Below you will find a series of essays that expand upon selected events and individuals gleaned from the archival materials of JUEL; browse them to learn of notable, unusual, and historic incidents in the formation and early years of Jefferson's University. The essays serve to inform and entertain, while also providing potential entryways into the documents available in the JUEL database (such as names, dates, institutions, and other subject matter by which to search).

The majority of essays below have been written by student research assistants and represent the significant student-faculty collaboration that is at the heart of JUEL. Along with writing, students are trained in archival research, documentary editing, and the use of digital technologies for the representation and analysis of historical resources. Our current cohort of students represent the varied and talented student body of the University of Virginia; to learn more, please visit the Staff Page


Daily Life/Notable Incidents: 

Contextualizing Essays:
