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Chairman's Minutes
July 5th 1837.
Permission to reside within the Univ's granted
Gave to John Ash Alston(P45413), W. W. Boyce(P40570), & Alex G. Pendleton(P23803), permission to reside within the University(CB0001) during the vacation, on the condition prescribed by the Regulation of the Faculty (Printed Enactm: p. 58.).
Advertisement of meeting of B of V.
Copies of advertisement of a meeting of the Board of Visitors(CB0042) to be held Aug:17, sent to the Nat. Intelligence & Globe,Washington City(PL4211), & Enquirer & Whig, Richmond(PL4234).
Faculty meeting called
Meeting of the Faculty called for tomorrow morning, 8 1/2 o' clock, to fill up the Circular communicating the Results of the intermediate & final examinations.
Wood. J.P.
The Proctor(P43659) reported that John P. Wood(P35972) of Amelia(PL4739), a student of the last session, had left at the end of the session without [EVENT: Fee:Room Rent ] settling his account, although he had money in his hands; that his funds in the hands of the Proctor(P43659) were not sufficient to pay the board due to the Hotel Keeper (Mrs.Gray)(P43865) especially after deducting the sum of $20, the penalty imposed by law in case of refusal to make the written declaration required on settlement (Enactm. p.51). _ Decided upon inquiry, that this case admitted of no action by the faculty; but advised a statement of the case to be furnished by the Proctor(P43659) to his father.
July 6th
Sentence of dismission in regard to Wood. J.P.(P35972) communicated
Communicated to the father of John P. Wood the sentence of [EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal ] dismission against his son, contained in the Resolution of the Faculty of the 3rd inst.
Sentence of dismission in regard to Wilson T. A. (P43937)communicated.
Communicated to the guardian of Thos. A. Wilson(P29581) the sentence of [EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal ] dismission against his ward contained in the Resolution of the Faculty of the 3rd inst.
Permission to reside within the University ganted
Gave to M.T.C. Johnston(P34949), N. T. Soresby(P43000), Malcolm W. Smith(P22844), Holcomb(P27250), Thos. H. Watts(P37123), James M. Browning(P25967), Geo. Dewalt(P31031), John D. Wright(P25889), permission to [EVENT: Exception ] reside within the University(CB0001) during the vacation on the condition prescribed by the regulation of the Faculty - The like permission given to John W. Portis(P41622) & Dan'l B. Bascome(P30720), for a few days.
Commissioner appointed to examine Patron's accounts.
Appointed Mr. James. R. Watson() of Charlottesville(PL4204) a Commission to examine the accounts of the Patron(P43659).
July 7th
Permission to reside within the Univ. granted to Moore. E. & to Dupuy D.
Gave to Edward Moore(P38129), a student of the last session, permission to [EVENT: Exception ] reside within the University(CB0001) during the vacation, on the condition prescribed by the Regulation of the Faculty.
The like [EVENT: Exception ] permission given for a few days to D. Dupuy(P22245), a student of the last session.
July 10th
Permission to reside within the University granted.
Gave permission to [EVENT: Exception ] reside within the University(CB0001) during the vacation, on the condition required by the regulation of the Faculty, to B.P. Lewis(P24641), S. W. Inge(P31585), Maxwell(P41828), C.R. Gates(P23305), A.R. Gates(P32308), & S.P. Gates(P23773). __ The like permission granted for a few days to W.P. Guerard(P23893).
Permission to reside within the University granted.
Gave to Thos. B. Jordan(P24670), & G.W. Davies(P38829) permission to [EVENT: Exception ] reside within the University(CB0001) during the vacation, on the condition prescribed by the regulation of the Faculty.
July 19th
Information given by the Proctor of violations of law regarding firearms.
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking ] Informed by the Proctor(P43659), that during my absence for a few days, violations of the law prohibiting the introduction & use of firearms within the precincts, had been committed, probably by some one or more of those allowed to reside within the precincts, by firing pistols: and that he has some grounds of suspicion that spirits may have been introduced into the University(CB0001) by the same persons. __ Action in the case deferred with the view of gaining more precise information in regards to the persons concerned.
July 20th
Permission to reside within the University granted.
Gave to W.P. Harris(P26162) leave to [EVENT: Exception ] reside within the University(CB0001) during the vacation on the condition prescribed by the regulations of the Faculty.
Enquiry in regard to the admission here of students suspended from the Alabama University answered.
Answered communication of M. B. W. Pearce(P41567), inquiring whether students lately suspended from the University of Alabama(CB0013), would be admitted into this institution (See Chairman(P24182)'s Documents No. 1.)
July 24th
Firing pistol within the precints, Fort, Harris, & Guerard
Found Messrs Fort(P28519), Harris(P26162), & Guerard(P23893), who had been permitted to reside within the University(CB0001) during the vacation, [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns ] firing with a pistol within the precincts. They gave an excuse that they imagined they were without the precincts and promised to conform to the law for the future.
Wood. J. P. (application to enter the University.)
August 5th.___Mr. J. P. Wood(P35972), dismissed from the University(CB0001) by the Faculty, about the end of the last session, applied through Mr. Wood to ascertain if he could be allowed to become a student of the University the next session. Referred him to the Faculty. Advised him meantime to settle his account with the Proctor(P43659), as preparatory to any application to the Faculty, and to write giving proper assurances of good conduct to be laid before the Faculty.
Cook. H.F.(P23450)
Aug. 10 H.F. Cook(P23450) permitted to [EVENT: Exception ] reside within the University(CB0001) the remaining part of the vacation, on the condition required by the regulation of the Faculty. The like [EVENT: Exception ] permission given (Aug. 16th) to Mr. Quirk(P39310)
Aug. 18.
Battey W.H. and Shields J.D.
W.H. Battey(P27407) & Joseph. D. Shields(P27155) permitted to [EVENT: Exception ] reside within the precincts the remaining part of the vacation, on the condition prescribed in the regulation of the Faculty.
Sept 8.
Constable_allowed to change dormitory.
Leave given to Mr. Constable(P25255) to exchange his dormitory for another in the same district, thereby becoming a roommate of his acquanitance Mr Keyes(P26827).
Proctor's report of students attending lectures without matriculation.
Sept. 6th & again Sept. 11th __ The Proctor(P43659) furnished a report of students attending lectures without having [EVENT: Fee:Tuition ] matriculated. The persons embraced in the reports of the Proctor(P43659) were seen individually by the Chairman(P24182), excepting two or three who it was ascertained were not, as was believed, attending lectures. All of them, with the exception of Messrs. Fort(P28519), Quirk(P39310), & Powell(),assigned as the reason for their delay in matriculating, that they were without funds, which they had been disappointed in getting by the difficulty of procuring for remittances money that would be current here (They are all from Georgia, Alabama,
and Mississippi.) Under the circumstances of the case it was deemed most advisable to authorize them to continue to reside within the University(CB0001), (as many as had secured rooms by making the necessary deposit), and attend the lectures, with permission of the professors: provided they engaged to matriculate at the earliest moment after they should have received funds, and to comply meantime with all the laws. _ The Faculty being informally consulted at their meeting this day (Sept.11.) approved this course.
Messrs Fort(P28519), Quirk(P39310), & Powell(), mentioned that they had taken [EVENT: Boarding ] boarding without the precincts, hoping to obtain leave shortly to become non-resident students, Mr. Fort(P28519) & Mr Powell, when the rooms in the University(CB0001) should be full; Mr Quirk when he should have reached the age prescribed by law, of which he wanted only something above 2 months - The Chairman(P24182) informed them that they could not expect under the circumstances to be allowed to attend lectures. Mr. Fort(P28519), however, has not the [EVENT: Fee:Tuition ] means to matriculate at present.
Reynold leave of absence
Gave Mr. Reynolds(P42024) leave of absence from the University(CB0001) until tomorrow.
Sept. 14
I was informed today by a student (Mr. Garnette)(P27042) that Dr Blaettermann(P43621) had been applied to by himself & Mr Boulware(P39649) to surrender his right to occupy one of the dormitory's adjoining his pavilion(PL8450), that they might enter it _ and he had refused to do so, except on the condition that both would take the Ticket of [EVENT: Curriculum:Modern Languages ] Modern Languages. In a conversation with D.B. the same day the subject was introduced, and he expressed himself determined to insist on the condition above mentioned, in case he did not occupy the dormitory himself.
Boyce-absent without leave.
Informed by the Proctor(P43659) that Mr. Boyce(P40570), who had obtained a room in the University(CB0001) in the vacation, but had not [EVENT: Fee:Tuition ] matriculated, had left the University(CB0001) & been absent about a fortnight. The Chairman(P24182)
decided that having left without giving any information to the authorities of the institution, his room was forfeited. But having upon inquiry been informed by Prof. Davis(P33195), and again by Mr. Penci(P43877), that Mr. Boyce(P40570) had left the Univy. by order of his father on urgent business at the Springs >, & that he would probably return in a little time, the Proctor(P43659) was instructed to retain his room for him for the present.
Sept. 15.
Lynch & Stamps -
The Proctor(P43659) reported Mr. Lynch(P28952) & Mr. Stamps(P35033), as having violated the law in purchasing their [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] uniforms, the former of Mr. Cochran(P47264), the latter of Mr. John R. Jones(P47496), both merchants who deal in spirituous liquors &c
Mr. Lynch(P28952) being sent for, stated that he was not aware at the time that he was violating the law. Had [EVENT: Student Status:Admission ] matriculated only the day before, & purchased his uniform the next morning. Had not read the whole of laws, nor seen the law which he violated. Mr. Lynch was reprimanded by the Chairman(P24182), and admonished that he would not be allowed to pay Cochran's bill for the uniform suit.
Mr Stamps(P35033) having been sent for stated that he had purchased his uniform suit of Mr. Jones(P47496) before he matriculated; and of course did not subject himself to any censure.
(Sept. 14.)
Mr. Breeden license to teach dancing private
In pursuance of the Resolution of the Faculty (of Sept. 11th ) the Chairman(P24182) gave Mr. Breeden(P44239) permission to teach dancing to the students, who may wish to attend his lessons, on the conditions - 1)that he shall so arrange his hours of instruction as not to interfere with the lectures wh: the students taking lessons may have to attend. 2). That his changes should not exceed for the term of eight weeks, giving daily lessons, as follows viz.
Dancing $12. Walzing $12.
Both Dancing & Waltzing $15.
3). That he should allow no parties to be given in his room.
Sept. 16 Gave Mr. Dodson(P38103)
leave to go to Charlottesville(PL4204) out of uniform, his coat being torn.
Sept. 18
Battey & Dodson.
Mr. Battey(P27407) & Mr. Dodson(P38103) being seen by the Chairman(P24182) under the arcade(PL8695)(PL8696) without coat or vest,[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] admonished of the impropriety of their conduct.
Sept. 19.
Gave Mr. Shands(P21960) leave to visit in the Country for one night; and to ride on horse.
A. Brockenbrough.
Gave Mr. Arthur Brockenbrough(P27585) leave of absence for six days.
Maupin & Stuart
Gave Messr Maupin(P26132) & Stuart(P24341) leave to visit at Mr. Maupin's father's in the Country, Saturday & Sunday. they being absent from no lectures which they are required to attend.
Stamps._ leave of absence.
Gave Mr. Stamps(P35033) leave of absence for 2 or 3 weeks, he being suddenly called away to attend a brother not expected to live. He had not been able to see his Professor(P33195) & obtain his leave (This was obtained the same day on my application).
Sept. 23.
Stanard. W.B. _ matriculated as non-resident student.
W. B. Stanard(P40376) was today allowed, with the Consent of the Chairman(P24182), to matriculate as a non-resident student, occupying one of the dormitories adjoining Prof. Roger's(P43658) pavilion(PL8458), and claiming under authority from Prof. Rogers to be considerred a member of his household. He does not obtain his meals at Prof. Roger's house, but at Mrs. Brockenbrough's(P44061)(PL8433).
The Chairman(P24182) was of opinion that this exercise on the part of a Professor of the right given him by the law of the B. of Visitors to use two dormitories adjoining his Pavilion, was not contemplated by the Board of Visitors(CB0042) in the enactment; And that it amounted to an evasion of it: But in as much as the Hotel Keeper could not be said to be wronged by it, and it came within the letter of the enactment, he did not conceive it his duty to interfere_
He thinks it proper, however, to call the attention of the Board of Visitors(CB0042) to the very wide interpretation which has been put upon the law.
Seabrook & Messr. Wood
Mr. Seabrook(P40686) & Messrs. Wood(P23440)(P40199), having the leave of their professors, were granted leave of absence until tomorrow.
Garnett. J. M.
Mr. J. M. Garnette(P27042) had leave given him to be out of uniform a few days, his uniform not being yet made. Mr Garnette has but lately arrived.
Glascock & J. M. Browning
The Chairman(P24182) was informed by the Proctor(P43659) that Messrs Glascock(P34580) & J.M. Browning(P25967) were habitually [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform in regard to hat. They were both sent for, and admonished.
W. B. Stanard admonished for violation of uniform law.
Mr. W. B. Stanard(P40376) having been seen by the Ch(P24182).- yesterday in Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform was sent for by the Chairman(P24182)_ Gave as an excuse, that he had been able as yet to have his uniform coat repaired, and had called to obtain leave to be out of uniform on the occasion on which he was seen. Having been admonished by the Chairman(P24182), he was dismissed without further action_
Lewis B.P. _ leave to exchange dormitory & hotel.
Mr. B.P. Lewis(P24641) had leave given him to exchange his dormitory, going from Mrs. Gray's(P43865) into Col. Ward's(P43873) district, & into the same room with his acquaintence Mr. M. W. Smith(P22844); he having first obtained Mrs. Gray's consent. His room will be occupied by the two Messrs Guerards(P23893)(P36335).
Sept. 24th (Sunday)
Mr Barbour(P38272) was seen by the Chairman(P24182) near the public road between the University(CB0001) & Charlottesville(PL4204) engaged with a few others (only one of whom besides was recognized, & he was not a student) in [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns ] firing a pistol at a mark_ [He was sent for somedays after (Ors. 6) and admonished at the impropriety of his conduct.]
Sept. 25th.
Boulware admonished
Mr. Boulware(P39649) being found this morning by the Chairman(P24182) playing in his room on the violin in the time prohibited by the regulation of the Faculty, was admonished for this violation of the laws.
Binford(P35678). _leave to visit Monticello on horse.
Gave leave to Mr. Binford(P35678).
to visit Monticello this afternoon on horse.
Sept. 26th
H.F. Cook & M.T.C. Johnston have to visit in country &
Gave leave to H.F. Cook(P23450) & M.T.C. Johnston(P34949) to visit at a private house in the country this evening, and to ride on horse.
Sept. 27th
H. W. Harrison _ leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001)
Gave to Mr. H. W. Harrison(P47179) , above 21 years of age, & having the consent of his professor, [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] permission to withdraw from the University(CB0001).
Roberts, Hamm, Ellis, & Gibson_ leave to ride
Gave to Messrs Roberts(P26892), Hamm(P35903), Ellis(P27968), & Gibson(P31224) leave to visit Monticello this afternoon on horse.
Sept. 29th
Report of Proctor(P43659) in regard to Messrs. Inge(P31585), Boyce(P40570)
The Proctor(P43659) reported that he had learned, and that it was a matter of notoriety, that Messrs Inge(P31585) (who had lately withdrawn from the University(CB0001) with the consent of the Faculty, on the plea that he had been urgently called to meet some friends in Washington City(PL4211) & expected probably to return with them to the South] & Mr. W. W. Boyce(P40570), [who had been a resident within the precincts during the vacation, & had made deposit for a dormitory with the intention of becoming a student, but had left the University(CB0001) after the opening of the Session without having matriculated,] had fought a [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns ] duel within the last few days in Washington City(PL4211).__ And that Mr. Alston(), [who had not matriculated when he left the University(CB0001).] and Mr. Bannister(P43919), (who had not entered the University(CB0001) when he left) had acted as seconds
The Chairman(P24182) was of opinion hat the laws gave to the Faculty no power to prevent Mr. Boyce(P40570) from matriculating; and so of Mr. Alston, & Mr. Bannister(P31394), should these, or any of them, apply for leave to matriculate-
With regard to Mr. Inge he was doubtful whether it was not practicable to exclude him from matriculation on either of two grounds _ 1) On the ground that he had attained his dismission unfairly & by using a false plea: 2) On the ground that he had accepted the challenge before obtaining his dismission. Upon inquiry, however,
it was found that from an omission in the entry in the Faculty Minutes of the ground on which the dismission was granted, it would be difficult to press this rejection of Mr. Inge's application for leave to matriculate on the ground first . And with regard to the second ground it depended upon the instance of a fact, which could not be ascertained, but was mainly a matter of inference. Upon this result of his inquiries, the Chairman(P24182) decided upon allowing Mr. Inge(P31585) to matriculate, should he make application, unless in the meantime information could be obtained he had accepted the Challenge before obtaining leave to withdraw.
Stanard W. B. reported by Proctor(P43659).
The Proctor(P43659) reported yesterday that Mr. Stanard (Wm B.)(P40376) had treated him insultingly both in words, & manner, charging him indirectly with want of honor & principle in refusing to return him a part of the commissions paid on money which Mr. Stanard deposited with the Proctor(P43659) some days before to defray his expenses as a student, and had now withdrawn in part, having become a non-resident student. These Commissions the Proctor(P43659) did not feel himself authorized to return.
Mr. Stanard(P40376) being sent for in consequence of this report, stated that he did not consider that he had said any thing to the Proctor(P43659) at which he had a right to be insulted. Had merely said that "if he (The Proctor(P43659)) could reconcile it with his notions of honor to retain the commissions he might do so."___ That he had mentioned the subject to the Chairman(P24182), and from his saying that there would be no difficulty in regard to the matter, and from another Professor's having expressed the opinion that there was no reason for retaining the Commissions, he considered his claim a just one, and therefore felt annoyed that the Proctor(P43659) refused to grant it.
[In regard to the Chairman(P24182)'s opinion & impressions Mr Stanard(P40376) committed an error by separating a single expression from the context. He told Mr Stanard that he would enquire into the matter & foresaw no difficulty in setting it.].
The statement of the Proctor(P43659) having been confirmed
by Mr. Wertenbaker(43631), who was present at the time of the interview between Mr Stanard(P40376) & that officer, the Chairman(P24182) determined to refer the matter to the Faculty: but being informed meantime by Professor Rogers(P43658), that Mr. Stanard had made satisfactory acknowledgement to the Proctor(P43659), deemed it sufficient to admonish him of the impropriety of his conduct.
October 2nd
Carr. G. W. (leave to matriculate)
Mr. G. W. Carr(P26997), being under 16 years of age, but having the approbation and authority of two members of the Executive Committee, was allowed to [EVENT: Student Status:Admission ] matriculate.
Oct. 3rd
Randolph G. W. (leave of absence.)
Mr. G. W. Randolph(P43788) having the permission of his guardian, & the leave of his Professors, was permitted to be absent for three days from the University(CB0001).
Binford, dormitory
Mr. Binford(P35678) applied yesterday (Oct 2) for leave to change his dormitory for a vacant dormitory near Col. Ward's(P43873) hotel(PL8435). He is at present in the same room with Mr. Montague(P25123). No satisfactory reason having been offered, his request was not granted.
Mr. Montague(P25123) who is in the same room with Mr. Binford(P35678) asks to be allowed to take a vacant room near Col. Ward's(P43873) hotel(PL8435). He assigns as a reason, that his room_ mate has so many visitors that his studies are interrupted. His request has been granted, and the privilege of choosing between the two rooms, so that he may remain in his present room & Mr. Buiford go into that Col. Ward's(P43873) hotel(PL8435).
Battey(P27407) found playing on the violin within the hours forbidden by the Faculty regulation on this subject. Was admonished of the law, and required to desist.
Oct. 5.
Keyes. leave to ride in a hack.
Mr. Keyes(P26827) being indisposed and having business in Charlottesville(PL4204), was permitted to ride in a hack.
Mr. Stanard W.B.(P40376) applied for
instructions to the Proctor(P43659) & Patron(P43659) to return the commission on the funds which he(P40376) had deposited & afterwards withdrawn as a non resident student. The Chairman(P24182) stated to him, that having conferred with the Patron on the subject, he was of opinion, that that office's decision was correct, Viz. that he was not authorized by the law to return the Commissions.
Oct. 6.
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] Proctor(P43659)'s report_violations of uniform law.
The Proctor(P43659) reported the following students as being out of uniform yesterday in Charlottesville(PL4204), Viz.
Mr. Ambler(P31858)(P31858), in regard to coat;
Mr. Ranson(P23878), in regard to vest & pants;
Texada(P26698), in regard to vest;
Pickens(P35746), in regard to coat, vest, & pants;
Ellis(P27968) in regard to vest & coat;
Beaman(P30709), entirely out of uniform;
Barbour(P38272), entirely.
Saunders(P41576), in regard to Vest.
The Proctor(P43659) at the same time reported Messrs John. J.(P40498) & Wm. N. Gregory(P34700), & Mr. Donally(P31984) as not put up their names on their doors as required by law.
The above named were sent for - Mr. Donally mentioned that he had made repeated efforts to get his sign, but could not find the painter at his shop: and promised to make every effort to have it put immediately.
Mr. Wm. N. Gregory(P34700) stated that he & his brother (John. J.)(P40498) had been here but a short time, and had not been able to see the painter. Promised to get his name painted on his door immediately. At the same time obtained leave to visit Charlottesville(PL4204) this afternoon in a summer vest.
Mr. Beaman(P30709) stated that he had received from the secretary notice of a resolution of the Faculty prohibiting students who had not matriculated from attending lectures. Had previously informed the Chairman(P24182) of his want of funds, and having no other reason to offer for delay in matriculating, had ceased to attend lectures, and thought that no notice would be taken of his being out of uniform. Being informed by the Chairman(P24182) that his reason would be deemed satisfactory, and that he
would be allowed to attend lectures upon condition of complying with all the laws meantime, & matriculating as soon as he should have obtained funds, he engaged to obey the laws, & make no delay in matriculating when the money he expected daily shd have been received -
Mr. Saunders(P41576) stated that the vest he had on in Charlottesville(PL4204) was a black silk one; and that he was not aware that it was a violation of the law to wear it, as he considered it a light summer vest. Being informed by the Chairman(P24182) that a vest of such materials would not be allowed to be substituted for the uniform, he promised to be more careful for the future in conforming to the law. Further action in his case was not deemed necessary.
