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Saturday June 4th, 1836, the Faculty met. Present: The Chairman, Mr. Tucker (P43619), Dr. Blaetterman (P43621), Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623), Dr. Harrison (P25515), Mr. Rogers (P43658), Dr. Warner (P43656) and Mr. Magill. (P43655)

The Chairman presented the application of Mr. Jaynes () for leave to quit the school of Modern Languages on the ground of his attending three other schools. His application was granted.

Mr. C. Cabell (P24087) applied for permission to withdraw from the School of Chemistry, (CB0152) Pol. Economy andMathematics. (CB0134) The Chairman stated that Mr. Cabell (P24087) had recently received an appointment in an Engineer Corpse and wished to devote the whole of the remaining part of the session to preparation for his duties as an Engineer. His request was granted.

Mr. Davis (P33195) asked for and obtained permission of the Faculty to give his extra lecture at half post five in the morning, instead of at 3 o'clock in the evening.

Mr. Tucker (P43619) asked for and obtained leave to lecture from a quarter before 6 o'clock to 7 o'clock in the morning, on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

Mr. Blaetterman (P43621) asked permission to hold a separate examination for Messers. MessersBurwell (P29937) and Woodis (P23713), the first was absent from College at the time the regular examination was held, the second was sick and could not therefore attend, and the third was [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] suspended. His request


was granted.

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) asked and obtained permission to held a separate examination in the school of Mathematics (CB0134) for Mr. Gairdner () who was sick when the regular examination was held. The examination was appointed for Tuesday the 7th,.

Mr. Tucker (P43619) made a similar request in behalf of Mr. Early (P37882), which was granted, the examination to be held the 11th of June.

Mr. Willis (P26240) applied for permission to withdraw from the University. Not having the permission of his Father to do so, his request was refused.

Mr. Sorsby (P43000) applied for and received permission to leave the Junior Greek Class, having, having entered the University at alate period of the Session and for that reason had not been able to do much.

Mr. W. B. Johnson (P37724) applied for and received leave to quit the school of At. Languages.

Dr. Magill (P43655) asked and obtained permission to held his examina- tion for graduation June the 13th.

Mr. Martin () rejected in Mat. Med. asked to be allowed a second examination, which on the recommendation of the Committee was granted. The examination was appointed to be held the of June.

The Chairman stated that Mr. Dunkell (P40566) had been reported to him as having fired a pistol in the precincts twice on Sunday, that he had recently purchased a now black coat which he were on Saturday in town, and that he habitually frequented Keller's Tavern and Confectionary (PL8528).

On motion Mr. Dunkell (P40566) was sent for.

Mr. Dunkell (P40566) admitted that he fired a borrowed pistol twice on Sunday, but that he did not own weapons of that sort, though he had recently had a pair in his possession on trial; also that he had purchased a new black coat and worn it on Saturday in town and said he had gone to Keller's (PL8528) several times when he first same to the University, but of late not often.

Mr. Tucker () offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed.


"It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty that Mr. G. B. Dunkell (P40566) had violated the enactments in bringing pistols within the institution and there firing a pistol twice on Sunday [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns  ] , in buying a dress coat and wearing it, and in having repeatedly visited a tavern and confectionary Resolved therefore, that Mr. Dunkell (P40566) be [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] suspendedfor the remainder of the session"

The Chairman stated the Mr. Lowndes (P37047) and Mr. Field () had both fired pistols within the precincts, the first several times, the latter only once.

On motion Messers () Lowndes (P37047) and Field (P25301) were sent for.

Mr. Field (P25301) said he fired a pistol once, but that he neither owned or kept it.

Mr. Lowndes (P37047) admitted his having fired pistols several times, but said he was entirely ignorant of the late law of the Visitors making it a major offence, that they did not belong to him nor did he keep arms.

A motion was made and passed that Messers Field (P25301) and Lowndes (P37047) be reprimanded by the Chairman.

[EVENT:   ] The Chairman presented the case of Mr. W. T. Harrison (), who had left the University without leave.

On motion of Dr. Magill (P43655) Mr. Harrison () was dismissed from the University.

The Chairman stated that Mr. Early (P37882) was out of uniform in Charlottesville () on Friday the 19th.

On motion he was sent for, but the Janitor not being able to find him his case was postponed to the next meeting.

The Chairman stated that during his late absence Mr. D. B. Gretter (P24783) had left the University without leave. It being stated by some members of the Faculty that Mr. Gretter (P24783) had the permission of his Parent to withdraw and also that he had spoken to some of his Professors about it. A motion was made and passed that he have leave to withdraw.

Mr. Harrison (P25515) presented his monthly report of the standing of


his candidates for graduation, and Mr. Davis () excused himself for not presenting his on plea of sickness and absence during the month.

A motion was made and adopted that the Faculty adjourn to meet on Monday at half past 4 o'clock.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195)

Monday June 6th, 1836, the Faculty met. Present: The Chairman, Mr. Tucker (P43619), Dr. Blaetterman (P43621), Dr. Emmet (P43625), Mr. Rogers (P43658), Dr. Harrison (P25515), Dr. Warner (P43656) and Dr. Magill. (P43655)

The Chairman stated that in the Proctor's monthly report a number of students were reported for violation of the law in [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Failure to Appear When Summoned  ] regard to early rising; that among them, the most flagrant violators were Messers Burwell (), Beirne (P31717), Corwick (), Early (P37882), R. Harrison (P37425), W. Harrison (), G. Harris (), C. B. Hite (P25233) and H.H. Hite (P40602), Loundes (P44840), McCalla (P43913), Drew (P39843), Peters (P21863), Moss (P36551), Payne (), Ryland (P39474), and Gardner. (P39806)

Of these MessersBurwell (), Beirne (P31717), Cornick (P21769), C.B. Hite (P25233), Loundes (P44840), Moss (P36551), Ryland (P39474), and Gardner (P39806), were each reported as having violated the six times during the past month. Messers Burwell (), G. B. Hite (), Moss (P36551) and Gardner (P39806) had formerly been reprimanded for the same offence, the three first once and the last twice; the others viz. Messers Beirne (), Cornick (P21769), Loundes (P44840) and Ryland (P39474) had not received such warning. Mr. Beirne (P31717) admitted his having been caught several times in bed, but said that he was sick on at least one or two of the occasions; Mr. Loundes (P44840) said there was some mistake as to him as he was absent by leave a week and was up twice when the Janitor called and therefore must have been reported oftener than he deserved. Mr. Cornick (P21769) said he could not study early in the morning and Mr. Ryland (P39474) said that he had no excuse to make.

On motion it was resolved that Messers Beirne (P31717) and Loundes (P44840) be excused and that Messers Cornick (P21769) and Ryland (P39474) be reprimanded by the Chairman. Messers Burwell (), C. B. Hite (P25233) and Moss (P36551) having no good excuse to offer, were, on motion, directed to be reprimanded by the Chairman.

Mr. Gardner (P39806), having been twice reprimanded by the Chairman for the same offence, was on motion [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ]  suspended for one week and required to spend


that time at Mrs. Clark's. ()

Messers Harrison (P37425) and Harris () and W. Harrison () reported the two first as having violated the law 8 times and the last seven times, but who had not been previously reprimanded by the Chairman.

A similar motion was made and adopted in respect to Mr. Drew. (P39843)

Mr. McCalla (P43913), reported as having violated the law seven times and who had been twice reprimanded before was, on motion, [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ]  suspended for a week and required to reside at Mrs. Clark's. ()

Mr. Peter's (P21863) reported as having violated the law 7 times and who had been previously reprimanded was sent for, and said that he was sick on three or four of the occasions for which he had been reported and that indeed he found it useless to rise earlier, as the servant appropriated to his block never appeared until long after the time at which the Janitor usually went around.

On motion it was resolved that Mr. Peters (P21863) be reprimanded by the Chairman.

The Chairman stated that Mr. G. B. Payne (P33441) was reported as having violated the in regard to [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Failure to Appear When Summoned  ]  early rising 9 times; he had also been guilty of the [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns  ] offence of introducing a pistol within the precincts; that he had sent for Mr. Payne () to inquire into his latter offence and that he had confessed it, and said in extenuation of it that having had reason to expect an attack from some mechanics of Charlottesville (), and having occasion to go there, he had borrowed a pistol from a student, which he returned as soon as he came back to the University, and that he neither owned nor kept arms.

Dr. Magill (P43655) offered the following resolution.

"It appearing that Mr. G. B. Payne (P33441) has violated the law in regard to early rising nine times during the last month, and also that he had on one occasion when he went to town, armed himself with a borrowed pistol, in violation of the enactments, though to protect himself from an expected assault therefore, Resolved that he be [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ]  suspended for two weeks and required to reside


at Mrs. Clark's ()".

Dr. Emmet () moved to amend the resolution by substituting three weeks for two, which motion was lost, and the resolution was then adopted.

Mr. Early () reported as having violated the law in regard to early rising 7 times, and who was at the last meeting reported by the Chairman for being out of uniform in Charlottesville (PL4204) on the 19th of May, was, on motion, sent for.

Mr. Early (P37882) said there was an error as to the number of times he had violated the early rising law; that it was not more than four times, and that he had not been reprimanded before for the same offence. Mr. Early (P37882) offered in excuse for his being out of uniform the shabby state of his uni- form coat, which was very much worn and out of order.

On motion it was resolved that Mr. Early (P37882) be [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] suspended for a week and required to go home.

The Chairman stated that in the Proctor's monthly report it was mentioned that [EVENT: University Administration:Facilities Management  ]  Mr. Conway (P43888) had frequently failed in having the rooms of Messers Powell (P40958), Ewing (P28859) and Tate (P30995) cleaned up in time, though the occupants were up and dressed.

On motion Mr. Conway (P43888) was sent for.

Mr. Conway (P43888) said that as to the particular cases referred to he could not answer, but said that where the rooms in his district were not put in order in due time it was almost always the fault of the student.

As to the case of Mr. Hamm (P25092) brought before the Faculty at a former meeting for having taken board out of the University without the permission of the Faculty, Mr. Conway (P43888) said that he never did give his consent to Mr. Hamm's (P25092) going out of College and thought himself entitled to the quarter's board and would claim it.

Mr. Davis (P33195) offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed.


"Mr. Hamm (P25092) having left his Hotel and taken board out of the precincts, without the leave of the Faculty, under circumstances which, however they may palliate the offence, do not affect the rights of the Hotel- Keepers, Resolved that he be required to deposite with the Proctor immediately the amount of the present quarters board due the Hotel-keeper".

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195)

Tuesday, June 14th, 1836, The Faculty met. Present: The Chairman, Mr. Tucker (P43619) Dr. Blaetterman (P43621), Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623), Mr. Rogers (P43658), Dr. Harrison (P25515), Dr. Warner (P43656), Dr. Magill. (P43655)

The Chairman brought before the Faculty the case of Mr. Thomas (P41142) whom [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] he had seen out of uniform in coat, vest and pantaloons on Sunday last; that he had sent for Mr. Thomas (P41142), who said that having made an engagement to walk with a young lady to Church and his uniform coat being unfit to wear, he had gone out of uniform, but said that he had called on him (The Chairman) to ask permission to do so, by could not see him.

On motion Mr. Thomas (P41142) was sent for.

Mr. Thomas (P41142) said he did not wear his uniform coat for the reason above given and that he was not aware at the time that his vest and pant- aloons were out of uniform.

On motion of Dr. Magill (P43655) Mr. Thomas (P41142) was [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] suspended for a week and required to go home or to Mrs Clark's. ()

The Chairman also reported Mr. A. L. Grigsby (P37285) for being out of uniform in his coat. He stated that >Mr. Grigsby (P37285) on being sent for said he had been intending withdraw and indeed no longer considered himself a student and now asked permission to do so.

On motion it was resolved that his request be granted.

Mr. W. I. Robertson () was also reported for [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] being out of uniform in pantaloons at Church on Sunday and that he had sent for him, and his excuse was that he had no other summer pantaloons and was obliged to


to accompany his mother to Church.

On motion it was resolved that he be reprimanded and his mother informed of it.

The Chairman stated that the Proctor had reported Mr. Lindsay () for [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] having exceeded the limits of the sum allowed for clothing by fifty dollars, that he had sent for Mr. Lindsay () to inquire into it and that he said he had bought nothing but uniform clothing and had been obliged to buy much more than would otherwise have been necessary, in consequence of the very indifferent character of the uniform cloth.

On motion it was resolved that the Chairman admonish Mr. Lindsay. ()

The Chairman stated that before he went to Fredericksburg (PL4252) Mr. W. Harris (P31429) had applied for permission to board out of the University alleging as the ground of his application, that he was placed at a table at the Hotel where he boarded in company with students with whom he could not associate. The Chairman told him that he had no power to grant his request and advised him to remain where he was until the Faculty could decide upon his application, but that notwithstanding this, he had left College and gono home to Nelson. (PL5388)

On motion it was resolved that the case of Mr. Harris (P31429) he postponed until further intelligence could be had from him.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University  ] Mr. Lindsay () having the consent of his Guardian applied for and received permission to withdraw from the University.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University  ] Mr. Carter (P40032) upwards twenty-one years old made a similar request which was granted.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University  ] Mr. C. S. Lewis (P24108) applied for and received permission to leave the Intermediate Class of Mathematics.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University  ] Mr. P. Carr (P34852) having the consent of his Father applied for permission to leave the school of Mathematics. It being stated by the Professor of that School, that Mr. Carr (P34852) had been very inattentive to his department and that he honestly did not think he should be allowed to avoid


the consequences of that inattention by withdrawing from the school, a motion was made seconded and passed his application be not granted.

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] Mr. Tureaud (P38912) a student of the University and a Frenchman applied to the Faculty to allow him to give other evidence of his proficiency in English than that afforded by standing the usual English Examination and referred to Professor Tucker (P43619) to whose Class he belonged and to whom he had frequently furnished essays etc. to testify in his behalf. Mr. Tucker's (P43619) statement was satisfactory to the Faculty and his application was therefore granted.

Mr. Nangle (P29844) applied for a fourth examination in English which was refused.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty a report from the Janitor in regard to the early rising of students since the last monthly report.

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty a letter received by Dr. Harrison () from Mr. Fonchi () of Georgia (), a former student, inquiring whether or not a ward of a friend of his would be received as a student of the University who had been dismissed from Franklin College () of that State.

The following are the circumstances attending his dismissal as furnished by the Officers of Franklin College () to his Guardian.

The first letter received, says Mr. Fouche (), states the cause of dismission in these words, "He was found out of his room during study hours, engaged in making a noise and when requested by the officer to return to his room he failed to comply. When met a half an hour afterwards in the name place he was reminded of the request that had been made of him when he replied he would go to his room when he pleased". He is also charged says Mr. Fouche () with insulting language to the officer, but the language used is not specified.

"That when before the Faculty he admitted the words used


by the officer to be unexceptionable but objected to the manner in which they were uttered, and said that he would on no occasion they when ordered to go to is room; that when before the Faculty he used nothing disrespectful or offensive, except the declaration that he had reflected upon the subject and would act again in the same manner under similar circumstances".

In answer to another letter addressed by the Guardian of the young man to the officers of the College, "inquiring particularly into his moral character and standing, the following reply was given." If you mean to refer to the gross outbreakings against the rules of virtue in which men sometimes engage, as in drunkenness, gambling or swearing, we would inform you that your ward has never to our knowledge engaged in such disorders. If you refer to irregular conduct in College, such as breaking windows, rolling stones through the passages, noisy, turbulent demeanor, we reply that we have no proof of your ward's guilt in any such charges".

Mr. Fouche () acclaims "I am well acquainted with the young gentleman in whose behalf I write, and I have never known him to be guilty of an immoral, mischeivous or irregular act".

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) offered the following resolution:

"Moved that Mr. Fouche () be informed that as the conduct he has ascribed to the Gentleman who desires to enter the University would have subjected him to dismissal from that Institution, and as it is impossible to say whether a person so offending would have been re-admitted here next session, the Faculty must decline receiving the applicant, unless he brings more satisfactory testimony in regard to character than has yet appeared. That it will be necessary for the applicant to admit the impropriety of his conduct on the occasion alluded to, or show strong circumstances in mitigations and also to bring from the officers of Franklin College () testimonials proving either that he would have been readmitted there, or that his very improper refusal to obey the directions given was not couched in offensive or highly indecorous language".


Mr. Davis (P33195) offered the following preamble and resolution as a substitute for the above.

"Whereas the offence for which the applicant for admission was dismissed from Franklin College () was not one so indicative of vicious disposition or so affecting his character, that it ought of itself to excluded him from other institutions; and whereas a student here dismissed for a similar offence, would if his character and conduct were in other respects good, be allowed readmission at a future session - the inconvenience and disgrace of dimission being a sufficient punishment for such an offence; and whereas the comity due from one institution to another does not require that any shall refuse admission to a student only dismissed from another; and whereas the laws of this Institution prescribing the terms of admission only require of these who have been students at other institutions, that they shall produce a certificate from such seminary, or other satisfactory evidence to the Faculty with respect to their general good conduct; under which, although a few unworthy persons have obtained admission here, such result has been occasioned either by our want of information in regard to the offences for which they had been elsewhere dismissed (which does not exist in this case) or by our having been misled by erroneous information as to their general character and should only admonish us of the certain necessary caution on these points in future."

"Therefore resolved, that the applicant be informed of the terms of admission prescribed by our law, and he further informed that as he has been dismissed from another institution for conduct which the Faculty (if they rightly understand the facts of the case) strongly disapprove, clear and satisfactory evidence of general good conduct and character will be required by them in order to admite him here".

The vote being first taken on the substitute it was adopted by the Faculty. The following are the ayes and nayes:


For the substitute:

Against it:

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) asked and received permission to enter the following protest against the proceedings of the Faculty.

"Believing that much injury to the Institution, and injustice to the parents of the youth committed to our charge to have resulted from a lax interpretation of the law in C.1. S. 2 Ch.2, the undersigned dissents from the opinion expressed by a Majority of his colleagues inregard to the application of Mr. Foucho (), and protests against their decision being regarded as a procedent in future. Desirous of attracting attention towards a suvnect of which he has always maintained the importance, the undersigned request leave to enter the following reasons for his diddent. To wit: that it is but justice to the incorporated institutions of the country that the Faculty should not treat lightly decisions made under laws so analogous to their own that experience has emply confirmed the danger of allowing a youth who has shown his contempt for the laws of such institution, to pass immediately and triumphantly from the College whence he has offended to the University of Virginia (CB0001). That the opinions of friends usually much inflrenced by good will and affection have been found but a feeble indication of real character, and ought not except on extreme occasions, to he set against the public decision of a judical body. That in the facts alleged in the present case there appear no circumstances on which to ground the decision that contempt of academical discipline ought not to be followed by a temporary suspension of the advantages which it insures-


that a serious resistence to discipline is avowed and apparently provod- That no reasons appear to sustain the notion of harsh or improper conduct on the part of the authorities of Franklin College () - that no inquiry is made of that college- and lastly that no difficulties, expense or inconvenience has been incurred by the applicant which might justify departure from due caution on the part of these who are intrusted with the case of the youth of this University"

Charles Bonnycastle (P43623)

Dr. Harrison (P25515) applied for leave to hold the final examination for one of his Classes on Saturday, the 25th, which was granted.

Dr. Emmet (P43625) asked for and received leave to hold his examina- tion again for Mr. Madison (P21945), rejected at his first examination in his school.

Dr. Warner (P43656) asked and received leave to hold his examination for graduation June 20th.

The Faculty then adjourned

J. A. G. Davis (P33195)

Tuesday, June the 21st, the Faculty met. Present: The Chairman, Mr. Tucker (P43619), Mr. Blaetterman (P43621), Dr. Emmet (P43625), Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623), Mr. Rogers (P43658), Dr. Harrison (P25515), Dr. Warner (P43656), and Dr. Magill. (P43655)

The [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Physical Assault  ]  Chairman brought before the Faculty the case of Mr. T. A. Wilson (P29581) reported by Mr. Conway (P43888) for having struck one of has servants (P44664) whilst waiting on the breakfast table. Mr. Wilson (P29581) according to Mr. Conway (P43888) had been frequently guilty of disorderly conduct at table such as wearing his hat, though requested by him not to do so.

On motion Mr. Wilson (P29581) was sent for;

Mr. Wilson (P29581) said that he ordered the servant (P44664) to bring him a glass of water, but instead of doing so, he had waited upon some other student, who had given him an order subsequent to his, that the same servant (P44664) had frequently disobeyed him and that being a good deal provoked he had struck him.


As to wearing his hat at table, Mr. Wilson (P29581) said that many others did it, as no place was provided for the hats of the boarders, and that Mr. Conway (P43888) had never spoken to him by once.

Mr. Conway (P43888) having referred to Mr. Thomley () who witnessed the transaction, on motion, he was sent for.

Mr. Thomley () said that Mr. Wilson (P29581) and the other boarders near him had been supplied with coffee and that he told the servant (P44664) after Mr. Wilson (P29581) had called for a glass of water to bring him some coffee, which the servant (P44664) did, and that Mr. Wilson (P29581) struck him as he passed by him with the coffee on the waiter.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that Mr. Wilson (P29581) he [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ]  suspended for the rest of the Session.

Mr. Munford (P21875) through the Committee of Examination in the School of Ancient Languages, applied for a separate examination in Latin, as he was nick at the time of the regular examination. His application was granted.

On application of Dr. Magill (P43655), the examination for Certi- ficates of Proficiency in Med. Jurisprudence was changed from July the 1st to June the 27th.

Mr. James Davis () applied for a separate examination for graduation in Law, as he had been prevented from standing at the regular examination by sickness. His application was granted.

Mr. Gray () rejected at the final examination for graduation in law, applied for a re-examination. The statement of the Chairman of the Committee having satisfied the Faculty that he was no fairly entitled to it, his application was refused.

Mr. Sampson (P35802) made application to be caused from examination in law school, on the ground of his attending three other schools, and not meaning to make law his profession. His application was granted.


The Chairman laid before the Faculty a report from the Proctor of the glass which he had had pur in the windows of the dermitories and stated that the usual price charged for putting in a pane of glass had been twenty five cents.

On motion that sum was assessed each student, in the list of the Proctor for each pane of glass with which he is therein charged.

The Chairman stated to the Faculty that he wished to consult them in regard to the best rule to be adopted on the subject of per- mitting students to engage rooms for a succeeding session. He stated that heretofore Mr. Pondleton (P43653) had established as a rule that they could not do so, without [EVENT: Fee:Room Rent  ] depositing with him the amount it would be necessary for them to do on matriculation; which rule he (the Chairman) considered objectionable, and stated as objections to it that it gave these students who could make so great an advance an improper advantage over those who could not, and that the Patron had no right to receive funds on deposits before matriculation. He read to the Faculty a letter from Mr. Pendleton (P43653) explaining his reasons for having adopted such a rule. The Chairman stated that he had proposed in place of the rule the following.

"That a student wishing to engage for the next session a dormitory, which the occupant shall not desire to retain, may do so on paying the rent thereof; but with the understanding that if he be not here on or before the first day of the session, or shall not by that time have deposited with the Patron the sum necessary for matriculation any other student may take possession of the room.

"The occupant of a dormitory shall be allowed until the end of the session or his withdrawal from the University to engage his room for the next session".

On motion it was resolved that the Faculty approve the fore- going rules proposed by the Chairman.

Mr. Steger (P30029) through Dr. Harrison (P25515) asked and obtained leave


to quit the Greek Class.

Mr. J. W. Harris (P43508) made application for a separate examination for graduation in the Latin Language on the ground of sickness when the regular examination was held. His application was granted.

The Faculty then adjourned.

