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The Faculty met June 2nd, 1849

Present all the members except Mr. Rogers (P43658) and Dr. Schele. (P43667)

[EVENT: Library  ] The Chairman (P45918) laid before the Faculty (CB0105)the Librarian's Bi-monthly report which was read and approved -

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] The following delinquencies during the past month were


reported by the Professors-

On motion -

Resolved, that the following cases of delin- quency be referred to the Professors in the several Schools in which they occurred - Th. M. A. Moore, (P41194) Mann Page, (P33635) J. C. Watson, (P39809) H. Burnley, (P37606) F. T. Degraffenreidt, (P42418) W. S. Grymes, (P40176) J. C. Watts, (P39945) James F. Lewis, (P29350) B. A. Pope, (P24743) H.C. Pope, (P28144) N. Tyler, (P22850) J. L. Cochran, (P27152) J. L. Cross, (P23863) J. F. Miller, (P29551) D. S. Boston, (P28835) D. S. Watson, (P38055) Wm. G. Williams, (P30123) B. P. Burwell. (P38000)

On Motion -

Resolved, that the Chairman (P45918) be requested to admonish the following students - G. W. Cary, (P41904) W. O. Terrell, (P24115)


N. Tylor, (P22850) R. Barksdale (P39919) -

On motion -

Resolved, that the Chairman (P45918) be requested to admonish Messrs. Fox, (P28887) Munford, (P29299) G. C. Rives (P40377) and to write to their parents in regard to their several delin- quencies -

On motion -

Resolved, that the Chairman (P45918) be requested to write to the parents of the following students advising them to withdraw their sons from the University (CB0001) - J. M. Bowcock, (P25505) Wm. H. Bowcock, (P30434) T. M. Gray, (P36878) and A. H. Moss, (P40988)

On motion -

[EVENT: University Administration:Facilities Management  ] Resolved, that Dr. Cabell, (P39304) Dr. Rogers (P43678) and Dr. Howard (P43670) be appointed a committee to inspect the con- dition of the University (CB0001) as to cleanliness and report to the Chairman (P45918) such suggestions as to improving it as thay may find proper -

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University  ] [EVENT: Fee:Tuition Exception:denied ] Mr. J. B. Warden (P27774) who withdrew from the University (CB0001) at an early period of the Session applied through the Chairman (P45918) for a remission of his Professors' fees, Provided he is admitted as a student next Session - On motion

Resolved, that his application be rejected -

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] The Chairman (P45918) laid before the Faculty (CB0105) the following applications which were considered and granted -


The Faculty adjourned -

Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.

At a meeting of the Faculty of the University of Vir- ginia (CB0001) (CB0105) (June 13, 1849) The Chairman (P45918), Professor Gessner Harrison, (P25515) laid before the Faculty (CB0105) the circular of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (CB0045) in Boston, (PL7269) Setting forth the injury threatened to the progress of Astronomy by an apprehended transfer or interruption of the labours of Prof. Schumacher (P44114) of the Observatory at Altona, (PL8574) and in- viting in his behalf the co-operation of the learned Societies and Observatories of the United States; where- upon the following resolution was adopted.

Resolved, that the Faculty of the University of Virginia (CB0001) (CB0105) honor Prof. Schumacher (P44114) for his valuable and long continued services to science both in directing the Observatory at Altona (PL8574) and in the publication of the Astronomische Nachrichten, that they believe the interests of Astronomy can in no way be more satisfactorily promoted, than by the continuance of his connection with this cele- brated Observatory and with the great Astronomical Jour- nal of the age; and that they would lament as a disaster to science any occurrence which should discourage or obstruct these generous labours by which Prof. Schumacher (P44114) is doing so much for the advancement of Astronomy -

The Faculty adjourned -

Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.

The Faculty met June 16th, 1849

On motion -


[EVENT: Curriculum  ] Resolved, that the Final Examinations com- mence on Monday, the 25th instant.

On motion -

[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Anatomy  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Surgery  ] Resolved, that the Professor of Anatomy & Surgery (P39304) be allowed to held his Final Examination on Friday, the 22nd instant -

[EVENT: University Administration:Facilities Management  ] The Chairman (P45918) stated, that the members of the Moot (CB0046) had made application for permission to use the Chapel (PL8575) on the 28th instant for the Delivery of an address before the public by a member of the Court elected for the purpose.

On motion -

Resolved, that the application be granted -

The Chairman (P45918) also stated that the Washington Society (CB0047) had made application for permission to use the Chapel (PL8575) for the same purpose - On motion

Resolved that the application be granted -

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ]  The Chairman (P45918) laid before the Faculty (CB0105) the following applications which were considered and granted -

The Faculty adjourned -

Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.

The Faculty met June 16th, 1849

[EVENT: University Administration:Facilities Management  ] The Chairman (P45918) laid before the Faculty (CB0105) the following report of the Inspection Committee and stated that its


suggestions as far as practicable had been carried out -

"The undersigned a committee appointed by the Faculty (CB0105) to inspect the grounds and buildings of the University (CB0001) in order to ascertain their condition as to cleanliness, report that after giving due notice to the Proctor (P43707) they proceeded to execute the orders of the Faculty (CB0105), being accompanied by that officer and deriving important aid from him. They submit as the result of their inspection in fol- lowing statement and suggestions:

The Alleys (PL8496) and other public portions of the Univer- (CB0001) sity grounds were already in good condition or in process of becoming so, several hands being found actively engaged in sprinkling lime as appropriate places under the orders of the Proctor (P43707) who in several particulars had anticipated the action of the committee. The condition of the ground in the immediate vicinity of the gates communication with the back yards of most of the Pavilions (PL8531) and Hotels (PL8530) must be notes as an exception to the foregoing statement. In those places the servants generally throw out the slops from the kitchens, soap suds and her refuse matter, and although such deposits are frequently carted off by the Proctor's (P43707) orders yet a considerable portion of putrescible matter always soaks into the soil and becomes a fruitful source of offensive exhalations. As this result seems to be unavoidable wherever such deposits are made, even although they should be removed very shortly afterwards, the com- mittee have thought it expedient to recommend that an entire- ly different disposition should be made of all such ma- terials, as will be seen below -

the privies used for the accommodation of the stu- dents were found to be in as good condition as the prever-


bially careless habits of the persons using them and the extremely faulty construction of the buildings rendered possible - They are cleaned daily, lime being thrown liberally into the boxes and sprinkled on the floors, but as the sleepers of the floor rut directly upon the ground, a necessary consequence is that animal effluvia have been generated abundantly in the very small space between the floor and the soil and that there are no means of removing them and ventilating the undersurface of the floor. If all these buildings were raised so as to elevate their floors say two feet above the soil there could be an effectual ventilation of the whole body of the buildings. The committee would respectfully suggest to the Chairman (P45918) the propriety and expediency of his making a strong rep- resentation to the Board of Visitors (P23150) on this subject.

The private yards attached to the residences of the Professors and Hotel Keepers were found in various degrees of cleanliness. It does not appear necessary to make particular specifications further than may be requisite for insuring the attainments of the end which the Faculty (CB0105) had in view in ordering the inspection - this it is conceived will be fully attained if the suggestions hereto appended be carried out by the parties severally conderned -

It is therefore recommended that the Chairman (P45918) issue an order forthwith to the head of each family residing within the precincts of the University (CB0001), in which order he shall require:

1. That the Yards and grounds be well swept and sprinkled with lime twice a week.

2. That the appartments occupied by servants and the basement rooms of outhouse generally be whitewashed and


subsequently be well ventilated daily -

3. That the slops, soap suds and other refuse matter from the kitchens, wash houses and dining rooms be kept in watertight barrels on the respective premises until they shall be removed (which should be at least once a day except Sundays) by some person employed by the Proctor (P43707) who shall cast them off to some distant part of the Univer- sity lands - In no case whatever should such matters be thrown out into the Alleys (PL8496) or into the drains which should be exclusively used for carrying off the rain-

The Committee further recommend that the Proctor (P43707) be injoined to visit the premises of the several Professors and Hotel Keepers not later than Wednesday the 18th of the present month, and if on any lot he shall find that the orders of the Chairman (P45918) have not been faithfully executed, there to have the necessary cleaning done by the hands in the service of the University (CB0001) and to charge the cost of the same to the occupant of the premises.