Mr. Barbour(P38272) stated, that he thought he would be excused as he had not been able to procure his uniform: else he would not have visited Charlottesville(PL4204). That he had a coat sent to him twice from the tailor's, and both times it was too small_ It was thought sufficient for the present to admonish him that his excuse would not for the future be deemed satisfactory, and that he could not be allowed to visit Charlottesville(PL4204) out of uniform unless with special leave.
At Mr. Barbour's(P38272) request, leave was granted him to visit Charlottesville(PL4204) this afternoon to urge the tailor to finish uniform suit immediately_
Mr. Ranson's(P23878) excuse not being deemed satisfactory, his case was laid over to be referred to the Faculty.
Mr. Ambler(P31858) stated that he had been continually disappointed by the tailor, and had not yet been able to procure a uniform suit; and thought this fact would excuse him. It was deemed sufficient to admonish him; & warn him that such an excuse would not here after be admitted-
Mr. Texada(P26698) stated that he thought that the vest he was wearing yesterday was allowed as a summer vest. The Chairman(P24182) decided that it was not allowed by the laws; but that his excuse might be received._
At the same time leave was given to Mr. T.(P26698)
to go to Charlottesville(PL4204) this afternoon to procure a uniform vest.
Mr. Ellis(P27968) gave as an excuse, that he considered his vest such as the laws allowed as a summer vest. The Chairman(P24182) decided that it was not allowed by the laws; but considered his cause admissible on the ground of error.
Gave to Mr. Hite(P25458) & Mr. H. J. Harrison(P30891) leave to visit Monticello in the afternoon of this day on horse.
Oct. 7.
Roberts_leave of absence
Gave to Mr. Roberts(P26892) leave to visit his home in the country until tomorrow evening.
Holcombe_Complaint of Hotel Keeper.
Mr. Holcombe(P27250) complained that Col. Ward(P43873), his hotel keeper, had refused to allow the servant to bring oil for his lamp from Charlottesville(PL4204). That he had been using oil & much preferred it to candles: and was now put to much inconvenience from not being able to get oil._ The Hotel Keeper, I found upon inquiry, did not consider it his duty to furnish a servant for the service Mr. Holcombe required, oil not being contemplated in the enactments as the kind of light to be used by students _ and further objected on account of the inconvenience of carrying oil.
The Chairman(P24182) was of opinion, that that while the use of oil was not prohibited, but tolerated in practice, to bring it from the town was the duty of the servants, as one of the domestic & menial services appointed to be performed by them: but only so far as was not inconsistent with that reasonable amount of time, which the Faculty have decided that the hotel servants should give to going on errands. Col. Ward(P43873) was instructed accordingly.
Proctor(P43659)'s report of Hotel Keepers.
The Proctor(P43659) reported to the Chairman(P24182) that the Hotel Keepers refuse to furnish blacking, for cleaning the student's shoes. He was requested to mention to them that it would be required of them to furnish it, in Compliance with repeated decisions of the Faculty.
Stanard leave to be out of uniform.
Mr. Stanard(P40376) was today allowed to be out of uniform in Charlottesville(PL4204) to meet
some friends, his uniform being out of repair.
Ross F.A.
Mr. Ross(P22902) applied under the resolution of the Faculty, (adopted at their last meeting in regard to students attending lectures without having matriculating,) for leave to attend lectures, assigning as his reason for not matriculating that he had not received. His reason was deemed sufficient & leave granted.
The same reason was admitted in the case of several others, and similar leave granted. I have not deemed it necessary to enter each case in the Chairman(P24182)'s minutes. In every instance a pledge has been given to conform to all the laws in the same way as if the person had actually matriculated, & to matriculate as soon as funds should have been received.
Hamilton R.S.
Mr Hamilton(P40627) was reported by the Proctor(P43659) as being [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform in regard to hat. He gave as his excuse, that he was not aware that the laws forbade his wearing a white hat within the precints _ Upon being informed of his error & admonished of the necessity of giving more attention to the law, he promised compliance, and no further action was deemed necessary.
Joynes. W. T.
Gave Mr. Joynes(P43746) leave to be out of uniform in Charlottesville(PL4204) today in regard to coat; his uniform coat being too small & having been sent to be altered.
Hare. R.
Mr. Hare(P35699) having been seen by the Chairman(P24182) yesterday in Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform in regard to vest was sent for. He gave as his excuse, that he considered the vest he had on in Charlottesville yesterday as allowed as a summer vest. He was admonished of his error, & of the necessity of strict compliance with the law.
Hamm. A
Mr Hamm(P35903) had granted to him leave of absence from the University(CB0001) until tomorrow evening, to visit a private family in the country._
Oct. 9th
Hare. R.
The Proctor(P43659) reported that Mr Hare(P35699) had been at church yesterday in a frock coat, but of the materials which the law requires. Mr Hare when inquired of in regard to the matter, mentioned that he had procured it from having understood from the Proctor(P43659) last session that a coat of this form was allowed. His excuse was deemed reasonable.
The Proctor(P43659) was, however, instructed to adhere to the model heretofore provided, and especially to allow no extra charge for a frock coat.
Wright. John. D.
Mr. Wright(P25889) had leave given him to be out of uniform in Charlottesville(PL4204) today, his uniform coat being too small & requiring altering. __
Hite & Ellis
Messrs. Hite(P25458) & Ellis(P27968) applied for leave to ride to Charlottesville(PL4204) in a hack to accompany a lady, a friend of theirs. It was deemed expedient, under the circumstances to grant it.
Mr. Pickens(P35746) was admonished, in pursuance of the resolution of the Faculty adopted in his case.
Oct. 10th
Minor John
Mr. John Minor(P22888) was seen by the Chairman(P24182) in Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform, as to pants & vest. Stated that he was not aware that he was out of uniform. He was admonished by the Chairman(P24182), & promised to comply with the law for the future.
Stapler. John. B.
Mr. Stapler(P39021) applied for leave to change his dormitory on account of disagreement with his roommate (Mr Holstead)(P25014) His application being deemed reasonable was granted.
Oct 11th
Harris W.P.
W. P. Harris(P26162) was seen by the Chairman(P24182) in Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform at to coat. Was sent for but was found confined to his room by indisposition.
Oct. 12th
Wharton C.D.
Charles. D. Wharton(P41946) having the leave of his Professors, & his father's consent, was granted leave of absence for one week.
Maupin W.A.
Maupin Wm A.(P26132) permitted to visit Charlottesville(PL4204) on business out of uniform as to pants. His uniform pants were torn, & had not been yet repaired.
Barbour. Benj. J.
Leave given to Benj. J. Barbour(P38272) to go to Charlottesville(PL4204) out of uniform to look after his uniform suit, which he has not been able to get from the tailor's.
Oct. 13th
Mrs Brockenbrough(P44061) charges students extra sum for washing.
The Proctor(P43659) informed me today that he had evidence that Mrs. Brockenbrough charged her boarders an extra sum for washing. This is directly in violation of the laws, & done in disregard of Mrs. B's written pledge to the contrary - It is exceedingly objectionable on every account, and for the reason, among others, this having allowed to her a very liberal estimate compared with the Hotel Keeprs, and having the advantage of this extra sum, she is able to give so much better fare as to make resident students much more discontented with the fare they get at the Hotel, than they would be. Yet however desirable it may be to apply a remedy. I cannot see how it can be done succesfully at this period of the session. I am of opinion that some action should be taken on this subject by the Faculty at the end of the session, with a view to the beginning of the next.
E. A. Shands(P21960) was permitted to pay a visit to a private family in the country out of uniform as to coat. His coat has been soiled, and at the present moment unfit to wear.
Oct. 14th
Disturbance on the Lawn(PL8427).
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance ] Last evening about 8 o' cl. a number of students, on the E. and W. Lawn(PL8427), fixed up candles with the view of illuminating the arcades. There was some noise made by calling one to another from the opposite sides of the Lawn(PL8427). There did not appear to be any design to cause disturbances, and the noise continued only for a very short time. The only thing that looked like an attempt to create disorder was the setting fire to a bulk of cotton wick
and tossing it about the middle of the Lawn(PL8427) with the hand. Only two or three were engaged in this, and apparently out of mere sport. Of these I recognized Mr Shields(P27155). He was sent for this morning, and stated the illumination was got up without any intention to make disturbances; and that the tossing the ball of cottion about was intended only as a piece of amusement. He was reprimanded by the Chairman(P24182), and warned of the consequences of the repetition of such amusements.
Maupin & Baldwin.
Leave was given to Messrs Maupin(P26132) & Baldwin(P43748) to visit at the house of Mr. Maupin's father in the country, until tomorrow evening.
Old Wm.
Leave given to Mr Old(P35748) to visit Charlottesville(PL4204) out of uniform as to coat. Has ordered a uniform coat, but has not been able to get it from the tailor's.
Brockenbrough A.
Gave Mr. Arthur Brockenbrough(P27585) leave of absence from the University(CB0001) for three or four days. He has the consent of his parent, and of his professors.
Bayly W.P.
Gave Mr. Bayly(P29866) leave to visit Charlottesville(PL4204) out of uniform to have his uniform altered.
Oct. 17th.
Watts. S. A.
Gave Mr. S. A. Watts(P24989) [EVENT: Student Status:Admission ] leave to matriculate in conformity with the resolution of the Faculty in his case, he having given assurance that he was not engaged in any acts of riot in the Alabama University(CB0001)(CB0013), but was suspended only for the combination & for the publication made by himself & others.
Carson. Th. J.
The like permission given to Mr Carson(P28664), he having given the sum assurances. The period of about four weeks was given him to procure the testimonials required by the resolution of the Faculty as the condition of his matriculation
Brown R. L. and Shands E. A., Harris W. P.
Gave Robt. L. Brown(P40840) & E. A. Shands(P21960) leave to visit Mr. Alen Rives in a hack.(P47180)
W. P. Harris(26162) having recovered from his indisposiion was sent for on account of violation of the[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] uniform law as to coat. (See minutes for Oct. 11th). Stated that he
had violated the law entirely through inadvertence, and that he had no intention to violate the law. He was admonished of the necessity of more attention to the law.
Rose Hugh
Mr Hugh Rose(P29004) having been reported by the Proctor(P43659) as being [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform this morning in Charlottesville(PL4204) in regard to coat, was sent for. He stated that he had sent his coat to the tailor to be altered, and that it had not been returned _ That he went to Charlottesville(PL4204) to see about it, and at the same time to see a friend _ that he didn't know that it was requisite to obtain previously permission of the Chairman(P24182). He was admonished by the Chairman(P24182), and promised be more attentive to the law for the future.
Stuart. C. J.
Leave was given to Mr. C. J. Stuart(P24341) to be absent from from the University(CB0001) for four or five days, to meet his friends in Orange. He will miss a single lecture.
The same leave given to Mr. Towles(P24008). He misses no lecture.
Leave given to Mr.Skinker(P41455) to be out of uniform a few days in respect to hat, until a black hat, for which he was sent, shall have arrived.
Leave given to Mr. Macon(P37934) to be out of uniform in reagrd to hat until his Cap. which has been taken away by someone, shall have been recovered. The leave, however, not to extend beyond a few days.
Guerard W.P.
I have given Mr. W. P. Guerard(P23893) leave for several days in succession, to ride on horse, on account of his health. He has a horse of his own, which he bought in the vacation, and which he keeps without the precincts. He is making application to the Executive Committee for leave to keep his horse within the precincts.
October 20th.
The Proctor(P43659) gave information that Mr Wm Falconer's(P33166) neighbors complain[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance ]
of him as being nosy, & thus interrupting them in their studies.
Oct 21st
Proctor(P43659) reports Mr. Falconer
The report of the Proctor(P43659) in relation to Mr. Falconer(P33166)[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance ] confirmed, with additoinal circumstances by the Janitor(P44285).
Mr. Falconer was sent for and reprimanded, and informed that if he continues to be disorderly he will be brought before the Faculty for punishment. He promises to reform in this particular.
Proctor(P43659) reports Mr. Ambler(P31858)
The Proctor(P43659) gave information that Mr. Nelson(P38502) complains that his roommates Mr Ambler(P31858)(P31858) is too noisy[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance ] , and interrupts his studies. - Mr. Ambler(P31858) was sent for and admonished. He promises to be more quiet and orderly.
Gave Mr. Seabrook(P40686) leave to visit at Dr Carr's(P44725) today to obtain his books.
Rose & Pratt.
Gave Mr. Hugh Rose(P29004) & Mr. Pratt(P25500) leave to pay a visit to a private family in the country until Monday, on the condition that they miss no lectures.
Lomax & Tucker
Gave Mr. T. Lomax(P23747) & Mr. B. Tucker(P30144) leave visit a private family in the country today, and to ride on horse.
Rose & Pratt
Saw Messrs Rose(P29004) amp; Pratt(P25500) in Charlottesville(PL4204) both out of [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] uniform as to coat
H.F. Cook
Oct. 23rd
Sent for and admonished Mr. H. F. Cook(P23450) on account of [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance ] noise and [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Verbal Assault ] profane swearing about his mom yesterday (Sunday), in which he participated. He promises to be more careful for the future.
Gave Mr. Ross(P22902) leave of absence from the University(CB0001) for ten days. He has just received intelligence of his father's death, and wishes to retire into the country.
Oct. 24th.
Ridley F.
Gave Mr. F. Ridley(P43189) leave of absence from the University(CB0001) for a fortnight, to visit his home. He has his father's consent & the concurrence of his Professors.
Oct 26th
Rose & Pratt
Obtained information by inquiry of the Janitor(P44285), that Messrs. Rose(P29004) amp; Pratt(P25500), who had leave of absence until
Monday, had not returned until Tuesday night, and had probably gone to Richmond(PL4234).
Oct. 27th
Pratt & Rose
Sent for Mr Pratt(P25500) & Mr Rose(P29004). Mr Rose was confined to his room by an injury received in his ancle. Mr Pratt admitted that he had not returned until Tuesday night, and that he & Mr Rose had visited Richmond(PL4234). He pretended that they had gone to Bocock's Tavern(PL8596) to hunt, and having changed their purpose went on to Richmond _ Bocock's Tavern is not on the Richmond road. The case referred to the Faculty.
Brown. R. L.
Gave Mr. Rob'l L. Brown(P40840) leave of absence until Sunday morning (3 days) to visit his uncle.
Binford, Montergue, & Stamps
Gave Messrs Binford(P35678), Montague(P25123), and Stamps(P35033) leave of absence for three days (until Sunday evening) to visit in private family in the country - They will be absent no lectures.
Oct. 28th
Hare Robt.
Gave Mr. Hare(P35699) leave of absence until tomorrow evening to visit a private family in the country.
Gave Mr. Baldwin(P43748) leave to go to Charlottesville(PL4204) out of uniform as to coat, to meet some friends. His uniform coat is torn.
Shields & Cook
Gave Messrs Shields(P27155) & H.F. Cook(P23450) leave to ride in a hack to visit a private family in the country this afternoon.
Oct. 31st.
Mr. Ranson's(P23878) case [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] (a violation of the uniform law), having been referred to the Chairman(P24182) by the Faculty, he was sent for and admonished.
Resolutions of Fac. communicated
Communicated to the parents of Messrs Pratt(P25500) & Rose(P29004) the resolution of the Faculty in their cases respectively.
November 1st
Breeden's pupils.(dancing party.)
In conformity with the resolution of the Faculty granting leave to the Breeden's(P44239) pupils to have a dancing party, prescribed the following conditions,
Viz. 1) The subscriptions not to exceed $1.50 each (The number of subscribers 45.) 2). Not more than four gallons of wine to be allowed, one half at least to be mixed with Sangaree. 3) The room to be one in Guil Cock's() house, known as the Mud-wall, the occupant Mr. Killer(), engaging to have no wine or spirituous drinks besides that allowed for the party. 4). No supper to be furnished, but only such refreshments as Cake, jellies, fruit, & 5) Mr. Breeden(P44239) to be present & engaged to and in maintaining order. The managers too exert themselves to prevent all excess.
Nov 2nd.
Texada. (hack).
Gave Mr. Texada(P26698) leave to ride in a hack.
Nov 4th.
Guerard W.P. (uniform.)
Sent for Mr. W. P. Guerard(P23893), who had been seen by the Chairman(P24182) in Charlottesville(PL4204) the day before yesterday [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to pantaloons. Mr. G. stated that he thought the pantaloons he had on when reported were uniform. The Chairman(P24182) decided that as they contained a black stripe, they were out of uniform. Mr. Guerard was warned against using them on the occasions when the uniform is required to be worn.
Maupin. (uniform).
Mr Maupin(P26132) was observed by the Chairman(P24182) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform today in Charlottesville(PL4204) as to pantaloons. Having been sent for, mentioned as his excuse, that he had torn his uniform pantaloons, and being anxious to meet a relation just from the West, he had called at the Chairman's(P24182) office(PL9155) to obtain leave to go out of uniform but didn't find him in. Being admonished, promises to comply with the requisition of the Law.
Gave Mr. Stamps(P35033) leave to be about from the University(CB0001) until tomorrow eveing, to visit in the country.
Roberts (uniform)
Mr. Roberts(P26892) having been seen today
in Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to pantaloons, was sent for. He gave in excuse that he thought he was not out of uniform: but that his pantaloons were such as would be allowed. He was informed by the Chairman(P24182) that they would not be allowed, and admonished.
Nov. 6th.
Constable. (uniform).
Mr. Constable(P25255) was observed by the Chairman(P24182) yesterday (Sunday) at Church [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to vest. Being sent for, stated that he wore the vest he had on (velvet & double breasted), on account of his health, having just recovered from an attack of disease. That he had called to obtain leave of the Chairman(P24182), but missed finding him. The Chairman(P24182) admitted his excuse for the present on the ground of his health.
Gave Mr. Battey(P27407) leave, as one of the managers of the party given by Mr. Breedin's(P44239) pupils, to accompany some ladies(P44685) to the party in a hack.
Gave Mr. Shields(P27155) leave to ride on horse this afternoon.
Rogers A.H.
Gave Mr. A. H. Rogers(P32297) leave of absence from the University(CB0001) until Thursday, to visit his friends in the Country. Has consent of his father, and concurrence of his Professors.
Nov. 7th.
Reynolds Th.
Gave Mr. Reynolds(P42024) leave of absence from the University(CB0001) until Thursday (two days) to visit some friends in the country.
Keyes, Constable, & Shields.
Gave Messrs Keyes(P26827), Constable(P25255), & Shields(P27155) leave to ride this afternoon on horse.
Nov 9th
Col. Ward.
Mr. Lewis(P24641) complained that Col. Ward(P43873) has sufficient attendance in the dining room, there being only an old man, necessarily wanting in activity, one servant man(P47210) who is active, and two small lads. He mentions that the lads were not so neatly dressed and cleanly as they should be.
Col. Ward was sent for. He
acknowledges that there has been too much confusion at his table, especially at breakfast and supper. Attributes it in part to the fact that the old man is readily confused, many calling to him at the same time. He acknowledges also that the lads are not sufficiently neat in their dress. He engages to put another servant into the dining room, and endeavor to remove all cause of complaint.
In answer to inquiries made of him, Mr. Lewis(P24641) had informed me that Mrs Ward(P46961) was never present at the table, & that Col. Ward(P43873) was not there on an average three times in the week. I spoke to Col. Ward on this subject, and he acknowledged that he was sometimes absent, but said he was commonly at the table as long as he thought his presence neessary - that he did not commonly take his meals with the students. I urged upon him the indispensable necessity of his presence at the table, and he promised to attend to my suggestion on this point.
Mr. Inge(P31585) having the consent of a majority of the Faculty, had leave of absence granted him, on account of his health for a week.
Mr. Baldwin(P43748), having the consent of a majority of the Faculty, had leave of absence granted him until Sunday (3 days).
Gates & Constable.
Mr. Gates() & Constable(P25255) were permitted to visit a couple of miles in the Country, and ride in a hack.
Nov. 10th
Mr. Caldwell(P28389) was granted leave to ride on horse tomorrow.
Gave Mr. Dabney(P33522) leave to visit in the country until tomorrow.
Nov. 11th
Preston_leave of absence.
Gave Mr. Preston(P38875) leave of absence from the University(CB0001) for a week, on account of his health, it being recommended by his physician (Dr. Griffith)(P47212).
Gave Mr. Talley(P36522) leave to exchange his dormitory for another.
in the same district. He alleges that his character is injured by being associated with his present room_mate Mr. Whiting(P25952).
Gave Mr. Texada(P26698) leave to ride on horse twice a day for 3 or 4 days. He is in bad health and his physician (Dr. Griffith)(P47212) advises exercise on horse.
Obtained information today from the stage office that Mr. Pratt(P25500) had this morning come into Charlottesville(PL4204) from Mrs. (). Was told by a student that Mr Pratt had come to town to settle some accounts preparatory to leaving for home. I had learned on the 8th inst: that he had not gone to Bocock's Tavern(PL8596) as required by the Resolution of the Faculty, but to Mrs. . On the 9th I had sent to him a note granting him leave to go home, in consequence of a letter from his father desiring that such leave might be granted. In my note he was expressly prohibited from going elsewhere than to his father's. Mr. Pratt's case referred to the Faculty.
Nov. 12th (Sunday).
Disorder on the Lawn(PL8427).