John A. G. Davis (P33195)

Wednesday, June 29th, 1836, the Faculty not. Present: The Chairman, Mr. Tucker (P43619) Dr. Blaetterman (P43621), Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623), Dr. Rogers (P43658), Dr. Harrison (P25515), Dr. Warner (P43656), and Dr. Magill. (P43655)

Mr. Tucker (P43619) offered the following preamble and resolutions which were unanimously adopted.

"The Faculty of the University of Virginia (CB0001), having this day learnt the death of James Madison (), former President of the United States, and late Rooter of this Institution, would not do justice to their feelings if they did not record their profound sense of his exulted worth- of these talents and Public services which made him the pride and ornament of his country, and of these mild virtues which proved an unfailing source of happiness to all around him.

On the sevices of this illustrious man it is unnecessary to dwell, for what American does not know the parts which James Madison () acted in the public councils of his country? and what Virginian needs to be reminded of the unrivalled force of his tongue and his pen in de- fending her most cherished principles? These monuments of his political must endure as long as the love of county or of freedom shall find a place in their hearts. But at this moment when his mortal career has terminated, our minds are irresistably drawn from the glory of the orator and Statesman to the merits of the man - to that perrenial cheerfulness which ago could not dim, and not even could disease overcloud, to that delicacy and suavity and kindness which would still have made his one of the most able of men, though his matchless powers of conversation had not


made him also one of the most brilliant. Our memories must always fondly dwell on the pure delight we have experienced in his society, and we can now only single our heartfelt regrete with these of his afflicted relatives. In conformity with these feelings, Resolved that we will in testimony of our respect for his memory wear crape on the left arm for two months.

"Resolved that as a feeble expression of our sincere and respectful condolence a copy of this preamble and resolution be sent to Mrs. Madison. ()

Mr. Tucker (P43619) asked for permission to hold an examination for certificates of Proficiency in Political economy June 30th which was granted.

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) asked for leave to hold his seniot Math- ematical examination on Friday July the 1st.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195)

Saturday, July 2d, 1836, the Faculty mot. Present: The Chairman, Mr. Tucker (P43619), Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623), Dr. Blaetterman (P43621), Dr. Emmet (P43625), Dr. Harrison (P25515), Mr. Rogers (P43658), Dr. Warner (P43656) and Mr. Magill. (P43655)

Dr. Harrison (P25515) form the Committee of examination in the [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages  ]  School of Ancient Languages reported the following students as having distinguished themselves at the examinations held for that school, which report was accepted by the Faculty.

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Award/Excellence  ] 


[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Latin  ] 1st Junior Latin Examination 1st or 2nd
Daul. B. Rascome (P30720) of Turks Island () 1 & 2
Eugene Davis (P36104) " University Va. (CB0001) 1
Alexander Dixon (P40583) " Faucuier Co. () 1 & 2
James A. Duncan (P25046) " Clarksburg Va. (PL4886) 1
Wm. C. Durkin (P27403) " Petersburg Va. (PL4227) 2
Thomas R. Furrell () " Charlotte Co. Va. (PL4711) 2
Luciue Smith (P26793) " Rockingham Co. (PL5707) 2
George Wilson (P22563) Jr. " Smithfield Va. (PL4661) 2
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek  ] 2d: Junior Greek Examination 1st or 2d
Daniel B. Bascome (P30720) of Turks Island () 1 & 2
James D. Broadhead (P34801) " Albemarle (PL5392) 2
Eugene Davis (P23488) " University Va. (CB0001) 1
Wm. C. Durkin (P27403) " Petersburg Va. (PL4227) 1 & 2
J. U. M. Eppes (P33480) " Supex City Va. (PL5685) 1 & 2
Thomas R. Furrell () " Charlotte City Va. (PL4711) 1 2
Henry E. Scott (P34567) " " " " 1 2
Henry Seldon () " Norfolk Va. () 1 2
George Wilson (P22563) Jr. " Smithfield Va. (PL4661) 1 2
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Latin  ] 3rd: Junior Latin
James O. Breadhead (P34801) " Albenarle (PL5392) 1
Wilton H. Broaddore (P22485) " Caroline City (PL4522) 2
James A. Duncan (P23968) " Clarkeburg Va. (PL4886) 1 2
Benjamin B. Minor (P29737) " Spotsylvannia City (PL5046) 2
Thomas R. Nurrel () " Charlotte City (PL4711) 2
Rice W. Payne (P28064) " Fauquier (PL4532) 2
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek  ] 4th: Senior Greek
James F. Govan (P35461) " King and Queen City (PL4642) 2
Benjamin B. Minor (P29737) " Spottsylvannia (PL5046) 2
Elverton A. Shands (P21960) " Prince George () 2

Dr. Blaetterman (P43619) from the committee of examinations in the [EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages  ] school of Modern Languages reported the following Students as having distinguished themselves at the examinations hold for that school which report was accepted by the Faculty.


[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:French  ] 1 Junior French Examination 1st or 2d
James A. Boasley (P35410) of Brunswick (PL4702) 2
James C. Dejarnatte (P23845) of Spottsylvannia (PL6395) 1 2
James A. Duncan (P23968) " Clarksburg (PL4886) 1
Wm. C. Durkin (P27403) " Petersburg (PL4227) 1 2
Wm. T. Joynes (P43746) " Accomack (PL4545) 1
Levin S. Joynes (P22495) " " 1 2
Henry T. Lowndes () " Charleston S. C. (PL4447) 1
Thomas H. Morris (P32712) " Baltimore (PL4215) 2
Rice W. Payne (P28064) " Fauquier (PL4532) 1 2
Samuel Saunders (P30557) " Lunenburg (PL5677) 1 2
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:French  ] 2 Senior French
James A. Duncan (P23968) of Clarksburg (PL4886) 2
Wm. H. Woodis (P23713) Borfolk (PL4433) 2
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:Spanish  ] 3 Junior Spanish
Benjamin B. Minor (P29737) Spottsylvannia (PL5046) 1 2
Henry J. Robards (P22932) North Carolina () 1
4[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:Italian  ]  Junior Italian
James C. Dejarnatte (P23845) Spottsylvannia (PL5046) 1
Levin S. Joynes (P22495) Accomack (PL4545) 1 2
Robert Lindsay (P42909) North Carolina () 1
George W. Miltonberger (P34514) Baltimore (PL4215) 1
Benjamin B. Minor (P29737) Spottsylvannia (PL5046) 1
James W. Paull (P38248) Whooling Va. (PL7277) 1
R. W.Payne (P28064) Fauquier (PL4280) 2
Wm S. Reid (P38236) Lynchburg (PL4371) 1
Henry J. Robards (P22932) North Carolina () 1 2
P. M. Thompson (P38623) Richmond (PL4234) 2


5[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:German  ]  Junior German
Jacob D. Duoley (P43586) Richmond (PL4234) 1
L.S. Joynes (P22495) Accomac (PL4545) 1
F. S. Sampson (P35802) Goochland () 1 2
Samuel Saunders (P30557) Lunenburg (PL5677) 1 2
6 [EVENT: Course Reference  ] Junior Anglo-Saxon
Jacob D. Dudley (P43586) Richmond (PL4234) 1 2
Samuel Saunders (P30557) Hunnenburg (PL5677) 1 2
7 [EVENT: Course Reference  ] Senior Anglo-Saxon
Francis S. Sampson (P35802) Goochland () 1 2

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Award/Excellence  ] Professor from the committee of examination in the [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] School of Mathematics reported the following students as having distinguished themselves at the examination held for that School which report was accepted by the Faculty

2 [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Intermediate Class
Edward C. Cabell (P23926) Richmond (PL4234) 1 2
A. T. M. Cooke (P40184) Portsmouth (PL4269) 1
Tully R. Cornick (P21769) Princess Anne (PL7347) 1
Eugene Davis (P23488) W. Va. () 2
Aleret. Dixon (P40583) Fauquier (PL4280) 1 2
Benjamin R. Minor (P29737) Spottsylvannia (PL5046) 1 2
R. S. Payno (P28064) Fauquier (PL4280) 2
Henry Doldon (P42615) Norfolk (PL4433) 1 2
Wm B. Stanard (P40376) Richmond (PL4234) 1 2
R. W. Tazewell (P24107) Richmond (PL4234) 1 2
C. C. Watkins (P27752) Charlotte (PL4711) 1

Professor Rogers (P43658) from the Committee of examinations in the [EVENT: Course Reference:Natural Philosophy  ] School of Natural Philosophy reported the following [EVENT: Student Conduct:Award/Excellence  ] students as having, dis- tinguished themselves at the examination held for that school, which report was accepted by the Faculty.


B. W. Balscher (P22391) of Sussex (PL4568) 1st exam
James Carroll (P35681) Isle of Wight (PL4653) 1
Eugene Davis () University Va. (CB0001) 1 2
Aleret. Dixon (P40583) Fauquier (PL4280) 2
Dueius Dixon (P31258) Fauquier (PL4280) 2
J. V. M. Eppes (P33480) Sussex (PL4568) 1
O. F. Hamor (P35685) Mississippi (PL4259) 1 2
Charles Haydon (P33632) Smithfield (PL4438) 1 2
A. G. Jones (P25668) Isle of Wight (PL4653) 1
W. T. Joynon (P43746) Accomack (PL4545) 1 2
D. S. Joynes (P22495) Accomack (PL4545) 1 2
G. L. Lewis () Brunswick (PL4702) 1
Thomas C. Radison (P21945) Radison (PL4469) 1
Geo. Poindoxtor (P23023) Goochland (PL4325) 1
Henry Seldon (P42615) Norfolk (PL4433) 1
Elverton A. Shands (P21960) Prince George () 1 2
R. W. Tazewell (P24107) Richmond (PL4234) 1
Jop. A. Turpin (P34725) Watchez Miss. (PL4863) 1
Eghert G. Vaughan (P29582) Amelia (PL4739) 1
Jos. B. Wilkinson (P35788) New Orleans (PL4784) 1

Dr. Emmet (P43625) from the committees of examinations in the[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry  ]  School of Chemistry and [EVENT: Course Reference:Materia Medica  ] Materia Medica reported [EVENT: Student Conduct:Award/Excellence  ] the following students as having dis- tinguished themselves at the examinations held for that school which report was accepted by the Faculty.


School of Chemistry Exams
A. T. Cooke (P40184) Portsmouth Va. (PL4269) 1st
S. Edmunds (P27890) Helifax City (PL4460) 1
J. M. B. Cardnor (P39806) Washington City (PL4211) 1
J. N. Jones (P37532) Isle of Wight (PL4653) 1
C. S. Lewis (P24108) Brunswick (PL4702) 1
E. G. Vaughan (P29582) Amelia (PL4739) 1
P. Carr (P34852) Albemarle (PL5392) 2
Horring (P41326) Rockingham (PL4178) 2
Batoria Medica
C. N. Berkeley (P35705) Hanover (PL4934) 1
E. T. Conway () J. Va. () 2
C. C. Mc Bae (P34669) Manchester Va. (PL4669) 2
G. B. Payno (P33441) Buckingham (PL4494) 2
J. Thomley (P43956) Carollne (PL4522) 1 2
C. D. Watson (P24877) Albermarle (PL5392) 1
D. C. Winfroo (P43492) Manchester (PL4426) 1
D. T. Woolton (P37760) Prince Edward (PL4954) 2
E. G. Vaughan (P29582) Amelia (PL4739) 1

Dr. Magill (P43655) from the Committee of examinations in the [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine  ]  school of Medicine reported the following students as having distinguished themselves at the examinations held for that school which report was accepted by the Faculty.

D. H. Anderson () Williamsburg (PL4824) 1
C. H. Berkley (P35705) Hanover (PL4934) 1
R. B. Bannister (P29680) Supex (PL5685) 2
R. T. Gibbs (P43430) Radison (PL4469) 2
R. R. May () Augusta City (PL4289) 1
J. Locke (P24239) Berkeley City (PL5262) 2
J. H. Horiwether (P24991) Kentucky (PL4268) 1 2
G. G. Minor (P43491) Albomarlo (PL5392) 1
J. J. P. Ponnington (P29338) Supex (PL5685) 1 2
J. Thomley (P43956) Caroline (PL4522) 2
L. Woolton (P37760) Prince Edward (PL4954) 2

Dr. Warner () from the Committee of examinations in the [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Anatomy  ]  School of Anatomy and [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Surgery  ]  Surgery reported the following students as having dis-


tinguished themselves at the examinations held for that school which report was accepted by the Faculty.[EVENT: Student Conduct:Award/Excellence  ] 

R. B. Bannister (P29680) Supex (PL5685) 1 2
P. D. Ewing (P28859) Rockbridge (PL5338) 2
R. T. Gibbs (P43430) Madison (PL4469) 1 2
S. T. Hamm (P25092) Albemarlo (PL5392) 2
J. Locke (P24239) Berkeley (PL5877) 2
J. H. Morriwether (P24991) Kentucky (PL4268) 1 2
J. D. Moss (P36551) Tennessee (PL4592) 2
C. C. McRae (P34669) Manchester (PL4426) 2
M.R. May () Augusta (PL4289) 2
C. B. Payne (P33441) Buckingham (PL4494) 2
J.J.P. Ponnington (P29338) Supex (PL5685) 1 2
J. Thomley (P43956) Caroline (PL4522) 1 2
E. G. Vaughan (P29582) Amolia (PL4739) 1 2
L.T. Wootton (P37760) Prince Edward (PL4954) 2
O. D. Watson (P24877) Albemarlo (PL5392) 1

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Award/Excellence  ] Professor Tucker (P43618) from the Committee of examinations in the school of [EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy  ] Moral Philosophy and [EVENT: Course Reference:Political Economy  ] Political Economy reported the following students as having distinguished themselves at the examination held for that school, which report was accepted by the Faculty-

Senior Class
J.A. Caperton (P22278) Monroe (PL5261) 2
H.T. Lowndes (P37047) South Carolina (PL4447) 1
R. B. Mills () Albemarlo (PL5392) 2


Junior Class
B. W. Belsches (P22391) Supex (PL5685) 2
C. L. Lewis (P24108) Brunswick (PL4702) 2
H.T. Lowndes (P37047) South Carolina (PL4447) 2
J. Mather () Louisiana (PL4231) 2
T.H. Morris (P32712) Baltimore (PL4215) 2
G. Wilson (P22563) Jr. Smithfield Va. (PL4661) 2
Political Economy Senior Class
R. L. Campbell (P33999) South Carolina (PL7174) 1
C. H. Drow (P39843) Richmond City (PL5273) 1
C. Ellis (P43085) Jr. Richmond City (PL5273) 1
B. Jones (P33263) Mecklenburg (PL7273) 1
H.T. Downdes (P37047) South Carolina (PL4447) 1
F. S. Sampson (P35802) Goochland (PL4325) 1

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Award/Excellence  ] Professor Davis (P33195) from the Committee of examinations in the [EVENT: Course Reference:Law  ]  School of Law reported the following students as having distinguished themselves at the examinations held for that school which report was accepted by the Faculty.

Junior Class
P. Carr (P34852) Albemarle () 1
J. H. Christian (P41646) Richmond City (PL5273) 1
C. F. Hamor (P35685) Mississippi (PL4259) 1
S. Jones () Mecklenberg (PL7273) 1 2
R. Moade (P30547) Brunswick (PL4702) 2
A. H. Powell (P40958) Winchester (PL4363) 2
F. S. Sampson (P35802) Goochland (PL4325) 1
J. S. Woods (P40479) Albemarle (PL5392) 2
Senior Class
J.F. Bailey () Albemarle (PL5392) 2
J.W. Harris (P43508) Nelson (PL5388) 1 2
J.M. McCalla () South Carolina () 1
R. Meade (P30547) Brunswick (PL4702) 2
C. B. Quarlos (P22609) Louisa (PL4338) 1


Graduation 1836

The Following list of graduates in the different schools was handed in by the several Professors.



Certificates of Proficiency

The following students were reported by their Professors as entitled to Certificates of Proficiency in their several classes.

The Following Students having graduated in the schools required by the enactments were reported as graduates of the University with the title of "Master of Arts".

The Chairman laid before the Faculty a report from the Proctor of the expense of repairing the walls of the different tenements which required repair.

On motion it was resolved that the charge for repairing mentioned by the Proctor be assessed by the Faculty upon each of the occupants of the tenements mentioned in his report.

The Chairman brought before the Faculty the case of Mr. W. W. Harris (P31429) who was mentioned at a former meeting of the Faculty as [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University  ] having left the University without leave. On motion it was resolved that he be dismissed from the University.

Professor Emmet (P43625), one of the Committee of examinations in the [EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:Spanish  ] School of Modern Languages stated to the Faculty that during the examination of the Class of Spanish, three of the students had been


allowed by the Professor in that school to leave the room and remain out some time, without any consultation with him; that he did not know that any unfairness had been practiced, but he thought the proceeding very irregular and had therefore mentioned it.

On motion it was resolved that Messers B. Minor (P37942), Munford (P39037), and Robard (P22932), the students who were allowed to leave the room be sent for.

Mr. Minor (P37942) stated that he had gone out to attend to some necessary business, but declared he had derived no assistance whatever while he was out.

Mr. Munford (P39037) said that necessity had compelled him to leave the room and admitted that he had received assistance whilst out. Mr. Robard (P22932) being out of the way, his case was postponed to the next meeting.

On motion it was resolved that Mr. Munford (P39037) be placed in the fault division of that examination.

A similar motion was made in regard to Mr. Minor (P37942), which on motion of Dr. Emmet (P43625) was amended so as to allow Mr. Minor (P37942) to retain his place in the first division.

[EVENT: University Administration:Student Restrictions  ] Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) moved that no Committee have leave to grant permission to students to leave the room during examination.

Messers Berkley (P35705) and Newton (P39218) were reported by Dr. Magill (P43655) for not having attended his final examination.

On motion Messers Berkley (P35705) and Newton (P39218) were sent for.

They both stated that they had requested a friend to hand in a blank for them and thought that would be sufficient.

Mr. Berkley (P35705) requested that his name be not read out as among the distinguished students and also that his final circular be directed to himself as he was 21 years of age.

On motion it was resolved that Messers Berkley (P35705) and Newton (P39218) be censured by the Chairman for not attending Dr. Magill's (P43655) examination and that Neither of the requests of Mr. Berkley (P35705) be granted.

Professor Tucker (P43619) reported Mr. H.H. Hite () for not attending final


examination in his school. On motion it was resolved that his Parent he informed of it.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P43619)

September 3rd, 1836, the Faculty met. Present the Chairman, Mr. Tucker (), Mr. Bonnycastle (), Mr. Rogers () and Dr. Harrison. ()

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] Mr. Oliver L. Battle (), dismissed from Franklin College () (Georgia ()) applied to be admitted as a student of the University, and having furnished evidence of good character and conduct satisfactory to the Faculty, his application was granted.

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] Mr. A. J. Paxton (), dismissed from Lexington College applied for leave to enter the University. Having offered satisfactory evidence of general good conduct and character, his application was granted.

J. A. G. Davis (P43619)

Wednesday, September 14th, 1836, the Faculty met. Present: The Chairman, Mr. Tucker (P43619), Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623), Dr. Emmet (P43625), Mr. Rogers (P43658), Dr. Harrison (P25515), Dr. Blaetter- man (P43621), Dr. Warner (P43656), and Dr. Magill. (P43655)

[EVENT: Boarding  ] The Chairman stated that Messers Goson (), Wilkinson (P35788), Lewis (P24108), Williams (P34844), Cornick (P21768), Townes (P30256), Portis (P41622), Pearce (P41567), Bowyer (), Messers Bryouts (P38080), Old (P35748), Mr. Geo. Wickham (P42397), being under the legal age had applied for permission to board out of College, on the ground of the College rooms being almost filled and the strong probability of their being soon fully occupied.

The Chairman stated that the Faculty under similar circumstances circumstances had last session granted a like application.

On motion it was resolved that permission be granted to them.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Meade () having at the close of last Session, secured a dormitory by making the necessary deposit, expecting then to return, had since changed his mind and requested to have the room rent sent to him, which on motion was granted.

Mr. Mather (P43901) also made a similar application which was granted.


Mr. Barnes (27605) asked of the Faculty permission to withdraw from the hands of the Proctor $180. placed there by him to defray his College expenses. He had since been desired to come home by his gather and could not therefore remain. His request was granted.

[EVENT: Student Status  ] Mr. J. W. Harris (P43508), under a resolution of the Board of Visitors referring the matter to the discretion of the Faculty, applied for permission to take the degree of A.M. without graduating in Greek, on the ground of his having been a student of the University before the enactment of the present regulations in regard to that degree.

It was moved, seconded and passed that his request be not granted.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that a committee be appointed to inquire in to the relative expenses of the in and out boarding houses with aview to their equalization, Whereupon Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623), Dr. Warner (P43656) and Mr. Rogers (P43658) were appointed the committee.

A motion was also made seconded and passed that a committee be appointed to arrange the hours for extra lectures. Whereupon Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623), Dr. Blaetterman (P43621), and Mr. Rogers (P43658) were appointed.

The Faculty then adjourned

J. A. G. Davis (P33195)

The Faculty met Sept. 16th, 1836. Present: Mr. Tucker (P43619), Dr. Harrison (P25515), Mr. Rogers (P43658), Dr. Warner (P43656) and Doctor Emmet. (P43625)

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] Mr. S. Stewart () applied for admission to the University. The Chairman stated that Mr. Stewart () was dismissed from William and Mary College (CB0008) for having gone to Norfolk (PL4200) without the leave of the Faculty, but had brought a letter from President Dew stating that he would again be received as a student of that Institution on certain conditions which he had no doubt Mr. Steward (P35370) would ascede to.

It was moved by Mr. Tucker (P34619), seconded and passed that Mr. Stewart (P35370) be admitted upon such conditions and with such cautions as the Chairman after an interview with him may think proper.


Mr. Hicky () applied to have refunded to him 16 dollars deposited by him for Mr. Wilkins () to secure a room. Mr. Wilkins () had since concluded not to come.

A motion was made by Dr. Warner (P43656) and passed that the Proctor be authorised to pay him the above amount.

Mr. Harris () renewed his application for permission to take the A.M. Degree without graduating in the Greek Language, proposing that the Faculty should endorse upon his degree the fact of his having received it by special authority and in consideration of his having taken degrees in all the required schools excepting Greek.

On motion his application was laid on the table until the next meeting of the Faculty.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (33195)

XXXXX note: The following minutes are in Mr. Wertonbaker's () hand he must have been reelected secretary about this time.

The Hotel-keepers (P44594) having represented to the Faculty that it is impract- icable for them to obtain fowls as often as they are required by the Bill of Fare.

Resolved, that every week the hotel keepers (P44594) are unable to comply with the requisition of the bill of fare in regard to fowls that it shall be their duty to furnish that week two desserts as prescribed by the bill of fare instead of one.

The Faculty met September 24th, 1836.

Present: The Chairman and Professors Rogers Tucker (P43658), Blaetterman (P43621), Magill (P43655), Warner (P43656), Harrison. (P25515)

The Chairman informed the Faculty that[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University  ]  Mr. James L. Reed (P35407) had applied for permission to leave the University on account of ill health, and the Faculty being satisfied that the nature of Mr. Reed's (P35407) disease is such as to render it dangerous to spend the winter here, Therefor, on motion made and seconded


Resolved that it be certified to the Proctor that Mr. Reed (P35407) leaves the Institution on account of ill health.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Robert (P34124) West had made application for a certificate from the Faculty that he left the University on account of ill health, on consideration of which, the Faculty were satisfied that the state of Mr. West's (p34124) health did not require him to leave the Institution, therefore, resolved that his application be rejected.

