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[47] Transcript page

Session 2 of the Faculty Minutes January 8, 1826 - December 22, 1826

January 8

At a meeting of the Faculty held this day--present: Professor Long(P43620), Chairman pro tempore, Professor Key(P43622), and Secretary(P43625), it was ordered

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance  1826-01-07] That Messrs. Zane(P36868) and Shriver(P25786), having admitted a disturbing noise in their dormitory , on the night of 7th Inst. be interdicted from a residence(PL8478) within the precincts of the University(PL8425) until the first of February .

George Long(P43620) Chairman pro tempore

January 29

At a meeting of the Faculty held this day--present: Dr. Blaettermann(P43621), Professors Long(P43620), Key(P43622), and Secretary(P43625)--Professor Key(P43622) Chairman pro tempore(P43620), it was resolved that the


following notice be sent to the Proctor(P43627) to be stuck up in his office(PL8726) and that the Certificates in question be sent to the Chairman of the Faculty(P43624).

[EVENT: University Administration  ] "Every Gentleman who wishes to become a Student of the University(CB0001) for the ensuing Session is required to deliver to the Proctor a Paper stating his age and whether or no he has been "a student at any other incorporated seminary of learning," and, in the former case to accompany his paper with a certificate from such seminary or other satisfactory evidence of his general good conduct."

It was next resolved that when any applicant's testimonial's have been considered satisfactory he do present a paper of the following kind:

"Mr. wishes to attend the classes of ."

to the Professors he may wish to attend.

Roubley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman


January 30

At a meeting of the Faculty held this evening--Present: the Chairman of the Faculty (P43624), Professors Tucker(P43619), Long(P43620), and Blaettermann (P43621).

The following certificates were received and approved concerning:

A letter was received from Mr. Archibald Glenn(P39384) expressing his regret for his past conduct and promising that in case the Faculty should be pleased to readmit him there should never in future be any cause for complaint--the communication stated as a reason for his reappearance at the University (CB0001) that the letter signifying his dismission had never been received by his parent or Guardian.

[EVENT: Student Status:Readmission  1826-01-30] In consequence of this letter it was resolved that Mr. Glenn(P39384) be readmitted to the benefits of the Institution(CB0001).

Roubley Dunglison(P43624) Chm.


January 31

At a meeting--Present: the Chairman(P43624), Professors Tucker(P43619) and Long(P43620).

[EVENT: Student Status:Readmission Action:granted ] The following certificates were approved concerning:

It was resolved that in future the Chairman(P43624) do examine the Certificates and in case of difficulty in decision to lay them before the Faculty.

End of the Session of 1825.


February 1st. 1826

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:granted 1826-02-01] The following new students were permitted to be entered by the Proctor(P43627):

February 2nd[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  1826-02-02] 

February 3rd Friday

At a meeting of the Faculty held this Evening, present the (P43624)Chairman, Professors Key(P43622), Long(P43620), Blaetermann(P43621) and Secretary(P43625), it was resolved

Motion of Mr. Key(P43622)

"That the minutes of last meeting be not confirmed until more members be present."

Motion of Mr. Key(P43622)-- [EVENT: University Administration:Personnel Decision  ] Deduction from salary of Janitor(P44285)

"That the Janitor of last Session (1825) having, without authority, absented himself from the University(PL4214), for the space of a fortnight , be only paid up to the 15th January."

Motion of Mr. Key(P43622)-- Contumacy on part of Messrs. Zane(P36868) & Shriver(P25786)

[EVENT: Boarding  ] That the conduct of Messrs. Zane(P43622) and Shriver(P25786) (students) in Boarding and appearing within the Precincts of the University(PL8425), while under Sentence of "Interdiction of Residence", be considered as Contumacy." (see Jan. 8th)


Motion of Dr. Blaettermann (P43621)-- Consideration of penalty postponed

"That the consideration of penalty to be attached to the contumacy of Messrs. Zane(P36868) and Shriver(P25786), just noticed, be postponed until the arrival of Professor Bonnycastle(P43623), and that for the present, and until changed, the Interdiction of Residence or appearance within the Precincts(PL8425), be continued in force."

Motion of Mr. Key(P43622)-- C. Perry(P29618) to be warned off premises

"That the Proctor(P43627) be instructed to warn Calvin Perry(P29618) (late a Student) off the premises ."

Servants(P44687) of Students to be Licensed

"That the Proctor(P43627) be instructed to License the Servants(44687) waiting upon the Students; and that he permit no person to act in that capacity who has not obtained such a License."

Enactment relative to Dogs to be enforced

"That the Proctor(P43627) be instructed to enforce the Enactment (No. 47) relative to Dogs; and furthermore, that he permit no Dog, whatever, to run loose within the Precincts(PL8425)."

Magruder's(P36466) case decided by Enactment 28

A Letter was received in behalf of John B. Magruder(P36466) involving the question whether an Individual can become a Student of the University(CB0001) for a time less than the Session and pay fees etc. only in proportion to that time. This subject was decided in the negative by Enactment 28; and the Secretary(P43625) was instructed to write to Mr. Magruder(P36466) referring


him to the foregoing Enactment as decisive in his Case.

Proctor censured

It was, finally, resolved

"That the Proctor(P34627) be informed, by writing, of the disapprobation which the Faculty feel it necessary to express, in consequence of his having made public, as by their order, a Regulation for the Dormitory, of which they had refused to take cognizance.

Roubley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

Feb. 7th Tuesday

At a meeting of the faculty held this Evening, present the Chairman(P43624), Professors Blaetterman(P43621), Long(P43620), Bonnycastle (P43623), Tucker(P43619), and Key(P43622), it was resolved

Confirmation of Jan. 30th minutes postponed

That the confirmation of the minutes of the meeting, held January 30th, 1826, be postponed until next meeting.

Zane(P36868) and Shriver(P25786) pardoned

[EVENT: Boarding  ] That Messrs Zane(P36868) and Shriver(P25786) be permitted to enter within the precincts(PL8425), or in other words that their sentence of interdiction of residence be revoked.



Guardian informed

But that they be reprehended for their contumacy while under the sentence of Jany. 8th, and that their Guardians be informed of their misconduct.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

Feby. 14


At a meeting of the faculty held this day at the Library room(PL8679), present Professors Bonnycastle(P43623), Blaettermann(P43621), Long(P43620), Tucker(P43619), Key(P43622), Chairman(P43624), and Secretary(P43625), the following business was transacted:

Forged permits

[EVENT: Library:Access/use policies  1826-02-14] Two Permits for Books were handed into the faculty by the librarian(P43626), which appeared to have the signature of Professor Long(P43620) forged. The permits were in favour of Messrs. Yates(P27179) and Bernard(P26605) and it was resolved that they should be called and examined separately upon the subject.

Testimony of Mr. Yates(P27179)

Mr. Yates(P27179) appeared and stated, at first, that the signature of his permit was genuine, signed by Mr. Long(P43620) but with a bad pen; he acknowledged the other writing as his own, afterwards observed that he could not be positive whether the signature was Mr. Long's(P43620) or not, thinks, however, that he recollects the circumstance and specified a permit of


Mr. Wellford(P29022), signed at the same time, in confirmation of his opinion. He understood that such forgeries were committed during last session; but was himself always very particular in procuring genuine signatures-- particularly disclaims his having signed Mr. Long's(P43620) name to the Permit in question.

Testimony of Mr. Bernard(P26605)

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Forgery  ] Mr. Bernard(P26605) was then called, who stated, that the writing of the Permit was his own and that the signature was a forgery upon being questioned, why he asserted that the the signature to his Permit was a forgery, he replied that he did so on the authority of the faculty who, no doubt, were well acquainted with Mr. Long's(P43620) mode of signing his name, disclosing the signature as his own. Upon being questioned how he came to use a permit, knowing that Mr. Long(P43620) did not sign it for him, he replied that he did not know how the forgery happened; and admitted that he almost always carried the permits, himself , to the Library(PL8630) for Books.

Contradiction in the testimony of both

Mr. Bernard(P26605) was dismissed, but in a minute returned with Mr. Yates(P27179), with whom then appeared to have a consultation, when the following change of testimony took place.


Mr. Bernard(P26605) now forgot that he had considered and admitted the signature to his permit to be a forgery, and Mr. Yates(P27179) came forward to state that it was the Permit of Mr. Bernard(P29022) and not that of Wellford(P29022) to which he alluded in his testimony.

The consideration of this subject was postponed until some future period.

The minutes of January 30th were now considered. As no new arguments were advanced the question was put, "whether they should be confirmed"; and carried as follows

Minutes of Jany. 30th confirmed

Ayes--Professors Bonnycastle(P43623), Tucker(P43619), Blaettermann(P43621), (P43624)Chairman, and Secretary(P43625).

Noes--Professors Long(P43620), Key(P43622).

Those who voted in the affirmative of this question were chiefly influenced by the argument that, as a dismission from the University(CB0001) does not exclude an individual from reentering at a future period, and, as at an efficient meeting of the faculty, it had been agreed that Mr. Glenn's(P39384) case was one where clemency should be extended, it was due to the decision of that meeting, that the minutes be confirmed.

[EVENT: Library:Access/use policies Action:granted ] Letter from the Librarian(P43631) ---- a Box for Permits

A Letter was received from the Librarian


(P43631), proposing "that a Box be prepared in which the students shall be required to deposit their permits, the day before that appointed for the attendance of the Librarian(P43631) in the Library(PL8630)."

This proposition was approved and carried.

Day for delivery of Books changed to Tuesday

[EVENT: Library:Books  1826-02-14] The same letter stated a request that the day for delivering Books, may in future be Tuesday instead of Monday.

This request was also approved and the change from Mondays to Tuesdays carried.

[EVENT: Library:Access/use policies Action:denied ] Motion to regulate the number of students in the library(PL8630) at one time

Mr. Key(P43622) made a motion, "that no more than 10 Students be permitted to be in the Library(PL8630) at the same time." This motion was put and lost as follows:

Ayes--Mr. Key(P43622).

A case of serious consideration now presented itself.

Case of Wm. Cabell(P41364), student


[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  1826-02-14]  [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Verbal Assault  1826-02-14] The faculty had direct testimony that Wm. L. Cabell(P41364), student, was riding in a carriage, with some companions, about 12 o'clock on the 18th, that he was greatly intoxicated , himself and that, while passing some of the Professors, in company with a


lady, he put his head out of the carriage and used disrespectful language to the party, but more particularly to the Lady. He was aware to whom this insult and offence was offered as his companions were distinctly heard giving him notice that they were passing some of the Professors.

Mr. Cabell(P41364) was accordingly summoned. His conduct was haughty and disrespectful during examination. To direct questions, he admitted that he was in a carriage at the aforesaid time and place, that he met the party and addressed some language to them but does not, now recollect of what description .

The faculty then found Mr. Cabell(P41364) guilty of the following offences:

[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal Action:granted 1826-02-14] Sentence of expulsion

The opinion of the meeting was taken upon this case, when it was unanimously decided


that Wm. L. Cabell(P41364) be expelled from the University(CB0001).

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

Feb. 16th.


At a meeting of the faculty held this day in the room of the Library(PL8679), present Professors Long(P43620), Key(P43622), Bonnycastle(P43623), Tucker(P43619), (P43624)Chairman, and Secretary(P43625), the following Business was transacted:

Letters received from Preston(P36971) and Turner(P27433), Students

2 Letters were received from John Preston (P36971) and John Turner(P27433), Students, in relation to Wm. Cabell's(P41364) case, (last meeting) recommending mercy and two enactments (Nos. 40 & 43) to the notice of the faculty.

Yates(P34750) and Bernard(P26605)-- opinion of the faculty

Mr. Long(P43620) moved to know whether it was the opinion of the faculty that[EVENT: Library:Access/use policies  1826-02-16]  Messrs. Yates(P34750) and Bernard(P26605) presented their permits to the Librarian (P43631), knowing that they were forged.

The faculty gave it as their opinion that Messrs. Yates(P34750) and Bernard(P26605) were aware of the forgery when using the Permits.

It was then resolved that the following notice be made public:


"Whereas cases of forged Permits for


Books, have been presented, by the Librarian , to the faculty:

Public notice respecting forgery

Be it understood, that forgery will, in future, be visited by the punishment which so dishonourable an Act merits; and, that in all cases, Students, receiving Books by means of such Permits, will be held responsible for the Sugnature."

[EVENT: University Administration  ] Proctor(P43627) to furnish a list of licensed servants(P44687)

On motion of Mr. Long(P43620), it was resolved "that the Proctor(P43627) be required to furnish, to the faculty, a list of such servants(P44687) as have received licences to wait upon the Students." (See resolution of Feb. 3rd.)

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

Feb. 28th.


At a meeting of the faculty held this day in the Library room(PL8679), present Professors Tucker(P43619), Key(P43622), Blaettermann(P43621), Bonnycastle(P43623), Chairman(P43624), and Secretary(P43625), the following Business was transacted.

H. Tayloe's(P30107) case

Mr. H. Tayloe(P30107), Student, was summoned before the faculty for the following reasons :

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance  1826-02-26] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns  1826-02-26] On the night of the 26th the University(PL4214)


was disturbed, at a late hour, by an incessant firing of squibs, or other fire-works, on the area and close in front of the Dormitories (PL8478). The nuisance became so great that Professor Key(P43622) felt compelled to leave his House(PL8458) to find out who were the offenders. Several were met in company, all of whom ran off, however, upon being required to give their names, except one who proved to be Mr. H. Tayloe(P30107) aforesaid.


