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The Faculty met December 1st 1849

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Librarian's Bi-Monthly report, whereupon, On motion,

Resolved, that the report be certified

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] The Professors in the following Schools mentioned the names of the following students who are inattentive, or who are not making due proficiency in their studies.

On motion,

Resolved, that the case of Mr. Wm. C. Johnson (P33422) for his delinquency in Mathematics be referred to the Chairman, and that his guardian be written to.

On motion,

Resolved that the cases of Messrs. Duvigneaud (P30309) & Pendleton (P40852) be referred to the Chairman.

On motion,

Resolved that the following cases of deliquency be referred to their Professors. Robert C. Johnson (P44653), Edward A Pollard (P40782), Wm. H. Lyons (P37862), John F. Miller (P29551), and Jessie Coe (P31356).

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek  ] Mr. William M. Pendleton (P40852) made application with the consent of his father to withdraw from the Class of Jun. Greek. On motion,

Resolved, that his applicated be granted.

On motion,

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages  ] Resolved, that the application of Mr. John G. Boatwright (P38256) to withdraw from the School of Ancient Languages on account of the weakness of his eyes be granted.

The Faculty adjourned.


The Faculty met December 14th, 1850

Present all the members, except Mr. Minor (P22874), Mr. Rogers (P43658), Dr. McGuffey (P43668), and Dr. Cabell (P39304).

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. R. H. Jackson (P36708) of Maryland (PL4584) and Mr. L. Moseley (P32685) of Alabama (PL4236) has made application for permission to withdraw from the University on account of ill health.

On motion,

Resolved, that these applications be granted.

The Faculty adjourned.

The Faculty met December 21st, 1849

Present all the members except Dr. Rogers (P43678), Mr. Minor (P22874) and Mr. Courtenay (P43677).

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Mr. Thomas M. Matthews (P38307), with the consent of his father made application for permission to withdraw from the School of Mathematics. On motion,

Resolved, that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages  ] Mr. W. B. Telfair (P42226) made application for permission to withdraw from the School of Modern Languages.

On motion,

Resolved, that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Award/Excellence Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages  ] The Chairman stated Messrs. Wm. H. Lyons (P37862), Samuel Carr (P24180) & David C. Anderson (P40614), who failed to give the requisite notice in the prescribed time, applied for leave to become candidates for graduation in Ancient Languages.

On Motion,

Resolved, that these applications be granted.

The Faculty adjourned.


The Faculty met December 27th, 1849

[EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy  ] Mr. James T. Chunn (P42960) who attends all the Medical Schools made application to be allowed to attend the Lectures in Moral Philosophy without being liable to examination.

On motion,

Resolved, that his application be granted.

On Motion,

Resolved, that a Committee be appointed to furnish information regarding the University (CB0001) to the Delegates in the Legislature (CB0181). Whereupon Messrs. Minor (P22874), Harrison (P25515), & Wm. B. Rogers (P43658) were appointed the Committee.

The Faculty adjourned.

The Faculty met January 2nd, 1850

[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. R. C. Bouldin (P22527) who boards with Col. Watson (P44020) made application thro' the Chairman for permission to remove to Col. Johnson's (P43992), in order that he may be with Mr. R. V. Gaines (P27909) who is the son of his guardian. On Motion,

Resolved, that the Chairman be authorized to grant the application, if after inquiry, he shall deem it advisable to do so.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] The Chairman called on the Professors for the names of such students as are idle, inattentive, and who are not making due proficiency in their studies.

Mr. R. C. Bouldin (P22527) was reported as having been four times absent from Ancient Languages, four times absent from Mathematics, and for having omitted exercises in both of these schools.


On Motion,

Resolved, that the Chairman be requested to communicate those facts to Mr. Bouldin's (P22527) guardian.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Mr. James C. Watson (P26836) was reported for having been four times absent during the past month from the Schools of Ancient Languages and Mathemics, and also with having omited his exercises in these Schools. On Motion,

Resolved, that Mr. Watson's (P26836) father be informed of his inattention to his studies.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Law  ] Mr. Joseph Duvigneaud (P30309) was reportes as having been five times absent from Ancient Languages.

Eight " " " Modern Languages

Three " " " Law.

On Motion,

Resolved, that Mr. Duvigneaud's (P30309) father be informed of his son frequent absence from Lectures during the past month, and of his continued inattention to his studies and be advised to withdraw him from the University.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages  ] Mr. Wm. M. Pendleton (P40852) is doing very little in A. Languages.

On Motion,

Resolved, that the Chairman be requested to inform Mr. Pendleton's (P40852) father that he is not making due progress in his studies.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages  ] Mr. J. W. Shirley (P38397) was three times absent from the School of Ancient Languages. On Motion,

Resolved, that Mr. Shirley's (P38397) case be referred

to the Professor.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages  ] Mr. A. G. Strayer (P22907) was three times absent from A. Languages.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Mr. G. W. Bassett (P27290) " four " " " Mathematics.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Mr. D. B. Conrad (P29427) " three " " " " "

On Motion,

Resolved, that the cases of Messrs. Strayer (P22907), Bassett (P27290), & Conrad (P29427) be referred to the Professors.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Mr. William C. Johnson (P33422) was 11 times ansent from Mathematics.

On Motion,

Resolved, that Mr. Johnson's (P33422) guardian be advised to withdraw him from the University.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Mr. H. P. R. McCoy (P40041) was three times absent from Mathematics.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Mr. Wm. H. Murdock (P21801) " 3 " " "

[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Mr. Tomlin Braxton (P40152) omits Exercises in Mathematics.


[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages  ] Mr. R. E. Seevers (P43383) omits exercises in Ancient Languages & Mathematics.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Mr. William McCoy (P29143) omits exercises in Mathematics.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Law  ] Mr. R. J. Perkins (P28212) is not making due progress in Law.

On Motion,

Resolved, that the cases of Messrs. H. P. R. McCoy (P40041), Wm. McCoy (P29143), Murdock (P21801), Tomlin (P40152), Seevers (P43383), and Perkins (P28212) be referred to the Professors.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Mr. J. G. Wartelle (P29785) was five times absent form Mathematics.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Law  ] Mr. James E. Montandon (P26370) was three times absent from Law, and is not making good progress.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Law  ] Mr. John F. Miller (P29551) is not making due progress in Law.

On Motion,

Resolved, that the cases of Messrs. Wartelle (P29785), Miller (P29551), & Montandon (P26370) be refferred to the Chairman.

The Facutly adjourned.

The Faculty met January 8th, 1850

[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek  ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] Messrs. Horace Bibb (P38881) & William O. Mosly (P21741) made application thro' the Chairman to be allowed to withdraw from the class of Jun. Greek. On Motion,

Resolved, that their application be granted.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek  ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] Mr. Richard J. Davis (P43332) made application thro' the Chairman to be allowed to withdraw from the School of Mixed Mathematics.

[EVENT: Official University Celebrations and Events:Public Day  ] Mr. Powhatan B. Whittle (P41223) from a joint Committee (CB0047) of the three (CB0087) Literary Societies (CB0011) made application that leave be granted them to invite some distinguished person to address them on the puclic day, the 29th of June being the anniversary of the declaration of Independence by Virginia.

On Motion,

Resolved, that the application be referred to the Executive Committee with an expression of the


favourable opinion of the Faculty.

The Faculty adjourned.

The Faculty met January 16th, 1850.

Present all the members except Dr. McGuffey (P43668).

[EVENT: University Administration:Personnel Decision  ] The chairman laid before the Faculty a letter from John Timberlake Esq. (P43809) suggesting that the remains of the late Dr. Blaetterman (P43621) formerly Professor of Modern Languages in the University might be interred in the University burying ground (PL8510). On Motion,

Resolved, that the Chairman be requested to communicate with Mr. Timberlake (P43809) so as to ascertain precisely whether the application be made at the request of the widow (P45631) of the deceased, and in that event, that the Chairman be authorised to accede to the request.

[EVENT: University Administration  ] Mr. Minor (P22874) presented the report of the Committee approved in December to make suggestions relative to the University for the use of the Delegates from Albemarle (CB0183) in the Legislature of Virginia. (CB0182)

On Motion,

Resolved, that 2500 Copies of the Annual Catalogue be printed and that the usual mode of payments and distribution be adopted.

Resolved, that Dr. Schele (P43667) be appointed a Committee for the publication of the Catalogue.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages  ] Mr. William S. Gilman (P22140) made application, with the consent of his father, for leave to withdraw from the Class of Junior Greek.

On Motion,

Resolved, that his application be granted.

The Faculty adjourned.


The Faculty met January 22nd, 1850

[EVENT: Fee Action:granted ] Messrs. William H. Knight (P44659) and Abner H. Robertson (P39430) made aplication thro' the Chariman to be allowed to matriculate paying only under the existing rules of the Faculty, the Fees they would have to pay on the first of February, alleging that they came to the University expecting this privilege.

On Motion,

Resolved, that their application be granted.

[EVENT: Fee  ] Dr. Courtenay (P43677) submitted the following resolutions.

I. Resolved, that for the rest of the present Session, any who may matriculate shall be allowed an abatement of two fifths of the fees.

II. Resolved, that afterwards such diminution offers shall be made from the first of March.

The question being divided, the first resolution was adopted and the second laid on the table.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:German  ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] Mr. Edward A. Bollard (P40782) made application for leave to withdraw from the Class of German.

On Motion, Resolved, that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek  ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] Mr. G. W. Sinclair (P39255) made application for leave to withdraw from the Junior Greek Class. On Motion,

Resolved, that the permission asked for be granted, provided his further consent to it.

The Faculty adjourned.


The Faculty met February 2nd, 1850

Present all the memebrs except Mr. Rogers

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Librarian's Bimonthly report which was approved.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] The following reports of idleness, inattention, and want of profieciency were made:

On Motion,

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University  ] Resolved, that the Chairman be requested to write to the parents of Robert C. Johnston (P27831) & Edward A. Pollard (P40782) & request them to withdraw their sons from the University.


On Motion,

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] Resolved, that the Chairman write to the father of Mr. W. M. Pendleton (P40852) and call his attention specially to his son's delinquencies.

On Motion,

Resolved, that the Chairman be requested to admonish Mr. G. H. Hardy (P27971) and call his father's attention to his neglect of duty.

On Motion,

Resolved, that Messrs. William H. Lyons (P37862), R. C. Bouldin (P37862), Jos. Duvigneud (P30309) and William McCoy (P29143) be admonished by the Chairman.

On Motion,

Resolved, that the following students be referred to their respective Professors: Th. J. Martin (P29717), R. B. Williamson (P27442), A. G. Strayer (P22907), Wm. H. Cocke (P36629), C. W. Cary (P41904), H. C. Pope (P28144), D. B. Conrad (P29427), J. E. Hoover (P23302), H. C. Pate (P30685), Wm. H. Mudrock (P21801), R. E. Seevers (P43383), R. J. Perkins (P28212), J. E. Shirley (P38397), J. G. Wartelle (P29785), J. M. Jefferies (P24711), J. B. Oden (P43132), Th. L. Barraud (P33222), R. J. Perkins (P28212), & J. D. Jones (P36134).

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Mr. J. G. Wartelle (P29785) made application thro' the Chariman for leave to withdraw from the School of Mathematics, and, join the class of Materia Medica.

On Motion,

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Resolved, that hte application be granted.

Mr. W. C. Johnson (P33422) made application with the consent of his guardian for leave to withdraw from Mathematics.

On Motion,

Resolved, Mr. Johnson (P33422) be allowed to withdraw from Mathematics on condition that he take another School.

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Celebrations Action:granted ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the petition of Thomas M. Matthews (P38307) in behalf of himself and others asking that they may be allowed to celebrate the 25th Anniversay of the University by a Ball in the Library (PL8630) on the evening of the 29th of June next.

On Motion, Resolved, that the Faculty approve of the object of the petition and recommend it to the favourable consideration of the Executive Committee, with the understanding implied in the petition, that it shall be carried out under such restrictions, and under such arrangements for the Security of the books etc. in the Library (PL8630) as the Faculty may suggest.


The Faculty adjourned.

The Faculty met February 19th, 1850

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance  ] [EVENT: Student Conduct:Honor  ] Mr. C. L. Keesee (P41803) made application thro' the Chairman for permission to withdraw from the University. He acknowledged that he participated in the disturbances which took place Saturday night, and that he was intoxicated last evening and acted in a very disorderly manner. He promised the Chairman that if the Faculty would permit him to withdraw without standing a trial, he would leave the University as soon as he should be able to make his preparations for going home and would pledge his honor to observe the laws while he remained within the precints.

On Motion,

Resolved, that the Chairman be authorised to grant Mr. Keesee leave (P41803) of withdrawal on condition of his leaving the neighborhood forthwith.

The Faculty adjourned.


The Faculty met March 1st, 1850

Present All the members.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] The following reports in regard to idleness, inattention, and want of proficiency during the past month were laid before the Faculty.

On Motion,

Resolved, that the following cases be referred to the Chairman: R. C. Johnston (P27831), W. M. Pendleton (P40852), N. Q. Coleman (P39112), T. M. Gray (P36878), J. M. Jefferies (P24711).

On Motion,

Resolved, that the following students be referred to their respective Professors: S. Carr (P24180), C. Atkinson (P41002), R. E. Seevers (P43383), Th. J. Martin (P29717), R. B. Brown (P27309), W. W. Blackford (P31208), H. P. R. McCoy (P40041), Wm. McCoy (P29143), B. A. Pope (P24743), J. W. Shirley (P38397), Th. A. T. Reily (P26382), W. C. Weeks (P37810), J. E. Montandon (P26370).

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek  ] Messrs. Geo. M. Cochran (P37535), David S. Farrar (P39257), R. B. Williamson (P27442), S. H. Coleman (P37343), N. Q. Coleman (P39112), and H. M. Harlow (P42452) made application thro' the Chairman for leave to withdraw from the Class of Jun. Greek.


On Motion

Resolved, that the leave asked for be granted.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Mr. P. M. Quarks (P33459) made application with the approbation of his father for leave to withdraw from the School of Mathematics.

On Motion,

Resolved, that such leave be granted, but that he be censured for failing to attend the Intermediate examination in the School of Mathematics.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Mr. A. M. Harlow (P42452) made application for leave to withdraw from the School of Mathematics.

On Motion,

Resolved, that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Award/Excellence Action:denied ] Dr. J. R. Duval (P43451) of Tallahassee Florida (PL4285), who attended lectures in the year 1842 and previously, made application for the degree of B. A.

On Motion,

Resolved, that Dr. Duval (P43451) be informed, that the law establishing the degree of Bachelor of Arts is interpreted as not being retrospective and that moreover his attainments would not entitle him to that degree.

Resolved, that in the opinion of the Faculty, the law establishing the degree of Bachelor of Arts is in no instance meant to be retrospective.

The Faculty adjourned.


The Faculty met March 7th, 1850

[EVENT: Curriculum:Art:Drawing Action:granted ] Mr. Marshall (P44736) having applied for leave to teach "Monochromatic Drawing" to the students, some of whom he represented as being desirous of having his instructions, as a charge of $7 for 12 lessons. It was resolved that the Faculty are unwilling to recommend to the students to incur expenses and loss of time for lessons which they cannot suppose are likely to be profitable to any good extent, but will not refuse provided the lessons be not given oftener than on alternate days.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Mr. S. V. Southall (P36655) made application for leave to withdraw from the School of Mixed Mathematics.

On Motion,

Resolved, that Mr. Southall's (P36655) application be granted and that the Faculty advice that the fee be refunded.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Mr. Ventress (P26686) with the consent of his father made application for leave to withdraw from the School of Mathematics.

On Motion,

Resolved, that the application of Mr. Ventress (P26686) be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. D. B. Conrad (P29427) made application for leave to reside out of the precincts with Col. Johnson (P43992), with a view to have a single room both with reference to his studies, and for comfort in the case of a local affection, in regard to which he referred to Dr. Cabell (P39304).

On Motion,

Resolved, that the leave asked for by Mr. Conrad (P29427) be granted, provided Dr. Cabell (P39304) consider it desirable for his comfort.

The Faculty adjourned.


The Faculty met March 30th, 1850

[EVENT: Library  ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Librarian's Bi-monthly report, which was read and received.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty a letter from Lieut. Maury (P44737) offering to the University the opportunity of purchasing from M. E. Taguet (P44738) of Paris (PL8704) an object Glass of very Superior Quality having a diameter of 14 1/2 inches at the price of 5000 francs.

On Motion, Resolved, that the thanks of the Faculty be returned to Lieut. Maury (P44737), informing him that the funds of the University will not admit of the purchase of the above glass.

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Celebrations Action:granted ] Permission having been granted the students to have a Ball on the night of hte closing day of the Session which falls on Saturday,

[EVENT: Official University Celebrations and Events:Public Day  ] Resolved, that the Rector (P43614) and Executive Committee (CB0043) be consulted in regard to the propriety of anticipating for the ensuing occasion, the usual day for the public exercises, by holding them on the 28th instead of the 29th of June.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy  ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] Mr. R. H. Baker (P25647) made application for permission to leave the School of Moral Philosophy.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] Mr. M. J. Clarke (P29718) to leave the School of Mathematics and [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek  ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] Messrs. P. J. M. Stirewalt (P32660) & Wm. F. Meade (P34860) to leave the Class of Jun. Greek.

On Motion,

Resolved, that the above application be granted.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] The Professors at the request of the Chairman reported the names of such students as have been idle and inattentive during the past month.


On Motion,

Resolved, that the Chairman be requested to inform the guardians of Robert B. Bouldin (P22527) and J. E. Hoover (P23302) that their wards are not making due profieciency, and advice them to withdraw them from the University.

On Motion,

Resolved, that the following delinquents be


referred to the Chairman, A. C. Eliason (P40739), R. C. Johnston (P27831), G. H. Hardy (P27971), Wm. C. Johnson (P33422), Wm. H. Lyons (P37862), R. E. Seevers (P43383), J. W. Shirley (P38397), N. Q. Coleman (P39112), H. E. Coleman (P41618), J. E. Doby (P39155), E. C. Field (P22476), Wm. MCoy (P29143), Wm. H. Murdock (P21801), John Y. Gholson (P32553), D. S. Watson (P38055), J. M. Jefferies (P24711), L. Townes (P37312), A. N. Jordan (P24469).

On Motion, Resolved, that the following delinquents be referred to the Professors - Wm. M. Pendleton (P40852), W. W. Blackford (P31208), Wm. F. Meade (P34860), Jacob Yount (P36974), S. H. Coleman (P37343), T. M. Gray (P36878), J. W. Murdock (P34299), L. F. Moore (P36472), W. C. Weeks (P37810), T. A. T. Reily (P26382), Jesse Coe (P31356), J. F. Miller (P29551), J. E. Montandon (P26370), J. M. Strange (P40408), T. V. Southall (P36655), & Park Poindexter (P24607).

The Faculty adjourned.

The Faculty met April 9th, 1850

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Horses  ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance  ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal  ] The Chairman stated that yesterday afternoon Messrs. Robert C. Johnston (P27831) and Tazewell M. Gray (P36878) were intoxicated and behaved in a very disorderly manner, first on the Eastern Range (PL8650) and subsequently on the Lawn (PL8427). They were on horse back and rode their horses under the Arcades (PL8695) and up the Rotunda steps (PL8648) into the Portico of the Rotunda (PL8647). Mr. Johnston (P27831) was much more intoxicated than Mr. Gray (P36878).

On Motion,

Resolved, that Messrs. Johnston (P27831) & Gray (P36878) be summoned to appear before the Faculty.

Mr. Gray (P36878) appeared before the Faculty evidently intoxicated and admitted that the charge against him was true. His object in going on the Lawn (PL8427) was to take care of Mr. Johnston (P27831), and made efforts to induce him to go away. Mr. Gray's (P36878) conduct whilst before the Faculty was rude and disorderly. Whereupon,

On Motion,

Resolved that Mr. Tazewell M. Gray (P36878) be dismissed from the University.


The Janitor (P44798) reported that Mr. Johnston (P27831) could not be found, having been absent from his room during the day.

On Motion,

Resolved, that the Faculty adjourn till tomorrow at 3 oClock P.M.

April 10th, 1850 The Faculty met pursuant to adjournment

[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal  ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ] Mr. Robert J. Johnston (P27831) appeared before the Faculty, and said that he had nothing to say in extenuation of his conduct. He abstained from drinking from Nov. til Jany. after drinking awhile he broke off til Feb. 22nd. Since then, he has been drinking. He was so much intoxicated that he has a very indistinct recollection of what occurred. Indulged frequqently in drinking before he came to the University.

On Motion,

Resolved, that Mr. Robert C. Johnston (P27831) be dismissed from the University.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] Mr. Thomas S. Taliaferro (P32179) made application thro the Chairman for leave to quit the School of Mathematics.

On Motion,

Resolved, that his applicated be granted.

Dr. Schele (P43667) appeared and took his seat at the Board.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek  ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] Mr. Malcolm Collins (P31599) who is in delicate health applied for permission to leave the class of Jun. Greek. On Motion, Resolved, that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Award/Excellence Action:granted ] Mr. Richard V. Gaines (P27909) is a graduate in Chemistry, Moral Philosophy, and Spanish, has obtained proficiency in Pol. Economy, and Anglo-Saxon and hopes to graduate in Nat. Philosophy, Latin, and one or two of the Modern Languages, but has not obtained and does not expect to obtain distinction in Greek & Mathematics, and asks under this condition of things to be allowed to take the


degree of Bachelor or Arts. On Motion,

Resolved, that the Faculty deem it inexpedient to grant Mr. Gaines (P27909)' request.

On Motion,

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Celebrations  ] Resolved, that the Jefferson Society (CB0011) be allowed the use of the Chapel (PL8575) for its celebration on the 13th instant.

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Award/Excellence Action:granted ] Dr. McGuffey (P43668) laid before the Faculty a letter from Mr. Charles Sharp (P35163) of Norfolk City (PL4200), who was a student in 1847-8 and previous Sessions, and who graduated in Ancient Languages, three of the Modern Languages, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, & Moral Philosophy, & was declared proficient in Belles-Lettres & Minerology & Geology. He was a candidate for the Degree of Master of Arts & had fully complied with every requisite for obtaining it, except graduation in Mathematics. He had studied and prepared himself to graduate in this school when at a critical moment under a depression of spirits, he in a moment of despair withdrew his name as a candidate. The Profesor of Mathematics (P43677) will testify that his general standing was equal to that of several who did graduate.

Resolved, that Mr. Sharp's (P35163) application be referred to the favourable consideration of the Board of Visitors.

On Motion,

Resolved, that 500 copies of the Report of the Committee of Schools & Colleges made during the late Session of the Legislature be printed for distribution.

On Motion,

Resolved that Messrs. Wm. W. Blackford (P31208) & A. N. Jordan (P24469) be allowed to become candidates for proficiency in Pol. Economy.

On Motion,

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Law  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek  ] Resolved, that Mr. B. A. Pope (P24743) be allowed to withdraw from the School of Law, and that Messrs. Shirley (P38397), Wyatt (P31141), Fleming Saunders (P26811), Bryan (P27307), Cowherd (P26553), Lyons (P37862), & G. W. White (P35481) be allowed to withdraw from the Class of Greek.

The Faculty adjourned.


The Faculty met April 22nd, 1850.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Horses  ] [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] The Proctor (P43707) having been requested to appear before the Faculty made the following statement.

On the morning of the 19th instant at an early hour he met Mr. Jesse Heath (P39729) at the gate on the public road on horseback in a state of extreme intoxication, that he allowed him to take his horse from him and promised that he would forthwith go to his room, which the Proctor (P43707) believes he did. Mr. Heath (P39729) has been uniformly orderly and correct in his department and exempt from habits of drinking, that the only other occasion on which he had known him to drink was about two weeks ago, soon after he had withdrawn from the Sons of Temperance (CB0205).

Mr. Heath (P39729) having been sent for appeared before the Faculty and admitted that between 3 & 4 oClock in the morning of the 19th instant he was on the Lawn on horseback and in a state of intoxication, that he rode up upon the Portico. He had takens omething to drink on the morning of the 18th before going to ride in a buggy,that in turning a corner quickly, he upset the buddy but was not intoxicated at the time, that afterwards he joined a party to drink and then partook of Ale, Champagne & Brandy. This is the only occasion in which he has engaged in drinking except the one a few weeks before when he was surprised by the Proctor as one of a drinking party. Had no predetermined intention to become intoxicated on this occasion. In riding on the Lawn he intended no disrespect to the Laws of the University. Was not at the time consious of what he was doing. About 3 oClock of the morning of the 19th left the party with which he was and procured the horse. Rode down towards Charlottesville, finding the houses closed, returned and then rode on the Lawn. Had never been intoxicated but twice before he came to the University and on those occasions lost his consciousness of what he did. Has seen his friends since communicating to the Chairman the above facts and has been informed by them that his statements were correct, being unable himself to remember any of the occurences. On Motion,

Resolved, that Mr. Jesse H. Heath (P39729) be suspended for the remainder of the Session and request to leave the neighborhood of the University.


[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] The following applications were made and granted.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Mr. E. C. Field (P22476) to leave the School of Mathematics

[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek  ] Wm. MCoy (P29143), C. J. Meriwether (P22345) & H. T. Coalter (P22410) to leave Junior Greek

[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek  ] Mr. J. B. Day (P31523) to leave Senior Greek

[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:French  ] Jos. W. Ross (P38347) to leave Junior French.

The Faculty adjourned.

The Faculty met April 24th, 1850.

Present all the members

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Physical Assault  ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that from sources entitled to full credit, he had gathered that on Monday night last between the hours of 11 & 12 oClock three students committed a violent outrage (a rape) on a small negro girl (P44805), a slave about 12 years old in the field adjoining the lots of Col. Johnson (P43992) & Mr. Leake (P44128), their names are Geo. H. Hardy (P27971), Armistead C. Eliason (P40739) & James E. Montandon (P26370). They were found in the act of perpetrating the crime by several other students, who interferred to prevent it, three of these students are Messrs. Conrad (P29427), Eastham (P29826), & R. V. Gaines (P27909). Hardy (P27971) & Eliason (P40739) were represented as being intoxicated, this alone prevented them from being chastised by the students so indignant were they at the outrage.

The Chairman immediately on being informed of the above facts communicated them to the Civil Authority (CB0201) in Charlottesville (PL4204), but the offenders had absconded.

On Motion,

Resolved, Unanimously, that George H. Hardy (P27971), Armistead C. Eliason (P40739), & James E. Montandon (P26370) be expelled from the University.

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Self-governance:Petition Faculty Action:denied ] The Chairman stated that Mr. D. W. Lassiter (P30106) a friend of Mr. Jesse H. Heath (P39729) who on the 22nd instant was suspended for the remained of the Session, had presented a petition, praying the Faculty to reconsider their sentence. He admits its justice but is confident from his knowledge of Mr. Heath's (P39729) amiability the good character he has heretofore maintained & his sorrow for his offence, that if reinstated he will


henceforth conform to the laws and devote himself to his duties.

A motion to grant the prayer of the petition was decided in the negative.

Resolved, that the Chairman be authorised to give Mr. Heath (P39729) leave to withdraw from the University.

The Faculty adjourned.

The Faculty met April 25th, 1850.

Present all the members except Dr. Howard (P43670)

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Self-governance:Petition Faculty Action:granted ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty a petition signed by 138 students praying the reconsideration of the sentence of suspension passed against Mr. Jesse H. Heath (P39729) on the 22nd instant. Whereupon on motion,

Resolved, that in consideration of the assurances given by Mr. Heath (P39729) and by a large number of students in his behalf, of his sincere penitence for the offences committed by him on a recent occasion and of his intention to observe all the laws of the institution in uture, the sentence of the Faculty passed in his case on the 22nd instant be remitted.

On Motion,

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Natural Philosophy  ] Resolved, that Mr. M. L. James (P42377) have leave to withdraw from the School of Natural Philosophy.

On Motion,

[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry  ] Resolved, that Mr. Th. E. Proctor (P36575) be allowed to become a candidate for graduation in Chemistry.

The Faculty adjourned.


The Faculty met May 1st, 1850.

Present all the members except Mr. Rogers.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct  ] The Professors in the several Schools reported as follows.


On Motion,

Resolved that the following cases be referred to the Professors - S. Carr (P24180), C. Cowherd (P26553), J. T. Points (P23415), H. T. Coalter (P22410), E. Rives (P26526), R. E. Seevers (P43383), D. S. Farrar (P39257), J. T. Chunn (P42960), J. D. Eggleston (P25388), J. B. Eastham (P29826), J. W. Murdock (P34299), S. A. Powell (P35854), R. N. Venable (P25012), W. C. Weeks (P37810), F. E. Luckett (P35829), F. R. Farrar (P29499), L. Fowlkes (P44806), John F. Miller (P29551), P. Poindexter (P24607), H. Taylor (P41594), W. B. Telfair (P42226), S. V. Southall (P36655) & R. J. Perkins (P28212)

On Motion,

Resolved, that the following cases be referred to the Chairman. S. H. Coleman (P37343), W. C. Johnson (P33422), W. F. Meade (P34860), A. W. Jones (P24860), F. Fulton (P32991), Wm. MCoy (P29143), Wm. H. Murdock (P21801), B. A. Pope (P24743), H. C. Pope (P28144), J. M. Jefferies (P24711) and L. F. Moore (P36472).

[EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy  ] Mr. Randolph Barksdale (P39919) made application thru Prof. McGuffey (P43668) for leave to become a candidate for graudation in Moral Philosophy. On Motion, Resolved that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy  ] Mr. James E. Hoover (P23302) made application to be exempt from the examination in Moral Philosophy, on account of sore eyes.

On Motion,

Resolved, that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:Italian  ] Mr. James Cochran (P24339) made application for leave to withdraw from the class of Italian.

On Motion,

Resolved, that his application be granted.

The Faculty adjourned.


The Faculty met May 31st, 1850.

[EVENT: Library  ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Librarian's (P43631) Bi-monthly report which was approved.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] The following applications were granted.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Messrs. Duke (P43728), Yount (P36974), Pate (P30685), & Meriwether (P22345) to leave the School of Mathematics.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek  ] S. H. Coleman (P37343) to leave the Class of Greek.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Latin  ] A. M. Moss (P31843) to leave the Latin Class.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:denied ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Law  ] John Everett (P41130) made application for leave to withdraw from the School of Law. On Motion,

Resolved, that his application be refused.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages  ] Mr. Alfred H. Byrd (P41937) made application for leave to become a candidate for graudation in Ancient Languages.

On Motion,

Resolved, that his application be granted.

On Motion,

[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Resolved, that the application of Mr. Saml. Carr (P24180) to become a candidate for graduation in Ancient Languages and that of Mr. David C. Anderson (P40614) to become a candidate for the same degree in Mathematics be granted.

Mr. S. V. Southall (P36655) made application thro the Chairman to be excused from furnishing an Essay as Candidate for the degree of Master of Arts. On Motion,

Resolved, that Mr. Southall (P36655) be informed that the Faculty have not the discretion to grant his application.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] The Professors in the several Schools reported as follows.


On Motion,

Resolved, that the following students be admonished by their Professors.


On Motion,

Resolved, that the following cases be referred to the Professors

On Motion, Resolved that the following students be admonished by the Chairman

[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:English  ] Dr. R. E. Rogers (P43678) from the committee on the English Examination presented the report of the Committee.


The Faculty met June 19th, 1850.

[EVENT: University Administration:Personnel Decision  ] The Chairman stated that the 23rd Senatorial District (CB0207), the appointment for which is now held by Mr. P. H. Montague (P23315), had been advertised as vacant and that there were candidates offering themselves for the District, but that the question had arisen whether Mr. Montague (P23315) when appointed to fill the vacancy made by Mr. Cary's (P41904) resignation was appointed for one or two years. The Faculty record did not limit it to one year. It was the opinion of the Faculty that the appointment was intended to be made but for one year.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy  ] Prof. Courtenay (P43677) asked the opinion of the Faculty as to the propriety of the Committee accepting as a part of Mr. C. J. Kemper's (P27209) Intermediate Examination in Mathematics a part of his paper containing the answer to one question which he thought to the committee after he left the examination room, saying that he had written it in the Lecture room, and carried it away by mistake. Dr. McGuffey (P43668) presented a like question in regard to Mr. Moncure (P34185).

Mr. Minor (P22874) offered the following resolution.

Resolved that when a student has handed in his answers at any examination and left the room, he shall not be permitted to render any additional answer on the plea that it was written in the room but for any cause not given to the Committee. The motion was decided in the negative, and on motion of Dr. Cabell (P39304) the decision in the above mentioned cases was referred to the Committees of Examinations for the Schools of Mathematics and Moral Philosophy.

The Faculty adjourned.


The Faculty met June 28th, 1850.

Present all the members except Dr. McGuffy (P43668).

The Committees appointed to conduct the Intermediate and Final Examinations in the various Schools of the University reported the names of the following students who were placed in the first Division, which reports were all confirmed by the Faculty