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Wm. B. Smith (P35776) had applied for permission to leave the [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages  ]  Schools of Ancient Languages and Mathematics, and the Faculty being satisfied with the reasons assigned, on motion made and seconded, Resolved that the leave asked for be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] The Faculty granted to Mr. M. T. Sorsby (P43000) permission to board out of the University for the same reasons that applied to Messers Govan (P35461) and others to whom permission was granted to board out on the 14th instant.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. L.W.T. Wickham (P36157) who had matriculated as a resident student, asked for permission to board out of the University, that he might be with his elder brother, Geo. Wickham (P42397). Whereupon, it was resolved that permission be granted to Mr. Wickham (P35461) to board out, provided he obtains the consent of Col. Ward (P43873), his Hotel-keeper.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] The Faculty granted permission to Mr. Charles Cartor (P33554) to board with his relation Mrs. Brockenborough. ()

Present Professor Bonnycastle. (P43623)

The application of Mr. John W. Harris (P43508) to be permitted to take the Degree of A.M. without graduating in the [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek  ] Greek Language, was taken up, discussed, considered and rejected.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] Mr. Alexander Pope (P40354) through the Chairman applied for leave to absent himself from the Lectures on Geometry in the School of Mathematics, on the ground that he attends four Schools and is in delicate health. The application being deemed reasonable was granted.

[EVENT: Curriculum  ] Professor Blaettermann (P43621) from the Committee appointed to arrange


and report a scheme for Extra Lectures, Reported the following scheme.

Schools of Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Ancient Languages 3 to 4 ½ 3 to 4 ½ 3 to 4 ½
Modern Languages 4 ½ to 6 4 ½ to 6 4 ½ to 6
Mathematics Inter- 11 to 12 Inter- 11 to 12 Inter- 11 to 12
Junior 4 ½ to 6 Junior 4 ½ to 6 Junior 4 ½ to 6
Natural Philosophy 3 to 4 ½ 3 to 4 ½
Anatomy 3 to 4 ½ 3 to 4 ½ 3 to 4 ½
Moral Philosophy Bolles-Lettres 3 to 4 ½ 3 to 4 ½
Civil Engineering 12 ½ to 2 Mr. Rogers () 3 to 4 ½ Bonnycastle ()
Law 3 to 4 ½ 3 to 4 ½ 3 to 4 ½

On motion made and seconded, Resolved that the report he adopted with this exception, that the hours assigned to Professor Bonnycastle's (P43623) Intermediate Class be given to Professor Tucker (P43619) and the time allotted to Professor Tucker be given to Professor Bonnycastle's (P43623) Intermediate Class, and it is understood that this exception is to be rescinded, if after experiment it is found to work inconveniently.

Resolved, that hereafter the hours for opening the Library to the Students for the purpose of consulting, taking out and returning books, be from 3 o'clock till half past 4 P.M. It is espected however, that whenever there is a necessity for it, and when it will not interfere with his other duties (public) that the Librarian will extend the time for keeping open the Library till & o'oclock.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University  ] Mr. Robert S. Goode (P22449) through Professor Harrison (P25515) applied for per- mission to leave the [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages  ]  School of Ancient Languages. On Motion, made, seconded and passed, it was resolved that Mr. Goode's (P22449) application be franted on condition that in place of Ancient Languages he shall attend some other School.


The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195)

The Faculty met, October 1st, 1836

Present: Chairman, Warner (P43656), Harrison (P25515), Tucker (P43619), Blaettermann (P43621), Rogers. (P43658)

[EVENT: Boarding  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that C.C. Cooke (P40662), a resident student, had applied for permission to board out of the University. On motion made and seconded. It was resolved, that Mr. Cooke's () application be granted, on condition that he obtains the consent of his Hotel-keeper.

The Chairman informed the Faculty that the following students had made application for permission to exchange Boarding houses: Messers Payno (), Stone (P27062) in Col. Ward's (P43873) district to exchange with the Messers Harding (P28974) in Mr. Conway's (P43888) district; Mr. Texada (P26698) in Mrs. Gray's (P43865) district to exchange with Mr. Drew (P39843) in Mr. Conway's (P43888) district; Mr. Clark (P38897) in Col. Ward's (P43873) district to exchange with Mr. Brooke (P33809) in Mrs Gray's (P43865) district. On motions severally made and seconded those applications were granted on condition that the Hotel-keepers do not object.

Mr. M. T. C. Johnston (P34949) through the Chairman made application for permission to leave the School of Ancient Languages. On motion made and seconded. Mr. Johnston's (P34949) application was granted on condition that he take the School of Anatomy.

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Col. Ward (P43873) had reported [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Physical Assault  ] Mr. Richard R. Carter (P40032) for having at the dinner table violated the rules of pro- priety and good order, by throwing a tumbler glass at one of the servants. (P44664) Whereupon Col. Ward (P43873), having been sent for, appeared before the Faculty, and said that he was out of the dinning room when the glass was thrown, heard it strick, and on asking the servant what had happened, was informed that Mr. Carter (P40032) had thrown a glass at him. He then spoke to Mr. Carter (P40032), who acknow- ledged that he had thrown the glass at the servant and that his reason for doing so was that the servant had neglected to attend to his orders, repeatedly given. Mr. Carter's (P40032) deportment previous was really very good; something


different since. His orders are more imperative than before. The servant is humble, slow, and very easily embarrassed.

Mr. Carter (P40032) was then sent for and appeared before the Faculty. After having requested the servant five times to attend him, and being altogether neglected, he informed him that if he continued to neglect him he would throw the glass at him. He then for the sixth time ordered the servant to take his plate; the servant was not then engaged, but with insolent look, was still disobedient; being extremely angered at the servant's disobedience, as well as his manner, and to keep his word, he threw the glass at him. Previously the servant had been insolent; called once to see Col. Ward (P43873) about it; the Col. was absent; did not speak to him afterwards; believes the Col was in the room when some of his orders were given to the Servant; was advised by students sitting near him to flog the servant.

The Faculty, after considering the case of Mr. Carter (P40032), on motion made and seconded, adopted the following Resolution offered by Mr. Tucker. (P43619)

It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty that Mr. Carter (P40032), after having repeatedly ordered a servant of Col. Ward's (P43873) to change his plate at dinner, which he failed to do, and finding him still disobedient, throw a glass tumbler at said servant.

Resolved, that, for this violation of propriety and of the rights of Colonel Ward (P43873), Mr. Carter (P40032) be [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ]  suspended for a week, and that he reside at Mrs. Clark's () during his suspension.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195)

The Faculty met Oct. 5th, 1836.

Present: The Chairman, Professors Magill (P43655), Bonnycastle (P43623), Harrison (P25515), Tucker (P43619) and Warner. (P43656)

At the instance of Professor Davis (P33195), the time for his extra Lectures is changed from 3 o'clock till half past 4 o'clock P.M. to from half past 9 o'clock till 11 A.M. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.


Mr. George Carr (P23591) made application through the Chairman to be ex- empt from the rules and regulations prescribed for the government of students, on the ground that he is more than 23 years old.

On motion made and seconded, it was resolved that Mr. Carr's (P23591) app- lication be granted.

Application was made by Mr. John F. Browning (P25473) through the Chairman to be exempt from the rules and regulations prescribed for the government of students on the grounds, that he is more than 23 years old. On motion made and sec- onded, resolved, that Mr. Browning's (P25473) application be granted.

Mr. Michael Bowyer (P27244) applied for permission to leave the School of Moral Philosophy. On motion made and seconded his application was granted.

Mr. Walter G. Preston (P38875) made application through the Chairman for permission to board at Mrs. Brockenbrough's (). On motion made and seconded, his application was granted.

Mr. Richard J. Cooke () applied for and obtained permission to leave Col. Ward's (P43873) district and take a room in Mr. Conway's (P43888), on condition that Col. Ward (P43873) consent to it.

Messers Joynes (P22495) and Upshur (P31538) in Mr. Conway's (P43888) district and Mr. A. F. Don- nally (P23675) in Mrs. Gray's (P43865) district applied through the Chairman for permission to have their washing done out of the University, upon the ground that it is not done in proper manner by the Hotel - keepers. On motion made and seconded, the Faculty resolved that the Chairman be requested to investigate the facts in those cases, and that he be authorised to grant the applications, if in his personal opinion the complaints are well founded, or report to the Faculty, as to him may seem boat.

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Self-governance:Petition Faculty  ]  (PL8541)The Chairman laid before the Faculty a paper signed by the following students as a committee appointed by Col. Ward's (P43873) boarders, J. Warron, Griggsby (P43122), J. A. Duncan (P25046), A. J. Paxton (P33872), Thomas F. Morris (P32712), J. Robert () J. Taylor (P38770), J.C. Field (P25301), C. C. Watkins (P27752), and J. M. Jackson (P34463) - calling the attention of the Faculty to violations of the Bill of fare on the part of Col. Ward (P43873) in the


following particulars. A frequent want, if not a general want of biscuits at breakfast, also a want of wheat bread at dinner, a refusal to give butter for some of the vegetables at dinner when demanded, a general deficiency of the most palatable dishes, bacon complained of by many of the students, molasses has not been furnished since the first of the month.

The following students, members of the committee, at the request of the Faculty, appeared, namely, J.C. Field (P25301), C.C. Wathins (P27752), Thomas H. Morris (P32712), and J.C. Dunoan (P25046), and said that at breakfast they were supplied with rolls and leaf wheat bread and corn bread, but no biscuits; there were biscuits this morn- ing for the first time - those not good. At dinner the leaf bread is not put on the table; have to call for it, and it is difficult to get it, no butter or sweet potatoes, called for once, refused, sweet potatoes scarce, and butter in vegetables scarce, beef steak scarce. Bacon in some instances scarce, and usually spoiled, latterly good, molasses not furnished from the first of the month - called for in one instance and refused.

The following students selected by the Faculty from among Col. Ward's (P43873) boarders appeared before the Faculty, namely, John W. Harris (P43508), Wm. Horring (P30059) and A. S. C. Boys. (P30852)

Mr. Harris (P43508) said that once or twice molasses was called for and not furnished. Bacon lately very good, some time ago not so good, beef not as good this year as last, thinks the fare not quite so good this year as last, recently pretty good, biscuits are not furnished for breakfast, are furnished for supper, no deficiency.

Mr. Horring (P30059) thinks upon an average the fare is as good this year as last. Brand plentiful and generally good, sometimes not so, molasses sometimes called for and refused, thinks the meeting to appoint a committee was not very general, does not know how many.

Mr. Boys (P30852) does not often eat bacon, biscuits for supper, but not for breakfast, bread pretty good, molasses has been supplied within a few days.

Col. Ward (P43873) was next sent for, and the Chairman in the meantime


informed the Faculty that Col. Ward (P43873) had made application to prevent the assign- ment of Mr. Warron Griggsby (P43122) who matriculated yesterday, to his district.

Col. Ward (P43873) appeared and said that when biscuits were omitted at breakfast, two kinds of wheat bread, viz. rolls and loaf broad, as well as corn bread made with eggs were furnished, the latter the students were very fond of. At dinner wheat bread was placed on the side table for all these who chose to call for it, has been omitted in no instance, does not furnish butter for sweet potatoes, called for in but one instance, in that by Mr. Griggsby (P43122), refused, has a full sufficiency of every thing, beef pretty good, selects best in market. Bacon has been good, in a few instances it may have smelt a little strong, thinks no reasonable man can object to his fare. Molasses was demanded by Mr. Griggsby (P43122) on the third instant, refused, on the ground that Mr. Griggsby (P43122) had no right to demand it, having made no deposit for board and not having matriculated, had molasses then in the house and was preparing for its introduction on his table in compliance with the bill of fare, has furnished it since regularly; wishes that Mr. Griggsby (P43122) should not be assigned to his district because before matriculating Mr. G. (P43122) had chastised one of his servants; he believes without provocation, the reason given by Mr. G. (P43122) is that the servant was insolent. Mr. G's () demands as a boarder are imperative and disagreeable. He may institute an action at law against Mr. G. (P43122) for trespassing upon his rights, the feeling which has arisen, and which must continue to exist between Mr. G. (P43122) and himself, renders it unfit that Mr. G. (P43122) should be an inmate of his house. Col. Ward (P43873) before leaving the Fac- ulty gave his consent that Mr. Richard J. Cocke () should remove to Mr. Conway's (P43888) district.

Mr. Duncan (P25046) was called in a second time, and informed the Faculty that the meeting appointing the Committee to report Col. Ward (P43873) comprised a large majority of his boarders.

Mr. Grigsby (P43122) having been sent for, appeared and said that he was anxious not to quit Col. Ward's (P43873) district, because bad as his fare was, it was


it was better than at the other Hotels. He considered his dormitory as hav- ing been assigned to him and had done nothing since his matriculation to forfeit it, for any offence committed before matriculation he was ready to justify himself.

The Faculty having considered Col. Ward's (P43873) application in relation to Mr. Griggsby (P43122), motion made and seconded.

Resolved that the Proctor be directed not to assign Mr. Griggsby (P43122) to Col. Ward's (P43873) district.

The faculty then considered the Report made by Col. Ward's (P43873) boarders in relation to his violations to the bill of fare, and on motion, made and seconded, adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, that the Report made by a committee of Col. Ward's (P43873) boarders of his having violated the bill of fare in certain particulars, and the evidence there on do not justify any action of the Faculty, and that it be recommended to Col. Ward (P43873) in future to give strict attention to the bill of fare.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195)

The Faculty met Oct. 29th, 1836.

Present: The Chairman, Professors Emmet (P43625), Harrison (P25515), Warner (P43656), Magill (P43655), Tucker (P43619), and Bonnycastle. (P43623)

The Chairman mentioned to the Faculty that a number of the students were desirous of organising a military corps. On motion made and seconded it was resolved that they be permitted to do so, with such restrictions as the Chairman may prescribe.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Benjamin W. Dolschers (P22391) had repeated violated the Uniform act in the wearing of a white hat. Mr. Bolsches (P22391) was sent for and appeared before the Faculty; he stated that he was desirous of procurring a cap but had not been able to procure on to fit him, had an unusually small head. On motion made, seconded and passed, resolved


that Mr. Bolsches (P22391) be reprimanded by the Chairman for his failure to comply with the uniform law.

Messers acon () and Sheppard () through the Chairman applied for permission to re- move form Mrs. Gray's (P43865) district into Mr. Conway's (P43888), on the ground that they were disturbed by the playing of musical instruments in the neighborhood where they now are. Motion, made and seconded, it was resolved that they be permitted to go into Mr. Conway' (P43888) district when any two other students shall willing to take their place as boarders at (PL8542)Mrs. Gray's (P43865) Hotel.

On motion made and seconded, resolved that the Proctor be authorised to refund to Mr. Wm. Monford (P21875) and Benjamin L. Burwell (P33180) the funds deposited by them to secure rooms.

On motion made and seconded, it was resolved that the Proctor be informed that Mr. Alexander Pope (P40354) was permitted to leave the University on on account of ill health.

Mr. William B. Smith (P35776) applied through the Chairman for permission to leave the University on account of ill health. On motion made and seconded his application was granted.

Mr. Lewis E. Texadu (P26698) and Charles D. Wharton (P41946) having obtained the consent of their Hotel Keepers to board out of the University, applied through the Chairman for permission to do so. On motion made and seconded it was decided that their application be forthwith granted. It was made know to the Faculty that Mr. Texadu (P26698) had removed to Mrs. Brockenborough's () without the consent of the proper authority. The Faculty resolved that Mr. Texadu (P26698) be reprimanded by the Chairman for his irregularity.

The Faculty being satisfied that Mr. Modeiai Cooke (P41382) and Mr. Lewis S. Joynee (P22495) have not had their washing done in a proper manner at their Hotels, on motion made and seconded, Resolved that they be permitted to have their washing done out of the University, and that a deduction on that account, at the rate of one dollar per month be made from their board paid to the Hotel keepers.


[EVENT: University Administration:Student Restrictions  ] Resolved that the students be allowed to play on Musical Instruments from 2 to 3 o'clock and from 4 o'clock to 8 p.m. and that hereafter their use be restricted at all other hours and also on Sundays.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the monthly report of the Rank.

Mr. Henry V. Morris (P43660), teacher of [EVENT: Course Reference:Art:Drawing  ] Drawing, through Professor Bonnycastle (P43623) applied for permission to use the Books of the Library. On motion made and seconded, resolved that Mr. Morris (P43660) application be granted and that he be limited to three volumes at a time and that he keep them not longer than a fornight.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's monthly report accompanied by a supplemental report of assessments and other matters.

On motion made and seconded, resolved that the assessments embraced on the report be confirmed, with the exception of that against Professor Bonnycastle (P43623), which is laid over for further consideration.

Mr. W. W. Boyer (P40570) having failed to give in his name in proper time as a candidate for graduation in the School of Ancient Languages, made app- lication through the Chairman for permission to become a candidate; no objections being made to his application, it was granted.

The Chairman informed the Faculty that the medical class had applied for permission to use the Lecture room in the Anatomical Hall for the Purposes of their society. On motion made and seconded, Resolved that their applica- tion be granted.

The Faculty then adjourned until Monday, the 31th instant at 4 & ½ o'clock p.m.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195)

[EVENT: Boarding  ] The Faculty met October 31st, 1836 according to adjournment. Present: The Chairman Professors Magill (P43655), Tucker (P43619), Harrison (P25515), Bonnycastle (P43623) and Blaettermann. (P43621)

The Proctor having reported a failure on the part of the Hotel Keepers (P44594)to comply with the Laws and regulations regarding the cleaning up


of the Dormitories in the morning, removing the aches, washing the paint etc. Resolved that those officers be informed that if their duties in those respects be not more punctually performed in future, the Faculty will be constrained to apply the corrective provided by the Laws.

The Proctor having reported that Mr. Colman () was not furnished by his Hotel keeper with a suitable bed, the following resolution offered by Mr. Harrison (P25515) and seconded, was adopted.

Resolved, that Mr. Conway (P43888) be required to furnish a suitable bed immediately; and if he do not so in three days, that the Proctor be authorised to do so at Mr. Conway's (P43888) expense.

On motion made and seconded, Resolved that the Hotel Keepers (P44594) be informed that the Faculty insist upon a strict compliance with the regulation which directs the door of the dining room to be closed at the expiration of half an hour after the ringing of the Breakfast bell, and which requires that nothing warm shall be furnished the students fifteen minutes after the ringing of the bell.

The Chairman reported to the Faculty that he considered Mr. Upshur's (P31538) washing was not done in a proper manner at his Hotel. On motion made and seconded, Resolved that Mr. Upshur (P31538) be permitted to have his washing done elsewhere and that a deduction be made from his board at the rate of one dollar per month.

(PL8543)The Chairman informed the Faculty that complaints had been made; that Mr. Conway (P43888) did not at meal times have a fire in his dining room, (PL8543) and that it was still more uncomfortable by reason of the windows wanting glass. On motion made and seconded, resolved that Mr. Conway (P43888) be informed that it will be his duty to keep a fire in his dining room at meal times whenever the weather requires it and that he have his windows closed.

Messers latead () and Griddle () through the Chairman asked per- mission to be exempt from the rules and regulations prescribed for the government of the students on the ground that they are above twenty - three years old.


On motion made and seconded, their application on granted.

Application was made by Mr. E. D. Townes (P30256) through the Chairman for permission to be a candidate for graduation in the school of Law, and by Mr. Sol Carr (P28385) through Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623), for permission to be a candidate for graduation in the School of Civil Engineering. On motion made and seconded their applic- ation was granted.

Mr. Cartor H. Drew (P39843) through Professor Harrison (P25515) asked for permission to leave the School of Ancient Languages. On motion made and seconded, Resolved that his application he granted, on condition that he shall attend some other school.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that he had seen Mr. Peter Carr (P34852) at Church in Charlottesville () on Sunday without uniform. On motion made and seconded, Resolved that Mr. Carr (P34852) be censured by the Chairman for his violation of the Law.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Librarian's Big Monthly report.

The Chairman appointed Professors Bonnycastle (P43623), Tucker (P43619), and Harrison (P25515) a committee for the selection of Miscellaneous Books for the Library.

Resolved that the examinations for graduation in the following schools shall take place as follows:

The Faculty then Adjourned

The Faculty met November 7th, 1836. Present: The Chairman, Professors Emmet (P43625), Blaettermann (P43621), Harrison (P25515), Tucker (P43619), Warner (P43656), Rogers (P43658), Bonnycastle. (P43623)

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that in the night of the 4th instant, about half past 11 o'clock, the Proctor in passing the room of Mr. Jacob C. Davis (P41453) was arrested by hearing the following remarks: (remarks made by persons in the said room) "Hearts are trumps", "Play on Shannon", "I hold low"; from these remarks as well as the sound the Proctor heard like that of cards being played on a table, he was certain that the game which was being played was cards. The door was locked and some little elapsed before he gained admission: in the meantime he heard something like the shuffling away of cards. On being admitted he found in the room Mr. Jacob C. Davis (P41453), one of


its occupants, Mr. Samuel C. Stewart (P35370) and Mr. Robert H. Shannon (P22466). These gentlemen looked confused, denied that they had been playing cards, did not inform the Proctor what game they had been playing, but inquired of him what games they were allowed to play that had not been interdicted by the Laws. The Proctor saw no cards, nor did he see any draft or Chess men.

The Chairman further informed the Faculty that those students had been summoned before him and denied that the game at which they played was cards; they admitted that the words hoard by the Proctor were spoken; the game at which they played was drafts.

Mr. Stewart (P35370) having been first summoned appeared before the Faculty, and preferred saying nothing on the subject; all had resolved to answer no questions.

Mr. Davis (P41453), having been summoned, next appeared, and was resolved to say nothing; being asked if any thing was bet, answered that they could not be betting if not playing.

Mr. Shannon (P22466) was then sent for and appeared.

He had nothing more to say than was said before the Chairman. It was true as the Chairman had been informed that the game was drafts; remembers the expression 'Hearts was trump'; does not know who used it. Mr. Davis () con- cealed the draftmen.

After due consideration of the case. The Faculty adopted the follow- ing resolution offered by Mr. Tucker (P43619) and seconded.

It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty that Messers. Jacob C. Davis (P41453), Robert H. Shannon (P22466), and Samuel C. Stewart (P35370) were on the night of Friday, the 4th instant,[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Gambling  ]  playing at cards in Mr. Davis' (P33195) room, and that the offence was aggravated by the means resorted to by them to conceal it from an officer of the Institution.

Resolved, therefore, that Messers Davis (P41453), Shannon (P22466) and Stewart (P35370) be [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] suspended from this University for the remainder of the Session.

The Faculty granted to Mr. Tully R. Cornick (P21769) permission to


occupy a room in Dr. Blaettermann's (P43621) house near the University and board with Mrs. Brockenbrough (), on his giving a special pledge not to have in his room any festive intertainment, or liquors.

The Faculty granted to Mr. Harry Selden (P42615), a resident student, permission to occupy a room in Dr. Blaettermann's (P43621) house, and board with Mrs. Brockenbrough (), on attaining the leave of his Hotel Keeper and making the same pledge exacted from Mr. Cornick. (P21769)

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Messers. Horner (P34751) and Cobb (P24782) had [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] violated the law regarding Uniform; that Mr. Horner (P34751) has purchased and was wearing a frock coat not allowed by the laws. On motion made and seconded.

Resolved that Messers Horner (P34751) be reprimanded by the Chairman for violating the uniform law and that Mr. Horner (P34751) be prohibited from wearing on any ocassion the frock coat which has been purchased by him.

Mr. William H. Walton (P28796) through the Chairman made application to leave the School of Ancient Languages. (CB0132) On motion made and seconded. Resolved that his application he granted.

