Renders and animations courtesy of the JUEL Project (, Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities (IATH), University of Virginia
360 Degree "Then and Now" Panoramas courtesy of Shayne Brandon, IATH, University of Virginia
Biographies by Josh Morrison and Ian Iverson, Corcoran Department of History, University of Virginia
Photographs for “Construction at the University of Virginia” courtesy of James Zehmer, Wade Goodrich, and Kellen Dunnavant, Facilities Management, University of Virginia
Daguerrotype of Lucy Cottrell courtesy of the Mason County Museum, Maysville, Kentucky
Photograph of Isabella Gibbons courtesy of Dan Addison, University of Virginia; historic photo from the Boston Public Library
Scans of “The Architecture of A. Palladio: In Four Books” courtesy of the University of Virginia Library
Scans of “Parallèle De L'architectvre Antiqve Et De La Moderne” courtesy of the Getty Research Institute