This digital humanities project seeks to create a thickly descriptive and deeply researched accounting of life, learning, and labor at the University of Virginia in its first half century. We continue to find, transcribe, and digitize thousands of documents (official university records, letters, diaries, publications, addresses, county court records, and so on).

All the primary source records in JUEL are available as Full-Text Transcripts. In some cases, images of the original primary records, what we term Digitized Manuscripts, are also available. Additionally, the List of African-American Individuals, a section of biographical entries, also includes partial transcripts of primary records.  

For a range of sources and reading related to JUEL topics, please visit Additional Links and Further Reading.

Full-text transcripts of the primary record collections included in the JUEL Database can be browsed below. Most of these records are organized in chronological order by University Session.


1. Chairman's Journals, 1827-1867 (13 volumes)

2. Faculty Minutes, 1825-1856 (7 volumes covering 32 annual sessions)

3. Board of Visitors Minutes, 1817-2007

4. University Catalogues, 1825-1868 (64 volumes)

5. University Enactments, 1825-1847 (5 volumes)

6. Faculty, Staff, and Student Correspondence

7. Diaries

8. Letters

9. Articles, Addresses, Speeches (Alumni Bulletin; Alumni News; Literary Society and Alumni Society Addresses; etc.). Click here for Alumni Bulletin articles by topic.

10.  Diary of Student Charles Ellis Jr., 1835-6 (Original and Annotated Editions)


Below are digitized images of manuscripts that are available for some of the primary records. You can browse the full-text digital manuscripts, which are located in the:  1) Mini Showcase,  2) Mini Showcase 2, and  3) Diary Showcase Galleries. 

Below is a list of all the texts/images included in the "MINI SHOWCASE" Gallery. The title of each item as they appear in the Mini Showcase is in parentheses below. To view: go to the Mini Showcase web site and you'll see each text below, plus a great deal of new documents, listed in a drop-down menu. 

  • Autograph Album of William LeRoy Broun P22133 ("Autograph01")
  • Account and Autograph Books ("Autograph02")
  • Autograph Album of Thomas B. Lyons P41910 ("Autograph03")
  • Prof. Charles Bonnycastle's P43623 notes on chimneys ("Chimneys")
  • Report on the East Lawn Garden Area PL9138 Archaeological Excavations ("EastLawn1960")
  • Faculty Minutes Volume 7 ("FacMin7")
  • Proctor Willis H. Woodley, Sr.'s P43659 Letters, October 1836 and February 1837 ("Proctors Letters") 
  • Letter from student John N. Tazewell P26750 to his Father, Littleton W. Tazewell, May 6, 1825 ("Tazewell")
  • The Chairman's Journals ("vols. 01-13") 

Below is a list of all the texts/images included in the "MINI SHOWCASE 2" Gallery. The title of each item as they appear in the Mini Showcase 2 is in quotation marks or parentheses below. To view: go to the Mini Showcase 2 web site (CLICK HERE to open it in a new window) and you'll see each text below listed in a menu on the left.

  • Student Charles Ellis's P43085 Letters ("Charles Ellis Letters") 
  • "John Hartwell Cocke P43616 Papers" 
  • "Letters of Recommendation for Workmen"
  • Jefferson Monument Magazine ("Magazines Jefferson Monument Magazine")
  • The Collegian ("Magazines The Collegian") 
  • University Literary Magazine ("Magazines University Literary Magazine")
  • Virginia University Magazine ("Magazines Virginia University Magazine")
  • Miscellaneous Materials ("Misc")
  • "Patrons Ledgers"
  • "Printed Material"
  • "Slave Hiring Material"
  • "Thomas Hill Norwood (P23487) Letters"

Below is a list of all the texts/images included in the "DIARY SHOWCASE" Gallery. The title of each item as they appear in the Diary Showcase is in parentheses below. To view: go to the Diary Showcase web site (CLICK HERE to open it in a new window) and you'll see each text below listed in a menu on the left. 