The Faculty adjourned till Wednesday, the 9th instant, at 3 o'clock P.M.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195)

The Faculty met November the 9th, 1836. Present: The chairman, Professors Harrison (P25515), Magill (P43655), Warner (P43656), Emmet (P43625), Rogers (P43658), Blaettermann (P43621) and Bonnycastle. (P43623)

Resolved that the Examinations for Graduation in the following Schools take place as follows:


The Following students having failed to give in their names in due time as Candidates for graduation in Chemistry and Mat. Med. were at the in- stance of Dr. Emmet (P43625) permitted to become candidates for graduation in that School: Elebred White (P44833), G.E. Hite (P44834), T. Dropay (P44835), A. C. Seigh (P22836), W. R. Hackett (P43333), Philip Hicky (P40047), M.N. Clark (P38897), William J. Robertson (P39501), and N. T. Soraby. (P44837)

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] Application was made through the Chairman by Mr. Wm. Philips (P35291) to leave the class of Materia Medica. A motion was made, seconded and passed that his application be fronted.

Dr. Harrison (P25515) at the request of the Chairman testified that on Sunday last in returning from Charlottesville (PL4204) with his wife and sister was nearly accosted by a student unknown to him who used language disrespectful and profane. Dr. Harrison (P25515) soon after leaving Mrs. Harrison () and his sister wont to see the student who had accosted him; did not see him, but remarked in the presence of students that his conduct was that of a cowardly blackguard; shortly after Mr. Griggsby (P43122) called a Dr. H's (P25515) home. The Dr. was not in, he was informed that his conduct was rude. Mr. Griggsby (P43122) called again; [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ] he was evidently intoxicated when he demanded an explanation of Dr. Harrison's (P25515) language.

The next day Mr. Griggsby (P43122) called again; he was then sober; his conduct was respectful, but he insisted on an explanation of Doctor Harrison's (P25515) language; he informed the Doctor that his own conduct was a consequence of intoxication. Dr. Harrison (P25515) thereupon withdrew the epithets he had applied to him; then personally the matter was satisfactorily adjusted.

Dr. Harrison (P25515) then withdrew.

Mr. Grigsby (P43122) having been sent for appeared and said that he did not deny the facts; met a friend in Charlottesville (PL4204), was invited by him to the tavern to drink drank several glassed of champagne; the consequence was intoxication; has nothing to offer in palliation, but throws himself on the liberality of the Faculty.


The Faculty, having duly considered the case of Mr. Grigsby (P43122), passed the following resolution proposed by Dr. Emmet (P43625) and seconded.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ] It appearing that Mr. J.W. Grigsby (P43122) on Sunday the 6th instant was guilty of intoxication and disorderly conduct.

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] Therefore, resolved, that he be suspended for two months, and during his suspension he reside at Bocock's Tavern (PL8596), or such other place as the Chairman may authorize.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. John Dodson (P38103) was in Charlottesville (PL4204) on Monday (election day) having on a coar and pantaloons not uniform, and he had also reason to believe that Mr. Dodson (P38103) was at Vowels Tavern (PL8552) on Sunday. Mr. Dodson (P38103) was sent for and said that his uniform panta- loons were at the Tailor's (); he had on a borrowed pair which he supposed to be uniform. The Coat he regarded as an overcoat; he did not think it was a violation of the law to purchase it; he was at Mr. Vowles Tavern (PL8552) with Mr. Grigsby (P43122), but drank nothing.

The Faculty, after considering Mr. Dodson's (P38103) case, on motion made and seconded, passed the following resolution.

Resolved, that Mr. John Dodson (38103) for his violation of the laws in visiting Vowels Tavern (PL8552)on Sunday, the 6th instant, without leave, and being in Charlottesville (PL4204) on Monday, the 7th instant, without uniform coat and panta- loons, be suspended for two weeks, and that he reside at Bocock's Tavern (PL8596) during his suspension.

Dr. Harrison (P25515) resumed his seat and Dr. Blaettermann (P43621) retired.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. John Pratt (P43851) was in Charlottesville (PL4204) on Monday without Uniform Coat and pantaloons.

Mr. Pratt (P43851)was sent for and said that his uniform pantaloons were at the tailors; he regarded his coat as an overcoat; he had a jacket under it.

On motion made and seconded, Resolved that Mr. John Pratt (P43851) for violating the Enactments on Monday, the 7th instant, in going to Charlottesville (PL4204) without uniform coat and pantaloons, be reprimanded by the Chairman, that his


parents be written to on the subject.

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Whiting (P25952) had applied for permission to matriculate. More than six years ago he was a student at Washington Collage (CB0021), Connecticut (PL5283), but had not the certificate required by the Enactments.

On motion made and seconded, resolved that Mr. Whiting (P25952) be permitted to Matriculate.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Blakeley J. Williams (P44838) had applied for leave of absence until April on account of ill health. A motion was made, seconded, and passed that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. John M. Sheppard (P23684) was in Charlottesville (PL4204) on Monday having on pantaloons not uniform purchased since he was a student. Mr. Sheppard (P23684) was sent for. His uniform pantaloons were torn; he supposed those he had on were uniform; was informed by the Merchant that they were uniform. On motion made and seconded. Resolved that Mr. John R. Sheppard (P23684) be reprimanded by the Chairman for purchasing and wearing pantaloons not uniform.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. George W. Blaettermann (P43621) was in Charlottesville (PL4204) on Monday without uniform, and likewise on yesterday. Mr. Blaettermann (P43621) was sent for. His coat was too small and he had to send it back to the tailors; he went with Dr. Blaettermann (P43621) and was led to the violation of the law by what he told him.

On motion made and seconded, Resolved that Mr. George W. Blaettermann (P43621) be reprimanded by the Chairman for violating the uniform law.

[EVENT: Student Status  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Harrison B. Tomlin (P43725) app- lied for permission to be exempt from standing those examinations for graduation in Greek which he steed last session. A motion was made, seconded and passed that his application be refused.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Messers J.B. Wilkinson (P35788), Bryant (P42270), McBoulware (P39649), A.H. Powell (P22141), W. P. Gorondes (P44839), G.R. Slaughter (P37143), W.R. McLaws (P28492)


W.T. Early (P37882), C.F. Curtis (P29572), Richard R. Carter (P40032), M.T.C. Johnston (P34949) and James Chapman (P25161) went to Charlottesville (PL4204) on Monday and were out of uniform in the following particulars:Mr. Wilkinson's (P35788) pantaloons were not uniform, and the pantaloons worn on that occasion by Messers Bryant (P42270), Boulware (P39649), McLaws (P28492), Slaughter (P37143), Early (P37882) Curtis (P29572), Carter (P40032), Johnston (P34949), and Chapman (P25161) were not in uniform, and Mr. Loundes (P44840) was without uniform entirely. The Chairman summoned those gentlemen before him, and Messers. Wilkinson (P35788), Bryant (P42270), Boulware (P39649), Rowell (), Early (P37882), and Chapman (P25161) had said severally that they supposed the pantaloons worn by them to be uniform; Mr. Wilkson () was told by the Merchant () that his were uniform and the Merchant told Mr. Boulware (P39649) that a professor had informed him that the cloth of which his pantaloons were made was uniform. Mr. McLaws (P28492) had no other pantaloons. Mr. Loundes (P44840) supposed he was allowed a month to obtain his uniform. Mr. Slaughter's (P37143) pantaloons were old and he supposed he might wear them in Charlottesville (PL4204) were he resides. Mr. Curtis' (P29572) uniform pantaloons were torn and those he had on he supposed to be uniform. Mr. Carter (P40032) made a like excuse; so also did Mr. Chapman. (P25161)

A motion was made, seconded, and passed that Messers J. B. Wilkinson (P35788) and all the other students mentioned in the above paragraph, be reprimanded by the Chairman for having violated the uniform law on Monday, the 7th instant.

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Mordeial Cook (P41382) desired to appear before the Faculty in behalf of Samuel C. Stewart (P35370) who was on the 7th instant suspended for the remainder of the session.

A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Cooke (P41382) be admitted before the Faculty. Mr. Cooke (P41382) appeared and said that Mr. Stewart's (P35370) case differed from that of Mr. Davis (P41453) and Mr. Shannon (P22466) in this, that he refused to say anything before the Faculty, not wishing to persist in the false-hood told by all three to the Chairman, whilst they persisted in falsehood before the Faculty. At Northern Colleges and particularly the one a which Mr. Stewart () was a student, it was considered not ungentlemanly nor digracful to tell an untruth to avoid punishment. Mr. Stewart (P35370) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Gambling  ] happened accidently at Mr. Davi' (P41453)


room; one of the party pulled out an old and incomplete pack of cards and Mr. Stewart (P35370) was prevailed upon to play and nothing was bet. Professor Rogers (P43658) had had a conversation with Mr. Stewart (P35370), from which he was convinced that the reason Mr. Stewart (P35370) preferred saying nothing before the Faculty, was that he did not wish to persist in an untruth.

Mr. Wortenbaker (), Secretary, informed the Faculty that Mr. Davis (P41453) told the yough men in NeW's bookstore that he (Mr. Davis (P41453)) had led Messers Shannon (P22466) and Stewart (P35370) to support him in as untruth he had told the Chairman.

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) offered the following resolution:

"The Faculty having taken into consideration the extenuating circumstances alledged by Mr. Cooke (P41382) to have existed in the case of Mr. Stewart (P35370), regret that whilst those circumstances have weight in regard to the views they take of Mr. Stewart's (P35370) conduct, they cannot perceive sufficient ground to justify their making any distinction between the sentence of Mr. Stewart (P35370) and his companions, and at the same time they think it probable that in some part of the transaction Mr. Stewart (P35370) was misled.

The question was put on Mr. Bonnycastle's (P43623) resolution and decided in the negative.

Mr. Tucker (P43619) then moved as follows:

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] The Faculty having taken into due consideration the extenuating circumstances alledged by Mr. Cooke (P41382) to have existed in the case of Mr. Stewart (P35370). Therefore, Resolved, that Mr. Stewart (P35370) suspension be shortened to four months.

Mr. Tucker's (P43619) resolution was therefore passed.

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) then offered the same resolution in behalf of Mr. Shannon (P22466), of which the motion to adopt was determined in the negative by


the following vote:

affirmative: Bonnycastle; (P43623) Negative: Davis (P33195), Tucker (P43619), Rogers (P43658), Harrison (P25515), Emmet (P43625), Warner. (P43656)

The Chairman read to the Faculty the terms which under the authority of the Faculty had offered to the students who propose to organize a military corps.

A motion was made, seconded, and passed that Thomas H. Morris (P32712), captain of the proposed military corps be sent for.

Mr. Morris (P32712) appeared and said that the company had neither agreed nor disagreed to the terms proposed by the Chairman. They did not consider them binding. No action had been taken on them; he further said that the conditions prescribed by the Faculty had been read to the Company, but not agreed to by them. On being asked the reason, he said that the company do not admit the right of the Faculty to prescribe terms of organization to the company, and that they do not intend acting until after the Faculty have acted.

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) then proposed the following resolution which was seconded and passed unanimously:

A portion of the students having formed themselves into a military corps without the permission of the Faculty and their Captain having stated before that body the opinion of the aid students that they exist as a military company without the authority of the aforesaid Faculty, whose power to prescribe terms of organization they deny, Therefore,

Resolved, that the Chairman be requested to inform the body of the students aforesaid, that the proposed Military Corps does not exist, and that in consequence those having muskets in their possession and not immediately removing them, will be considered as violation the laws regarding the bringing and keeping fire arms within the precincts.

The Faculty then adjourned

J. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman

At a meeting of the Faculty November 12th, 1836. Present: The Chairman and


all the Professors except Doctor Warner (P43656) who was absent from the University.

The Chairman informed the Faculty that he communicated to the Captain of the Military Company, on the morning of the 10th instant, the resolution of the Faculty of the 9th instant which requires the members of the said corps to remove immediately the muskets in their possession; that a committee appointed by a meeting of said Company had handed to him the same night the following Resolutions:

"Resolved, 1st, that the company is not disbanded.

2nd, That the company will attend and drill as usual, what the Faculty may say to the contrary notwithstanding.

3rd, That every member of the company pledges his honor to stand by his comrades, and that action of the Faculty against one shall effect every individual".

The Chairman further informed the Faculty that he had directed the Proctor to visit the rooms of the students composing the Company for the purpose of ascertaining whether they had complied with the requisition of the Faculty to remove their muskets, and that that officer had reported to him that Mr. Mordeiai Cooke (P41382) was in possession of his musket and refused to remove it; that he had been informed by the Captain and other members of said corps that any action of the Faculty against Mr. Cooke (P41382) would be considered as an action against the whole company, and in order that there may be a common action against all, the Proctor had been furnished with a copy of the company roll which is as follows:

Thomas L. Walker (P34022), Alexander Walker (P33315), Thomas H. Morris (P32712), R. D. Field (P27425), W. W. Boyce (P40570), Richard Chapman (P21803), Wm. C. Durkin (P27403), M.T.C.Johnston (P34949), J.W. Grigsby (P43122), M. Cooke (P41382), C.C. Watkins (P27752), H.F. Cooke (P23450), J.B. Marge (P43918), B.W.Belscher (P44842), John H. Lewis (P25596), W.E. Pegram (P31307), R.A. Inge (P33479), H. Boteler (P23869), W.T. Coltins (P44843), Richard Paxton (P42896), J. Briscoe (P35240), Wm. Horner (P34751), W. Boykin (P23515), J.A. Duncan (P23968), H.B. Tomlin (P43725), N. Burwell (P29937), Philip Hicky (P40047), A.K. Boyce (P22271), B.F. Eppes (P39630), J.L. Smith (P27439), J.H. Bowyer (P28805), Charles Carter (P33554), R.L. Brown (P28030), J.B. Baldwin (P43748), O.L. Battle (P36707), F.A. Briscoe (P27481), A.F. Blunt (P38349), L.B. Thornton (P37509),


Jos. D. Shields (P27155), John M. Sheppard (P23684), E.A. Shands (P21960), Carnot Posey (P34577), John Pratt (P43851), Walter Nangle (P29844), L.B. Marks (P44845), J. Marks (P28823), B.B. Minor (P25355), W.C. Knight (P39278), Thomas M. Isbell (P28571), J.M. Jackson (P34463), R.M. Scott (P44846), J.F. Newman (P42308), W.H. Harrington (P30059), J.M. Daniel (P21962), W.H. Mason (P40863), R.H. Long (P43409), W.H. Lowndes (P37047), Thomas B. Jordan (P24670), J.L. Dawson (P21802), John Dodson (P38103), J.E. Crichton (), C.C.Cocke (P22207), J.J. Cocke (P22216), J.C. Field (P25301), C. Curtis (P29572), R.R. Carter (P40032), R.A. Clarke (P34883), James Chapman (P25161), George Wilson. (P43606)

A motion was made seconded and passed that the foregoing students be sent for one by one.

The Janitor (P44285) was thereupon cirected to summon Mr. Thomas L. Walker (P34022) before the Faculty. This officer immediately returned and reported that the Captain had informed him that Mr. Walker (P34022) was on parade and could not be spoken to.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns  ] The Proctor was then sent for and requested to take the roll and ascertain which of the students named on it were on parade and had muskets, and to inquire whether they determined to retain them. In obedience to which order, the Proctor soon after returned to the Faculty and reported that an officer of the company had called the roll carried out by him, in his presence, and that all the students on said roll except the following six, R.D. Field (P27425), M. Grigsby (P31034), B.W. Belschers (P44842), J.H. Lewis (P25596), Benjamin B. Minor (P25355), and J. Dodson (P38103), answered to their names and had muskets and that one of the students made a motion to the following effect:

"Resolved that we have our arms and intend to keep them". Those in favour of this motion were requested to shoulder their muskets; it was carried unanimously, every man bringing his musket to a shoulder.

The Chairman then submitted the following resolution which was seconded and passed unanimously:

The entire Company previously listed with the exception of the afore-mentioned six having introduced firearms and other weapons within the precincts without lawful authority, and having avowed their determination to keep them in their possession within the precincts, notwithstanding the


enactments of the institution and the express prohibition of the Faculty, and it appearing that these offences are equally aggravated by the fact that they are the result of an illegal combination between the above named students; Therefore resolved unanimously that they be all dismissed from the University.

The Faculty then adjourned

J. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman

The Faculty met November 17th, 1836. Present were the Chairman and all the Professors except Doctor Warner. (P43656)

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Messers. Richard D. Field (P27425) and Benjamin B. Minor (P25355), members of the late military Corps, had called upon him and confessed that they were equally involved with the rest of the company in resisting the authority of the Faculty by refusing to remove their muskets.

A motion was therupon made, seconded and passed, that Messers. Field (P27425) and Minor (P25355) be included in the sentence of dismission passed against the rest of the Military Company on the 17th instant.

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. J.W. Grigsby (P43122), who was [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] suspended for two months on the 9th instant, had returned to the University from Bocock's, (PL8596)the place assigned for his residence during his suspension and had given as a reason for so returning that, being a member of the military corps, he considered himself dismissed with them; that Mr. Grigsby (P43122) had been frequently intoxicated since his return, and disorderly.

The Following resolution offered by Dr. Magill (P43655) was seconded and passed: It appearing to the Faculty that Mr. J.W. Grigsby (P43122) left Mr. Bocock's (PL8596), whither he had been sent to remain during his suspension and returned to the University in violation of the Enactments and whilst there was guilty of frequent intox- ication.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal  ] Resolved that he be dismissed from the University.

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Messers. Jacob C. Davis (P41453) and R.H. Shannon (P22466) who were suspended for the remainder of the session on the


[EVENT: Student Misconduct  ] 7th instant, had applied to have the term of their suspension shortened. Mr. Davis (P41453) grounded his application on this, that he did not tell the Chairman a literal falsehood, that in answer to a question from the Chairman he replied that he had no cards, meaning that he had no cards at the time of the conversation with the Chairman he having burnt them shortly after the Proctor left his room.

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) moved that the term of Mr. Shannon's (P22466) suspension be reduced to four months. The question was put on this motion and decided in in the negative.

Dr. Blaettermann (P43621) moved that the sentence against Messers Davis (P41453) and Shannon (P22466) [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] be changed to four months suspension. This motion was also decided in the negative.

Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. John Dodson (P38103) who was sus- pended on the 7th instant for two weeks had returned from Bocock's (PL8596), the place assigned him for his residence. He was a member of the military corps and the Chairman presumed he had returned under a belief he was dismissed with the rest of the corps. Mr. Dodson (P38103) was sent for and could not be found.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that the chairman have authority to give leave to Mr. Dodson (P38103) to settle his accounts finally with the proctor.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195)

The Faculty met November 22nd, 1836. Present: the Chairman and all the Professors except Mr. Tucker (P43619) and Dr. Warner. (P43656)

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the following preamble and resolutions passed at a large meeting of the students on the 19th instant.

Whereas serious consequences have resulted and consequences still more serious are to be apprehended from a difference of opinion between the Faculty of the University of Virginia (CB0001) (CB0105)and a large portion of the students thereof with regard to the authority of the Faculty (CB0105)to disband the military corps organ-


ized by the students at the present session, and though the original cause of excitment was in itself trivial, yet it has led to a state of things which does not now justify the hope of an adjustment between the students who are involved and the Faculty, (CB0105) and confident in the integrity and sincerity with which the real views of the members of the military corps were entertained, and anxious to manifest the same spirit by which we have been actuated, we are willing and desirous that the origin and progress of this unhappy difficulty should be calmly and deliberately reviewed either by a full session of the Board of Visitors of the University (CB0042) or of an enlightened and impartial public opinion. Therefore, resolved that we as students of the University of Virginia (CB0001)hold ourselves individually amenable to the statutes of that institution as the terms of our matriculation expressly import; and if the point of authority involved in the question referred to should be decided by such tribunal against the right which has been claimed by members of the said corps, we, againpledge ourselves to acquiesce cheerfully in such decision and pending this appeal no arms shall be used in the University."

Walter Gray (P28424), secy. John W. Harris (P43508), chairman

On which preamble and resolutions was the following endorsement.

"At a very large meeting of the students of the University of Virginia (CB0001)held at the Rotunda (PL8745) the 19th of Nov., 1836, the within preamble and resolution were unanimously adopted.

J.W. Harris (P43508)

The Chairman further informed the Faculty that muskets were now being removed from the University, and submitted the following preamble and resolution.

Whereas, by a resolution of the 12th instant the Faculty dismissed from the University for introducing and keeping arms within the pre- cincts in violation of the laws of the institution the following students: Thomas L. Walker (P34022), Alexander Walker (P33315), Thomas H. Morris (P32712), W.W. Boyce (P40570), Richard Chapman (P21803), W.G. Burkin (44847), M.T.C. Johnston (34949), M. Cooke (P41382), C.C. Watkins (P27752), R.F. Cooke (P23450),


J. B. Marge (P43918), W.E. Pegram (P31307), R. Inge (P33479), H. Boteler (P23869), W.T. Collins (P35026), Richard Paxton (P42896), J. Briscoe (P35240), W. Horner (P34751), W. Boykin (P23515), J.A. Duncan (P25046), H.B.Tomlin (P43725), W. Burwell (P29937), P. Hicky (P40047), A.K. Boyes (P22271), B.F. Eppes (P39630) J.L.Smith (P27439), J.W. Bowyer (), C. Carter (P33554), R.L. Brown (P40840), J.B. Baldwin (P43748), O. Battle (P36707), F.A. Briscoe (P27481), A.F. Blunt (P38349), L.B. Thornton (), R.B. Scott (P37911), T. Shields (P32267), J.M. Sheppard (P23684), E. A. Shands (P21960), C. Posey (P34577), John Pratt (P33205), W. Nangle (P29844), T. F. Newman (P42308), L.B. Marks (P44845), J. Marks (P28823), W. C. Knight (P39278), Thomas M. Isbell (P28571), J.M. Jackson (P34463), W.H. Harrington (P30059), J.M. Daniel (P33936), W. H. Mason (P40863), R. H. Song (), W. H. Lowndes (P37047), Thomas B. Jordan (P24670), J.S. Dawson (P21802), Daniel Dodson (P21795), J.E. Crichton (P43931), C.C. Cocke (P22207), J.J.Cocke (P22216), J.C.Field (P25301), C. Curtis (P29572), R.R.Carter (P40032), F. Jones (P36165), R.A. Clarke (P34883), J. Chapman (P25161), G. Wilson (P43606), and whereas the students of the University in a full and general meeting assembled have unanimously represented that the said dismissed students committed the act for which they were dismissed under the impression that they were authorised to do so by the laws of the institution, (CB0001) and propose in their proceedings to obtain the sense of the Board of Visitors (CB0042) of the University as to the true construction of said laws, and in the mean- time pledge themselves that no arms shall be introduced within the precincts; and whereas whilst the Faculty (CB0105)ate perfectly satisfied of the correctness of their own construction of the laws and of their duty to enforce them according to their construction, they are nevertheless willing for the reasons above stated and under the special circumstances of this case, now to readmit the above named students.

Therefore resolved that those students who think proper to return of those dismissed as a foresaid, be readmitted.

Doctor Emmet (P43625) proposed to add as an amendment to the above resolution the words: Upon application to the Chairman of the Faculty and upon disclaiming any participation in the principal acts of Riot and violence.

It was agreed by the Faculty that the question be taken on the Chairman's preamble and resolution unamended. The question was accordingly taken and determined in the negative by the following vote.


The Chairman then proposed to amend Dr. Emmet's (P43625) amendment by the addition of these words:" or, if they cannot disclaim such participation, making proper atonement therefor.

The question was take on the Chairman's amendment to Dr. Emmet's (P43625) amendment and decided in the affirmative.

The vote was then taken on the amendment as amended and decided in the affirmative.

The Chairman's original preamble and resolution an amended was proposed, seconded and passed.

The Resolution as twice amended is as follows: Resolved that those students who think proper to return, of those dismissed as aforesaid be readmitted upon application to the Chairman of the Faculty and upon disclaim- ing any participation in the principal acts of riot and violence which followed the sentence of dismission, or, if they cannot disclaim such participation, making proper ate ement therefore.