[EVENT: Student Conduct:Illuminations ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns ] My attention was called at the Lawn(PL8427) between 7 and 8 0' clock P.M. by noise & shouting, and hearing the report of a pistol once or twice repeated. Upon going out I found a number of lighted candles already up, and others in the act of being put up, as if with the design of illuminating the Lawn(PL8427). I learned on enquiry of several students that the occasion was the design of celebrating the anniverssary, as they termed it, of the riot of last year. After speaking to one or two on the Western side of the Lawn(PL8427) who seemed to be concerned in the illumination, although I did not see them putting up candles, E.g. Mr. Pegram(P31307) , I crossed to the upper end of the Eastern Lawn(PL8427), to Mr. H. F. Cook's(P23450) room, about which a number of students, were collected and in the mildest manner demonstrated with any I met with the impropriety of the proceeding, and the dis-
orders likely to spring from it. Mr. H. F. Cook(P23450) said, in a very respectful manner however, that he differed, or persons might differ, about the propriety of the illumination. Mr Shield's(P27155) whom I found putting up candles, declared that he did not mean to create disturbance, but would do what he could to prevent it. He hereupon several tries called out order, order, seemingly with the view of making a jest of the thing: but presently came to me & said that he would be quiet. Mr Mordecai Cooke(P41382), who I afterwards was informed had been busy in getting up the illumination, justified the illumination, but professed to disapprove the shouting, & firing of pistols, which had been meanwhile greatly increasing, especially in the crowd immediately about me. Among those near me I thought I distinguished Mr. Saunders(P41576) as one of those engaged in shouting. I distinctly heard him swearing profanely, & reproved him at the time. A person, whom I took to be Mr. Falconer(P33166), came first on one side of me and there on the other, amidst the crowd, and shouted almost at the top of his voice & within 3 or 4 feet of me, as if to insult me. I remained sometime, speaking with different persons about me, and having my attention meanwhile directed to a group of some 8 or 10 who had collected on the pathway, beyond the middle of the Lawn(PL8427), nearer to the western arcade, and who seemed to be diligently engaged in promoting the disorder by frequent shouting. I passed from the E. to the W. side of the Lawn(PL8427), taking this group in my way. At the moment I fell in with them I recognized Mr. Mordecai Cook(P41382) shouting at the top of his voice. At the same moment a pistol was fired into the air by a student who was standing along side of Mr. Cooke(P41382), and whom at the instant I took to be Mr. H. F. Cook(P23450) _ As his face, however, was averted, I was doubtful, & made an attempt to get a fuller view of his face. Mr. Cooke(P41382), however, put him on his guard, and he escaped. Mr. H. F. Cook(P23450) having afterwards denied that he was the person. I strongly suspect Mr. Rose(P29004).
to be the person.) I remained some time on the Lawn(PL8427), and observed about 25 performing on the Lawn(PL8427), a little in advance of the Rotunda, a mock march, to the sound of quills, &c. I recognized none of them. After nine o' clock I retired into my house. Presently a fire was kindled on the Lawn(PL8427) of old barrels, on which oil was powered. At 10 o' clock all was quiet, and the students had all retired to their rooms.
A member of my family told me that after I came in, a student in disguise was for a little while employed before my door in dancing, and making grimaces.
Nov. 13th (Monday)
Tucker Prof report
Prof Tucker(P43619) mentioned to me that two persons came before his house(PL8470) last night, in disguise, and were engaged, one of them more especially, in dancing, & capering under the arcade. He did not recognize either of them. _ The same thing was afterwards mentioned by the Proctor(P43659), who was at Mr. Tucker's at the time.
Davis Prof: report.
Prof. Davis(P33195) informed me that two persons came near to his house() last night, both in disguise, about 9 o' clock after _ That one of them addressed himself to him (Prof: Davis), and among other things said something about correcting typographical errors in the Federalist " - This very phrase occurs, almost to a letter the same, in an anonymous letter received by the Chairman(P24182) about the 1st of this month through the post office, and which he had before traced satisfactorily, by the handwriting & other circumstances, to Mr. Falconer(P33166). The size of the person who was in disguise at the Davis' corresponds with that of Mr. Falconer. The suspicion that Mr. Falconer was one of the persons in disguise is confirmed by his incidental confession of it this morning in conversation with Col. Woodley(P44018).
Proctor(P43659)'s report
The Proctor(P43659) reported that had seen the two persons, mentioned by Mr. Tucker(P43619) in disguise, & dancing & bowing before
the house(PL8470)__ That the size of one of them corresponds with that of Mr. Falconer(P33166) _ That he found Mr. Falconer this morning very anxious to know if he was suspected & if he would be reported. Col. Woodley(P44018) mentioned that he had seen two persons in disguise at Mr. Tucker's, Mr.Falconer enquired if he had seen him elsewhere?
Proctor(P43659)'s report _ uniform.
The Proctor(P43659) further reported Mr. Falconer as being, on his own admission, [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform, on Saturday last, in Charlottesville(PL4204).
Also as being [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform yesterday at Church in the University(CB0001).
Mr Hackett(P24796) in regard to vest
Mr. Townes(P31476) in regard to vest
Mr. Battey(P27407) in regard to pantaloons
Mr Hackett(P24796) being sent for, gave as an excuse for his violation of the law, that he thought his vest was allowed by the law. He was admonished by the Chairman(P24182) that it was in violation of the Law, and that a repetition of the office would be visited with more serious reprehension.
Mr. Battey(P27407) being sent for, stated that he was not aware at the time that he was out of uniform; and that he had no intention to violate the Law. He was admonished to be more careful to observe the law in this respect.
Mr. Townes(P31476) gave in excuse that the vest which he wore to church on Sunday was a summer vest, such as he considered the enactments allowed, and which he brought with him to the University(CB0001). His excuse admitted for this time.
Marshall H. uniform
Mr. H. H. Marshall(P34598), who was observed yesterday by the Chairman(P24182) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform at Church in regard to vest, offered the same excuse with Mr. Townes(P31476). It was deemed sufficient to admonish him that his excuse wd. not be received a second time.
Mr. Falconer(P33166) being sent for, stated in regard to his being reported as [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform on Saturday, that he was merely jesting when he admitted it to the Proctor(P43659), and that he was not in fact out of uniform. _ In regard to the charge of
shouting & [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance ] making disturbance on the Lawn(PL8427) last night, answered in substance, that he did not at the precise times & in the precise positions, in which the Chairman(P24182) thought he recognized him: but admitted that another person did it, and that, by previous agreement, when this person darted away he stood in his place, and so was mistaken for him _ That this was repeated more than once.
_ In regard to the charge of being masked or disguised last night, he gave no direct answer. When I mentioned to him that my belief that he was the person who appeared in disguise before Mr. Davis'(P33195) house, was founded partly on the perfect correspondence between certain expressions there used & some contained in an anonymous letter received by the Chairman(P24182), & which the handwriting, with some other circumstances, proved to be written by him, he gave no direct answer; but said he thought he could show that the handwriting was not his, and promised to do so in the morning.
(After I had seen Mr. Falconer(P33166) the Proctor(P43659)mentioned that Col. Ward(43873) had overheard a student remarking that he knew one of the persons in disguise, who was passing at the moment, to be Mr. Falconer.)
Mr. Falconer's case to be laid before the Faculty.
M. Cooke.
Mr. Mordecai Cooke(P41382) being sent for, & changed with being engaged in the disturbances last night, declined giving any answer. His case referred to the Faculty.
Mr. Shields(P27155) being sent for, and interrogated as to the extent of his participation in the [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance ] [EVENT: Student Conduct:Illuminations ] disturbances last night, admitted that he had assisted in putting up candles; but said that he afterwards did what he could to prevent disturbance, and himself kept quiet. It was deemed sufficient to admonish him of the impropriety
of his conduct in contributing to the illumination.
Mr Saunders(P41576) being sent for, admitted that he had been heard swearing by the Chairman(P24182) last night; but said the Chairman(P24182) was mistaken in charging him with shouting on the Lawn(PL8427) & making disturbance _ that he left the crowd immediately after the Chairman(P24182) had spoken to him & reprimanded him for swearing. There not appearing sufficient ground for further proceeding against Mr Saunders, he was dismissed.
Cook. H.F.
Mr. H. F. Cook(P23450) being sent for, declined answering, to the change of being one of the party who were last night, [EVENT: Student Conduct:Illuminations ] during the illumination, above Dr Blaettermann's(P43621) house, engaged in shouting & making a noise with quills &c, and afterwards in marching in front of the Rotunda.__ His case referred to the Faculty.
Pendleton &c leave to be present at a supper party.
Gave leave to Messrs W. K. Pendleton(P33628), W. W. Goss(P23844), B. Barbour(P38272), P. Carr(P34852), and John Minor(P22888), to be present at & contribute to a select supper party given to Mr. N. Wolfe() in Charlottesville(PL4204) to night by his particular friends.
Disturbances on the Lawn(PL8427), & ,
At night (Nov. 13th) there was much [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance ] noise, shouting, [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns ] & firing pistols, on the Lawn(PL8427) from between 6 and 7 o' cl. until about 11 o' cl. The belfry was broken open & the bell rung for some time. The number of persons engaged not ascertained, but seemed to be few. [EVENT: Student Conduct:Illuminations ] The Lawn(PL8427) illuminated -
Nov. 14.(Tuesday).
I was informed this morning by the Proctor(P43659) that Lewis(P44651) the bell ringer thought he recognized Mr. W. P. Harris(P26162) as one of the persons who broke open the belfry door, & as the person who had beaten him (Lewis).
Mr Harris(P26162) being sent for, admitted that the night before last he had aided in putting up Candles; and that last night in going to supper he did shout once or perhaps oftener: but affirmed that he had no participation whatever in any other disturbances. That what he did was not intended to cause disorder._ He was re-
primanded. It was not considered necessary to take any further action in his case.
Johnston. M.T.C. &c leave of absence refused.
Messrs. M.T.C. Johnston(P34949), H.F. Cook(23450), and W. P. Harris(P26162) applied for leave to pay a visit in the country at Tyler's Tavern(PL8587) to return tomorrow morning. Leave was refused.
Nov. 15th(Wednesday).
Rose. Hugh_
Enquiring of the Proctor(P43659) respecting Mr. Rose(P29004), whether he had not left Mrs. Clark's(P47230) & come into the University(CB0001), I was informed by him, that M Rose had been at Mrs. Jones'(P44167) for some days, This fact went to confirm me in my conviction that he was the person who fired off a pistol near me the first night of the disturbances. Mr. H. F. Cook(P29004), whom I at first judged it to be, had positively denied that he was the person.
Battle &c have to ride in hack.
Gave leave to Messrs Battle(P36707), Mr. T. C. Johnston(P34949), Constable(P25255), Cook(23450), & S.P. Gates(P23773), to visit a private family in the country, and ride in a hack.
Eppes v. leave of absence.
Gave Mr. V. M. Eppes(P32047) leave of absence from the University(CB0001) for two weeks, from friday (17th)_ he having the consent of his father, and the concurrence of his professors.
Mr. Constable(P25255) was observed today at the funeral in a coat uniform in other respects, but having a [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] velvet collar _ He gave as an excuse for this violation of the uniform law, that he brought the coat with him, and wishing to have the collar altered could not find any cloth of the same kind exactly. He was informed by the Chairman(P24182) that with the present collar his coat could not be considered uniform, & that he must either have it altered, or get another coat.
Gave Mr. Spencer(P40643) leave to go to Charlottesville(PL4204) today out of uniform as to vest. He wishes to have a uniform vest made.
Gave Mr. Keyes(P26827) leave to go to Charlottesville(PL4204) today out of uniform as to pantaloons, his uniform pantaloons having been torn_ He has
not had opportunity to get them repaired.
Cooke. M. leave to go out of uniform.
Gave Mr. Mordecai Cooke(P41382) leave yeseterday to go to Charlottesville(PL4204) out of uniform as to pantaloons, his uniform pantaloons being out of repair.
Brockenbrough. W._ uniform_
Mr. Wm. Brockenbrough(P29501), who was seen by the Chairman(P24182) Saturday last in Charlottesvill(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform in regard to coat and pantaloons stated today (Nov. 16) by way of excuse, that he went to town in his ordinary dress, in haste, and without once thinking of his being out of uniform. That as soon as he discovered it, he turned back to go home, & met the Chairman(P24182) on his way. Had no intention of violating the law. He was admonished by the Chairman(P24182), and promised to be more careful for the future.
Nov. 16th
Holcombe. leave to withdraw.
Mr. Holcombe(P27250), at his father's request, and having his Professor's consent, had leave granted him to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001).
Randolph G. W.
Mr. G. W. Randolph(P43788), who was observed by the Chairman(P24182) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform Wednesday last, at the funeral, stated that he thought that as an officer of the navy he was exempt from the uniform law: but being informed that the previous consent of the Faculty was required, requested that his case might be laid before the Faculty.
Hite_Proctor(P43659)'s report.
I was informed today by the Proctor(P43659) that Mr. Hite(P25458) had on several occasions had drinking in room. _ Friday night I heard bottles broken, as I then thought, before Mr. Hite's room: and the Janitor(P44285) upon being required of, had informed me Tuesday morning that he saw broken bottles opposite to Mr Hite's room
Mr Hite being sent for denied that he had had drinking parties in his room; but declined saying whether he had had drinking in his room at different times. His case referred to the Faculty.
Nov 17th.
Wickham W. & leave to visit in the country.
Gave leave to Messrs W. Wickham(P26374), Ritchie(P40600), Hungerford(P39515), &
Gooch(P32133) to pay a visit to a private family some miles in the country, until Monday morning. They have their parents' consent, & Professors' concurrence.
Harrison. J. H. leave to visit in the country.
Gave Mr. J. H. Harrison(P30891) leave to visit a private family in the country from this afternoon until Monday morning. He has his father's consent.
Morris. J.
Gave Mr. J. Morris(P29967) leave of absence from the University(CB0001) for one week, to visit home. He has parents' consent, & Professor's Concurrence.
Gave Mr. Barbour(P38272) leave of absence to visit home, until Monday morning.
Mr Hite(P25458), who was required to spend the time of his suspension at Mr. Bocock's(PL8596), until his father should desire him to pass it at home, applied for leave to go home. He stated that he was certain that his father would prefer his coming home, although he had not of course received any communication from him on the subject. and that he was particularly desirous to go on account of the sickness of his sister. Inasmuch as there was not time to consult the Faculty before the stage went outl and as I deemed it much better, from my knowledge of Mr Hite's habits, that he should return home; and was very confident that his father would call him home in a few days, I took it upon me to give him leave to go, subject to the approbation of the Faculty
Gave Mr. Roberts(P26892) leave of abssence to visit home, until Sunday evening.
November 18th (Saturday)
Johnston M. T. C
Gave M.T.C. Johnston(P34949)leave to ride this afternoon on horse.
Resolution of Fac. Communicated.
Communicated to the parents of Messr. Mordecai Cooke(P41382), H. F. Cook(P23450), W. Falconer(P33166), and I. I. Hite(P25458) respecting the resolutions of the Faculty in regard to them.
Wrote according to the direction of the Faculty to the parents of Messrs. Hugh Rose(P29004) & Wm.C. Pratt(P25500).
Nov. 19th (Sunday)
Ro. L. Brown, & Ro. Hare l. to ride in country
Gave Messrs Robt. L. Brown(P40840) & R. Hare(P35699) leave to visit a private family
in the country until tomorrow morning.
Nov. 20th (Monday)
Inge S._uniform.
Mr. S.W. Inge(P31585) having been reported by the Proctor(P43659) as [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform yesterday at church in regard to pantaloons, was sent for and appeared before the Chairman(P24182). He gave as his excuse for being out of uniform that he considered the pantaloons which he wore allowable as uniform._ The pantaloons were not dark grey, & were besides striped_ He was admonished by the Chairman(P24182) & required not to wear the pantaloons again in the place of the uniform
Strother leave of absence.
Gave Mr Strother(P37901) leave of absence for ten days, on account of health.
Moore. Edw_uniform_
Mr. Ed. W. Moore(P38129) having been reported by the Proctor(P43659) as [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform at Church Sunday morning, was sent for and appeared before the Chairman(P24182). He stated that he had violated the law entirely through mistake as its requirement. That he was under the impression that it was not required to appear in uniform at Church _ and promised that he would not violate the law in future. Having admonished him of the necessity of more strict attention to the Law, I did not deem it requisite to take any further proceeding in his case.
Stamps. uniform.
Mr Stamps(P35033) having been reported by the Proctor(P43659) as [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform Sunday morning at Church in wearing a coat with a velvet collar, was sent for and admonished that his coat would not be considered uniform, & that he would be required either to get another coat or have this altered.
Carter. C. leave absence
22nd. Mr. C. Carter(P33554) applied for leave of absence for eight days, to visit home on some important business, and stated that although he had not his father's written consent, he knew it would be with his approbation _ that he could not write & obtain an answer in time _ The matter was referred to the Faculty, and with their approbation leave given toMr Carter(P33554) to be absent eight days.
An outrage committed last night (Tuesday), supposed by students, by break-
ing open the stables(PL8664) & trimming the horses' tails of Professor Blaettermann(P43621), & Tucker(P43619), & Mrs. Gray(P43865), _other stables were broken open, but no horses found within. _ I have not been able to get any information as to the perpetrators - The Proctor(P43659) informs me that he has been told that a party came up from Charlottesville(PL4204) last night between 10 & 11 o' cock, and had probably been drinking there _ but he has no knowledge of the persons who composed it. -
Preston leave to withdraw
23rd_Mr Preston(P38875) applied for leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001) on account of ill health, but had not received his father's consent. The Faculty having been consulted, & approving, leave was given.
24th. Nov.
Ritchie. uniform
Met Mr. Ritchie(P40600) on the way to Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to coat - Being sent for he gave as his reason for having visited Charlottesville(PL4204) out of uniform that he considered it sufficient that his coat was covered by an overcoat _ He was admonished by the Chairman(P24182).
Saffold leave of absence.
Gave Mr. Saffold(P36453), who is about 23 years of age, leave of absence for two weeks on account of ill health _ Also leave to reside during this time at Tyler's Tavern(PL8587).
25th. Nov.
Russell &c
Gave Messrs Russell(P22526), W. P. Harris(P26162), and Battle(P36707), leave to visit a friend at Mrs. Clark's(47230) until tomorrow.
Gave Mr. Hairston(P41505) leave to be absent on a visit to a private family in the country until Monday.
Harrison. J. H.
Was informed by the Proctor(P43659) that Mr. J. H. Harrison(P30891) had bought a pair of pantaloons that were [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] not uniform. Mr. Harrison being sent for admitted that he had bought a coarse pair of pants that cost him about 4 or $5, and without being aware at the time that it was forbidden by the law _ that otherwise he would not have done it._He was admonished by the Chairman(P24182).
27th Nov.
J. H. Harrison.
I was informed this morning by the Proctor(P43659) that Prof. Davis(P33195) had mentioned
to him circumstances which rendered it probable that Mr. J. H. Harrison(30891) was last night a member of a [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking ] drinking party & was himself intoxicated. _ And that a visit to Mr. Harrison's room had confirmed his (the Proctor's)(P43659) convictions of the truth of the suspicion _
Having sent for Mr Harrison & enquired of him in relation to the matter, I deemed it proper to lay the case before the Faculty.
28th. Nov.(Tuesday)
Fort & Johnston M. T. C.
Gave Messrs Fort(P28519) & Johnston (M. T. C)(P34949) leave to visit at Mr. Clarke's() today.
Gave Mr. Roberts(P26892) leave to go to Charlottesville(PL4204) out of uniform as to coat, his coat having been torn Sunday, and not yet repaired.
Gave Mr. Battey(P27407) leave to be out of uniform today in Charlottesville(PL4204) (his uniform coat being torn) to see after a uniform coat.
Wickham W.
Gave Mr. W. Wickham(P26374) leave to go to Charlottesville(PL4204) today out of uniform as to coat_ His uniform coat has been sent to the Tailor's to be repaired, but has not been returned.
29th Nov.(Wednesday)
Proctor's report affray btn. R. Jones(P31126) & Whiting(P25952).
The Proctor(P43659) informed me that Mr. R. Jones(P31126) had been [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Physical Assault ] stabbed in the leg, Monday night last, by Mr. Whiting(P25952), in an affray_
Having sent for Mr. Whiting & enquired of him in relation to the matter, and having obtained through the Proctor(P43659) Mr. Jones' statements, I determined to lay the case before the Faculty.
Gave Mr. Roberts(P26892) leave to be absent from the University(CB0001) tomorrow night on a visit to a private family in the neighborhood.
Gave Mr. Stanard(P40376) leave to go to Charlottesville(PL4204) out of uniform as to pantaloons (his uniform pantaloons being torn), to purchase a new pair.
Gave Mr. Texada(P26698) leave to ride today on horse.
30th Nov.(Thursday)
Keyes, Constable, &c l. to ride in hack.
Mr Keyes(P26827), Constable(P25255), & two others applied for leave to ride in a hack this
afternoon. It was not deemed proper to grant it.
Gave Mr. Shields(P27155) leave to be absent from the University(CB0001) until tomorrow morning to visit a friend at Mrs. Clark's(P46217).
Mr. B. Tucker(P30144) applied for leave to visit in the country & be absent two days. Leave not granted.
Leave granted to Mr Maupin(P26132) to be about two days on a visit to his father's
December 1st.
Proctor(P43659)'s report.
The Proctor(P43659) rendered his report of early rising, condition of hotels, &c
Guerard. W.P
Mr. W.P. Guerard(P23893) applied for leave to go to Charlottesville(PL4204) out of uniform as to pantaloons & coat. Leave was refused on the ground that he had not used proper diligence in providing himself with the uniform dress _ and he was admonished that this would be required of him.
Harrison. J. H. reprimanded
Mr. J. H. Harrison(30891) reprimanded according to the resolution of the Faculty.
Examined the Patron's(P43659) accounts from beginning of the session up to this date, not having hitherto found it practicable to make the examination at the time which the law of the Board of Visitors(CB0042) appoints. I find the accounts correctly kept according to the laws.
Dec 2nd.
Whiting. Censured.
Mr Whiting(P25952) censured according to the resolution of the Faculty, and required to surrender his knife to the Proctor(P43659).
Woods & Ross.
Gave Mr. Woods() & Mr. Ross(P22902) leave to pay a visit at Mrs. Clarks(P46217), to their friend Mr. Cooke(), returning tomorrow morning.
Mr Stamps(P35033) was allowed to go to Charlottesville(PL4204) out of uniform as to coat - He has not yet been able to find a piece of cloth suitable for replacing the velvet collar of his coat, & wishes to make another effort.
Gave Mr. Stanard(P40376) leave to go to town out of uniform as to pantaloons _ He has ordered a pair of uniform
pantaloons & has been disappointed in getting them.
Gave Mr. Meredith(P31196) leave of absence until tomorrow to pay a visit to a private family in the neighborhood.
Dec. 4th (Monday).