All of which is respectfully submitted -

Dr. G. Harrison Chairman of the Faculty (P25515)

On motion -

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Award/Excellence  ] Resolved that the re-examination of the Can- didates for the Degree of Master of Arts be resumed on Wednesday next at 8 o'clock P. M.

The Faculty adjourned -

The Faculty met June 26th, 1849

Present all the members -


[EVENT: Student Conduct:Award/Excellence  ] The Faculty (CB0105) having completed the re-examination of John Hart, (P29767) a candidate for the Degree of Master of Arts - On motion

Resolved, that it be considered satisfactory.

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Clubs and Organizations  ] The Chairman (P45918) presented the request of a committee of the Sons of Temperance to be allowed to have a public address in the Chapel (PL8575) on Wednesday afternoon of next week. - On motion

Resolved, that while the Faculty (CB0105) highly approve the objects of the Society and their efforts to do good, they do not deem it expedient, under existing circumstances to grant their request -

The Faculty adjourned -

The Faculty met June 25th, 1849

Present all the members

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Award/Excellence  ] [EVENT: Official University Celebrations and Events:Public Day  ] The re-examination of Mr. Charles Marshall, (P27635) a can- didate for the Degree of Master of Arts was resumed and completed - On motion

Resolved, that the examination be deemed satisfactory -

On motion -

Resolved, that the Essays presented by Messrs. Charles Marshall (P27635) and John Hart, (P29767) candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts, and those of Thomas M. Ambler (P26142) and M. Green Peyton, (P23245) candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts be accepted -

On motion -

Resolved that Messrs. Marshall (P27635) and Ambler (P23245) be required to read their Essays on the Public Day.

The Faculty adjourned -


The Faculty met June 27th, 1849

Present all the members

[EVENT: Exception:Granted  ] The Chairman (P45918) stated to the Faculty (CB0105) that Mr. John T. Jones (P34120) who was a candidate for Graduation in [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine  ] Medecine, and who has stood a very satisfactory examination in [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Anatomy  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Surgery  ] Anatomy & Surgery, was called home under the most urgent circumstances before his examinations were completed in the other Medical Schools - On motion

Resolved, that it be recommended to the Board of Visitors (CB0042) in the event of his being unable to enter the University (CB0001) next Session to give authority to Mr. Jones (P34120) to complete his examinations at the commencement of next Session.

The Chairman (P45918) informed the Faculty (CB0105) that Mr. John Roy Cabell (P36890) who was a candidate for Graduation in [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine  ] Medecine before the completion of his examinations became too sick to go through with them - On motion

Resolved, that it be recommended to the Board of Visitors (CB0042) in the event of his being unable to enter as a student next Session to grant authority to Mr. Cabell (P36890) to complete his examinations as soon after the first of October next as may be convenient to the Professors -

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Award/Excellence  ] [EVENT: Student Conduct:Course Distinction  ] The Committee appointed to conduct the Intermediate & Final Examinations in the several schools of the Univer- sity reported the names of the following students who dis- tinguished themselves by attaining to the "First Division"

[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Latin  ] In the School of Ancient Languages Junior Latin Class


Christian, Wm. Henry (P31069) 1 2 New Kent (PL5558)
Crocher, James F. (P42408) 1 2 Isle of Wight (PL5238)
Harlow, Augustine M. (P42452) 1 2 Albemarle (PL5392)
Pale. Henry Clay (P30685) 1 Bedford (PL4278)
Woodson, John C. (P24501) 1 Fluvanna (PL5384)
James, Martin, L. (P42377) 1 Goochland (PL4579)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek  ] Junior Greek Class
Christian, Wm. Henry (P31069) 1 New Kent (PL5558)
Crocker, James F. (P42408) 1 Isle of Wight (PL5238)
Hart, James M. (P30846) 1 Louisa (PL5558)
Horner, Frederick (P32439) 1 Fauquier (PL4532)
Kean, Robert G. H. (P35590) 1 Caroline (PL4522)
Larané, James A. (P39618) 1 Essex (PL4389)
Mason, George (P36984) 1 Winchester (PL4267)
Montague, Philip H. (P23315) 1 Richmond (PL4711)
Snead, Burwell W. (P30560) 1 Fluvanna (PL5384)
Southall, S. Valentine (P36655) 1 2 Charlottesville (PL4204)
Stirewalt, Paul Jacob Moses (P32660) 1 Shenandoah (PL8338)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek  ] Senior Greek Class
Clayton, Wm. C. (P21809) 1 Romney (PL5335)
Pleasants, James (P43202) 1 Richmond (PL4711)
Woodson, Wm. A. (P24088) 1 Albemarle (PL5392)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:French  ] School of Modern Languages Junior French Class
Carrington, Robert G. (P34813) 1 Charlotte (PL4711)
Dickinson, Randolph (P28999) 1 Franklin (PL5873)
McDonald, Angus W. (P41398) 1 Romney (PL5335)
Palo, Henry Clay (P30685) 1 Bedford (PL4278)
Powell, H. Brooke (P28691) 1 Alexandria (PL6311)
Sinclair, Charles M. (P35511) 1 Prince William (PL5969)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:French  ] Senior French


Burwell, Wm. P. (P38000) 1 Powhatan (PL4528)
Ellis, Powhatan (P40530) 1 Richmond (PL4711)
Farrar, David S. (P39257) 1 Fluvanna (PL5384)
Harlow, A. M. (P42452) 1 2 Albemarle (PL5392)
Hudson, Clement L. (P27306) 1 Mississippi (PL4259)
Pale, Henry Clay (P30685) 1 Bedford (PL4278)
Sinclair, Charles H. (P35511) 1 Prince William (PL5969)
Townes, Lafayette (P37312) 1 Mississippi (PL4259)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages  ] Anglo-Saxon Class
Conrad, Daniel B. (P29427) 2 Winchester (PL4267)
Edmunds, Thomas (P24430) 2 Halifax (PL4460)
Gilman, Wm. S. (P22140) 2 Fredericksburg (PL4252)
Labranche, Edgar F. (P32083) 2 Louisiana (PL4231)
Matthews, William (P33964) 2 Buckingham (PL4762)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] School of Mathematics Junior Class
Adams, Edward Archer (P28090) 1 2 Charles City (PL4731)
Crocker, James F. (P42408) 1 Isle of Wight (PL5238)
Farrar, David S. (P39257) 1 2 Fluvanna (PL5384)
Latané, James A. (P39618) 1 Essex (PL4389)
Pollard, Edward A. (P40782) 1 2 Albemarle (PL5392)
Pope, Hunter C. (P28144) 1 2 Georgia (PL4356)
Scott, Hugh Roy (P41695) 1 Amherst (PL5635)
Tabb, Philip (P42596) 1 2 Gloucester (PL6140)
Intermediate Class
Clayton, Wm. C. (P21809) 1 Romney (PL5335)
Senior Class
Coleman, Robert T. (P26412) 1 Hanover (PL4934)
Harris, Carter J. (P42001) 1 Caroline (PL4522)
Lyon, Daniel Jun. (P22260) 1 Petersburg (PL4227)
Randolph, Thomas J. Jun. (P22607) 1 2 Albemarle (PL5392)
Rives, Alfred L. (P32599) 2 Albemarle (PL5392)


[EVENT: Course Reference:Natural Philosophy  ] School of Natural Philosophy
Andrews, Oliveira (P33314) 2 Norfolk City (PL4459)
Archer, John W. (P40107) 2 Powhatan (PL4528)
Ayres, Charles Rufus (P34970) 1 2 Fauquier (PL4532)
Ambler, John Jaquelin (P33686) 1 2 Orange (PL4264)
Bayly, Samuel T. (P30353) 1 2 Accomack (PL4634)
Gaines, Richard Venable (P27909) 1 2 Charlotte (PL4711)
Gunter, Benjamin T. (P39028) 1 2 Accomack (PL4634)
Hudson, Clement L. (P27306) 2 Mississippi (PL4259)
Pollard, Edward A. (P40782) 1 2 Albemarle (PL5392)
Parker, Jesse A. (P34963) 2 Isle of Wight (PL5238)
Stevens, Joseph M. (P32132) 1 2 Harrisonburg (PL4351)
Schooler, Wm. D. (P31393) 1 Caroline (PL4522)
Taylor, Erasmas (P35529) 1 Orange (PL4264)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Materia Medica  ] School of Chemistry & Materia Medica Class of Materia Medica


