle his account with the Patron(P43737).

Gave Mr. Shamburger(P27726) leave of absence for one week on account of indisposiiton.


June 12, 1855

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Clubs and Organizations  1855-06-12]  The President of the "Society of Enquiry" (Mr. Geo. B. Taylor(P23504)) made application for the use of the public Hall on the evening of the 24th, to hold a public meeting. The objects of the Society it was understood are "to acquire & disseminate a knowledge of the Institution, Literature, Morals, & Religion of different countries; of the causes which operate on the moral and religious improvement of mankind" &c _ An opportunity of public discussion in furtherance of these objects was desired, and as the request for use of the Hall seemed reasonable, it was granted.


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-06-13]  Gave Messrs G.W. Simms(P41655), J.Y. Beall(P27806), Th. Gorsuch(P22159), J.W. Culpepper(P23187), C.J. Kemper(P27209), V.M. Brown(P25364), W.M. McNutt(P41442), J.L. Banks(P31056), Morris Leftwich(P23152), J.W. Bennett(P33541), L.E. Brooks(P28080), J.L. Chandler(P42565), & C.E. Earle(P24185), leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001)


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-06-14]  Gave Messrs J. Cardwell(P33828), W.M. Crawford(P24676), W.B. Sims(P29824), W. Wallace Bird(P40536), C.W. Wolfe(P39184) & G.A.D. Galt(P23146) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

Gave Mr. P.M. Tupman(P37041) leave of absence for 4 or 5 days.


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-06-15]  Gave Messrs J.S. Taylor(P26609), J.D. Meredith(P26636), W.B. Lyles(P40187), D. Richardson(P36668), W.M. Lowry(P41246), R.A. Millar(P32705), & J.A. Nelson(P24049) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


June 16 1855

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-06-16]  Gave Messrs D.M. Claytor(P26233), C.D. Logan(P40475), & G.W. Richards(P24344) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-06-18]  Gave Messrs D. Hancock(P27904), J.W. Chinn(P24005), N.C. Orrick(P27066), F.W. Yager(P36208), R.S. Hamilton(P29610), J.H. Bowyer(P28805), N.M. Long(P31012), Preston Rogers(P35899) & Felix Wood(P35635) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-06-19]  Gave Messrs A. Hunter(P40915), Ch. Schley(P35374), F. James(P33361), J.W. Anderson(P22080), W.D. Farley(P36635) & Wm. Morris (G)(P24963) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-06-20]  Gave Messrs John E. Thornton(P34010), J.M. Martin(P40948), J.P. McGuire(P28369), C.L. Dupre(P40748), Jas. Cammack(P25840), H.D. McClintic(P31035), & J.H. Dabney(P31603) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-06-21]  Gave Messrs W.H. Faulkner(P25461) & P.M. Tupman(P37041) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).


[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted 1855-06-22]  Gave Messrs McKneely(P35622), Conrad(P23497), L. Willis(P23850), Jerdone(P27498), Tree(P31020) & J. Nelson(P24049) leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001).

June 25, 1855

The Session which is about to close has been numerically the most prosperous in the history of the Institution. The whole number of students has been 515, an increase of 49 upon the last session. Notwhithstanding the very large number of students, an usual degree of quiet and good order has been prevailed, and, it is hoped, a corresponding degree of success has attended the efforts of the Professors in imparting instruction.

Respectfully submitted. S. Maupin(P43731) Ch. Faculty.