Mr. Williams(P37019) having been reported by the Janitor(P44285) as [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to coat in Charlottesville(PL4204) yesterday, was sent for, & appeared before the Chairman(P24182). He admits that he was out of uniform as to coat_ and states that he left the University(CB0001) without thinking of his being out of uniform_ that when he did observe it, he thought it would be a smaller offence to wear the coat he had on than his uniform coat with a velvet collar, which the Chairman(P24182) had prohibited__ His excuse being regarded as entirely insufficient, he was reprimanded by the Chairman(P24182) & warned against the repetition of the violation of the law. - He was allowed to go today to town out of uniform as to coat, to endeavor to have the velvet collar removed & the proper collar put on instead.
Mr. Whiting(P25952) allowed to be out of uniform today in Charlottesville(PL4204) as to coat_ his uniform coat was torn two or three days ago, and he has not been able to get it repaired.
Gave Mr. Skinker(P41455) leave to dine at a tavern today_
(Dec. 5th) Mr Beaman(P33977) having been reported by the Proctor(P43659) as [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform in town yesterday, in wearing a coat with a velvet collar, was sent for and appeared before the Chairman(P24182). (He had been before admonished by the Chairman(P24182) that such a coat would not be considered uniform). _ He gave no excuse, except that he had not been able to obtain suitable cloth to have the collar of his coat altered _ His case was laid over for the consideration of the Faculty at their next meeting _ Meantime Mr. Beaman was reminded that he must either have the collar of his present coat altered, or procure another uniform coat.
Dillard J. T.
Mr. J. T. Dillard(P34471) having been reported by the Proctor(P43659) as [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform yesterday in
Charlottesville(PL4204) in regard to pantaloons, and having been sent for before the Chairman(P24182); stated that the day being very mild, he had put on a pair summer pantaloons, made of what is called summer cloth, and thought them allowed by the law._ He was reminded of the law, & his excuse received.
Gave Mr. Saffold(P36453), who is about 23 years of age, leave on his application, to continue a longer period at Mr. Tyler's(PL8587), and until his health, which he thinks is improving by his residence there, shall have been further restored.
Dec. 6th
Mr Phillips(P35291) having been reported by the Proctor(P43659) as [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to pantaloons in Charlottesville(PL4204) Monday last, & having been sent for by the Chairman(P24182), stated that he considered the pantaloons which he wore on Monday to be in uniform. The Chairman(P24182) having examined them found that they were not of the grey required by the law, and informed Mr. Phillips that he would not be allowed to wear them as uniform.
Skuiker. uniform.
Mr. Skinker(P41455), who had been reported by the Proctor(P43659) as [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to pantaloons in Charlottesville(PL4204) on Monday last, being sent for by the Chairman(P24182), mentioned that as his pantaloons were dark grey, only a very little striped, he thought they would be considered uniform_ He was reminded of the law, & that they would not be admitted as uniform.
Gave Mr. Skinker(P41455) leave of absence from the University(CB0001) for three days from Thursday (tomorrow)
Mr. Stuart(P24341) applying for leave of absence for 3 days from tomorrow, & not having obtained his guardian's consent, his petition was referred to the Faculty, and with their approbation granted.
Gave Mr. Baldwin(P43748) leave of absence for 10 days, from tomorrow to visit home.
Dec 9th.
Beaman & Williams_ Left
Informed by the Proctor(P43659) that Messrs Williams(P37019) & Beaman(P33977) had left the Uni -
Univ. without leave
-versity this morning this morning in a stage for Washington City(PL4211). [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Curfew Violation ] They had not obtained leave.
Dec. 10.(Sunday)
Harrison. J.H.
Mr. J. H. Harrison(30891) applied for leave to be out of uniform in Church today. His application was not granted: he had not used sufficient diligence in having his uniform coat repaired.
I was informed in Charlottesville(PL4204) today, by a young man who saw them, and knows their persons, that Messrs Williams(P37019) & Beaman(P33977), before leaving in the stage for Washington(PL4211) yesterday, were [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking ] drinking at the bar of the tavern, swearing & making much noise.
Dec 11th (Monday).
Gave Mr. Dodson(P38103) on Saturday last leave to ride on horse.
Proctor's report.
The Proctor(P43659) furnished today a report of those students who have not paid the second installment for board, due Dec. 1st. _ I deemed it advisable to lay it before the Faculty.
Major Dunn.
A petition was made today by Major Dunn(P47268) to be allowed to give lessons in the use of the broad sword within the University(CB0001). The Chairman(P24182) thought that the Faculty had no power over the subject to grant his petition, but consented to convene the Faculty the case. A meeting of the Faculty was accordingly requested, but a quorum did not attend. Some of the members who did not attend sent word that they were opposed to granting Major Dunn's petition, even if they had power to do it.
Mr. Keyes(P26827) applied for leave to visit Washington City(PL4211). Not having his father's consent, his petition was not granted.
Dec. 12th.
Mr Stanard(P40376), reported by the Proctor(P43659) as [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to pantaloons at Church on Sunday, being sent for stated that he had not been able to get a pair of uniform pantaloons which he had ordered, until Sunday morning, and that they were unfit to wear from some defect of the straps. His excuse not being deemed entirely satisfactory, he was admonished by the Chairman(P24182).
Dec 13th (Wednesday)
Maupin uniform.
Met Mr. Maupin(P26132) on the way to Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to coat and pantaloons. Mr M. being sent for, said that he had not visited Charl.
Saw [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform in Charlottesville(PL4204) today the following students _
Caldwell & Binford
Mr. Caldwell(P28389) as to pantaloons; & Mr. Binford(P35678) as to coat & pantaloons_ The latter stated, that he went part of the way to Charlottesville(PL4204) to take a lesson in dancing, & had no intention when he left his room of visiting the town _ but afterwards thought of some business which called him to town. He considered that he would be excused, on the ground that an injury received in his arm prevented him from wearing his uniform coat, it being too small in the sleeves to allow the bandage _ and was on that account less careful. He considered his pantaloons allowed by the law _ He was admonished that his pantaloons were not uniform, & must not be worn as such _ and that his excuse in regard to his coat was not satisfactory. In view of his promise to be careful for the future to comply with the law, his present offence was overlooked_
Mr. Caldwell(P28389) stated that he thought his pantaloons (dark grey, with a stripe of brownish grey) were in uniform _ that he had no intention to violate the law. He brought the pantaloons with him. He was admonished & required not to use the pantaloons as uniform.
Ellis & Stamps - l. to visit in Country
Gave Mr. Ellis(P27968) & Mr. Stamps(P35033) leave to visit at Mr. Duke's() friday & Saturday. _ Refused leave to Mr. Binford(P35678) on the ground that he would miss a lecture, & had not his father's consent.
(14th) Mr Roberts(P26892), having his guardian's consent, applied for leave to be absent from the University(CB0001) Friday evening & part of Saturday, and to be present at a Cotilion party to be given in the Country. Leave granted.
Tucker. leave of absence.
Gave Mr B. Tucker(P30144) leave of absence from the University(CB0001) for 2 weeks from the 18th inst:
Mr Edmunds(P27890) applied for leave to be absent from
the University(CB0001) friday & Saturday & be present at a Cotilion party in the country. Not having his father's consent, leave was not granted.
Dec 15th (Friday).
Gave Mr. W. B. Stanard(P40376) leave of absence from the 16th until the 1st of January.
Gave Mr. Wm. B. Lynch(P28952) leave of absence, to visit home, from the 20th until the 31st. inst.
Wood. Drury.
Gave Mr. Drury Wood(P23304) leave to visit at Mr. Dukes() , in the country, today and tomorrow_misses no lecture.
Gave Mr. Seabrooke(P40686) leave to visit at Mr. Duke's() in the country today and tomorrow _ He missing no lecture.
Mr. C.J. Stuart(P24341) having delayed his return from Staunton(PL4380), whether he had gone on leave, five days beyond the period for which he had permission to be absent, and having offered no satisfactory excuse, was admonished by the Chairman(P24182).
December 16th(Saturday)
Gave Mr. Beale(P28925) leave of absence, to visit home, from this date until the 1st January.
Brown. Rich. J.
Gave Mr. Rich. L. Brown(P28030) leave of absence for 10 or 12 days, to visit home.
Marshall. H.
Gave Mr. H.H. Marshall(P34598) leave of absence until the 4th of January, to visit home.
Gave Mr. Barksdale(P33511) leave of absence until the 1st January, to visit home, his father being ill.
December 18th. (Monday)
Gave Mr. Garnette(P27042) leave of absence for two weeks, to visit home.
Gave Mr. W. K. Pendleton(P33628) leave of absence until the 1st of January to visit home.
Gave Mr. Boulware(P39649) leave of absence for 2 or 3 weeks, to visit home.
Gave Mr. Ellis(P27968) leave of absence for two weeks, to visit home.
Gave Mr. Berkeley(P35566) leave of absence for a fortnight, to visit home.
Morris. A.M. & E.T.
Gave Messrs A.M.(P42507) & E.T. Morris(P39014) leave of absence for 3 or 4 weeks, to
visit home, by their father's express desire.
Dec 19th (Tuesday)
Gave Mr. Winston(P42112)leave of absence for 3 weeks, to visit home.
Gave Mr. M. M. Harrison(P36356) leave of absence for 3 weeks, to visit home.
Gave Mr. Lambeth(P31842) leave of absence until the 1st of January, to visit home.
Gave Mr. W. Wickham(P26374) leave of absence for 2 or 3 weeks, to visit home.
December 20th
Gave Mr. Barbour(P38272) leave of absence for six days, to visit home.
Gave Mr. J. H. Carr(P24424) leave of absence until the 1st of January, to visit home.
Gave Mr. Wm N. Ragland(P32763) leave of absence for 3 weeks, to visit his friends.
Gave Mr. Talley(P36522) leave of absence until the 1st January, to visit home.
Gave Mr. W. Brockenbrough(P29501) leave of absence for 10 days, to visit his brother in Rockbridge(PL5338).
December 21st.
Gave Mr. Caldwell(P28389) leave of absence for a fortnight, to visit home. **
Gave Mr. Gooch(P32133) leave of absence for a fortnight to visit home.
December 22nd
Gave Mr. Hansberger(P28364) leave of absence for 10 days, to visit home.
Gave Mr. H. Cabell(P34566) leave of absence for 10 days to visit home.
Gave Mr. Saunders(P41576) leave of absence for 2 weeks, to visit home
Gave Mr. Nelson(P38502) leave of absence for 5 days to visit home.
Gave Mr. Roper(P27705) leave of absence for a fortnight to visit home.
Gave Mr. Ro. L. Brown(P40840) leave of absence for 10 days, to visit home.
Gave Mr. Shands(P21960) leave of absence for one week, to visit friends in Nelson County(PL5388).*
Gave Mr. Boyce(P40570) leave of absence for 5 days, to pay a visit in the country.
Gave Mr. Wirt(P32022) leave of absence for two weeks, to visit home.
Shands (uniform)
* Mr Shands(P21960) had been reported by the Proctor(P43659) as [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform on Sunday (10th)_ when inquired of by the Chairman(P24182), said that he did not think he had been out of uniform_ that if he was, it was unintentionally_
December 23rd (Sat)
Gave Mr. Gibson(P31224) leave of absence until Thursday next, to visit home.
Gave Mr. Burrus(P31276) leave of absence for few days, to visit home.
Gave Mr Maupin(P26132) leave of absence for four days from tomorrow, to visit home
Wood. D.
Gave Mr. Drury Wood(P23304) leave of absence for few days, to visit home.
Gave Mr. Roberts(P26892) leave of absence for a week, to visit home.
Gave Mr. Barton(P30856) leave of absence for a fortnight, to visit home.
Gave Mr. Lomax(P23747) leave of absence for a fortnight, to visit home.
December 24th
Harris W.P. &&
Gave Messrs W.P. Harris(P26162), H. Cook(P23450), Burnet(), & M.T.C. Johnston(P34949) leave to ride in a sleigh.
Gave Mr. Glascock(P34580) leave of absence to pay a visit in the country until Wednesday, next
December 25th
Gave Mr. Woodville(P27310) leave of
absence for a week to visit Richmond(PL4234) in company with his father.
Powell A.H. &&
Gave Messrs Alfred H. Powell(P40958), Powell(P36926) , Macon(P37934), & M.T.C. Johnston(P34949) leave of absence for four days, and to attend a dancing party in Orange County(PL4264).
December 26th.
Mr. Townes(P31476) was reported by the Prcotor(P43659) the 22nd as having bought a pair of black pantaloons. The Janitor(P44285) being ill, I had not been able to see until today. He stated that he had bought them as dark grey, and believing them to be uniform. Upon examination I found them to have scarcely a particle of grey in them, and certainly [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] not fairly to be accounted uniform. Mr. Townes consented to exchange them for a pair properly uniform
gave Mr. Hamm(P35903) leave of absence for four days, to pay a visit in the country.
December 28th
Gave Mr. Dodson(P38103) leave to ride on horse, to visit a family in the neighborhood.
Moore. (uniform)
Mr. Moore(P38129) applied for leave to be out of uniform at a party at Prof. Davis's(P33195). Refused on the ground that he had not, as he confessed, purchased a uniform suit. He was furthermore, required to comply with the law in this respect.
December 29th
Inge (uniform)
Gave Mr. Inge(P31585) leave to be out of uniform as to coat at a party at Prof. Davis(P33195). He stated that his uniform coat had been torn, and that had sent it to the tailor's in time, but had not been able to get it repaired_
Fort (uniform).
Mr. Fort(P28519) applied for leave to be out of uniform as to coat at a party at Prof Davis's(P33195). Refused on the ground that he had not used proper diligence in furnishing himself with a uniform coat. Required, moreover, to comply with the law in this respect.
Gates. & &
Gave Messrs S.P.(P23773) & A.R. Gates(P32308), Shields(P27155), and Keyes(P26827) leave to be present at, and contribute to a dancing party in the
December 30th
Johnston J.W. (Uniform)
Mr. J. W. Johnston(P28784) having been reported by the Proctor(P43659) as having violated the [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] uniform law in regard to vest & pantaloons, and having been called before the Chairman(P24182), excused himself on the ground, that, although attending lectures by temporary consent of the faculty, he did not feel himself bound to conform to this law. He was reminded by the Chairman(P24182) that this was one of the conditions on which he had been for a time permitted to attend lectures without matriculating, and that he could not be exempted from it. He promised compliance.
English (uniform)
Mr English(P26348) was reported by the Proctor(P43659) as having been entirely [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform in Charlottesville(PL4204) yesterday. He was sent for, and his excuse not being deemed satisfactory, but assurances of future observance of the law having been given by him, he was admonished by the Chairman(P24182).
Caperton. (uniform)
Mr. Caperton(P22278) having been reported by the Proctor(P43659) as having been [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform in Charlottesville(PL4204) yesterday in regard to coat & pantaloons, was sent for. He stated that he was suddenly called, as he was returning from lecture to his boarding house, to see his father in Charlottesville(PL4204), and had not time to change his dress, his father being about to leave in the stage. He was [EVENT: Exception:Granted ] excused _ but reminded of his duty in such case to report himself to the Chairman(P24182).
Hackett. (uniform).
Mr. Hackett(P24796) having been reported by the Proctor(P43659) as having been [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform in respect to pantaloons yesterday in Charlottesville(PL4204), stated when called before the Chairman(P24182), that he did not intend to violate the law, considering that the pantaloons which he wore were uniform. The Chairman(P24182) decided that they were not so, and admonished him not to repeat the violation of the law.
January 1st 1838
The Chairman(P24182) complied with the resolution of the Faculty of the 31st ulto. requesting him to inquire into the cases of students attending lectures without having matriculated.
Jordan & Battey (admonished).
Admonished Messrs Jordan(P24670) & Battey(P27407) as the resolution of the Faculty required.
January 2nd
Admonished, & inquired into the
the cause of the inattention of the following students, as required by resolution of the Faculty at their monthly meeting: Viz: Strother(P37901), Smith(P22844), Edmunds(P27890), Pegram(P31307), Binford(P35678), J. H. Harrison(P30891), Heriot(P29381), Harris W. J.(P24544)
January 3rd.
Gave Mr. Inge(P31585), having the consent of his father, & Professors, leave of absence from the University(CB0001) for one month.
Gave Mr. G. W. Carr(P26997) leave of absence for some weeks, on account of ill health.
January 4th
Gave Mr Bannister(P31394), leave of absence for 10 days, to visit home.
January 6th
Gave Messrs Hairston(P41505), Stamps(P35033), Watkins(P22125), & Gibson(P31224) leave to ride in a hack to visit Monticello(PL8532).
Gave Mr. S.P. Gates(P23773) leave to visit Washington City(PL4211), and to be absent for a fortnight.
Examined the Patron's(P43659) books as the law of the Board of Visitors(CB0042) inquires.
January 8th
Messrs Williams(P37019) & Beaman(P33977), who left the University(CB0001) Dec 9th without leave returned, & reported themselves to the Chairman(P24182). Their case referred to the Faculty.
Mr. B. B. Minor(P29737) was reported by the Proctor(P43659) as being [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform at Church yesterday, as to vest. His excuse being deemed unsatisfactory, his case was referred to the Faculty.
Mr Townes(P31476) was reported by the Proctor(P43659) as [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform yesterday at church as to pantaloons_ The excuse offered being that his pantaloons (which the Chairman(P24182) had before decided to be out of uniform in his opinion,) were dark gray uniform, his case was referred to the faculty.
Mr Boyce(P40570) having been reported by Prof Davis(P33195) as [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to coat & pantaloons in Charlottesville(PL4204) friday last, and his excuse not being deemed satisfactory, his case was referred to the faculty.
Mr. Whiting(P25952) was reported by
the Proctor(P43659) as [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform yesterday at church as to vest. His cause being deemed not satisfactory, his case was referred to the faculty.
January 10th
The Proctor(P43659) reported that there was last night a large supper party of students in the basement room of the 'old library'(PL8605), the key of which had been obtained from the bell ringer Lewis(P44651)_ that the entertainment was given in part by Mr. B. Tucker(P30144) , and that Mr Peyton(P29059) was one of the students present. The case referred to the faculty.
Gave Messrs Hairston(P41505), Stamps(P35033), Montague(P25123), Edmunds(P27890), Norris(), Roberts(P26892), & Binford(P35678), & conditionally to Mr. Dodson(P38103), leave to be present at & contribute to a dancing party in Charlottesville(PL4204), assurance being given that only this number of students, were to be invited to subscribe, and the subscription being limited.
January 11th.
Wrote, in accordance with the resolutions of the faculty, to the parents of Messrs B. Tucker(P30144), & W.W. Boyce(P40570).
January 12th.
I obtained information this morning that Messrs Hackett(P24796), Cooke (M.)(P41382), Wood() ; Russell(P22526), & Early(), had attended a dancing party in Charlottesville(PL4204) last night. They were sent for, and their excused not being deemed satisfactory, their case was reserved for the consideration of the Faculty.
Gave Mr. Dodson(P38103) leave of absence for ten days, to visit home.
Gave Mr Ross(P22902) leave of absence for six days, to visit his relatives in Petersburg(PL4227).
Gave Mr. J. H. Harrison(P30891) leave of absence for ten days, to visit home.
Sent for Mr. Hairston(P41505) & others to inquire into the reasons of their attending the party in Charlottesville(PL4204), when the condition that only a specified number were to be invited, had been not fulfilled. They all assured me that they were not aware when they went that this was the case.
(Jan. 13th) Mr Keyes(P26827) applied for leave to go to Charlottesville(PL4204) out of uniform as to panta-
His reason not being deemed satisfactory, the application was refused.
Wood. D. (uniform)
Met Mr Drury Wood(P23304) in Charlottesville(PL4204) yesterday [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to pantaloons. The violation seeming from his statement to be unintentional, he was merely admonished to be more careful for the future.
Meeting of faculty called - not a quorum.
A meeting of the Faculty was called to consider the cases of Messrs Hackett(P24796), Cooke(P41382), Early() , Woods(), and Russell(P22526), (Mentioned yesterday), but a quorum was not obtained.
January 15th (Monday)
Hackett complaint of washing.
Mr Hackett(P24796) complained that his washing is done badly, & he that he has lost some articles, and asked to have it done out and deduction made. Finding upon inquiry that he had already put out his washing, he was informed that the case would not be considered. Mr H boards at Mrs Gray's(P43865) Hotel(PL8436).
Bayly complains of washing.
Mr Bayly(P29866), a boarder of Mrs Gray's(P43865)(PL8436), complained that his washing was done badly, and that his clothes were torn, & some lost. Referred to the Faculty. The Proctor(P43659) meantime directed to examine into the ground of complaint of against the manner in which the washing is done at Mrs. Gray's Hotel. He reported that he found no just cause of complaint. That many of the clothes of the students were mot marked, and some shirts were torn from being of cotton and much worn.
Eppes complains of fare &
Mr Eppes(P32047) complained of the fare at Mr Conway's(P43888) Hotel(PL8432), more especially at the breakfast - that the coffee was not well chared, the biscuits not in sufficient quantity &.
Gave Mr G. P. Spence(P40454) leave to occupy a room for a few days in the University(CB0001), he engaging to conform to that laws. He expects to matriculate, but waits for directions from his uncle in Washington city(PL4211).
Jan 17 Gave Mr M T C Johnston(P34949) leave of absence from the University(CB0001) for 2 or 3 days on account of his health.
Gave Mr Hare(P35699) leave to visit in the country until tomorrow.
Gave Mr Maupin(P26132) leave of absence for five days to visit home.
Proctor's report of the
The Proctor(P43659) reports that he visited
breakfast at Mr Conway's Hotel
Mr Conway's(P43888) hotel(PL8432) this morning as directed by the Chairman(P24182), and examined the breakfast. That he found it good: -- that the biscuits were in a fair proportion to the other varieties of bread required by the bill of fare. -- that the rolls were pretty good, but very slightly sour: -- that the coffee was tolerably good, and the corn bread good, As it was believed that the Proctor(P43659)'s visit and warning would remedy the matters subject of just complaint, no further action was taken.
Jan 18
Battle and Hardwicke.
Gave Messrs Battle(P36707) and Hardwicke(P27412) leave of absence for three or four days to visit the Weyer's Cave(PL7328).
Gave Mr Stapler(P39021) leave to go into a tavern in Charlottesville(PL4204).
Jan 19
Gave Mr Joynes(P43746) leave of absence for six days, to visit Richmond(PL4234).
Jan 20
Gates R.C.
Gave Mr R C Gates(P23305) leave of absence for two weeks, to visit Washington(PL4211).