[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance  1826-02-26] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns  1826-02-26]  To various interrogations he confessed that he was with the party who had been firing squibs on the 26th but that, otherwise, he had nothing to do with the affair; heard the firing and joined the party out of curiosity but a short time before Professor Key(P43622) came up to them; did not furnish fire, etc. To the question why he omitted to give his name when required to do so, by Professor Key(P43622), replied that, tho' he heard the question , he was so taken by surprise as to neglect the answer.


Resolved: That Mr. H. Tayloe(P30107) be reprimanded for having been found in riotous and disorderly company.

Wm. Cross's(P25540) case

Wm. Cross(P25540), Student, summoned. Professor


Bonnycastle(P43623) stated to the faculty, that as he was returning from church on the 26th [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  1826-02-26] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Physical Assault  1826-02-26] some drunken person, in company with Mr. Cross(P25540), attempted by force to stop the carraige ; and that Mr. Cross(P25540), tho' he succeeded in withdrawing his companion from the assault , and in hiding his face, could not disguise his own intoxication, which appeared to be very great.


Mr. Cross(P25540) appeared and confessed that he had been drinking spirits at the Tavern immediately after leaving church on the 26th, but that he was quiet and offered offence to no one. Admitted, that he was in company with the person who attempted to stop the carriage, but confessed that he knew the circumstances more from what was told to him afterwards, than from any recollection on his part.


It was resolved, as this Intoxication was a first offence (Enact. 72) and as it exhibited itself outside of the Precincts(PL8511), (Enact. 43) "that Mr. William Cross(P25540), Student , be reprimanded by each Professor before his Class, for Intoxication on Sunday the 26th, and further, that his guardian be informed of the offence."


[EVENT: Library:Access/use policies  ] Public notice respecting forgery of permits

Motion of Mr. Key(P43622): That a notice be made public to the following effect "Whereas a number of the Students, who forged permits for Books last session, are now known to the faculty, notice is hereby given that their cases will be promptly taken into consideration ."

Memorial relating to a Police

Motion of Dr. Emmet(P43625): That a committee be appointed to draw up a memorial, addressed to the Rector(P43611) and Visitors(CB0042), urging the necessity of a competent Police for this University (CB0001)."


Those who opposed this motion did so because they considered that a similar statement had already been made to the Rector(P43611) and Visitors with producing the desired effect.

It was supported and carried by others who felt it an urgent duty to state officially their full conviction of the necessity of such a police notwithstanding the previous disappointment.


Professors Tucker(P43619), Bonnycastle(P43623), and Emmet(P43625) were appointed as Committee for drawing up such a memorial.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman


15th March

At a meeting, held this day, present Professors Bonnycastle(P43623), Blaettermann(P43621), Key(43622), Long(P43620), Tucker(P43619), Secretary(P43625), and Chairman(P43624).

Case of forged permits settled

Names recorded

The following motion of Mr. Tucker(P43619) was carried; viz, "That those Professors who have had their their names counterfeited by Students, reprove the same in such manner as may seem most suitable to the offence." Also, agreeably to the wish of the faculty, the names of the following Persons who, last session,[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Forgery  1826-02-28]  obtained Books by means of forged permits, are recorded in the minutes; (see meeting of Feb. 28th.)

Letter from H. Clagett(P26922)

A letter addressed to the faculty by Henry Clagett(P26922), student, and relating to his case of forgery last session, was received and read. Its object was to render the act of forgery on his part, excusable.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman


15th March

At a meeting of the Faculty held this day, present Professors Key(P43622), Long(P43620), Tucker(P43619), Blaettermann(P43621), Bonnycastle(P43623), and Chairman(P43624), the following Business was transacted.

Case of Wm. Emmet(P38117)

As the Faculty had reason to believe, that Wm. Emmet(P38117), student, was the companion of Wm. Cross(P25540) (see Minutes of Feb. 28th) on the 26th and at the time when an attempt was made to stop a carriage, as already recorded, he was summoned to appear.


[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  1826-02-26] Mr. E(P38117). confessed that he was quite intoxicated on Sunday 26th and that he left church and went to the Tavern. He stated that when he met the Carriage, seeing a Student riding in it, he attempted to stop it, under the belief that it was filled with Students, that it was usual among the Students to act so towards each other. He was not aware that Professor Bonnycastle(P43623) was in it and did not perceive that a Lady was present until Mr. Cross(P25540) took hold of him.

Motion of Mr. Long(P43620)

It was moved by Mr. Long(P43620) "whether the opinion of the Faculty be, that the afore-said conduct of Mr. Emmet(P38117) was "disrespect to a Professor". Negatived.


Motion of Mr. Key(P43622)

Moved by Mr. Key(P43622) "that Wm. Emmet(P38117) be suspended until the end of the Session." Negatived.

Motion for a public reprimand

It was ultimately moved and carried that a reprimand be read to Wm. Emmet(P38117) before the classes. (Enactments 72 and 43)

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

25th March

Reports of committees

At a meeting of the faculty, held this day, present the Chairman(P43624), Professors Key(P43622), Long(P43620), Tucker(P43619), Blaettermann(P43621), and Secretary(P43625), two reports marked A. and B. from committees, one upon the Police and the other upon the Enactments of the University(CB0001), were read and approved.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

30th March

At a meeting of the Faculty, held this day, present the Chairman(P43624), Professors Key(P43622), Blaettermann(P43620), and Tucker(P43619), it was resolved

Gardner(P43835) and Wickliffe(P41118) to be removed

[EVENT: University Administration:Facilities Management  1826-03-30] "That the Proctor(P43627) be informed that Messrs. Gardner(P43835) and Wickliffe(P41118) are not students of the University(CB0001), that he be required


to remove them from the Precincts(PL8425); and that he inform the Hotel-keepers of this Order."

Prosecution against Clayton(P35105)

"That the prosecution, against Clayton(P35105), formerly expelled from this University(CB0001), be continued by the Proctor(P43627)."

"That the following suggestions to the Visitors(CB0042), at their last meeting, (meetings of December 10th) be renewed, at their approaching meeting.

Suggestions to the Visitors(CB0042)

[EVENT: University Administration:Facilities Management  ] 1st Suggestion. That fuel be provided by the University(CB0001), for the fires in the Rotunda (PL8428) and Anatomical Theatre(PL8499).

[EVENT: University Administration:Facilities Management  ] 2nd. That proper drains be formed in the Institution.

[EVENT: Library:Access/use policies  ] [EVENT: Fee  ] 3rd. The Librarian(P43631) having complained of a difficulty in collecting the fines, incurred under the 64th Enactment, it is suggested that a deposit of one dollar be made by each Student on entering the University(CB0001) and should he incur fines, beyond this amount he shall not be permitted to take Books from the Library(PL8630) until he has made a further deposit of the same sum."

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman


15th April

This day, at a meeting of the Faculty, present the Chairman(P43624), Professors Key(P43622), Long(P43620), Blaettermann(P43621), Tucker(P43619), Bonnycastle(P43623), and Secretary (P43625), it was

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal Action:granted 1826-04-15] J. H. Walker(P22656) dismissed

Resolved "that John H. Walker(P22656) be dismissed from the University(CB0001) for inattention to his studies and for his bad character in general." (Enactment 76)

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal Action:granted 1826-04-15] Nathan Dunn(P24692) dismissed

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] Resolved "that Nathanial Dunn(P24692) be dismissed from this University(CB0001) for irregularity "in all his classes for more than a month after his parent or Guardian had been informed." (Enactment 76)

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:denied ] Geo. Mathews(P43836) refused admittance

Resolved "that George Mathews(P43836) be refused admittance to this University(CB0001) in consequence of having been dismissed from Washington College, Rockbridge Co., Va.(PL8533)" (Enactment 71)

[EVENT: University Administration:Facilities Management  1826-04-15] [EVENT: Boarding  ] Names upon the Dormitories(PL8478)

Resolved "that the Proctor(P43625) be required to furnish a list of such Students as have not yet complied with the regulation of putting up their names upon their dormitory doors." (Enactment 81)

Periodical Publications

Resolved "That a letter be sent to the Rector(P43611) of this University requesting him to take such measures as will change so


much of the law, respecting periodical publications , as relates to their being received by the Professors annually."

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

April 17th

At a meeting of the Faculty held this day, present the Chairman(P43624), Professors Key(P43622), Tucker(P43619), Long(P43620), Bonnycastle(P43623), Blaettermann(), and Secretary(P43625), it was

[EVENT: General Misconduct  ] Prosecution against Calvin Perry(P29618)

Resolved "That the Proctor(P43627) be directed to prosecute Calvin Perry(P29618), lately a Student, for trespasses upon the premises of the University(PL4214)."

Committee upon legal proceedings

[EVENT: University Administration:Personnel Decision  1826-04-17] Resolved "That a committee be appointed to enquire into the legal proceedings of the Proctor(P43627) as Attorney for the University(CB0001)."

Professors Key(P43622) and Long(P43620) were nominated to constitute this committee.

Regulation for Hacks

[EVENT: University Administration:Facilities Management  1826-04-15] Resolved "That Hacks be permitted to enter the Precincts(PL8632), as far as Mr. Richardson 's(P43831) Hotel, between the hours of 7 A. M. and 12 at noon; but that after that time they be prevented from bringing Students within the Precincts(PL8425)."


[EVENT: University Administration:Student Restrictions  ] To this the following amendment was moved and carried; viz,

That the Driver, of a Hack containing Students, be required to stop, at the bidding of a Professor, under penalty of excluding the Hack in future from the Precincts (PL8632).

[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal  1826-04-15] Dismissions of Dunn(P24692) and Walker(P22656) to be made known to the classes

Resolved "that the dismissions of Dunn(P24692) and Walker(P22656), students, be made known to the different classes. The notice to consist of an extract from the minutes and the sentence that "the Faculty farther add their conviction, that irregularity of attendance at lectures and irregularity of conduct, in general, are always connected."

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

April 27th

Military instructor pro tempore

[EVENT: University Administration:Personnel Decision  1826-04-27] Present the Chairman of the Faculty(P43624), Professors Key(P43622), Long(P43620), Bonnycastle(P43623), and Secretary (P43625), it was resolved, by the approbation of the Rector(P43611), that Mr. Wm. Mathews(P43837) formerly a Cadet at the West Point Military Academy(CB0187), be allowed the use of the Gymnasium (PL8500) for the purposes of giving instruction


upon military tactics to such of the Students as may choose to be drilled. Mr. Mathews(P43837) is held responsible to the faculty for all riots, or other disturbances of the peace, happening during his attendance upon the students composing his class.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

May 9th

Public notice of the faculty

Particular notice by the Janitor(P43842)

Present the Chairman(P43624), Professors Key(P43622), Long(P43620), Bonnycastle(P43623), Blaettermann(P43621), Tucker(P43619), and Secretary(P43625), it was resolved, in order to facilitate the investigations of the Grand - Jury (CB0114), that the following notice to the students , be put up at all the Hotels(PL8530); and, further, that the Janitor(P43842) be instructed to go round to the Dormitories(PL8578) and present a similar notice to each Student whose name is specified as follows

[EVENT: University Administration:Student Restrictions  ] Notice

"The Students whose names are upon the following list are required, under penalty of a major punishment, to remain within their Dormitories between the hours of 8 and 10


A. M. this day, and to present no obstacles to the Summons of the Grand-Jury(CB0114). List: Wm. N. Whiting(P42782), James A. Clarke(P27388), Jno. W. Chalmers(P35765), Wm. E. Taylor(P32902), Charles Peyton(P32411), Sidney A. Perry(P34158), E. C. Drummond(P27505), T. G. Tucker(P23777), Livingston Lindsey(P26105), C. E. Dade(P27072), Emanuel J. Miller(P22439), Philip Lightfoot(P24537), Upton Beall(P37668), George W. Lewis(P43435), Saml. Smith(P33493), Thos. Barclay(P25470), Philip Slaughter(P28777), J. A. Carter(P25482), J. G. Warring(P26103), A. H. H. Bernard(P26605), Charles C. Lewis(P31796), John Hansbrough(P25003), Mason Long(P37175), James Harding(P33788), Burwill(P34170).

Names of Students to be summoned before the Grand-Jury(CB0114)

May 10th, 1826

By order of the Faculty Jno. P. Emmet(P43625) Secretary" Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

May 10th, 1826

At a meeting of the Faculty held this day, present the Chairman(P43624), Professors Key(P43622), Long(P43620), Bonnycastle(P43623), Blaettermann(P43621), Tucker(P43619), and Secretary(P43625), the following business was transacted.

Thomas Barclay(P25470)


(Testimony by the Janitor(P43842))[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Curfew Violation  1826-05-10]  Thomas Barclay(P25470), student, was summoned for refusing to read the notice of the Faculty presented to him by the Janitor(P43842). (See last meeting) Upon examination stated that he


intended to read the paper but a student took it from him; declined giving the name of said Student; suspected the contents of the paper; was aware of the public notice and left his Dormitory at his pleasure or as he expressed himself "he was knocking about the University(PL4214)" so as to intimate a wilful and open opposition to the Authority of the Faculty. His manner during this examination was very disrespectful and he concluded by telling the Faculty that "they might do as they pleased".