Ashley, John W. (P38414) 1 Fauquier (PL4532)
Brock, Joseph B. (P29211) 1 2 Medison (PL5471)
Burnley, Hardin (P37606) 1 Mississippi (PL4259)
Cabell, John Roy (P36890) 1 Danville (PL4449)
Dodd, Samuel M. (P29000) 1 Lexington (PL4276)
Drummond, Wm. F. (P22419) 1 Petersburg (PL4227)
Nason, John T. (P37775) 1 2 Alabama (PL4236)
Field, Hume (P40892) 1 Brunswick (PL4702)
Graham, Edward L. (P32648) 1 Lexington (PL4276)
Grammar, Jones M. (P42181) 1 Petersburg (PL4227)
Hendrin, Samuel R. (P26416) 1 Augusta (PL4289)
Hambleton, James P. (P42890) 1 Pittsylvania (PL5884)
Hyde, J. Hansford (P24557) 1 Lexington (PL4276)
Jones, John T. (P34120) 1 Gloucester (PL6140)
Kennedy, John J. (P42124) 1 2 Alabama (PL4236)
Lewis, Richard E. (P30989) 1 Brunswick (PL4702)
Leigh, John R. (P42454) 1 Halifax (PL4460)
Lindsay, Reuben (P38127) 1 Albemarle (PL5392)
Madison, Robert L. (P27584) 1 Petersburg (PL4227)
Marshall, Wm. H. (P37612) 1 Charlotte (PL4711)
McRae, Algernon S. (P33868) 1 Powhatan (PL4528)
Page, John R. (P25642) 1 Gloucester (PL6140)
Puryear, Bennett (P30420) 1 Mecklenburg (PL7273)
Powel, H. Brooke (P28691) 1 Alexandria (PL6311)
Poindextor, John W. (P26642) 1 Pittsylvania (PL5884)
Temple, Thomas P. (P35980) 1 Hanover (PL4934)
Venable, George C. (P29224) 1 Mecklenburg (PL7273)
Wickham, W. F. (P27750) 1 Hanover (PL4934)
Wallton, James C. (P29838) 1 Brunswick (PL4702)
Wood, John Dean (P29838) 1 Frederick (PL7634)
Walker, James R. (P25671) 1 Mecklenburg (PL7273)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry  ] Class of Chemistry


Ambler, Thomas M. (P26142) 1 Fauquier (PL4532)
Cabell, John Roy (P36890) 1 Danville (PL4449)
Cabell, Powhatan B. (P32390) 1 Danville (PL4449)
Cary, Charles W. (P41904) 1 Lewisburg (PL4645)
Dold, Samuel M. (P29000) 1 Lexington (PL4276)
Drummond, Wm. F. (P22419) 1 Petersburg (PL4227)
Eason, John T. (P37775) 1 Alabama (PL4236)
Fleming, Thomas Mann (P38242) 1 Goochland (PL4579)
James, Martin L. (P42377) 1 Goochland (PL4579)
Kennedy, John J. (P42124) 1 Alabama (PL4236)
Leigh, John R. (P42454) 1 Halifax (PL4460)
Madison, Robert L. (P27584) 1 Petersburg (PL4227)
McRae, Algernon S. (P33868) 1 Powhatan (PL4528)
Pollard, Edward H. (P40782) 1 Albemarle (PL5392)
Powell, H. Brooke (P28691) 1 Alexandria (PL6311)
Tebbs, Thomas F. (P42037) 1 Loudoun (PL4696)
Venable, George C. (P29224) 1 Mecklenburg (PL7273)
Wickham, Wm. F. (P27750) 1 Hanover (PL4934)
Wertelle, George K. (P29623) 1 Louisiana (PL4231)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine  ] School of Medecine


Brock, Joseph B. (P29211) 1 2 Madison (PL5471)
Chandler, Samuel T. (P38433) 1 Lexington (PL4276)
Cabell, John Roy (P36890) 1 Danville (PL4449)
Drummond, Wm. F. (P22419) 1 Petersburg (PL4227)
Dold, Samuel M. (P29000) 1 Lexington (PL4276)
Eason, John T. (P37775) 1 2 Alabama (PL4236)
Field, Hume (P40892) 1 Brunswick (PL4702)
Fuqua, Thomas B. (P21794) 1 Buckingham (PL4762)
Grammar, Jones M. (P42181) 1 Petersburg (PL4227)
Graham, Edward L. (P32648) 1 Lexington (PL4276)
Hancock, Wm. C. (P38841) 1 Chesterfield (PL4346)
Hambleton, James P. (P42890) 1 2 Pittsylvania (PL5884)
Hendren, Samuel R. (P26416) 1 2 Augusta (PL4289)
Hyde, J. Hansford (P24557) 1 Lexington (PL4276)
Jones, Charles G. (P39762) 1 Brunswick (PL4702)
Kennedy, John J. (P42124) 1 2 Alabama (PL4236)
Kyle, Geo. P. (P24375) 1 Botetourt (PL4654)
Lewis, Richard E. (P30989) 1 Brunswick (PL4702)
McVeigh, Wm. H. (P30731) 1 Loudoun (PL4696)
Madison, Robert L. (P27584) 1 Petersburg (PL4227)
McRae, Algernon S. (P33868) 1 Powhatan (PL4528)
Poindexter, John W. (P26642) 1 Pittsylvania (PL5884)
Powell, H. Brooke (P28691) 2 Alexandria (PL6311)
Settle, John W. (P24786) 1 2 Culpeper (PL4333)
Temple, Thomas P. (P35980) 1 Hanover (PL4934)
Tucker, Thomas W. (P31634) 1 Powhatan (PL4528)
Venable, George C. (P29224) 1 Mecklenburg (PL7273)
Wood, John Dean (P42753) 1 Frederick (PL7634)
Wickham, Wm. F. (P27750) 1 Hanover (PL4934)
Watts, John C. (P39945) 2 Charlottesville (PL4204)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Anatomy  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Surgery  ] School of Anatomy & Surgery