Gave Mr Wright(P25889) leave of absence for two weeks, to visit Washington(PL4211).
Early, Wm L.
Gave Mr. Wm. L. Early(P42190) leave of absence until Sunday afternoon to pay a visit in the country.
Harrison D.M.
Gave Mr D M Harrison(P23946) leave of absence for seven or eight days to visit home.
Jan 22
Gave Mr Douthat(P26663) leave of absence until tomorrow evening, to pay a visit in the country.
Tucker B
Gave the like leave to Mr B Tucker(P30144).
Fac. Meeting called.
A meeting of the Faculty, called to consider the case of discipline before mentioned, (Jan 12th), and several applications requiring their action. A quorum not in attendance. Proff. Davis(P33195), Roger(P43658), Griffith(P43661), with the Chairman(P24182), present.
January 23rd
Gave Mr Edmunds(P27890) leave of
absence for two weeks, to visit Richmond(PL4234).
Clay C.C.
Gave Mr C C Clay(P30094) leave of absence for two weeks to visit Washington city(PL4211) & Philadelphia(PL4362), on account of health.
January 24th
Gave Mr Strother(P37901) leave of absence for two weeks to visit Washington city(PL4211) & on account of his health.
Received information by a letter from a citizen of Charlottesville(PL4204) that Mr Ragland(P32763) had visited a tavern (Brown's)(PL9001) in Charlottesville Thursday night last in a state of [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking ] intoxication, that he behaved there indecently, and in a quarrel with a person in the bar room, produced a [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns ] pistol.
Mr Ragland being sent for admitted indirectly, although he refused to answer directly, all the facts charged._ The case referred to the Faculty.
January 25th
Proctor's report in relation to dogs.
The Proctor(P43659) having been yesterday directed to inquire who were the owners of several dogs frequently seen upon the Lawn(PL8427)(PL8427), and seemingly the property of students, reported that he had ascertained that Messrs B.B. Minor(P29737) & B Tucker(P30144) ketp each a dog in the precincts.
Minor B.B.
Mr B. B. Minor(P29737) being sent for admitted that he owned a slut, but that he considered her as belonging to Mr Bonnycastle(P43623), (in whose family he resides), for the session_ & that she was kept on Mr B's let, as he had considered it, with Mr Bonnycastle's Consent.
B Tucker
Mr B Tucker(P30144) stated that he owned a puppy, but that it was kept out of the precincts.
Instructions to the Proctor
Instructed the Proctor(P43659) to give notice that all dogs within the precincts, for which no owner could be found, would be shot, unless removed immediately.
January 26th
Davies &C &c
Gave Messrs Davies(P36470), Battle(P36707), Stapler(P39021), Mayo(P33301), & Muldrow(P28848), leave to visit Monticello(PL8532), and to ride on horse, or in
a hack.
Minor B.B.
Having inquired of Mr Bonnycastle(P43623), I was informed by him, that he did not assume the ownership for the time of Minor's dog(P29737), and that he had nothing whatsoever to do with the matter of keeping it.
January 27th
Minor B.B.
Mr Minor(P29737) being again sent for explained how he had been led into a mistake as to the keeping of the dog, and engaged to remove it immediately.
January 29th (Monday)
Proctor's report of violation of uniform law
The Proctor(P43659) reported as being [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform yesterday at Church, the following students, Viz:
M. Nelson(P38502), as to vest
" Hamm(P35903) " vest
" Purnell(P40635) " vest
Mr. Nelson(P38502) admitted that he had been out of uniform _ but said it was because he had not a uniform vest fit to wear. Upon enquiry acknowledged that he had bought lately the vest which he wore on Sunday to Church; but stated that he had done it through ignorance of the law forbidding it. -- He was admonished by the Chairman(P24182), and forbidden to wear the vest which he had purchased on any occasion -- and further required to procure a uniform vest.
The Janitor(P44285) was not abt. to find Messrs Purnell(P40635) & Hamm.(P35903)
The Janitor(P44285) was sent to examine into the condition of the Urinaries, one of which had been complained of as filthy by Prof. Tucker(P43619) _ He reported that they were not nicely kept, but that wore in better condition than usual. The Proctor(P43659) instructed to give attention to this subject.
Purnell &Hamm
(January 30th) Mr Purnell(P40635) & Mr. Hamm(P35903) being again sent for, stated that they had not been out of uniform at Church on Sunday.
January 30th.
Tucker. B.
Give Mr B Tucker(P30144) leave to ride this aft: on horse.
February 1st
Gave Mr Ragland(P32763) leave to spend the time of his [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension ] suspension at his grandfather's in Louisa County(PL4790). (See Resol: of Fac): and wrote to his guardian informing him of his ward's suspension.
Seabrooke & Balch
Wrote communicating to the parents of Messrs Seabrooke(P40686) & Balch(P24744) respectively the resolutions of the Faculty in regard to their sons.
Gave Mr. Goode(P22449) leave of absence for one week to visit home.
Having obtained information this morning that Mr Ross(P22902) kept a puppy within the precincts, he was sent for. He stated that he had already made arrangements to have him removed, and had been disappointed by the person who had engaged to take him away. Engaged to have the dog removed to-morrow. Was admonished by the Chairman(P24182) in regard to his violation of the law.
Brown R. L.
Having obtained information that Mr Rich. L. Brown(P28030) kept a dog within the precincts, he was sent for and admonished of his violation of the law. He mentioned that had been endeavoring to find some one to take away the dog, and would engage to have him removed in a day or two.
February 3rd
Gates S.P. & Shields
Gave Messrs S.P. Gates(P23773) & Shields(P27155), the weather being inclement & the roads almost impassable leave to ride to Charlottesville(PL4204) on business in a hack.
Gave Mr Gibson(P31224) leave to be absent from the University(CB0001) until tomorrow morning, to visit a private family.
Gave Mr Alfred Powell(P40958) leave of absence for 4 days.
February 6th
Carson & Watts S.A. (uniform)
Sent for Mr Carson(P28664) & Mr Watts S.A.(P24989), who were met by me yesterday on the way from Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform, the former as to pants, the latter as to vest.
Mr Carson(P28664) stated in excuse, that he had considered his pantaloons (striped grey) uniform. He was informed of his error, and
admonished of his duty in regard to the law.
Mr Watts(P24989) stated that had left home without attending to the fact that his vest was not uniform, and that he had no intention to violate the law _ and promised to be more careful for the future.
Balch(P24744) & Browne (J.S)(P28383) - uniform
Sent for Messrs Balch(P24744) & Browne (J.S)(P28383) who were seen yesterday by me in Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform, both as to coat. They both gave in excuse, that the coats which they had on when seen by me in Charlottesville(PL4204) were overcoats. That they considered that they would be allowed to wear such coats, since they had been made too small in the sleeves to be put on over their uniforms, and the weather was cold. They were informed by the invalidity of their excuse, and admonished to be more careful to comply with the law.
Early. W. T._uniform.
Sent for Mr. Wm. T. Early(P37882) who was seen by me yesterday in Charlottesville(PL4204) entirely [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform. He gave in excuse that he had not yet obtained his uniform suit. This excused being deemed insufficient, as he had been already allowed sufficient time to obtain his uniform, he was reprimanded, and informed that if he did not immediately procure a uniform suit, he would brought before the Faculty for a double violation of the law.
Hackett. &. reprimanded
The case of Mr. Hackett(P24796) & others, who had violated the laws by being present at & contributing to a party in Charlottesville(PL4204) without leave, having been referred by the Faculty, upon consultation, to the discretion of the Chairman(P24182), they were reprimanded by him. (See Minute for Jan. 12th).
February 7th
Powell S._failed to furnish certificate &c
Sent for Mr. S. Powell(P36926) to inquire into the cause of his failure to furnish the certificate required by the Faculty as the condition of his matriculation. His reason being deemed satisfactory, additional time was allowed him.
Hotel (Mrs. Gray's washing)
(I omitted to mention under thd date of Feb. 3rd, that I visited Mrs. Gray's(P43865)hotel(PL8436), and personally examined into the grounds of complaint as to the washing done there for students. I found that the washing was generally well done.)
February 12th
Proctor's report of windows broken in Mr. Guerrard's room
The Proctor(P43659) reported that part of the sash of the window of Mr. Guerard's() room had been broken out, and that there were some indications of a supper or other party having been held there. He subsequently reported that the window had been broken by a servant, who waits on their & the adjoining rooms, leaping through it on being threatened with a beating be some one, whom he understood to be Mr. Hackett(P24796).
Mr. Guerard() stated, upon being interrogated by the Chairman(P24182), that the window was broken in the way reported by the Proctor(P43659) that the servant was only threatened, and not by himself_ that no party had been held in his room.
Hackett reprimanded
Mr. Hackett(P24796) being sent for admitted that it was he by whom the servant was threatened, and that he did intend to inflict chastisement on him. Stated this was because the servant had again & again refused to cleanse his boots Sunday morning_ He was reprimanded & required to have the window repaired at his own expense.
February 13th
Proctor's report of dormitory improperly occupied.
The Proctor(P43659) reported that a dormitory on the Western range(PL8651) was occupied by Mr. Easton(P47272), the writing master. He was instructed to inform Mr. E. that his occupation of the room was not allowable, and to require him to remove.
Having subsequently obtained information that Mr. E. had been led to occupy the dormitory through misapprehension; & that some days of the which he had engaged to give lessons to some students, on the faith of Mrs. Conway(P44225) that he might occupy the room: and that it would otherwise be difficult for those students to complete the course of lessons, I consented to tolerate his occupancy for a few days.
Barton & Tucker_ Leave to ride in hack
Gave Mssrs. Barton(P30856) & Tucker(P30144) leave to visit Charlottesviille in a hack, (the weather being bad) to obtain the services of a dentist.
February the 14th
Ridley, Ro. Complaint
Mr. Ridley (Robt.)(P41670) having complained that his bed_clothing was insufficient, the Proctor(P43659) was instructed to visit his room, and, if it was found necessary, see the Hotelkeeper, and require additional clothing for the bed to be furnished.
February 15th
Mr Russell(P22526) complained that he had lost two pair of socks, which he had sent out to be washed. The Proctor(P43659) having been instructed to enquire into the cause of this loss, reported that the name of Mr. Russell and that of another student boarding at the same hotel having the same initials, the socks had been misplaced. The socks were restored to Mr. Russell.
Feb. 16th(c. 9 o'clock p.m.)
Saunders, &c gaming
Being informed by the Janitor(P44285) that he had seen some indications of a drinking or other party at the room occupied by Messrs. J. H. Harrison(P30891) & Saunders(P41576), I sent for the Proctor(P43659) & with him proceeded to ascertain the accuracy of the report. The Proctor(P43659) having satisfied himself that there was playing at cards in the room, & probably betting, he was directed to enter the room. He found within evidence of card playing, and of betting. Of the persons in the room he recognized Messrs. Saunders, Balch(P24744)(P24744), & Kirk(P25245). The rest escaped through the window. One of those, by his person and other circumstances, the Chairman(P24182)(P24182) recognized to be Mr. Ross(P22902).
(17th) These gentlemen being sent for and interrogated, acknowledged that they had been playing at cards, and for a small stake each game: except Mr. Kirk, who declined answering directly, but intimated that he had not been engaged in the game. The Proctor(P43659) considered that Mr. Kirk's situation & demeanor when found in the room, were consistent with the supposition of his innocence. The case was referred to the Faculty.
Mr. J. H. Harrison(P30891) being sent for, stated that he had been absent from his room att the evening, and was not around until after the room had been by the Proctor(P43659)s, that a game of card had been
played there_that he had always remonstrated against it when they had been introduced in his room, and had never participated.
(17th Feb)
Glascock, A.R. Gates, & Browning
Gave Messrs. Glascock(P34580), A.R. Gates(P32308), and James M. Browning(P25967), leave to visit a friends family in the country until Sunday evening.
Early. W. T. leave of absence
Gave Mr. W. T. Early(P37882) leave of absence for four days to visit home on business.
"Washington Soc:" (Oration &
Having learned that the Washington Society intended to observe the 22nd of this month by an oration to be delivered by one of its members in the room of the Jefferson society, the other (Jeff.) Society being invited to attend, it was deemed proper to inquire into the matter, &take suitable measures to prevent the violation of the enactment of the board of Visitors(CB0042) in respect to the delivering of orations within or without the precincts. I spoke with members of the Society, and received assurances that the Society did not wish to violate the law
Upon consultation with the Faculty, and a committee of the Washington Society having waited upon me to learn the views of the Faculty, I informed the Society through them 1) that there would be no suspension of lectures on the 22nd. 2.) That the Faculty would feel themselves justified in not interferring only in the event that the invitation to attend the delivery of the oration was extended only to the members of the Jefferson Society_ and that the Society was convened to hear the Oration at an hour that would not interfere with the lectures. 3)That the Faculty would regard a differend course as a violation of the law, and a perversion of the public rooms occupied by the Societies from the objects for which their use was granted.
Feb. 19th
Lomax, & leave to ride in hack
Gave Messrs Lomax(P23747), S.P. Gates(P23773), Battle,(P36707) and Norris , leave to ride to Charlottesville(PL4204) in a hack, on business, the roads being almost impassable.
Pickens. leave of absence.
gave Mr. Pickens(P35746) leave of absence for three weeks to visit Washington City(PL4211).
Cook. H. F. (hack)
Having ascertained last evening that Mr. H. F. Cook(P23450) came into the University(CB0001) in a hack, his excuse, Viz. that he had called to ask the Chairman(P24182)'s leave but did not find him in, not being deemed satisfactory, he was admonished.
Balch(P24744) & Saunders allowed to change their residence
Being informed by Messrs Balch(P24744) and Saunders(P40686) (lately suspended) that they would not be able to obtain accomodations at Mr. Bococks, the place assigned for their residence by the resolution of the Faculty, and the Proctor(P43659)'s representation ; I directed a written communication to the members of the Faculty, and their consent having been given, allowed these gentlemen to change their residence to Mr. Tyler's tavern.
Mr. Strother(P37901), who had obtained leave of absence for two weeks & overstaid his time a week, having returned, reported himself, & the cause assigned by him for his delay appearing reasonable, he was excused.
Ambler(P31858)_ complains of the butter at Mrs. Gray's(P43865)
Mr. Ambler(P31858) complained that the butter furnished by his hotel-keeper was rancid & unfit for use, and this had been the case for a week._ The Proctor(P43659) was directed to inspect the butter at Mrs. Gray's(PL8436) and report as to its quality.
Mr. Battle(P36707) was permitted to pay a visit at Mrs. Clark's, returning this evening. He gave assurance that he would violate no law.
Feb. 20th.
Proctor's report of the butter at Mrs. Gray's
The Proctor(P43659) reported that he had inspected the butter at Mrs. Gray's(P43865) hotel(PL8436), and that although it was not rancid, he did not consider it good. It was butter, and not well made originally. Mrs. Gray stated to him that it was impossible at the present time to obtain fresh butter _ that this was the best she had been able to get _ The matter was laid over for the present.
Inge. S. leave to withdraw
Gave Mr. Inge leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001), by consent of his father, and with the concurrence of his professors.
Parents of Messrs. Balch, Ross & Saunders written to.
Wrote to the parents & guardians of Messrs. Balch(P24744), Saunders(P40686), and Ross(P22902), communicating the resolution of the Faculty.
February 21st
Marshall F.
Mr. F. Marshall(P31864) applied for leave to attend the ball on the 22nd inst. out of uniform as to coat. Alleged that he had unfit uniform coat. His reason not being deemed satisfactory, his application was refused.
Gave Mr. Soresby(P43000) leave of absence for five weeks, to visit Washington City(PL4211).
Feb. 22nd
Mr. Russell(P22526) applied for leave to appear at the ball this evening out of uniform as to coat, giving as the reason of his application, that he had his coat torn the day before yesterday, and had made every effort to get it mended in time, but without success. His request was granted, on condition that the coat worn should be one brought with him from home.
Mr. Hare(P35699) made a like application, on the ground that his uniform coat was not suitable for the occasion. His application was refused.
Gave Mr. Smith(P22844) leave of absence for 2 weeks to visit Washington City(PL4211) & on account of his health.
Glascock & Muldrow
The Proctor(P43659) reported that Mr. Glascock(P34580) had retained $50 of money lately received. _ and that Mr. Muldrow(P28848) had exceeded by a small sum the amount allowed by the enactments for clothing.
Harris W. J.
Gave Mr. Wm. J. Harris(P24544) leave of absence for a day or two to visit some friends in the Country.
Caldwell & Kirk
(24th) Gave Messrs. Caldwell(P28389) & Kirk(P25245) leave to pay a visit at Mrs. Clark's, returning tomorrow.
February 24th
Mr. Glascock(P34580) being sent for, admitted that he had retained $50 of money received lately, and stated that he had done so in order to pay for some articles purchased
which he supposed the Proctor(P43659) would not pay for, as oil & and the tailor's bill.
On referring to the law (prescribed Enactm.: pp. 57.52 39). I found some difficulty as to the penalty attached to this offence, of not depositing the whole of the funds a student may have received _ whether the proviso at the end of the was intended to exclude from present activity the Faculty. For this reason, and because Mr. Glascock(P34580) had further violated the law by contracting debts, the case was referred to the Faculty.
Mr. Muldrow(P28848) being for, stated that he was not aware that he had exceeded the sum allowed for clothing _ acknowledged that he had purchased since he matriculated, a vest not uniform, knowing that he was violating the law. Case referred to the Faculty.
Feb. 26th. (Monday)
Hackett uniform &
Sent for Mr. Hackett(P24796), whom I had met Saturday on his way from Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to coat. He gave as his excused, that he had called at the Chairman(P24182)'s office to obtain leave, but did not find him in. That his coat had form use become unfit to wear, and that he went to Charlottesville to order a new one. When asked if he had attended the ball on the 22nd, and whether in uniform _ he acknowledged that he had attended it out of uniform, but said that he had not purchsed any other than uniform clothes since he matriculated. The Case referred to the Faculty.
The Proctor(P43659) had reported Saturday that had seen Mr. Dewalt(P31031) wearing a pair of pantaloons [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] not uniform without the precincts, and that he had reason to suspect that they had been recently purchased. Mr. Dewalt(P31031) being sent for, stated that he had not purchased the pantaloons since his matriculation.
The Proctor(P43659) had reported some days since, that Mr. Pegram(P31307)had complained that he had lost several pocket-handkerchiefs sent out to be washed, and had been instructed by the Chairman(P24182) to make enquiry at the Hotel(PL8432) (Mr. Conway's)(P43888)
into the facts of the case. He reported today that Mrs. Conway(P44225) thought that their loss could only be accounted for by supposing that the kandkerchiefs were not marked - and stated that she was not able to say if they had been lost, or how. By Mr. Pegram's(P31307) desire the was was reserved for the consideration of the Faculty.
Proctor's report
The Proctor(P43659), in persuance of instructions from the Chairman(P24182), furnished a written report of the names of such students as were delinquient for board, and the sums for which they were in arrears. Referred to the Faculty.
Proctor's report
The Proctor(P43659) reported that he had reason to believe that the Messrs. Guerard(P26335)(P23893) had received money some five or three weeks since, which they had not deposited.
Gave Mr. Balc (lately suspended) at the request of his father, and as provided by the resolution of the Faculty, leave to return to his father in Washington City(PL4211).
Feb. 27th.
Tucker B.
Having received information from variouis sources that Mr. B. Tucker(P30144) was intoxicated at the ball given by the students the night of the 22nd inst:, and of which he was one of the managers, he was sent for. His sickness prevented the Chairman(P24182) from taking earlier notice of the case. He confessed that he had been intoxicated on the occasion referred to, and offered some explanation of the cause _ The case referred to the Faculty.
Guerard. G. H
Mr. G. H. Guerard being sent for, admitted that he had received $300 in a check. Stated that he drawn $40 of the money, and had applied this sum to pay a debt Contracted the last session. That he would deposit the rest with the Patron. _ The case referred to the Faculty.
Constable & Battey. Leave to visit at Mr. Bocock's
Gave Messrs Constable(P25255) and Battey(P27407) leave to pay a visit in the Country until tomorrow morning, at Mr. Bocock's _ They promise to violated none of the laws; especialy those prohibiting drinking vinous & spiritous liqours.
Feb. 28th
HOgs _ kept by Servants, &
Having obtained information by enquiry made of the Janitor, that several of the servants of the University(CB0001) kept hogs within the precincts, the masters fo the servants were informed of the fact, and the Proctor(P43659) was instructed to see that the hogs were removed without delay.
Guerard. Messrs._Proctor's report
The Proctor(P43659) reported that Mr. G. H. Guerard(P26335) had deposited $240 of the $300 which he had received; and that Mr. W. P. Guerard(P23893) had not deposited
Mr. W. P. Guerard(P23893) being called before the Chairman(P24182), stated that he had lent the $300 wh. he had received except a small part, and that he would deposit shortly, as soon as he could collect the money._ Case referred to the faculty.
March 1st.
Jordan. (uniform)
Mr. Jordan(P24670) having been sseen yesterday by the Chairman(P24182) on the way from Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to coat & pantaloons, was sent for. He stated that he thought his pantaloons in uniform: (They were of alternate dark and lighter stripes of gray, with a narrow strip of gray nearly white) _ and that his uniform coat had been torn, and had not been returned from the tailor's _ and that he thought this would be a sufficient excuse. He further stated in answer to a question from me, that he had not bought since matriculating any clothes not uniform, except the pantaloons, which he thought were uniform. His excsued was deemed unsatisfactory; but on his promising not to repeat the violation of the law, it was thought sufficient to admonish him, & require that should procure a uniform pair of pantaloons.
Lennard. (uniform)
Mr. Lennard(P30993) having been seen yesterday by the Chairman(P24182) on the way from Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to pantaloons, & being sent for: stated that he had bought the pantaloons under the belief that they uniform, and that he had no intention of violating the law. He was admonished, & required to procure a pair of uniform pantaloons _ those which bought as being entirely black.
Early. W. T. (uniform).
Mr. Early. Wm. T.(P37882) having been seen
by the Chairman(P24182) yesterday in Charlottesville(PL4204), entirely [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform, was sent for: and an excuse being offered, the case was referred to the faculty.
March 2nd
Brown. Ro. L.
Gave Mr. Rob. L. Brown(P40840) leave of absence for five or six days to visit home.
Resolution of faculty communicated.