At the request of Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623), the first examination for Graduation in the School of Mathematics (CB0134)is postponed to December 5th.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman

The Faculty met Dec. 1st, 1836. Present all the member except Mr. Tucker (P43619) and Dr. Warner. (P43656)

Dr. Harrison (P25515) laid before the Faculty the monthly report of the standing of the Candidates for Graduation in the School of Ancient Languages. (CB0132)

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the monthly report of the Bank of Virginia. (CB0012)


[EVENT: Boarding  ] The Chairman stated to the Faculty that Mr. Williams T. Early (P37882) had applied for permission to remove from Col. Ward's (P43873) district into Mr. Conway's (P43888), that Col. Ward (P43873) had given his consent, but that Mr. Conway (P43888) objected, in conseq- uence of a dislike which had arisen between Mr. Early (P37882) and his family last session when Mr. Early (P37882) boarded with him.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that Mr. Early's (P37882) application be rejected.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the following applications to change Boarding houses. Mr. Hawkins Stone (P27062) to leave Mr. Conway's (P43888) district and go into Col. Ward's (P43873). Mr. J.R.T. Taylor (P38770) to leave Col. Ward's (P43873) district and go into Mrs. Gray's (P43865), and Mr. George Duvalt () to leave Mr. Conway's (P43888) and go into Col. Ward's (P43873). The Hotel-keepers had given their consent to these changes.

Motions were severally made, seconded, and passed that these applications be granted.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University  ] The Chairman stated to the Faculty that Mr. Robert S. Goode (P22449) had made application to be permitted to leave the University on account of ill health, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty that the state of Mr. Goode's () health renders it advisable for him to return home, on motion made and seconded it was decided that his application be granted.

The Chairman stated to the Faculty that he had satisfactory evidence that Messers John H. Lewis (P25596) and Benjamin W. Belschers (P44842), members of the late military corps, had muskets in violation of law, and in disobedience to the order of the Faculty; that it was merely accidental that they were not on parade on the evening of the 12th ult. when the roll was called in the presence of the Proctor, and that soon after the sentence of dismission was passed against the students composing the said corps, they left the University supposing themselves included in said sentence.

A motion was thereupon made, seconded, and passed that Messers John H. Lewis (P25596) and Benjamin W. Belsches (P44842) now occupy the same grounds as the other students


do who were dismissed on the 12th ult., viz., that they be included in said sentence of dismissal and that they be entitled to the benefit of the resolution of the Faculty of the 22nd ult. readmitting the said dismissed students upon the conditions therein stated.

On application through Dr. Emmet (P43625), Mr. Peter K. Skinker (P41455) obtained permission to become a candidate for Graduation in (CB0152)Chemistry.

On the application of Dr. Blaettermann (P43621), Staurday, the 3rd instant is appointed for examining the candidates for graduation on the history of Italy. (PL8622)

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University  ] On the application of Dr. Harrison (P25515) John W. Portis (P41622) is permitted to withdraw from the School of Ancient Languages (CB0132) for reasons deemed by the Faculty as satisfactory.

Dr. Bonnycastle (P43623) reported Mr. W. H. Walton (P28796) as having been 8 times a sent from his school during the last month and the Chairman reported him as [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Failure to Appear When Summoned  ] having been 5 times absent during the same month from the school of Law. (CB0130) A motion was made, seconded, and passed that the Chairman be requested to inquire of Mr. Walton (P28796) the cause of his inattention.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Failure to Appear When Summoned  ] Mr. John K. Ragland (P25331) was reported as having been absent without leave during the last month 7 times from the School of Mathematics (CB0134) and 4 times from the School of Chemistry. (CB0152)

On motion made, seconded and passed that Mr. Ragland (P25331) be reprimanded by the Chairman and that his guardian be informed of his inattention.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman

The Faculty met December 3rd, 1836. Present were all members except Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623), Mr. Tucker (P43619) and Dr. Emmet. (P43625)

[EVENT: Boarding  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Fielding F. Marshall (P31864) had applied for permission to remove from Col. Ward's (P43873) district into Mrs. Gray's (P43865) and that Col. Ward (P43873) had given his consent. A motion was thereupon made, seconded and passed that Mr. Marshall's () application be granted.

Mr. William C. Stribling (P32347) in Col. Ward's (P43873) district applied through the


Chairman for permission to remove into Mr. Conway's (P43888), and Mr. Shelburne (P26538) in Mr. Conway's () district applied for permission to go into Col. Ward's (P43873). Motions were made, seconded, and passed that the applications of Messers Stribbling (P32347) and Shelburne (P26538) be granted, the Hotel - keepers having given their consent.

The[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ]  Chairman mentioned to the Faculty that it had been reported to him by the Proctor that he had been informed by a gentleman in Charlottesville (PL4204) that Mr. William A. Nelson (P35158) was in the habit of visiting the Tavern (PL8552) frequently, and that he is often intoxicated. The Chairman went to see the gentleman who gave the Proctor this information, who confirmed the statement of the Proctor and mentioned particularly that on Monday the 28th ult. Mr. Nelson (P35158) was really very much intoxicated at Vowles Tavern (PL8552) and his conduct very disorderly. Mr. Nelson (P35158) often drinks

Mr. Nelson (P35158) was sent for and appeared before the Faculty. He was anxious to be confronted with the person who accused him. On being informed that this could not be done, said that he did not deny being intoxicated on the 28th of November, but that he is not in the habit of being intoxicated frequently, not of drinking. He admits that he visits taverns. ()

Professor Rogers (P43658) offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed.

It appearing to the Faculty that Mr. William A. Nelson (P35158) is in the habit og frequenting the Taverns () in Charlottesville (PL4204), has frequently drank whilst there, and that on the 28th day of November he was very much intoxicated at Mr. Vowles' (PL8552), [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] Resolved that he be suspended from the University for the remainder

The Chairman submitted to the Faculty the following resolution which was seconded and passed.

Whereas the Faculty are invested by the laws of the University with the power of regulating the admission of hacks within the precincts, and whereas many and great evils result from their unrestrained admission; therefore, resolved that hereafter no hack, sleigh, or other carriage for hire be allowed to come within the precincts, except upon leave of the


Chairman or Proctor.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's monthly report and also his report of assessments during the last month. On motion made and seconded, it was resolved that the report of assessments be confirm- ed.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195)

The Faculty met December 20th, 1836. Present: The Chairman, Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623), Dr. Harrison (P25515), Dr. Blaettermann (P43621), Dr. Magill (P43655), Dr. Emmet (P43625) and Mr. Rogers. (P43658)

The Chairman stated to the Faculty that the Medical society had applied for permission to hold their meetings in one of the small rooms in the (PL8590)Middle Hotel on the Western range.

On motion made and seconded, it was resolved that their appli- cation be granted, provided the room is not nowwanted for the purposes of the University, or in case it is not now wanted that they deliver it up whenever it shall be wanted.

Applications were made through the Chairman by Messers T. Dupsey () and J.L. Smith (P27439) for permission to become Candidates for Graduation in Chemistry, and by Robert Gray (P24527) to become a candidate for graduation in the French Language. Motions were severally made, seconded and passed that their applications be granted. Mr. Marcus T.C. Johston (P34949) made application through the Chairman for permission to leave the University for a week for the purpose of visiting his relatives. It was understood that his father when at the University had expressed a wish that such leave should be given.

Whereupon a motion was made, seconded and passed that the application of Mr. Johnston (P34949) be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] The Chairman stated to the Faculty that Mr. John L. Smith (P27439) had applied for permission to board out of the University. Mr. Smith (P27439) had not yet attained the age required by the enactments to entitle him to board out,


and there are still vacancies at the Hotels. A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be rejected.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] The Chairman stated to the Faculty that Mr. John P. Wood (P35972) had complained that his washing was not done at his Hotel (Mrs. Gray's (P43865)) in the proper manner; that some of his clothes had been lost and that for some time his clothes had not been sent for to be washed.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that the Chairman be re- quested to make inquiry in relation to Mr. Wood's (P35972) complaint, and if well founded to grant him permission to have his washing done else where, on the usual terms.

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) from the Committee appointed to select miscellanious books for the Library made a report that the following books had been selected by the Committee:


A motion was made, seconded and passed that said report be adopted.

The Chairman submitted the following resolution which was seconded and passed:

[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal  ] Resolved, that those of the dismissed students now at the Univer- sity or in the neighborhood who do not immediately avail themselves of the permission to re-enter granted by the resolution of the Faculty of the 22nd ult., shall not be allowed to do so but on application to the Faculty and in addition to a compliance with the conditions prescribed by said resolution assigning satisfactory reason for the delay. This resolution shall also apply to such of the dismissed students as shall hereafter return and not immediately re-enter. Resolved that the Proctor be directed to inform each of the aforesaid dismissed students now at the University or in the neighborhood, of this resolution.

At the instance of Doctor Blaettermann (P43621) the Examination for Graduation in [EVENT: Curriculum:Modern Languages:French  ]  French or the History of France was postponed to Saturday Dec. 24th.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman

The Faculty met December 29th, 1836. Present all members except Mr. Bonny- castle () and Doctor Warner (P43656)

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Failure to Appear When Summoned  ] The Chairman reported Messers William J. Fort (P28519), Carnot Posey (P34577), H.F. Cook (P23450) and William Hornes (P34751) for having gone to a ball a Standardsville (PL5577) on Friday night last without leave.

It was moved, seconded and passed that these gentlemen be sent for singly. Mr. Fort (P28519) was first sent for. He stated that the expenses of the trip inclusive of horse hire were about $6; that the party was a large one, and that there was dancing; he started for Stanardsville (PL5577) before the hour of lecture. He stated in explanation of the circumstances under which Mr. Horner (P34751) went, that though he could not say that Mr. Horner (P34751) had been persuaded


to go, he had probably been influenced by the example of his intimate ac- quaintences, to which he was the more liable from his great youth.

Mr. Posey (P34577) was next called. He stated that he had no explanation to offer; that it being Christmas season, he supposed that little would be done; he remained away from Friday to Saturday, being absent from only one lecture, that on Natural Philosophy.

Mr. Cook (P23450) was next sent for. He had no explanation or defence to make. He went on Friday and returned on Sunday, having lost one lecture. The trip cost him about $10, which he considered quite moderate.

Mr. Horner (P34751) appeared and stated that he went to the ball. It was his intention, on starting, to visit an Aunt living near that place, taking the ball on the way. He was prevented doing this by the lameness of his horse.

He missed three lectures. He was aware that it was necessary to obtain permission when going away from the University, but did not know to what extent the rule was applied.

Doctor Harrison (P25515), after the Faculty had considered the case of these gentleman, offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed.

It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty that the follow- ing students viz. William C. Fort (P28519), Carnot Posey (P34577), H.F. Cook (P23450) and Wm. Horner (P34751) went on Friday last in violation of the law to a ball at Stanardsville (PL5577), in Orange (PL4233) County, where they remained until Sunday, Therefore,

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] Resolved that they be suspended from the University for a fortnight, and that the three first be required to spend the time of their suspension at Mrs. Clark's (), and Mr. Horner (P34751) where the Chairman my appoint. At the instance of Professor Davis (P33195) his first examination for graduation is postponed to Friday January the 6th.

The Chairman informed the Faculty that it had been reported to him by the Proctor that there was a[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ]  drinking party at Mr. Nangle's (P29844) room on Tuesday night.

On motion, resolved that Mr. Nangle (P29844) be sent for. He appeared


and stated that he did give the party, that the amount of liquor (egg nog) was small and not sufficient to affect improperly those who were present. He cannot say what quantity there was, nor how many partook of it. He stated that the gentleman who gave it was induced to do so by the intimation that he would be thought mean unless he gave it; moreover, by doing so in Mr. Nangle's (P29844) room he avoided having so large a party as would have been otherwise deemed proper.

>Mr. John P. Wood (P35972) was then sent for and appeared. Was at the party, was not invited, went with the knowledge that there would be a party there, did not drink a drop, when asked whether he gave the party he made no answer for sometime, but at length said that he had nothing to do with it, that he did not get the materials toward it; he did not pay a cent towards it.

When questioned further as to whether he expected to pay for it, or whether he gave the party, he refused to answer the question.

The following resolution was then proposed, seconded, and passed.

It appearing that on Tuesday night last Messers Waller Nangle (P29844) and >John P. Wood (P35972) were present at an eggnog party at the room of the former, Resolved that they be suspended for ten days, and required to spend the term of their sus- pension at Bocock's Tavern. (PL8596)

[EVENT: Boarding  ] The Chairman mentioned to the Faculty that Mr. J.L.Smith (P27439) a boarder a Mrs. Gray's (P43865) Hotel requests permission to board at Mr. Jone's (). Mr. Rives (), now at Mr. Jones (), consents to exchange with him and Mrs. Gray (P43865) accents to the arrangement.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that Mr. Smith's (P27439) request be granted.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. James B. Marge (P43918) was at Church in Charlottesville (PL4204) on Sunday having on a coat and pantaloons not uniform. Mr. Marge (P43918) was sent for and appeared before the Faculty. He stated that he had no explanation to give, further than that he did not think his uniform suitable for the occasion. He purchased his clothes he had on since


coming here.

Mr. Rogers (P43658) proposed the following resolution which was seconded.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] It appearing that Mr. James B. Marge (P43918) was out of uniform in coat and pantaloons at Church in Charlottesville (PL4204) on Sunday last, and that he had purch- ased those articles or dress since sowing to the University in violation of the laws, [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] Resolved that he be suspended for a fortnight, and required to spend the period of his suspension at home.

Mr. Harrison (P25515) moved to amend the resolution by substituting three weeks; the question was put on the amendment and lost.

The original resolution was then passed. The Chairman informed the Faculty that [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ] Mr. Nathe Burnwell (P29937) was intoxicated on Sunday last at Maury's Hill (PL8550). On being sent for he stated that he was skating on Maury's pond (PL8550) and having broken in become very wet and cold which induced him to drink. The bottle of spirits which he took with him belonged, as he said, to another student who requested him to carry it in his pocket which was a large one.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that Mr. Burwell (P29937) be reprimanded by the Chairman.

The Chairman presented to the Faculty a letter from Mr. William A. Nelson (P35158) some time since dismissed for intoxication, applying for readmission, upon condition of his giving sureties for his future good conduct.

[EVENT: Student Status:Readmission  ] Upon motion Resolved that Mr. Nelson (P35158) be readmitted upon giving as sureties of his future good conduct from four to six students to be approved by the Chairman.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J.A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman.

The Faculty met January 4th, 1837. Present: All the members.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Preport of the Bank of Virginia (CB0012)in regard to the state of the Patron's account for the month of November. The Chairman stated that it was received too late to be laid


before the Faculty at the last monthly meeting.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Bimonthly report of the Librarian.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the monthly report of the Proctor, also his report of assessments during the last month. A motion was made seconded and passed that the assessments in said report be confirmed.

Professors Harrison (P25515) and Davis (P33195) laid before the Faculty monthly reports of the standing of the Candidates for graduation in their Schools.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] The Chairman stated to the Faculty that Mr. Tully R. Cornick (P21769), a non-resident student boarding with Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061) had been advised by Dr. Magill (P43655) to board within the precincts on account of ill health; that Mr. Alexander T. Brooke (P33809), a very good student boarding at Col. Ward's (P43873) hotel was willing to exchange place with Mr. Cornick (P21769) and that all parties were agreed. A motion was made, seconded, and passed that the Faculty agree to this arrangement.

Mr. T. H. Walls () applied through the Chairman for permission to become a candidate for Graduation in the French Language and Literature. On motion made seconded and passed his application was tranted.

Mr. George W. Davis (P44841) applied through the Chairman to be exempted from the rules and regulations for the government of students on the ground that he is more than twenty three years old. On motion made and seconded his application was granted.

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Messers Nicholas T. Sorsby (P43000), John W. Portis (P41622), John H. Bryart (P42270), J. Edmunds (P32769) and R.T.C. Johnston (P34949), went to a ball at Stanards ville (PL5577) on the Friday before Christmas and also to one at the same place on the Tuesday after Christmas, and that Mr. Francis Ross (P22902) was at the last ball the four first gentleman above named went to the ball on Friday without having obtained leave of absence. Mr. Johnston (P34949) had obtained from the Faculty leave of absence to visit his friends, that the friends whom he visited in Orange (PL4789) were now acquaintances and not those whom the Faculty supposed he


intended visiting when leave of absence was granted. Mr. Ross (P22902) had obtained leave of absence, and Messers Sorsby (P43000), Portis (P41622), bryant (P42270) and Edmunds (P43747) had obtained leave of absence before going to the second ball, with the exception of Mr. Bryart (P42270), the purpose for which the leave was given was not stated. He, it was under- stood, was going to Richmond. (PL4234)

Messers Sorsby (P43000), Portis (P41622), Bryant (P42270) and Edmunds (P32769) were summoned before the Faculty.

Messers Sorsby (P43000) and Portis (P41622) first appeared and stated that before going to the first ball they were prevented by accident from applying for leave of absence. They intended to do so but some of their companions had started. Mr. Sorsby (P43000) said the expenses attending both balls were from $10. to 15.dollars each; some spent more, some probably less. Mr. Portis (P41622) paid $7. expenses to the first ball and 10 dollars to the last and had about $5. still to pay. He thought that no notice would be taken of one day's absence.

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] A motion was made seconded and passed that Messers Nicholas T. Sorsby (P43000) and John W. Portis (P41622) be suspended from the University for a fort night and required to spend the period of their suspension at Bocock's. (PL8596)

Messers Bryant (P42270) and Edmunds (P32769) next appeared. Mr. Edmunds (P32769) was at both balls. He supposed that he could go where he pleased under the leave he had obtained. He had his father's leave to go into the country. His expenses to the first ball were about $7.; to the second about the same.

Mr. Bryant (P42270) stated that his case was the same as Mr. Edmunds (P32769). He had intended to go to Richmond (PL4234), was disappointed on Monday, not able to get a seat in the stage; thought then he would avail himself of his leave of absence to go the ball; returned on Thursday; thinks his father's permission covers his going to the ball.

A motion was then made, seconded and passed, that Messers John H. Bryant (P42270) and S. Edmunds (P32769) be suspended from the University for a fortnight and that they be required to spend the term of their suspension at Horvel' Lewis'. ()

Mr. Davis (P33195) then moved that Messers Marcus T. C. Johnston (P34949) and


and Francis Ross (P22902) be reprimanded by the Chairman and that their parents be written to and informed of their conduct.

Doctor Emmet (P43625) moved to strike out the word reprimand. Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) moved that the matter be left with the Chairman.

The question was taken on Dr. Emmets (P43625) motion and lost.

The question was next taken on Mr. Bonnycastle's (P43623) motion and lost.

Mr. Davis' (P33195) original motion was then passed.

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) stated that several of the students belonging to his Senior Class had been attending the Intermediate and Junior Classes and requested that they be permitted to leave the later classes. His request was granted by the Faculty.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman

The Faculty met Feb. 1st, 1837. Present all members except Mr. Rogers. (P43658)

The chairman laid before the Faculty the following reports.

The Report for the month of December of the cashier of the Bank of Virginia (CB0012) in regard to the Patron's accounts. This report was received by the Chairman since the last meeting of the Faculty.

The proctor's report of assessments for the month of January. The proctor's monthly report in regard to deposits made by students, their early rising, the cleaning up of the dormitories etc., also a supplemental report relating more particularly to the two later subjects and also to the fare at the Hotels. The Proctor reports a general delinquency on the part of the Hotel Keepers (P44594) in cleaning up the rooms, not only as to the time, but the manner in which it is done.

A motion was made seconded and passed that the Proctor's report of assessments be confirmed.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that it had been reported to him by the Proctor, that in visiting Mr. Thoms A. Wilson's (P29581) room, he found a glass of liquor. The Chairman had sent for Mr. Wilson (P29581) who informed him that


the liquor was brought to his room by another student, that he did not request that it be brought, but drank of it.

Mr. Wilson (P29581) was sent for and appeared before the Faculty and stated in addition to what he had said to the Chairman, that this was the only time liquor had been brought to his room; that he had carried none himself to his neighbors. It was not a habit between himself and his neighbors.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that Mr. Thomas A. Wilson (P29581) be admonished by the Chairman and informed that a repetition of his offence will not be excused.

At the request of Professor Davis (P33195) the next examination of the Candidates for graduation in Medicine, appointed for January 15th, was postponed to Feb. 14th.

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Daniel S. Triplett (P22654) had applied for permission to leave the School of Moral Philosophy (CB0129). He attends four schools. On motion made and seconded it was resolved that his application be granted.

Application was made through the Chairman by Mr. William J. Fort (P28519) for permission to leave the School of Chemistry. (CB0152) A motion was made, seconded, and passed that his application be granted.

Mr. John Critchen Jr (P41383). made application through the Chairman for permission to become a candidate for graduation in Chemistry. He did not know that it was necessary to offer himself as a candidate within a limited time.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that his application be granted.

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Charles F. Curtis (P29572), one of the military company who was dismissed, returned sometime age to the University, but did not make immediate application for readmission as required by the resolution of the 20th day of December. When he did not apply for readmission he informed the Chairman that when the Proctor communicated said resolution to him he misunderstood him as to its import, and that he was


waiting to hear from home before he made application.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University  ] A motion was thereupon made, seconded and passed that Mr. Curtis (P29572) have leave to reenter the University.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Robert H. Hare (P35699) a boarder at Mrs. Gray's (P43865) Hotel made application through the Chairman for permission to change his Hotel. Mrs. Gray (P43865) had promised him that when the number of her boarders reached forty-five that she would consent to his removing from her Hotel. She has now forty-six and is unwilling to give him up.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that Mr. Hare (P35699) be permitted to leave Mrs. Gray's (P43865) Hotel on finding a substitute.

The following applications were made to the Faculty.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] By Mr. Nathaniel Burwell (P29937) through the Chairman for permission to leave the class of Materia Medica.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] By Mr. John B. Baldwin (P43748) to leave the Senior Greek Class and Join the Junior Greek.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] By Mr. George Dowall (P31031) through Dr. Harrison (P25515) to leave the Greek class. He has his mother's consent.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] By Mr. Harrison B. Tomlin (P43725) through Dr. Harrison (P25515) to leave the school of Ancient Languages. He attends four schools.

Motions were severally made seconded and passed that these app- lications be granted.

Dr. Harrison (P25515) mentioned to the Faculty that Mr. N.M.H. Allen (P38074), who had matriculated since his first examination for graduation, had offered himself as a candidate for graduation in his school and proposed that Mr. Allen's (P38074) first examination in Greek shall take place on the 12th of March.

A motion was made, seconded, and passed the Dr. Harrison's (P25515) request be granted.

Dr. Harrison (P25515) mentioned to the Faculty that Mr. Daniel S. Triplett (P22654) had been a candidate for graduation in Greek and was absent from the University


with leave for sometime before the first examination, but returned before it took place and did not attend; he now asks leave to have a separate examination.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that Mr. Triplett's (P22654) application be rejected.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Failure to Appear When Summoned  ] Dr. Harrison (P25515) reported that Mr. James M. Browning (P25967) had been four times absent from his school during the last month and that he was not making due proficiency.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that the Chairman be requested to inquire into the cause of Mr. Browning's (P25967) delinquency.

The Professors of Ancient Languages and Mathematics reported that Mr. James Chapman (P25161) was not making due proficiency in their schools.

A motion was made, seconded, and passed that Mr. Chapman's (P25161) father be informed that unless a speedy amendment takes place his son will be dismissed from the University.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that the Faculty adjourn till tomorrow, 4 o'clock p.m. to take into consideration the report of the Proctor on [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Failure to Appear When Summoned  ] delinquency of students in early rising, and [EVENT: Boarding  ] of the Hotel-keepers (P44594) in the cleansing of the dormitories etc.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman

Feby 2, 1837 at 4 o'clock p.m. The Faculty met according to adjournment.

Present: The Chairman, Dr. Magill (P43655), Mr. Tucker (P43619), Dr. Harrison (P25515) and Dr. Emmet. (P43625)

The Faculty took up the Proctor's report which was postponed for consideration today.