Brock, Joseph B. (P29211) 2 Madison (PL5471)
Cheatham, Thomas J. (P22427) 1 Amelia (PL4739)
Davis, Apollos A. (P28769) 2 Albemarle (PL5392)
Drummond, Wm. F. (P22419) 1 2 Petersburg (PL4227)
Eason, John T. (P37775) 1 2 Alabama (PL4236)
Grammar, Jones M. (P42181) 2 Petersburg (PL4227)
Hambleton, James P. (P42890) 1 2 Pittsylvania (PL5884)
Harwick, Wm. G. (P38841) 1 Chesterfield (PL4346)
Hendren, Samuel R. (P26416) 1 2 Augusta (PL4289)
Hyde, J. Hansford (P24557) 1 Lexington (PL4276)
Jones, John T. (P34120) 1 2 Gloucester (PL6140)
Kennedy, John J. (P42124) 2 Alabama (PL4236)
Lewis, Richard E. (P30989) 1 Brunswick (PL4702)
Lindsay, Reuben (P38127) 1 Albemarle (PL5392)
Madison, Robert L. (P27584) 1 Petersburg (PL4227)
Page, John R. (P25642) 1 Gloucester (PL6140)
Powell, H. Brooks (P28691) 2 Alexandria (PL6311)
Tobbs, Thomas F. (P42037) 2 Loudoun (PL4696)
Venable, George (P29224) 1 2 Mecklenburg (PL7273)
Walker, James R. (P25671) 2 Mecklenburg (PL7273)
Wood, John Dean (P42753) 1 Frederick (PL7634)
Wickham, Wm. F. (P27750) 1 2 Hanover (PL4934)
Watts, John C. (P39945) 2 Charlottesville (PL4204)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy  ] School of Moral Philosophy Junior Class
Byrd, Alfred H. (P41937) 1 2 Winchester (PL4267)
Carrington, Robert G. (P34813) 1 Charlotte (PL4711)
Dickinson, Randolph (P28999) 1 Franklin (PL5873)
Edmunds, Thomas (P24430) 1 Halifax (PL4460)
Gunter, Benjamin T. (P39028) 2 Accomack (PL4634)
Hancock, Charles (P28299) 1 Albemarle (PL5392)
Horner, Frederick (P32439) 1 2 Fauquier (PL4532)
Huck, Lewis N. (P42815) 1 2 Winchester (PL4267)
James, Martin L. (P42377) 1 2 Goochland (PL4579)
Labranche, Edgar F. (P32083) 1 2 Louisiana (PL4231)
Pollard, Edward A. (P40782) 1 2 Albemarle (PL5392)
Reily, Thomas A. T. (P26382) 1 2 Winchester (PL4267)
Sinclair, Charles E. (P35511) 1 Prince William (PL5969)
Spedy, Edgar J. (P33714) 2 Northampton (PL5376)
Sterrett, John (P30173) 1 Rickbridge (PL4376)
Stevens, Joseph M. (P32132) 1 Harrisonburg (PL4351)
Townes, Lafayette (P37312) 1 Mississippi (PL4259)
Walkup, Jos. W. (P30978) 1 Rockbridge (PL4376)
Wartelle, Geo. K. (P29623) 1 Louisiana (PL4231)
Woodson, Wm. A. (P24088) 2 Albemarle (PL5392)
Intermediate Class


Carrington, Robert G. (P34813) 1 Charlotte (PL4711)
Coe, Jesse Jun. (P31356) 1 Florida (PL4407)
Hancock, Charles (P28299) 1 Albemarle (PL5392)
Harris, Wm. H. (P34613) 1 Albemarle (PL5392)
Labranche, Edgar F. (P32083) 2 Louisiana (PL4231)
Parker, Jesse A. (P34963) 1 Isle of Wight (PL5238)
Sterrett, John D. (P30173) 1 Rockbridge (PL4376)
Taylor, Erasmus (P35529) 1 2 Orange (PL4264)
Townes, Lafayette (P37312) 1 2 Mississippi (PL4259)
Wartelle, Geo. K. (P29623) 2 Louisiana (PL4231)
Winter, Rice H. (P39451) 2 Alabama (PL4236)
Senior Class
Boston, Dean Swift (P28835) 1 Fluvanna (PL5384)
Byrd, Alfred H. (P41937) 1 2 Winchester (PL4267)
Carrington, Robert G. (P34813) 1 Charlotte (PL4711)
Carrington, Wm. A. (P31979) 1 2 Charlotte (PL4711)
Gunter, Benjamin T. (P39028) 1 2 Accomack (PL4634)
Horner, Frederick (P32439) 1 2 Fauquier (PL4532)
Huck, Lewis N. (P42815) 1 2 Winchester (PL4267)
James, Martin L. (P42377) 1 2 Goochland (PL4579)
Labrenche, Edgar F. (P32083) 1 Louisiana (PL4231)
Pollard, Edward A. (P40782) 2 Albemarle (PL5392)
Reily, Thomas A. T. (P26382) 1 2 Winchester (PL4267)
Spady, Edgar J. (P33714) 1 2 Northampton (PL5376)
Taylor, Erasmus (P35529) 1 2 Orange (PL4264)
Townes, Lafayette (P37312) 1 Mississippi (PL4259)
Wartelle, Geo. K. (P29623) 1 Louisiana (PL4231)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Law  ] School of Law Junior Class
Dabney, Wm. Pope (P24532) 1 Powhatan (PL4528)
Page, Fred W. (P29429) 1 Albemarle (PL5392)
Payne, William H. (P25216) 1 Fauquier (PL4532)
Poy, James H. (P34916) 1 Matthews (PL8243)
Slaughter, John F. (P42858) 1 Lynchburg (PL4371)
Senior Class


Cochran, John S. (P27152) 1 Charlottesville (PL4204)
Dabney, William Pope (P24532) 1 2 Powhatan (PL4528)
Page, Frederick W. (P29429) 1 Albemarle (PL5392)
Roy, James H. (P34916) 1 Matthews (PL8243)
Slaughter, John P. (P42858) 1 Lynchburg (PL4371)

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Course Distinction  ] The Committees appointed to conduct the examinations of the candidates for Proficiency and Graduation in the various Classes and Schools of the University (CB0001), reported the names of the following students who had been success- ful in their examinations - which reports were all con- firmed by the Faculty - (CB0105)

[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Latin  ] School of Ancient Languages Latin Language & Literature
Chalmers, James (P28419) Halifax (PL4460)
Coleman, Robert T. (P26412) Hanover (PL4934)
Hart, James M. (P30846) Louisa (PL5558)
Kean, Robert G. H. (P35590) Caroline (PL4522)
Lyon, Daniel Jun. (P22260) Petersburg (PL4227)
Matthews, Thomas Miller (P38307) Buckingham (PL4762)
Matthews, William (P33964) Buckingham (PL4762)
Montague, Philip H. (P23315) Richmond (PL4711)
Pleasants, James (P43202) Richmond (PL4711)
Schooler, Wm. D. (P31393) Caroline (PL4522)
Saunders, Robert C. (P32925) Campbell (PL5753)
Snead, Burwell W. (P30560) Fluvanna (PL5384)
Upshaw, George W. (P32339) Essex (PL4389)
Williams, John L. (P23220) Richmond (PL4711)
Williams, Wm. C. (P30123) Orange (PL4264)
Woodson, Wm. A. (P24088) Albemarle (PL5392)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages  ] School of Ancient Languages


Adams, Edward Archer (P28090) Charles City (PL4731)
Barbour, Alfred M. (P29723) Culpeper (PL4385)
Bassett, George W. (P27290) Hanover (PL4934)
Brown, Wm. Le Roy (P22133) Loudoun (PL4696)
Broadus, John A. (P43719) University of Va. (PL4214)
Davis, Richard T. (P43332) Charlottesville (PL4204)
Gholson, John Y. (P32553) Petersburg (PL4227)
Hart, John (P29767) Louisa (PL5558)
Latham, Richard P. (P34617) Culpeper (PL4385)
Tabb, Philip (P42596) Gloucester (PL6140)
Wilson, John B. (P42305) Winchester (PL4267)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages  ] School of Modern Languages Proficients in Anglo-Saxon
Barbour, Alfred M. (P29723) Culpeper (PL4385)
Coleman, Henry E. (P41618) Halifax (PL4460)
Christian, Wm. Henry (P31069) New Kent (PL5558)
Farrar, David S. (P39257) Fluvanna (PL5384)
Gholson, John Y. (P32553) Petersburg (PL4227)
Gaines, Richard Venable (P27909) Charlotte (PL4711)
Hudson, Clement L. (P27306) Mississippi (PL4259)
Joynes, Thomas R. (P23150) Accomack (PL4634)
Pollard, Edward A. (P40782) Albemarle (PL5392)
Stirewalt, Paul J. M. (P32660) Shenandoah (PL8338)
Tabb, Philip (P42596) Gloucester (PL6140)
Upshaw, George W. (P32339) Essex (PL4389)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:French  ] Graduates In the French Language & Literature