J. Clarke(P27388)


[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Curfew Violation  1826-05-10] James A. Clarke(P27388) summoned for refusing to read the public notice of the faculty presented by the Janitor(P43842). Upon examination stated, that he was in great haste to leave the University(PL4214) (knowing that the Sheriff would be after him) when the Janitor(P43842) presented the notice of the Faculty; he supposed it to be a paper from the Faculty but refused to read it. Was not aware that public notice had been put up by order of the Faculty at all the Hotels.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Curfew Violation  1826-05-10] Other Students informed by the Janitor(P43842) of the public notice were also examined, but


all, with the exception of Mr. John Hansbrough (P25003), obeyed the Order of the Faculty literally.

J. Hansbrough(P25003) examined

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Curfew Violation  1826-05-10] Mr. Hansbrough(P25003) stated that it was not his intention to avoid the sheriff but that he very frequently left his Dormitory to walk up and down under the Arcade; that he did not think it necessary to obey the directions to remain constantly within his dormitory between the hours of 8 and 10.

Reprimanded by Secretary(P43625)

On motion of Mr. Key(P43622) it was resolved That Mr. John Hansbrough(P25003) be reprimanded by the Secretary(P43625) for purposely disobeying the letter of the public notice.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal  1826-05-10] Thomas Barclay (P25470) expelled

On motion of Mr. Long(P43620), resolved That Thomas Barclay(P25470), for an open violation of the directions of the Faculty and for contumacy in their presence, be expelled from the University(CB0001).

The consideration of Mr. J. Clarke's(P27388) case postponed.

List of the Students examined by the Faculty upon this occasion:

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman


May 11th, 1826

At a meeting of the Faculty held this day, present the Chairman(P43624), Professors Key(P43622), Long(P43620), Blaettermann(P43621), Tucker(P43619), Bonnycastle(P43623), and Secretary(P43625), the following business was transacted :

Further examination of Students not in the University(PL4214) when the notice was made public

[EVENT: University Administration:Student Restrictions  ] Examination of Students whose names were upon the public notice of the Faculty (requiring them to remain within their dormitories , etc.):

L. Lindsey(P26105), C. E. Dade(P27072), Sam. Smith(P33493), J. H. Warring(P26103), Mr. Burwell(P34170), P. Slaughter(P28777), Wm. Whiting(P42782), Wm. Taylor(P32902), T. G. Tucker(P23777), and E. C. Drummond(P27505), stated that they had left the University(PL4214) previous to the time at which the notice of the Faculty became public and that they were not aware of its existence until their return.

Of Chas. C. Lewis(P31796)

Charles C. Lewis(P31796) was absent, during a part of the time of restriction, at the house of Professor Tucker(P43619), to explain the reason of his absence.

Of Jno. Chalmers(P35765)

Jno. Chalmers(P35765) was at his dormitory during the time between the hours of 8 and 10 A. M. on the 10th, and presented no obstacles to the Summons of the Grand-Jury(CB0114).

Of J. A. Carter(P25482)

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Curfew Violation  1826-05-10] J. A. Carter(P25482), did not, at the time, conceive


that the Faculty had the right to confine Students to their Dormitories, for any length of time, and, therefore, violated the order by frequently leaving his Dormitory during the time specified. Afterwards , i.e. shortly previous to his examination, became aware that the Faculty had such power over Students.

Punishment of James Clarke(P27388)

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  1826-05-11] It was next moved and carried that Mr. James A. Clarke(P27388), for refusing to read a notice of the Faculty, presented to him, as such, by the Janitor(), be suspended for two months from this date.

Of J. A. Carter(P25482)

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  1826-05-11] That J. A. Carter(P25482) for wilful and avowed opposition to the authority of the Faculty, be suspended for the remainder of this Session.

Motion that Students be informed when their Guardians have been written to

On motion of Mr. Bonnycastle(P43623) resolved "that, in the present and all future cases when it becomes necessary to write to a Guardian or Parent, the Student, concerning whom the communication is to be, shall receive immediate notice of the proceeding.

Letter from J. B. Magruder(P36466)

A letter was received from J. B. Magruder(P36466), Student, requesting permission to leave the University(P4214) in order that he


might join the Military Academy at West Point(CB0187). The Secretary(P43625) was directed to inform Mr. Magruder(P36466) of some preparatory steps required by a regulation of the faculty.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

13th May

At a meeting, present the Chairman(P43624), Professors Bonnycastle(P43623), Key(P43622), Long(P43620), Blaettermann (P43621), and Secretary(P43625), the following business was transacted.

Examination of other Students whose names were upon the public notice of the Faculty. (see minutes of the 9th.)

Lightfoot(P24537) and Beall(P37668)

Mr. Livingston Lightfoot(P24537) and Mr. Upton Beall(P37668) stated that they were not in the University (PL4214) when the Faculty notice became public and did not hear of it until their return. Had gone off the day before.

G. Lewis(P43435)

Mr. Geo. W. Lewis(P43435) stated that he was sitting in front of his dormitory during the time between 8 and 10 A. M. on the 10th. Had no intention of shewing disrespect to the Directions of the Faculty.

A. H. Bernard(P26605)

Examination and opinions

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Curfew Violation  1826-05-10] Mr. A. H. Bernard(P26605) stated that he was at Mr. Long's(P43620) lecture during the time between


8 and 10. When asked, why he was there, knowing that he was acting in opposition to the express order of the 10th, replied that he thought it necessary to be there as the faculty had frequently punished severely for absence from lectures , that he could not obey both orders of the faculty, that his object in coming to the University(CB0001) was to study, and that if the faculty wished their order of the 10th to supersede the enactments, they ought to have been more explicit.

Mr. Bernard's(P26605) case led to a difference of opinion among the members as will be seen by the following questions put to obtain the sense of the meeting.

Moved whether Mr. Bernard(P26605), upon the foregoing testimony, can be considered guilty of disrespect to the Faculty:

Resolved whether it was Mr. Bernard's(P26605) intention to escape, by prevarication, from the penalty of disobedience:


Resolved That A. H. Bernard(P26605) be reprimanded and that his Guardian be informed of the same and its cause.

Robley Dunglison(P43624)

24th May

At a meeting of the Faculty, present the Chairman(P43624), Professors Key(P43622), Long(P43620), Blaettermann (P43621), Bonnycastle(P43623), Tucker(P43619), and Secretary (P43625), the following Business was transacted.

Moved and carried That A. H. Bernard(P26605) be reprimanded by Dr. Blaettermann(P43621). (see meeting on the 13th.)

The principal object of the meeting being to investigate a very serious quarrel between Arthur Smith(P23128) and Henry Dixon(P29820), Students , a number of witnesses were examined (see extra sheet, marked *).

Quarrel between Smith(P23128) and Dixon(P29820)

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns  1826-05-24] By their testimony it appeared that Mr. Smith(P23128) armed himself with a loaded pistol from an apprehension that he might be attacked by Mr. Dixon(P29820), that the parties met, afterwards, accidentally, and entered into


abusive controversy;[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Physical Assault  1826-05-24] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns  1826-05-24]  when Mr. Dixon(P29820) aimed a blow with his fist at Mr. Smith(P23128), that Mr. Smith(P23128) then drew the Pistol and, after having been hit by a stone thrown by Dixon(P29820) at him, aimed it at his antagonist and drew the trigger, without however succeeding in discharging the weapon.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Physical Assault  1826-05-24] Quarrel between Peyton(P32411) and Edmunds(P30935)

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  1826-05-24] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Gambling  1826-05-24]  Mr. Sterling Edmunds(P30935) was summoned for having whipped Chas. Peyton(P32411) with a cowhide; upon examination, confessed the fact and gave the following explanation of the affair . Feeling himself excited by a drink of mint-sling, and being in the company of Students who wereplaying with cards, he was induced to stake money; that Messrs. Sewell(P22176) and Peyton(P32411) played the game, which was all-fours, Mr. Wickliffe(P41118) being present. That he, Edmunds(P30935), lost upon this occasion $200 at about $10 the game. That Mr. C. Peyton(P32411) was charged with having cheated; and was whipped on the same night by Mr. Edmunds(P30935) in consequence of hearing that Peyton(P32411) intended to challenge and cane him.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman



At a meeting of the Faculty, present the Chairman(P43624), Professors Key(P43622), Long(P43620), Bonnycastle (P43623), Blaettermann(P43621), Tucker(P43619), and Secretary(P43625) the following business was transacted.

Quarrel of Smith(P23128) and Dixon(P29820)

The examination of the Smith(P23128) and Dixon(P29820) quarrel was concluded after taking the testimony of Messrs. Blow(P41685) and Wm. Taylor(P32902), students . No further circumstance became known except Mr. Blow's(P41685) confession that he had lately carried a dirk in consequence of learning that an attack upon his person was meditated by one of the Dixons(P29820).

[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal Action:granted ] Motion of Mr. Key(P43622)--That Messrs. Smith(P23128) and Blow(P41685) be required to furnish to the Faculty the arms used by them. (negatived)

Motion of Dr. Blaettermann(P43621)--That Mr. A. Smith(P23128) be expelled from the University(CB0001). (negatived)

Motion of Mr. Tucker(P43619)--That Mr. Smith(P23128) be dismissed for two months. (negatived)

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  1826-05-24] Motion of Mr. Tucker(P43619)--That Mr. Smith(P23128) be dismissed for the remainder of the Session . (carried, subsequently annulled)


[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal  ] Motion that Mr. H. Dixon(P29820) be dismissed for the remainder of the Session. (lost)

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  1826-05-24] Motion of Mr. Key(P43622)--That Mr. H. Dixon(P29820) be suspended until the 1st of July next. (carried)

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  1826-05-24] Motion of Mr. Key(P43622)--That Mr. R. Blow(P41685) be suspended until the 1st of July. (car- ried)

[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal  1826-05-24] Mr. Smith's(P23128) case was reconsidered. Moved--That Mr. A. Smith(P23128) be dismissed for 3 months. (carried)


Moved and carried--That the following notice be read to the classes

A. Smith(P23128)

[EVENT: Student Misconduct  ] [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] "Resolved That Arthur Smith(P23128), for having carried and used a loaded Pistol in a late affray with Mr. H. Dixon(P29820), be dismissed for 3 months from this day. (Enact. 43, 44, 47)

H. Dixon(P29820)

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Physical Assault  ] [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  1826-05-24] Resolved That Henry Dixon(P29820), for having commenced an attack upon Mr. Smith(P23128) and for having aimed dangerous weapons at his person , be suspended until the 1st of July next. (Enact. 43, 44)

R. Blow(P41685)

[EVENT: Student Misconduct  ] [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  1826-05-24] Resolved That R. Blow(P41685), for having armed himself with a dirk, upon a late occasion, be suspended until the 1st of July next. (Enact. 47)

Dr. Dunglison(P43624) protests against the foregoing decisions


1st "Because either Mr. Smith's(P23128) case falls under Enactment 44 or Enactment 47. If not under 44, then a major punishment seems to be beyond the powers of the Faculty or at all events too severe a measure.

2nd Because Mr. Blow's(P41685) offence seems to fall only under Enactment 47 and to require a minor punishment."


Dr. Emmet(P43625) is of opinion that the present Enactments do not authorize major


punishments in the foregoing cases of Smith(P23128) and Blow(P41685) and has therefore given negative votes. In Mr. Dixon's(P29820) case, tho' the 43rd Enactment was applicable, it was deemed too severe a measure to make the penalty a major punishment.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

May 27th.

At a meeting of the Faculty, present the Chairman(P43624), Professors Key(P43622), Long(P43620), Bonnycastle (P43623), Blaettermann(P43621), Tucker(P43619), and Secretary (P43625), the following business was transacted.

Upon a complaint from Professor Long(P43620), Resolved--That the Janitor(P44285), Mr. Brockman(P43842), be required to remain at the door of each Professor while lecturing.

Peyton(P32411) and Edmunds(P30935)

The Investigation of Mr. Edmunds(P30935)' assault upon Peyton(P32411) was now resumed. (see minutes of the 24th.)

Peyton's(P32411) testimony

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Gambling  1826-05-24] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Verbal Assault  ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Physical Assault  ] Mr. C. Peyton(P32411) admitted that he had played cards with Mr. Edmunds(P30935), when E.(P30935) lost $30, and afterwards with others upon his account, that in this manner, by different games as loo, all-fours, and whist, he had won $240 from who then issisted


upon the stakes being raised from 10 to 20 dollars per game and when refused , called Peyton(P32411) a "damned rascal"; that he, Peyton(P32411), the gaming having been in his room(PL8478), then told Mr. Edmunds(P30935) that he would whip him if he ever ventured to enter his dormitory again. Mr. Peyton(P32411) gave the following names of students who played for Edmunds(P30935): J. Medley(P36992), C. Wickliffe(P41118), H. Magruder(P36466), and Wm. Sewell(P22176). Franklin Chapman(P43839), son of the Hotel-keeper, also gambled with the Students upon this occasion . The nights of play were Saturday, Sunday and Monday. On Monday night Mr. Wickliffe(P41118) knocked at Peyton's(P32411) door and told him that Edmunds(P30935) wished to see him. When he came out of his dormitory(PL8478) quite unprepared , Edmunds(P30935) struck him several times with a cow-hide. Peyton(P32411) denied having been charged with unfair play.[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns  1826-05-24]  Admitted that on Wednesday night he was armed with a Brace of Pistols that he intended giving a challenge; but did not do so. Considered these card debts as binding.