Wrote to the father of Mr. B. Tucker (P30144) the resolution of the faculty in his case.
Gave Mr. Douthat(P26663) leave of absence until tomorrow to pay a visit in the country.
March 3rd
Gave Mr. Shands(P21960) leave of absence for tow or three weeks to visit home.
Clay . J. W.
Gave Mr. J. W. Clay(P35247) leave of absence for two weeks to visit Washington City(PL4211).
Resolution of Faculty communicated.
Wrote to the guardian of Messrs Guerard(P26335)(P23893) in accordance with the resolution of the Faculty.
Notice published in regard to deposit law.
Put up at the door of the Rotunda, and in the Proctor(P43659)'s office, a notice in regard to the law concerning deposits, & giving the decision of the Faculty as to the penalty attached to this law.
March 6th
In compliance with the Resolution of the faculty, reprimanded Messrs Cook(P23450), Battey(P27407), & others for habitual violations of the law regarding early rising; & wrote to their parents & guardians.
Battle & Macon
Gave Messrs Battle(P36707) and Macon(P37934) leave to dine at tavern in Charlottesville(PL4204) today, imposing as a condition that they shall taste neither vinous nor spiritous liquors
Gooch & Hungerford
Gave Messrs Gooch(P32133) and Hungerford(P39515) leave of absence from the University(CB0001) to might to visit in the country.
March 7th
Resolution of Faculty communicated
Wrote to the father of Mr.
J. H. Harrison(P30891) communicating the resolution of the Faculty in his case.
Proctor reports M. T. C. Johnston
The Proctor(P43659) reported yesterday that Mr. M. T. C. Johnston had received within a day or two, money which he had not deposited. Mr. J. was sent for, but the Janitor did not find him. He called today to say that he would deposit the money immediately.
M. Cooke (uniform)
Mr. Mordecai(P41382) was met by the Chairman(P24182) yesterday returning from Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to pantaloons. Having been sent for he stated that his violation of the law was unintentional, and from inadvertency _ that when he left his room he did not intend to go to Charlottesville, and it did not occur to him that his pantaloons were not uniform. He was admonished.
Early W. T.
Gave Mr. Wm. T. Early(P37882) leave of absence for six weeks to attend to some business.
Gave Mr. Williams(P37019) leave to ride into the country in a hired vehicle.
Gave Mr. Fort(P28519) leave of absence for ten days, on account of his health, the medical attendant advising.
Baldwin & others reprimanded for late rising.
In accordance with the resolution of the Faculty the Chairman(P24182) today reprimanded Messrs Baldwin(P43748), Mr. Cook(P23450), & others for their frequent violations of the law regarding early rising.
March 8th
Complaint in Mr. Conway's district as to changing the sheets, & washing out the rooms.
Messrs. Mr. M. Harrison(P36356), and R. Jones(P31126) complained that the sheets of their beds had not been regularly changed as the law prescribes, and that their room has not been washed out this session. They stated that like causes of complaint existed in regard to other rooms in the same district(PL8432). (Mr. Conway's)(P43888).
Mr. Conway being sent for, stated that the sheets in his district had been regularly changed according to the law, except when the weather was such as to render it impossible with any means.
he promised, to have them properly aired. Acknowledged that the rooms had not been regularly washed out. He promised to comply strictly for the future to the requisitions of the law in both respects.
Proctor instructed to inspect dormitories
The Proctor(P43659) was instructed to examine into the Condition of the dormitories in all the districts, and report and Cases of delinquiency.
Leave given Battle & other to ride in hack.
Gave leave to Messrs Battle(P36707), Pegram(P31307), M.T.C. Johnston(P34949), Gates S. P.(P23773), and Shields(P27155) to ride in a hack to Mr. Garthis in the neighborhood, to an evening party. Also to Mr. J. H. Harrison(P30891) to ride on horse.
Mar. 9th.
Leave given to Kirk & Wilkinson to rid on horse.
Gave Messrs Kirk(P25245) and Wilkinson(P40955) leave to ride into the country on horse, returning this evening.
Mr. Carson(P28664) having been met by the Chairman(P24182), Monday last, the 6th, on his way from Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform entirely, was sent for, but not found by the Janitor until today. He stated that his coat had been sent to the tailor's & not returned, and offered excuses for the violtaion of the law in the other articles of dress. His excuse being deemed unsatisfactory, he was reprimanded by the Chairman(P24182) and informed that the only reason for not reporting the case to the Faculty was found in his promise to comply with the law for the future.
Mar. 10th
Mr. Goode(P22449) having been met by the Chairman(P24182) Monday last, on his way from Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform in regard to vest, was sent for, but by a mistake of the Janitory, not found until today. He admitted that he was out of uniform as to vest, but stated that he had violated the law unintentionally. He was admonished by the Chairman(P24182).
Douthat & Barton. leave to ride on horse &
Gave Messrs Douthat(P26663) and Barton(P30856) leave to visit at Mr. Maupin's(P26132) in the Country until tomorrow, and
to rid on horse.
Gave Mr. Constable(P25255) leave to visit in the country, and ride on horse, returning this evening.
Proctor's report
The Proctor(P43659) furnished a report of students in arrear for board.
Mar. 12th
Battle & Hardwick.
Gave Messrs Battle(P36707) and Hardwicke(P27412) leave to visit in the country until tomorrow.
Instructions to the Proctor.
Instructed the Proctor(P43659) to write to the parents and guardians of the students in arrear for board.
Gave Mr. Seabrooke(P40686) leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001).
Gave Mr. Williams(P37019) leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001).
Gave Mr. Hare(P35699) leave of absence for two days.
Mar. 14th
Wickham. W.
Mr. W. Wickham(P26374) having been reported by the Proctor(P43659) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] as out of uniform yesterday in Charlottesville(PL4204) as to vest, his vest being silk, was sent for. He stated that he wore the vest he had on under the impression that it was allowed as dummer clothing, and that he brought it with him from home. He was admonished that silk vests, as likely to lead to extravagance, were not allowed as uniform in summer even.
Mr. P. K. Skinker(P41455), reported by the Proctor(P43659) as [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform yesterday in Charlottesville(PL4204) in wearing a velvet vest, was sent, & admonished. He stated by way of excuse, that he had violated the law inadvertently, and that he had brought the vest with him from home.
Mr. Joynes(P43746), reported by the Proctor(P43659) as having violated the [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] uniform law yesterday in Charlottesville(PL4204) by wearing a vest not allowed by the laws, was sent for: He stated that the vest he wore yesterday was bombazine, & cheap, and that he brought it with him from home. His vest considered by the Chairman(P24182) allowable under the law.
(Mar. 15th)
Strother. (uniform)
Mr. Strother(P37901), reported by the Proctor(P43659) as having [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] violated the uniform law the day before by wearing in Charlottesville(PL4204) a pair of black pantaloons, being sent for stated; that he had ordered a pair of uniform panataloons, and that when the tailor sent them up he wore them without examining particularly if they were gray. Admitted that they were very dark, and perhaps balck. Stated that they were not fine, and cheap. _ Mr. Strother forbidden to wear the pantaloons as uniform.
Baker. (uniform).
Mr. Baker(28421), reported by the Proctor(P43659) as having [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] violated the uniform law in regard to vest and pantaloons the day before yesterday in Charlottesville(PL4204), was sent for and admonished. He stated that he had violated the law inadvertently.
March 16th
Hare. (l. absence.)
Gave Mr. Hare(P35699) leave to visit home until his health should have been restored.
Battle & Harris. W. P.
Gave Messrs Battle(P36707) and W. P. Harris(P26162) leave to ride into the country today in a hired vehicle.
March 19th
Barbour. (l. absence.)
Gave Mr. Barbour(P38272) leave of absence for six days to visit Richmond(PL4234).
Mar. 20th
Brown. Richd. L. (l. absence).
Gave Mr. Richard. L. Brown(P28030) leave of absence for six or seven days.
Pendleton. W. K. (uniform).
(Mar. 20th). Mr. W. K. Pendleton(P33628), reported some days since by the Proctor(P43659) as having [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] violated the uniform law in regard to pantaloons in Charlottesville(PL4204), was not seen by the Janitor until today. He stated that he had violated the law through inadvertence. Admonished by the Chairman(P24182).
Mar. 21st.
Morris. J. (l. of absence).
Gave Mr. J. Morris(P29967) leave of absence for four or five days, to visit home.
Mar. 22nd
Col. Ward. (Fare &c complained of.)
Col. Ward(P43873) was reported yesterday afternoon by Mr. Hairston(P41505) and others for not complying with the bill of fare as to fowls and milk, the latter being furnished but once a day, and then not in sufficient quantity: and for supplying rancied butter, having indifferent cooking, and too few servants in attendance at table.
Col. Ward(P43873) being sent for, admitted that fowls were not furnished as often as required by the bill of fare, and said that it was because they could not be obtained. Also that milk was not furnished as the bill of fare required: that this also was owing to the impossibility of procuring it: that he had four cows, none of which at present give much milk, and that he had not yet been able to exchange them for fresh cows _ that he would make every effort to obtain the proper supply of milk & fowls. _ That the butter, although not fresh was the best he could procure, although he had gone over the mountains to obtain a supply: he hoped to remedyd this in a few days. _ That his cooking he had regarded as very good, his cook being a very superior one _ and that he had sufficient attendance at the table; but that the servants were often confused by frequent & importunate calls of the students.
The Proctor(P43659) having been directed to visit Col. Ward's(P43873) hotel(PL8435) this morning, reported _ that the attendance was sufficient;_ that the butter was somewhat rancid, but he thought it as good ad could be procured this season of the year, in any quantity. _ That the breakfast was generally good, excepting the tea & coffee, which he did not consider good; and the biscuits, which he thought 'flat' & heavy.
Col. Ward's(P43873) attention being called to the points in which his fare appeared insufficient, promised to exert himself to cause improvement.
David. W. G. &c (marbles).
Mr. W. G. Davies(P36470) & other seen by the Chairman(P24182) playing at marbles under the Colonnade on the Lawn(PL8427), were required to desist & admonished of the resolution of the Faculty on this subject.
Wilkinson (uniform)
Mr. Wilkinson(P40955) observed by the Chairman(P24182) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform in regard to hat, was sent for and admonished.
Smith. (exceeding l. of absence)
Mr. M. W. Smith(P22844) returned yesterday to the University(CB0001) having exceeded his leave of absence a fortnight. He stated that he had been detained unavoidably by the failure to received a remittance of money which when he left the University(CB0001) he expected to get in Washington City(PL4211). He was excused.
March 24th.
Nelson. (uniform)
Gave Mr. Nelson(P38502) leave to go to Charlottesville(PL4204) today out of uniform as to pantaloons, in order to have his pantaloons mended.
Shands (uniform).
Gave Mr. Shands(P21960) leave to visit in the country to day out of uniform as to pantaloons, his unif: pantaloons having been torn yesterday.
March 27th.
Lyle_(white hat)
Mr. Lyle(P36274), reported by the Proctor(P43659) as violating the law by wearing a white hat, was sent for. He stated that he considered it his right under the law to wear a white hat in summer. The Chairman(P24182)d decided that he had not the right, and required him to conform to the law: but at Mr. Lyle's request, referred the case to the Faculty.
Mr. Saunders(P40686) gave pledges & sureties as required by the resolution of the Faculty as the condition of his return to the University(CB0001).
Baron. (l. absence)
With the consent of the faculty gave Mr. Barton(P30856) leave of absence for two weeks to visit home on account of ill health.
Lomax. (l. absence)
Gave Mr. Lomax(P23747) leave of absence until tomorrow to conduct his roommate Mr. Barton(P30856) part of the way home.
Mar. 28th
Powell. A. (uniform)
Mr. Alfred Powell(P40958), met by the Chairman(P24182) Saturday [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform
as to coat, on his way from Charlottesville(PL4204). Being sent for this morning, he stated that he had torn his uniform coat a day or two previously, and had not got it again from the tailor's; & that he had gone to Charlottesville out of uniform without at the time thinking of the violation of the law. He Was admonished.
March 29th.
Carr. J. H. (l. of absence)
Gave Mr. J. H. Carr(P24424) leave of absence from the University(CB0001) for a week.
Montague (uniform)
Mr. Montague(P25123) having been seen by the Chairman(P24182) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform Tuesday last in Charlottesville(PL4204) in regard to coat, and upon being sent for, offering to excuse; and having acknowledged on enquiry by the Chairman(P24182), that the pantaloons which he was wearing & which were not uniform, were brought by him since his matriculation, his case was referred to the Faculty.
Macon. (uniform)
Mr. Macon(P37934), having been seen by the Chairman(P24182)s wearing a white hat, in violation [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] of the uniform law, was sent for and admonished.
Tucker & Carson. (uniform)
Messrs B. Tucker(P30144) & Carson(P28664) sent for and admonished for the same cause.
Hansberger. (unif.)
Mr. Hansberger(P28364) sent for & admonished on the same account.
Conway. complaint of his hotel.
Mr. J. S. Browne(P28383) complained of his hotel-keeper, M. Conway(P43888). that yesterday, when he (Mr. B.)(P28383) was sick, and could not attend at dinner, and sent to the hotel for his meal, what was supplied was not in proper time, nor of a suitable kind: _ that the bread morning & night (at breakfast & tea) is almost always sour & heavy, & the biscuits not well baked:_ that milk is not furnished according to the bill of fare being supplied but once a day ( at ten), and then not in sufficient quantity: _ that the coffee and tea are very bad, and generally complained of:_ and that the meats do not seem to him to be neatly served up.
March 20th
I called this morning in person at Mr. Conway's(P43888) hotel(PL8432) to inquire into the complaints made by Mr. Browne(P28383).
I was informed by Mrs. Conway(P44225), who sent out Mr. Brown's(P28383) dinner, that it was that usually sent to such as were slightly indisposed, Viz. bread & molasses & a glass of milk _ that it was sent rather late from a neglect on the part of the servant to ask for it._
The bread shown me as that which constituted part of the breakfast was very good.
The Proctor(P43659) who had been instructed to attend and inspect the breakfast this morning, reported, that the bread was good _ that the tea & coffee were pretty good;_ that the butter, tho' not fresh was tolerable _ as good he believed as it was practicable to obtain at this season _ that the milk was deficient in quantity & furnished but once a day _ table served neatly
Mr. Conway(P43888) said that he had found it impracticable to obtain good butter, and to furnish milk according to the bill of fare, altho' he had a sufficient number of cows_ some of them were nearly dry, and he had not yet been able to exchange them for fresh ones _ that he expected to do this very shortly, and supply milk in the quantity required. He engaged to make every effort to comply with the bill of fare, & remedy the deficiences complained of.
Of these deficiences, especially in regard to butter & milk, it was deemed by me proper to report to the Faculty, both in the case of Mr. Conway(P43888) & Col. Ward(P43873).
March 31st
Gave Mr. Shields(P27155) leave to ride into the country on horse.
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Physical Assault ] I received information yesterday, which was today confirmed by the Proctor(P43659), that Mr. Wright(P25889), in an affray with Mr. Hackett(P24796), had inflicted several wounds on the latter, with a dirk-knife. Mr. Wright being sent for admitted the fact, but stated that it was done in self-defence.
The case referred to the Faculty.
April 2nd (Monday)
Censured Mr. Wright(P25889) according to the resolution of the Faculty, and caused his knife to be surrendered to the Proctor(P43659).
Leave to students to dine at a tavern
Gave several students leave to dine at the tavern in Charlottesville(PL4204) today (Court day) on their pledging themselves not to partake of either vinous or spiritous liquors
April 3rd
Mr. Hackett(P24796) was sent for and admonished in pursuance of the resolution of the faculty, in regard to his inattention to his studies in the Junior Greek class.
Mr. Gibson(P31224), reported by Prof. Davis(P33195) as [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform at church on Sunday last in wearing a velvet vest, was sent for, and having offered some grounds of extenuation, was admonished in regard to his violation of the law respecting early rising.
Mr. Montague(P25123) was reprimanded, according to the resolution of the Faculty, and his guardian written to.
Mr. Donally admonished under the resolution of the faculty in regard to his violations of the early rising law.
Mr. Bayly(P29866), reported by Prof. Tucker(P43619) as having [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] violated the uniform law by wearing a white hat within the precincts, was sent for and admonished.
Gilmer & Marshall
Messrs F. Gilmer(P31348) & F. Marshall(P31864), reported by Prof. Emmet(P43625) as having violated the law by using firearms ( a fowling piece) withing the precincts, were sent for. They stated that they had not fired within the precincts, and they did not keep firearms: that the fowling piece was borrowed, & not from a student. _ Mr. Marshall admitted that he had had some powder in his room, not knowing at the time that he was violating the law. He was admonished.
Mr. Towles(P24008), reported by Prof: Davis(P33195) as having [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] violated the uniform
law in regard to hat yesterday in Charlottesville, was sent for and admonished. He stated that he had gone to Charlottesville(PL4204) to buy a uniform hat, and having nothing fit to wear, had borrowed a white hat.
Boyce (uniform)
Mr. Boyce(P40570), reported by Prof. Davis(P33195) as having [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] violated the uniform law in Charlottesville(PL4204) yesterday as to coat, was sent for. He stated that at the moment of leaving his room for town, he tore his uniform coat. Having before violated the uniform law, he was reprimanded.
Mr. Ambler(P31858) was reported by the Proctor(P43659) as having violated the law by dining at the tavern in Charlottesville(PL4204) yesterday. He was sent for, & in view of the extenuating circumstances stated by him, and of the fact that he had not partaken of any vinous or spiritous drinks, was merely admonished.
Mr. Ambler(P31858) having, moreover, been seen by the Chairman(P24182) yesterday in Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to vest, stated upon being enquired of, that he was under a misapprehension as to law, and supposed that his vest, which was silk, but cheap, and brought with him from home, was allowed as uniform. On this subject also he was admonished.
Barksdale & Gooch
Messrs Barksdale(P33511) and Gooch(P32133), reported by the Proctor(P43659) as having dined yesterday at a tavern in Charlottesville(PL4204), were sent for. They having offered circumstances of extenuation, and stated that they did not drink any thing vinous or spiritous, were merely admonished.
Spence. G. P.
Mr. G. P. Spence(P40454), who had applied to the Faculty for exemptions from the uniform law, on the ground that he was above 23 years old, and being refused by them, was reported by the Proctor(P43659) as [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform in Charlottesville(PL4204) yesterday in regard to coat.
Having been sent for, Mr. S. stated that he had written to the executive committee to authorize the exemption in his case, and was in daily expectation of an answer _ Under the circumstances of the case it was deemed advisable to defer action for the present.
Mr. Hamm(P35903), reported by the Proctor(P43659) as having been in Charlottesville(PL4204) yesterday [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to pantaloons, was sent for, and admonished. He stated that until the Proctor(P43659) mentioned it to him, he supposed that his pantaloons, which were grey with a stripe, were uniform.
Mr. Garland(P39716), having been seen yesterday by the Chairman(P24182) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform in Charlottesville(PL4204) as to pantaloons, was sent for, & admonished. He stated that he had regarded his pantaloons (drab cassimere) allowable as uniform in warm weather, and they were an old pair.
Brockenbrough. W.
Mr. Brockenbrough (Wm)(P29501) having been seen yesterday in Charlottesville(PL4204) by the Chairman(P24182), was sent for. He stated that he had very shortly before torn his uniform pantaloons, and had not been able to get them mended, and that the pantaloons which he wore were brought with him from home_ That at the time he thought his excuse sufficient. He was reprimanded, and informed that any further [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] violation of the uniform law by him would be reported to the Faculty.
Mr. Woods having been seen by the Chairman(P24182) yesterday in Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to vest, was sent for, and excused. He stated that he had lately bought the vest, which was black satin, under the belief that it was allowable for the summer _ that it cost $4.50 or $4.75 & that he wore it without he was violating the law. He was informed that the vest would not be admitted as uniform.
Gave Mr. Ross(P22902) leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001).
Gave Messrs H. F. Cook(P23450) and C. R. Gates(P23305) leave to visit Mr. Fort(P28519)
who is sick as Mrs. Clark's and to ride in a hired vehicle.
April 4th
Students reprimanded (early rising)
In pursuance of a resolution of the Faculty, reprimanded the following students for violations of the law regarding early rising, Viz.
Messrs., Dodson(P38103), (his guardian also written to).
& Townes(P31476):_
Students admonished (early rising)
and admonished the following Viz.
April 5th
Browne J. S. &c
Gave Messrs J. S. Browne, Robt. Ridley(P41670), Lennard(P30993), and Stamps(P35033), leave of absence for three days to visit Weier's Cave.
Manning, &
Gave Messrs Manning(P37110), Boyd(P34740), Heriot(P29381), and English(P26348), leave of absence for three days from tomorrow, to spend the time at Mr. Tyler's
April 6th
Mr. Baldwin(P43748) having been yesterday reported by the Proctor(P43659) as violating the law by keeping a dog within the precincts, was sent for. He stated that he had, at the beginning of the session , but the dog to Mr. Wm. Gilmer(P31224), and that he had been brought into the University(CB0001) by some one without his consent, and against his wishes_ That in the eight or ten days during which the dog had been in the University(CB0001), he had made repeated attempts to send him away: but that he had every time returned _ and that he would take care
to have him removed as soon as possible. Mr. B. was seriously admonished of the consequences of neglect and further delay.
Having obtained information through the Janitor that Mr. Jordan(P24670) had been absent from the University(CB0001) without leave one or more days of the last week, he was sent for. He admitted the fact, and stated that he had visited Mr. Hardwicke(P27412) at Mr. Bocock's on foot. that he went one day and came home the next, not intending to violate the laws. he was admonished.
Mr. Roberts(P26892) having been seen yesterday by the Chairman(P24182) in Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to pantaloons, was sent for, and his excuse being satisfactory, was reprimanded.
Mr. Heriot(P29381) having been seen yesterday in Charlottesvill(PL4204) by the Chairman(P24182) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to coat, and his excuse being unsatisfactory, was reprimanded.
April 9th
Powell. A.
Mr. Powell (A. H.)(P40958) having been seen by the Chairman(P24182) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to coat Thursday the 5th, in Charlottesville(PL4204), was sent for, but not seen by the Janitor until today. He stated that his coat had been sent to the tailor's & not returned: that he had occasion to visit Charlottesville, and was about to call on the Chairman(P24182) for leave to be out of uniform, but found that he was at lecture. Mr. Powell was admonished.