  • Diary of Student Charles Ellis P43085, 1835-6 ("Charles Ellis")
  • Ronald B. Head's Annotated Diary of Charles Ellis, March 10 - June 25, 1835 ("Charles Ellis Typed")
  • Diary of Faculty Member Ethelbert A. Coleman (P36689), written while a student, 1831-2 ("Ethelbert Coleman")
  • Papers of Walter Bowie, Jr. (P27773), 1847-1852 ("Walter Bowie")



1. Journals of the Chairman of the Faculty, 1827 - 1867

The Chairman's Journals are a rich source of information about faculty, student, and worker life in the years 1827 to 1867. You may access the journal in several ways. To see digitized images of the original manuscripts for the sessions listed below, please visit the MINI SHOWCASE Gallery and click on vols. 01 through 13 in the left-hand menu. For help in finding specific dates/pages in the manuscripts, please see "The Guide" to the mini showcase. Below are links to transcripts of the Chairman's Journals, organized by university session.

Sessions 1 - 3 (March 7, 1825 - July 20, 1827): No manuscript exists for 1825. The first manuscript written, for 1826-7, is listed by the University of Virginia Library as "not present."

Session 4 (9/1/1827 - 7/20/1828)
Journal written by John Tayloe Lomax (P43630), Chairman from 1827-1828, 1830 
Actual entries from September 5, 1827 to July 28, 1828
Session 5 (9/10/1828 - 7/20/1829)
Journal written by Robley Dunglison (P43624), Chairman from December 1825-1826 and 1828-1830
Actual entries dated from September 7, 1828 to July 20, 1829
Session 6 (9/10/1829 - 7/20/1830)
Journal written by Robley Dunglison (P43624), Chairman from December 1825-1826, 1828-1830 
Actual entries dated from September 5, 1829 to July 20, 1830 
Sessions 7aSession 7b (9/10/1830 - 7/20/1831)
Journal written by John Tayloe Lomax (P43630), Chairman from 1827-1828, 1830 (Chairman "pro tempore" June 29, 1830 until ?)
Actual entries dated from July 21, 1830 to July 13, 1831 
Session 8 (9/10/1831 - 7/20/1832)
Journal written by Robert Maskell Patterson (P43634), Chairman from 1830-1832 (first stated as Chairman October 2, 1830)
Actual entries dated from July 20, 1831 to July 20, 1832
Session 9 (9/10/1832 - 7/20/1833)
Journal written by George Tucker (P43619), Chairman from March-December 1825, 1832-1833
Actual entries from July 21, 1832 to July 20, 1833
Session 10(9/10/1833 - 7/20/1834)
Journal written by Charles Bonnycastle (P43623), Chairman from 1833-5
Actual entries from August 30, 1833 to June 10, 1834
Session 11 (9/1/1834 - 7/4/1835)
Journal written by Charles Bonnycastle (P43623), Chairman from 1833-5
Actual entries from September 12, 1834 to August 24, 1835
Session 12 (9/1/1835 - 7/4/1836)
Journal written by John A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman from 1835-1837, 1839-1840
Actual entries from September 7, 1835 to August 10, 1836
Session 13 (9/1/1836 - 7/4/1837)
Journal written by John A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman from 1835-1837, 1839-1840 
Actual entries from September 3, 1836 to February 17, 1837
Session 14 (9/1/1837 - 7/4/1838)
Journal written by Gessner Harrison (P25515), Chairman from 1837-1839, 1847-1854
Actual entries from July 5, 1837 to July 4, 1838
Session 15 (9/1/1838 - 7/4/1839)
Journal written by entries Gessner Harrison (P25515), Chairman from 1837-1839, 1847-1854