Adams, Edward A. (P28090) Charles City (PL4731)
Ambler, Thomas M. (P26142) Fauquier (PL4532)
Bassett, George W. (P27290) Hanover (PL4934)
Clayton, Wm. C. (P21809) Romney (PL5335)
Coleman, Henry E. (P41618) Halifax (PL4460)
Coleman, Robert T. (P26412) Hanover (PL4460)
Davis, Richard T. (P43332) Charlottesville (PL4204)
Dunn, James (P31911) Petersburg (Petersburg)
Edmunds, Thomas (P24430) Halifax (PL4460)
Gholson, John Y. (P32553) Petersburg (Petersburg)
Gordon, Geo. Loyall (P32264) Albemarle (PL5392)
Harris, Carter J. (P42001) Caroline (PL4522)
Hart, John (P29767) Louisa (PL5558)
Hart, James M. (P30846) Louisa (PL5558)
Henry, Wm. Wirt (P35127) Charlotte (PL4711)
Joynes, Thomas R. (P23150) Accomack (PL4634)
Kean, Robert G. H. (P35590) Caroline (PL4522)
Latané, James A. (P39618) Essex (PL4389)
Lyon, Daniel Jun. (P22260) Petersburg (PL4227)
Mason, George (P36984) Winchester (PL4267)
Matthews, William (P33964) Buckingham (PL4762)
Matthews, Thomas M. (P38307) Buckingham (PL4762)
Moore, Thomas M. A. (P41194) Orange (PL4264)
Points, John Tevis (P23415) Staunton (PL4177)
Randolph, Thomas J. Jun. (P22607) Albemarle (PL5392)
Rives, Alfred L. (P32599) Albemarle (PL5392)
Saunders, Robert C. (P32925) Campbell (PL5753)
Tabb, Philip (P42596) Gloucester (PL6140)
Upshaw, George W. (P32339) Essex (PL4389)
Walker, Norman S. (P28170) Richmond (PL4711)
Williams, John L. (P23220) Richmond (PL4711)
Williams, Wm. G. (P30123) Orange (PL4264)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:Spanish  ] Spanish Language & Literature


Burwell, Wm. P. (P38000) Powhatan (PL4528)
Cary, Charles W. (P41904) Lewisburg (PL4645)
Coleman, Robert T. (P26412) Hanover (PL4934)
Gaines, Richard Venable (P27909) Charlotte (PL4711)
Gholson, John Y. (P32553) Petersburg (PL4227)
Gordon, George Loyall (P32264) Albemarle (PL5392)
Horner, Frederick (P32439) Fauquier (PL4532)
Kean, R. G. H. (P35590) Caroline (PL4522)
Latané, James A. (P39618) Essex (PL4389)
Labranche, Edgar F. (P32083) Louisiana (PL4231)
Matthews, Thomas M. (P38307) Buckingham (PL4762)
Matthews, William (P33964) Buckingham (PL4762)
Mason, George (P36984) Winchester (PL4267)
Pate, Henry Olay (P30685) Bedford (PL4278)
Pollard, Edward A. (P40782) Albemarle (PL5392)
Saunders, Robert C. (P32925) Campbell (PL5753)
Tabb, Philip (P42596) Gloucester (PL6140)
Williams, Wm. G. (P30123) Orange (PL4264)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:Italian  ] Italian Language & Literature
Harris, Carter J. (P42001) Caroline (PL4522)
Hart, John (P29767) Louisa (PL5558)
Labranche, Edgar F. (P32083) Louisiana (PL4231)
Southall, S. Valentine (P36655) Charlottesville (PL4204)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:German  ] German Language & Literature


Barbour, Alfred M. (P29723) Culpeper (PL4385)
Clayton, Wm. C. (P21809) Romney (PL5335)
Davis, Richard T. (P43332) Charlottesville (PL4204)
Harris, Carter J. (P42001) Caroline (PL4522)
Hart, John (P29767) Louisa (PL5558)
Joynes, Thomas R. (P23150) Accomack (PL4634)
Points, John Tevis (P23415) Staunton (PL4177)
Stirewalt, Paul J. M. (P32660) Shenandoah (PL8338)
Stuart, W. Douglass (P30646) Alexandria (PL6311)
Walker, Norman S. (P28170) Richmond (PL4711)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] School of Mathematics (Pure)
Brown, Wm. Le Roy (P22133) Loudoun (PL4696)
Henry, William Wirt (P35127) Charlotte (PL4711)
Kean, Robert G. H. (P35590) Caroline (PL4522)
Latham, Richard P. (P34617) Culpeper (PL4385)
Mason, George (P36984) Winchester (PL4267)
Pleasants, James (P43202) Richmond (PL4711)
Points, John Tevis (P23415) Staunton (PL4177)
William, John L. (P23220) Richmond (PL4711)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] School of Mixed Mathematics
Charles, Marshall (P27635) Fauquier (PL4532)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Natural Philosophy  ] School of Natural Philosophy
Ambler, Thomas M. (P26142) Fauquier (PL4532)
Broadus, John A. (P43719) University of Va. (PL4214)
Cross, James M. (P23863) Mississippi (PL4259)
Carrington, Wm. A. (P31979) Charlotte (PL4711)
Henry, Wm. Wirt (P35127) Charlotte (PL4711)
Harris, Carter J. (P42001) Caroline (PL4522)
Loyall, George (P22103) Norfolk City (PL4459)
Lyons, Wm. H. (P37862) Richmond (PL4711)
Points, John Tevis (P23415) Staunton (PL4177)
Randolph, Thomas J. Jun. (P22607) Albemarle (PL5392)
Southall, S. Valentine (P36655) Charlottesville (PL4204)
Watson, David S. (P38055) Richmond (PL4711)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry  ] School of Chemistry


Ambler, John Jaquelin (P33686) Orange (PL4264)
Ashby, John Washington (P38414) Fauquier (PL4532)
Barbour, Alfred M. (P29723) Culpeper (PL4385)
Bayly, Samuel T. (P30353) Accomack (PL4634)
Brown, Wm. Le Roy (P22133) Loudoun (PL4696)
Christian, Wm. Henry (P31069) New Kent (PL5558)
Crocker, James F. (P42408) Isle of Wight (PL5238)
Cross, James M. (P23863) Mississippi (PL4259)
Davis, Richard T. (P43332) Charlottesville (PL4204)
Edmunds, Thomas (P24430) Halifax (PL4460)
Harris, Wm. H. (P34613) Albemarle (PL5392)
Hart, John (P29767) Louisa (PL5558)
Hendron, Samuel R. (P26416) Augusta (PL4289)
Joynes, Thomas R. (P23150) Accomack (PL4634)
Kean, Lancelot Minor (P31328) Caroline (PL4522)
Levett, John S. (P33837) Norfolk City (PL4200)
Loyall, George (P22103) Norfolk City (PL4200)
Page, John R. (P25642) Gloucester (PL6140)
Parker, Jesse A. (P34963) Isle of Wight (PL5238)
Peyton, M. Green (P23245) Richmond City (PL4711)
Pleasants, James (P43202) Richmond City (PL4711)
Pretlow, John (P41444) Southampton (PL4808)
Puryear, Bennet (P30420) Mecklenburg (PL7273)
Scott, Hugh Roy (P41695) Amherst (PL5635)
Southall, S. Valentine (P36655) Charlottesville (PL4204)
Stuart, W. Douglas (P30646) Alexandria (PL6311)
Taylor, Erasmus (P35529) Orange (PL4264)
Whittle, Powhatan B. (P41223) Mecklenburg (PL7273)
Williams, Wm. G. (P30123) Orange (PL4264)
Winter, Rice H. (P30123) Alabama (PL4236)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine  ] School of Medecine with the title "Doctor of Medecine"


Allen, Benjamin W. (P24492) Preston (PL4578)
Black, Harvey (P34374) Montgomery (PL5378)
Briggs, George W. (P30798) University of Va. (PL4214)
Briggs, Junius A. (P26418) Norfolk City (PL4459)
Brodnax, John G. (P25866) Dinwiddie (PL4301)
Claiborne, J. Herbert (P23902) Brunswick (PL4702)
Coblentz, Joseph (P42946) Maryland (PL4584)
Hamilton, John M. (P27548) Greenbrier (PL6004)
Kean, Lancelot Minor (P31328) Caroline (PL4522)
Palmore, Charles R. (P23316) Cumberland (PL4911)
Pringle, Richard O. (P24660) Halifax (PL4460)
Wilcox, John (P29039) Missouri (PL4723)
Wilson, Robert Bruce (P30315) Portsmouth (PL4269)
Jones, John T. (P34120) Gloucester (PL6140)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Political Economy  ] School of Moral Philosophy Proficients in Political Economy