Testimony of Wickliffe(P41118)

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Gambling  ] Charles Wickliffe(P41118) testified that he


had played cards upon the account of Edmunds (P30935) at the dormitory of Peyton(P32411), that the latter kept a regular gambling-room. Admitted his having told Edmunds(P30935) that he would, if in E's place, cow-hide Peyton(P32411) and acknowledged having written a letter to Peyton(P32411), which was extremely abusive, insulting and menacing.

Of Sewell(P22176)

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Gambling  ] Mr. Sewell(P22176) admitted his having played cards at Peyton's(P32411) room, for Edmunds(P30935) and at his particular request. Lost money for him and thought Peyton's(P32411) cards were stacked (i.e. arranged by suits). Told Peyton(P32411) his opinion who laughed but did not positively deny the charge. Edmunds(P30935) complained to him that Peyton(P32411) had cheated.

Of Medley(P36992)

Mr. Isaac Medley(P36992) also played cards at the request of Edmunds(P30935) and lost money. Heard no suspicions of foul play upon the part of Peyton(P32411).

Of Magruder(P36466)

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Gambling  ] Mr. H. Magruder(P36466) admitted his having played cards at Peyton's(P32411) room. Never won more than $5. Had heard the rumor that Peyton(P32411)' cheated.

2nd examination of Edmunds (P30935) (see minutes of the 24th)

Mr. S. Edmunds(P30935) was again summoned and testified that C. Wickliffe(P41118) called him out


of his Bed by telling him that Mr. Peyton(P32411) was outside waiting for him. Wickliffe(P41118) had previously drawn Peyton(P32411) out, be telling him that Edmunds(P30935) wished to speak to him and he then called upon the latter so loud and in such terms that he felt compelled to commence the scuffle, lest he should be suspected of flinching. As a reason for his providing himself with a cowskin, he stated that Franklin Chapman(P43839) gave him information that Peyton(P32411) meant to challenge him.

It was now moved after full consideration and discussion,

C. Peyton(P32411)

[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal  1826-05-27] 1. That Mr. C. Peyton(P32411) be expelled from the University(CB0001). (carried) (Enact. 40, 47)

S. Edmunds(P30935)

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  1826-05-27] 2. That Sterling Edmunds(P30935) be suspended until 1st of July next. (carried) (Enact. 43, 40, 47, 72)

C. Wickliffe(P41118)

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  1826-05-27] 3. That Chas. Wickliffe(P41118) be suspended until the 1st of August next. (carried.) (Enact. 40, 43)

The other Students implicated

4. That the other Students, Viz. Sewell(P22176), Medley(P36992), and Magruder(P36466), be reprimanded for gaming and particularly cautioned against a repetition of the offence. (carried) (Enact. 40)


Professor Tucker(P43619) objections to the sentence upon Wickcliffe (P41118)

G. Tucker(P43619) dissents from a majority of the Faculty in inflicting a greater punishment on Charles Wickliffe(P41118) than on Sterling Edmunds(P30935).

Because Wickliffe(P41118) in the act of instigating Edmunds(P30935) to attack Peyton(32411), of preventing Major Spotswood() from interposing between Edmunds(P30935) and Peyton(P32411), and of writing an abusive and threatening letter to Peyton(P32411), merely encouraged and threatened that outrage which Edmunds(P30935) actually committed . If these acts of themselves, could make Wickliffe(P41118) an equal in guilt, which may be questioned, it is not seen how they could make him more culpable. And

Because Edmunds(P30935) committed some improprieties and some flagrant violations of law, of which Wickliffe(P41118) was either far less guilty or altogether innocent: as for example

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  1826-05-20] 1. He was intoxicated on Saturday the 20th inst.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Gambling  ] 2. He gambled on three successive nights or days, one of them Sunday, while Wickliffe(P41118) played only on Monday night.

3. He played for money and lost to


a large amount, while Wickliffe(P41118), without betting, only played for Edmunds(P30935) as others did for the friendly purpose of diminishing his losses to Peyton(P32411).

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Verbal Assault  ] 4. In the quarrel between Edmunds(P30935) and Peyton(P32411), the first insult was given by Edmunds (P30935), without any agency in the part of Wickliffe(P41118).

The only alleged ground of distinction in favor of Edmunds(P30935), is the weakness of his understanding. But it seems to me to be unsafe to allow this as an excuse for misconduct , unless the imbecility were such as to render him unfit to be a student, and to exonorate him from punishment altogether.

Even if it were politic and right to graduate Edmund's(P30935) punishment according to his intellect, after making the most liberal allowance for this circumstance of mitigation, it seems to be greatly outweighed by those several acts of misconduct in which Wickliffe(P41118) had no participation .

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman



At a meeting of the Faculty present Chairman(P43624), Professors Key(P43622), Long(P43620), Blaettermann (P43621), Tucker(P43619) and Secretary(P43625), it was

Resolved--[EVENT: Student Conduct:Celebrations  1826-07-04] That the Students be permitted to celebrate the 4th of July next by an Oration and a dinner within the Gymnasium(PL8500).

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

June 26th.

Present Professors Long(P43620), Key(P43622), Tucker(P43619), Bonnycastle(P43623), and Secretary(P43625); it was resolved that Professor Bonnycastle(P43623) be chairman pro tempore.

Mr. Waring(P26103) begged permission to leave Mr. Spotswood's(P43830) Hotel in consequence of a quarrel or misunderstanding between him and Mr. Spotswood(P43830). Permission was granted.

Complaints having been made that the Janitor, Mr. Brockman(P43842), neglected his duty, it was moved and carried that he be reprimanded for the same before the Faculty. The Chairman pro tempore(P43623) performed this duty accordingly.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman


July 5th, 1826

At a meeting of the Faculty, present Chairman(P43624), Professors Tucker(P43619), Blaettermann(P43621), Bonnycastle(P43623), and Key(P43622), the following preamble and resolutions were submitted by Mr. Tucker(P43619), and were unanimously adopted by the members present.

The Faculty of the University of Virginia (PL4214) deeply lamenting the death of their distinguished Rector, Thomas Jefferson(P43611), who, on the fiftieth anniversary of that Declaration of Independence which he himself had penned, terminated a long and well spent life, feel themselves impelled to record this testimony of their exalted respect for his talents, admiration for his virtues, and grateful sense of his kindness and attention to themselves.

They forbear to dwell on the public services of this illustrious man. The ability and fidelity with which he discharged the various duties of legislator, statesman, diplomatist, and at length of Chief Magistrate of the Nation, his own incorruptible integrity, his unvarying attachment to public economy, peace, and the


principles of civil liberty, are interwoven in the history of his country, and constitute one of its brightest pages. By the very remarkable fact of his death on the 4th of July, the most memorable event in American() annals is yet more indissolubely associated with his fame. But they feel themselves more especially called upon to notice this melancholy occurrence in relation to the Institution of which they are members, and of which he was substantially the founder: for his genius suggested the plan, his patience and unwearied assiduity combatted every prejudice, and his efforts, after having overcome all opposition, were extended to its course of instruction, the laws for its government, and the minutest details of its regulation and police. How much is the merit of these exertions enhanced , when it is recollected, that they were made by one who had been elevated to the highest distinction his country could bestow, and who had already reached the ordinary term of human life, that thus full of years and of honors, he disinterestedly labored to benefit his native state, with a diligence and zeal that would have signalized


the most fervid course of youthful ambition!

The loss of such a patron cannot but be greatly felt by this rising Institution, whether we regard the estimation in which he was held throughout the Union, the proximity of his residence to the University, or, above all, his entire devotion to its interests, continually augmented by seeing his fondest anticipations of its success in a course of rapid fulfilment. But, to the members of the Faculty, his loss is irreparable ; for they have all personally experienced his accommodating spirit, his liberal hospitality, his kind offices on every occasion, they have all been instructed and delighted by the rare and versatile powers of that intellect, which time had enriched with facts, without detracting from its lustre, and been charmed with those inimitable manners which, dictated by delicacy and benevolence, mere rules can never teach.

Resolved, therefore, That the Faculty of the University of Virginia(PL4214), in testimony of their respect for the memory of Thomas


Jefferson(P43611), their late Rector, do wear crape on the left arm for the space of two months.

Resolved, That, while in conformity with his last injunctions, that he should be "buried without any pomp or ceremony whatever," they avoid any more formal or ostentations demonstration of their feelings, the members do individually attend his interment at the family burying place.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman C. Bonnycastle(P43623) Secretary pro tempore

At a meeting of the Faculty it was carried that Professor Key(P43622) be secretary pro tempore.

A letter was received from Mr. Mathews (P43837), acting Military Instructor, in reply to which it was resolved

Use of lecture room granted to the acting Military Instructor

That Mr. Mathews(P43837) have the use of the Lecture room in the Rotunda(PL8428) until the 1st of September, provided he becomes responsible , personally, for all damage done, the same to be estimated by the Proctor(P43627).

Resolved also, That the University(CB0001)


Bell be rung on those occasions when Mr. Mathew's(P43837) class meets in the aforesaid room.

Rule for the Librarian respecting Books and fines

[EVENT: Library:Books  1825-07-05] [EVENT: Library:Access/use policies  ] Moved and carried, That the Librarian(P43631) be directed to furnish on or before the 14th of August a list of all Books out of the Library(PL8630) without permission, and of all fines incurred, stating those which have been paid and the contrary, and that it be his duty to furnish a similar list on the 14th of every alternate month.

A. H. H. Bernard (P26605), certificate for moral character required

A private letter was received by Mr. Lomax(P43630) from the Father of A. H. H. Bernard(P26605) requiring the Faculty to furnish a certificate of a moral character for his son. This was the second letter to one addressed by the same Individual to the Chairman of the Faculty(P43624) and requiring that his son might have every facility to leave the University(PL4214), a letter of such a character as to preclude an answer. The Faculty feeling that they had not sufficient evidence for certifying to moral character and believing that such circumstances as were known to them actually bore a contrary appearance, Resolved, in reply to the letter



Reply of the Faculty

That "altho' Mr. A. H. H. Bernard(P26605), late a student, of the University of Virginia (PL4214), upon two occasions incurred the reprehension of the Faculty, (see meetings of Feb. 16th, and 13th and 24th May.) yet the Faculty neither know nor have cause to believe that there is any objection on account of his general conduct, sufficient to preclude his admission into any seminary of learning. They further add, that Mr. Bernard's(P26605) leaving this Institution(CB0001) was wholly voluntary on his part."

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

August 9th

At a meeting of the Faculty present all the members, the following Business was transacted

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns  1826-08-09] Examination of Students more or less concerned in disturbing the peace by firing off gun powder and by ringing the Bell, etc.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance  1826-08-09] Professor Key(P43622) gave in the names of several Students whom he caught apparently in company with others engaged in disturbing the public peace by ringing the University Bell during the night. When pursued by Mr. Key(P43622) they fled to Mr. Shreve's(P22459) dormitory. The following are


the facts obtained from their examination.

Willis(P21842), Mason(P31107) and Brown(P24865), their testimony

Messrs. Jno. Willis(P21842), Barnes Mason(P31107), and A. S. Brown(P24865), acknowledged that they ran into Mr. Shreve's(P22459) dormitory(PL8478) when they heard that Professor Key(P43622) was among them, but disclaimed all connexion directly or remotely with the disturbance. Mason(P28570) and Brown(P24865) admitted that they had also been upon the lawn(PL8427), sufficiently near those concerned, to see, tho' the night was very dark, a Student climb up the pillar in pursuit of the Bellrope.

Mr. Shreve(P22459)

Mr. Shreve(P22459), occupant of the dormitory, totally disclaimed all connexion with the affair and confirmed the statement made by the foregoing Students of their innocence .

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

10th August

At this meeting, present all the members of the Faculty, the evidence of yesterday was considered and acted upon.

Sentence upon Willis(P21842), Mason() and Brown(P24865)

Resolved that Messrs. Jno. Willis(P21842), Barnes Mason(P31107), and A. S. Brown(P24865), Students,


be admonished publicly that it is disorderly to be present at the spot where others are engaged in creating disturbances , and, that an attempt, as in their cases, to escape from a Professor aggravates the offence, while it also proves that the parties feel themselves to be accessories ."

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Riot  ] Mr. Tucker(P43619) gave information that very late at night, he perceived a number of Students apparently endeavoring to set fire to some gun powder at or near the dormitory (PL8478) of Mr. J. Baker(P23030), from which also the fire was taken; that they repeated the attempt very frequently and then gave it up as hopeless.

J. Baker(P23030) admitted many offences

Mr. Jerman Baker(P23030), admitted that he furnished the light and also tried, 2 or 3 times, to set fire to the composition (a quart Bottle holding powder, etc.), that the party called upon him and he joined them, confessed also that, on Friday (Professor Long(P43620) had seen him with the party of bell-ringers) he was among those engaged in ringing the Bell and even rang it himself, allowed that he was aware he was


violating the enactments and that he did so for mischief sake.