Actual entries from July 5, 1838 to July 4, 1839
Sessions 16 - 21 (9/1/1839 - 7/4/1845): journals unavailable. The journal for 1840-1 is listed by the University of Virginia Library as "not present."
Session 22 (10/1/1845 - 7/4/1846)
Journal written by Edward Henry Courtenay (P43677), Chairman from 1845-1846
Actual entries from July 5, 1845 to June 20, 1846
Sessions 23 - 27 (10/1/1846 - 6/29/1847): journals unavailable 
Session 28 (10/1/1851 - 6/29/1852)
Journal written by Gessner Harrison (P25515), Chairman from 1837-1839, 1847-1854
Actual entries from September 27, 1851 to June 25, 1852
Session 29 (10/1/1852 - 6/29/1853)
Journal written by Gessner Harrison (P25515)
Actual entries from October 10, 1851 to June 25, 1852
Session 30 (10/1/1853 - 6/29/1854)
Journal written by Gessner Harrison (P25515)
Actual entries from October 7, 1853 to June 26, 1854
Session 31 (10/1/1854 - 6/29/1855)
Journal written by Gessner Harrison (P25515)
Actual entries from October 2, 1854 to June 25, 1855
Session 32 (10/1/1855 - 6/29/1856)
Journal written by Socrates Maupin (P43731), Chairman from 1854-1870
Actual entries from October 3, 1855 to June 20, 1856
Session 33 (10/1/1856 - 6/29/1857)
Journal written by Socrates Maupin (P43731)
Actual entries from October 15, 1856 to June 20, 1856
Session 34 (10/1/1857 - 6/29/1858):
Journal written by Socrates Maupin (P43731)
Actual entries from September 28, 1857 to July 22, 1858
Session 35 (10/1/1858 - 6/29/1859)
Journal written by Socrates Maupin (P43731)
Actual entries from October 1, 1858 to June 22, 1859
Session 36 (10/1/1859 - 7/4/1860)
Journal written by Socrates Maupin (P43731)
Actual entries from September 30, 1859 to August 8, 1860
Session 37 (10/1/1860 - 7/4/1861)
Journal written by Socrates Maupin (P43731)
Actual entries from September 29, 1860 to June 29, 1861
Session 38 (10/1/1861 - 7/4/1862)
Journal written by Socrates Maupin (P43731)
Actual entries from October 7, 1861 to July 10, 1862
Session 39 (10/1/1862 - 7/4/1863)
Journal written by Socrates Maupin (P43731)
Actual entries from December 11, 1862 to June 9, 1863
Session 40 (10/1/1863 - 7/4/1864)
Journal written by Socrates Maupin (P43731
Actual entries from October 6, 1862 to June 6, 1864
Sessions 41 to 44 (10/1/1864 - 6/29/1867): journals unavailable 
Session 44 (10/1/1867 - 7/2/1868)
Journal written by Socrates Maupin (P43731)
Actual entries from August 30, 1867 to September 21, 1867


2. Minutes of the Faculty of the University of Virginia (Faculty Minutes), 1825-1856

Below are links to the full transcripts of the Faculty Minutes, organized by session/semester, from 1825 through to 1856. A digitized version of the Faculty Minutes manuscript from September 25, 1848 to November 1, 1850 may be viewed in the MINI SHOWCASE Gallery by clicking on "FacMin7" in the left-hand menu.


4. Charles Ellis, Jr.: A Student's Diary, 1835-6 (Original and Annotated Editions)

Original Edition: Below are links to the transcriptions of Charles Ellis, Jr'.s (P43085) diary, written from 1835 to 1836. Click on "Diary Showcase" and "Charles Ellis" to view the digitized manuscript.

Annotated Edition: Transcript, Annotated Dairy of Charles Ellis (March 10-June 25 1835), ed. Ronald B. Head. Click on  "Diary Showcase" and "Charles Ellis Typed" to view the digitized manuscript of Head's annotated edition.