Ambler, John Jaquelin (P33686) Orange (PL4264)
Andrews, Oleviero (P33314) Norfolk City (PL4459)
Ayres, Charles Rufus (P34970) Fauquier (PL4532)
Bayly, Samuel T. (P30353) Accomack (PL4634)
Chalmers, James (P28419) Halifax (PL4460)
Dabney, Charles (P25197) Mississippi (PL4259)
Gaines, Richard Venable (P27909) Charlotte (PL4711)
Gunter, Benjamin T. (P39028) Accomack (PL4634)
Holliday, F. W. M. (P43793) Winchester (PL4267)
Howard, John (P32877) Mecklenburg (PL7273)
Hudson, Clement L. (P27306) Mississippi (PL4259)
Loyall, George (P22103) Norfolk (PL4200)
Marshall, Charles (P27635) Fauquier (PL4532)
Payne, Wm. H. (P25216) Fauquier (PL4532)
Saunders, Fleming (P24158) Franklin (PL5873)
Scott, Hugh Roy (P41695) Amherst (PL5635)
Strange, Edward M. (P40408) Fluvanna (PL5384)
Tyler, Nathaniel (P22850) Prince William (PL5969)
Wartelle, John G. (P29785) Louisiana (PL4231)
Whittle, Powhatan B. (P41223) Mecklenburg (PL7273)
Proficients in Belles-Lettres
Boston, Dean Swift (P28835) Fluvanna (PL5384)
Taylor, Erasmus (P35529) Orange (PL4264)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy  ] Graduates in School of Moral Philosophy
Ambler, John Jaquelin (P33686) Orange (PL4264)
Ambler, Thomas M. (P26142) Fauquier (PL4532)
Andrews, Oleviero (P33314) Norfolk (PL4200)
Ayres, Charles Rufus (P34970) Fauquier (PL4532)
Bayly, Samuel T. (P30353) Accomack (PL4634)
Chalmers, James (P28419) Halifax (PL4460)
Coleman, Henry E. (P41618) Halifax (PL4460)
Dabney, Charles (P25197) Mississippi (PL4259)
Gaines, Richard Venable (P27909) Charlotte (PL4711)
Holliday, Fred W. M. (P43793) Winchester (PL4267)
Howard, John (P32877) Mecklenburg (PL7273)
Hudson, Clement L. (P27306) Mississippi (PL4259)
Latham, Richard P. (P34617) Culpeper (PL4385)
Loyall, George (P22103) Norfolk City (PL4459)
Marshall, Charles (P27635) Fauquier (PL4532)
Montague, Philip H. (P23315) Richmond City (PL4711)
Snead, Burwell W. (P30560) Fluvanna (PL5384)
Saunders, Fleming (P24158) Franklin (PL5873)
Strange, Edward M. (P40408) Fluvanna (PL5384)
Wartelle, John G. (P29785) Louisiana (PL4231)
Whittle, Powhatan B. (P41223) Mecklenburg (PL7273)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Law  ] School of Law Proficients in Class of Government & General Politics


Clay, DeWitt Clinton (P41749) Campbell (PL5753)
Dabney, Wm. Pope (P24532) Powhatan (PL4528)
Payne, William H. (P25216) Warrenton (PL4842)
Graduates with the title of Bachelor of Laws
Anthony, William H. (P27221) Botetourt (PL4654)
Cummings, Geo. W. S. (P26403) Lexington (PL4276)
Hobbs, Thomas H. (P23907) Alabama (PL4236)
Holliday, Frederick W. M. (P43793) Winchester (PL4267)
Lewis, Henry B. (P29803) King George (PL4235)
Lyon, John (P34917) Richmond (PL4711)
McRae, Christopher C. (P29999) Chesterfield (PL4346)
Paxton, Elisha F. (P34503) Lexington (PL4276)
Wright, David A. (P23201) King & Queen (PL4642)
Bachelors of Arts
Ambler, Thomas M. (P26142) Fauquier (PL4532)
Peyton, M. Green (P23245) Richmond (PL4711)
Master of Arts
Hart, John (P29767) Louisa (PL5558)
Marshall, Charles (P27635) Fauquier (PL4532)

The Faculty adjourned

The Faculty met June 28th, 1849

[EVENT: Student Conduct  ] [EVENT: University Administration:Student Restrictions  ] The Chairman (P45918) laid before the Faculty (CB0105) the following resolution of the Board of Visitors (P23150) -

"Resolved that the Faculty (CB0105) be requested to consider the expediency of so modifying the monthly circular to parents and guardians as to embrace in the same the "Scale of preparation" heretofore in use, or otherwise to modify the same in such manner as to convey information to the parent or guardian at stated intervals as to the


habits of diligence or otherwise of the student and report their opinion to the Board at its present session.

Whereupon the following resolution was adopted -

Resolved, that the Faculty (CB0105) are of opinion that it is inexpedient to return to the method formerly in use of giving publicity to their numerical estimates of the relative progress made by the students in the several Classes - But whenever information in relation to the di- ligence or progress of a student shall be desired such information shall be transmitted in each monthly circular-

Resolved, that it would be expedient to insert in the monthly circular a notice that such information will be furnished when applied for -

The Faculty adjourned -

The Faculty met June 30th, 1849

Present all the members -

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] [EVENT: University Administration  ] The Faculty (CB0105) proceeded to the appointment of State Students in the vacant districts, and elected the follow- ing students in the vacant districts, who were applicants from the districts for which they are appointed -

The Faculty (CB0105) then proceeded under the authority of a recent enactments of the Board of Visitors (P23150) to elect from the State at large, students to fill those vacant


districts from which there are no applicants resident within them - Whereupon the following appointments were made -

[EVENT: Curriculum Exception:denied ] Mr. Charles R. Ayres (P34970) made application through the Chairman (P45918) to substitute the degree of a Graduate in Law and that of Proficiency in Political Economy for the distinction in Ancient Languages and Mathematics required as a condition for obtaining the Degree of Bachelor of Arts - and

Mr. Thomas R. Joynes (P23150) made a similar application to substitute the degree of Graduate in Italian and Spanish for distinction in Ancient Languages - On motion

Resolved, that the Faculty (CB0105) deem it inexpedient to depart from the terms of the law -

The Faculty adjourned until Monday morning at 8 o'clock.

The Faculty met Monday July 2nd, 1849

Present all the members

On motion -

(CB0105)Resolved, that the thanks of the Faculty be presented to Mr. Addison Maupin (P43755) for the very satisfactory manner in which he provided for the Faculty the dinner given to the Society of Alumni (CB0049), and for the kindness which he had shown in taking upon him the labour and trouble it imposed.

On motion -

[EVENT: Official University Celebrations and Events:Public Day  ] Resolved, that the thanks of the Faculty (CB0105) be presented to the Amateur band from Harrisonburg (PL4351) for their


fine musical performance on the Public Day -

[EVENT: Student Status:Readmission Action:denied ] [EVENT: University Administration:Student Restrictions  ] The Faculty (CB0105) being satisfied that the readmission of the following students would be injurious to the insti- tution - On motion

Resolved, that they be unconditionally excluded should they apply for leave to matriculate next session -

On motion -

Resolved that the Chairman (P45918) be requested to inform the parents of the following students that they will be re- admitted only on giving pledges of a determination to apply themselves diligently to their studies -

On motion -

[EVENT: Student Status:Readmission Action:postponed ] Resolved, that the Chairman (P45918) be requested to


write to the parents of the following students and advice them that the Faculty (CB0105) are of opinion that it would be inex- pedient for them to reenter the University (CB0001) -

On motion -

[EVENT: Student Status:Readmission Action:postponed ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] Resolved, that the Chairman (P45918) be requested to inform the father of Mr. Norman Q. Coleman, a State student, that the Faculty (CB0105) are of opinion that it would be inex- pedient for him to return to the University (CB0001), it being doubt- ful whether he will be able to avail himself of the advantages of the institution, having profited very little this last Session. (P39112)

On motion -

[EVENT: Fee:Room Rent  ] Resolved, that the Chairman (P45918) be requested to inform Mr. Thomas Haynie, (P37232) that as he has not paid his board for the past Session, and has failed to profit by the advantages of the institution, it is the opinion of the Faculty (CB0105) that it would not be advisable for him to reenter the University - (CB0001)

Resolved, that Mr. Haynie (P37232) be permitted to return to the University (CB0001) on on condition that he pay the amount for which he is delinquent by the 1st of August.