Mr. LaBranch(P34877)

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance  ] It appeared that Mr. Jno. LaBranch's(P34877) Dormitory(PL8478) was open very late this night and in the neighbourhood of the party engaged in firing off the Powder. When called and examined, he denied being at all concerned, yet admitted that he saw the transaction going on without, that he granted the use of his cellar to the party and was even down among them during the preparation of the combustible matter.

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  1826-08-10] J. Baker(P23030) suspend for the remainder of the Session

Moved and carried that Jerman Baker(P23030) be suspended during the remainder of the Session . At the request of the Chairman(P43624) the votes are recorded

The sentence, reconsidered arguments

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  1826-08-10] It was next, moved and carried that the foregoing sentence be reconsidered. Mild measures were proposed by some from considerations for Baker's(P23030) youth, and opposed by others on the ground that if once admitted into the University(CB0001), age ought


never to excuse an offence on the part of any Student, and as there was no doubt of Baker's(P23030) guilt there did not seem to be sufficient reason for leaving the usual mode of proceeding against the offender.

Suspension confirmed

The motion was them put whether J. Baker(P23030) be suspended for the remainder of the Session. This was carried.

Jno. LaBranch(P34877) reprimanded

It was moved and carried that J. La - Branch (P34877) be reprimanded, by Dr. Emmet(P43625), for indirectly countenancing the attempt to explode gun powder on the night of Saturday 12th by allowing the party to occupy his cellar for the purpose, known to him, of preparing combustibles to be exploded within the precincts(PL8425).

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

August 15th

At this meeting present all the members of the Faculty, the following business was transacted

Mr. A. H. H. Bernard's(P26605) father being dissatisfied with the opinion expressed by the faculty of his son's moral character


and seeming to be seeking, by private and unbecoming means, to cast a stigma upon the proceedings of the Faculty, (see the meeting 3rd from the present) it was resolved that

Resolution respecting A. H. H. Bernard 's(P26605) father

Mr. Bernard,(P26605) Senr. receive no statement or explanation respecting the faculty decision, until he openly seeks for it through the Chairman of that Body.

[EVENT: Library:Access/use policies  1826-08-10] [EVENT: Fee  1826-08-10] Respecting Library fines

Moved, That Mr. Long(P43620) be a committee to procure and furnish to the Faculty, at the end of a week from this date, a list of such Students as refuse to pay their library fines.

August 15th

At a meeting, present all the members of the Faculty, the following business was transacted--

Mr. Lomax(P43630) stated that Mr. Bernard(P26605), not being satisfied with the statement of the minutes, which he had previously received from himself, had, that morning, thro' him applied to the Secretary(P43625), for a complete copy of the minutes regarding his Son, which the Secretary(P43625) refused to give for Mr. B's(P26605)


use, without the authority of the Faculty. It was then moved, by Mr. Lomax(P43630), that such a complete copy be furnished to Mr. B.(P26605); but an amendment was moved and carried, that the question be not entertained, until Mr. Bernard(P26605) have expressed his request, in suitable terms, in a written communication to the Chairman(P43624).

[EVENT: Library:Access/use policies  1826-08-15] [EVENT: Fee  1826-08-15] Moved, that Mr. Long(P43620) do procure and furnish to the Faculty, at the end of a week from this date, a list of such Students as refuse to pay their library fines. (carried)

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Gambling  ] Resolved that Messrs. Wickliffe(P41118) and Mathews(P30393) be admonished by the Chairman of the Faculty(P43624), that they have violated an enactment of the University in playing at a game of chance; but that, in consequence of some doubt having appeared amongs the Students respecting this game (Backgammon) being included under the enactment alluded to, no further step will be taken in their case; but that the Faculty point out to them that their offence is greatly aggravated by having been committed on Sunday.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman


August 17th

At this meeting present all the members except Dr. Blaettermann(P43621), Messrs. O. Fairfax(P38687), Jno. Turner(P27433), and R. Yates(P34750) were examined.

R. Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

August 18th

At this meeting present all the members of the Faculty, it was

Resolved, That those Students who called , and were present at the meeting of Students held on Wednesday the 16th in relation to A. H. H. Bernard(P26605), be publicly reprimanded by the Faculty and that their written opinion be read by each Professor before his class. (see examination of O. Fairfax(P38687) and Jno. Turner(P27433) August 17th)

Resolved, That the Chairman of the Faculty(P43624) communicate to R. Yates(P34750), that on the suggestion of Mr. Long(P43620), the Faculty forbear , at this time, to express any opinion on the subject of his late affidavit, in behalf of A. H. H. Bernard(P26605), in relation to the permit used by the said Bernard(P26605), but refer


the same to the consideration and decision of the Visitors.

[EVENT: University Administration:Facilities Management  1826-08-18] Resolved that the Proctor(P43627) be instructed to provide a horse and cart with a Scavenger to inspect every part of the University (PL4214), daily, at sun rise or earlier, for the purpose of removing any dirt or filth which may be collected, and that he do further direct attention to be paid to cleanliness in every respect and especially to that of the public conveniences.

[EVENT: University Administration:Facilities Management  ] It was farther resolved, that the Proctor(P43627) be directed to carry the resolutions of the Executive committee into immediate effect, regarding the formation of proper drains.

[EVENT: University Administration:Facilities Management  ] It was resolved also, that the immediate attention of the Proctor(P43627) be requested to the furnishing of the University(PL4214) with a complete supply of potable water.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

August 29th

At this meeting, present all the members of the Faculty except Mr. Long(P43620), it was

On file

Resolved that the executive Committee


be written to respecting Messrs. Dinsmore() and Nelson().

Moved, by G. Tucker(P43619), that the Faculty reconsider the sentence of suspension of Jerman Baker(P23030):

The following Committees were appointed

1. for the revision of Enactments;-- Dunglison(P43624), Lomax(P43630), Bonnycastle(P43623).

2. upon the subject of Examinations;-- Key(P43622), Long(P43620).

3. for suggestions of a general character , upon subjects not falling within the duties of the foregoing Committees;--Tucker(P43619), Blaettermann(P43621), Emmet(P43625).

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

September 9th

At this meeting, present all the members of the Faculty, the Committees, nominated on the 29th Aug., read their reports which were approved and ordered to be laid before the Visitors(CB0042) as suggestions of the



During the consideration of the suggestions respecting Examinations, the following motion was put and lost--"that the Parents or Guardians, of the male sex, of the Students, shall be permitted to take precedence of other strangers in their admission to the Examinations.

Affirmation--R. Dunglison(P43624), G. Long(P43620), G. Tucker(P43619).

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

September 19th

Present all the members of the Faculty.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal  1826-09-19] Resolved, That C. Wickliffe(P41118) be dismissed from the University(CB0001) on account of his general conduct and inattention to his studies.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

September 20th

Present all the members of the Faculty but Mr. Long(P43620), the following business was transacted


[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Destruction of Property  ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Verbal Assault  ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Physical Assault  ] Mr. Turner Dixon(P43469), Student, was informed that the faculty had evidence that he was one of the party who made an attack upon Mr. Crawford's(P43843) house on the night of the He acknowledged the fact and stated further that he was one who, upon Mr. Crawford(P43843) using abusive language, threw a stone at the house, and farther that he was present when Mr. C's(P43843) servant woman was stripped of her clothes by the Students and advised them to desist; that on the following morning, feeling it correct to offer satisfaction, he called with Mr. Hoffman(P30227), upon Mr. Crawford (P43843) and settled the affair.

Mr. George Hoffman(P30227), Student, admitted that he was with the party who made the attack upon Mr. Crawford's(P43843) House; did not at all assist; but even made exertions to stop the Students; acknowledges his having been with the party who insulted and stripped the servant girl of her clothes that this was done under the impression that she was one of the women who had infected the Students with disease; that Mr. Crawford(P43843) had agreed to compromise for the sum of $10.


It was moved and carried, that Messrs. Turner Dixon(P43469) and George Hoffman(P30227), having been implicated in an indecent outrage upon a female and in an attack upon Mr. Crawford's(P43843) house be reprimanded at the heads of their classes and that their parents of guardians be informed of their conduct; that it be stated, in the reprimand , that the faculty is inflicting so light a punishment, having taken into consideration that the parties appeared sorry for the offence committed, and had promptly , of their own accord, made a reparation which was accepted by the injured Party.

Mr. Key(P43622) voted in the negative upon the foregoing motion "because he thinks the case should be left to the civil authority and, that, if the Faculty do act, they should act with more severity."

Dr. Emmet(P43625) also voted against the foregoing motion from a belief that it does not exhibit sufficient severity for the offences.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman


September 30th

At this meeting present all the members except Professors Long(P43620) and Lomax(P43630), it was resolved

That Wm. Burwell(P34170) be reprimanded for having written a disrespectful letter to Professor Blaettermann(P43621), and that he be informed that no student can leave any class without the consent of his Parent or Guardian .

Resolved; that it be recommended to the Visitors(CB0042) to advertise the opening of the Sessions in some newspaper published in the capital of each of the Southern States.

Resolved; That in various newspapers, prior to the opening of the Session and in the first circular letter sent to a parent or guardian of any Student after his arrival , be inserted a statement of the regular expences of the Institution(CB0001).

Resolved; That the licences to servants to attend on the Dormitories be submitted to the Faculty for their approbation; and that the same be revocable at the pleasure of the Faculty.

Resolved; that it be recommended to


the Visitors(CB0042) to have the various Enactments distributed under separate heads and to have the regulations, furnished to each Student gratuitously with a copy of the Enactments.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

October 14th

At this meeting, present all the members of the Faculty except Professors Lomax (P43620) and Tucker(P43619), it was

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal  ] Resolved; That Wm. Burwell(P34170) be dismissed for absenting himself from Dr. Blaettermann's(P43621) class, contrary to a general and a special order of the Faculty, as well as for general Idleness.

[EVENT: Library:Books  1826-10-14] Resolved: that Mr. Wertenbaker(P43631) (Li- brarian) be directed to write to the Executive Committee and represent to them, that Mr. Hilliard(P44820) has neglected, since March last, sending the Periodicals ordered by Mr. Jefferson(P43611) to be furnished quarterly ; that the Faculty have in consequence , been put to considerable inconvenience , and therefore request the committee


to pay immediate attention to the suggestions laid before the Visitors, respecting the supply of Books, more especially Periodicals and Text-Books.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

October 17th

At this meeting present all the members except Professor Tucker(P43619), the following business was transacted,

Dr. Emmet(P43625) laid before the faculty the following note which was sent by one of his Students upon being told that written permission from his Guardian, would be required before a Student could leave his class--

The Expulsion of Mr. Shriver(P25786) was moved


and lost.

Mr. Lomax(P43630) declined voting on consequence of not having been present when Mr. Shriver(P25786) was examined.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal  1826-10-17] It was then resolved that Mr. Shriver(P25786) be dismissed and excluded from readmission to the University.

The Chairman(P43624) and Mr. Long(P43620) were appointed a committed to carry into effect the wishes of the Visitors(CB0042) regarding the Museum of Natural and Artificial Curiosities presented by the late Rector(P43611).

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal  ] Thomas Pemberton(P27649) dismissed for inattention to his studies.

[EVENT: Library:Access/use policies  ] Moved that Books be given out to and received from Students on Saturdays from half past 3 to 5 o'clock.

Mr. Key(P43622) moved that the Books be given out on 2 days in the Week. Lost.

[EVENT: Library:Access/use policies  ] Moved and carried that the Library(PL8630) be open to Students, every day in the week, Saturdays and Sundays excepted, from half past 3 to 5 o'clock.


[EVENT: Library:Access/use policies  ] Resolved--that the Students who may wish to enter the Library(PL8630), during the Hours that it may be open, are required to send on the previous day a written note to the Librarian(P43631), to that effect, whose duty it shall be, to give them transferable tickets of admissions. The number of tickets, issued each day, shall be 20.

Resolved that the Regulations of the Library, go into operation on Saturday next.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

October 23rd.

Present all the members of the Faculty except Professors Tucker(P43619) and Blaettermann(P43621).

Resolved; That the secretary(P43625) do write to the Proctor(P43627) to enquire whether Thos. Pemberton(P27649) has removed from the Precincts of the University(PL8632).

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman


October 24th

Present all the members of the Faculty except Professor Tucker(P43619).

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  1826-10-21] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance  1826-10-21] Professor Bonnycastle(P43623) informed the faculty that on Saturday night (21st) in consequence of a great disturbance, he entered one of the dormitories(PL8478) and there found Mr. Wall(P35452), on a bed, quite intoxicated .

Mr. Wall(P35452), upon examination, acknowledged that he was quite intoxicated on Saturday night. That he and other students had been in a back room drinking at Mr. Mowsby's() shop and arrived at the University(PL4214) intoxicated. Was aware that he was violating the Enactments.

Resolved--That Mr. Wall's(P35452) Guardian be informed of the misconduct, and that the Secretary(P43625) make this resolution known to Mr. Wall(P35452).

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman


October 30th

Present all the members except Professor Tucker(P43619).

The Chairman(P43624) read a letter from Mr. Peachy Bilmor(P43846) to the Faculty, in relation to his ward, Mr. Burwell(P34170), the consideration of which was postponed until the arrival of Professor Tucker(P43619).

Resolved That John(P36971) and Charles(P26754) Preston and Mr. Wilcox(P38237) be written to, to inform them that they are violating an Enactment by keeping Dogs.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance  ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Horses  ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ] The following examination took place, of Students who were riding in a very disorderly and noisy manner thro' the University (PL4214) on Thursday last, and neglected to stop immediately when directed to do so by Professor Key(P43622).

Mr. Thomas Swann(P30795) was with the party in the carriage; told the driver to stop as soon as he saw that Mr. Key(P43622) was following them; thinks that some of his companions heard Mr. Key(P43622) address them; but was not himself aware of the circumstance; was not intoxicated.

Mr. Murphy(P34575) first told the Driver to


stop when he saw Mr. Key(P43622) running after them tho' he had previously seen him beckon to them to do so; stated that the party had been drinking in a back room at Mr. Mowsby's() the confectioner, and that he himself was somewhat intoxicated.

Mr. A. S. Brown(P24865) first saw Mr. Key(P43622) cross the lawn to meet them; heard him address them but could not distinguish the words; did not order the Driver to stop when he saw Mr. Key(P43622) beckon to them but did so when Mr. Key(P43622) followed them; was drinking at Mr. Mowsby's() but was not intoxicated.

Mr. L. Lindsey(P26105) heard Mr. Key(P43622) address them but could not distinguish the words; saw Mr. Key(P43622) get over the fence but did not see him beckon to them; had been drinking at Mr. Mowsby's() but does not think that he was intoxicated tho' he felt excited.

Resolved That Mr. Swann(P30795) be admonished for having been in a disorderly Party on Thursday last.

Resolved That Messrs. Murphy(P34575), Brown(P24865), and Lindsey(P26105) be reprimanded for having been in a disorderly party and for not having


stopped instantly on being directed to do so, by a Professor. That Mr. Murphy(P34575) be also reprimanded for intoxication and that his parent or Guardian be informed of the circumstance .

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

November 4th

Present all the members except Professors Key(P43622), Bonnycastle(P43623) and Emmet(P43625).

Meeting of October 14th

A letter from Mr. Peachy Gilmer(P44366) (on file) to the Faculty respecting his ward [EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal  ] Wm. Burwell(P34170), who had been dismissed for disobedience to the orders of the Faculty, was read by the Chairman(P43624). The following certificate was also read--

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  1826-11-04] Resolved, that Mr. P. Gilmer() be informed that the Faculty will admit Mr. Wm. Burwell(P34170) into the University(CB0001) next session,


on condition that he makes a suitable apology to the Faculty for his disobedience and promises to obey the regulations in future and be more attentive to his Studies.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

November 10th

Present all the members, it was

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Physical Assault  ] Resolved; That the Proctor(P43627) be directed to inform the magistrats, and Sheriffs, and other Peace-officers, who may be now in Charlottesville(PL4176) or the neighbourhood, that the Faculty are informed and have reason to believe that Henry T. Dixon(P29820) and Livingston Lindsay(P26105), Students of the University (CB0001), design to fight a duel, and to request the prompt assistance of the said Peace-officers, to prevent the said Dixon(P29830) and Lindsay(P26105) from carrying their design, afforesaid, into effect. And the Proctor is, moreover, required to afford all the information he can procure or can give to the said Peace-officers which may better enable them to prevent the violation of the peace which is designed by the said



[EVENT: University Administration:Facilities Management  ] Resolved That each member of the Faculty shall have the Lithographic Press() under his direction for two days in succession ; and, that, if on delivery of the key, it shall be the opinion of his Successor and one other Professor, that he has wasted the materials or left the apparatus and room in an improper state, he shall be fined one dollar.

[EVENT: University Administration:Facilities Management  ] Resolved That the Proctor(P43627) be required to furnish, immediately, for the use of the lithographic Press,

Spirit of Turpentine 2 quarts
Gum Arabac 1bs. "
Coarse Towels 1 dozen
Sponges 1 dozen
Demi printing paper 1 Ream
Packing paper 1 Quire

Resolved That Mr. Loughbrough() be summoned before the Faculty and be informed that it is the sense of the Faculty that if any Student be engaged, as a Second, in a Duel, or, in aiding or abetting the giving and accepting a challenge, he is liable, as


well as the Principals, to punishment; and that any Student, offending herein, will not be readmitted as a Student in the University (CB0001), and may expose himself to the Sentence of Expulsion.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct  ] Resolved--That the Chairman of the Faculty(P43624) be requested to write to Dr. Peyton (), who is the Guardian of Henry Dixon(P29820), and inform him, that the said Henry(P29820) has absented himself from the University(PL4214) without permission and that the faculty have good reason to believe that he has left the University(P4214) for the purpose of fighting a duel with Livingston Lindsay(P26105), another Student , in parts beyond the limits of the State. And that he also write to Lindsay() that his brother Livingston Lindsay (P26105) has quitted the University(PL4214) without permission and, as is believed by the Faculty, that he has quitted with intent to fight a duel with Henry Dixon(P29820) in some place beyond the limits of the State(PL4507). And that the Proctor(P43627) be requested to despatch forthwith a messenger with the said Letters.

Messrs. Tayloe(P30107), Dade(P27072), Spotswood(P33137), Richison (), Glenn(P39384), Gray(P41221), and Pleasants(P41538) were examined


by the Faculty respecting the intended duel between Dixon(P29820) and Lindsay(P26105), but they were unable to give more than common report.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

Nov. 13th

Present all the members.

The particulars of this examination are on file

Messrs. Pleasants(P41538) and Loughbrough() were examined respecting the contemplated duel between Henry Dixon(P29820) and Livingston Lindsay(P26105). It appeared by the examination of Mr. Loughbrough () that a challenge to fight had been sent by Mr. Dixon(P29820) and accepted by Mr. Lindsay (P26105) and bore back the answer. Mr. Loughbrough () stated that he was induced to act as Second to Mr. Dixon(P29820) after consulting the Enactments of the University(CB0001) and finding that there was no mention made of Seconds. (Enact. No. 44) He, however, advised Mr. Dixon(P29820) to defer challenging until the end of the Session. Mr. Hugh Pleasants(P41538) stated that he did not consider himself as the [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns  ] Second of Mr. Lindsay(P26105). Confessed that one object of his late absence from the University (PL4214) was to purchase pistols for Mr.


Lindsay;(P26105) that he had practised shooting with Mr. L(P26105) in consequence of learning that Mr. Dixon(P29820) was a fatal shot; consulted the Enactments when applied to, by Mr. Lindsay(P26105), to be his Second and was of opinion that they could not operate against Seconds. Declined having anything to do with the duel until after the Session.

Resolved That the order which was made at the last meeting, directing Mr. Loughbrough() to be summoned and informed of the sense of the Faculty, etc., be so amended as to read thus

[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal  ] Resolved That Henry T. Dixon(P29820) and Livingston Lindsay(P26105) be expelled from the University (CB0001), the first for having given and the other for having accepted a challenge to [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns  ] fight a duel.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman of the Faculty

Nov. 21st

Present all the members.

Dr. Blaettermann(P43621) laid before the Faculty for their consideration, the case of W. Wellford(P29022), one of his Students. The circumstances were stated as follows--Wm. Wellford(P29022) upon entering the lecturing room removed to so great a distance that Dr. B(P43621) requested him to take a nearer seat in order that he might be better heard and seen


during his examination. Mr. Wellford(P29022) refused to do so, saying that he would sit where he pleased. Dr. B(P43621) then remarked that he did not think well of those Students who place themselves at such a distance as not to be seen or heard; Mr. Wellford(P29022) replied that the opinion was immaterial to him.


Mr. Wellford(P29022) upon being asked by a member of the Faculty, what induced him to be so disrespectful, replied that Dr. Blaettermann(P43621) appeared to be in a passion; that he refused to take a nearer seat, because he thought he had a right to sit where he pleased in the lecture room; that he was never told to change his seat by the other Professors whom he attended. He stated, further, that he did not consider his conduct as insubordination.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:French  ] Dr. Blaettermann(P43621) also brought before the notice of the Faculty the case of C. Calvert(P38039), one of his Students, under the following circumstances--Mr. Calvert(P38039) not being able to translate a French lesson, Dr. Blaettermann(P43621) reproved him by observing


that he ought to be ashamed of himself for not understanding a lesson which had been translated by 20 Students before him. Mr. Calvert(P38039) replied by the expression "you ought to be ashamed of yourself" etc. Mr. Calvert (P38039) acknowledged to the Faculty the correctness of the foregoing statement. He stated that he did not think what he was saying at the time and admitted the impropriety of his conduct.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] Dr. Blaettermann(P43621), also stated to the Faculty that H. Coleman(P32609), had withdrawn from his class without the permission of his Guardian. Mr. Coleman(P32609) explained to the Faculty , that he had written for permission and was confident of receiving it; that he found four classes too many and for this reason wished to withdraw from Dr. Blaettermann (P43621).

Agreeably to a motion passed prior to Mr. Coleman's(P32609) appearing before the Faculty, he was informed that he will be required to undergo an examination as one of Dr. Blaettermann 's(P43621) Students unless he could obtain permission, from his Guardian, to withdraw.


It was subsequently agreed that Dr. Blaettermann (P43621) should make what arrangement he thought fit, with Mr. Coleman(P32609).

[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal  ] It was then Resolved That William Wellford(P29022) be dismissed for disobedience and disrespect.

That C. Calvert(P38039) be reprimanded before his classes and informed that the Faculty have been induced not to punish him more severely, from the consideration that he acknowledged the impropriety of his conduct .

The Chairman(P43624) informed the Faculty that Mr. H. Loughbrough() has entirely withdrawn from his engagement as Second to Mr. Dixon().

Resolved That the names of such Students , as have withdrawn from particular classes during the Session, be made public , together with the dates as far as practicable.

[EVENT: University Administration:Facilities Management  ] Resolved That the Proctor(P43627) be reminded to inspect the Dormitories(PL8478) prior to the departure of the Students.

Resolved--That the Chairman(P43624)be requested to speak to the Proctor(P43627) respecting tables for the public examination.


[EVENT: Library:Access/use policies  ] Resolved That the Librarian(P43631) be authorized to give public notice that all Books belonging to the Library(PL8630), must be returned by Thursday the 30th.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman of the Faculty

Dec. 2nd

Present all the members.

A letter was received from Mr. Wm. Wellford(P29022) apologizing for his conduct towards Dr. Blaettermann(P43621). (Nov. 21st)

The Chairman(P43624) informed the Faculty that Mr. H. Pleasants(P41538) has entirely withdrawn from the engagement as Second to Mr. L. Lindsay(P26105).

[EVENT: Library:Books  ] esolved that the public examinations take place in one of the elliptical rooms(PL8757) in consequence of the unprotected state of the Books in the Library(PL8630).

Suggestion to the Visitors(CB0042)

Resolved that the propriety of the following regulation be suggested to the Board of Visitors(CB0042). "If any Student be irregular or not making due proficiency in all his classes for a month or more after his parent or guardian shall have received information


of the circumstance, or, if the Faculty feel satisfied, that he is not fulfilling the purposes for which he was sent to the Institution, and is not likely to fulfil them, they shall have the discretionary power to dismiss him. But the Faculty may, whenever they think proper, acquaint the parent or Guardian, of such Student, of his character and conduct, and leave it to such Parent or Guardian to remove him by his own act."

Suggested to the Visitors(CB0042)

Resolved "that it be respectfully suggested to the Board of Visitors(CB0042), that it would be proper to revise the 44th Enactment and be modify or amend the said Enactment, so that in cases of Duels or fighting with Instruments likely to produce death, or challenges offered or accepted so to fight, the Principals, the Seconds , and all other Students any way concerned in promoting, aiding, assisting, or abetting in the offence of duelling, fighting , or challenging, as aforesaid, or in carrying any challenge or proposal so to fight, or which may have as their result such Duels or fights, or in carrying back


any answer accepting such challenge or proposal may be subject to the penalties of the Law, and that the Board be respectfully invited to consider whether it may not be proper to impose further restraints against Duelling and fighting with Instruments likely to produce Death.

Suggested to the Visitors(CB0042)

Moved by Mr. Lomax(P43630), That the Board of Visitors(CB0042) be respectfully invited to reconsider the 37th and 80th Enactments, or that it be recommended to expunge the same and to substitute in the place of these regulations , other Enactments authorizing the Faculty to require the Students to give evidence against each other upon trials for offences against the Laws of the University(CB0001).

[EVENT: Library:Access/use policies  ] Resolved that it be represented to the Board of Visitors(CB0042) that the Faculty have had some difficulty in a case which has occurred, of a Book, belonging to the Library(PL8630), being defaced while in the use of one or more of


the Students, and that it be respectfully suggested to that Board, that it may be proper so to modify and amend the Enactment as to give the faculty, in addition to what is already prescribed by said Enactment , a discretionary power of inflicting upon a Student, who may deface, injure, lose, or abuse a Book, a fine not exceeding the value of the Book as the case may require.

Suggested to the Visitors(CB0042)

Resolved That it be suggested to the Visitors(CB0042) to enact that every Student be compelled, unless the Faculty give him express leave of absence, to undergo the examination at the end of the Session, any permission from his Parent of Guardian notwithstanding , under pain of not being readmitted to the Institution(CB0001).

Resolved That each Student bring with him to the examination room, pen, ink, and half a quire of paper.

A letter was received from the Librarian (P43631) representing that there was

"Lost by B. Jones(P42243), 3rd Vol. Taciti opera; Brotier. Edinburg(), 1796--


and by Dade(P27072), Defaced 1 vol. Euripides, Beckie, Leipsic(), 1778.

Resolved That B. Jones(P42243) be required to replace Brotier's edition of Tacitus, and that Mr. Dade's(P27072) case be deferred.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman

Additional minutes transcribed in separate section of bound volumes

At a meeting of the Faculty, December 15th, 1826.

Present all the members.

On motion of Mr. Tucker(P43619) Resolved.

That for the public examination of the University to produce the intended salutary effects both on the Students and Professors, it is indispensable that the public and parties concerned should have entire confidence in their fairness and impartiality and that every circumstance which manifestly tends either to give some students an advantage over others, or to inform a part or the whole of a class of the identical matters on which they will be examined, except in the regular and ordinary course of Instruction, whether the same be intended by the Professor to produce that effect or not shall be held by the Faculty to violate the said examination protanto, and the whole or such part thereof as the Faculty may judge proper shall be considered as null and of no effect.

Resolved that a conformity with the regulations previously adopted and for the


purpose of carrying the previous resolutions into effect.…each professor shall exhibit to the Faculty at the meeting held for that purpose the answers of the Students and all other papers relative to the general examinations of his school for the previous session, which said answers and other papers shall be in all respects subject to the inspection, control, and disposition of the Faculty.

On motion of Mr. Bonnycastle(P43623)

Resolved that for publishing the result of the examination a brief statement from each professor be subjected to the Faculty .

Mr. Key(P43622) made a report of the examination of the classes belonging to the School of Mathematics, and the names of the Students who excelled at the examination as follows. The names being placed in alphabetical order according to the Rules in regard to examinations and not in the order of merit.


On motion the said report was adopted by the Faculty. Mr. Long(P43620) made a report of the examination of the classes belonging to the School of Ancient Languages and the names of the Students who excelled at the examination of those classes.

The names of the Students in that class were as follows:

On motion the said report of the examination of Ancient Languages was adopted by the Faculty.

Mr. Bonnycastle(P43623) made a report of the examination of the classes belonging to the School of Natural Philosophy, and the names of the Students who excelled at the examination of that school.


The names of the Students reported were:

Mr. Tucker(P23777) made a report of the examination of the School of Moral Philosophy, and the names of the Students who excelled in that Class as follows:

On motion the said report of the class of Moral Philosophy was adopted by the Faculty.

Dr. Emmet(P43625) made report of the examination of the School of Chemistry and of the names of the Students who excelled in the examination of that class.

The names of the Students so reported are as follows:

On motion ordered that said report be adopted.

Mr. Lomax(P43630) made Report of the Examination in the Law School and of the names of the Students who excelled in the Law Class:

On motion ordered that the said Report be adopted.

Dr. Blaettermann(P43621) made Report of the Examination of the School of Modern Languages and of the names of the Students in that School who excelled in the said examination . And the said Report coming on to be considered so far as regards the Senior French Class.

On motion that the same be adopted in regard to the Senior French Class, Mr. Tucker(P43619) moved the following amendment to be added to the order adopting the said report


in the aforesaid particular, viz. "it having appeared to the Faculty that some or all of the French Class had irregularly obtained information of the particular passages on which they were to be examined on Tuesday the 5th, therefore that examination was set aside by the Faculty and the merits of the Students were estimated altogether by their translations of two short pieces of English in consequence of a reexamination on Wednesday the 13th expressly ordered by the Faculty from which reexamination a few of the Students were absent in consequence of their having previously left the University.

The question being put upon agreeing to the said amendment it was decided in the affirmative.

Whereupon the question was put whether the said Report as to the Senior French Class should be adopted with the amendment aforesaid. It was decided in the affirmative.

The names of those who voted in the negative are at their request inserted in the Journals and were as follows: Messrs.


Key(P43622) and Long(P43620).

The names of the Students who excelled in the Senior French Class as reported by the Professor of Modern Languages were as follows:

The Report of the Professor of Modern Languages was further considered in respect to the Junior French Class, and the names of the Students who excelled in that Class. And on motion that the said Report should in these particulars be adopted by the Faculty , the question was thereupon put and was decided in the affirmative by Ayes and Nays:

The Following is the list of Students who were Reported by the Professor of Modern Languages to have excelled in the Junior French Class:


The Report of the Professor of Modern Languages came on further to be considered in respect to the Italian Class.

On motion made that the same be adopted.

Mr. Long(P43620) moved that the list of Students which was so reported as excelling in the Italian Class should be received "as the list of the Students in the Italian who excelled in translating the nine first stanzas of the 12th Book of Tasso into English, and in the grammatical analysis of the first stanza, the oral examination which took place not forming a part of the estimate."

On the question being put the said amendment which was proposed was agreed to, Mr. Key(P43622) voting in the negative.

The following are the names of the Students who are reported to have excelled in the examination of the Italian Class:

The said Report of the Professor of Modern Languages came on to be considered in regard to the Spanish Class and the names of the Students reported to have excelled in the examination of that class.

The question being put upon the adoption of the said Report, it was decided in the negative that the same should not be adopted by the Faculty.

The Report of the Professor of Modern Languages came on to be further considered in regard to the class of Anglo-Saxon, and the list of Students who were reported to have excelled in the examination of that class.

On motion that the same be adopted, it was moved as an amendment to be added to the order of adoption as follows: "it being understood that the oral examination of the


Anglo-Saxon was not estimated in the result which has been reported". On the question being put upon the said amendment, it was agreed to, and on the question being put upon the said motion for adoption as thus amended, it was decided in the affirmative , Mr. Key(P43622), Mr. Long(P43620), and Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) voting in the negative.

The following is the list of Students in the Anglo-Saxon Class, all of whom were reported to be equal:

The said Report came on to be further considered in regard to the examination in German.

On motion that the said Report in this particular be adopted an amendment was moved by Mr. Key(P43622), that it be inserted in the Report of the Professor of Modern Languages before the words "made grammatical analysis, etc." the following words "Those of the German Class have read part of the German testament, and twenty-five pages of extracts from different German authors" on the former


part of which twenty-five pages of the last book, the Students were informed that they would be examined, there being no other fit German Class book to be obtained."

They farther made a grammatical analysis of the same part read aloud translating as they went along and answering questions which were put to them.

And on the question being put the said amendment was agreed to.

Whereupon the question was taken upon the motion to adopt the said Report(as thus amended) in respect to the German Class and was agreed to, Messrs. Key(P43622) and Bonnycastle(P43623) voting in the negative.

The names of the Students in the German Class are as follows, all of whom were reported to be equal in merit as displayed at the said examination:

Thereupon the Faculty adjourned till 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Dr. Dunglison 's(P43624) Reports omitted in its proper place. See page 157.

Robley Dunglison(P43624) Chairman of the Fac.


Additional minutes transcribed in separate section of bound volumes

December 16th, 1826

The Faculty met.

Present all the members.

On motion of Dr. Blaettermann(P43621) the decision of yesterday rejecting the Report of the Professor of Modern Languages in regard to the Spanish Class was reconsidered. Further evidence in regard to that part of the Report was heard by the Faculty.

And on motion it was ordered that the decision rejecting that part of the Report which related to the Spanish Class be rescinded , and thereupon the said Report was in that particular adopted by the Faculty.

To which proceedings of the Faculty in respect to the Report of the Professor of Modern Languages, Mr. Key(P43622) desired leave hereafter to enter his protest, which leave was granted.

The Spanish Class was reported to consist of thirty-nine Students, and the following were reported to have excelled all of whom were stated to be equal:

A Letter was received from the Board of Visitors in respect to the alterations which have been made by that Board as to the Office of Chairman of the Faculty. Whereupon the Faculty proceeded to the appointment of a Chairman for the next year. The members having ballotted it appeared that there was not a majority of the members present in favour of any person. Whereupon the Faculty proceeded to a second Ballot . There were five votes in favour of J. T. Lomax(P43630), who was accordingly elected Chairman of the Faculty for the ensuing year from this time.

It was moved that a Secretary be appointed for the ensuing year who shall not be a member of the Faculty. Upon the question being put thereupon, it was decided in the affirmative. Dr. Blaettermann(P43621) desired that his vote in the negative upon the said question should be entered upon the minutes which is accordingly done.


It was thereupon moved that the Secretary so to be appointed should not be allowed to officiate in the meetings of the Faculty and be present during their sessions, and upon the question being put whether the Secretary so to be appointed should officiate and be present in the meetings of the Faculty, it was decided in the affirmative.

Dr. Blaettermann(P43621) desired that his dissent upon this question should be entered upon the minutes which is accordingly done.

William Wertenbaker(P38067) was thereupon chosen Secretary.

Dr. Dunglison(P43624) made report of the examination of the School of Medicine, etc. and of the names of the Students who excelled in the examination of the Classes belonging to that school.

The names of the Students so reported were as follows:

And on motion ordered that the said Report be adopted.

On motion the Faculty thereupon adjourned .

John Tayloe Lomax(P22028) Chairman.

At a meeting of the Faculty in the Library room(PL8679) on Monday the 18th December, 1826. Present John T. Lomax(P43630), Chairman(P43624), George Tucker(P43619), Th. K. Key(P43622), Geo. Blaettermann(P43621), Ch. Bonnycastle(P43623).

[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:French  ] Dr. Blaettermann(P43621) having presented to the Faculty a statement from C. P. McKinnie(), moved for a reconsideration of the question relative to the French class, and after some discussion, Mr. Key(P43622) moved for an adjournment which was carried in the affirmative.

The Faculty met December 19th, 1826. Present John T. Lomax(P43630), Chairman(P43624), Dr. R. Dunglison(P43624), Dr. Geo. Blaettermann(P43621), Geo. Tucker(P43619), Th. K. Key(P43622).

[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:French  ] Dr. Blaettermann(P43621) again moved for a reconsideration of the question as it respects the French Senior Class. Upon the question being put it was decided in the negative.


Dr. Blaettermann(P43621) then moved for a reconsideration of the proceedings of the Faculty with regard to the German() Class, decided in the negative .

On motion of Key(P43622)--Resolved that the late Chairman so soon as convenient prepare for publication in the Central Gazette(), National Intelligences (), and Richmond Enquirer() an account of the examinations of the Classes of the University which took place during?

On motion of Mr. Key(P43622), a Catalogue of the Books of the Library is ordered to be printed under the Superintendance of Mr. Key(P43622) and Dr. Dunglison(P43624).

Mr. Key(P43622) moved for an adjournment. Carried.

December 20th, 1826

Present John T. Lomax(P43630), Chairman, Dr. Dunglison (P43624), Dr. Blaettermann(P43621), Mr. Bonnycastle(P43623), Mr. Tucker(P43619), Mr. Key().

The Chairman presented to the Faculty a letter from the Proctor giving information that certain Hotelkeepers during the last Session have been in the habit of playing at games of chance with the Students in their Dormitories; he gave


the names of the following persons who he supposed possessed some knowledge of the facts--Edgar Mason(P28570), Turner Dixon(P43469), William Seawell(), C. LaBranch(), Edgar Poe(), Edward C. Drummond(), E. Miller(), Hugh Pleasants(), E. G. Crump(P25339), who were examined by the Faculty.

Mr. T. Chapman() and Mr. John Gray(P27571) were also examined by the Faculty upon the above mentioned facts. On motion the Faculty adjourned.

Additional minutes transcribed in separate section of bound volumes

December 20th, 1826

Mr. Edgar Mason(P28570) could give information satisfactory; does not play himself. Gray() never plays himself with the Students; has never seen any of them where there was playing .

Hugh Pleasants(P41538) knows nothing of Hotel-keepers playing cards with the Students. Never saw one of the Hotel-keepers throw a card. Knows nothing of any of the Hotel-keepers drinking with Students except that he himself was invited to take a single drink of Toddy on the 4th of July with a Hotelkeeper because of the day.


E. LaBranch(P28005) knows nothing of any gambling or drinking of Hotelkeepers with Students.

Wm. Seawell() has never seen Hotelkeepers playing cards except at Bigalow's() room over Jone's() Bookstore then not playing with Students . Has seen a Hotelkeeper drinking in a party of Students in a Dormitory; a good deal drunk upon that occasion--it was a drinking party--a good many students drinking Madeira.

Turner Dixon(P24009) has never seen any of the Hotelkeepers playing games of chance with Students. Has heard Students say he had played at cards with three of Hotelkeepers this Session; heard the circumstance a week ago--before Visitors quitted--heard it was in Dormitory--all 4s $2 a game. Never saw any Hotelkeeper drinking in Dormitory with Students; does not know it was James A. Clark's(P27388) dormitory. Never heard of Chapman or Gray's() playing.

Ed. Crump(P25339) has heard of Hotelkeepers playing cards with Students; heard it before examination; heard names mentioned; not Gray() or Chapman; never saw anything of


the kind; never heard of Hotelkeepers drinking with Students.