5. University Catalogues, 1825-1868

Catalogue for the 1rst Session, March 7, 1825 - December 15, 1825

Catalogue for the 2nd Session, Commencing February 1, 1826

Catalogue, 3rd Session, February 1st-July 20th, 1827

Catalogue for the 4th Session, 1827-1828

Catalogue for the 5th Session, 1828-1829

Catalogue for the 6th Session, 1829-1830

Catalogue for the 7th Session, 1830-1831

Catalogue for the 8th Session, 1831-1832

Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the University of Virginia, 9th Session of 1832-1833 *Includes Student Boarding Assignments*

Catalogue of the 10th Session of 1833-1834

Catalogue of the 11th Session of 1834-1835

Catalogue for the 12th Session, 1835-1836

Catalogue for the 13th Session of 1836-1837

Catalogue of the 14th Session of 1837-1838

Catalogue of the 15th Session of 1838-1839

Catalogue of the 16th Session of 1839-1840

Catalogue of the 17th Session, 1840-1841

Catalogue of the 18th Session of 1841-1842

Catalogue of the 19th Session of 1842-1843

Catalogue of the 20th Session, 1843-1844

Catalogue of the 21st Session of 1844-1845

Catalogue of the 22nd Session of 1845-1846

Catalogue of the 23rd Session of 1846-1847

Catalogue of the 24th Session of 1847-1848

Catalogue of the 25th Session of 1848-1849 *Includes Student Boarding Assignments*

Catalogue of the 26th Session of 1849-1850 *Includes Student Boarding Assignments*

Catalogue of the 27th Session of 1850-1851

Catalogue of the 28th Session of 1851-1852

Catalogue of the 29th Session of 1852-1853

Catalogue of the 30th Session of 1853-1854

Catalogue of the 31st Session of 1854-1855

Catalogue of the 32nd Session of 1855-1856

Catalogue of the 33rd Session of 1856-1857

Catalogue of the 34th Session of 1857-1858

Catalogue of the 35th Session of 1858-1859

Catalogue of the 36th Session of 1859-1860

Catalogue of the 37th Session of 1860-1861

Catalogue of the 42nd Session of 1865-1866 (With Catalogues of Sessions 38-41, 1861 to 1865, Included)

Catalogue of the 43rd Session - 1866-1867

Catalogue of the 44th Session - 1867-1868

Catalogue of the University of Virginia. 45th Session - 1868-1869

Catalogue of the University of Virginia. 46th Session - 1869-1870

Catalogue of the University of Virginia. 47th Session - 1870-1871

Catalogue of the University of Virginia. 48th Session - 1871-1872

Catalogue of the University of Virginia. 49th Session - 1872-1873

Catalogue of the University of Virginia. 50th Session - 1873-1874

Catalogue of the University of Virginia. 51st Session - 1874-1875

Catalogue of the University of Virginia. 52nd Session - 1875-1876

Catalogue of the University of Virginia. 53rd Session - 1876-1877

Catalogue of the University of Virginia. 54th Session - 1877-1878

Catalogue of the University of Virginia. 55th Session - 1878-1879

Catalogue of the University of Virginia. 56th Session - 1879-1880

Catalogue of the University of Virginia. 57th Session - 1880-1881

Catalogue of the University of Virginia. 58th Session - 1881-1882

Catalogue of the University of Virginia. 59th Session - 1882-1883

Catalogue of the University of Virginia. 60th Session - 1883-1884

Catalogue of the University of Virginia. 61st Session - 1884-1885

Catalogue of the University of Virginia. 62nd Session - 1885-1886

Catalogue of the University of Virginia. 63rd Session - 1886-1887

Catalogue of the University of Virginia. 64th Session - 1887-1888


6.  Diaries

7. Articles, Addresses, Speeches

Alumni Bulletin Articles (click here for links to Alumni Bulletin articles organized by topic)

Alumni News

Other Periodicals

Literary Societies



8.  Board of Visitors Minutes, 1817-2007