On motion -

Resolved, that the Chairman (P45918) be requested to write to the State students advising them of the necessity of giving, on or before the 15th of August, written notice of their intention to return to the University (CB0001)

The Faculty adjourned -

The Faculty met September 27th, 1849


The Chairman (P45918) announced to the Faculty (CB0105) that the follow- ing State students had resigned -

The Faculty (CB0105) then appointed -

The Chairman (P45918) laid before the Faculty (CB0105) an application of George Buck (P38259) of Morgan County (PL8383) accompanied by ample tes- timonials for the place of State student in Berkely (PL6361) District which at a meeting of the Faculty (CB0105) on the 30th of June was filled by the election of John B. Wilson (P42305) of Winchester (PL4267) from the State of large, whereupon

On motion -

Resolved, that Mr. John B. Wilson (P42305) be transfer- red from Berkely (PL6361) District No. to Washington (PL4211) District No. 7.

On motion -

Resolved that Mr. George Buck (P38259) be elected to fill Berkeley District No. 8

The Chairman (P45918) laid before the Faculty (CB0105) a letter from Mr. Philip H. Montague (P23315) making application for the vacancy made in Richmond City (PL4711) Senatorial District by the resignation of Mr. Wm. H. Christian (P31069) - He also laid before the Faculty (CB0105) the testimonials of Malaleel C. Cary (P44127) of Richmond (PL4711) who was an applicant when Mr. Christian (P31069) was appointed but whose papers came too late to hand - On motion

Resolved that action in this case be postponed


until Mr. Cary (P44127) can be written to and informed that a vacancy now exists -

The Faculty adjourned -

The Faculty met October 1st, 1849

[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] The Chairman (P45918) laid before the Faculty (CB0105) applications from the following students -

Mr. Joseph Van Meter (P38327) who will be 21 years old the 25th instant for permission to board with Miss Terrell (P43999) -

Mr. Eldon C. Field (P22476) aged 19 years, and having his father's leave, to board at Col. Johnson's (P43992) -

Mr. A. G. Strayer (P22907) aged over 20 years to board with Miss Terrell (P43999) -

Mr. David W. Shanks (P40386) aged 19 years, and having the leave of his guardian to board with Mr. C. M. Carver (P44098) -

Mr. Charles Hancock (P28299) who is within 5 months of 21 years of age, to board with Mr. Flannagan (P44130) -

Motions were severally made, seconded, and passed that the foregoing applications be granted -

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:granted ] Mr. Richard Hawes (P36562) made application thro' the Chair- for permission to matriculate, entering two Schools only - He has his mother's leave but not in writing - On motion

Resolved, that his application be granted on obtaining the written permission of his mother -

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:granted ] The Chairman (P45918) stated that Mr. William E. Wells (P24918) late of Randolph Macon College (CB0039) and Mr. James G. Hoover (P23302) late of Contenary College (CB0050) were without the required certificates of dismissal from these institutions - On motion


Resolved, that in these and similar cases leave be granted to matriculate at the discretion of the Chair- man -

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:granted ] Mr. Edward. A. Pollard (P40782) having been excluded at the end of last Session, the Chairman (P45918) had taken the responsibility of allowing him to matriculate, in view of the peculiar circumstances connected with the case - On motion

Resolved, that the Faculty (CB0105) approve of the action of the Chairman - (P45918)

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:denied ] The Chairman (P45918) stated to the Faculty (CB0105) that Mr. T. M. Gray, (P36878) who was excluded at the close of last Session, but who had not been informed of the resolution, had returned and wished to matriculate without giving any additional guarantee of better conduct than that of last Session -

On motion -

Resolved, that his exclusion remain peremptory.

On motion -

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:granted ] Resolved, that Malaleil C. Cary (P44127) be appointed State student for Richmond City (PL4711) Senatorial District No. 23.

[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Messrs. Wm. W. Henry, (P35127) Wm. H. Marshall, (P37612) & John T. Withers (P24895) having asked for permission to take rooms in the immediate neighborhood of the University (CB0001) and board at Col. Watson's (P44020) -

Resolved, that leave be granted, provided, they do not pay an exhorbitant rent and that the charges for board and attendance not greater than those in the Univer- sity.

The Faculty adjourned -

The Faculty met October 4th, 1849

[EVENT: Library:Books Action:granted ] Mr. William McGoy (P29143) made application thro' the Chair- man of permission to take from the Library Humboldt's Vues des Cordelleres - On motion

Resolved, that his application be granted and that he be allowed to retain the work 14 days -

Mr. Henry Clay Pate, (P30685) a State student applied to be allowed to attend a fourth School - On motion

Resolved, that his request be refused -

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted ] Mr. Henry J. Churchman (P35150) made application for leave to withdraw from the University (CB0001), and have his fees, rents, etc. returned to him - On motion

Resolved, that his application be granted and that his matriculation be cancelled -

[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. Dabney C. Harrison (P34260) made application for permission to leave Col. Watson's (P44020) Hotel and board with his relative Miss Terrell (P43999) - On motion

Resolved, that with the consent of Col. Watson (P44020) his request be granted -

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Natural Philosophy  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Law  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Anatomy  ] Mr. Eldon C. Field (P22476) made application for leave to with- draw from the Schools of Law and Anatomy and attend those of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry - On motion

Resolved, that his application be granted -

[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. John Pennybacker (P25822) made application for permission to leave Col. Watson's (P44020) Hotel and board with Miss Terrell (P43999) where he will occupy a room with Mr. D. C. Anderson (P40614) -

On motion -

Resolved, that his application be granted -

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:granted ] Mr. George W. Brown (P32592) who at the close of the last Session was excluded, made application for leave to matri- culate - On motion


Resolved, that the Faculty (CB0105) deem it inexpedient to grant his request -

The Faculty adjourned -

The Faculty met October 9th, 1849

Present all the members except Mr. Wm. B. Rogers. (P43658)

[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. S. A. Powell (P35854) made application for permission to leave the Boarding House of Major Broadus (P43777) and board with Mr. Leake (P44128) - On motion

Resolved, that on procuring a substitute his request be granted -

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages  ] Mr. James M. Jarvis (P32770) made application for leave to quit the School of Mathematics and attend that of Modern Languages - On motion

Resolved, that his application be granted -

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Natural Philosophy  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry  ] Mr. James A Latan é (P39618) made application for permission to leave the School of Natural Philosophy and attend that of Chemistry - On motion

Resolved, that his request be granted -

The Chairman (P45918) laid before the Faculty (CB0105) letters informing them of the non-acceptance of Mr. Malaleil C. Cary (P44127) of his appointment as State student from Richmond Senatorial Dis- trict No. 23.

On motion -

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] [EVENT: Boarding  ] Resolved, that Mr. Philip H. Montague (P23315) of Rich- mond City (PL4711) be appointed to fill the vacancy and that he oc- cupy his present room at Major Broadus' (P43777) house at the rate he has heretofore paid, until Major Broadus (P43777) receive another student at the rate of $100 for the Session -

On motion -


Resolved, that a Committee be appointed to lay a plan before the Board of Visitors (P23150) at their meeting on the 17th instant to re-organize the scheme of Lectures - where- upon Dr. Schele, (P43667) were appointed the Committee.

On motion -

Resolved, that the Faculty regret to find it inexpedient to grant a license for a course of Lectures to Capt. Fakio, (P44129) formerly of the United States Navy -

The Faculty adjourned -

The Faculty met October 13th, 1849

[EVENT: Boarding Exception:granted ] Present all the members except Mr. Wm. B. Rogers. (P43658)

The Chairman (P45918) asked the advice of the Faculty (CB0105) in regard to the occupation by Mr. Richard T. Davis (P43332) of on of the dormitories attached to the Pavillion of Professor R. E. Rogers. (P43678) Dr. Rogers (P43678) assigned the room to Mr. Davis (P43332) who boards with Prof. Minor, (P22874) believing that under the law he had a right to do so, but objection had been made, on the ground that the law restrained the occupation by Professors of the dormitories adjoining their Pavilions to the case in which a student boards in the Family of the Professor in whose dormitory he lodges -

On motion - It was resolved, as the sense of the Faculty (CB0105), that a just construction of the law according to its spirit, requires that Mr. Davis (P43332) be permitted to con- tinue in the occupancy of the dormitory referred to; and that the Chairman (P45918) be requested to communicate with the Executive Committee and request their sanction of this decision -

The Faculty adjourned -

The Faculty met October 16th, 1849

Present all the members except Dr. McGuffey (P43668)


Visitors a copy of the proposed Scheme, accompanied by one of the present Scheme and ask, most respectfully, their sanc- tion of the intended alteration."

"They beg at the same time, once more to present to the consideration of the Board of Visitors (P23150) the urgent want of additional Lecture rooms - a want heretofore productive of most serious inconvenience and calculated materially to affect the usefulness of their instruction, should the present num- ber of students continue or increase - Only two schools - those of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry - having the ex- clusive use of their rooms, the five schools of Ancient Langu- ages, Modern Languages, Mathematics, Moral Philosophy and Law are compelled to content themselves with two lecture rooms only - one of which the Professor of Mathematics requires for a considerable portion of each day -"

"The Professors of the Medical Department who do not lecture to the Academic students, and aretherefore not likely to suffer inconvenience from any interference with the other Professors, might be allowed to retain the present arrangement as long as more convenient to them and does not conflict with the general scheme -

Proposed Scheme
7½ - 8½ 8½ - 9½ 9½ - 10½ 10½ - 11½ 11½ - 12½ 12½ - 2 3 - 4½
Monday Jr. Lat. Jr.Greek Jr.Math Sr.Law 9½ - 11 Dr. Howard (P43670) Chemistry Italian Sr.Greek 11 - 12½ Dr. Davis (P43680) M.Phil Int.Math
Tuesday Spanish Jr.Fren. Sr.Greek Nat.Phil. 9½ - 11 Dr.Cabell (P39304) Sr.Latin M.Phil. 11 - 12½ Dr.Rogers (P43678) Jr.Law Sr.Math
Wednesday Jr.Greek Sr.Greek Italian Sr.Law Jr.Math 9½ - 11 Dr. Howard (P43670) Chemistry Nat.Phil 11 - 12½ Dr. Davis (P43680) M.Phil Mix.Math Anglo-Sax


and Mr. Wm. B. Rogers (P43658) -

[EVENT: Curriculum  ] [EVENT: University Administration:Facilities Management  ] Professor Schele (P43667) from the Committee appointed to report a scheme of Lectures to be laid before the Board of Visitors at its meeting on the 17th instant, submitted the report of the committee - upon mature consideration of which, the Faculty (CB0105) adopted the following portion of it, and ordered a certified copy to be laid before the Board of Visitors for its sanction -

"The duty of arranging the lectures in the different schools of the University (CB0001) so as to prevent any interference or serious inconvenience to the students has become, from year to year, a more difficult task. - This Session, how- ever, it has been found utterly impossible to make such an arrangement, owing partly to the considerable increase in the number of students and partly to the number of Schools attended by each one of them - The Faculty (CB0105) have after re- peated, fruitless attempts, come to the conclusion that by a radical change in the hours allotted by law, alone, time can be obtained for the regular so-called extra-hours which every School requires -"

"The present scheme having proved totally insufficient they, therefore, propose to reduce all the earlier lectures to one hour's time, by which room for at least one addition- al lecture, daily, would be gained - Besides, they do not intend to let this change affect the hour from 12½ to 2 o'clock, leaving thus two lectures daily of 1½ hour (one before and one after dinner) for these particular classes where time is either more precious, or more difficult to obtain -"

"The Faculty (CB0105), convinced of the absolute necessity of making such a change, beg leave to lay before the Board of


7½ - 8½ 8½ - 9½ 9½ - 10½ 10½ - 11½ 11½ - 12½ 12½ - 2 3 - 4½
Thursday Sr.Fren. Jr.Fren. Sr.Greek Nat.Phil. 9½ - 11 Dr. Cabell (P39304) M.Phil. German 11 - 12½ Dr. Rogers (P43678) Jr.Law Sr.Lat. Sr.Math
Friday Jr.Greek Jr.Latin Spanish Jr.Math Sr.Law 9½ - 11 Dr. Howard (P43670) Chemistry Nat.Phil. M.Hist. 11 - 12½ Dr.Davis (P43680) M.Phil Int.Math
Saturday Sr.Fren. German Nat.Phil 9½ - 11 Dr. Cabell (P39304) Sr.Math Mat.Med. M.Phil Jr.Law Jr.Lat. Mix.Math Geology

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:postponed ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy  ] Mr. Daniel B. Conrad (P29427) witout having obtained his father's consent made application for permission to leave the School of Mathematics and join that of Moral Philosophy - On motion

Resolved, that the Chairman (P45918) be requested to communicate with Mr. Conrad's (P29427) father and to express the doubts of the Faculty (CB0105) at to the expediency of the proposed change -

The Faculty adjourned -

The Faculty met November 3rd, 1849

Present all the members

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] The Chairman (P45918) called on the Professors for the names of such students as were idle and inattentive during the last month - the following reports were made -

On motion -

Resolved, that the following cases of delinquency be referred to the Professors in the respective Schools in which they occurred - Joseph Duvigneaud, (P30309) E. H. Pollard, (P40782) H. J. Churchman (P35150) -

On motion -

Resolved, that the following students be admon- ished by the Chairman - (P45918)J. P. Clark, (P27157) D. S. Boston, (P28835) S. V. Southall (P36655) -

On motion -

Resolved, that the Chairman (P45918) be requested to call the attention of Mr. R. Severs' (P43383) father to his absences from the School of Mathematics.

On motion -

Resolved, that the case of Mr. Robert C. Johnston (P27831) be referred to the Chairman (P45918), and unless he offer a satisfactory excuse for his delinquency, he be requested to write to his father -

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Political Economy  ] Mr. J. P. Clark (P27157) made application thro' the Chair- man for leave to withdraw from Political Economy -

On motion -

Resolved, that his application be granted -

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry  ] Mr. William E. Wills (P24918) made application for leave to withdraw from the School of Moral Philosophy and to attend that of Chemistry - On motion -

Resolved, that the Faculty (CB0105) deem it inexpedient to grant Mr. Wills' (P24918) request -

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Natural Philosophy  ] Mr. Powhatan B. Whittle (P41223) made application for leave to quit the School of Mathematics and join that of Natural Philosophy -


On motion -

Resolved, that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Mr. William P. Burwell (P38000) made application for leave to withdraw from the School of Mathematics - On motion

Resolved, that his request be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. Augustine M. Harlow, (P42452) a State made application for permission to remove from Major Broadus' (P43777) Boarding house, and board with Mr. Leake (P44128) - On motion

Resolved, that the Faculty (CB0105) deem it inexpedient to grant his application -

[EVENT: Course Reference:Law  ] Mr. John F. Miller (P29551) made application to be exempt from attending the lectures in the Class of Jun. Law on account of ill health - He will attend these on Sr. Law -

On motion -

Resolved, that his application be granted -

[EVENT: Library:Books  ] The Professors of Modern Languages and Mathematics presented lists of books which they desire to be purchased for their departments in the Library - On motion

Resolved, that the same be approved -

On motion -

Resolved, that Smith's Dictionary of Antiquities be purchased for the miscellaneous department of the Library -

[EVENT: Fee:Room Rent  ] It appearing to the Faculty (CB0105) that Mr. Kirkwood Otey (P43217) who has recently withdrawn from the University (CB0001), paid rent for a room of which he was deprived for public pur- posed - On motion

Resolved, that the rent so paid by Mr. Otey (P43217) be refunded to him.

The Faculty adjourned -

The Faculty met December 1st, 1849