E. I. Miller(P22439) has heard of one Hotel-keeper playing at cards with Students. Never heard of Gray(), Minor(P22374) or Chapman/>; has seen two Hotelkeepers drinking in Dormitories with Students on 4th July. Egg nog party at and of former session in Dormitory. Hotelkeeper drinking continued but a little while in Dormitory. Was passing by, called in.

Edgar Poe(P42269) never heard until now of any Hotelkeepers playing cards or drinking with Students.

Edmund Drummond(P27505) never heard of any Hotelkeeper playing with Students at Cards. Session before last, not last session, saw he thinks a Hotelkeeper drinking in dormitory with Students.

J. A. Clarke(P27388), P. A. Clay(P35841), Beall(P37668), Baylor (P34633), Swann(P29405)

L. Chapman(P22966) has heard that students have played with Hotelkeepers. There were Students a few days ago here who he supposes know or could give information, James A. Clark(P27388) and Paul A. Clay(P35841). The rumour was that there were two of the Hotelkeepers, perhaps three, Mr. Minor(P22374) not one. The playing


was in Dormitories; and perhaps a little way out of the University. Hotelkeepers almost every one of them perhaps have drank in the Dormitories accidentally with Students. It has been said that card playing was very common among the Students, and Hotelkeepers playing with them very common report. Has seen one Hotelkeeper or more playing with Students last Session as well as this; has never seen Minor(P22374) or Gray() play; does not think he has seen Mr. Conway(P23322) play; is positive he has seen the other two playing with Students in Dormitories. Upton Beall(P37668) can give information, so can Mr. Baylor (). Mr. Beall(P37668) would not probably know of the occurrence as to which Mr. Baylor(P34633) could give information--they were different occasions . Did not see either Beall(P37668) or Baylow (P34633) playing; is certain playing was going on. Saw a gentleman, one of the servants come out of the room; enquired if gaming was going on and was told there was; does not know which Dormitory--at or near Baylow 's(P34633) Dormitory. Recognized Spotswood's() voice, and Swann(P30795) said Spotswood(P33137) was there.


Understood Swann(P30795) to say Spotswood(P33137) was playing . Chapman did not upon that occasion actually see that he was playing but he was in the room; he has seen Spotswood(P33137) during vacation playing out of the University with Students. Chapman was going into room at Sim's(P31772) and hearing what was going on, retired . Mr. Beall(P37668) didn't hesitate to speak of Spotswood's(P33137) playing with the Students as a common talk, and even of his winnings and his losings with him; saw Richardson(), Hotelkeeper playing in a Dormitory below Dr. Blaettermann's(P43621) at James Clarke's(P27388) or somewhere in that neighborhood. Heard as common talk of Richardson() and Spotswood's(P33137) playing one or the other of them with students at the place last alluded to. Has heard Students speaking of winnings and losings after their playing with Richardson() and Spotswood(P33137) one or the other of them. Mr Richardson() a temperate man; cannot speak positively of Mr. Conway(); has never seen him play. Has heard of his playing with Students. It might have been out of the University or might have been in the University .


John Gray() has been told that there were three of the Hotelkeepers who played with the Students for money. Never played himself and never was where Hotelkeepers were playing with Students.

A. Smith(P23128)

Mr. Arthur Smith(P23128) told him that Spotswood (P33137) and Conway() had played in the Dormitories with Students for money. Has frequently in course of this and last year heard of Students playing. He and his wife have…sent for the Students sometimes and admonished them not to play. Knows nothing of his own knowledge of the Students playing . He frequently heard reports among the Students of their playing with Richardson(), Spotswood(), and Conway(). Can't mention any particular Student or particular time except when Arthur Smith(P23128) accidentally mentioned the other morning what is alluded to above. Has also heard Students talking of the same three Hotelkeepers drinking with the Students within the University. The playing of cards above referred to was carried on in a Dormitory and inferred the playing was for money. Perhaps Mr. Chs.


Taylor(), the Student, can give some information .

On motion the Faculty adjourned.

John Tayloe Lomax(P43630) Chairman

The Faculty met December 21st, 1826. Present John T. Lomax(P43630), Chairman, Dr. Dunglison(P43624), Dr. Blaettermann (P43621), Mr. Bonnycastle(P43623), Mr. Tucker(P43619), Mr. Key().

Mr. Richardson() and Maj. Spotswood(P33137) having been summoned before the Faculty were examined before touching the complaints laid before the Faculty on yesterday with regard to the Hotelkeepers playing at games of chance with the Students.

On motion the Faculty adjourned.

Additional minutes transcribed in separate section of bound volumes

December 21st 1826

Mr. Richardson() and Maj. Spotswood(P33137) Hotelkeepers having been summoned to appear before the Faculty were examined touching the complaints laid before the Faculty on yesterday with regard to the Hotelkeepers playing at games of chance with the Students.

Whiting(P42782), Sims(P31772), and Chalmers(P35765)

Mr. Richardson() willing to say on oath that he never betted with Students for money, wine, or anything else on any game of chance whatever. Asked if he had played with Students. If to implicate him rather not answer question. Never saw Students playing for anything. Being admonished has no objection to answer question. He has played with Students at whist for nothing, only for amusement. The Students played also for nothing so far as he knows. No Student played when he played at Jones'; one or two came in, but went out again without playing. Never played out of the Institution


with a Student. If the Student played for anything when he played knew nothing of it; thinks no money was ever betted; can not say for a certainty whether the Students were playing for money. They might have been playing for money. Has been at Jam. A. Clark's(P27388) room when the Students were playing perhaps for money. Has upon great many occasions admonished Mr. Clark(P27388) and others not to play. Never played at Mr. Baylor's(P34633) room. Never saw a card there. The Students might have been playing for money; does not know how to make up his opinion whether they were playing for money. He is doubtful now whether they were or were not betting money. When he has known of playing in a Dormitory has generally avoided going there; has never been in habit of gambling here or elsewhere. Didn't think at the time it was improper to be present in Dormitory when Students were playing for nothing, but thinks now it is improper. Was present an hour or more at the time he played with them. Never continued in room but a short time when there was playing of Students on other occasions


. Was called into Mr. Clarks(P27388) to make up the number for the game. His recollection very indistinct. Wants to state what is right as far as he can with certainty. Has been guilty of indiscretion upon the occasions which he has referred to; did it without thinking; is much opposed to gaming and would go to as great lengths as anybody to suppress it in University. Has played with another Hotelkeeper and Students at same table. Does not recollect playing with Mr. Spotswood(P33137) with Students. Has played with Mr. Conway() at Mr. Whiting's(P42782) room; during the time Mr. Conway's() brother was here. The latter was there at the same time. Thinks there was nothing betted when he played. Mr. Whiting(P42782) never played for money so far as he knows. Cannot say when the playing was at Mr. Clark's(P27388). Never played himself till within the last two months. The only play he has ever seen has been in the square behind Dr. Blaettermann's(P43621). Has never been intoxicated in his life. Doesn 't think he has drank a quart of ardent spirits in his life. Mr. Whiting(P42782) had egg nog party to keep his birthday; tried to


dissuade him from it. Whiting(P42782) sent for him during the party; staid there a few minutes; tasted the egg nog; staid a very short time. Thinks he has seen Spotswood(P33137) at Sim's(P31772) and Chalmer's(P35765) room playing cards. Doesn't know they were playing for money. Doesn't think there were but three dormitories in that range between Spotswood's(P33137) and Richardson's Hotels() where playing was habitual; there were others where perhaps they played. Believes in those three rooms they played for money on some occasions. So far as relates to himself promises strict compliance another session (if retained) with all the rules, and to give information about gaming or any other impropriety of Students.

S. Smith(P33493)

Major Spotswood(P33137) acknowledges during this session he came into a Dormitory and played whist with Students, but played for nothing. Has played two or three times in Dormitories with Students; played for cigars this Session. The first part of the former Session played with Mr. Byrd C. Willis() in a dormitory; money on that occasion was betted; another Hotelkeeper also


played there; he was under the impression that Students were not betting money at the time. The cigars were betted with a Student , but have never been paid or expected to be paid. When Mr. Willis() played, it was at Dormitory of the lower range another Hotelkeeper there and played also. Does think it the duty of the Hotelkeeper to inform Faculty of violations of the rules of the institution , provided it be so stated in the Lease as the duty of Hotelkeepers. Being asked who was the Hotelkeeper that played in the Dormitory where Mr. Willis() was there is reluctant to name the person. Major Spotswood(P33137) being admonished that there is an enactment which requires the Hotelkeepers when called on to give information about any offence in the University against the laws, was asked again to say who was the Hotel-keeper referred to above. In answer to which question and in compliance with the obligation of that enactment upon him answers that Mr. John Gray() was the Hotelkeeper alluded to. Gray() said he was not playing for himself but was playing for another person


and saw him receive on that account for winnings $20. There were Students present , young men who were then Students but who have ceased to be Students. They (the Students) played. They made the party. It was in a Dormitory on the Lawn Range. Both he and Mr. Gray() as well as Mr. Willis() and Students played. The game was Loo. During the late Session never played for money. When he played, it was merely an accidental thing his playing at all. Being asked how often he played this way for nothing , thinks not more than five occasions. He would at those times play two or three games and go away. Being asked whether he has been at any drinking party during the late or preceeding session in the Dormitories with Students says he has been during both Sessions, and has been on some of these occasions in company with other Hotel-keepers, all of them except Minor(P22374), Richardson (), and Conway(). He can't specify any particular occasions of these drinkings and playings in Dormitories. They were so numerous he can't mention particularly when or where the playing or drinking took place.


Being asked how many Dormitories in the lower range where he supposes gaming going on, he thinks there are three on the lower range exclusive of Peyton's(P32411) in which there was playing. He will not say playing for money. There were two between Richardson 's() and Spotswood's(P33137) and one between latter and Chapman's at Jas. A. Clark's(P27388). Don't recollect seeing any at Whiting's(P42782). Has seen playing at Simm's(P31772) that was the place at which he played for cigars; played whist at Mr. Baylor's(P34633) room. He thinks Mr. Baylor(P34633) was not there. Neither he or S. Smith() played for money. Believes Mr. Baylor(P34633) came in whilst playing and went out again. No money played for; thinks there are not more than 50 Students in the whole University that do not at times play; at least for nothing. Being asked whether he has been at drinking with Students out of the precincts. Thinks every day there is drinking at Mosby 's or Draffen's; sometimes in passing by to Charlottesville(PL4204) will treat and be treated by Students. Has taken drink in this way with the Students not upon an average


more than once a week. Not drinking parties . Has never played at cards with Mr. Upton Beale(P37668) this session; did play with him last Session, the Beginning of last Session. All the playing in the last Session was in the early part of it, left off very soon after the beginning of the Session.

On motion the Faculty then adjourned.

John Tayloe Lomax(P43630)

The Faculty met Decem. 22nd, 1826. Present John T. Lomax(P43630), Chairman, Dr. Dunglison(P43624), Dr. Blaettermann (P43621), Mr. Tucker(P43619), Mr. Key(P43622).

Mr. E. Conway(), Hotelkeeper, being before the Faculty, was examined with regard to the same subjects


of complaint which were yesterday before the Faculty. A letter was read from Major Spotswood(P33137) upon the same subject.

On motion--Resolved that the Secretary request of the Proctor to have made for the use of the Faculty, a proper Press in which to keep their Books and papers.

On motion the Faculty adjourned.

Additional minutes transcribed in separate section of bound volumes

December 22nd, 1826

Mr. E. Conway() Hotelkeeper being before the Faculty, states only one instance of playing with Students; happened by accident when his brother was here at the University upon a visit. His brother had gone out; was uneasy at his staying so late; went in pursuit of him; found him at Mr. Whitings(P42782) room in condition more proper for bed than elsewhere; on getting in enquired whether his brother had got into that situation there; they protested he had not drank anything there or at Mr. Richardson's(); that he had come there in that state and insisted on a game; he was playing cards with Mr.


Whiting(P42782) and Mr. Richardson(), the latter of whom it is his opinion had been induced to join only the the importunity of his brother. Insisted on his brother returning home immediately , who would not go because he was engaged in the game. The the purpose only of getting his brother off from the company for which he was very unfit he took his cards from him and finished the hand, and then he got his brother to return with him home immediately. It was stated by all the party that the play was merely for amusement ; no money betted. It was about 7 o'clock at night when he went in pursuit of his brother and returned home in a very short time; as soon as he could finish the game and get his brother home; This is the only time he has ever played within the limits of the University. Being asked whether he has ever been in any drinking party of the Students. He says no--occasionally as he has passed by dormitories he has been called in by the Students and has taken a drink with them. This has not been frequent . It would happen sometimes when the


Students would want something and would send for him to come there. Being asked how the Students get liquors into their dormitories he answers that it is the servants about the University. All of them there who wait on the Hotels and the other Servants, all servants are admitted into the University. Never admitted to send his own servants to go down town for liquors. Did not forbid them to go for liquors because the Students denied that he had any right to interfere with them, and they claimed all the services of his servants who were waiters on their Dormitories. Has avoided treating the Students or being with them on drinking occasions. Has sometimes taken a glass with them, when he has called at Mosby's() and Students have been there. Has lost several Students for giving them advice against playing.

A Letter was received from Major Spotswood (P33137) upon the before mentioned subjects of complaint, which letter is ordered to be filed.……

On motion the Faculty thereupon adjourned .

John Tayloe Lomax(P43630)