The Chairman informed the Faculty that he had seen Mrs. Gray (P43865) who said in extinuation of her delinquency that five or six of her boarders had been sick with whom her servants (P44765) had been so much occupied that they could not attend properly to their other duties.

Col. Ward (P43873) was sent for and appeared before the Faculty. One of his servants (P44664) had been sick during the month, and another (P44664) had run off


but independent of this cause, said that he might sometimes have been delinquent in consequence of the students remaining in bed till a late hour; all the rooms cannot be cleaned up in one hour when the students give his servants an opportunity of cleaning some three or four rooms before breakfast; all the rest may be cleaned within the hour after. His arcades are generally swept in the morning; sometimes after being swept, wood is thrown upon them and they are not swept again that day; by reason of his want of swevants he has been somewhat indulgent to his boarders in admitting them to breakfast. Some 12 or 15 sometimes at table when the half hour bell rings.

Mr. Conway (P43888) was then sent for but refused to appear before the faculty.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that the Chairman be requested to admonish Mrs. Cray (P43865) and Col. Ward (P43873) that they conform more closely to the law in cleaning their dormitories.

Present: Dr. Warner (P43656) and Mr. Bonnycastle. (P43623)

A motion be the following effect was made, seconded and passed.

It appearing from the report of the Proctor that Mr. Edwin Conway (P43888), Hotel-keeper, has during the last month failed to have his dormitories cleaned up in due time, and in a proper manner, and Mr. Conway (P43888) having been requested to appear before the Faculty to give the reasons for his delinquency, refused to appear.

Therefore,[EVENT: University Administration:Facilities Management  ]  resolved that he be fined the som of three dollars.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Failure to Appear When Summoned  ] It appearing from the Proctor's report that Messers James M. Browning (P25967), James Chapman (P25161), Richard Chapman (P21803), Edwin H. Conway (P43888), C. H. Drew (P39843), Tully R. Cornick (P21769), Lewis S. Joynes (P22495), Thomas C. Madison (P21945), John C. Rogers (P34049) and Lewis Thornton (P37509) have repeatedly violated the law regarding early rising during the last Month, it was resolved by the Faculty that they be reprimanded by the Chairman.

Professor Davis (P33195) reported that Mr. Thomas M. Harding (P28974) was


doing no good in his school. A Motion was made, seconded and passed that the Chairman be requested to inform Mr. Harding (P28974) that unless he makes a speedy amendment, the usual notice will be given his father of his inattention.

Mr. Sterling Edmunds (P32769) was reported as being inattentive in all his schools. A motion was made, seconded, and passed that the Chairman be requested to inform Mr. Edmunds (P32769) that unless he be more attentive the usual notice will be given to his father.

The Professor of Modern Languages reported that Mr. Alexander Walker (P33315) [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Failure to Appear When Summoned  ] had been ten times absent from his school within the last month, and the professor of mathematics reported that he had been six times absent from his school. On motion made, seconded, and passed it was resolved that the Chairman be requested to inform Mr. Walker (P33315) that unless he is more attentive, notice will be given his guardian of his inattention.

Mr. John K. Ragland (P25331) having been reported as making undue proficiency in all the Schools which he attends, On motion made, and seconded, Resolved that his guardian be informed that unless a speedy amendment taken place he will be dismissed from the University.

Professor Magill (P43655) informed the Faculty that Mr. Junnis H. Seay (P25937) had not attended his school for some weeks past. Mr. Seay () had imagined himself sick. Dr. Eagill (P43655) had called to see him and found that nothing was the matter with him. On motion made and seconded it was resolved that Mr. Seay (P25937) be admonished by the Chairman in relation to his inattention.

Professor Bonnycastle (P43623) informed the Faculty that Messers William T. Marly (P44848) and Carter H. Grew (P44849) had not been sufficiently attentive in his school. A motion was made, seconded and passed that the chairman be requested to admonish those gentleman in regard to their inattention.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman


The Faculty met Feby 9th, 1837. Present all the members except Dr. Magill (P43655) and Dr. Emmet. (P43625)

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Report of the Cashier of the Bank of Virginia (CB0012) for the month of January, exhibiting the amount of funds of deposit to the credit of the Patron.

Mr. Benjamin Belches (P44842) who was dismissed as a member of the military company, [EVENT: Student Status:Readmission  ] applied through the Chairman for permission to re- enter the University. He did not apply to the Chairman for readmission until five days after his return to the University, and alleged as a reason that he did not know of the resolution of the Faculty of the 20th December. He had no participation in the riots.

On motion made and seconded, resolved that Mr. Relsches (P44842) readmitted into the University.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Lucius Dixon (P31258) for himself and on behalf of his brother, Alexander Dixon (P40583), made application for permission to board at Mrs. Brockenbrough's (P44061). Mr. H.B. Tomlin (P43725) now boarding with Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061) will take their place in the University, and Mr. Conway (P43888) the Hotel- keeper consents to the arrangements. A motion was thereupon made, seconded and passed that Mr. Dixon's (P31258) application be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. William T. Goldsborough (P40023) made application through the Chairman for permission to remove from Mrs. Gray's (P43865) district into Col. Ward's (P43873), Mrs. Gray (P43865) having given her consent. On motion made and seconded, Resolved that Mr. Goldsborough's (P40023) application be granted.

At the request of Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623), the intermediate examination of the intermediate class in Mathematics is postponed to the 5th of March.

Mr. William T. Goldsborough (P40023) made application through Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) for permission to become a candidate for graduation in Civil Engineering. On motion made and seconded, Resolved that Mr. Goldsborough's (P40023) application be granted.


[EVENT: Library:Books  ] The Chairman exhibited to the Faculty the 3rd volume of KenT's () Commentaries Belonging to the Library which had been defaced while in the possession of W.H. Walton (P28796). On motion made and seconded, resolved that Mr. Walton (P28796) be fined 75 cents.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that the Uniform law had been violated by the following students:

The Chairman had summoned those students before him and they had given the following excuses:

A motion was made, seconded and passed the Messers. Drew (), Fort (P28519), Cook (P23450) and Boulware (P39649) be sent for.

Mr. Cook (P23450) appeared before the Faculty and said that he had lost his uniform pantaloons. He intended to purchase black, did not know it was against the law; gave 12 dollars for them; bought them during his suspension; had never read that part of the law.

Mr. Boulware (P39649) appeared and said that he did not buy his waistcoat as uniform; bought it to wear every day; saw others violating the law without being noticed.

Messers Fort (P28519) and Drew () could not be found by the Janitor.

A motions were severally made, seconded and passed that Messers Mangle (P29844) and Allen (P38074) be excused.

That Messers Rogers (P34049), A.T. M. Cooke (P40184), Anderson (P43448), John H. Bryant (P42270), Joynes (P22495), Leigh (P44836), Tomlin (P43725), Ross (P22902), Swann (P34555), Knight (P39278), Robertson (P39501), Stuart (P24341), Johnson (P37724), and Flood (P35571) be reprimanded by the Chairman.

That Messers. H.F. Cook (P23450), Boulware (P39649), Drew (P39843) and Fort (P28519) be repri- manded by the Chairman and that their parents and guardians be written to.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman

The Faculty met February 18th, 1837. Presents: The Chairman, Rogers (P43658), Warner (P43656), Blaetterman (), Emmet (P43625) and Harrison. (P25515)


[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty, that servants belonging to the Hotels had been intercepted by the Proctor and himself in bringing spiritous liquors into the University; the servants claimed them as their own though it was suspected that they were intended for students.

The Chairman then submitted the following resolution which was seconded and passed:

[EVENT: University Administration:Personnel Decision  ] Resolved, that the Hotel Keepers be informed that the Faculty will require them immediately to dismiss from their service and the University any of their servants who shall introduce or keep spiritous liquors within the precincts; except in cases of their introduction where such servant shall be sent for them by his master or mistress for his or her own use.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University  ] The Chairman stated to the Faculty that Mr. John K. Ragland (P25331) to whose guardian notice was given of the 2nd instant of his inattention in his schools was desirous of withdrawing from the University. A motion to that effect was made, seconded and passed.

Application was made through the Chairman by Messers Walter Mangle (P29844), and Mr. H. Harding (P42398), candidates for graduation in medicine for a re-examination in Dr. Magill's (P43655) School. On motion made and seconded, Resolved that their application be rejected.

At the instance of Dr. Emmet (P43625) Mr. C. C. Cocke (P22207) was permitted to become a candidate for graduation in Chemistry.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] Mr. Jacob H. O'Cain (P31065) applied through the Chairman for permission to withdraw from Chemistry. A motion was made, seconded and passed that his application be postponed.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] Mr. Fielding L. Marshall (P31864) applied through Dr. Harrison (P25515) for permission to withdraw from the Class of Junior Greek. A motion was made, seconded and passed that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that the following students had violated the law regarding uniform.


The Chairman had summoned these students before him.

Motions were severally made seconded and passed that Mr. Skinker (P41455) be censured by the Chairman and that his parent be written to. and that Messers. Strother (P37901), Early (P37882), Bryant (P42270) and Stribling (P32347) be censured.

Present Professor Bonnycastle. (P43623)

At the instance of Professor Bonnycastle (P43623) his examination for graduation appointed for Monday next is postponed till Tuesday.

Faculty adjourned.

J.A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman

The Faculty met February 28th, 1837. Present all members except Dr. Harrison. (P25515)

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the monthly reports of the standing of the candidates for graduation in the schools of Ancient Languages, (CB0132) Modern Languages (CB0133) and Law. (CB0130)

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Robert A. Clarke (P30030) had applied for permission to leave the School of Modern Languages. (CB0133) On motion made and seconded, resolved that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Francis A. Briscoe (P27481) made application through the Chairman for permission to board at Mrs. Brockenbrough's; (P44061) he is under the age of twenty


years. On motion made and seconded, resolved that his application be rejected.

Mr. John W. Portis (P41622) made application through the Chairman for permission to go to the City of Washington (PL4211) where he expects to meet his brother. On motion made and seconded, resolved that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] The Following students were reported as inattentive and not making due proficiency in their schools: Richard H. Long (P43409), Wm. W. Boyce (P40570), James L. Clarke (P22389) and Nathaniel Burwell (P29937). Motions were severally made, seconded and passed that their parents and guardians be informed that unless they make steady amendment they will be dismissed from the University.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] Mr. Geo. W. Barlow (P22856) was reported by the Professor of Mathematics (P44612) as being inattentive in his school and the Professor of Chemistry and Materia Medica reported M.W.P. Whiting (P25952) as being inattentive in his school. Motions were severally made, seconded and passed that the Chairman be requested to adminish Messers Burlow (P22856) and Whiting (P25952) that they be more attentive in future.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that William J. Robertson (P39501) who has been heretofore censured by the Faculty for violating the uniform law, again violated the same law as to vest on Sunday last. Mr. Robertson (P39501) was sent for and appeared before the Faculty. He had no excuse to offer and admitted that he had bought the vest since he had been a student.

On motion made and seconded it was resolved that Mr. Robertson (P39501) [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] be suspended for one week from and after Monday next, and that during his suspension he be required to reside at Bocock's Tavern. (PL8596)

The application made at the last meeting of the Faculty by Mr. Jacob H O'Cain (P31065) to leave the school of Chemistry (CB0152)was considered, and on motion made seconded and passed was granted.

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Messers Robert E. Nelson (P34631) and Andrew Chann (P44863) violated the uniform law on Sunday, Mr. Nelson () as to


pantaloons and Mr. Chann (P44863) in respect to vest. Motions were made seconded and passed that the Chairman he requested to reprimand those gentlemen for their violation of the law.

The Faculty being satisfied that Mr. James Chapman (P25161) to whose father notice had been given of his inattention, has not made sufficient amendment. Resolved that said notice be continued. On motion made, seconded and passed this resolution was adopted.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Failure to Appear When Summoned  ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the monthly report of the Proctor. From this report it appears that the following students have repeat- edly violated the law regarding early rising: Richard Chapman (P21803), Thomas R. Cocke (P32560), Richard J. Cocke (P23455), Tully R. Cornick (P21769), F. W. Gilmer (P31348), C. B. Hite (P25233), L. S. Joynes (P23150), Wm H. Mason (P40863), H.C. Madison (P21945), Wm A. Nelson (P35158) and A.H. Powell. (P22141)

A motion was made, seconded and passed that the Chairman be requested to reprimand those gentlemen and inform their parents and guardians of their violation of law.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Procter's monthly report of assessments, which was on motion made,seconded,and passed, confirmed.

At the request of Professors Rogers (P43658) and Warner (P43656) permission was granted them to hold the Intermediate Examinations in their Schools in March.

Professor Tucker (P43619) made a motion which was seconded and passed that those candidates for graduation who were rejected at the examination on the English language, have a reexamination in May.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty reports from Professors Harrison (P25515) and Emmet (P43625) regarding the intermediate examination in their schools, showing the number of blanks handed in and the names of those who did not attend the examination and whether excused, absent without leave or other- wise


[EVENT: Library:Books  ] Lists of books to be added to the Library were handed in by Professors Emmet (P43625), Magill (P43655), Davis (P33195) and Bonnycastle (P43623) and Tucker (P43619) from which the following were selected by the Faculty:

Professor Magill (P43655) informed the Faculty that Mr. F. W. Gilmer (P31348) was not sufficiently attentive in his school. On motion made and seconded it was resolved that the Chairman be requested to inform his mother of his inattention.

The Faculty then adjourned

J. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman

The Faculty met March 8th, 1837 Present: The Chairman, Professors Tucker (P43619), Rogers (P43658), Harrison (P25515), Warner (P43656), Bonnycastle (P43623), and Blaettermann. (P43621)

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Cashier's Report for February in relation to the Patron's account in the Bank of Virginia. ()

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that the Proctor had reported that Messers Henry F. Cook (P23450), William H. Battey (P27407) and Horatio G. Lindsay (P23735) on


the night of the 4th instant returned from Charlottesville (PL4204) in a Hack, bringing liquor with them and from their conduct he believed them intox- icated.

The Procter was sent for, appeared before the Faculty and said that suspection frolicking on Saturday night and hearing some noise towards Husketts he walked towards Charlottesville (PL4204) and seeing a Hack containing a noisy party start from Keller's (PL8528) to the University, he heard Mr. Cook's (P23450) named mentioned and hastened to a place near his room before the arrival of the Hack; on its arrival, three persons get out of it, two of whom he recognized to be Messers Cook (P23450) and Battey; (P27407) the third person he did not know, but understood subsequently that it was Mr. Lindsay (P23735). Battey (P27407) asked if they had all the bottles; Mr. Cook (P23450) replied that he had his; all staggered; they, he thought, were intoxicated; heard that Mr. Cook (P23450) went afterwards to the society and showed there no signs of intoxication, hence he may have been deceived.

Mr. Cook (P23450) was sent for and presently appeared before the Faculty. He had no bottle; could not have said that he had one when he had not; brought no spirits into the University; was not intoxicated; was asked if he drank anything; replied that Col. Woodley (P44018) did not see him intoxicated; was asked if he had any share in the liquor brought in; refused to answer question

Mr. Battey (P27407) having been sent for appeared before the Faculty, and he admitted that he was in the Hack but that he was not intoxicated; was asked if he had been drinking; thinks that is an unfair question; did not drink at a Tavern (); had been drinking; did not stagger; was asked if he brought up spirits; would not answer at first and then he said that he did not bring any up himself; did not drink is the hack; liquor was not procured at a confectionary or at a Tavern (); did not get it or pay for it nor does he expect to pay for it.

Mr. Rogers (P43658) offered the following resolution.


It appearing that Mr. Henry F. Cook (P23450) was one of a party who brought liquor into the University on the night of the 4th instant and that he had been drinking to excess; and moreover, Mr. Cook (P23450) having on a previous occasion incurred suspension during the present session,

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] Resolved that he be suspended for two months.

Dr. Harrison (P25515) moved to amend the resolution by striking out "two months" and inserting "the remainder of the session".

The question was taken on Dr. Harrison's (P25515) motion to amend and decided in the affirmative.

Mr. Rogers' (P43658) resolution as amended was then seconded and passed.

The following resolution offered by Mr. Rogers (P43658) was seconded and passed. The following resolution offered by Mr. Rogers (P43658) was seconded and passed.

It appearing that Mr. William H. Battey (P27407) was one of a party who brought liquor into the University on the night of the 4th instant and that he had been drinking to excess.

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] Resolved that he be suspended for two months and required to go to Bocock's Tavern. (PL8596)

The Chairman having stated that Mr. Lindsay (P23735) had not matriculated, the following resolution was proposed, seconded and passed.

Resolved that Mr. Horatio G. Lindsay (P23735) who had been allowed by the courtesy of the Professors to attend lectures without matriculating be denied the privilege until he matriculates.

The following applications were on motions made and seconded and passed:

At the request of Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) the Intermediate examination in his department of Civil Engineering is allowed to be held in March.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] The Faculty on reconsidering the resolution passed at the last meeting directing a notice to be sent to the father of W.W. Boyce (P40570) of his in- attention in his schools.

Resolved that the resolution be rescinded. This motion was made seconded and passed.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Messers C. B. Hite (P25233), David C. Winfree (P43492), J.B. Wilkinson (P35788), Wm B. Johnson (P37724) and Robert Gray (P24527) had violated the uniform law in respect to vests and that Mr. Wm. R. Hackett (P43333) had violated the same law in respect to pantaloons.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that these gentlemen be censured by the Chairman and that Mr. Johnson's (P37724) father be informed of his son's violation of the law, he having on a former ocasion been censured for violating the same law.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Wm. J. Robertson (P39501) who was suspended at the last meeting of the Faculty and ordered to spend the term of his suspension at Bocock's Tavern (PL8596), had applied to have his place of residence changed to Mr. M. L. Walker's (P44866), his gentleman having invited him to his house. A motion was made, seconded and passed that his application be granted.

Mr. John W. Harris (P27755) having been sick at the examination for graduation in Law, On motion made, seconded, and passed, a separate examination is granted on the day of.

The following preamble and resolution offered by Mr. Bonny- castle (P43623) were seconded and passed:


The experience of the officers of the Institution having shown that the greater part of the violations of the discipline which come under their cognizance are committedby students who are making no progress in their studies, the Faculty regard it as their duty to use every means of removing such students from the University.

[EVENT: University Administration:Student Restrictions  ] Therefore, resolved, that in future the Faculty will immediately after the examinations proceed to inspect the reports of the Professors in regard to the blanks offered in their schools and that in all cares wherein it shall appear that a student has given blanks in a majority of the schools he attends, the Faculty will then consider that as evidence of his not fulfilling the purposes for which he came to the Institution and forthwith proceed to act upon him under the law provided for such a case.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman

The Faculty met April 1st, 1837. Present: The Chairman, and Professors Rogers (P43658), Warner (P43656), Tucker (P43619), Harrison (P25515), Blaettermann (P43621), and Bonnycastle. (P43623)

Mr. Tully R. Cornick () applied through the Chairman for leave of absence for a week. A motion was made, seconded, and passed.

Professor Davis (P33195) laid before the Faculty the monthly report of the standing of Candidates for Graduation in the Law School.

Professor Harrison (P25515) laid before the Faculty the monthly report of the standing of candidates for Graduation in the School of Ancient Languages.

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Self-governance:Petition Faculty  ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty a petition signed by James R. Sneed (P24575), John H. Christian (P41646), E. D. Townes (P30256), J. H. O'Cain (P31065), John Rogers (P43658) and E.H. Conway (P43888) praying for reasons therein stated a recession of the resolution of the Faculty of the 8th ultimo, by which Mr. William R. Battey (P27407) was suspended for two months; the petitioners pledge themselves to give information to the Chairman of any violation of the laws on the part of


said Battey (P27407), in case the Faculty should reinstate him. The Chairman also laid before the Faculty a letter from said Battey (P27407) promising to conform to the laws.

[EVENT: Student Status:Readmission  ] A motion was made, seconded and passed that Mr. Battey (P27407) be reinstated upon the same terms and conditions as were imposed in the case of Mr. William A. Nelson. (P35158)

The Chairman laid before the Faculty a petition signed by E. D. Townes (P30256), E. J. Christian (P41646), A. W. Bentley (P35756), Thomas R. Cocke (P32560), and James F. Bailey (P37616) praying the Faculty for reasons therein stated to reinstate Mr. Henry F. Cook (P23450) Who was by a resolution of the Faculty of the 8th ultimo suspended for the remainder of the Session. The Petitioners pledge themselves to inform the Chairman of all violations of the laws which may be committed by Mr. Cook (P23450), should the Faculty reinstate him. The Chairman also laid before the Faculty a letter from the said Cook (P23450) pledging himself solemnly to conform to all the laws of the Institution, Whereupon

[EVENT: Student Status:Readmission  ] A motion was made, seconded, and passed that Mr. Cook (P23450) be reinstated upon the same terms and conditions that were imposed in the case of Mr. William A. Nelson. (P35158)

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Librarian's bimonthly Report.

Mr. Tucker (P43619) laid before the Faculty the Report of the Committee appointed to conduct the examination of the Candidates for Graduation on the English Language.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's monthly report and it appearing from this report that[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Failure to Appear When Summoned  ]  Messers James M. Browning (P25967) and A. W. Up- shur (P31538) have repeatedly violated the law regarding early rising, a motion was made seconded and passed that they be reprimanded by the Chairman and that their parents and guardians be written to.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Procter's report


of assessments during the month of March. On motion made, seconded and passed it was resolved that the said report he confirmed.

[EVENT: University Administration  ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty a Supplemental Report from the Proctor. He informs the Faculty that on visiting the dormitories officially he had generally exercised his discretion in knocking at the door before his entrance. He does not consider it his duty to knock, and in many cases has omitted to do so. This course having been objected to by the students, he submits the matter to the Faculty for their approval or disapproval.

A motion was made, seconded, and passed that the course pursued by the Proctor meets with the approbation of the Faculty.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's Report of students delinquent in payment for Board. A motion was made, seconded, and passed that the Proctor be requested to address a letter to the parent or guardian of each student who is delinquent for board, informing him of the fact.

The following applications were made through the Chairman.

Motions were severally made, seconded and passed that the fore- going applications be rejected.

The following applications were made through the Chairman.

Motions were severally made, seconded, and passed that the fore- going applications be granted.

Mr. Faulkner () who has been a student at Yale (CB0009) and Princeton (CB0024) applied through the Chairman for permission to matriculate and to board out of the University not being within five months of 20 years old. On motion made and seconded it was resolved that Mr. Faulkner () be not permitted to matriculate without a certificate of good standing from Yale (CB0009) as well as Princeton (CB0024) and that under no consideration shall he be permitted to board out of the University.

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) having been prevented by sickness from holding an examination on civil engineering and one on Mathematics at the times approved; obtained leave to hold the one on Civil Engineering on Tuesday and the one on Mathematics on Thursday next.

Mr. Rogers (P43658) obtained leave to hold an examination for graduation in his department of Civil Engineering on Monday next.

At the instance of Professor Warner (P43656) the following students were permitted to become candidates for certificates of proficiency in the Class of Physiology: C. C. Walkins (), J. B. Wilkinson (P35788), Thomas R. Cocke (P32560), C. W. Marshall (P31864), Thomas D. Armistead (P24177), A. T. M. Cocke (P40184), Thomas C. Madison (P21945), C. C. Cocke (P40662), N. E. Nelson (P40541), Thomas W. Baker (P27048), Thomas S. Robinson. (P26409)

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that the following students had violated the law regarding required uniform:

Rice W. Payne (P28064) in purchasing a coat not uniform.

M. T. C. Johnston (P34949) in attending two of Mr. Pardicarri's () lectures with ladies without uniform.

Thomas A. Wilson (P29581) in going to Charlottesville (PL4204) with coat and pantaloons not uniform.