Smith. M.
Having obtained information that Mr. Smith(P22844) had gone out to Mrs. Clarke's without leave, he was sent for to inquire into the facts. He stated that he went out on Sunday, being himself in bad health, to visit Mr. Fort(P28519), who was sick at Mrs. Clark's intending to return: but finding Mr. Fort(P28519) very much indisposed, he was induced to remain until Tuesday morning on his account. His excuse was deemed sufficient.
April 10th
Mr. Richd. L. Brown(P28030), reported
by the Proctor(P43659) as having [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] violated the uniform law by wearing at Church on Sunday last pantaloons not uniform, was sent for and admonished.
Mr. Muldrow(P28848) was sent for and reprimanded for leaving the University(CB0001) without leave, and spending three days at Mr. Tyler's. He stated that he had called on the Chairman(P24182) to obtain leave, but didn't find him in his office:_ that the stage was just leaving with three friends who had obtained leave.
April 12th
Pendleton. W. K.
Gave Mr. Pendleton(P33628) leave of absence for four days, to visit home.
Sent for Mr. Montague(P25123), who had been seen yesterday by the Chairman(P24182) in Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to pantaloons. His excuse being deemed unsatisfactory, and having been before reprimanded for a similar violation of the law, his case was referred to the faculty.
Gave Mr. B. Tucker(P30144) leave of absence for three days to visit at Gov. Barbour's.
Gave Mr. Lomax(P23747) leave of absence for three days to visit at Mr. Maupin's(P26132).
Gave Mr. Barbour(P38272) leave of absence for three days to visit home.
April 13th
Gave Mr. Ambler(P31858) leave to be out of uniform today in Charlottesville(PL4204) as to vest.
Throckmorton & Ellis
Gave Messrs Throckmorton(P30222) & Ellis(P27968) leave to ride into the country today in a hired vehicle, returning this evening.
Gave Mr. Drew(P39843) leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001).
Spence. G.B.
Mr. G. B. Spence(P40454), being over twenty-three, but residing within the University(CB0001), and having the consent of a member of the executive Committee to his being [EVENT: Exception:Granted ] exempted from the uniform law, was excused for several [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] violations of
that law, and have given him to be out of uniform as to coat for a short time until the other members of the executive shall have been heard from. Mr. S. entered the University(CB0001) very late in the Session.
At night a considerable riot occurred from between 7 & 8 o'clock until between 11 & 12. The Colonnade on the both sides of the lawn(PL8427), & the arcades on both the E.(PL8650) & W. Ranges(PL8651), illuminated. Barrels of tar, 3 in number, taken from the depository the Proctor's(P43659) office, the door having been forced open, and burned on the Lawn(PL8427). The belfry broken open, and the bell rung from time to time until between 11 and 12 o'clock. Meanwhile a party, consisting of a considerable number, were employed in shouting, and attacking the houses of several professors (the Chairman(P24182), Prof. Rogers(P43658), & Prof. Blaettermann(P43621) chiefly, and it is said on good authority because of a vote given by them in the Faculty_ (Prof. Bonnycastle's(P43623) house(PL8466) was also was less violently assailed.) _ a few pistols were fired, and a quantity of fire crackers discharged at the doors & windows of Professors
The night being exceedingly dark, It was very difficult to recognize any one, even at a short distance. By observing them when retiring to their rooms, and by their voices, I thought I recognized Mr. Hackett(P24796), Mr. Keyes(P26827), & Mr. Gray(P24527), & learned that a drinking party had been held in Messr room and that Messrs Gray & Hackett(P24796) were intoxicated.
(14th) The Proctor(P43659) informed me that although he had not personal knowledge, he was satisfied by information derived from various sources, that the following students were engaged in the disturbances last night: Viz.
Battey(P27407) & Beaman(P33977),
Talley(P36522) & Lyte
J. H. Harrison(P30891),
Hardwicke & Norris.
also Davis , English(P26348) & Stapler.(P39021)
Further the Proctor(P43659) reported that he had evidence that Messrs Lyle(P36274), & Talley(P36522) were engaged the afternoon of yesterday as members of a drinking party at Mr. Murray's spring: and that Messrs Beaman(P33977) & Battey(P27407) had a drinking party at their room Thursday night, and that Mr. Hardwicke(P27412) was then intoxicated.
Hoping to obtain further information, the matter was laid over until Monday.
April 16th(Monday)
Of those reported as engaged in the riots &c on Friday night, and all of whom were summoned before the Chairman(P24182),* the following denied having participated in them: Viz.
Hansberger(P28364) & G. H. Guerard.(P26335)
Beaman(P33977), for himself & Battey(P27407). Denied also having had a drinking party in their room Thursday night.
Talley(P36522) _ but acknowledged that he drank at Murray's spring; denying, however, that he was at all intoxicated.
Lyle(P36274) _ except that had put up some candles. Acknowledged that he drank at Murray's spring, but denied having been intoxicated.
J. H. Harrison(P30891), without giving a direct denial, gave no satisfactory reasons to believe that he was not engaged.
*The evidence in regard to Messrs Davies(P36470), Stapler(P39021), & English(P26348) appearing to me either insufficient or inadmissable, they were not sent for.
The following refusing to answer, and the evidence appearing satisfactory, they were turned over to the Faculty: Viz.
W. P. Guerard(P23893), &
Norris. W.(P29148)
April 17th
Riotous conduct on the Lawn(PL8427).
From 8 o'clock to about 1/2 past 10, a few persons, not more perhaps than some six or eight, were engaged in riotous acts upon the Lawn(PL8427), shouting, firing pistols, ringing a bell, and in assaults upon Prof. Roger's house, of which they broke some of the windows by throwing stones against them. The night being very dark, the Proctor(P43659) was not called out by me at first, having little hopes of recognizing the rioters, who were masked_ and when I had determined to senf for him, before I could execute my purpose, the rioters dispersed. I waited too, expecting that he would come over, some disturbance being anticipated. [Hd did not hear until next morning that any disturbance had occurred}.
G. B. Spence
Mr. G. B. Spence(P40454) having obtained the consent of a second member of the Executive Committee to his [EVENT: Exception:Granted ] exemption from the uniform law, the leave to appear out of uniform was extended until the Faculty should be consulted.
Mr. conway _ reported
Mr. Conway(P43888) was reported by one of his boarders, Mr. V. Eppes(P32047), for having neglected to cause the sheets of the bed in his dormitory to be changed for 4 weeks; and as having omitted to have his room washed out for four or five week. _ The subject referred to the Faculty.
Mr. Pegram_reported by Proctor(P43659)
The Proctor(P43659) having reported that had reason to believe that Mr. Pegram(P31307) had violated the law requiring students to deposit their funds with the Patron, Mr. Pegram was sent for. He denied that had violated the law, having depositied all the funds which he had received.
April 20th
Lewis D. P. complaint of fare at Col. Ward's
Yesterday evening received from Lewis(P24641) a complaint in
regard to the fare at Col. Ward's(P43873) hotel(PL8435)_ that fowls are not furnished according to the bill of fare, not having been served up for four weeks: and that milk is furnished only once a day, and then only a tumbler full to each student.
The Proctor(P43659) was directed to inspect the fare at Col. Ward's hotel today, and make particular inquiries in regard to the subjects of complaint.
The Proctor(P43659) after inquiry & inspecting the dinner, informed me that fowls were not provided according to the bill of fare _ the hotel-kepper giving in excuse that they could not be procured:_ That milk also is not supplied according to the bill of fare _ the hotel-keeper giving in excuse, that his cows, although he had sufficient number, and good ones, did not supply the required quantity, a part of them having lately calved _ that he had not been able to obtain a sufficient supply, altho' he had purchased whatever he could in the neighborhood _ that he expected to have an abundance in some few days.
The Proctor(P43659) reported also, that the dormitories in Col. Ward's(P43873) district had not been washed out since about the middle of March_that the sheets in the of his district had been regularly changed. _ That Mr. Conway(P43888) had caused the sheets in his district to be changed a day or two after the Proctor(P43659)'s former report. _ The whole subject referred to the Faculty.
April 23rd (Monday).
Montague E. G. leave of absence.
Gave Mr. Montague(P25123) leave of absence for ten or 12 days to visit his brother-in-law in Cumberland County.
April 26th (Thursday)
Wood Drury leave of absence.
Gave Mr. Drury Wood(P23304) leave of absence for ten days from next
Saturday to visit Richmond(PL4234) in company with his father.
Morris. J. &c leave to dine at Tavern
Gave leave to Messrs J. Morris(P29967), Ambler(P31858), Throckmorton(P30144), Boyd(P34740), Glover(P42199), and Robertson(P30756), to dine at the tavern to day, on certain conditions & under certain pledges, especially that they would tast neither vinous nor spiritous liquors, nor any drink prepared with these.
April 27th
Banister(P31394). reported to Proctor(P43659)
The Proctor(P43659) informed me that he had very satisfactory information that Mr. Banister(P31394) frequently drank at Mr. Vowles' Tavern.
Mr. Banister(P31394) being sent for, & refusing to answer, the case was referred to the Faculty.
April 28th
Proctor(P43659)'s report of students out of uniform.
The Proctor(P43659) yesterday reported the following students as [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out uniform in Charlottesville(PL4204) the day before: Viz.
Whiting W. P.(P25952) as to coat & pantaloons.
Strother. J. A.(P37901) ...Vest
Lambeth, J. W.(P31842) ...pants.
Pendleton W. K(P33628).....pants
Gibson. W. E.(P31224) ...pants
Beaman(P33977) ...Pants.
These gentleman were sent for.
Mr. Whiting's(P25952) excuse, (that his caot was torn & unfit to wear,) not being satisfactory, he was seriously reprimanded.
Mr. Gibson's(P31224) excuse likewise being unsatisfactory, he was seriously reprimanded.
Mr. Lambeth's(P31842) excuse was deemed satisfactory.
Mr. Beaman's(P33977) excuse being unsatisfactory he was strongly reprimanded.
Mr. Strother(P37901) having been under a misapprehension, was admonished.
Mr. Pendleton's(P33628) excuse being such as to show that he did not intend a violation of the uniform law, he was merely admonished.
Stuart.C. J._uniform
Mr. C. J. Stuart(P24341) having been seen
yesterday by the Chairman(P24182) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform in Charlottesville(PL4204), and being sent for, stated that he had supposed that the coat which he wore ( a summer coat) was allowed by the law. He was admonished.
Stamps. uniform.
Mr. Stamps(P35033) having been seen yesterday by the Chairman(P24182) on his way to Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to coat, was sent for, and his excuse being unsatisfactory, he was strongly reprimanded.
Ranson, Tucker, & Ambler(P31858)_hack
I obtained information, through the Janitor, that Messrs Ranson(P23878), B. Tucker(P30144), and Ambler(P31858), had come from Charlottesville(PL4204) yesterday evening in a hack. After seeing them, & inquiring into the case, ti was referred to the Faculty.
May 1st. (Tuesday)
Resolution of the Fac. Communicated
Communicated the Resolutions of the Faculty in the cases of Messrs Gray(P24527), Boyce(P40570), Heriot(P29381), Montague(P25123), Ritchie(P40600), Russell(P22526), and Bannister(P31394).
May 2nd. (Wednesday).
Kirk &c reprimanded.
Reprimanded, and wrote to the parents & guardians of, Messrs Kirk(P25245), W. C. Wickham(P26374), Baker(P28421), Edmunds(P27890), Barbour(P38272), & Woodville(P27310), according to the Resolution of the Faculty.
Binford &c admonished.
Admonished the following students according to the resolution of the Faculty: Viz. Binford(P35678), Caldwell(P28389), Glover(P42199), Hansberger(P28364), Maxwell(P41828), F. Marshall(P31864), and Soresby(P43000).
Carson_inquired of_
Sent for Mr. Carson(P28664) as requested by the Faculty & inquired into the causes of his inattention in the of Mor. Philosophy. He promises amendment.
manning. _absences inquired into.
sent for Manning(P37110) as requested by the Faculty, and inquired into the cause of his absences for the lectures of the Prof. of Mor. Philosophy. He explained most of his absences satisfactorily.
Smith M. absences from lecture inquired into.
Sent for Mr. M. Smith(P22844)
to enquire into the cause of his uniform absence from lectures in all his schools. He stated that he had been prevented wholly by indisposition from attending to lectures or his studies, being incapable of doing it: that he would attend so soon as his health would allow him.
Strother. absences inquired into.
Mr. Strother(P37901), sent for on the , made the same statement wh: was confirmed by his medical attendant (Dr. Griffith).
Proctor(P43659)'s report of bread & coffee at Mrs. Gray's hotel.
The Proctor(P43659) having been yesterday instructed to visit Mrs. Gray's(P43865) hotel(PL8436) & examine the quality of the bread & coffee, both of which were the day before complained of by Mr. M. Cooke(P41382); reported to day, that he examined these articles at Mrs. Gray's table, and found them both very good. No further action taken at present.
Powell J.S._ leave to withdraw
Gave Mr. J. Sims Powell(P36926) leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001).
Tucker leave to ride
Gave Mr. B. Tucker(P30144) leave to ride into the country and back on a hired horse.
May 4th (Fridy)
Ambler(P31858). Leave to withdraw
Gave Mr. Ambler(P31858) leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001).
May 5th (Sat.)
Butler & Davies. leave to ride.
Gave Messrs. Butler(P33808) and W. G. Davies(P36470) leave to ride into the country on hired horses.
May 9th (Wedn:)
Gates S. P. _uniform
Mr. S. P. Gates(P23773) being reported by Prof: Davis(P33195) as [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform at Church on Sunday last in Charlottesville(PL4204), & being called before the Chairman(P24182), stated that he tore his uniform coat on Saturday, and could not have time to have it mended _ that he would not have gone without first asking the Chairman(P24182)'s consent, but that from that officer's indisposition he could
see him_ and that the coat which he wore to church was an old one. Mr. Gates(P23773) was admonished.
Gilmer. F. _uniform, &c
Mr. F. Gilmer(P31224) having been reported by Prof. Davis(P33195) as being [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform at Church on Sunday last in Charlottesville(PL4204), & being sent for, stated that his uniform coat being unfit to wear, he had worn another which upon enquiry he acknowledged that he had bought since he matriculated _ and stated by way of explanation that he had purchased it with his mother's consent, and without the intention of wearing it during the present session _ that his enducement to purchase it arose from meeting with it much cheaper than he would ordinarily obtain a coat, and from the fact that he would want such a coat at the end of the session, not intending to return again to the University(CB0001). This excuse being unsatisfactory. he was strongly reprimanded _ I considered his offense deserving of the action of the Faculty, but this was his first offense, and he assured me he would not once again violate the uniform law: under the circumstances I judged a reprimand would suffice.
May 10th
Harrison M. M. _uniform
Refused Mr. M. M. Harrison(P36356) leave to visit Charlottesville(PL4204) out of uniform as to coat: his reasons not being deemed sufficient.
May 11th
Chairman(P24182)'s letter to Judge Thompson
Wrote to Judge Thompson, presiding in the Superior Court now in session in Charlottesville(PL4204), informing him that the Sheriff had culpably failed to perform his duty in summoning to appear before the and jury certain students, to whom notice had been given according to our laws, and for
whom the grand jury had cased a summons to be issued _ and requesting him to institute inquiry into the conduct of the officer of the court, though neglect of his duty the Faculty were competely in a measured which they deemed it necessary to take in reference to the riots of apr: 13th. _ This letter was communicated the next day.
May 12th.
Roberts _ uniform
Mr. Roberts(P26892) having been seen to day by the Chairman(P24182) in Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to vest, was sent for, and stated that he thought a silk vest, such as he wore, was allowed. He was admonished.
Macon _ uniform
Mr. Macon(P37934) having been seen by the Chairman(P24182) today in Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform in regard to coat, & being sent for, acknowledged that his coat was not uniform, and that he had obtained it since he matriculated: but stated that his father ahd sent it to him from Richmond(PL4234). Mr. Macon having before Committed other violations of the uniform law, his case was referred to the Faculty.
Hairston, Gregory & Stamps _ leave to ride.
Gave Messrs Hairston(P41505), Gregory, and Stamps(P35033) leave to visit Monticello this afternoon on horse.
May 14th (Monday).
Proctor(P43659)'s report of Constable(P25255) &c out of uniform.
The Proctor(P43659) reported the following students [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] as out of uniform yesterday at Church in Charlottesville(PL4204): Viz.
Mr. Constable(P25255) as to coat.
Mr. Lambeth as to coat (summer coat)
Mr. Wilkinson(P40955) as to coat.
These gentlemen were sent for; but Mr. Constable(P25255) was not found by the Janitor.
Mr. Lambeth(P31842) stated that he was not aware that in wearing a summer coat he was violating the law. Amonished.
Mr. Wilkinson's(P40955) excuse being deemed unsatisfactory, his case was reserved for the consideration of the faculty.
Tucker, &c leave to be out of uniform.
The Chairman(P24182), considering their application reasonable, gave leave to the following students severally to appear in coats not uniform, (but which they had brought with them) at a party at Dr. Griffith's(P43661)(PL8446) this evening: Viz. B. Tucker(P30144), Pegram(P31307), Tulley, & Carter(P33554) _
May 15th
Proctor(P43659)'s report of students out of uniform.
The Proctor(P43659) reported the following students as [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform last evening at a party at Dr. Griffith's(P43661)(PL8446).
Viz. E. Mooore, as to coat,
J. Dodson(P38103), as to coat,
J. W. Johnston(P28784), as to coat,
Ch. Constable(P25255), as to coat_
The Following reported themselves, & were also reported by the Proctor(P43659): Viz.
Briggs(P29425), as to coat,
Boyd(P34740), as to coat,
Lyle(P36274), as to coat.
These gentlemen's cases were inquired into & referred to the Faculty.
Old. W. leave to dine at Tavern.
Mr. Old(P42357) applied for leave to dine to day in Charlottesville(PL4204) at the Tavern: and his application being deemed resonable was granted, on conditions.
Robertson &c leave to ride in hack.
Gave Messrs Robertson(P30756), Lyle(P36274), Tulley, and Stapler(P39021) leave to visit Monticello this afternoon in a hack.
May 16th
Wrote to parents or guardians of Mr. Jordan &c.
Wrote to the parent and guardians of Messrs Jordan(P24670), Johnston. J. W., Constable(P25255), Moore(P38129), Dodson(P38103), Boyd(P34740), Briggs(P29425), and Macon(P37934), communicating the resolutions of the Faculty in their cases respectively.
May 17th
Lomax leave of absence.
Gave Mr. Lomax(P23747) leave of absence for three days, to pay a visit in the coutnry on account of his health.
english _ leave to withdraw.
Gave Mr. English(P26348) leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001), he having the consent of his parent.
Montague _uniform
Mr. Montague having been seen yesterday by the Chairman(P24182) on
the way to Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to coat, and being sent for, stated that the coat he wore was a summer coat, and that he was not aware that he was violating the law. Mr. Montague(P25123) having been admonished more than once before for violations of the uniform law, was seriously reprimanded.
Mr. Reynolds(P42024) having been seen yesterday by the Chairman(P24182) on the way to Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to hat, was sent for and admonished.
The Chairman(P24182) refused leave to Mr. Dewalt(P31031) to visit Charlottesville(PL4204) out of uniform as to coat.
Peyton. leave to absence.
The Chairman(P24182) with the consent of the Faculty, gave Mr. Peyton(P29059) leave of absence for a fortnight to visit home on account of his health.
May 20th
Hansberger _uniform.
The Chairman(P24182) refused Mr. Hansberger(P28364) leave to visit Charlottesville(PL4204) out of uniform as to coat, his application not being deemed reasonable.
Refused Mr. Douthat(P26663) leave to attend Church in Charlottesville(PL4204) out of uniform as to coat, his application not being deemed reasonable.
May 21st (Monday)
Boyd & Manning_leave to withdraw.
Gave Messrs Boyd(P34740) and Manning(P37110) leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001).
May 23rd (Wednesday)
Complaint of the fare at Mrs. Gray's hotel.
Messrs M. Cooke(P41382), Woodis(P23713) and Russell(P22526), complained that the dessert at Mrs. Gray's today was insufficient in quantity & not suitable in quality. being rice a little sweetened, with a few sweetmeats.
(24th) Mrs. Gray(P43865) having been enquired of stated that the rice was less in quantity than she intended, a mistake having been made _ That it was well sweetened with loaf sugar, &c &c and that there was an abundance
of sweetmeats.
The Proctor(P43659) reported to me that other students had expressed thenselves to him as well satisfied with the dessert altho' some thought there was a deficiency in the quantity of rice.
Messrs Cooke(P41382) &c further complained that the attendance of servants at Mrs. Gray's(P43865) hotel(PL8436) was not sufficient, there being only two men and a little boy and girl.
The Proctor(P43659) having been instructed to inquire into the subject of this complaint, reported that the deficiency in the attendance arose from the sickness of one of Mrs. Gray's(P43865) dining room servants, and that Mrs. Gray promised to remedy it as soon as possible.
The Chairman(P24182) saw Mrs. Gray in person and informed her that it would be necessary to supply another servant for the dining room. She said that she had made every effort to hire a servant, but had failed.
Wickham W. C. and Hackett_ uniform.
Messrs W. C. Wickham(P26374) and Hackett(P24796) having been seen by the Chairman(P24182) last evening at a public address in Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform, both in summer coats, were sent for, and having no sufficient excuse, their case was referred to the Faculty.
Whiting, Lyle, and Monzon_seen in Tavern, &c.
The Chairman(P24182) entering Mr. Vowle's bar_room last evening after the public address above referred to, found there Messrs Whiting(P25952), Lyle(P36274), and Monzon. They were standing at the bar, apparently waiting for some drink, (taken to be French brand) which was preparing for them. Those gentlemen having been sent for, and their case enquired into, the matter was referred to the Faculty.
Spence. G.B. leave of absence
gave Mr. G. B. Spence(P40454) leave of absence until tomorrow to accompany into the country (Cocke's Tavern) his friend Mr. Purnell(P40635), who has just heard of the death of his mother.
May 24th
Kirk. leave of absence.
Gave Mr. Kirk(P25245) leave of absence until tomorrow evening, to pay a visit to Mr. Guerard (B.)(P23893) his friend, at Mr. Tyler's under certain pledges, that he would partake of nothing vinous or spiritous &c.
Nelson. leave of absence
Gave Mr. Nelson(P38502) leave of absence for two days, to visit home.
Wilkinson_failure to make deposit.
The Proctor(P43659) reported that Mr. Wilkinson(P40955) had failed to deposit with him as patron $40 of $100 received by him a few days ago._ Mr. W. being sent for admitted it, and that he had used it to pay some debts: but stated that he was under misapprehension as to the law. His case referred to the Faculty.
May 25th.
Resolution of Fac. Communicated.
Wrote to the parents of Messrs Monzon, W. C. Wickham(P26374), and Wilkinson(P40955) Communicating the resolutions of the Faculty in their cases respectively.
Wilkinson & Saunders reprimanded
Reprimanded Messrs Wilkinson(P40955) and Saunders(P40686) for profance swearing.
Fare & attendance at Mrs. Gray's hotel complained of.
Mr. Russell(P22526) complained of the fare and attendance at Mrs. Gray's(P43865) hotel(PL8436):_ that the number of servants who are efficient is not such as to secure proper attention;_ that the vegetables are not according to the bill of fare. (Admits that there are served up rice, potatoes, lettuce, and greens;)._that when he asked for bacon today he got none, the servants answering that there was none;_that cold meat is seldom furnished at breakfast, and never at tea;_ that the corn bread is made, he thinks, of meal not sifted. &c &c.
May 26th
Battle & Johnston M.T.C. leave to withdraw
The Chairman(P24182), with the consent of the Faculty, gave leave to Messrs Battle(P36707) and M.T.C. Johnston(P34949) to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001), the latter on account of ill health_ the former to attend him home.
Barbour_leave to
Gave Mr. Barbour(P38272) leave to
be out of uniform.
visit Charlottesville(PL4204) to day out of uniform as to pants, his application being deemed resonable.
Attendance at Mrs. Gray's complained of.
Mr. Douthat(P26663) complained of the insufficient attendance at Mrs. Gray's hotel.
Visited Mrs. Gray to enquire into the complaints made today by Mr. Douthat(P26663) & yesterday by Mr. Russell(P22526).
She stated 1) that the attendane she was cionscious was not so good as hitherto: but that she had failed in repeated efforts to hire a servant to supply the place of one yet sick: & that meantime she believes that the boy and girl are sufficiently active to wait pretty well. 2) That yesterday a shoulder of bacon was served up, and carved by herself; and she was not aware that any one applied who was not served. 3) That there were four kinds of vegetables, as the bill of fare directs, Viz. rice, potatoes, dressed in a variety of ways, lettuce, and greens. 4) That cold bacon, sometimes both bacon & beef, and fish, are furnished at breakfast.
I deemed it best to lay these complaints before the Faculty.
Beaman, Roberts, & Montague_uniform & hack.
Yesterday on my way from Charlottesville(PL4204), I met going thither, Messrs Beaman(P33977), who was [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to pants, Roberts(P26892), [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to coat, and Montague(P25123) _after I had passed them they all entered a hack which overtook them. They were sent for, and admitting the fact, the subject was referred to the Faculty.
May 28
Old_leave to withdraw
Gave Mr. Old(P35748) leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001).
Douthat. uniform.
Messrs Nelson(P38502), Roberts(P26892), and Douthat(P26663) applied for leave to appear
at a party at Col. Woodley's(P44018) out of uniform. Their application not being deemed reasonable was refused.
May 29th
Cook. H.F. leave to withdraw.
Gave Mr. H.F. Cook(P23450) leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001).
Spence. G. B._firing gun within the precincts.
The Proctor(P43659) reported to me that Mr. G.B. Spence(P40454) fired a fowling piece today within the precincts.
Mr. Spence being sent for refused to answer, and the case was reserved for the consideration of the Faculty. He afterwards called, and admitting the fact, offered an excuse, which was not deemed satisfactory.
Gave Mr. Constable(P25255) leave to go to Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to coat, to have his uniform coat repaired.
Battey & G. W. Blaettermann.
the like leave granted to Messrs Battey(P27407) & G. W. Blaettermann(P44221).
Constable and Dodson_ disorderly conduct &c
I was informed today by Mr. J. Bowen of the county that it was common matter of report in his neighborhood that Messrs Constable(P25255) & Dodson(P38103), & one or two other students went from Mr. Tyler's to Waynesborough on Thursday last (24th) and there behaved in a very disorderly manner: and that they were led to it probably by the treatment they met with from a toll-gate kepper who warranted them in Waynesborough for the tolls. He added, desiring at the same time that no should be made of this part of his statement, that the mext day Mr. Constable(P25255) came down with a party in a hack to Mr. Cocke's tavern, and there drank to intoxication, in wh: stated he was brought to his (Mr. B's) house that evening.
I felt it necessary to seek for evidence, and accordingly wrote to Mr. John Wayt of Waynes-
borough, asking him to send me an account of the conduct of these young men at that village.
May 31st.
Johnston. J. W. uniform.
Mr. J. W. Johnston(P28784) having been seen the day before yesterday by the Chairman(P24182) on the way to Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to coat, was sent for. He stated that he had just received his uniform coat from Mr. Tyler's, and that it was torn, so that he could not wear it. His excuse being deemed unsatisfactory, but he having engaged at the same time to have his uniform coat repaired immediately, he was reprimanded, and no further notice taken of the case.
Gibson _ uniform
Gave Mr. Gibson(P31224) leave to go to Charlottesville(PL4204) today out of uniform as to coat on business, his uniform coat having been torn today.
June 1st
Fare at Col. Ward's hotel complained of.
Mr. Caldwell(P28389) complained of the fare at Col. Ward's(P43873) hotel(PL8435). 1) That Fowls are not furnished according to the bill of fare, and that a dessert is not given as a substitute. 2) That the meats are not good, chiefly from the cooking. 3) That a sufficient of vegetables is not supplied_ rice, potatoes, lettuce, and greens being the constant dished_ asparagus only twice he thinks, and then not more than "enough for two persons." 4) That the common dessert is pies made of dried apples- That a dessert made of gooseberries was furnished once_ That the pastry is always bad. 5) That the tea and coffee are both bad, being very weak.
Mr. Briggs(P29425) made a like complaint a day or two since, adding that the bacon was not good.
The subject referred to the Faculty.
Joynes, Shands,
Prof: Davis(P33195) reported that
&c uniform
he saw [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform in Charlottesville(PL4204) yesterday, Messr Joynes(P43746), Shands(P21960), and C. C. Clay(P30094):_and Messr J. H. Harrison(P30891) and Caldwell(P28389) on Tuesday last.
These gentelmen were sent for Mr. Shands stated that he wore a summer coat, and was not aware that he was violating the law, supposing that it was allowed. He was admonished of the law.
Mr. Joynes(P43746) said that he had within a day or two sent for his coat to the tailor's to be mended, and was very anxious to attend an important trial which was then proceeding in Charlottesville(PL4204). [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] He was admonished.
Harrison J. H.
Mr J. H. Harrison(P30891) stated that he had not a uniform coat fit to be worn, and therefore wore a summer coat to Charlottesville(PL4204). [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] His case referred to the Faculty.
Mr. Caldwell(P28389) stated that he wore a summer coat to Charlottesville(PL4204) in the belief that it was allowed as uniform. [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] He was admonished.
Wickham. W. C. uniform.
Gave Mr. W. C. Wickham(P26374) leave to go to Charlottesville(PL4204) out of uniform as to coat, his coat being at the tailor's to be repaired.
Constable admonished according to Resolution of the Faculty.
Mr. Constable(P25255) admonished, as directed by the Resolution of the Faculty for inattention to his studies &c in the school of Moral Philosophy.
June 2nd.
I ommitted to mention yesterday that Mr. Tyler confirmed the report of Mr. Bowen as to the fact of Messr Constable(P25255) & others having visited Waynesborough, and having made some disturbance: but said that he understood that they had been irritated by being warranted _ From him I learned that Mr. Kirk(P25245) was one of the party. But Mr. Kirk being sent for, denied that he had himself caused any disturbance, and that he had drunk at the Tavern, except
some lemonade. Mr. Kirk(P25245) had leave to visit Mr. Tyler's, and said he thought himself in joining this party, as the object was to go on the mountain merely, the visit being a mere Continuation of the ride, and for no other object.
I though it proper to mention the subject to the Faculty, although I had not obtained all the information I expected.
Clay C. C.
Mr. C. C. Clay(P30094) who was sent for yesterday, but not found by the Janitory, came before me today, and mentioned as an excuse for his [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] violation of the uniform law, that he had sent his coat to the tailor's, & it had not been returned _ that he was very anxious to attend an importance case before the court in Charlottesville(PL4204). Mr. Clay(P30094) was admonished.
Resolution of the faculty Communicated.
Wrote to the parents of Messrs Beaman(P33977) & Montague(P25123), and to the guardian of Mr. Nelson(P38502) communicating the resolutions of the Faculty in regard to these gentlemen respectively.
Hairston & Glascock. L. of. absence.
Gave Messrs Hairston(P41505) & Glascock(P34580) leave to visit in the country for two days.
June 4th (Monday)
Binford(P35678) &c reprimanded according to resolution of the Faculty.
Reprimanded Messrs Binford(P35678), Spence G. B.(P40454), & Nelson(P38502), and slightly admonished Mr. A. S. Brockenbrough(P27585) according to resolutions of the Faculty.
Letter from Bohn's Executors.
Received a letter from Messrs Anderson, Sublett, & Nolling of Richmond(PL4234), executors of Mr. Christian both of that place lately deceased, communicating a copy of a codicil to the will of Mr. Bohn, (by which he bequethes his books &c with certain reservations, to the University(CB0001),) and requesting that some one might
be authorized to recieve the books &c intended for the University(CB0001).
Thinking it probably that the bequeset was valuable & anxious to meet the wishes of the Executors as far as had authority to act, could justifiably act, I engaged the Librarian, Mr to proceed to Richmond(PL4234), take a list of the books &c and have them forwarded to the University(CB0001), making such informed acknowledgement of the receipt of them to the Executors as may be satisfactory to them ujntil the B. of Visitors should meet.
Hite. I. leave to withdraw.
gave Mr. J. Hite(P25458), sometime since suspended, and prevented from returning at the end of his suspension by ill health & other causes, leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001), at his father's insistence.
Caldwell _ leave to ride in hack
Mr. Caldwell(P28389) applied for leave to ride to Charlottesville(PL4204) in a hack today, on business, which he said could not be transacted by the servant _ the rain prevented him from going on foot. Leave was granted
Beale. Leave of absence.
Gave Mr. Beale(P28925) leave of absence for two days to visit in the country.
Wayt. Jno. letter from regarding Messrs Constable(P25255) & Dodson.
Received this morning a letter from Mr. Jno. Wayt, a respected citizen of Waynesborough, the magistrate before whom the young gentlemen were brought by warrant as mentioned above, informing me that Messr Dodson(P38103) & Constable(P25255) had behaved at Waynesborough Thursday the 24th ulte. & again the 28th in a very riotous & disorderly manner, and that they had drunk to excess at the tavern on occasion of their second visit.
June 5th (Tuesday)
Messrs Constable(P25255) and Dodson(P38103) were sent for, and no satisfactory explanation having been given, (Mr Constable merely denying having rode through the streets with arms in his hands, & Mr. Dodson(P38103) refusing to answer,) the subject was
referred to the faculty.
Caldwell & J. H. Harrison _ hack
The Chairman(P24182) having last night about 10 o'clock discovered that Mr. Caldwell(P28389) & Mr. J. H. Harrison(P30891) had come from Charlottesville(PL4204) at that time in a hack, they were sent for, and the fact being admitted, the subject was laid over to be referred to the faculty_ [Mr. Caldwell(P28389) obtained leave in the morning to go to Charlottesville on business_ went in the afternoon, and returning to the University(CB0001), went in the evning again & came back about 10 o'clock]
(June 6th) The Proctor(P43659) informed me that Mr. Battey(P27407) rode to town yesterday in the afternoon in a hack. Mr. Battey was sent for, and acknowledged that did ride in a hack yesterday _ His excuse being deemed unsatisfactory the case was laid over to be referred to the Faculty.
Roberts reprimanded according to Resolution of Faculty.
Mr. Roberts(P26892) was reprimanded according to the resolution of the Faculty, for [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] violating the uniform law, & riding in a hack.
June 7th (Thursday)
Caldwell. Complains of Col. Ward.
Mr. Caldwell(P28389) complained yesterday that he had been treated insultingly that day at breakfast by Mrs. Ward(P46961), and again in being refused fish, when others afterwards got it. The complaint in regard to Mrs. Ward was puerile. The other I informed him I would enquire into. I called on Col. Ward(P43873), but didn't find him in.
Kirk & Wilkinson leave to ride in a hack.
Gave Mr. Kirk(P25245) & Mr. Wilkinson(P40955), both on account of their health, leave to ride out in a buggy.
June 8th (Friday)
Col. Ward(P43873) called & stated in regard to Mr. Caldwell's(P28389) complaint, that it was entirely unfounded_that Mrs. Ward(P46961) had , by way of favor,
supplied loaf sugar for Mr. Caldwell's(P28389) coffee and by his directions (Col. Ward's)(P46961) ordered the servant to serve out brown sugar equally to all. That Mr. Caldwell(P28389) was treated as others; but that he was often at pains, seemingly, to give the servants trouble _ and most commonly came into breakfast after almost every body else was gone.
Visited Mrs. Gray's hotel.
Visited Mrs. Gray's(P43865) hotel(PL8436) at the dinner_ found the dinner good, and well cooked_ the meats, as well as I could judge, in sufficient variety & quantity; the vegetables I thought rather scanty in the allowance, except the lettuce & greens _ perhaps the rice also was in sufficient quantity: the potatoes hardly. _ I was subsequently informed by Mrs. Gray, that a considerable quantity of vegetables, as potatoes, rice, &c remained from the dinner.
June 9th (Saturday)
Hotelkeeper (Conway) complained of
Mr. M. M. Harrison(P36356) complained that the sheets of his bed had not been changed as the law requires _ The attention of the Proctor(P43659) was directed to the subject _ the neglect of the hotel keeper (Mr. Conway(P43888)_ referred to the Faculty.
Fac. Meeting called & a quorum not obtained.
A Faculty-meeting was called to consider the violations of the laws Committed by Messrs J. H. Harrison(P30891), Battey(P27407) & Caldwell(P28389), above mentioned, and the petition of Mr. Jordan's(P24670) father on his behalf:_Also the neglect of the Hotel keeper complained of by Mr. Harrison._ a meeting not having been obtained I felt it my duty to act without further delay on the cases of Messrs. Harrison, Battey(P27407), & Caldwell(P28389). They were accordingly reprimanded.
Harrison. J. H. &c reprimanded
The Chairman(P24182) having ascertained by inquiry made of the Janitory, that Mr. Roberts(P26892) had been absent from the University(CB0001) for some 3 or 4 days without leave, he was sent for, & reprimanded. He stated that he had visited his home
in the county on Saturday, and that he was detained by sickness.
11th (Monday)
Marshall H. H. l. of absence
Gave Mr. H. H. Marshall(P34598) leave to be absent in the country (at Mrs. Gilmer's) until Wednesday morning, on account of his health.
Spencer. H._leave of absence.
Gave Mr. Spencer(P40643) leave of absence to visit in the country (at Mrs. Gilmer's) until tomorrow
Tucker. B. l. of absence
Gave Mr. B. Tucker(P30144) leave of absence to visit in the country ( at Mr. Maupin's(P26132)) on acccount of his health, until Saturday.
Tucker. B._purchase of coat not uniform.
Observing at the moment Mr. Tucker(P30144) was leaving my office that he was dressed in a new coat [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] not uniform, he was required to say it had purchased it since he matriculated. Having acknowledged that he had, he was at first required to await the action of the Faculty, but upon consulting with his physician, it was judged better to postpone the consideration of his case until his return from the Country.
13th (Wednesday)
Complaint of hotel_keeper (Conway.)
W. H. Jones(P29749), who occupies the same dormitory with Mr. M. Harrison(P36356), Complained that the sheets of his bed were not changed as often as the rule prescribes _ that in his room they have not been changed for three weeks.
I again, as early after as I Could, the next day, spoke with the Proctor(P43659) & with the Hotel keeper on the subject & found that meantime the sheets had been changed._
Mr. Conway(P43888) strongly insisted that the young gentlemen were mistaken, and his memorandum showed that the sheets had been changed at the proper time. He did not, however, know it from personally inspecting the rooms, although he professes to do this, or at
least to see that the servants do their duty in changing the sheets &c: but rather inferred it from a strong confidence in his accuracy.
I had a strong conviction that Mr. Conway(P43888) was under a mistake, and instructed him accordingly.
Russell_leave to withdraw.
With the consent of the Faculty Mr Russell(P22526) was permitted to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001), on account of ill-health. His physician advised this course.
Gave Mr. Caperton(P22278) leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001), by his father's request.
Gave Mr. Hairston(P41505) leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001) on account of ill health.
Gave Mr. Sorsby(P43000) leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001).
June 14th
Mr. Roberts(P26892) having been met yesterday evening by the Chairman(P24182) on the way to Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform as to coat, was sent for; and no satisfactory excuse being offered, his case was reserved for the consideration of the Faculty.
Throckmorton & Morancy.
Messrs Throckmorton(P30144) and Morancy(P27216) having been met yesterday evening by the Chairman(P24182) on the way to Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform, being dressed in summer coats, were sent for. They stated that they were not aware that they were prohibited from wearing summer coats insted of the uniform. Although this excused was deemed unsatisfactory, I judged it sufficient, as they had not been before found violating the uniform law, to admonish them. The truth is, that although I have overlooked not a single case of violations of this law by wearing summer coats, I am persuaded from numerous facts, that the cases of violation are so great, compared with those which have come to my knowledge, that some may perhaps persuade themseves that no prohibition exists.
Mr. Carson(P28664) having been met by.
the Chairman(P24182) yesterday evening on the way to Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform, being dressed in a summer frock coat, or gown, was sent for. He stated that to the fact, when he left room, that he was out of uniform _ and that he had gone some way before he observed it. His excused being deemed unsatisfactory, and there being great difficulty at this time procuring a meeting of the Faculty for this object, he was reprimanded by the Chairman(P24182).
Mayo. leave to withdraw.
Gave Mr. Mayo(P33301) by his father's request, leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001). He comes from So. Carolina, and wishes to return in time to avoid the danger from the the change of which he fears, he would be otherwise exposed to._
Pickens. leave to withdraw.
Gave Mr. Pickens(P35746) leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001) on account of his health. He has for sometime indisposed, and not able to attend to his studies, or to make preparation for his examinations.
June 16th.
Gave Mr. Battey(P27407), with the approbation of the Faculty, leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001).
June 18th.
Gave Mr. Strother(P37901) leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001). Mr. Strother is above 21, & has been in ill health almost the whole Session.
June 19th
B. Tucker._ reprimanded.
Reprimanded Mr. B. Tucker(P30144) according to the resolution of the Faculty, and wrote to his facther.
June 20th
Jordan. l. to withdraw.
With the approbation of the Faculty gave Mr. Jordan(P24670) leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001).
Lomax. l. to withdraw.
Gave Mr. P. T. Lomax(P23747) having his father's consent, and the recommendation of his physician,
leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001).
Johnston. J. W. uniform.
Mr. J. W. Johnston(P28784) having been seen yesterday by the Chairman(P24182) Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform, was sent for, and severely reprimanded. The case would have been referred to the Faculty, but for the difficulty of convening it.
Barston. l. to withdraw.
Gave Mr. Barston , who has stood his examinations, with the exception of [EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry ] Chemistry, leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001). Mr. B. lately returned to the University(CB0001) after an absence for a considerable time from indisposition.
June 21st.
Spence. G. P. l. to withdraw.
Gave Mr. G. P. Spence(P40454), at his father's request, leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001).
Gave Mr. A. R. Gates(P32308), with the approbation of the Faculty, leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001).
Hamm_l. to withdraw.
Gave Mr. Hamm(P35903) leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001), at his father's request.
Mr. Banister(P31394) having been the day before yesterday by the Chairman(P24182) in Charlottesville(PL4204) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] out of uniform, and having been sent for yesterday, called today: and his excuse not being satisfactory, was reprimanded.
June 22nd
Gave Mr. Glascock(P34580) leave to visit in the country, in a private family, until Monday.
June 23rd.
Gave Messrs M. Cooke(P41382), Beale(P28925), & Joynes(P43746), who have stood their examinations, & promise to leave the University(CB0001) immediately, permission to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001).
June 25th.
Gave Mr. N. B.
Tucker B. l. to withdraw.
Tucker(P30144) leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001), at his father's request & on account of sickness in the family.
Harrison. D. M. l. to withdraw.
Mr. Donald. M. Harrison(P23946) having stood all his examinations was permitted to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001).
Rice. L. to withdraw.
Gave Mr. Rice(P33849) on account of ill health, disqualifying for his examinations, and by the advice of his physician, leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001).
June 28th
Lambeth. l. to withdraw.
Gave Mr. Lambeth(P31842) leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001), for reasons that appeared sufficient, he having stood all his examinations, except in Greek.
Townes. l. to withdraw.
With the Consent of the Faculty gave Mr. Townes(P31476) leave to [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] withdraw from the University(CB0001), he having stood all his examinations except in Polit: Economy.
Part omitted.
I need not enter the other cases in which leave to withdraw from the University(CB0001) had been given in the last days of the Session_ it being confined to the case in which students have stood all their examinations, and are about to leaeve the University(CB0001) immediately_ the Condition being always imposed, that the leave to withdraw shall be held to begin only when they are leaving the University(CB0001)_ they pledging themselves one to obey all the laws. The object of granting such leave is to allow them part of a day to settle in their room with the Patron.
June 30th (Saturday night)
Noisy & drinking party
Much noise being made by a party of students on the W. Range from about 1/3 past to 1/2 11 o'clock, with evident signs of drinking, I went about the latter hour mentioned and found Messrs Talley(P36522), Mouzon(P22075), Lyle(P36274), Donnally(P31984), & Robertson(P30756) in a state of greater or less excitement from drinking. The rest behaved in a respectful manner to the Chairman(P24182). Mr. Tulley did not, & seemed to have no control of himself _ Quiet established when I returned to my rooms_ except Mr. Tulley's shouting. The subject referred to the Faculty.