A. W. Upshur (P31538) in purchasing a coat of grey cheap cloth and having it made


not as uniform.

John M. Sheppard (P23684) in going to Charlottesville (PL4204) without uniform.

These gentleman were sent for.

Mr. Payne (P28064) appeared before the Faculty and said that he purchased his coat about three weeks after coming to the University; supposed he could wear it everyday; it did not cast much more than a uniform coat.

Mr. Johnston (P34949) was not aware that he was violating the law. He did not think that going to a private house in the University without uniform was a violation of law.

Mr. Wilson (P29581) admits that he purchased his pantaloons in violation of the law; his coat was an over one; his uniform pantaloons were torn; was not visiting; was aware that he was violating the law in purchasing the pantaloons; did not intend to wear them.

Mr. Upshur's (P31538) reason for not having his coat made as uniform was his great dislike to the uniform; got to wear it everyday.

Mr. Sheppard (P23684) went to town in uniform and had on a coat not his own; the owner not him and claimed it; had an engagement with a young lady and there was not sufficient time to return to the University for his uniform coat brought his dress coat with him.

A Motions were severally made, seconded and passed that Messers R. W. Payne (P28064), M. T. C. Johnston (P34949), Thomas. A. Wilson (P29581), and A. W. Upshur (P31538) be reprimanded by the Chairman and that their parents and guardians be written to; that Mr. Wilson (P29581) be prohibited from wearing his pantaloons, and that Mr. Upshur (P31538) be prohibited from wearing his coat till altered.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that Mr. Sheppard (P23684) he admonished by the Chairman.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] The following students were reported as being inattentive and not making due proficiency in their schools: James M. Browning (P25967), George S. Barton (P43916), John H. Bryant (P42270), Thomas A. Wilson () and C. F. Curtis (P29572) in all their


schools and N.M.H. Allen (P38074) in Ancient Languages (CB0132)and Natural Philosophy. (CB0135)

Motions were severally made, seconded; and passed that notice be given to the parents and guardians of these students that unless a speedy amendment takes place they will be dismissed from the University.

The Faculty not being satisfied with the improvement made by Mr. James Chapman (P25161) in his schools, on motion made and seconded, resolved that the notice heretofore given his parent be continued.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] Messers James C. Bannister (P31394) and James R. Sneed (P24575) were reported by their Professors as not being sufficiently attentive. Motions were made seconded and passed that the Chairman be requested to admonish them to be more attentive.

The following list of books handed in by Professors Harrison (P25515) and Blaettermann (P43621) was approved by the Faculty:

no list given

The Faculty then adjourned

J. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman

The Faculty met April 12th, 1837. All members present.

At the instance of Professor Davis (P33195) the third examination for Graduation in the School of Law was postponed to the 10th day of May. At the instance of Professor Emmet (P43625) the examination of Candidates for graduation on the subjects of Chemistry and Materia Medica was appointed for June 1st.

The Chairman informed the Faculty that on Wednesday night last a party consisting of the following students, namely, James Chapman (P25161), John B. Baldwin (P43748), F. W. Gilmer (P31348), Nathaniel Burwell (P29937) and William Horner (P34751) went to Charlottesville (PL4204) and that the three first named in the party became extremely intoxicated; they drank at same place in Charlottesville (PL4204) not


known to the Chairman, and then at Keller's Tavern (PL8528); on their return they brought [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ] liquor with them; repaired to the room of Mr. Baldwin (P43748) where [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns  ] a pistol was fired by Mr. James Chapman (P25161) which severely wounded Mr. F. W. Gilmer. (P31348)

These students were sent for and appeared before the Faculty.

Mr. James Chapman (P25161) was one of the party; went to town before supper; the pistol was borrowed; apprehension of an attack from mechanics was the cause of his carrying a pistol; it is customary with students to carry pistols in going to town at night; does not remember the time of leaving Charlottesville (PL4204); recollects nothing that passed after leaving; drank at other places than Keller's (PL8528), a public place; has no recollection of shooting Mr. Gilmer; (P31348) did not load the pistol; saw it loaded; the ball was very small; went to town with the intention of drinking; had no special for drinking.

Mr. Baldwin (P43748) says that he admits the truth of the Charge against him; in extenuation of his offense says there was a combination to make him drunk; the party went to Charlottesville (PL4204) to eat oranges and drink claret punch; drank punch first of claret, then of whiskey; after becoming excited they gave him raw whiskey; did not know it was whiskey at the time; did not drink the claret at a Tavern (); has no recollection of the firing of the pistol; was too much intoxicated.

Mr. Burwell (P29937) said that he went with the party; did not go to Keller's (PL8528) till some time after the others had arrived there; was at the public place with them where they drank before going to Keller's; (PL8528) drank nothing the whole evening; night have drunk had he not been indisposed; was asked if he was armed; would not answer question; did not eat supper.

The Chairman stated to the Faculty that the Procter had found Mr. Horner (P34751) with a large glass of punch in his room on Thursday; and on Thursday night he had a drinking party in his room.

Mr. Horner (P34751) appeared before the Faculty and said that he was with the party in Charlottesville (PL4204) drank nothing at Keller's; (PL8528) drank about a teaspoon full of claret punch at another place, which was not a tavern ()


but a public place; came back with the party; was not drunk; did not go armed. It was an accident that the claret came to his room; it was not his own; it was brought there in consequence of the accident to Mr. Gilmer; (P31348) had made a glass of Lemonade, and the claret being in his room he concluded to put a small quantity in to it; had a party of gentleman in his room Thursday night; the claret being there it was proposed to drink it; there was but little; the gentleman were invited by him; the lemons were his own; had not supper. The gentleman who fired the pistol intended to shoot at the door. Mr. Sheppard () being in danger attempted to wrest it from him; in doing so it went off and shot Mr. Gilmer. (P31348)

Mr. Magill (P43655) offered the following preamble and resolution which was seconded.

At appearing to the Faculty that Mr. James Chapman (P25161) on Wednesday night last, in company with several others went to Charlottesville (PL4204) and there drank at a tavern () to intoxication; returned to the University in that condition, and the same evening fired a pistol which he had carried with him to Char- lottesville (PL4204), which unfortunately, though unintentionally severely wounded a follow student, therefore,

Resolved that he be dismissed from the University.

Dr. Blaettermann (P43621) moved to mend the resolution by making it expulsion instead of dismission; the question was put upon the amendment and decided in the negative.

Dr. Magill's (P43655) resolution for dismission was then passed.

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) proposed the following resolution which was seconded and passed.

It appearing to the Faculty that Mr. John B. Baldwin (P43748) on Wednesday night last, in company with several others went to Charlottesville () and there drank at a Tavern () to extreme intoxication, therefore, Resolved, that he be responded for the rest of the Session.


Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) proposed the following resolution which was seconded and passed.

It appearing to the Faculty that Mr. Nathaniel Burwell (P29937) on Wednesday last united himself to a party who went to a Tavern () for the purpose of drinking, but that it also appears that in consequence of indisposition he did not drink, therefore resolved that Mr. Burwell (P29937) [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] be suspended for two weeks and required to spend the time at Bocock's Tavern. (PL8596)

Mr. Rogers (P43658) proposed the following resolution which was seconded and passed.

It appearing to the Faculty that on Wednesday last Mr. William Horner (P34751) was one of the party who went to a Tavern () in Charlottesville () for the purpose of drinking in which he slightly participated and that he [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ] had wine in his room from Wednesday to Thursday night of which he partook on Thursday, and that he had a drinking party in his room on Thursday night; and it appear- ing further that he has [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] been making no progress in his studies, resolved that he be[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ]  suspended for two months and required to go home.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the following applications which were on motions severally made & seconded, granted.

Mr. Peter K. Skinker (P41455) to leave theSchool of Chemistry. (CB0152)

Mr. Carter H. Drew (P39843) to have a separate examination for Graduation in Mathematics, having been sick at the last examination.

Mr. James A. Duncan (P25046) was for to some reason permitted to have a separate examination for Graduation in Professor Roger's (P43658) department of Civil Engineering.

Mr. Henry St. George Rust (P31614) to leave the School of Ancient Languages. (CB0132)

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] Mr. Samuel Saunders (P30557) to leave the Classes of Spanish and Italian in the School of Modern Languages; (CB0133) he will still attend three classes in the same school.

Mr. Lucius Dixon (P31258) applied through the Chairman for permission to occupy a room in Dr. Blaettermann's (P43621) house near the University.


On motion made and seconded, resolved that Mr. Dixon's (P31258) application be granted on the condition that he pledge himself to the Chairman to violate no law of the University in said room, or suffer it to be done by others.

[EVENT: Student Status:Readmission  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Messers Robert S. Goode (P22449) and Matthew M. Harrison (P36356) be permitted to reenter the University and resume their studies an though they had only obtained leave of absence.

The Chairman informed the Faculty that many of the signs on the doors of the students had become illigible, and that on student, Mr. Clement C. Watkins (P27752) had refused to have a legible sign place on his door.

Whereupon the Chairman offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed.

Resolved that Mr. Clement C. Watkins (P27752) be required immediately to obtain a plain and legible sign for his door and that on his failure to do so he will be proceeded against for his contumacy.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. William T. Early (P37882) has visited Charlottesville (PL4204) having on a coat not uniform; that he had sent for Mr. Early (P37882) and his excuse was that his uniform was at the tailor's.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that Mr. Early (P37882) be con- sured and his father written to.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Thomas W. Baker (P22065) had obtained and worn clothes not uniform; that Mr. Baker (P22065) on being sent for said that he had sent home for clothes and that his father had sent him these which were not uniform and which he supposed he could wear without violating the law.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that Messers Baker (P22065) be consured.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that on the instant, the Procter heard a pistol fired from the room of Messers Goldsborough (P40023) and Merrick (P25586), and that on going to the room he found these two gentleman and


and two others, Messers Duncan (P25046) and L. H. Watkins; (P27752) it was certain that one of the four fired the pistol, and although there was no disclaimer on the part of the occupants of the room, the Proctor was inclined to believe that the pistol was fired by one of the others.

A motion was made seconded and passed that Messers Goldsborough (P40023) and Merrick (P25586) be censured.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that the Proctor had reported to him that Mrs. Gray (P43865) having withdrawn one of her dormitory servants, had now but two servants in attendance on her dormitories.

On motion made and seconded, resolved that Mrs. Gray (P43865) be required to comply with the regulation, which prescribes that one servant shall not attend to more than ten dormitories.

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) proposed the following resolution which was seconded and passed: Resolved that a committee be appointed to ascertain of any means exist to find out these who are making no proficiency in their schools. Whereupon the Chairman appointed Professor's Bonnycastle (P43623), Tucker (P43619) and Harrison (P25515) to constitute said committee.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman

The Faculty not April 18th, 1837. Present: The Chairman and Professors Emmet (P43625), Magill (P43655), Warner (P43656), Harrison (P25515), Rogers (P43658) and Tucker. (P43619)

The Chairman informed the Faculty on the report of the Proctor that on [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ] Thursday and Friday last there was Drinking at the room of the Messers Bowger's; (P28805) on Friday the Janitor had seen mint carried into the said room; that Messers Boyce (P40570), Alston (P30257) and Briscoe (P27481) had some participation in said party.

A motion having been made seconded and passed that these gentlemen be sent for, Mr. Briscoe (P27481) appeared and said that he was a member of the first party; his being at the second was accidental; there


was only one bottle of Medusa at the first; does not know how much there was the second there was no mint julip; he did not bring the wine in; was asked if he had any hand in bringing it in; will not answer the question.

Mr. James H. Bowyer (P28805) appeared and said that he had nothing to do with the liquor in any way whatever; did not participate either day.

Mr. Boyce (P40570) also said that he had nothing to do with bringing the liquor in either day; the mint he had brought to the room; it came from Col. Woodley's hill (); there was about a quarter of a bottle of brandy on 2nd day; it was no party; did not continue long.

Mr. M.M. Bowyer (P27244) did not have the liquor brought; was not brought with his consent; though he did not order it cut; did not object to it; permitted it; did not know anything about it until it was there; asked if participated; will not answer.

The Chairman further informed the Faculty that Mr. Alston (P30257) appeared at the celebration in Charlottesville (PL4204) on the 13th without uniform.

Mr. Alston (P30257) appeared before the Faculty and said that on Friday morning he called in accidently at the Bowyer's (P27244) room; remained two or three minutes, and participated slightly in the liquor. His uniform coat was out of order at the celebration; did not know it was a greater offence to be out of uniform then, than on an ordinary occasion.

The following resolution offered by Dr. Harrison (P25515) was seconded and passed.

Mr. F. A. Briscoe (P27481) having been a member of a drinking party at the Messers Bowyer's (P27244) room on Thursday and again on Friday last, and it appearing that he is not fulfilling the purposes for which he ought to have come to the University, resolved that he be suspended till the end of the Session.

Dr. Magill (P43655) then offered the following resolution which was


seconded and passed.

Mr. W. W. Boyce (P40570) having been a member of a drinking party at the Messers Bowyer's (P27244) room on Thursday and again on Friday, resolved that he be [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] suspended for a month and required to spend the period of his suspension at Bocock's Tavern. (PL8596)

Mr. Rogers (P43658) proposed the following resolution which was seconded.

Mr. Michael M. Bowyer (P27244) having on Thursday and again on Friday permitted a drinking part to be given in his room, to which he made no objection, and of which he seems to have been a member, Resolved that he be [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] suspended for six weeks and required to spend the period of his suspension at home.

Dr. Emmet (P43625) moved to strike out the words "and of which he seems to have been a member"; the question was put upon Dr. Emmet's (P43625) motion and decided in the negative.

Mr. Roger's (P43658) resolution was then passed.

Mr. Rogers (P43658) offered the following resolution.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] Mr. J. Aske Alston (P30257) having been out of uniform at a public celebration in Charlottesville (PL4204) on the 13th instant, and having slightly participated in [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ]  drinking on the occasion of a party at Mr. Bowyer's (P27244) room in violation of the Enactments, and being, moreover, very irregular in his attendance in the only school of which he is a member, resolved that he be [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] suspended for a month and required to spend his time at Bocock's Tavern. (PL8596)

Mr. Tucker (P43619) moved to substitute six weeks for a month. The question was taken on this motion and decided in the negative.

Mr. Roger's (P43658) resolution was then seconded and passed.

Dr. Magill (P43655) made a motion which was seconded that no action of the Faculty be taken on the case of Mr. James H. Bowyer; (P28805)this resolution was passed.

The Chairman informed the Faculty that [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] Mr. James H. Clarke (P33915) had, in the purchase of clothing, exceeded the limit allowed by law,


fifth dollars; also that Mr. Clarke (P33915) was in Charlottesville (PL4204) on Saturday without uniform.

Mr. Clarke (P33915) was sent for and appeared before the Faculty; he said that on [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] Friday his uniform being at the tailor's, he obtained permission from the Chairman to go to Charlottesville (PL4204) without uniform. On Saturday, wishing to go to Charlottesville (PL4204) on a visit, he called again to obtain permission; not finding him at home he took it for granted that permission would have been given as it was the day before. The clothes were sent to him from Richmond. (PL4234)

Dr. Magill (P43655) proposed the resolution to the following affect which was seconded and passed.

Mr. James L. Clarke (P33915) having in violation of the enactments purchased and worn clothes not uniform, and having moreover exceeded the limit allowed by law for clothing, fifty dollars, resolved that he be suspended for two weeks and be required to spend the term of his suspension at Mrs. Clark's () Tavern. ()

Mr. James R. Sneed (P24575) applied through the Chairman for permission to leave the School of Mathematics. (CB0134) He attends four schools. A motion was made, seconded and passed that he be granted his application.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Wright (P25889) made application through the Chairman for permission to occupy with Mr. Henry V. Morris (P43660), the teacher of Drawing, a room in Pavillion no. 7. (PL8462) A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Wright's (P25889) application be refused.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] Mr. Richard R. Long (P43409) applied through the Chairman for permission to leave the class of Greek. A motion was made, seconded and passed that his application be granted.

The Chairman informed the Faculty that[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ]  Mr. Mordecai Cook (P41382) was was not in uniform as to Pantaloons at the Jefferson () Celebration in Char- lottesville (PL4204) on the 13th instant; that on sending for Mr. Cook (P41832), his excuse was that his uniform pantaloons were not fit to be worn, and that it was


too early in the season for summer pantaloons.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that Mr. Cooke (P41832) be censured and that his father be written to.

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Walton C. Gray (P28424) had sent to Richmond (PL4234) and purchased clothes not uniform; that on sending for Mr. Gray (P28424) his excuse was that he did not intend wearing them during the present session; he expected to visit the Springs in vacation, and intended them for that ocassion.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that his father be written to and that Mr. Gray (P28424) himself he censured.

At the instance of Dr. Warner (P43656), it was moved, seconded and passed that the Examinations for Certificates of Proficiency in Physiology be held on Friday and Saturday next.

The Chairman stated that Mr. Walton C. Gray (P28424) had applied for permission to leave the School of Moral Philosophy. (CB0129) He was a candidate for Graduation in Law and desired to devote his whole time to that.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that his application be granted.

Present Mr. Bonnycastle. (P43623)

The Chairman informed the Faculty on the report of the Proctor that on [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance  ] Thursday last a disorderly party of students returned from Charlottesville () in a hack making considerable noise, and that Mr. Thomas M. Isbell (P28571), John C. Rogers (P34049) and Carnet Posey (P34577) were of the party; these gentlemen were sent for and appeared before the Faculty.

Mr. Isbell (P28571) said that he was in the hack; made some noise, but was not aware that they were making any disturbance; must have acted indiscretly; [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ] he drank a glass of soda with wine; the noise was made in passing students; no disrespect was intended to any one.

Mr. Posey (P34577) made some noise by laughing, nothing more; drank a glass of soda water with wine; noise was made when passing a squad


of students; no disrespect intended for Professors.

Mr. Rogers (P34049) had only been drinking soda with wine; noise was made in passing students; no disrespect intended.

A motion was made by Mr. Rogers (), was seconded and passed that Mr. Thomas M. Isbell (P28571), Mr. Carnot Posey (P34577), and Mr. John C. Rogers (P34049) be repri- manded by the Chairman.

The Chairman stated that Mr. Robert H. Hare (P35699) was desirous of leaving the School of Ancient Languages. (CB0132)

A motion was made, seconded and passed that his request be granted.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] The Chairman stated to the Faculty that Mr. Sterling S. Edmunds (P32769) had applied for leave to quit the School of Ancient Languages, (CB0132) for the purpose of taking another.

On motion made and seconded, Resolved that his application be refused.

The Chairman stated to the Faculty that Mr. John Dodson (P38103) who was a member of the military corps was [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ]  suspended a few days before the dismission of the said corps and sent to Bocock's Tavern (PL8596), that consequently he was not dismissed with the rest of the company. A few days after the dismissal of the company, but before the expiration of the period of his suspension, he returned to the University. On hearing this, the Faculty empowered the Chairman to authorize Mr. Dodson (P38103) to settle his accounts with the Proctor. He made no application to the Chairman for this authority but left the University and returned home. Mr. Dodson (P38103) has recently returned to his institution and [EVENT: Student Status:Readmission  ] is desirous to re -enter.

Mr. Dodson (P38103) was sent for; he apeared before the Faculty and said that on the Sunday after the dismission of the Company some students came out to Mr. Bocock's (PL8596) and informed him that he was dismissed; believing this to be the case, he returned; thinks he can get some good; will be a close


student; was anxious to return to the University sooner but his guardian was unwilling. A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Dodson (P38103) be re- admitted.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman.

The Faculty met April 25th, 1837. Present were all members.

The Chairman stated to the Faculty that complaint had been made by a colored woman residing in General Cocke's () house on the street loading from Charlottesville (PL4204) to the University; that on Wednesday night last, a party[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ]  consisting of four or five students one of whom was intoxicated, endeavored to gain admission into said house, and being refused made a violent assault upon it and broke several panes of glass; the morning after the head of a cane was found with the letters W. C. K (P39278). engraved on it; it was concluded therefore that the cane belonged to Mr. Wm C. Knight; (P39278) the same party made also an assault upon a house a short distance above, and the door was broken down. The Chairman and Procter had investigated the case and from all circumstances they could gather were satisfied that Mr. Knight (P39278) did not belong to the party and that Messers Thomas M. Isbell (P28571) and Wm P. Whiting (P25952) did, and that one of them had borrowed Mr. Knight's cane (P39278). Messers Whiting (P25952) and Isbell (P28571) were sent for, Mr. Whiting (P25952) appeared and said that he admitted he was in Charlottesville (PL4204) that evening at a private house; as far as concerns himself would conceal nothing; was asked if he had been drinking; no one was intoxicated; will not say where he was in Charlottesville (); Mr. Isbell (P28571) and he went down together; went down by themselves and started to return by themselves; did not commit any violence on the house.

Mr. Isbell (P28571) said that he went to town; was at a private house; as for himself he would conceal nothing; was asked if he disclaimed any participation in the acts of violence; answered that he broke a window glass; had nothing to do with the house above; did not drink to intoxication


carried the cane and lost the head accidentally; there were three or four others; fell in with them returning; had not been at the same place with them; thinks it necessary to repair the injury done by him.

Mr. Whiting (P25952) being again sent for said that he was altogether opposed to the acts of violence committed; tried to stop them and bring them to the University they were but a few moments at the upper house.

Mr. Tucker (P43619) offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed.

It appearing on satisfactory evidence that Mr. Thomas M. Isbell (P28571) on the night of the 19th instant was one of a disorderly party, and actually committed an outrage on a house between the University and Charlottesville (PL4204) in the occupation of a colored woman, by breaking several panes of glass.

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] Resolved that Mr. Isbell (P28571) be (PL8596)suspended for two weeks and re- quired to reside at Bocock's (PL8596) during his suspension.

Application was made through the Chairman by Mr. C. B. Hite (P25233) for the permission to leave the school of Mathematics. (CB0134) He attends four schools. By Mr. Govan () for permission to leave moral Philosophy and still attend Political Economy.

By Mr. Thomas A. Wilson (P29581) to leave the school of law. He attends four schools.

Motions were severally made, seconded, and passed that these applications be granted.

Applications were made through the Chairman by Messers A.T.M. Cooke (P40184), Mordecai Cooke (P41832), George Wickham (P42397), L.W.T. Wickham (P36157) and James C. Bannister (P31394) for leave of absence for a week. The Messers Cookes (P40184) and L.W.T. Wickham () are in ill health and they are to is travel on foot. Motions were severally made seconded end passed that their applications be granted.

At the instance of Mr. Tucker (P43619) a motion was made, seconded, and passed that [EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ]  Mr. J. J. Cocke (P22216) have permission to leave the School of Moral Philosophy. (CB0129)

The Chairman informed the Faculty that two weeks age Mr. Charles


F. Curtis (P29572) left the University without leave and had not yet returned.

A motion was made seconded and passed that the case of Mr. Curtis (P29572) be continued till the Faculty meet again.

The Chairman stated to the Faculty on the information of [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] Dr. Harrison (P25515) that Mr. Alexander Walker (P33315) was in Charlottesville (PL4204) on the - instant with uniform as to coat. Mr. Walker (P33315) was sent for and appeared before the Faculty and said that his uniform coat was too much injured to wear to church; thought it his duty to go church; was not aware that the Faculty refused per- mission to students to go to Church without uniform. The Coat was an old one.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that Mr. Walker (P33315) be re- primanded by the Chairman and his guardian written to.

The Faculty during its present meeting having been interrupted by the intrusion of a [EVENT: General Misconduct:Drinking  ] drunken vagabond into the room, called upon the Janitor to know why it was he suffered him to some in. The Janitor said that the man was told to come in by some students and that three of them Richard J. Cocke (P23455), John G. Cabell (P28338) and hold him so that he could not prevent it. These students were sent for and Mr. Cocke (P23455) appeared before the Faculty and said that they told him through fun to come up; they held Dr. Smith () very slightly and he could easily have gotten loose if they had been diposed to do so, and that the Dr. was as anxious to see the fun as any of them; it was all a freak; is very sorry it was done; meant nothing.

A motion was made seconded and passed that Messers R. J. Cocke (P23455) John G. Cabell (P28338) and be reprimanded by the Chairman.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman.

The Faculty met April 29th, 1837. Present: The Chairman and Professors Harrison (P25515), Magill (P43655), Emmet (P43625), Tucker (P43619), Warner (P43656), and Rogers. (P43658)

The Chairman presented to the Faculty the monthly reports of he standing of the candidates for Graduation in the Schools of Ancient


Languages and Law.

Chairman laid before the Faculty the report of the Cashier of the Bank of Virginia (CB0012) in regard to the amount of the Patron for the month of March.

At the instance of Dr. Magill (P43655) on motion made and seconded, resolved that Thomas W. Baker (P22065) be permitted to become a candidate for a certificate of proficiency in Medical Jurisprudence.

The Chairman stated to the Faculty that Messers Thomas H. Lane (P36906) and Robert Gray (P24527) had applied for permission to leave the University for five days on a visit to Weir's cave (PL7328). On motion made and seconded, Resolved that the permission asked for be refused.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] The Chairman mentioned to the Faculty that Mr. H. B. Tomlin (P43725), a resident student had applied for leave to board, with Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061). Dr. Tomlin (P43725) in above the age of twenty, and Mr. Robert A. Clark (P29337) who now boards with Mrs. B (P44061). will take his place in the University. Mr. Conway (P43888), the Hotel Keeper, consents to this arrangement. A motion was made, seconded and passed that Mr. Tomlin's (P43725) application be granted.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Richard Chapman (P21803) visited Charlottesville (PL4204) on the instant out of uniform in regard to pantaloons and that Mr. Chapman (P21803) had on one former occasion incurred the censure of the Faculty for the same offence.

On motion made and seconded, resolved that Mr. Chapman (P21803) be re- primanded by the Chairman and that his father be written to.

The Chairman called the attention of the Faculty to the great injury resulting to the University from the retail of spirituous and vinous liquors at Huskill's () store near the University. Thereupon the Chairman moved that the Proctor be requested to oppose the grant of a license to Mr. Huskill () to retail spirituous and vinous liquors at his store and for that purpose to employ counsel if he deems it expedient, and that the Chairman be


authorized to prepare a memorial to the Court in the name of the Faculty against the grant of such license, if he shall consider it advisable.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty a letter from Mr. John B. Baldwin (P43748) who was on the 12th instant suspended for the remainder of the Session, praying the Faculty to admit him into the University. Mr. Baldwin Pledges (P43748) himself to comply with all the laws of the University and offers for that purpose whatever surety the Faculty may require, and it appearing to the Faculty that Mr. Baldwin (P43748) was a student of good standing, on motion made and seconded, resolved that his petition be granted, upon the same condition that was imposed in the case of Mr. Wm. A. Nelson. (P35158)

The Chairman laid before the Faculty a letter from Bowyer (P28805) asking for reasons therein stated a rescission of the sentence of suspension passed against his on the 18th instant. The reasons stated in said letter being deemed by the Faculty insufficient, on motion made and seconded, Resolved that the petition of Mr. Bowyer (P28805) be rejected.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty a letter from M. W. W. Boyce (P40570) praying the Faculty to rescind their resolution of the 18th instant suspending said Boyce (P40570) for one month. On motion made and seconded, Resolved that the petition of Mr. Boyce (P40570) be rejected.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty letters from Messers F. A. Briscoe (P27481) and J. Aske Alston (P30257) praying the Faculty for, reasons mentioned in their respective letters to rescind the resolutions of the Faculty of the 18th by which Mr. Briscoe (P27481) was suspended for the remainder of the Session, and Mr. Alston (P30257) for one month. Motions were severally made, seconded and passed that their positions be rejected.

At the instance of Professor Harrison (P25515) and on motion made, seconded and passed, Mr. Robert Gray (P24527) was permitted to leave the School of Ancient Languages. (CB0132)


[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Failure to Appear When Summoned  ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's monthly Report, and it appearing from said report that the following students, namely, A. F. Blunt (P38349), W. H. Battey (P27407), Richard Chapman (P21803), Dewin Conway (P40075), H. F. Cook (P23450), J. T. Dillard (P34471), T. Dussay (), Wm. T. Warly (), Wm. Herring (P41326), W. M. Isbell (P28571), Th. B. Jordon (P24670), Wm C. Knight (P39278), Th. H. lane (P36906), H. H. Lindsay (P23735), L. M. Laws (P35545), A. J. Paxton (P33872), A. H. Powell (P22141), John C. Rogers (P34049), F. T. Ridley (P43189), John M. Sheppard (P23684), J. D. Shields (P27155), J. A. Strother (P37901), C.J. Stuart (P24341), L. B. Thornton (P37509), A. W. Upshur (P31538), A. Walker (P33315), J. P. Wood (P35972), W. P. Whiting (P25952) have repeatedly violated the law regarding early rising. On motion made by Dr. Harrison (P25515) and seconded, resolved that these students be reprimanded by the Chairman, and it appearing that Messers Edwin Conway (P43888), H. Powell (P40958), John C. Rogers (P34049) and L. B. Thornton (P37509) have heretofore been censured by the Faculty for the repeated violations of the name law, Resolved that their Fathers and Guardians be written to.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Procter's supplemental report for the present month; from this report it appears that there are well grounded complaints against Messers Conway (P43888) and Ward (P43873) Hotel- Keepers, in certain particulars. A motion was made, seconded and, passed that the Chairman be requested to admonish these gentlemen on the subject of complaint against them.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's report of assessments for pril; in this report certain errors in the report for the March are pointed and corrected. A motion was made, seconded and passed that the report together with the corrections be adopted.

The Faculty not being satisfied with the improvement as to proficiency made by Messers James M. Brownin (P25967), George W. Barlow (P22856) and Thomas Wilson (P29581), to whom notices of dismissal were given at the last monthly meeting of the Faculty. On motion made and seconded, Resolved that the notices against these students be continued.

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Charles F. Curtis (P29572) left the University were than a fortnight ago without leave and has gone to


Lynchburg (PL4371), Whereupon Mr. Rogers (P43658) offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed.

It appearing that Mr. Charles F. Curtis (P29572) left the University more than a fortnight ago without leave and has gone to Lynchburg (PL4371), and being, moreover under notice of dismission on account of his idleness in his classes and inattention, resolved that he be dismissed from the University.

The Faculty being satisfied that Mr. N. H. H. Allen (P38074) is not making due proficiency in his schools and that Mr. Thomas B. Jordon (P24670) is not making due proficiency in Ancient Languages (CB0132)and Natural Philosophy. (CB0135)Motions were severally made, seconded and passed that their fathers be informed that unless a speedy amendment takes place that they will be dismissed from the University.

The Professors of Chemistry and Materia Medica having reported that Messers W. P. Whiting (P25952) and Thomas D. Armistead () were not sufficiently attentive in his school. A motion was made, seconded and passed that the Chairman be requested to admonish these gentleman in regard to their inattention.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman

The Faculty met May 1st, 1837. Present the Chairman and Professors Blaettermann (P43621), Warner (P43656), Magill (P43655), Rogers (P43658), Emmet (P43625), and Harrison. (P25515)

The Chairman called the attention of the Faculty to the case of [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ]  Mr. Francis W. Gilmer (P31348) who was on night on the ultimo one of a party who went to Charlottesville (PL4204) and that he as the Chairman understood with others became extremely intoxicated by first drinking at some place not known to the Chairman and afterwards at Keller's Tavern (PL8528); that Mr. Gilmer (P31348) on the return of the party to the University was accidently shot by a member of the party and severely wounded. Mr. Gilmer (P31348) has now sufficiently recovered from his wound to appear before the Faculty. He was accordingly summoned before the Faculty, appeared and said that he went to town that


evening; it was not a public house at which they ate oranges and drank claret punch; went to eat oranges and drink punch; did not drink at the place at which they first intended. Was not at all intoxicated; was entirely sober when shot; was asked if he returned with the party; said that he brought one of them up; Mr. Baldwin (P43748), Mr. Chapman (P25161) and himself arrived at College at the same time; had no pistol; was asked if he drank; declined answering; did not go to Keller's (PL8528) with the party; did go to Keller's (PL8528); being again asked with regard to drinking, admits that he drank a little, as little as respect to the company would permit; did not want to drink.

Dr. Magill (P43655) then made a motion which was seconded and passed that Mr. Francis W. Gilmer (P31348) be [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] suspended for one month and be required to spend the period of suspension at home.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty a letter from Judge Field John M. Patton () and others asking the Faculty for reasons therein stated to readmit Mr. James Chapman (P25161) into the University, Mr. Chapman (P25161) who was by a resolution of the Faculty of the 12th ult. dismissed from the University. On motion made and seconded, Resolved that the Faculty regret that regard to the discipline of the Institution would render it highly inexpedient to readmit Mr. James Chapman (P25161) into the University, and therefore they are reluctantly compelled to decline complying with the request of Judge Field and Mr. Patton () and others.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman

The Faculty met May 17th, 1837. Present; The Chairman and Professors Blaettermann (P43621), Harrison (P25515), Rogers (P43658), Warner (P43656), Tucker. (P43619)

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the report of the Cashier of the Bank of Virginia () for the month of April in regard to the Patrons' accounts.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Librarian's bi - monthly



The Chairman informed the Faculty that on the night of the instant at a late hour Mr. Wm T. Early (P37882) encountered the patrol in Charlottes- ville (PL4204) whom he abused and for which he had been presented by the Grand Jury (CB0114). The Captain of the Patrol informed the Proctor that on that ocasion [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ] Mr. Early (P37882) had a bottle of wine and that he went into Keller's Tavern. (PL8528)

Mr. Early (P37882) having been summoned before the Faculty appeared and said that between 8&9 o'clock he went to town; it was between 10 & 11 when he last encountered the patrol; was returning. The bottle contained no intoxicating liquor; was asked if it was water; said it might be called water; got it to throw on the Patrol; went to Keller's Tavern (PL8528), but the door being closed could not get in; was not in Keller's Tavern (PL8528) that night; went there as an excuse for following the patrol; had but the one bottle along.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that Mr. Early's (P37882) case be deferred for further inquiry until the next meeting of the Faculty.

The Chairman informed the Faculty on the Report of the Proctor that Messers Alesander Walker (P33315) and Mr. H. Mason (P40863) dined at Vowle's Tavern (PL8552) on Saturday last.

These gentlemen having been sent for, Mr. Mason (P40863) appeared and said that he did dine at the Tavern (PL8552); went to Charlottesville (PL4204) to hear the argu- ments in the Criminal case than pending in Court; became hungry and went in at the second table; had declined an invitation to the first by a friend from Hanover (PL4934). He drank a half of glass of today.

Mr. Walker (P33315) said that he ate no breakfast; that he was fearful that the loss of dinner also would made him sick; could get nothing to eat elsewhere than at the Tavern. ()

Motions were severally made seconded and passed that Messers Alexander Walker (P33315) and Wm H. Mason (P40863) be [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ]  suspended for one week and that Mr. Walker (P33315) be required to spend the period of his suspension at Mrs. Clark's () and that Mr. Mason (P40863) be required to go home to his Uncle's in the country.


The Chairman laid before the Faculty a letter from Messers John. W. Harris (P27755), E. D. Towner (P30256) and Tully R. Cornick (P21769) asking the Faculty for reasons therein [EVENT: Student Status:Readmission  ] stated to readmit Michal M. Bowyer (P27244) who was on the 18th suspended for six weeks, Whereupon a motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Bowyer (P27244) be readmitted upon the same conditions as imposed in the case of Mr. Wm. A Nelson. (P35158)

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] Mr. Wiley P. Harris (P26162) applied through the Chairman for permission to leave the School of Ancient Languages. (CB0132) He attends four school A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted.

Messers Walton C. Gray (P28424) and Tully R. Cornick (P21769) applied through the Chairman for leave to have a separate examination for Graduation in Law on Monday next. Motions were severally made, seconded and passed that their applications be granted.

Mr. William H. Walton (P28796) applied through the Chairman for permission to leave of absence for ten days to visit his relations in Hanover (PL4934). He has been in bad health. A motion was made, seconded and passed that his applic- ation be granted.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] Mr. Levin S. Joynes (P22495) applied through the Chairman for permission to leave the Class of Italian. A motion was made, seconded and passed that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. S.J. Edmunds (P32769) was at a prayer meeting at Mr. M. Kenneis' (P44170) on Sunday night without Uniform as to coat.

Mr. Edmunds (P32769) was sent for and appeared before the Faculty. He lives at Mr. Jones' (P22495) next door to Mr. M. Kenneis; (P44170) had just left his room and was passing by Mr. M. Kenneis' (P44170) When Mr. M. K (P44170). invited him upstairs. He did not think of getting his uniform which is a very rusty one. Should Not have gone if he thought he was violating the law.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that Mr. Edmunds (P32769) be


reprimanded by the Chairman.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty a letter from Messer Alfred H. Powell (P22141) and other students praying the Faculty for reasons therein stated to readmit into the University Mr. James Chapman (P25161) who was dismissed on the 12th ultime.

A motion was made, seconded & passed that the request of Messers Powell () and others be not granted.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty a letter from Mrs. S.D. Briscoe (P44965), mother and guardian of Mr. F. A. Briscoe (P27481) who was on the 18th ult suspended for the remainder of the Session, asking the Faculty to readmit her son into the University.

On motion made and seconded, Resolved that the Faculty deem it inexpedient to readmit Mr. F. A. Briscoe. (P27481)

The Faculty then adjourned

J. A.G. Davis (P33195), Chairman.

The Faculty met May 26th, 1837. Present: The Chairman and Professors Blaettermann (P43621), Harrison (P25515), Emmet (P43625), Warner (P43656), Bonnycastle (P43623) and Rogers. (P43658)

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] Mr. Thomas R. Cocke (P32560) applied through the Chairman for permission to leave the School of Modern Languages. (CB0133) He attends the three Medical Schools.

A Motion was made, seconded and passed that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. William J. Robertson (P39501) occupies a dormitory now uncovered and applies throught the Chairman for permission to remove to a room in Dr. Blaettermann's (P43621) house, and remain until his dormitory shall be fit to occupy.

Mr. William A. Nelson (P35158) applied through the Chairman for permission to become a candidate for a certificate of Proficiency in Medical Juris- prudence. A motion was made, seconded and passed that his application be not granted.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] Dr. M. T. C. Johnston (P34949) applied through the Chairman for permission


to leave the School of Mathematics. (CB0134)He attends four schools. A motion was made, seconded and passed that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University  ] Mr. Michael M. Bowyer (P27244) applied through the Chairman for permission to leave the University. His reasons being deemed satisfactory, a motion was made, seconded and passed that his application be granted.

At the request of Dr. Harrison (P25515) the examination for Graduation in the Latin Language appointed for June 13th is changed to June 9th and that on Greek is changed from June 3th to June 5th.

At the request of Dr. Blaettermann (P43621) the examination for Graduation in Anglo-Saxon in History and Literature is appointed on June 15th.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Report of the Electors appointed by the students to choose Orators and Essayists for the Public Day at the Close of the Session, by which it appears that the following students were chosen b them:

Motions were severally made, seconded and passed that the nominations of Messers Christian (P28847), Wickham (P42397), Skinker (P41455) and Nelson (P29581) be approved and confirmed and that that of Mr. Wilson (P29581) be postponed for further information.

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. J. Aske Alston (P30257) who was on the 18th ult suspended for one month and required to spend the time of suspension on at Bocock's Tavern (PL8596), has failed to comply with the re- quisition of the Faculty, and had spent most of his time in the immediate neighbor hood of the University.

Mr. Alston (P30257) was sent for and appeared before the Faculty. He had


no excuse to offer whatever; had determined to withdraw, and asked the Faculty to allow him to do so.

Mr. Rogers (P43658) offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed;

It appearing that Mr. J. Aske Alston (P30257) did not remain at Bocock's Tavern (PL8596) during his suspension as required by the sentence of the Faculty, and that since his return he had not attended his classes, Resolved that he be suspended to the remainder of the Session and required to go home.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct  ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty a letter from Col. Ward (P43873) complaining that on the 21st instant at dinner the conduct of Mr. Nathaniel Burwell (P29937) was disorderly and insulting. Col. Ward (P43873) discovered a pointer in his dinning room and kicked him. Mr. Burwell (P29937) inquired to know who kicked the dog. Col. Ward (P43873) replied that he kicked him. Soon after Mr. Burwell (P29937) remarked that he had the will but not the power to kick Col. Ward (P43873). Shortly after Col. Ward's (P43873) eyes being directed towards Mr. B (P29937) the latter accosted him in the following language "What are you looking at me for? I'm not going to steal any of your diamond plates". On Withdrawing from the room Mr. Burwell (P29937) stoped and gaxed at Col. Ward (P43873) for some moments in a most insolent manner.

Mr. Burwell (P29937) was summoned before the Faculty and appeared. He said that when he made the inquiry as to the kicking of the dog, he supposed he was speaking to a servant. His first remark on being informed by Col. Ward (P43873) that he kicked the dog was "it does not require a man of judgment to kick a dog". It was not until some time agtor when he saw Col. Ward () looking at him as he supposed in an insulting manner that he re- marked that he had the will but not the power to kick Col. Ward (P43873). This remark was illicited not by the kicking of the dog, but by Col. Ward's (P43873) whole conduct towards him. The dog had been Mr. Burwell's (P29937). He had given him away. On that day he had gooten loose and followed him into the college. Had told


Col. Ward (P43873) in the presence of Col. Woodley (P44018) that if the Col. did not intend to insult him he was sorry for what he had said and would retract it.

Col. Ward (P43873) having been requested to appear before the Faculty, appeared and said that Mr. Burwell's (P29937) department previously had not been good. He often enters the dinning room singing and whistling; wears his hat at the table constantly. The letter which was before the Faculty was read to Mr. Burwell (P29937) in the presence of Mr. Baldwin (P43748) and the facts told and detailed in it admitted to be true. Did not hear Mr. Burwell (P29937) make the remark "It does not require a man of judgment to kick a dog". Had he heard such a remark should have considered it as an aggravation of Mr. Burwell's (P29937) offence and reported it as such.

Dr. Harrison (P25515) offered the following resolution Mr. Nathaniel Burwell's (P29937) conduct at his Hotel the 24th instant being disorderly and in- sulting to the Hotel-keeper, Resolved that he be suspended to the end of the Session.

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) moved that the resolution be aminded by striking out all after the word resolved and inserting the words" That he be dismissed from the University".

The question was then put upon the amendment and decided in the Affirmative.

The Resolution as amended was then passed in the following form: Mr. Nathaniel Burwell's (P29937) conduct at his Hotel the 24th instant being disorderly and insulting to the Hotel-keeper,[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal  ]  Resolved that he be dismissed from the University.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195) Chairman.

The Faculty met May 31st, 1837. Present: the Chairman and Professors Tucker (P43619), Blaettermann (P43621), Rogers (P43658), Harrison (P25515), Bonnycastle (P43623), Emmet (P43625), Warner. (P43656)

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the monthly reports of the Standing of the Candidate a for Graduation in the Schools of Ancient Languages and Law.


The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's Report of Assessments for the month of May. A motion was made, seconded and passed that the report be confirmed.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the monthly report of the Proctor. From the report it appears that Messers J.C. Rogers (P34049) and Alfred H. Powell (P40958) who have been twice before brought to the notice of the Faculty for frequent violations of the law [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Failure to Appear When Summoned  ] regarding early rising, have violated the same law during the present month repeatedly. That Mr. Jeremiah W. Sims (P43422) who once before incurred the censure of the Faculty had violated the law in the same particular ten times, and that the same law had been violated by Mr. J.J. Cocke (P22216) twelve times, by Mr. Daniel (P21962) eleven times and by Mr. Early (P37882) ten times.

These gentlemen were summoned to appear before the Faculty.

Mr. John C. Rogers (P34049) appeared and said that he had no excuse to offer. Studies until 12 o'clock and it makes him sick to rise early.

Mr. Powell (P40958) said that he could not wake up. Studies until 12 or 1 o'clock. Can study better at night.

Mr. John J. Cocke (P22216) appeared and said that he cannot get to sleep, even when he goes early to bed, till 12 o'clock. Before he came to the University was in the habit of rising about 7 or 8 oclock.

Mr. Sims (P43422) appeared and said that he had been sitting up late preparing for examinations for Graduation. Goes to bed about 12.

Mr. Daniel (P21962) said that he was caught in bed four times before he know it. Thought he would be punished as much for four times as for 11.

Dr. Emmet (P43625) offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed.

Received that Messers John C. Rogers (P34049), R.H. Powell (), J.J. Cocke (), J.W. Sims (P43422), J. M. Daniel (P21962), and Wm T. Early (P37882) be reprimanded by the Chairman for their frequent violations of the law regarding early rising and that their parents and guardians be written to.


Mr. Nathaniel Burwell (P29937) who was at the last meeting of the Faculty dismissed for insulting his Hotel keeper applied through the Chairman for a reconsideration of the sentence, and asks to be premitted to intro- duce the testimony of Messers Wm. B. Johnston (P22628) and C.J. Stuart (P24341) who were present on the occasion which gave rise to his dismissal.

These gentlemen were admitted before the Faculty.

Mr. Johnson (P37724) said that he saw the dog kicked. Mr. Burnwell (P29937) turned and said in a laughing mood that it was a hard kick, then went to eating again. Some short time after he asked who kicked the dog. Col. Ward (P43873) immediately stopped up and said, "I kicked the dog". Mr. Burwell (P29937) then said in a low voice not directed towards Col. Ward," (P43873) It does not require a man of judgment to kick a dog". Col. Ward (P43873) came up several times towards Mr. B (P29937). and asked "What did you say Sir?" Mr. Burwell (P29937) then said, he had the will if he had the power to kick Col. Ward". (P43873)

Mr. Stuart (P24341) stated that his recollection of the facts agreed with the statement made by Mr. Johnson (P37724) except that he thinks Mr. Burwell (P29937) asked who kicked the dog immediately after the dog was kicked; believes that what Mr. Burwell (P29937) said to Col. Ward (P43873) was drawn from him by the Col's manner and not by the kicking of the dog.

On motion of Mr. Rogers (P43658), Resolved that the sentence of dis- missal passed against Mr. Burwell (P29937) on the 31st ult. be changed to suspension to the end of the session and that he be required to go home.

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) made a motion which was seconded and passed that the final examination in Professor Magill's (P43655) department of the School of Medicine be dispensed with.

At the instance of Professors Warner (P43656) and Harrison (P25515) the examinations for Graduation on the following are changed to the following dates:

The Chairman informed the Faculty on the report of the Proctor that Mr. James H. Bowyer (P28805) had contracted a debt with a tailor in Charlottes- ville (PL4204) amounting to 108 dollars A another witha shoe-maker of 30 dollars.

The Chairman had sent for Mr. Bowyer (P28805) and his excuse was that he had purchased no more clothing than was necessary, and as his father had not placed funds into the hands of the Patron, he was compelled to go into debt.

A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. James H. Bowyer (P28805) be reprimanded by the Chairman and that his father be written to.

The Chairman stated to the Faculty that Mr. William J. Fort (P28519) of Mississippi (PL4259) arrived at the University at too late a period last session to become a student; that from that time till the commencement of the present session he remained in Charlottesville (PL4204) and purchased clothing which he did not pay for at the time to the amount of about $40.; on matriculating he deposited all his funds in the Patron's hands without having liquidated his debt.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that the Patron be author- ised to pay the accounts so contracted to the amount of $40. out of Mr. Fort's (P28519) funds deposited for miscellaneous purposes.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman