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The Faculty met June 3rd, 1837. Present: The Chairman () and Professors Blaettermann (P43621), Harrison (P25515), Warner (P43656), Tucker. (P43619)

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that he had failed in obtaining any further information in the case of Mr. William T. Early (P37882) who was brought before the Faculty on the 17th ult on a charge of having had a bottle of wine and of visiting Keller's Tavern (PL8528) in reference to that charge,


but that he had received information that on the Sunday night succeeding that on which he encountered the Patrol M. Early (P37882) was drunk at Keller's Tavern. (PL8528)

Mr. Early (P37882) having been summoned before the Faculty appeared and said that he was at Keller's (PL8528) but not intoxicated to the extent stated; drank a julip and glass of sangares; it was about eight o'clock: returned to the University; others were with him; called to see an acquaintance.

Dr. Harrison (P25515) proposed the following resolution which was seconded and passed.

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] The Faculty having satisfactory information that Mr. Early (P37882) visited a Tavern (PL8556) in Charlottesville (PL4204) and drank there to excess, Resolved that he be suspended for a fortnight, the period of his suspension having been made shorter than it would otherwise have been in view of his approaching examinations; and that he be required to spend the period of his suspension at home.

Mr. Charles S. Lewis (P24108) applied through the Chairman to be exempt from the final examinations on account of bad health. Dr. Warner (P43656) having satisfied the Faculty that Mr. Lewis' (P24108) application is reasonable, a motion was made, seconded and passed that it be granted.

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Illuminations  ] Messers. Wm H. Battey (P27407), Geo. F. Harrison (P28562), S. P. Gates (P23773) and A. E. Maxwell (P41828) made application through the Chairman for permission to go to Wier's Cave (PL7328) on occasion of an illumination and Ball. A motion was made, seconded and passed that their application be not granted.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] Mr. Robert H. Hare (P35699) made application through the Chairman for permission to leave the School of Modern languages in order that he may devote his time exclusively to Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. He had received from his father a letter advising him to this course. A motion was made, seconded and passed that Mr. Hare's (P35699) application be granted.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. James C. Bannister (P31394) had visited Charlottesville (PL4204) on the instant out of uniform as to coat. He had sent for Mr. Bannister (P31394) and his only excuse was that he did not go to Charlottesville (PL4204) on a


[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Failure to Appear When Summoned  ] visit Mr. Bannister (P31394) was sent for to appear before the Faculty but could not found by the Janitor. A motion was thereupon made, seconded and passed that he be reprimanded by the Chairman and that his mother be written to.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Surgery  ] At the instance of Dr. Warner (P43656) a motion was made seconded and passed that the final Examination on Surgery be held on the 26th of June, before the commencement of the other examinations.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek  ] Dr. Harrison (P25515) requested to have the final examination of the senior Greek Class on Monday next, assigning as a reason, besides the fact that the class now consists of but 4 or 5, the rest being candidates for graduation, that his increased duties on committees of examination, render it desirable that he shall have the examinations early, and as the lectures to this class are concluded, the examination by be held without inconvenience to the class.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that Dr. Harrison's (P25515) request be granted.

The Faculty then adjourned.

J.A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman.

The Faculty met June 8th, 1837, Present: The Chairman and Professors Blaettermann (P43621), Tucker (P43619), Rogers (P43658), Emmet (P43625), Bonnycastle (P43623), Harrison (P25515) and Warner. (P43656)

[EVENT: Student Misconduct  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Joseph D. Shields (P27155) had violated the Enactments is entertainint in his room Mr. Robert B. Scott (P37911) who had been dismissed from the University. Mr. Scott (P37911) was found in bed in Mr. Shield's (P27155) room by an officer of the University.

Mr. Shields (P27155) was summoned before the Faculty appeared and said that he was not aware that there existed any prohibition in regard to Mr. Scott's (P37911) visiting the University. They were in town together and Mr. Scott (P37911) proposed to visit the Uni- versity and spend the night with him; being his friend he could not refuse him; did not regard himas a dismissed student; considered him as a private citizen; did not intend to shelter him because he considered him persecuted by the Faculty.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that Mr. Shields (P27155) be reprimanded by the Chairman.


[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Wm. J. Robertson (P39501) obtained leave to attend church in the University on Sunday last without uniform; that he were a coat on that occasion which the Proctor believed was now and that the inference was that Mr. Robertson (P39501) had recently purchased this coat in violation of law. On being summoned before the Chairman this presumption was strengthened by Mr. Robertson's (P39501) refusing to answer any questions.

Mr. Robertson (P39501) was then summoned before the Faculty, appeared and refused to answer any question in relation to the Charge of having purchased a coat not uniform.

Mr. Tucker (P43619) proposed the following resolution which was seconded and passed.

The Faculty having satisfactory evidence that Mr. William J. Robertson (P39501) on Sunday the 4th instant were a new coat which they had reason to believe he had purchased contrary to the enactments prescribing uniform, and he failing to repel the presumption by any counter testimony or declaration, therefore,

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] Resolved that he be suspended for one week and required to go to Bocock's. (PL8596)

[EVENT: University Administration:Banking  ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Bank report for the month of May in relation to the Patron's account.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry  ] Mr. Francis W. Gilmer (P31348) made application through the Chairman for permission to be exempt from the final examination on Chemistry. He has lost much time in consequence of having been accidently wounded. A motion was made, seconded and passed that his application be not granted.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Samuel W. Ingo (P31585) attended Church on Sunday without uniform; on being summoned before the Chairman, his excuse was that he was not aware that he was violating the Law. A motion was made, seconded and passed that Mr. Ingo (P31585) be reprimanded by the Chairman.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Verbal Assault  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that it had been reported to him by Professor Blaettermann (P43621) that Messers Francis W. Gilmer (P31348) and Oliver L. Battle (P36707) were guilty of profane swearing and disorderly conduct whilst engaged with others in a game of marbles immediately in front of professor Blaettermann's (P43621) house,


notwithstanding a request made by the Professor that they would not swear, they still continued to swear and be disorderly.

Messers Gilmer (P31348) and Battle (P36707) having been summoned before the Faculty appeared and said that they did not swear after being spoken to by Dr. Blaettermann (P43621). Mr. Gilmer (P31348) may have sworn once after the Doctor spoke to him and before he went to the Chairman, after the later event he is certain that he did not swear.

Neither of them swore intentionally; it was accidental when they did, and they intended no disrespect. A motion was made, seconded and passed that Messers Gilmer (P31348) and Battle (P36707) be reprimanded by the Chairman.

The Chairman proposed the following resolution which was seconded and passed:

[EVENT: University Administration:Student Restrictions  ] The Practice of playing with marbles under the Arcades on the lawn being productive of much inconvenience and disorder, it is therefore prohibited in future.

The Faculty adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman.

The Faculty met June 16th, 1837. Present: The Chairman and Professors Blaettermann (P43621), Rogers (P43658), Harrison (P25515), Warner (P43656) and Emmet. (P43625)

At the instance of Professor Blaettermann (P43621) the Examination for Graduation on Anglo-Sexon appointed for the 15th instant is postponed to the 26th.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University  ] The Following students made application through the Chairman for permission to withdraw from the University: Wm. P. Whiting (P25952), John J. Cocke (P22216), and Jacob H. O'Cain (P31065) who are twenty one years old, Thomas Mangy () who will be of age in a few days, John C. Rogers (P34049) and Thomas R. Cocke (P32560) who have permission from their parents and Robert Douthal (P26663) and Wm. C. Stribling (P32347) who has not only the consent but are directed by their parents to return home.

A motion was made, seconded and passed that the foregoing applications be granted.

Mr. Philip B.D.H. Cutter (P41621) who has been in bad health, made application through the Chairman to go exempt from the final examination. A motion was


made, seconded and passed that his application be granted.

Dr. Malcom W. Smith (P22844) who has been absent from the University nearly the whole session on account of ill health applied through the chairman for permission to be exempt from the final Examinations.

A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry  ] Mr. Cornelius R. Hite (P25233) made application through the Chairman for a re- examination for graduation in Chemistry. On motion made and seconded, Resolved that it is inexpedient to grant Mr. Rite (P25233) the reexamination applied for.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek  ] Mr. Thomas B. Jordan (P24670) made application through Dr. Harrison (P25515) to be except from the Final Examination in the Junior Greek Class. For reasons deemed satis- factory and on motion made and seconded, Resolved that Mr. Jordan's (P24670) application be granted.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Law:Medical  ] Dr. Warner (P43656) Chairman of the Committee appointed to examine the Candidates for certificates of Proficiency in the Class of Medical Jurisprudence, made a favorable report in regard to the examinations of Thomas W. Baker (P22065), A. T. M. Cooke (P40184), Francis A. Effinger (P31337), Thomas C. Madison (P21945), Joseph B. Wilkinson (P35788), W.A. Nelson (P35158), Clement C. Watkins (P27752), and Cornelius B. Hite. (P25233)

A motion was made seconded and passed that the report be confirmed.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Natural Philosophy  ] At the request of Professor Rogers (P43658), the 28th instant is appointed for the last examination for Graduation in Natural Philosophy, and the 26th instant for the examination of Candidates for Graduation in the Philosophical Department of Civil Engineering.

The Faculty then adjourned,

J. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman

At a meeting of the Faculty June 21st, 1837. Present: The Chairman and professors Blaettermann (P43621), Harrison (P25515), Rogers (P43658), Tucker (P43619), Emmet (P43625) and Bonnycastle. (P43623)

Mr. Tucker (P43619) proposed the following preamble and resolutions which were seconded and adopted unanimously.

The Faculty of the University of Virginia (PL4214) having this day received


intelligence of the death of Dr. Alfred T. Magill (P43655), Professor of Medicine in this Institution, in expressing their feelings of lively regret for the loss of a friend and associate, cannot forbear to record their testimony to his moral and Professional worth. We have for four years witnessed the fidelity and ability with which he has discharged his duties as a Professor, his just and delicate sense of honor, his happy union of the mild and severe virtues which at once obtained for him the general esteem of his acquaintance and endeared him to their affections.

Resolved therefore, that as a small taken of our respect and affectionate remembrance, we will wear crape on the left arm for thirty days.

That the Chairman be requested to express to his widow our heartfelt sympathy in or affliction.

That these resolution be sent to the Charlottesville () Newspapers, the National Intelligencer, Richmond () Enquirer and Whig.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine  ] At the instance of Professor Bonnycastle (P43623) the 24th instant is appointed for the examination of Mr. Daniel S. Triplett (P22654) for Graduation in Mathematics.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine  ] Mr. T. Dupsey (P22245), a candidate for Graduation in Medicine applied through the Chairman for permission to be re-examined in [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Anatomy  ]  Anatomy. A motion was made, seconded, and passed that his application be granted and that his examin- ation be held on the 26th instant.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University  ] Mr. Benjamin W. Belschers (P22391) and Mr. Robert H. Hare (P35699) who have been in bad health, made application through the Chairman for permission to withdraw from the University. Motions were severally made, seconded and passed that their applications be granted on the condition that they go home immediately.

Mr. Samuel P. Gates (P23773) made application through the Chairman to be exempt from the final examinations. He Matriculated about the first of April. A motion was made, seconded and passed that his application be granted.

The Examinations for graduation in the following schools were changed from the days heretofore appointed for them to the following:

The Faculty then adjourned.

J. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman

The Faculty met July 3rd, 1837. Present all members.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Mr. James T. Dillard (P34471) applied through the Chairman to be excused from the examination in the School of Mathematics.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Latin  ] Mr. S. W. T. Wickham () applied through the Chairman to be exempted from the final examination in the Latin Classes.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University  ] Mr. Thomas W. Baker (P22065) applied for permission to withdraw from the University as of the 24th ult.

Motions were severally made, seconded and passed that the foregoing applications be granted.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Thomas A. Wilson (P29581) has left the University without permission. [EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal  ] Whereupon a motion was made, seconded and passed that Mr. Wilson (P29581) be dismissed.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. John P. Wood (P35972) had left the University without settling his accounts with the Patron and making the declaration required by law, Whereupon a motion was made, seconded and passed that Mr. Wood (P35972) be dismissed.

Dr. Rogers (P43658) submitted the following resolution which was seconded and passed.

Resolved that when a student has stood his Examinations as a Candidate for degree in any school and gailed, the Committee may excuse him from the public examinations immediately succeeding in that School.

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) from the committee on the subject of idleness and Blanks made the following report:

The Committee appointed to consider what means may exist of preventing the evil at present arising from the idleness of Junior and other students, many of whom, as well at their daily as at their general examinations, exhibit


proofs of such idleness and inattention to their studies as cannot but prove highly detrimental to the University.

Report that whilst it seems very difficult to maintain such a check upon the idle and inattentive as shall oblige them to fulfill, to the extent desirable, the purposes for which they came to the University, yet it appears possible to diminish this evil and to devise such rules which tending to give uniformity to the reports of inattention and idleness in the several schools and to make known to the Faculty at an early period the names of those whose timely re- moval would doubtless prevent many of the disturbances to which the University has been exposed and also prove a beneficial stimulus to that large portion of the students whose youth and want of habits of self-command are the chief sources of their errors.

To effect as far as seems possible these beneficial objects the Committee recommend:

(1) That it should be made an especial duty of the Chairman at each monthly meeting to call upon the professors individually for the names of such students as the latter may consider as not doing any good. That it should also be made the duty of the Professor to come provided with a written report of the attendence and proficiency of such students arranged as far as possible numerically and that the secretary, having previously drawn cut in the Faculty minutes a list of the several schools, should be required to enter opposite to each the report of the Professor or when no report was returned, to make an entry to that effect.

(2) That three examinations instead of two should be held during the year and that in all cases except those of students who have been unavoidably absent from one examination, the joint and not the separate results of the three, should be reported at the close of the session; and, lastly, that to remove much as the increased labour that would result to the Professors, two members of the Faculty should be regarded as consituting a Committee.

C. Bonnyecastle (P43623), Chairman of the Committee


A motion was made, seconded, and passed that the first resolution of the Committee be adopted.

[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:English  ] The Report of the Committee to examine the Candidates for Graduation on the English Language was laid before the Faculty, and on motion made, seconded, and passed was confirmed.

Reports from the Committees appointed to examine the Classes in the various Schools of the University at the Intermediate and Final Examinations were laid before the Faculty and on motions severally made, seconded and passed, were confirmed.

Those distinguished are as follows:

[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages  ] School of Ancient Languages


Student's name examination Residence
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Latin  ] Jun. Latin Class
George Carr (P23591) 1st Charlottesville (PL4204)
George A. Harper (P31851) 2nd Dinwiddie (PL4301)
Wm. K. Pentleton (P) 2nd Orange (PL4264)
C.R.G. Slaughter (P37143) 2 Charlottesville (PL4204)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Latin  ] Senior Latin
A. G. Dulaney (P39810) 2 Orange (PL4264)
Wm. G. T. Nelson (P23707) 2 Lousia (PL4338)
Wm. B. Phillips (P44267) 2 Charlottesville (PL4204)
C. R. G. Slaughter (P37143) 2 Charlottesville (PL4204)
Thomas H. Watts (P37123) 2 Alabama (PL4236)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek  ] Junior Greek
George Carr (P23591) 1st Charlottesville (PL4204)
John M. Garnett (P27042) 2nd King and Queen (PL4706)
George A. Harper (P31851) 1st Dinwiddie (PL4301)
Wm.G. Phillips () 1st Charlottesville (PL4204)
C.R.G. Slaughter (P37143) 1st and 2nd "
C.D. Wharton (P41946) 1st Goochland (PL4579)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek  ] Senior Greek examination Residence
G. H. Guerard (P36335) 2nd South Carolina (PL4249)
C.D. Wharton (P41946) 1st and 2nd Goochland, Virginia (PL4579)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages  ] Modern Languages


[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:French  ] Junior French
James H. Bowyer (P35332) 2nd Rockbridge, Virginia (PL4376)
Richard W. Bushnell (P25965) 1st and 2nd Rocking-ham " (PL4879)
Charles Carter (P33554) 1st and 2nd Hanover " (PL4934)
Richard J. Cocke (P23455) 1st and 2nd Powhatan " (PL4528)
Wiley P. Harris (P26162) 2nd Rankin, Mississippi (PL5962)
James Alfred Jones () 2nd Mecklenburg, Virginia (PL7273)
William C. Knight (P39278) 1st Cumberland (PL4911)
Wm. G. T. Nelson () 2nd Lousia (PL4338)
C.R. G. Slaughter (P37143) 1st and 2nd Charlottesville (PL4204)
L. B. Thorton () 1st Spotsylvania (PL5046)
Alex Walker (P33315) 2nd Fredericksburg (PL4252)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:French  ] Senior French
Wm. W. Boyce (P40570) 2nd Charleston S. C. (PL4447)
James M. Jackson (P34463) 2nd Harrison, Virginia ()
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:Spanish  ] Junior Spanish
Daniel B. Bascome (P30720) 2nd Turk's Island (PL8356)
Richard W. Bushnell (P25965) 1st and 2nd Rockingham, Virginia (PL4879)
Richard J. Cocke (P23455) 2nd Powhatan, " (PL4528)
Donald M. Harrison (P23946) 1 Rankin, Mississippi (PL5962)
James A. Jones () 1st and 2nd Mecklenburg, Virginia (PL7273)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:Italian  ] Junior Italian
James A. Jones () 1st and 2nd Mecklenburg, Virginia (PL7273)
Lume Saunders () 1 Lunenburg, Virginia (PL6021)
Wm. J. Robertson (P39501) 1st Albemarle (PL5392)
C.R.G. Slaughter (P37413) 1st Charlottesville (PL4204)
School of Natural Philosophy
John B. Baldwin (P43748) 1st and 2nd Staunton, Va. (PL4177)
Oliver L. Battle (P36707) 1st and 2nd Hancock Georgia (PL8409)
Solomon Carr (P28385) 1st and 2nd Nansemond, Va. (PL5761)
James A. Duncan (P25046) 2nd Harrison, Virginia ()
Wm. T. Goldsboro (P40023) 2nd Talbot, Maryland (PL7175)
Wiley P. Harris (P26162) 2nd Rankin, Mississippi (PL5962)
James M. Jackson (P34463) 1 and 2 Harrison, Va. ()
Benjamin B. Minor (P29737) 1 and 2 Spotsylvania, Virginia (PL5046)
James Morris (P29967) 1st Charlottesville (PL4204)
Wm. K. Pentleton () 2 Louisa (PL4383)
Wm. J. Robertson (P39501) 2 Albemarle (PL5392)
Samuel Saunders (P30557) 1st and 2nd Lunenburg (PL6021)
Wm. B. Stanard (P40376) 1 and 2 Richmond (PL4241)
Peter K. Skinker (P41455) 1 Fauquier (PL4532)
Geo. Wickham (P42397) 1 and 2 Richmond (PL4241)
[EVENT: Course Reference  ] Class of Mineralogy and Geology
John Critcher (P41383) Jr. 2nd and only exam Essex, Virginia (PL4389)
Wm. S. Goodwin () " " " " Southhampton, Va. (PL4808)
Levin S. Joynes (P22495) " " " " Accomack, Va. (PL4634)
Benjamin B. Minor (P29737) " " " " Spotsylvania (PL5046)
John M. Sheppard (P23684) " " " " Henrico, Va. (PL5431)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry  ] School of Chemistry


Ales T. Brooke (P33809) 2nd Essex, Va. (PL4389)
Cary C. Cocke (P22207) 1st Fluvanna, Va. (PL5384)
Douglas H. Gordon (P26708) 1st Falmouth, Va. (PL4960)
Gerard W. Guerard () 2nd South Carolina (PL4249)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:Italian  ] Senior Italian
Geo. W. Blaettermann (P43621) 1st University of Virginia (PL4214)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:German  ] Senior German
Geo. W. Blaettermann (P43621) 2nd University of Virginia (PL4214)
Samuel Saunders (P30557) 2nd Lunenburg (PL6021 )
[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] School of Mathematics
Junior Class
Richard W. Bushnell (P25965) 1st Rockingham Virginia (PL4879)
John B. Baldwin (P43748) 2nd Staunton " (PL4177)
John G. Cabell (P28338) 2nd Richmond " (PL4241)
James A. Duncan (P25046) 2nd Harrison " ()
G.H. Guerard () 2nd South Carolina (PL4249)
Wm. P. Guerard (P23893) 2nd " "
Feilding F. Marshall (P31864) 2nd Fauquier, Virginia (PL4532)
Wm. B. Phillips (P44267) 2nd Charlottesville (PL4204)
George Wickham (P42397) 2nd Richmond (PL4241)
Intermediate Class
Richard W. Bushnell (P25965) 1st and 2nd Rockingham, Virginia (PL4879)
Solomon Carr (P28385) 1st and 2nd Nansemond, Virginia (PL5761)
John G. Cabell (P28338) 1st and 2nd Richmond City (PL4241)
Terisha J. Dillard () 1st Bedford (PL4278)
Wm. P. Guerard (P23893) 2nd South Carolina (PL4249)
Wm. H. Jones (P29749) 1st Mecklenburg, Virginia (PL7273)
James A. Jones () 1st and 2nd " "
James H. Morson (P35442) 1st Fredericksburg, Va. (PL4252)
James Morris () 1st Charlottesville, Va. (PL4204)
Wm. B. Phillips (P44267) 1st and 2nd Charlottesville, Va. (PL4204)
Rice W. Payne (P28064) 1st and 2nd Fauquier, Va. (PL4532)
R. Sr. Geo. Rust (P31614) 2nd Fauquier (PL4532)


[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry  ] School of Chemistry continued
Wm. J. Robertson (P39501) 2nd Albemarle, Va. (PL5392)
C.C. Watkins (P27752) 2nd Charlotte, Va. (PL4711)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Materia Medica  ] Class of Materia Medica
John Critcher Jr. (P41383) 1st Essex, Virginia (PL4389)
Francis A. Effinger (P31337) 2nd Harrisonburg, Va. (PL4351)
Tho. C. Madison (P21945) 2nd Madison, Va. (PL5471)
Wm. J. Robertson (P39501) 2nd Albemarle, Va. (PL5392)
Thos. S. Robinson () 2nd Chesterfield, Va. (PL4346)
Clement C. Watkins (P27752) 2nd Charlotte, Va. (PL4711)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine  ] School of Medicine
A.T.M. Cooke (P40184) 1st Portsmouth, Va. (PL4269)
John J. Welson () 1st Lousia, Va. (PL4383)
Robert E. Nelson () 1st Louisa, Va. (PL4383)
Th. S. Robinson () 1st Chesterfield, Va. (PL4346)
Wm. P. Whiting (P25952) 1st Cumberland, " (PL4911)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Anatomy  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Surgery  ] School of Anatomy and Surgery
Thomas W. Baker () 1st and 2nd Louisa, Va. (PL4383)
Angus F. Munt () 1 and 2 Brunswick, " (PL4702)
A.T.M. Cooke () 1 Portsmouth, " (PL4269)
F.A. Effinger () 1 Harrisonburg, " (PL4351)
B.E. Guerard () 1and 2 South Carolina (PL4249)
Wm. Herring () 1 and 2 Rockingham, Va. (PL4879)
Charles S. Lewis () 1st Brunswick, Va. (PL4702)
Edward Moore () 1st Opelousas (PL5308) , La.
Colvin C. McRae () 1st Manchester, Virginia (PL4669)
Robert E. Nelson () 1st and 2nd Louisa, Va. (PL4383)
John J. Welson () 1st and 2nd " "
Th S. Robinson () 1st and 2nd Chesterfield, Va. (PL4346)


[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Anatomy  ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Surgery  ] School of Anatomy and Surgery continued
James R. Sneed () 1st Washington, Georgia (PL4187)
Clement C. Watkins () 1st and 2nd Charlotte, Virginia (PL4711)
Jos. B. Wilkinson () 2 Louisiana (PL4231)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy  ] School of Moral Philosophy
James M. Browning () 2 Lowndes, Alabama (PL8412)
Robert A. Clarke () 1st and 2nd Prince Edward, Va. (PL6731)
John G. Cabell () 1st Richmond, Va. (PL4241)
Andrew E. Donnally () 1st Kanawha, Va. (PL5638)
Thos. C. Madison () 1st and 2nd Madison, Va. (PL4636)
W. W. Rivis () 2nd Alabama (PL4236)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Law  ] School of Law
Junior Class
Richard L. Brown () 2 Essex, Virginia (PL4389)
Richard A. Clay-brook () 2 " "
Thomas C. Dabney () 1st King William, Va. (PL5312)
Douglas H. Gordon () 1st Falmouth, Va. (PL4960)
Lume W. Ingo () 2 Mobile, Ala. (PL4334)
Wm. M. Berwick () 2 Maryland (PL4584)
Andrew J. Daxton () 2 Lexington, Va. (PL4276)
Peter K. Skinker () 1st Fauquier, Va. (PL4532)
Senior Class
Richard A. Claybrook () 1st Essex, Va. (PL4389)

Reports from the several committees appointed to examine candidates for Graduation in the various Schools of the University were laid before the Faculty; after due consideration of the said reports, motions were severally made, seconded and passed that the following students be declared Graduates in the Schools here n after mentioned.


Reports were laid before the Faculty from the Committee appointed to examine the Candidates for Certificates of Proficiency in the Classes of [EVENT: Course Reference:Materia Medica  ] Materica, [EVENT: Course Reference:Law:Medical  ] Medical Jurisprudence, [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Physiology  ] Physiology and [EVENT: Course Reference:Political Economy  ] Political Economy, and on motion severally made, seconded and passed, the following students were declared "PROFICIENTS" in their respective classes.

The Faculty then Adjourned-

T. A. G. Davis (P33195), Chairman



The Faculty met September 6th, 1837. Present: The Chairman, professors Blaettermann (P43621), Tucker (P43619), Davis (P33195), and Rogers. (P43658)

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. James Morris (P29967) made application through the Chairman for per- mission to board with his relation Miss Terrel (P43999). On motion made, seconded and passed his application was granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Andrew Pickins (P35746) who is within five months of being twenty years old, made application through the Chairman for permission to board with Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061). A motion was made seconded and passed that his appli- cation be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Messers Clement C. Clay (P30094) and John W. Clay (P35247), brothers, the first of whom is above twenty years old, made application through the Chairman for permission to board with Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061). On motion made and seconded, Resolved that the permission asked for be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Walter E. Preston (P38875) who is within five months of being twenty years old applied through the Chairman for permission to board at Mrs. Brockenbrough's (P44061). A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Charles D. Wharton (P41946) who wants six months of being twenty years old made application through the Chairman for permission to board with his particular friend, Miss Terrell (P43999). On motion made and seconded, resolved, that his request be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] The Chairman mentioned to the Faculty the application of Messers Wm. W. Roper (P27705), Landon Berkeley (P35566), and Alesander H. Rogers (P32297) for permission to board with their relation and particular friend Miss Terrell (P43999). Motions were severally made, seconded and passed that thier applications be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Drury Wood (P23304) made application through the Chairman for permission to board with his brother Thomas Wood (P37674). On motion made and seconded, Resolved that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Benjamin B. Barbour (P38272) made application through the Chairman


for permission to board with his particular friend Miss Terrell (P43999). On motion made and seconded, Resolved that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty a letter from Dr. Charles Morris () asking permission to board his two sons with Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061). Dr. Morris () is of the opinion that the state of their health renders it necessary that this indulgence shall be granted. A motion was made, seconded and passed that this application be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Littleton W. T. Wickham (P36157) made application through the Chairman for permission to board with his particular friend Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061). Mr. Wickham (P36157) boarded last session at Mrs. Brocken- brough's (P44061) with an elder brother. A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Williams Wickham (P26374) made application through the Chairman for permission to board at Mrs. Brockenbrough's (P44061) with his near relation, Mr. Charles Carter (P33554). On motion made and seconded, resolved that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] The Chairman mentioned to the Faculty that Mr. Alexander Van Hamm (P35903) late a student of Jefferson College Pennsylvannia (CB0026) had applied for permission to matriculate and although he had brought no certificate from said College, he had adduced other satisfactory evidence of his good Character. On motion made and seconded, Resolved that Mr. Van Hamm (P35903) have permission to matriculate.

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] Mr. Wm. G. Davies (P36470) late a student of made application through the Chairman for permission to matriculate. He brought with him the necessary certificate of good standing which he exhibited to the former Chairman and has since lost it. The Faculty having also other satisfactory evidence of Mr. Davies (P36470) good Character, On motion made and seconded, Resolved that he have permission to matri- culate.


[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] Mr. Glasscock (), a student dismissed from the University of Alabama (CB0013) , made application through the Chairman for permission to matriculate. The evidence of his good character being entirely satisfac- tory, on motion made and seconded, Resolved that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] Mr. Constable () late of made application through the Chairman for permission to matriculate. The Faculty having satisfactory evidence of his good character, on motion made and seconded, Resolved that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] Messers Russell (P22526), Wm. P. Bayley (), Hamilton (P40627), late student of William and Mary (CB0008) , Montague (P25123), late a student , Hairston (P41505), late of Chapel Hill, N.C. () , Dabney C. Wist (P32022) of Princeton (CB0024) , William S. Barton (P30856) of Bristol (PL4799) , Beverly Tucker (P30144) of Richmond Academy (CB0059) and Richard Beale (P28925) of Dickenson College, Penn () . applied severally through the Chairman for permission to matriculate. These gentlemen failed to bring with them certificates from their respective colleges. Motions were severally, made seconded and passed that they have permission to matriculate on condition that they produce in a reasonable time certificate or other satisfactory evidence of good character.

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] Mr. Falconer (P33166) made application through the Chairman for per- mission to matriculate. Professor Davis (P33195), late Chairman, stated that Mr. Falconer (P33166) had been a student at Princeton (CB0024) and had produced a certificate of good stnding which has been lost. On motion made, seconded and passed, resolved that he have leave to matriculate.

Messers Henry Spencer (P40643), Thomas T. Bouldin (P39401) and Lewis H. Cabell (P32069), severally applied through the Chairman to be exempt from the rules and regulations for the government of students, on the ground that they are more than twenty three years old. Motions were severally made, seconded, and passed that their application be granted.

[EVENT: University Administration:Banking  ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Reports from the Bank


of Virginia (CB0012) for July and August, exhibiting the state of the Patron's accounts.

Mr. Aske Alston () whose application to the Board of Visitors for permission to keep a horse, had been referred by the Board to the Faculty, made application through the Chairman for permission under the resolution to keep a horse on the ground, that it is necessary for the preservation of his health. A motion was made, seconded and passed that the case be postponed for further enquiry.

Monsieur Verly () , a native of France (PL8588) , made application through the Chairman for permission to give instructions on the French Language to such of the students in the School of Modern Languages as may be willing to attend him, at such time and place and upon such terms as the Faculty may prescribe. On motion made and seconded, Resolved that Monsieur Verly's () application be granted and that the Chairman upon consultation with the Professor of Modern Languages have the authority to fix on the time and place of giving the lessons and the compensation therefor.

Dr. Edwin H. Conway (P40075) whose application to the Board of Visitors to occupy a room in the University was referred to the Faculty, made application through the Chairman to the Faculty to assign under the order of the Board an unoccupied room. On motion made and seconded, resolved that Dr. Conway (P40075) be permitted to occupy a room in rear of the Fencing room until it shall be required for the purposes of the University or for the use of one of the Societies.

Mr. Lewis Carusi (P44060), Professor of Dancing, made a written application through the Chairman for permission to give a course of lessons in Dancing, Waltzing etc. to the students, at such place and under such restrictions as the Faculty may prescribe. On motion made and seconded, resolved that Mr. Carusi's (P44060) application be postponed for further consideration.

Mr. Rogers (P43658) offered the following resolution which was


seconded and passed unanimously.

Whereas it has been the Practice of the Professors since the first establishment of the University to allow Ministers of the Gospel and Students of the subject of Theology to attend the Lectures in their respective schools free of charge, but the Faculty having hitherto adopted no formal Resolution on the subject,

Resolved that hereafter it be considered the privilege of persons of other of the above classes to attend the Lectures in any of the Schools without fee.

The Faculty then adjourned.

Gessner Harrison (P25515), Ch n of Fac.

The Faculty met September 11th, 1837. Present: The Chairman and Professors Tucker (P43619), Rogers (P43658), Emmet (P43625) and Blaettermann. (P43621)

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. J. Aske Alston () who is above twenty years old applied through the Chairman for permission to board with Mrs. Jones (P44167). A motion was made, seconded and passed that his application be granted.

Mr. Francis G. Ruffin (P32687) who is more than twenty years old, made application through the Chairman for permission to board with Mr. Isaac White (P44035). On motion made and seconded, Resolved that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Opie Norris Esq., guardian of Mr. Wm. N. Ragland (P32763) made applic- ation through the Chairman for permission for his ward to board with his particular friend Miss Terrell (P43999). On motion made and seconded, Resolved that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Winston (P42112) who is above twenty years old made application through the Chairman for permission to board with Miss Terrell (P43999). On motion made and seconded, Resolved that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Alfred H. Powell (P40958) who wants more than five months of


being twenty years old, made application through the Chairman for per- mission to board with Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061). He has no guardian and is possession of his estate. On motion made and seconded, Resolved that Mr. Powell's (P40958) application be not branted, the Faculty considering that it would be a direct violation of law.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Ranson (P23878) who is above the age of twenty made app- lication through the Chairman for permission to board with Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061). On motion made and seconded, Resolved that his app- lication be granted.

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] Mr. John H. Harrison (P30891) late a student of Richmond Academy (CB0059) , made application through the Chairman for permission to matriculate.

On motion made and seconded, Resolved that Mr. Harrison (P30891) be permitted to Matriculate, on condition that he produce in a reasonable time a certificate or other satisfactory evidence of his good standing at such Academy.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. John A. Strother (P37901) who is above the age of Twenty made application through the Chairman for permission to board with Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061). On motion made and seconded, Resolved that his app- lication be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Thomas Ritche () made application through the Chairman for permission to board with his particular friend Mr. Brockenbrough. (P44061)

On motion made and seconded, Resolved that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. William B. Stanard (P40376) who wants more than five months of being twenty years old, made application through the Chairman for permission to board at Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061). He occupies a dormitory which was reserved by Professor Rogers. (P43658)

On motion made and seconded, Resolved that Mr. Stanard (P40376) be informed that the Faculty have not power to grant his application.

The Faculty then adjourned.

Gessner Harrison (P25515), Ch. Fac.


The Faculty met September 13th, 1837. Present: The Chairman and Professors Tucker (P43619), Rogers (P43658), Davis (P33195), Emmet (P43625), and Blaettermann. (P43621)

On motion made and seconded and in conformity to a Resol- ution of the Board of Visitors referring the subject to the Faculty, Resolved that the Jefferson Society (CB0011) be permitted to have the use of the large room in Hotel C until it shall be wanted for the purposes of the University under such restrictions as the Chairman may deem necessary to preserve it from injury.

Mr. William L. Harris (P28548), a resident student made application through the Chairman to be exempt from the rules and regulations for the government of students, on the ground that he is above the age of twenty three.

A motion made by Mr. Davis (P33195) was seconded and passed that Mr. Harris' (P28548) application be rejected, the Faculty having hereto-fore construed the enactment under which the application is made as not extending to resident students.

On motion made and seconded, Resolved that the resolution of the Faculty of the 6th instant exempting Mr. Henry Spencer (P40643) from the rules and regulations for the government of students be rescinded, Mr. Spencer (P40643) being a resident student.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the written application of Mr. Enoch C. Breedon (P44239) for permission to give lessons in Dancing to the students. Upon Consideration of which and also of the application of Mr. Lewis Carousi (P44060) made on the 6th instant, on motion made and seconded, Resolved that the students have permission to take lessons in Dancing from either of the above gentlemen at their election, at any private house out of the precincts approved by the Chairman, and under such restrictions as to time and price, and under such regulations as the Chairman shall prescribe.


A motion was made, seconded and passed that a committee be appointed to arrange the hours for Extra Lectures and report to the Faculty. Whereupon Mr. Rogers (P43658) and Dr. Blaettermann (P43621) were appointed to constitute the committee and at the request of the Faculty, the Chairman of the Faculty was added thereto.

The Faculty adjourned

Gessner Harrison (P25515), Ch. Fac.

The Faculty met September 30th, 1837. Present: The Chairman and Professors Tucker (P43619), Griffith (P43661), Davis (P33195) and Rogers. (P43658)

Mr. John Harris (P43508) made application through the Chairman to have renewal Diplomas in the following Schools in which he had grad- uated: [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics  ] Mathematics, [EVENT: Course Reference:Natural Philosophy  ] Natural Philosophy, [EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry  ] Chemistry. [EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy  ] Moral Philosophy, and also his certificate of Proficiency in the [EVENT: Course Reference:Political Economy  ] Class of Political Economy. A motion was made, seconded and passed that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Horsley () who is above the age of twenty made application through the Chairman for permission to board with Daniel Perrow (). On motion made and seconded, Resolved that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Carter H. Drew (P39843) who is above the age of Twenty made application through the Chairman for permission to board with Miss Terrell (P43999). On motion made and seconded, resolved that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Sisle Baker () made application through the Chairman for permission to board with his near relation, Mr. Thomas W. Gilmer (). On motion made and seconded, Resolved that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Dr. Frank Carr (P43649) made application through the Chairman for permission to board Mr. Wm M. Seabrook (P40686) with his particular friend and Relative Miss Terrell (P43999). Mr. Seabrook (P40686) has been for two years under Dr. Carr's (P43649) protection. Dr. Carr (P43649) is virtually his guardian.


On motion made and seconded, resolved that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Samuel P. Gates (P23773) made application through the Chairman for permission to board with Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061). He has a letter from his father requesting that he may be permitted to board out of the University on account of his health. Mr. Gates (P23773) had matriculated as a resident student and taken his board at one of the Hotels. Resolved that the application of Mr. Gates (P23773) be refused. The Faculty not having power under the enactments to grant it.

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University  ] Mr. Henry W. Harrison () made application through the Chairman for permission on withdrawing from the University on account of ill health. Mr. Harrison () is afflicted with sore eyes and cannot on that account well study at night, nor as much as he desires during the day. A motion made, seconded and passed, it was decided that his application be not granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Donald M. Harrison (P23946) made application through the Chairman for permission to board at the same house with his brother- in-law, Mr. Pike Powers (P43675). A motion was made, seconded and passed that his application be granted.

Mr. Thomas B. Russell (P22526) made application through the Chairman for permission to leave the School of [EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy  ] Moral Philosophy and to take some other school instead. On motion made and seconded, Resolved that Mr. Russell's (P22526) application be granted.

On motion made and seconded, Resolved that the South West room in Hotel C. be assigned to the Jefferson Society (CB0011) in addition to the large room which was assigned said society by the resolution of the Faculty of the 13th instant, upon the same conditions and under the several restrictions which were imposed by the said resolution.

Mr. Rogers (P43658) from the Committee on Extra Lectures made a


report, which was on motion made, seconded and passed, laid upon the table.

[EVENT: University Administration  ] Mr. Davis (P33195) submitted the following resolution which was seconded and passed: Resolved that the Chairman be requested to inform the young men attending the lectures without having matriculated that they cannot be allowed to continue attending lectures without matriculating or giving to him a satisfactory reason for not doing so. The Faculty then adjourned.

Gessner Harrison (P25515)

The Faculty met October 7th, 1837. Present: The Chairman, Mr. Davis (P33195), Dr. Emmet (P43625), Dr. Griffith (P43661) and Mr. Bonnycastle. (P43623)

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Messers. Shands (P21960), Pickens (P35746) and Ransom () had visited Charlottesville (PL4204) without wearing the uniform prescribed by the enactments. A motion was made by Mr. Davis (P33195) which was seconded and passed that these gentlemen be sent for.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] Mr. Shands (P21960) appeared and in answer to interrogations from the Faculty stated that he accidentally visited Charlottesville (PL4204) and did not think of arranging his dress. After having retired, he returned to the Faculty to explain a mistake in his evidence. He stated that he had called at Mr. Merriwether's () whilst he was out hunting with intention, although his visit to Charlottesville (PL4204) was accidental.

The Chairman communicated to the Faculty the wish of Dr. White (P42012) to have his Diploma renewed. On motion made and seconded Resolved that his request be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. Nicholas T. Sorsby (P43000) made application through the Chair- man for permission to board with Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061). He boarded there last session. On motion made and seconded, Resolved that his application be granted.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. James Bannister (P31394) made application through the Chairman


for permission to board with Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061) on the plea that Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061) had been appointed by his mother as his guardian. Dr. Davis (P33195) moved that Mr. Bannister's (P31394) request should not be granted.

This motion was seconded and passed.

The Chairman asked the sanction of the Faculty in the case of leave of absence granted by him to Messers. C. W. Hardwick (P27412) and Wiley P. Harris (P26162) under peculiar circumstances. On motion made and seconded, Resolved that the action of the Chairman be sanctioned and confirmed.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] Messers Richard B. Gooch (P32133) and J. J. Hite () applied through the Chairman for permission to quit the School of Mathematics on condition of joining another school. On motion made and seconded, Resolved that their request be granted. [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] PP Mr. Andrew L. Pickens (P35746) then appeared be- fore the Faculty and in answer to the Chairman stated that he had forgotten being without uniform until he was in Charlottesville. (PL4204)

The Janitor stated that he could not find Mr. Ransom (). A motion made by Mr. Davis (P33195) was seconded and passed that Mr. Pickens (P35746) be admonished by the Chairman, he having been altogether without uniform. The Faculty then adjourned.

Gessner Harrison (P25515)

The Faculty met October 16th, 1837. Present: The Chairman, and Professor Davis (P33195), Griffith (P43661), Bonnycastle (P43623) and Blaettermann. (P43621)

[EVENT: University Administration:Banking  ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Report of the Cashier of the Bank of Virginia (CB0012) relating to the Patron's account for the month of September.

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] Mr. Simeon A. Watts (P24989) late a student of the University of Alabama (CB0013) , and who was suspended from that Institution, made application through the Chairman for permission to matriculate. He produced evidence of his good character which was entirely satisfactory. On


motion made and seconded, Resolved that the Chairman have authority to permit Mr. Watts (P24989) to matriculate on his giving assurance that he had no participation in the riots which took place at the University of Alabama (CB0013) at the time of his suspension.

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] Mr. Thomas J. Carson (P28664) who was suspended from the University of Alabama (CB0013) made application through the Chairman for permission to matriculate. He brought no certificates with him. On motion made and seconded, Resolved that the Chairman be authorised to permit Mr. Carson (P28664) to matriculate on condition that within a reasonable time he procure certificates on other satisfactory evidence of good character, and also on his giving assurance of his having had no participation in the riots at the said University.

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] Mr. Addison Saffold (P36453), late a student of Yale College (CB0007) made application through the Chairman for permission to matriculate. On leaving said College he obtained certificates of good character which he has since last, but produces new other satisfactory testimony. On motion made and seconded, resolved that he have leave to matriculate.

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Clubs and Organizations  ] The Washington Society (CB0047) made application through the Chairman for permission to occupy the large room in Pavelion No. 7. On motion made and seconded, Resolved that said Society be permitted to have the use of said room untill it shall be wanted for the purposes of the University under such restrictions as the Chairman may deem necessary to preserve it from injury.

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] Mr. William H. Gregory (P34700), late a student of William and Mary (CB0008) made application through the Chairman for permission to matriculate. He brought no certificate, but the Faculty were satis- fied of his good character from other testimony. On motion made and seconded, Resolved that he be permitted to matriculate.

The faculty then adjourned.

Gessner Harrison (P25515), Ch.


The Faculty met October 28th, 1837. Present: The Chairman, and Professors Davis (P33195), Griffith (P43661), Tucker (P43619), Emmet (P43625) and Bonnycastle. (P43623)

[EVENT: Student Misconduct  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that on Friday week Mr. William Pratt (P25500) obtained leave of absence for himself and Mr. Hugh Rose (P29004) Saturday until Monday for the purpose of visiting a private family in the neighborhood: that Messers Pratt (P25500) and Rose (P29004) did not visit in the neighborhood but went to Richmond (PL4241) and did not return to the University until after the time limited for their absence, [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] and that they were without uniform the day they left Charlottesville (PL4204) for Richmond (PL4241) ; that Mr. Pratt (P25500) informed the Chairman after his return that he was for a short time at Bowcock's (PL8596) and then went to Richmond (PL4241) . A motion was made and seconded that Mr. Rose (P29004) and Mr. Pratt (P25500) be send for.

Mr. Rose (P29004) appeared and said that he had no excuse to offer. His uniform did not fit and he had sent it back to the Tailor's. He was aware that he was violating the law in going to Richmond (PL4241) . He returned from Richmond (PL4241) Wednesday Morning. It was not his intention to go to Richmond (PL4241) when leave was obtaind. Admits that Mr. Pratt (P25500) was authorised to obtain leave of absence for him.

Mr. Pratt (P25500) then appeared and said that he had no excuse to offer. Returned from Richmond (PL4241) Tuesday Evening and slept Tuesday night in the University. Went to Charlottesville (PL4204) Wednesday morning. Was aware that he was violating the law in going to Richmond (PL4241) . Intended to go to Bowcock's (PL8596) for the purpose of hunting when he obtained leave of absence. Does not remember telling the Chairman that he was a short time at Bowcock's (PL8596) ; he might have told him so in answer to the Chairman's question; remembers having obtained leave of absence to visit a private family. The name he did not remember but said that Mr. Rose (P29004) did.

The following resolution offered by Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) was


seconded and passed;

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] Mr. William Pratt (P25500) having obtained leave of absence under false pretences, having gone to Richmond (PL4241) , violated the uniform law and deceived the Chairman in regard to the facts alledged in explanation of these offences. Resolved that he be suspended for three months and required to spend the time at Bowcock's Tavern. (PL8596)

Mr. Davis (P33195) offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed:

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] Mr. Hugh Rose (P29004) having obtainded leave of absence form the Chairman to make a visit in the neighborhood, and having taken advantage thereof to so to Richmond (PL4241) in violation of the Enactments, and having also violated the uniform law, Resolved that he be suspended for two months and required to pass that time at Mrs. Clark's. ()

The following application was made to the Chairman to be made through him to the Faculty:

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] By Mr. Wm. Winston (P42112) to leave the School of Chemistry and join that of Civil Engineering. He is above twenty - one.

[EVENT: Student Status  ] By Messer's Robert Douthat (P26663)and W. S. Barton (P30856) for permission to become candidates for graduation in Chemistry. They failed through mistake to give in their names at the proper time.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] By Mr. Price Watson () for permission to board with his brother, Major James R. Watson (). Motions were severally made, seconded and passed that the foregoing applications be granted.

[EVENT: Student Conduct:Celebrations  ] The Chairman stated to the Faculty that the students attending Mr. Broedin's () Dancing School had applied for permission to have a party. [EVENT: University Administration:Student Restrictions  ] A motion was made, seconded and passed that they be allowed to have a party under such restrictions as to place expense, the kind and chracter of the refreshments as the Chairman may prescribe.


[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation  ] The Chairman called the attention of the Faculty to the case of Mr. Ransom () for violating the uniform law which was brought to their notice on the 7th instant. A motion was made, seconded and passed that the case be referred to the action of the Chairman.

The Faculty then adjourned.

Gessner Harrison (P25515), Ch.



The faculty met October 31st 1837

Present. The Chairman and Professors Griffith (P43661), Davis (P33195), Blaetterrmann (P43621), Bonnycastle (P43623), Emmet (P43625), Tucker, (P43619)

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] The Chairman called upon the Professors for the names of such students as in their opinion are not making due proficiency in their schools.

In compliance with which call, the Professor of Ancient Languages reported that

John Ambler (P31858) altho' regular in his attendance answers badly Benjamin I Barbour (P38272) was three times absent & answers badly Wm M Seabrook (P40686) was three times absent and answers badly

The Professor of Modern Languages reported that Mr Hugh Rose (P29004) had been always absent from his school.

The Professor of Mathematics reported that Messr Hugh Rose (P29004) and William Pratt (P25500) were inattentive and often absent.

The Professor of Natural Philosophy was absent.

The Professor of Chemistry and Materia Medica in answer to the call of the Chairman said, that

Isaac I. Hite (P25458) had been three times absent.

W A Maupin (P26132) had been twice absent and was generally unprepared.

W. E. Segram () had been three times absent.

Thomas Ritchie (P40600) had been once absent and generally unprepared. The Thomas Rupell () had been twice absent and generally unprepared.

W M Seabrook (P40686) had been four times absent and generally unprepared.

The Professor of Medecine had no complaint.

The Professor of Moral Philosophy said that Mr Hugh Rose (P29004) was inattentive

The Professor of Law informed the Faculty that Mr Isaac I. Hite (P25458) was irregular in attendance and unprepared, and that Mr Rupell () was generally unprepared, but regular in attendance and apparently attentive.

At the instance of Professor Davis (P33195) Mr Peter Carr (P34852) was on motion made


seconded and passed permitted to become a candidate for graduation in Law. He forget to give in his name in due time.

The Chairman stated to the Faculty that Mr Micajah Clark (P38897) who, during the last session was a candidate for graduation, in medicine, and whose examinations, except on the English Language were entirely satisfactory, had made application to the Board of Visitors to allow him to graduate under these circumstances; that the Board had refused to grant his application; but recommended to the Faculty to permit Mr Clark (P38897) to have another examination in the English Language, and to grant him a Diploma, if that examination should he satisfactory.

[EVENT: Exception:Granted  ] A motion was made seconded and passed, that the desire of Mr Clark (P38897) to have a re examination in English be granted.

Mr Richard L Brown (P28030) a boarder at Mrs Gray's () Hotel made application thro' the Chairman for permission to have his washing done out of the University on the ground, that it is not done, in a proper manner at his Hotel.

[EVENT: Exception:Granted  ] A motion was made seconded and passed, that Mr Brown (P28030) be allowed to have his washing done out of the University, on satisfying the Chairman that his complaint in well founded.

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] Mr Isaac R Watkins (P22125) made application thro' the Chairman for permission to leave the School of Natural Philosophy, and to attend some other school the duties of which he can more easily perform. He is in feeble health and it is the desire of his father that he shall do so.

On motion made and seconded, Resolved that the application of Mr. Watkins (P22125) be granted.-

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] Mr John R. Stapler (P39021) made application thro' the Chairman for permission to leave the School of Ancient Languages. He attends four Schools. On motion made and seconded Resolved. That his application be granted.

[EVENT: Exception:Granted  ] Mr Isaac I. Hite (P25458) made application through the Chairman for leave of


absence seven days to go to Lynchburg (PL4371) . Mr Hite (P25458) had written to his farther for his consent and money to defray his expenses.- the latter was sent, but nothing was said in regard to the former. His grandmother is sick in Lynchburg (PL4371) . On motion made and seconded. Resolved that Mr Hites (P25458) application be granted.

Mr Robert Hackett (P24796) made application thro' the Chairman for permission to leave the School of Mathematics. His reasons being deemed satis- factory, on motion made and seconded Resolved, that his application be granted.

The Chairman laidlaid before the Faculty, the Proctor's Report of Assessments for the month of October- which was on motion made seconded and passed, confirmed-

[EVENT: University Administration:Facilities Management  ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's monthly Report- from this report it appears that the Hotel Keepers are generally delinquent in cleaning up the rooms and in having the Arcades on the Lawn swept in due time- whereupon

The following resolution was offered, seconded and passed-

Resolved, that the general reports of the Proctor in regard to the habitual delinguency of the Hotel Keepers in cleaning up the dormitories, the arcades &c, be communicated to them; and they be informed that as soon as the Faculty can obtain evidence of a special act of delinquincy, the Faculty will proceed to correct it by a suitable fine.

[EVENT: Library  ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Librarian's Bi-monthly report which was read.

[EVENT: University Administration  ] The Faculty proceeded to the appointment of days for the Exam- inations of Candidates for graduation in the Various Schools of the University-



[EVENT: Library:Books  ] The Chairman announced to the Faculty the appointment of Profes- sors Bonnycastle, (P43623) Davis (P33195) and Tucker (P43619) as a committee for the selection of miscellanious books for the Library-

The Chairman mentioned to the Faculty, that Mr. Wm P. Guerard (P23893) had made application to the Executive Committee for permission to keep a horse on account of ill health; that this application had been referred by the Executive Committee to the Faculty, with authority to grant it, if in their opinion it was necessary-

[EVENT: Exception:Granted  ] A motion was made seconded and passed, that Mr Guerard (P23893) have permission to keep a horse, during such period as his health may require, and under such restrictions as the Chairman may prescribe-

The Faculty then Adjourned.-

Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. of Fac.

The Faculty met November 16th 1837

Present the Chairman and Professors Tucker, (P43619) Griffith, (P43661) Davis, (P33195) Blaettermann, (P43621) Rogers, (P43658) Bonnycastle (P43623) & Emmet. (P43625)

[EVENT: University Administration  ] The Faculty appointed the following days for the examination of candidates for graduation.


[EVENT: Student Conduct:Illuminations  ] The Chairman mentioned to the Faculty that on the night of Sunday the 12th instant, commencing between 7 & 8 oclock, there was an illumination of the University, firing of pistols, shouting and other disorders.- On going out he was informed that it was intended as a celibration of the anniversary of the dismissal of the Military Corps, last session.-

Messr. H. F. Cook, (P23450) Mordecai Cooke (P41382) and others were seen engaged in putting up the candles.- The Chairman saw a small party collect- ed on the Lawn endeavoring as he thought to promote the disturbances by shouting &c and recognised Mordecai Cooke (P41382) as one of them.- He saw a pistol fired and beleived that Mr Hugh Rose (P29004) a student under sentence of suspension was the one who did it.- and Mr M Cooke (P41382) aided him in making his escape, with the view of preventing discovery.-Two persons as the Chairman was informed by Professor Tucker (P43619) and the Proctor were seen in disguise before Professor Tucker's (P43619) house- and one was a seen by Professor Davis (P33195) near his pavilion whom Mr Davis (P33195) recognised to be Mr William Falconer, (P33166) partly by his voice and partly by the size of being those used his person and certain expressions which he used.- that the Proctor in an anonymous letter sent to the Chairman.- reported that when he visited Mr. Falconer's (P33166) dormitory the next morning, Mr. F. () manifested much anxiety to know if he was suspected of having been one of those in disguise- upon the Proctor's stating to him in their conversation, that he had seen two persons in disguise before Mr. Tucker's (P43619) house, Mr Falconer (P33166) asked him this question-"and where else did you see me"


[EVENT: Student Conduct:Illuminations  ] On monday night the 18th there was a repetition of the illumination- Shouting, firing &c- the door of the belfry was also broken open and the bell rung- and there was reason to beleive that Mr. Henry F. Cook (P23450) was engaged in the ringing of the bell.-

A motion was made seconded and passed that Messr. Wm Falconer (P33166) Mordecai Cooke (P41382) and Henry F Cook (P23450) be sent for

Mr. Falconer (P33166) appeared, and was asked if hewas engaged in the riots or was disguised- hesitates to answer- the matter was explained to him- refused then to answer.- was asked if he was author of an anonymous letter which had been sent to the Chairman- refused to answer the question; said he knew something about the letter.- had shown samples of writing to the Chairman similar to the letter- said that he did not write any of the samples: among them was the hand writing of the person who wrote the letter.-

Mr Mordecai Cooke (P41382) appeared and was asked if he was concerned in the riots- refused to answer the question, Unless he could be confronted with the witnesses- after an explanation by the Chairman and several members of the Faculty he still refused to answer.-

Mr. Henry F. Cook (P23450) appeared, and denied positively in having been engaged in ringing the bell.- or breaking open the door- does not know why the noise was continued after the Chairman requested them to discontinue- denies all participation except in shouting some little- had no premeditated intention of making a disturbance- intended to illuminate- his only motive was to have a little fun- had nothing to do with firing pistols.-

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty on the report of the Proctor, that Mr Isaac I Hite (P25458) had had drinking at his room in violation of the laws- information had also been given of his having drinking parties.-

Mr Hite (P25458) having been sent for appeared before the Faculty, and denied over having had a drinking party in his room.- Heard that there


was champaign drunk in his room during his absence- had nothing to do with it- Mr Hite (P25458) was asked if there had not been unlawful drinking in his room frequently- refused to answer that question.- he was then asked if he was not in the habit of having liquor in his room- refused peremptorily to answer-

Mr. Davis (P33195) submitted the following resolution which me seconded and passed-

[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal  ] The Faculty having satisfactory evidence that Mr. William Falconer (P33166) was actively engaged in a serious riot and disturbance in the University on Sunday night last and that, on that occasion he was in disguise, both of which acts are high offences under the enactments of the Institution. Therefore, Resolved, that he be dismissed from the University-

Mr. Tucker (P43619) submitted the following resolution which was seconded and after motions to amend made by Dr. Emmet (P43625) and Mr. Rogers (P43658) having been lost, was passed-

It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty that Mr Mordecai Cooke (P41382) was one of a party who were engaged on the night of Sunday the 12th instant, in illuminating the University, in shouting firing pistols and other disturbance- which were followed by similar disorders the succeeding night.- and that the disturbances were in con- sequince of a premedetated plan-

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] Resolved, that Mr. Cooke (P41382) be suspended for two months, and that be required to spend the time at Mrs. Clarke's () unless his father desires that he shall return home-

Mr. Tucker (P43619) then submitted the following resolution which was seconded and passed-

It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty, that Mr. Henry F. Cook (P23450) was one of a party who were engaged on the night of sunday the 12th instant, in illuminating the University, in shouting, firing


pistols and other disturbances- which were followed by similar disorders the succeeding night.- and that the disturbances were in consequence of a premeditated plan-

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] Resolved, that Mr. Cook (P23450) be suspended for two months, and required to spend the time at Mrs. Clarke's ()-

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed-

The Faculty having evidence that Mr Isaac I. Hite (P25458) had spiritous liquors repeatedly in his room, and that drinking has more than once taken place there; and moreover there not appearing in Mr. Hite's (P25458) conduct as a student any circumstances extenuating these offences-

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] Resolved that he be suspended for two months, and required to pass the time at Bowcock's Tavern (PL8596)-

The Faculty then adjourned.-

Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch.- Fac.

The Faculty met December 1st 1837

Present. The Chairman and Professors Tucker, (P43619) Griffith, (P43661) Rogers, (P43658) Bonnycastle, (P43623) & Davis (P33195)

Professors Harrison (P25515) and Davis (P33195) laid before the Faculty monthly reports of the standing of Candidates for Graduation in their respective schools.

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. George W. Randolph (P43788) who has been boarding since the commence- ment of the session with Col. Ward, () made application, thro' the Chair- man for permission to board with his brother, Thomas I. Randolph (P43648)-

A motion was made, seconded and passed, that his application be granted.-

[EVENT: Exception:Granted  ] He also applied thro' the Chairman for permission to be exempt from wearing the uniform of the ground that he is a Naval Officer- On motion made and seconded, Resolved that this application be granted.-


[EVENT: University Administration:Banking  ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Report of the Cashier of the Bank of Virginia () for the month of October which he mentioned was received on the 13th Ult.-

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] William S Norris (P29148) made application thro' the Chairman for leave to Matriculate- He was suspended from the University of Alabama- but assured the Chairman that he had no participation in the riots which took place at that time- and produced satisfactory testimony of his good character- On motion made and seconded- Resolved that he be allowed to matriculate-

On the application of Professor Rogers, (P43658) a motion was made seconded and passed, that L. Baldwin () Teacher of Drawing be permitted to occupy the South Western room in Pavilion No 7.

Mr. Franklin English (P26348) late a student of Columbia College () made appli- cation thro' the Chairman for permission to matriculate- The Chairman read a letter from the President of that Institution, from which it appeared that Mr English (P26348) was one of a number students who were engaged in an affray at a Circus which resulted in the death of an individual caused by one of the students.- for participating in this affray Mr. English (P26348) was indicted by the Grand Jury, but no action of the Faculty had been taken in his case.-

Mr English (P26348) was sent for and appeared before the Faculty- He said, that a party of students(six in number) went to the Circus, where one of them, Mr Bryce () was insulted by an Irishman, () which caused a fight, in which 12 or 15 Irishman () were engaged against six students. Mr English (P26348) felt himself bound to take part in it- Mr. Bryce () the only student who was armed, killed the man.- Mr English (P26348) was indicted for striking an Irishman ()- struck him because he saw very clearly that he would be stricken himself.- The only action of the Faculty in the case, was for the breach of discipline in going to the Circus- All have been readmitted into College except Mr. Bryce () and himself who did not


retirn- Mr B. () has been tried for killing the Irishman () and Acquited-

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] A Motion was, made, Seconded and passed, that Mr English (P26348) be permitted to matriculate.-

The Chairman mentioned to the Faculty, that Mr. Hugh Rose (P29004) who was on the 28th October suspended for two months and required to spend the time at Mrs. Clarke's, () had twice left the place assigned him and returned to the University- was here during the disturbances on the night of the 12th. Mr Rose (P29004) had called upon the Chairman and disclaimed any participation in said disturbances, and assured the Chairman, that he was mistaken in supposing he was the person whom he saw fire the pistol.- [EVENT: Student Status  ] He desires to have permission to withdraw from the University.-

[EVENT: Exception:Denied  ] On motion made and seconded- Resolved that his application to withdraw be not granted- and that the further consideration of his case be postponed until the expiration of the term of his suspension.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ] The Chairman mentioned to the Faculty on the Report of Professor Davis, () that on sunday night, a student supposed to be drunk was carried into the room of Messrs. Caldwell (P28389) & Ross (P22902) Circumstances led him to beleive that Mr. John H. Harrison (P30891) was the student.-

Mr Harrison (P30891) me sent for and appeared before the. Faculty- He said that in going from the University, he fell in with a party whose intention it was to go to a room to drink- He went to take care of a friend who thought would drink too much- it was not a public house- nor was it a student's room- drank champagne from a jelly glass- did not drink to excess- there were a good many students present- began between 7 & 8. he returned to college about 10- the party broke up about 9- About 11 he was at Messrs. Ross (P22902) and Caldwell's (P28389) room- the wine he supposes had been previously ordered- does not know- it was not a store or confectionary- Slept at his own room- had not left his room before Col Woodley Visited it-

A motion was made seconded and passed, that Mr John H Harrison (P30891)


be reprimanded by the Chairman, and admonished that a repetition of his offence will subject him to severe punishment- and that his father be written to- Messrs. Mordecai Cooke (P41382) and Henry F. Cook (P23450) who were on the 16th ult. suspended for two months, made application thro' the Chairman to have the term of their suspension made shorter- this application was accompanied by a letter from the father of the former gentleman and by a petition signed by a large number of the students.-

The Faculty after taking into due consideration, the facts and Reasons set forth in the letter and petition, adopted the following resolution which was offered by Mr Bonnycastle () and seconded-

The Faculty having received applications from Messrs. M. Cooke (P41382) and H. F. Cook (P23450) in regard to the extent of their suspension as well as a letter from the father of the former gentleman representing that his sons studio's would suffer greatly by the same, and the Faculty having also taken into consideration the statements made in a petition of certain students relative to this subject-

[EVENT: Exception  ] Therefore- resolved that the term of suspension mentioned in the Sentences of Messrs. M. Cooke (P41382) and H. F. Cook (P23450) be reduced to three weeks-

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Physical Assault  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that on monday night Mr. William P. Whiting (P25952) and Mr Richard H Jones (P31126) get into an affray at Mr. Jones () room- in which Mr Whiting (P25952) inflicted a wound in Mr Jones's (P31126) leg with a dirk knife-

Mr Whiting (P25952) was sent for and appeared before the Faculty and said that Mr. Jones (P31126) besides having the advantage of him in size, picked up and used a shovel- and having him down he pulled out his knife- hearing the knife open Mr Jones (P31126) retreated and fell over a chair- which he picked up- Mr W (P25952) received a blow on the forehead and on the shoulder- whilst on his back Mr J. (P31126) kept him off with his feet, and in doing so he supposes he was wounded accidentally- tho' it was his intention To une the knife in a different part of the body- did not know that he had


wounded him until sent for by the Chairman- Considered himself greatly at disadvantage- and therefore used his knife- it was a dirk knife- was presented to him by a freind in vacation- never expected or intended to use it, except on ordinary occasions.-

Mr Bonnycastle () proposed the following resolution which was seconded and passed-

Resolved, that Mr. William P. Whiting (P25952) be required to deliver into the charge of the Proctor the Dirk Knife used in his recent quarrel with Mr. Jones, (P31126) and that he be seriously admonished by the Chairman of the offence committed in using a weapon of so dangerous a character.

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] The Chairman called upon the Professors for the names of such students as in their opinion are not making due proficiency in their respective Schools-

The Professor of Ancient Languages- Reported that.

The Professor of Modern Languages- was absent

The Professor of Mathematics Reported. that John Dodson (P38103) had been 11 times absent and was inattentive

The Professor of Natural Philosophy Reported that

The Professor of Chemistry was absent-

The Professor of Medicine had no special complaint.-

The Professor of Moral Philosophy Reported the names of


The Professor of Law- reported that

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's monthly report of assessments- which read and on motion made, seconded and passed confirmed-

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the monthly report of the Proctor of violations of the Law regarding early rising, of the deposites made by students with the Patron, and of the failures of the Hotel Keepers to clean the rooms arcades &c at the hour required by law- A motion was made seconded and passed that the report lie on the table.-

The Faculty adjourned

Gessner Harrison. (P25515) Ch: Fac:

The Faculty met December 14th, 1837

Present The Chairman and Professors Rogers, (P43658) Griffith; (P43661) Tucker (P43619) and Davis (P33195)

The Chairman laid before the Faculty a letter from William Falconer (P33166) who was dismissed on the16th ult. praying the Faculty to readmit him into the University- pledging himself to conform to the Laws and to give sureties that he will do so-

Mr. Rogers (P43658) offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed-

The Faculty finding nothing in the circumstances of Mr. William Falconer's (P33166) case to justify his readmission into the University-

[EVENT: Exception:Denied  ] Resolved, that his application be refused-

Mr. C. H. Constable (P25255) made application thro' the Chairman for leave of absence for two weeks on account of ill health- Dr. Griffith () in- formed the Faculty that he considered the application reasonable.-


[EVENT: Boarding  ] A motion was thereupon, made seconded and passed, that it be granted.-

Mr. Malcolm W. Smith (P22844) who is above the age of 21, has by permission been attending lectures since the commencement of the session, and boarding with Col. Ward ()& and who has not matriculated for want of funds- has just recieved funds to enable him to matriculate- asks permission of the Faculty thro' the Chairman with the written consent of Col. Ward () to board out of the University- On motion made and seconded resolved that his application be granted.-

[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University  ] The Chairman mentioned to the Faculty that he gave leave to Messrs. Homer L. Holcombe (P27250) and Walter E. Preston (P38875) to withdraw from the University on account of ill health, to the former on the ult. the latter on the ult. The Faculty being satisfied of the necissity which caused these gentlemen to withdraw from the Institution- On motion made and seconded- resolved that the action of the Chairman be confirmed, and that they have leave to withdraw as of the dates above.-

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's report of Students who had not on the 10th instant deposited for the 2nd Install- ment of board.- On motion made and seconded- Resolved that the Proctor be requested to address a letter to the parent or guardian of each student reported.- and that in the discharge of this duty he be authorised to exercise a sound discretion in any particular case, where he may deem it unnecessary

The Faculty adjourned

Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.

The Faculty met December 30th 1837

Present all the members except Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623).- Professors Davis (P33195) and Harrison (P25515) laid before the Faculty Reports of the standing of the candidates for graduation in their schools.-


[EVENT: University Administration:Banking  ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Report of the Cashier of the Bank of Virginia for the month of November.-

[EVENT: Library  ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Librarian's bimonthly report- which was read.-

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] The Chairman called upon the Professors for the names of such students as are inattentive and not making due proficiency in their schools.-

The Professor of Ancient Languages - Reported that

The Professor of Modern Languages- Reported

The Professor of Natural Philosophy Reported

The Professor of Chemistry Reported-

The Professor of Medecine. Reported

The Professor of Anatomy & Surgery had no Complaint.-


The Professor of Moral Philosophy Reported

The Professor of Law mentioned that Messrs. Harding (P28974) and Rupell (P44164) whom he brought to the notice of the Faculty at the last monthly meeting- had slightly improved- and that S. E. Edmunds (P27890) was generally unprepared

A motion was made seconded and passed, that the Chairman be requested to inquire of Messrs. John A Strother (P37901) and M. W. Smith (P22844) as to the cause of their frequent absence.-

Motions were severally made seconded and passed that the following students be admonished by the Chairman-

At the request of Professor Davis () and on motion made seconded and passed, the days appointed for the examination on the Candidates for Graduation in Law were changed to the following

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude  ] The Chairman read to the Faculty a letter from the Mr. Alfred Balch (P24744) The father of Mr. Alfred N. Balch (P24744) who has just been brought to the notice of the Faculty for his inattention and undue proficiency in Ancient Languages- Mr. Balch (P24744) attends four schools and wishes to with- draw from that of Ancient Languages- The father submits his case to


the discretion of the Faculty-

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] On motion made and seconded- Resolved, that Mr. Balch (P24744) be permitted to leave the School of Ancient Languages, that the Chairman be request- ed to inform his father of the circumstances of the case, and to admonish the son for his inattention.-

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the written application of Mr. Wm. E. Pegram (P31307) for permission to leave the class of Chemistry- A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be not granted-

The Chairman laid before the Faculty a list of students who have been attending Lectures without matriculating- namely James C. Banister, (P31394) Robert Beamon, (P33977) Geo. W. Blaettermann, (P44221) James M. Browning, (P25967) H. F. Cook, (P23450) Wm. I. Fort, (P28519) W. P. Harris, (P26162) J. W. Johnston, (P28784) Norris, (P29148) A. H. Powell, (P40958) D. H. Quirk, (P39310) W. F. Robertson, (P30756) F. A. Ross, (P22902) M. W. Smith, (P22844) Th. T. Swann, (P34555) Th. H. Watts, (P37123) and John D. Wright (P25889)-

A motion was made seconded and passed that the Chairman be requested to send for the above named students and enquire into the cause of their not matriculating- and ascertain if any of them have received funds- and make report of his inquiries to the Faculty-

[EVENT: Student Status:Admission  ] Mr. John Simms Powell (P36926) late of Georgetown College Kentucky () made application Thro' the Chairman for permission to matriculate. He left said College in good standing, but not expecting to join any other Institution he did not obtain a certificate- On motion made and seconded, Resolved that Mr. Powell (P36926) be permitted to matriculate, conditionally, on procuring within a reasonable (length of time) a certificate of his good standing-

[EVENT: Student Status  ] Mr. Wm. H. Hackett () made application Thro' the Chairman for leave of absence for two weeks to go to Washington City () - He is an applicant for an appointment at the Military Academy at West Point () , and beleives that he would better succeed by being present in person at the seat of


Government. A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted.-

Mr. A. S. Brockinbrough (P27585) made application thro' the Chairman for per- mission to take from the Library for a limited time Hinton's ()Topography and History of the United States- A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be refused-

The Chairman called the attention of the Faculty to the case of Mr. Hugh Rose (P29004) which was stated on the first instant, and the consideration of which was postponed until the term of his suspension had expired- that ended on the 28th instant-

The Chairman also mentioned to the Faculty that Mr. William Pratt (P25500) who was on the 28th October suspended for two months and required to spend the time at Bowcock's () , did not go to the place assigned him - and that both Mr. Rose (P29004) and Mr. Pratt (P25500) have without permission gone to their respective homes-

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] On motion made and seconded - Resolved that Messr. Hugh Rose (P29004) and William Pratt (P25500) for having failed to comply with the order of the Faculty to spend the period of their suspension at the places assigned them, be suspended for the remainder of the session.-

The Faculty adjourned

Gessner Harrison (P25515) Ch. Fac.

The Faculty met January 8th 1838

Present that Chairman and Professors Tucker, (P43619) Emmet, (P43625) Davis, (P33195) Cabell (P39304) and Rogers (P43658)

[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking  ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Joseph R. Williams (P37019) and Robert S. Beamon (P33977) left the University on December the 8th and returned yesterday, and that on the day they left they were seen drinking spiritous liquors at the Bar of one of the taverns in Charlottes- ville (), 2nd making much noise.-


A motion was made seconded and passed that those gentlemen be sent for.- They appeared and Mr. Williams (P37019) said, he plead guilty to all the charges allodged. He stated that he was detained in Washington () for lack of funds, which he was disappointed in recieving when there- He did not design remaining more than a week absent- intended to go to Baltimore () - He went off suddenly, after only a few minutes thought on the subject.-

Mr. Beamon, (P33977) (Beaman (P33977)) made the same statement in regard to his absence- His visit to Washington () was to accompany Mr. Tiscada () who was on his way to Louisiana () and who is his intimate friend- They were to have staid only about a week.-

Mr Williams (P37019) stated that their expenses were heavy, and this was the reason of their delay in returning.-

[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension  ] Mr. Davis (P33195) proposed the following resolution, which on motion made and seconded was passed-

Messrs. Joseph R. Williams (P37019) and Robert S. Beamon (P33977) (Beaman), having without leave, left the University on the 8th of December, and gone to Washington City () , where they remained until about the 6th of the present month; and having also, on the day of going to Washington () visited a tavern in Charlottesville () and drunk spiritous liquors at the bar thereof: Resolved, that for these flagrant violations of the laws of the institution, they be suspended for the remainder of the session; and unless they are recalled home by their parents, that they be required to spend the period of suspension at Bowcocks () in this County-

Mr. William R. Skipwith (P23557) having failed to give in his name as a candidate for Graduation in Chemistry in due time- was on motion made seconded and passed and for reasons which were deemed by the Faculty satisfactory, permitted to become a candidate now.-

[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class  ] Mr. John B. Baldwin (P43748) made application thro' the Chairman for


for permission to withdraw from the School of Law- His father's con- sent having been obtained and satisfactory reasons assigned- On motion made seconded and passed his application was granted.-

[EVENT: Boarding  ] Mr. David H. Quirk (P39310) made application for permission to board with Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061)- He being within five months of twenty. A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted.-

Professor Tucker () applied for leave to postpone the exam- ination for Graduation in Moral Philosophy from the 15 Jany to the 22nd-

A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted.-

The Chairman informed the Faculty, the the Proctor had reported that in Mr. Conway's (P43888) district the servant Lawrence () had been negligent in cleaning the arcades, having swept the offall upon the Lawn, and allowed the ashes &c from the fires used in kindling in the morning to remain on the arcades for days toget- her.-

The Chairman in conformity to a resolution of the Faculty of the30th Ult. Reported that he had performed the duties assigned him by that resolution, and that H. F. Cook, (P23450) Wiley P. Harris, (P26162) James T. Norris, (P34110) William F. Robertson, (P30756) Francis Ross, (P22902) Thomas T. Swann, (P34555) Th. H. Watts, (P37123) James M. Browning, (P25967) had not received funds with which to matriculate- but were in expectation of them.-

The Faculty deemed it inexpedient to take any action in their case-

He reported further that Mr. John D. Wright (P25889) had received $100. some weeks ago, with half of which he had paid some debts, and lent the rest to Mr. Hacket () (Hackett) to go to Washington () -

Mr. J. W. Johnston (P28784) is attending lectures and boarding at Mrs. Jones's ()- and has not matriculated because he thought that he would not


be permitted to board there after doing so-

Mr. William J. Fort (P28519) who is under the age entitling him to board out of the University- took board at Mrs. Brockenbrough's (P44061) at the beginning of the session under the expectation, that the rooms in the University would be filled, and he would thus be permitted to board out-

On motion of Mr. Tucker, () Resolved that the Patron be instructed to write to the parents of all such students as are attending lectures without having matriculated-

On motion made and seconded- Resolved that lie Messrs. Fort (P28519) and Johnston (P28784) be informed that the Faculty have no power to allow them to board out of the University- and that unless they matriculate, they cannot be permitted to continue attending Lectures-

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. W. W. Boyce (P40570) was out of uniform as to coat in Charlottesville () , on thursday afternoon

Mr. Boyce (P40570) was sent (for)- The Janitor returned and said that he could not be found-

The Faculty adjourned until Wednesday evening at 3 OClock.-

Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch: Fac:

The Faculty met pursuant to adjournment January 10th, 1838

Present the Chairman- and Professors Tucker, (P43619) Rogers, (P43658) Bonnycastle, (P43623) Davis (P33195) and Blaettermann (P43621).-

Mr. Addison J. Saffold (P36453) made application through the Chairman to be exempt from the rules and regulations prescribed for the government of students, on the ground that he is above the age of twenty three.-

A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted.-

The case of Edwin Conway (P43888) Hotel Keeper which was brought before


the Faculty at the last meeting was called up.

Mr. Conway, (P43888) appeared before the Faculty and stated, that during the holyday week whilst Lawrence () was absent, the facts occurred as reported by the Proctor- but that since that time as well as before every practicable care was observed- He thinks the Proctor must have had reference in his report tot the holyday week- as he had himself remarked to Mr. Conway (P43888) that he thought very particular care had been taken in cleaning throughout his district-

A motion was made seconded and passed that the Proctor be sent for-

He appeared and stated in confirmation of what Mr. Conway (P43888) had said, that he had in general been more careful in having his district kept clean than the other Hotel Keepers- That the facts reported by him occurred during the holyday week-

The Chairman informed the Faculty that on sunday last Mr. Wm. P. Whiting (P25952) was out of uniform as to vest- Mr. Townes (P31476) as to pantaloons and Mr. Benjamin B. Minor (P29737) as to vest- He also called up the case of Mr. Boyce (P40570) which was mentioned on the 8th instant-

A motion was made seconded and passed, that the gentlemen be sent for-

Mr. Whiting (P25952) appeared and stated that he had not procured a uniform vest- the one in question was an invisable green, which he won last Session and supposed to be admissable.- He had no other-

Mr. Minor (P29737) appeared and stated that he was indisposed- and thought it necessary to wear a vest which was better adapted to protect him from the cold than the uniform one he usually wears-

Mr. Townes (P31476) stated that the pantaloons in question were very much like a pair which he had worn previously and which he supposed admissible in as much as he had not been reported for them- one of the reasons he were them on sunday was, that his old ones were not


good enough-

Mr. Boyce (P40570) appeared and said that his uniform coat was out of order- went to town only on some business- had not sent his coat to the tailors- did not think it worth while-

Motions were severally made seconded and passed that Messrs. Whiting (P25952) and Minor (P29737) be admonished by the Chairman- and that Mr. Boyce (P40570) be reprimanded and his father written to.-

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Messrs. Beverly Tucker (P30144) and John Grew Peyton (P29059) were present at a festival entertainment (eating party) of which the former gentleman is supposed to have been the provider, given in the roon under the Old Library-

These gentlemen were sent for-

Mr. Peyton (P29059) appeared and stated that the entertainment was a turkey supper. No wine or spiritous liquors were drunk- the beverage being coffee- He had nothing to do with furnishing but was merely a guest-

Mr. Tucker (P30144) said that he was present and contributed to provide for the party to the amount of four dollars- the whole cost was 8 or 9 dollars-

Mr. Davis () proposed the following resolution which was seconded and passed-

Mr. Beverly Tucker (P30144) having contributed in giving a festive entertainment in violation of the enactments-

Resolved that he be reprimanded by the Chairman and that his father be informed of the facts of the case-

A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. John G. Peyton (P29059) be admonsihed by the Chairman for partaking of the party given by Mr. Tucker (P30144)-

Mr. J. R. Williams (P37019) made application thro' the Chairman for leave of absence for two weeks to go to Petersburg () to visit his uncle who is


in loco parentis-

A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted-

The Faculty then adjourned-

Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.

The Faculty met January 31st 1838

Present, the Chairman and Professors Griffith, (P43661) Tucker, (P43619) Cabell, (P39304) Emmet, (P43625) Bonnycastle (P43623) & Blaettermann (P43621).-

Mr. Mordecai Cooke (P41382) made application through the Chairman for permission to have a separate examination for Graduation in Law- He was suspended three weeks and sick one week-

On motion made and seconded- Resolved that his application be granted.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Bank report for the month of December which he mentioned was recieved on the 16th instant.

Mr. Slaughter (P37143) made application through the Chairman for a separate examination for Graduation in Greek. He was prevented by sickness from attending the one which has passed. On motion made and seconded-

Resolved that his application be granted and that the 10th day of March be appointed for his examination.-

Mr. William W. Winston (P42112) made application through the Chairman for permission to become a Candidate for Graduation in Civil Engineering.-

His reasons for not making application in due time being deemed satis- factory- On motion made and seconded- Resolved that he be permitted to become a Candidate-

The Chairman mentioned to the Faculty that on thursday the18th instant Mr. Willaim N. Ragland (P32763) was soon at Brown's () tavern in Charlottes- ville intoxicated between the hours of 10 & 11 oclock at night- While there he used profane and indecent language, and in a quarrel with a Citizen produced a pistol.-


A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Ragland (P32763) be sent for.- Mr. Ragland (P32763) appeared before the Faculty, and admitted that on the night of the 16th instant he was twice at Brown's () Tavern on occasion of a show- did not have leave, has visited taverns without leave- did not drink at Brown's () - Was asked by the Chairman if it was a public or a private house at which he drank- gave no answer to the question.- Was then asked if the liquor was spiritous or vinous- said it was spiritous- did not drink by himself. He exhibited a pistol because he got into an affray with one man who was assisted by one or two others- the pistol was not leaded.

Dr. Cabell () offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed.

The Faculty having satisfactory information that Mr. Willaim N. Ragland (P32763) on the 18th instant visited a tavern in Charlottes- ville in a state of intoxication.- While there, he used profane and indecent language, and in an affray exhibited a pistol, and it appearing furthermore by his own admission that he has on several occasions during the session visited taverns, Resolved, that he be suspended for two months and that he be required to spend the time of suspension at Mr. Bowcock's () in this County, or by leave of the Chairman at his grandfathers in the County of Louisa.-

Professor Harrison () laid before the Faculty Reports of the Standing of the Candidates for Graduation in Ancient Languages for December and January-

The Chairman mentioned to the Faculty that a number of students had applied for permission to celibrate the 22nd of Feby. by a ball.-

A motion was made seconded and passed that their application be granted under the usual restrictions.-


Mr. Tucker () proposed the following resolution which was seconded and passed-

Resolved, that a Committee be appointed to adopt means for forming a Society of Alumni for this institution, and to invite some distinguished graduate thereof, to make an address at the close of the session.-

The Chairman appointed the following Professors to constitute the Committee, Tucker, () Davis () and Emmet-Mr. D. Easton () made application through the Chairman for permission to give lessons in penmanship to such of the students as may desire to attend him-

A motion was made seconded and passed that his appli- cation be granted.-

Mr. James L. Woodville (P27310) made application through the Chairman for permission to become a Candidate for graduation in the Latin Language.- His reasons for not make (making) application in due time being satisfactory, a motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted.-

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Petition of Mr. Robert S. Beamon (P33977) (Beaman) who was on the 8th ult. suspended for the remainder of the session- praying the Faculty for a remission in part of the punishment to which he was sentenced-

On motion of Mr. Bonnycastle ()- Resolved that the said petition be laid on the table.-

Mr. William P. Bayley () (Bayly) who beards in Mrs. Grays () district made application through the Chairman for permission to have his washing done out of the University, on the ground that it is not done in a proper manner at his Hotel- His clothes aretorn and worn otu in washing-

On motion made and seconded, Resolved that the Chairman be authorised to grant to Mr. Bayley (P29866) (Bayly) the permission he asks


for, provided, that on investigating the case, he finds his complaint well grounded.-

The Chairman called on the Professors for the names of such students as are not making due proficiency in their studies.-

The Professor of Ancient Languages reported that the answers of

The Professor of Modern Languages had no complaint.-

The Professor of Mathematics Reported

The Professor of Natural Philosophy was not present

The Professor of Chemistry Reported as follows


The Professor of Medicine reported, that D. M. Heriot (P29381) had somewhat improved since last month.-

The Professor of Anatomy & Surgery, Reported that

The Professor of Moral Philosophy had withdrawn-

The Professor of Law was absent.-

Motions were severally made seconded and passed, that the parents of Messrs. Wm. M. Seabrook (P40686) and Alfred N. Balch (P24744) be informed that their sons are not making due proficiency in their schools, and that unless a speedy amendment takes place, they will be dismissed from the University.-

Motions ware severally made seconded and passed that the Chair- man be requested to admonish Messrs. Calwell (P28389) (Caldwell), C. J. Stuart, (P24341) W. L. Binford, (P35678) D. M. Heriot, (P29381) Th. B. Rupell, () and Thomas Ritchie () in re regard to the delinquinces for which they have been reported.-

Motions were severally made seconded and passed, that the Chair- man be requested to enquire into the delinquinces for which Messrs. C. H. Drew, (P39843) R. S. Hamilton, (P40627) J. M. Ranson, () F. A. Ross, (P22902) Wm. N. Robert, (P26892) and P. Watson (P36554) have been reported.-

The Faculty adjourned.-

Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.

The Faculty met Feby 17th 1838

Present the Chairman and Professors Tucker, (P43619) Rogers, (P43658) Blaettermann, (P43621) Bonnycastle, (P43623) Cabell (P39304) and Davis (P33195).-

The Chairman informed the Faculty that on thursday night the 16th instant, the Proctor found a party playing at Cards at the room of Messrs. Saunders (P30557) and John H. Harrison (P30891) Messr. Saunders, (P30557) Balch (P24744) and Kirk (P25245) were found in the room Mr. Harrison (P30891) was not present- and


two persons escaped thro' the window, and there were circumstances which made it certain that one of them was Mr. Ross (P22902)- Mr. Kirk (P25245) was standing up when the Proctor went in, said that he was accidentally The Chr. had information that there, but would neither admit nor deny that he was playing.- the Mr. Saunders (P30557) played at cards several times at his room.- Proctor thought that he was not-

A motion was made seconded and passed that Messr. Saunders (P30557)- Balch (P24744)- Kirk (P25245) and Ross (P22902) be sent for-

Mr. Saunders (P30557) appeared, and admitted that there was a game of Cards in his room, and that he was engeged in it- Bluff was the game and they were playing for cigars- had been playing from 1 ½ to 2 hours- He did not furnish the Cards- was requested by one of the party to permit playing in his room.- Was asked by a professor if he had played in his room frequently- answered not frequently- was asked if he had ever played for considerably higher than a cigar- answered that he had not-

Mr. Balch (P24744) appeared before the Faculty, and admitted that he was pre- sent and did play- Bluff was the game, Cigars anti- He was about one dozen cigars- were playing about one and one-half hours- the party had not commenced when he went,- did not propose the game or bring the Cards- Has played at Cards two or three times, always for about the same stakes- does not keep Cards.-

Mr. Ross (P22902) next appeared. He paid a casual visit to the room to see Mr. Harrison (P30891)- did not find him there; after sitting a short time a game was proposed, in which after some persuasion he agreed to engage only for a short time, as he had to prepare for an examination- played about an hour- has not played before- the game commenced about 9 oClock.-

Mr. Kirk (P25245) appeared before the Faculty and said that he did not know the laws; was not willing to do anything morally wrong & beleived card playing to be so- Went to the room to see Mr. Harrison (P30891)


who had promised him to accompany him to Mr. Jones () to see his friend Mr. Boyce (P40570) who had recieved a hurt- Mr. Harrison (P30891) whom he found there, wentout requesting him to wait a few moments- was there about one quarter of an hour- will not say whether he played or not-

The following resolutions were proposed seconded and passed-

It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty that Mr. Augustine N. Saunders () had on several occasions offended against the laws both by permitting and participating in games of cards accom- pained with betting in his room.- and that on thursday the 15th instant he repeated these offences - Therefore

Resolved, that Mr. Saunders () be suspended for three months and required to spend the time at Bowcock's, () or to return to his friends.-

The Faculty having satisfactory evidence that Mr. Alfred N. Balch (P24744) on the night of the 15th instant was engaged in a game of cards with betting at Mr. Saunder's () room.- that he has played at Cards and betted on several occasions during the session.- and morever he being now under notice of dismissal for idleness and want of pre- ficiency in his classes-

Resolved, that he be suspended for the rest of the session and required to reside at Mr. Bowcock's () until his father shall through the Chairman authorize his being sent elsewhere.-

It appearing to satisfaction of the Faculty that Mr. Francis A. Ross (P22902) participated in a game of Cards with betting at Mr. Saunders () room on the night of the 15th instant-

Resolved, that he be suspended for one month and be required to spend the time of suspension at Mrs. Clarkes ().-

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's report of Assesments for the month of January- which on motion made seconded and passed was confirmed-


For reasons satisfactory to the Faculty, and on motion made seconded and passed Mr. George B. Wilkinson (P40955) was allowed to become a candidate for graduation in Civil Engineering-

The Chairman mentioned to the Faculty that Mr. John W. Johnston (P28784) who some time ago made application for permission to board with Mrs. Jones () has since, obtained unconditional permission from one of the Executive Committee to do so- and from another with the consent of the Faculty-

On motion made and seconded resolved that the leave asked for by Mr. Johnston (P28784) be granted-

Mr. Robert B. Ridley (P41670) who is above twenty one, made application for permission to leave the School of Ancient Languages for the purpose of joining the Class of Medical Jurisprudence

On motion made and seconded - Resolved that his application be granted.-

Mr. Robert S. Hamilton (P40627) made application through the Chairman with his fathers leave for permission to quit the School of Chemistry-

On motion made and seconded- resolved that his application be granted-

Mr. Carter H. Drew (P39843) made application through the Chairman for permission to leave the School of Chemistry- His reasons being satis- factory a motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted-

The Faculty adjourned.-

Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.

The Faculty met March 1st 1838

Present all the members

The Professor of Law laid before the Faculty reports of the Standing of Candidates for Graduation in his school for the months of January and Feby.-


Professor Harrison (P25515) laid before the Faculty a report of the Stand- ing of Candidates for Graduation in Ancient Languages for the month of Feby.

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Librarian's Report- Also

The Report of the Cashier of the Bank of Virginia () in regard to the Patron's () account for the month of January.-

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's Monthly report for Feby.-

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's report of assessments against students and others for the month of Feby which on motion made seconded and passed was confirmed-

The Chairman informed the Faculty that on saturday last he met Mr. Hackett (P24796) who was on a visit to Charlottesville () without uniform as to coat at- He was also informed that Mr. Hackett (P24796) was without uniform as to coat at the ball on the 22nd ult.

A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Hackett (P24796) be sent for-

He appeared before the Faculty and said. that he had no excuse, except that he was without uniform; he had purchased one which was worn out- it had not been fit to wear for some time, The' he had worn it until within about ten days past- has not ordered a new uniform- Went to the Chairman to obtain leave to go to town without uniform- did not find him and went without leave.- his business in town was to order a uniform-

The following resolution was made seconded and passed-

Mr. Robert H. Hackett (P24796) having violated the laws in visiting Charlottesville () on the 26th ult. without uniform, and morever having attended the ball on the 22nd of the same month without uniform


Resolved that he be suspended for ten days and required to s spend the time at Mrs. Clark's ()-

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Thomas R Muldrow (P28848) had exceeded the limit fixed by law for clothing, and had also purchased a vest which was not uniform-

On motion made seconded and passed he Mr. Muldrow (P28848) was sent for- The Janitor returned and reported that he could not be found-

Mr. Thomas Towhee (P24008) made application thro' the Chairman to instruct the Patron () to pay a Tailor's bill part of which was con- tracted last session - On motion made seconded and passed Mr. Towles (P24008) application was granted.-

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's report of Students delinquent in payment of board-

A motion was made seconded and passed that the Patron () be instructed to write to parents and guardians of the delinquent students-

Mr. Davison M. Heriot (P29381) who attends four schools made application through the Chairman for permission to leave Anatomy & Surgery- On motion made and seconded, Resolved that his application be granted.-

Messrs. William J. Fort (P28519) and James C. Bannister (P31394) (Banister) having obtained written permission from one member of the Executive Committee, and verbal permission from another thro' Professor Davis (P33195) to board with Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061)- made application through the Chairman for permission to do so- On motion made and seconded- Resolved that their application be granted.-

The petition of Mr. Robert S. Beamon (P33977) (Beaman) which was laid upon the table on the 31st of January, was on motion of Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) called up- Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) then proposed the following resolution which was seconded and passed.-


Mr. Robert S. Beamon (P33977) (Beaman) having conducted himself with great propriety during his suspension

Resolved, that the prayer of his petition be granted, and that he be allowed to return immediately to the University, and resume his duties as a student-

The Washington Society () made application thro' the Chairman for permission to occupy instead of the room now used by them- the Section room formerly used for the class of Engineering-

On motion made and seconded

Resolved, that the said Society be permitted to have the use of said Lecture room until" " " it shall be wanted for the purposes of the University- under such restrictions as the Chairman may deem necessary to preserve it from injury.-

Professor Griffith (P43661) made application to the Faculty to assign to him for extra lectures the hour between half past three and five oClock on mondays- wednesdays and fridays-

On motion made and seconded- resolved that his application be granted-

Messrs. Charles Carter (P33554) and Price M. Watson (P36554) made application through the Chairman for permission to become Candidates for Cer- tificates of Proficiency in Physiology- their reasons for not making earlier application being satisfactory- On motions made and seconded resolved that their applications be granted.-

Mr. Charles H. Constable (P25255) made application through the Chairman for permission to attend a ball at Louise C. H. () on the 22nd instant- On motion made and seconded- resolved that his application be not granted-

Professors Harrison, (P25515) Bonnycastle, (P43623) Rogers, (P43658) Griffith (P43661) and Cabell (P39304) not having completed the Intermediate examinations in theit Schools


in Feby. applied severally for permission to hold them in March-motions were severally made seconded and passed that their requests be granted-

At the request of Professor Bonnycastle (P43623) the 15th of March and the day of June were appointed for examinations for Garduation in the School of Civil Engineering-

The Chairman informed the Faculty that he had evidence that Mr. Beverly N. Tucker (P30144) was intoxicated on the night of the 22nd ult. at the ball given by the students of which he was one of the Managers-

A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Tucker (P30144) be sent for.

Mr. Tucker (P30144) appeared and said that he was intoxicated- it was an accident- has he idea how much he drank- he had been unwell during the day- was a manager- and sipped frequently with his friends- had drunk nothing before during the session- does not know when he left- recollects when the ladies left- was not then intoxicated- drank some after that, more he believes than before.-

The following resolution was moved seconded and adopted

The Faculty having satisfactory information that Mr. Beverly N. Tucker (P30144) drank to intoxication on the night of the 22nd of Feby. at a ball of which he was one of the managers.-

Resolved, that he be suspended for three weeks, and required to spend the time of his suspension at Mr. Chapman W. Maupin's, () unless his father should wish him to return home.-

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Messr. William P. (P23893) and G. H. Guerard (P36335) had recieved funds which they had failed to deposite with the patron () as required by law- the latter had after being spoken to by the Chairman deposited his funds(except about $40) the former had not as yet made a deposite but promised to do so.-


A motion having been made seconded and passed that the Messrs. Guerards (P23893) be sent for - they appeared and Mr. G. H. Guerard (P36335) said that he deposited yesterday, all the funds he had received except about $40 - Had some debts to pay which were contracted last session - had they been contracted this session would have been paid by the Patron, () being for articles which it was lawful to purchase.- was about to make his deposite when the Chairman sent for him -

Mr. Wm. P. Guerard (P23893) had use for " " money which he had rec'd his creditors were importunate and he paid his debts with a portion of it - they were such as he could lawfully contract.- thought that the four (percent) cost(?) was the only penalty for not depositing.-

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) submitted the following resolution which was seconded and passed.

It having been proved to the Faculty that Messr. G. H. (P36335) and W. P. Guerard (P23893) have violated the laws in regard to depositing funds and contracting debts; but some mitigating circumstances appearing in the case, and espacially that they have acted under a prevalent error in respect to the construction of the former of these laws, therefore

Resolved, that the Messrs. Guerard () be reprimanded by the Chairman, and that their Guardian be informed of the circumstances of the case - and that the Chairman be requested to to cause such notice to be given to the students as may serve to remove the erronious impression above mentioned.-

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Wm. H. Glascock (P34580) had violated the law in regard to depositing, by failing to place in the Patron's () hands funds which he had rec'd to the amount of $50-

Mr. Glascock (P34580) was on motion made seconded and passed sent for he appeared and said that he was not at all aware of the necessity


of depositing - thought it was at his option to retain and pay 4 percent(?) which he supposed was the only penalty - paid out of the money retained for wood, candles - Tailor's bills, and some triffling amount in estables-

A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. William H. Glascock (P34580) for violating the law requiring students to deposite all their funds with the Patron, () be admonished by the Chairman.-

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) from the committee appointed to select Books for the Miscellanious department of the Library made the following report"-

"The Committee appointed to consider the books which it would "be proper to purchase immediately for the miscellaneous of the "Library - Report the following books as such as it will be "requisite to provide.-

"The Committee recommend to the Faculty the propriety on instructing "the Librarian to prepare a report on the following subjects.-towit "On the deficiencies in the Transactions and all other periodicals "hitherto purchased for the Library

"On the deficiencies in the public records furnished to the


"Library - and also on the public records to which the University "is entitled but which have not been hitherto claimed

"The first of those reports to be furnished before the end of "the session, and the second immediately -"

On motion made and seconded

Resolved that the said report be adopted.-

The Chairman called upon the Professors for reports of students who handed in blanks at the Intermediate examinations.-

The Professors of Ancient Languages and Natural Philoso- phy stated that the examinations in their schools were not yet concluded.- and were allowed to postpone making their reports until they had gone thro' with their examinations -

The Professor of Modern Languages made the following report-

Report of Examinations Intermediate

The Professor of Mathematics reported the following students as having given in blanks at the examinations which have been already held in his school -

The Professor of Chemistry and Materia Medica made the Following report

The Professor of Moral Philosophy made the following report -

In the School of Moral Philosophy the following students handed in blanks at the Intermediate Examinations


These whose answers were little better than blanks

The Professor of Law reported that

The Faculty then adjourned until Monday the 5th instant at 3 oClock P.M.

Gessner Harrison (P25515). Ch. Fac.

The Faculty met pursuant to adjournment March 5th 1838

Present the Chairman and Professors Davis, (P33195) Rogers, (P43658) Bonnycastle, (P43623) Tucker (P43619) and Cabell (P39304) -

The Chairman called the attention of the Faculty to the monthly report of the Proctor - from which, as well as from his report made last month it appears that Messrs. William H. Battey, (P27407) Henry F. Cook, (P23450) C. H. Constable, (P25255) Robert S. Hamilton, (P40627) Charles W. Hardwick, (P27412) Francis T. Ridley, (P43189) C. J. Stuart, (P24341) and Thomas Towles (P24008). habitually violate the law regarding early rising - and that John B. Baldwin, (P43748) Mordecai Cooke, (P41382) Terisha W. Dillard (P39453) - John J. Donally, (P31984) Wm. E. Gibson, (P31224) Wiley P. Harris, (P26162) John H. Harrison (P30891) and John N. Stapler (P39021)- have frequently violated the same law -

In Mr. Conway's (P43888) division the sheets on one occasion were unchanged for nearly three weeks in several of the rooms- Mr. Pegram's (P31307) clothes were inspected at his request and found to be badly washed- The Bill of fare was complied with as it regards variety, but rather scant-

At Mrs. Gray's (P43865) Hotel complaints had been made in regard to the quality of the broths, and the Proctor had found on exam- ination that the complaints were not altogether unfounded-


It appeared moreover, that throughout the University, the rooms are seldom cleaned up earleir than between the hours of 8 & 9 OClock -

The Chairman also mentioned to the Faculty, that Mr. Pegram (P31307) had complained that three Handkerchiefs sent out to be washed were never returned -

The Chairman then laid before the Faculty a written state- ment from Col. Ward () showing to the satisfaction of the Faculty, that the late rising of the students is the cause why the rooms are not cleaned at an earlier hour -

The Chairman had an interveiw with Mrs. Gray (P43865) who stated that, she is certain that her servants are at their duty at five oClock in the morning, and in time to clean the rooms - That in some few rooms only are the students up in time to allow the servants to clean up - That but few students arrive to breakfast when the bell rings for it - and that they come from time to time until 71/2 oClock when the door is closed -

Mr. Conway (P43888) appeared before the Faculty and stated that Mr. Pegram (P31307) has not had his washing done at the Hotel until within a month - many of the handkerchiefs are not marked - on one occasion there were only 3 of 30 marked, one of the 3 was Mr. Pegram's (P31307)- once Mr. P. (P31307) sent but one handkerchief when two were put in the list -

The cold weather was the cause of the sheets remaining so long unchanged, those in wash were frozen, and having no wash house he had no means of drying them - when the weather would not admit of their being dried out of doors, there was no possibility of doing it within doors -

He was always after dinner a large quantity of both


bread and meats left -

The following resolutions were then moved seconded and passed -

It appearing from the Proctor's report that Messr. William H. Battey, (P27407) Henry F. Cook, (P23450) Charles H. Constable, (P25255) Robert S. Hamilton, (P40627) C. W. Hardwick, (P27412) Francis T. Ridley, (P43189) C. J. Stuart (P24341) and Thomas Towles (P24008) have habitually violated the law regarding early rising-

Resolved, that they be reprimanded by the Chairman and that their parents and guardians be written to.-

The Faculty having satisfactory evidence that Messrs. John B. Baldiwn, (P43748) Mordecai Cooke, (P41382) Terisha, W. Dillard, (P39453) John J. Donnally, (P31984) William E. Gibson, (P31224) W. P. Harris, (P26162) John H. Harrison (P30891) and John R. Stapler (P39021) have frequently violated the laws regarding early rising.

Resolved, that they be reprimanded by the Chairman.-

It appearing on investigation that the failure of the Hotel Keepers in having the rooms cleaned by the hour prescribed by law, is caused by the delinquency of the students in complying with the law regarding early rising - Resolved, that no action be taken against the Hotel Keepers in this matter.- A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Pegram (P31307) be sent for to testify in relation to his complaints against Mr. Conway (P43888) -

Mr. Pegram (P31307) appeared and said that he had lost three handker- chiefs which he had sent out to be washed - he is certain that two were marked, is not certain with regard to one.- always sends a list, is certain he was accurate in the list - two handkerchiefs were lost one week - and one another.- made it known soon after he lost them - His washing was badly done; his shirts bosoms &c came back spotted with different colors.- Has removed his washing from the Hotel, and out of the University.- His object was to


report bad washing- cares but little about the handkerchiefs- they cost from $1.25 to $1.50 each-

A motion was made seconded and passed that the Proctor be Instructed to give Mr. Pegram (P31307) out of the funds of Mr. Conway (P43888) the value of two handkerchiefs not exceeding $1.25 each -

The Chairman laid before the Faculty a report of assessments made by the Proctor for repairs painting &c to the pavilions &c of Professors.-

On motion made and seconded- Resolved that said report be confirmed.-

The Chairman informed the Faculty, That on the 28th ult. Mr. William T. Early (P37882) was in Charlottesville () without uniform- A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Early (P37882) be reprimanded by the Chairman.-

Mr. Charles H. Constable (P25255) made application thro' the Chairman for permission to leave the class of Moral Philosophy-

His reasons being satisfactory- on motion made and sec- onded - Resolved that his application be granted.-

The Chairman called the attention of the Faculty to the case of Mr. Thomas M. Muldrow (P28848) which was mentioned on the 1st instant- a motion was made seconded and passed that he be sent for-

Mr. Muldrow (P28848) appeared and said that he did purchase a vest not uniform - but did not know at the time, that he was acting contrary to law - was informed so by students afterwards- did not give and order for it- nor did he pay the cash- He wanted all the clothes he purchased - did not buy any which were not necessary- bought an overcoat which cost $35- On account of the uniform law, he brought but few clothes with him- shall not buy any summer clothing- and but few more will be wanting.-


The following resolution was made seconded and passed

It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty that Mr. Thomas M. Muldrow (P28848) has violated the law in purchasing a vest not uniform; and that he has in the purchase of clothing exceeded the amount limited by law- but there being in his case mitigating circumstances-

Resolved, that he be admonished by the Chairman-

The Chairman laid before the Faculty a petition from Mr. Joseph R. Williams (P37019) who was on the 8th of January suspended for the remainder of the session.- praying the Faculty to remit in part the punishment to which he was sentenced.-

The offence of Mr. Williams (P37019) and the circumstances of his case being in all respects the same as those of Mr. Beamon(Beaman), (P33977) who was readmitted into the University on the 1st instant- on motion made and seconded - Resolved that the prayer of his position be granted, and that he be readmitted into the University-

Mr. Sterling E. Edmunds (P27890) made application thro' the Chairman for permission to leave the School of Moral Philosophy -

On motion made and seconded- Resolved that his application be not granted.-

The Professor of Ancient Languages reported that Mr. Rober Hackett (P24796) gave in a blank at the Intermediate examination in his school -

A motion was made seconded and passed, that the notice of dismissal for idleness, under which Mr. Wm. M. Seabrook (P40686) was placed by a resolution of the Faculty passed at the last monthly meeting be continued.-

Present Professor Blaettermann (P43621).-

Motions were severally made seconded and passed that the following


students be admonished by the Chairman -

Resolved that his parent be informed, that unless a speedy amendment takes place, he will be dismissed from the University-

The Faculty adjourned -

Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.

The Faculty met March 19th 1838

Present the Chairman and Professors, Rogers, (P43658) Griffith, (P43661) Cabell, (P39304) Davis, (33195) Tucker (P43619) and Emmet (P43625) -

The Chairman laid before the Faculty, the report of the Cashier of the Bank of Virginia () for the month of Feby.-

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the report of the librarian, made in obediance to the order of the Faculty of the first instant; showing the deficiencies in the publicrecords to which the library is entitled.-

The Chairman laid before the Faculty a petition from Mr. Augustine N. Saunders (P41576) - and also a letter from Augustine Neale (P41576) Esq. his guardian, praying for a remission in part of the punishment to which said Saunders was sentenced by a resolution of the Faculty of the 17th ult.-

The Chairman stated on the authority of Mr. Tyler () at whose home he has resided since his suspension, and of Mr. Bowen () a neighbor


that he has behaved with great propriety, is very penitant, and resolved to pursue his studies with assiduity and conform to the laws if he shall be readmitted.-

A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Saunders (P41576) be permitted to return to the University and resume his studies at the end of the present week- on giving a pledge that he will conform to all the laws of the Institution - and finding four sureties who will pledge themselves to report Mr. Saunders (P41576) for violating any law to which a major punishment is attached.-

The Chairman mentioned that Professor Blaettermann (P43621) had requested permission to hold the examination for graduation in Italian appoint- ed for the 9th of April on the 26th instant- Amotion was made sec- onded and passed that his request be granted-

The Chairman informed the Faculty, that Mr. Geo. P. Spence (P40454) had applied for permission to leave the School of Chemistry- He has recently joined the University, and is above the age of twenty-three

A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted.-

The Chairman informed the Faculty that application had been made by a Committee of Students for permission to have a ball on the 13th of April-

Mr. Davis (P33195) moved that the application be rejected- Mr. Tucker (P43619) moved that it be postponed till the next meeting of the Faculty-

The question was taken on Mr. Tucker's (P43619) motion decided in the affirmative.-

The Faculty then adjourned.-

Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.


The Faculty met March 31st 1838

Present the Chairman and Professors Davis, (P33195)Tucker, (P43619) Griffith, (P43661) Emmet, (P43625) Rogers (P43658) and Cabell (P39304) -

Professors Harrison (P25515) and Davis (P33195) laid before the Faculty Reports of the Standing of Candidates for Graduation in their School for the month of March.-

Mr. Davis (P33195) from the Committee on the English examination made the following Report -

The following students are adjudged by the Committee to have passed the English examination held on the 17th March 1838.

And also Mr. Micajah Clark (P38897) to whom they gave a Special exam- ination under the Resolution of the Faculty of October 31st

The following Students are adjudged to have failed on the English examination.

On motion made seconded and passed the said Report was approved and adopted

Mr. Daniel H. Quirk (P39310) made application thro' the Chairman for permission to withdraw the paper handed in by him at the English examination - A motion was made seconded and passed that his request be not granted.

Application was made thro' the Chairman by those Students


who failed on the English examination for permission to have a second examination -

A motion was made seconded and passed that their application be granted and that the examination be held in the Month of May -

The Chairman laid before the Faculty The Proctor's Report of assessments for the month of March- which on motion made seconded and passed - was confirmed -

The Chairman called upon the Professors for the names of those students who are inattentive and not make due proficiency in their Schools.-

The Professor of Ancient Languages reported, that

The Professors of Modern Languages and Mathematics were absent-

The Professor of Natural Philosophy reported that the following students gave in blanks at the Intermediate examination in his School.

The Professors of Chemistry and Medicine had no cause of complaint

The Professor of Anatomy and Surgery reported that at the Inter- mediate examination, Mr. James Norris (P34110) gave in a blank, and that

Messrs. Wm. S. Boyd (P34740) and George A. Glover (P42199) were in the 4th Division.-

The Professor of Moral Philosophy had no complaint.

The Professor of Law reported that Mr. Wm. W. Boyce (P40570) was frequently



A motion was made seconded and passed that the Chair- man be requested to enquire of Mr. Boyce (P40570) the cause of his frequent absence from Law and of Mr. Keyes (P26827) the cause of his frequent absence from Ancient Languages.-

A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. R. H. Hackett (P24796) be admonished by the Chairman for his inattention in Greek.

A motion was made seconded and passed that the Notice of dismissal passed against Mr. John H. Harrison (P30891) at the last monthly meeting of the Faculty, be continued.-

Application was made by Mr. Wm. W. Boyce (P40570) for permission to leave the Class of Jun. Law - On motion made and seconded

Resolved that his application be refused -

The Chairman informed the Faculty, that a few days ago there was an affray between Mr. Wright (P25889) and Mr. Hackett (P24796) in which the latter was stabed by the former, the not dangerously.

A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Wright (P25889) be sent for- He appeared and said that there was an affray between Mr. Hackett (P24796) and himself and that he used his knife.

He mentioned certain irritating language used by Mr. Hackett (P24796)- who when the same language was retorted upon him advanced towards Mr. Wright, (P25889) being a much larger and stronger man than Mr. W. (P25889) the latter drew his knife which has a large blade and told him to keep off - Mr. Hackett (P24796) then picked up a chair and advanced with it raised upon Mr. Wright, (P25889) who caught hold of it with one hand and stabed Mr. Hackett (P24796) with the other.- was acting entirely in self defence - did all he could to avoid a controversy- there were no other persons in the room at the commencement of the


affray. The Messrs. Guerard (P23893) hearing the noise from an adjoining room came in a (and) separated them.-

On motion of Mr. Rogers (P43658)(which was seconded) Resolved that Mr. Wright (P25889) be admonished by the Chairman and required to exhibit his knife, and if in the opinion of the Chairman it is a weapon which under the laws a student ought not to have- that he be required to deliver it to the Proctor.-

The Chairman stated to the Faculty, that Mr. John S. Powell (P36926) late a student of Bacon College Kentucky () , who was permitted to matriculate on condition that he would obtain from said College in a reasonable time a certificate of good conduct- had written more that once to said College for a certificate and had received no answer to his letters - He produced other testimonials which were deemed satisfactory - A motion was made seconded and passed that the matriculation of Mr. Powell (P36926) be made unconditional.-

The application of the Students for a Ball the week after the 13th of April was called up and considered-

A motion was made by Mr. Davis (P33195) which was seconded and passed, that the application be rejected.-

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Edward F. Montague (P25123) was in Charlottesville () on Saturday without Uniform as to coat and that he had purchased a pair of pantaloons not uniform.-

On motion made and seconded - Resolved that Mr. Montague (P25123) be reprimanded by the Chairman and that his father be written to.-

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Wm. S. Boyd (P34740) had made application to leave the School of Ancient Languages- His reasons being deemed satisfactory a motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted-

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Thomas B. Rupell (P44164)


had made application to leave the School of Chemistry On motion made and seconde-Resolved that his application be postponed.-

The Professor of Medicine applied for permission to hold his Intermediate examination in April - A motion was made seconded and passed that his request be granted -

The Professor of Medicine also requested permission to hold an examination of his Candidates for Graduation, on the Practice of Medicine on the last thursday in April -

A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted.-

The Professor of Anatomy & Surgery requested leave to hold an examination of his Candidates for Graduation on Anatomy of the 2nd of April - A motion was made seconded and passed, that his request be granted.-

The Chairman laid before the Faculty a Report from the Proctor in regard to the fare at the Hotels.- On conderation (consideration) of which, on motion made and seconded the following resolution was passed-

Resolved, that the Faculty will expect of the Hotel Keepers to make strenious exertions to comply with the bill of fare.-

The Chairman called the attention of the Faculty to the monthly report of the Proctor, by which it appeared that Mr. Charles W. Hardwick (P27412) who was reprimanded at the last monthly meeting of the Faculty for frequent violations of the law regarding early rising had made no improvement in this respect, during the past month, a motion was made seconded and passed that he be sent for-

Mr. Hardwick (P27412) appeared and said that he had no excuse to offer- has made no efforts to comply with the law.-


On motion made and seconded- Resolved, that, MR. Charles W. Hardwick (P27412)for his habitual violation of the law regarding early rising be suspended for one week, and that he be required to spend the time at Bowcock's () Tavern

It appearing from the Proctor's report that Mr. John H. Harrison (P30891) who was animadverted upon at the last monthly meeting of the Faculty for frequent violations of the law regarding early rising, had violated the same law during the last month in several instances - A motion was made seconded and passed, that he be sent for.-

Mr. Harrison (P30891) appeared and said, that, he risis every morning as soon as he wakes- requested the Servant to wake him- this he neglected to do on the occasions when he was found in bed- risis about half past 6

A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Harrison (P30891) be reprimanded by the Chairman, and that his father be written to.-

It appearing from the Proctor's Report, that Messrs. Shands, (P21960) Robertson, (P23450) B. Tucker, (P30144) Whiting, (P25952) Gooch, (P32133) Johnston, (P28784) Eppes, (P32047) Towles, (P24008) Donnally, (P31984) Dodson, (P38103) Gibson, (P31224) Stapler, (P39021) Binford, (P35678) Boyd, (P34740) G. W. Morries, () Jordan (P24670) and H. F. Cook (P23450)- have frequently violated the law regard- ing early rising- On motion made & seconded Resolved, that they be reprimanded by the Chairman.- or otherwise acted upon, as in his discretion he may judge proper- in summoning them before him

The Faculty adjourned.-

Gessner Harrison (P25515). Ch. Fac.


The Faculty met April 16th 1838 Present all the members

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Bank Report for the month of March-

Mr. Davis (P33195) submitted the following resolution which was seconded and passed -

Resolved, that the Chairman be requested to communicate with the Post-Master General, on the subject of the time of the arrival of the mails at the University, and to solicit him to give directions to the Post-Master at Charlottesville () to send up the University mail, the evening it reaches Charlottesville () .-

The Chairman stated to the Faculty that on friday night the 13th instant commencing between 7 & 8 oClock there was an illumination of the Eastern and Western Ranges of the University and also of the Lawn with some noise - about three quarters of an hour after the matter became more serious - the noise became louder - the door of the Bellroom was brokon open with an axe- the Cellar door of the Proctor's office was broken open, three barrels of tar were taken out and burnt upon the Lawn - and soon after the rioters commenced ringing the Bell - Attacks were made upon the houses of Professors Blaettermann, (P43621) Rogers (P43658) and the Chairman - so violent that two pannels of the door of the latter were broken.- the disturbances continued till between 11 & 12 oClock.-

The Chairman further stated that he had information that Mr. Robert Hackett (P24796) was intoxicated that night; that he was engaged in the disturbances, and was carried intoxicated to his room about 12 oClock.- He was found late in bed the next morning, and exhibited all the appearances of having been drunk - was recognised as one who was engaged in bringing on the lawn a


barrel of tar -

There was drunk at the room of Mr. Wm. P. Guerard (P23893) three bottles of Champagne, besides other wine - Mr. Guerard (P23893) was engaged in burning tar barrels - that night was seen at Mr. Huskell's () with a bottle of something, to drink.-

Mr. Robert Gray (P24527) me seen on the Lawn intoxicated - the next day, he had the appearance of having been intoxicated.-

Mr. William S. Norris (P29148) was engaged in forcing the door of the Bellroom and in ringing the bell.-

The Chairman had information that Mr. Charles W. Hardwick (P27412) was drunk on thursday night, and that he was engaged in the dis- turbances on friday night.-

The Chairman thinks that he recognised Mr. Keyes (P26827) as well by his person as his voice, as being engaged in the distur- bances and in the attack upon his door -

Messrs. Lyle (P36274) and Talley (P36522) were members of a drinking party in the afternoon of the 13th at Maury's Spring () - and Mr. Lyle (P36274) was seen appearing under the influences of liquor at Huskell's ()- these gentlemen admitted before the Chairman, that they drank at Maury's Spring () - 'the party drank half a bottle of brandy- were not intoxicated - were engaged in illuminating, but had no participation in the rest of the disturbances.-

Mr. Davis (P33195) being unwell retired from the Faculty-

Motions were severally made seconded and passed, that Messrs. Hackett, (P24796) Guerard, (P23893) Norris, (P29148) Hardwick, (P27412) Gray (P24527) and Keyes (P26827) be sent for.

Mr. Hackett (P24796) appeared and said that he would answer no questions- was asked by the Chairman if he had a drinking party in his room on the night of the 13th answered that he had not - He was on the Lawn during the whole of the disturbances -


Mr. Gray (P24527) appeared before the Faculty and had nothing to say-

Mr. Norris (P29148) appeared before the Faculty and refused to say anything.

Mr. Hardwick (P24796) appeared and declared that he would answer no question put to him, upon any subject whatever -

Mr. Guerard (P23893) appeared and said that he did not wish to answer any questions about drinking. - disclaims having anything to do with the disturbances - was asked if he did not bring liquor into the University - will not answer the question -

Mr. Keyes (P26827) appeared before the Faculty - He did not drink at Mr. Guerard's (P23893) room - and was in no manner concerned in the disturbances -

The Faculty adjourned until tomorrow morning 9 oClock

Gessner Harrison (P25515) Ch. Fac.

April 17th 1838 The Faculty met pursuant to adjournment

Present the Chairman and Professors Cabell, (P39304) Griffith, (P43661) Tucker, (P43619) Blaettermann, (P43621) Emmet, (P43625) Bonnycastle, (P43623) & Rogers (P43658).-

The Chairman stated to the Faculty, that he had good cause to beleive that Mr. Hackett (P24796) altho' intoxicated on the night of the 13th was not engaged in the disturbances.-

The Chairman laid before the Faculty a letter from Mr. Norris, (P29148) and stated that he had reason to beleive that he was in no manner concerned with the disturbances.-

A motion was made seconded and passed, that the Proctor be sent for to testify in relation to the charges alledged yesterday against Mr. C. W. Hardwick (P27412) -

The Proctor appeared and said that he had information, that


Mr. Hardwick (P27412) was seen on thursday coming from towards Mr. Maury () with mint - and that he was intoxicated at the room of Messrs. Beaman (P33977) and Battey (P27407) thursday night - on friday night he was seen near the bell.

Mr. Tucker (P43619) proposed the following resolution which was seconded and passed -

Whereas, there was on the night of the 13th instant on the part of some of the students very disorderly and riotous conduct in the precincts, during which the dwellings of several of the Professors were violently assaulted.- and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty that Mr. Robert Hackett (P24796) had been drinking on that night contrary to the Enactments; but the Faculty having no reason to beleive that he took part in the a attack on the Professor's houses -

Resolved, that Mr. Hackett (P24796) be suspended for four weeks, and that he be required to spend the time of his suspension at Bowcock's () Tavern.

The following resolution proposed by Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) was seconded and passed -

It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty, that Mr. William P. Guerard (P23893) had on the night of the 13th instant a drinking party in his room - that persons who were in a state of intoxication committed great outrages that night.- although no satisfactory evidence exists of the connection between the two -

Therefore, Resolved that Mr. Guerard (P23893) be suspended for one month, and required to spend the time of his suspension at Tylor's () tavern -

Mr. Rogers (P43658) proposed the following resolution which was seconded and passed -


It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty, that Mr. Robert Gray (P24527) was intoxicated at the time of the disturbances which occurred on the night of the 13ht instant, although there is no evidence of his having participated in the same.

Resolved, that Mr. Gray (P24527) be suspended for four weeks and required to pass the time of suspension at home.-

Dr. Emmet (P43625) proposed the following resolution which was seconded and passed -

It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty that Mr. Charles W. Hardwick (P27412) was intoxicated on thursday night, that he was connected with the disturbances on friday night, and furthermore that he is not making due proficiency in his studies- therefore

Resolved, that he be dismissed from the University.-

The Chairman stated to the Faculty, that complaints had been made against Mr. Conway () for neglect of duty in changing sheets &c at the proper time - and that the Proctor had reported, that in his district as well as that of Col. Ward, () the rooms were not cleaned in the morning at the hour required by the Enactments -

On motion made and seconded.

Resolved that Mr. Conway (P43888) be fined the sum of five dollars, and Col. Ward () the sum of three dollars, unless they offer a satisfactory excuse for their delinquency at or before the next monthly meeting of the Faculty -

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) requested to have an examination for Grad- uation in Civil Engineering on the day of.

A motion was made seconded and passed that his request be granted.-

The Faculty adjourned

Gessner Harrison (P25515) Ch. Fac.


The Faculty met April 21st 1838

Present the Chairman and Professors Davis, (P33195) Cabell, (P39304) Blaettermann (P43621) and Tucker (P43619).-

Mr. Simon A. Watts (P24989) made application thro' the Chairman for permission to leave the Class of Moral Philosophy - His reasons being satisfactory, a motion was made seconded & passed, that his application be granted.-

Mr. Sterling E. Edmunds (P27890) made application thro' the Chairman for permission to leave the School of Moral Philosophy -

A motion was made seconded and passed that his motion be postponed.-

Mr. David P. Lewis (P24641) made application through the Chairman for permission to leave the Class of Spanish - His reasons being satisfactory. On motion made and seconded resolved, that his application be granted.-

The Chairman proposed the following resolution which was seconded and passed -

Resolved, that a fine of fifty cents be imposed on the owner for every occasion in which a dog belonging to a resident, other than a student, shall be found running at large within the precincts -

The Chairman laid before the Faculty a letter from Mr. David P. Lewis (P24641) complaining of the fare at Col. Ward's () Hotel -

A motion was made seconded and passed that the consideration of said complaint be postponed -

The Faculty adjourned.-

Gessner Harrison (P25515) Ch. Fac.


The Faculty met April 30th

Present all the members -

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Librarian's Bi-monthly report -

The Chairman laid before the (Faculty) Professor Davis's (P33195) monthly report of the Standing of Candidates for Graduation.-

The Professor of Ancient Languages reported that Messrs. Rolin H. Kirk, (P25245) Thomas M. Muldrow, (P28848) Dr M. Heriot, (P29381) E. F. Montague, (P25123) and Williams C. Wickham (P26374) answer badly and that Messrs. John A. Strother (P37901) and N. W. Smith () are nearly always absent.-

The Professor of Modern Languages reported, that Mr. N. T. Sorsby (P43000) has been always absent, and that Mr. Williams C. Wickham (P26374) is idle.-

The Professor of Mathematics reported that Messrs. Ambler, (P31858) Baker, (P28421) Caldwell, (P28389) Montague (P25123) and Ritchie (P40600) are idle and inattentive.-

The Professor of Natural Philosophy had no complaint -

The Professor of Chemistry reported, that Messrs. Binford, (P35678) Barbour, (P38272) Glover, (P42199) Hansberger, (P28364) Heriot, (P29381) Maxwell, (P41828) Rupe11, (P44164) Ritchie (P40600) and Woodville (P27310) are doing nothing, and that Mr. F. L. Marshall (P31864) is inattentive.

The Professors of Medicine and of Anatomy & Surgery had no Complaint.

The Professor of Moral Philosophy reported, that Mr. Thomas J. Carson (P28664) had absented himself from his Jun. Class - that Messrs. Manning (P37110) and Strother (P37901) were often absent - and that Mr. Edmunds (P27890) besides being often absent answers badly.

The Professor of Law reported, that Messrs. Z. P. Spence, (P33733) Harding (P28974) and Rupell (P44164) never answer - and that Mr. Edmunds (P27890) answers badly but better than formerly.


The Chairman mentioned to the Faculty that ill health was the cause of frequent absence of Messrs. Strother (P37901) and Smith () from Lecture - A motion was made seconded and passed, that the Chairman be requested to enquire further into the cause of their absence

A motion was made seconded and passed that the father of Mr. Benjamin J. Barbour (P38272) be informed that his son is not sufficiently attentive in Chemistry and Mathematics -

Motions were severally made seconded and passed that the Chairman be requested to admonish the following students -

Motions were severally made seconded and passed that the Chairman be requested to reprimand the following students and write to their parents and guardians.

On motion made and seconded - Resolved that the father of Mr. D. M. Heriot (P29381) be informed that his son is not making due proficiency in his schools; and that unless a speedy amendment takes place he will be dismissed from the University -

A motion was made seconded and passed that the father of Mr. Edward F. Montague (P25123) be informed that his son is not making due proficiency in Ancient Languages and Mathematics, and that


unless a speedy amendment takes place he will be dismissed from the University -

On motion made and seconded - Resolved that the father of Mr. John Ambler (P31858) be informed, that his son is not making due pro- ficiency in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy - and that unless a speedy amendment takes place he will be dismissed from the University.-

A motion was made seconded and passed that the father of Mr. Thomas Ritchie jr (P40600) be informed, that his son is not making due p proficiency in his studies, and that unless a speedy amendment takes place his son will be dismissed from the University -

A motion was made seconded and passed, that the father of Mr. Thomas B. Rupell (P44164) be informed that his son is not making due proficiency in his studies, and that unless a speedy amendment takes place his son will be dismissed from the University -

A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Walter L. Binford (P35678) be reprimanded by the Chairman for want of propagation in his schools.

Motions were severally made seconded and passed that the Chairman be requested to enquire of Messrs. Thomas J. Carson (P28664) and W. J. Manning (P37110) the cause of their frequent absence from the Lectures on Moral Philosophy.

Mr. Sterling E. Edmunds (P27890) renewed thro' the Chairman with the consent of his father his application to leave the Class of Moral Philosophy - A motion was made seconded and passed, that his application be granted.-

Mr. Davis (P33195) proposed the following resolution which was adopted.

Resolved, that the Librarian be instructed to obtain


all the publications by authority of the State and Federal govern- ments which are not in the Library of the University; and for that purpose to communicate with the proper departments and the menber of Congress from this district -

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's report of assessments for the present month, which on motion made seconded and passed, was confirmed.-

The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's monthly report, and also a special report from that Officer in relation to the fares at the Hotels -

Mr. Davis (P33195) thereupon submitted the following resolution which was seconded and passed -

Resolved, that the Hotel Keepers be fined ten dollars cash for their failure to clean up the dormitories, in the morning in the time prescribed by law, during the present month, as reported by the Proctor, unless they shall offer the Chairman a satisfactory excuse for their delinquency.

The Chairman mentioned to the Faculty that the Proctor had recieved information, that J. O. Banister (P31394) had often drunk brandy at the bar of Vowles Tavern -

A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Banister (P31394) be sent for - Ha appeared and said that he did not wish to enter into any explanation.

Mr. Davis (P33195) submitted the following resolution which was seconded and passed -

The Faculty having satisfactory evidence that Mr. James C. Banister (P31394) has repeatedly since his matriculation visited Vowles tavern and drunk spiritous liquors at the bar thereof,

Resolved, that he be suspended for two weeks and required


to spend the time of his suspension at Bocook's -

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Messrs. Beverly Tucker, (P30144) James N. Ranson (P23878) and John Ambler (P31858) came into the precincts in a hack -

A motion was made seconded and passed that these gentleman be admonished by the Chairman.-

Mr. David E. Butler (P33808) made application thro' the Chairman for permission to leave the School of Mathematics - and the Class of Spanish - A motion was made seconded and passed, that he have permission to leave the Spanish Class, and that permission to leave Mathematics be refused -

Mr. Thomas R. Reynolds (P42024) made application through the chairman for permission to leave Mathematics - his reasons being satis- factory - a motion was made seconded and passed that his appli- cation be granted.-

Mr. Thomas B. Rupell (P44164) made application thro' the Chairman with his father's consent to leave the School of Chemistry -

On Motion made and seconded, Resolved that his application be granted -

The Chairman mentioned to the Faculty that Mr. Geo. B. Spence (P40454) who is above the age of twenty three, but resides within the University, had applied to be exempt from the operation of the law regarding uniform - He had obtained the consent of two members of the Executive Committee.- A motion was made seconded and passed, that his application be granted.-

The Chairman mentioned to the Faculty that Mr. L. E. Texada (P26698) who withdrew from the University at any early period of the Session had returned and asked to be exempt from the Uniform law and to reside at a private home in Charlottesville () - He had obtained written permission from one member of the Executive Committee-


The Chairman laid before the Faculty a petition from sundry students, Parying for a remission in part of the punishment awarded against Mr. WM. P. Guerard (P23893) on the 17th instant - A motion was made seconded & Passed, that the said petition be rejected.-

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. William W. Boyce (P40570) had left the University without permission -

A motion was thereupon made seconded and passed that Mr. Boyce (P40570) be dismissed from the University.

Mr. V. M. Eppes (P32047) made application through the Chairman for leave to withdraw from the University - his reasons being satis- factory, a motion was made seconded and passed, that his appli- cation be granted -

On motion made and seconded

Resolved, that the Chairman be requested to take the necessary measures to have before the Grand Jury () those persons who were engaged in the disorders of the 13th instant -

The Chairman laid before the Faculty a letter from James Gray Esq. () requesting the Faculty to shorten the term of suspension to which his son Robert Gray (P24527) was sentenced by the resolution of the Faculty of the 17th instant -

On motion made and seconded - Resolved that Mr. Robert Gray (P24527) be permitted to return to the University at the expiration of this week -

The Faculty adjourned. -

Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch: Fac:


The Faculty met April 8th 1838

Present the Chairman and Professors Griffith, (P43661) Tucker, (P43619) Davis (P33195) and Rogers. (P43658)-

Mr. Davis (P33195) applied to have a separate examination for Graduation in Law of Mr. James T. Dillard, (P34471) who was sick at the last examination - A motion was " " " thereupon made seconded and passed, that Mr. Dillard (P34471) have a separate examination on the instant.

Dr. Griffith (P43661) applied to have an examination of the Candi- dates for Certificates of proficiency in Medical Jurisprudence on the 11th instant, and also for an examination for distinction of the Class of Medical Jurisprudence on the instant.

A motion was made seconded and passed that his request be granted.-

Messrs. Maurice L. Throckmorton, (P30222) Wm. E. Gibson (P31224) & R. H. Hamilton (P40627) made application thro' the Chairman for leave of absence for three days to visit Wier's Cave () - A motion was made seconded and passed that their application be granted.-

Mr. S. M. Sennard () made application through the Chairman for permission to leave the School of Mathematics - His reasons being satisfactory, on motion made and seconded resolved, that his application be granted.-

Mr. David E. Butler (P33808) made application through the Chairman for permission to leave the School of Mathematics - His reasons being satisfactory, on motion made and seconded resolved, that his application be granted.-

Mr. Robert B. Ridley (P30964) made application through the Chairman for permission to withdraw from the University on account of ill health - Dr. Griffith (P43661) stated that the application was reason-


able - whereupon on motion made seconded and passed, the application was granted -

The Faculty adjourned

Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch: Fac:

The Faculty met May 15th 1838

Present the Chairman and Professors Cabell, (P39304) Bonnycastle, (P43623) Davis, (P33195) Tucker, (P43619) Griffith (P43661) -

The Chairman informed the Faculty that in compliance with the resolution of the 30th ult. the Proctor obtained process to summon before the Grand Jury, () Wm. G. Davies, (P36470) George A. Glover, (P42199) George B. Wilkinson, (P40955) William S. Boyd, (P34740) Franklin English (P26348) and Thomas B. Jordan (P24670) - that a Deputy Sheriff () came to the University with the process in his hands, and returned immediately to Charlottesville () without having made any attempt to execute it.-

The Chairman further informed the Faculty that Mr. Wm. G. Davies (P36470) on recieving notice from the Proctor, that he would be summoned before the Grand Jury, left the University without leave, with the view of evading the service of the process.-

The Chairman informed the Faculty, that Mr. Thomas B. Jordan (P24670) had in several visits which he made at his office, spoken and this behaviour was repeatedl on several days successively and behaved in a most indecorous manner - that he had in the presence of the Proctor used language toward the Chairman and Faculty disrespectful and abusive.-

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Wm. H. Macon (P37934) was in Charlottesville () on friday last without uniform as to coat - and that he had on a new coat -

That Messrs. Moore, (P38129) Dodson, (P38103) Constable, (P25255) I. W. Johnston, (P28784) Lyle, (P36274) Briggs (P29425) and Boyd (P34740) attended a party in the University without


Uniform Mr. Moore (P38129) was in town friday without uniform and Messrs. Dodson (P38103) and Constable (P25255) had purchased Clothes not uniform -

A motion was made seconded and passed that Messrs. Jordan (P24670) - Macon (P37934) - Moore (P38129) - Dodson (P38103) - Constable (P25255) - Johnston, (P28784) Lyle, (P36274) Briggs (P29425) and Boyd (P34740) be sent for -

Mr. Jordan (P24670) appeared, and said he endeavored to restrain himself when before the Chairman was sorry for what he said the moment after, and beged the Chairman's pardon - After having spoken to the Proctor disrespectfully of the Chairman and Faculty- he returned and expressed his regret to that Officer for having so spoken - is now very sorry for what ha did -

Mr. Macon (P37934) next appeared before the Faculty - and said that he went to Charlottesville () with an old uniform coat, on- a friend offered him a horse to go into the Country to see his aunt who had been sick - he then returned to the University and put on another coat which was not uniform - the coat was sent to him by his father - got it to wear at a wedding in Staunton () - wrote to his father for it.

Mr. Constable (P25255) appeared and said that his uniform was not fit to wear at a party - the clothes worn by him were sent to him from Baltimore () , he ordered them three or four weeks ago in anticipation of the vacation - he wanted them to return home in -

Mr. Dodson (P38103) had not a uniform fit to wear to a party - has no uniform at this time - the coat he wore was a Uniform changed -

Has purchased two uniform s since his Matriculation - the altered coat was one -

Mr. Moore (P38129) said that on friday evening he was riding out- went to no particular place - passed thro' Charlottesville () with- out stoping.- Could not procure a uniform coat fit to wear to


a party - has purchased no Uniform this session - thought he could do without it as ho did not intend to go to Charlottesville () often.-

Mr. John W. Johnston's (P28784) uniform had been worn to much tot be fit to wear at a party - Has purchased no clothos not uniform since his matriculation.-

Mr. Briggs (P29425) said, that his Uniform was out of order - did not have time to have it mended - had not sent it to the Tailor's borrowed a coat which he were - has not violated the Uniform law often - has had no coat made not uniform -

Mr. Lyle, (P36274) said that his uniform coat was out of repair and he did not know of the party in time to have it repaired- borrowed the coat he were -

Mr. Tucker (P43619) offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed -

It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty, that Mr. Thomas B. Jordan (P24670) has on several occasions in his intercourse with the Chairman used disrespectful language to him and has also made use of approbrious language towards the Faculty in the presence of the Proctor - for which improprieties he has this day made apologies in the presence of the Faculty, which have greatly mitigated his offence - and which in the case of a single offence might have been deemed amply sufficient.-

Resolved therefore, that Mr. Jordan (P24670) be suspended for six weeks and that he be required to pass the term of his suspen- sion at Cocke'e Tavern. () -

On motion made and seconded - Resolved that Mr. William H. Macon (P37934) for having violated the Uniform law on friday the instant be reprimanded by the Chairman and that his father be written to -


A motion was made seconded and passed that Messrs. Charles H. Constable, (P25255) John Dodson, (P38103) Edward W. Moore, (P38129) and John W. Johnston (P28784) be suspended for one week -

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) moved a reconsideration - his motion was seconded and passed - He then submitted the following resolution which was seconded and passed -

It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty that Mr. Edward W. Moore (P38129) has violated the Uniform law - both by appearing at a party Out of Uniform and also by not purchasing a Uniform during the Session - But it is suggested by his Pro- fessors that a suspension for a time proportioned to the magni- tude of his offence would operate severly on Mr. Moore (P38129) by inter fering with his examination for Graduation. therefore

Resolved, that he be suspended for ten days and that he be required to spend the term of his suspension at Tyler Tavern.-

The following resolution was offered by the Chairman sec- onded and passed -

Resolved, that Messrs. John Dodson (P38103) - John W. Johnston (P28784) and Charles H. Constable (P25255) for violating the Uniform law. and for having purchased clothes not uniform be suspeneds for ten days and required to spend the time of suspension at Tyler's Tavern -

The question was put on this motion and decided in the negative -

The following resolution was then proposed, seconded and passed -

Resolved, that Messrs. John R. Briggs (P29425) Wm. J. Lyle (P36274) and


Wm. S. Boyd (P34740) for violating the Uniform law by being present at a party in the University without uniform be suspended for five days and and required to spend the time of suspension at Mrs. Clarkes () -

Mr. Davis (P33195) made a motion which was seconded & passed, that Mr. Edward W. Moore (P38129) be required to obtain a Uniform

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) offered the following resolution in the case of Mr. William G. Davies (P36470) which was seconded and passed.-

The Faculty having evidence that Mr. Wm. G. Davies (P36470) has left the University without leave, and the Faculty being satis- fied that Mr. Davies (P36470) in doing little good in his schools - and finding that he has been frequently admonished of the impropriety and inattention manifested in his conduct- therefore Resolved that Mr. Davies (P36470) be suspended for the rest of the Session -

The Faculty adjourned

Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch: Fac:

The Faculty met May 17th 1838

Present the Chairman and Professors - Rogers (P43658)- B1aettermann (P43621) - Bonnycastle (P43623) - Tucker (P43619) - Davis (P33195) & Cabell (P39304)

The Chairman informed the Faculty, that Messrs. Boyd, (P34740) Briggs (P29425) and Lyle (P36274) who had been suspended for five days and sent to Mrs. Clarke's, () had been refused accommodations by her, and had consequently returned to the University.-

Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) moved, that in consideration of their having gone to the place appointed, and of the expense already incurred by them, the remaining days of their suspension be re- mitted.- This motion was seconded and carried in the affirmative.-


Mr. Davis (P33195) requested, that his vote be registered in the negative.-

The Faculty adjourned.-

Gessner Harrison (P25515) Ch. Fac.

The Faculty met May 24th 1838

Present the Chairman and Professors Tucker, (P43619) G. Griffith, (P43661) Rogers, (P43658) Davis (P33195) and Blaettermann (P43621) -

The Chairman informed the Faculty that on tuesday night immediately after the public address deliered in Charlottes- ville () by Professor Rogers, (P43658) he saw at the bar of Nowles Tavern () Messrs. Lyle, (P36274) Whiting (P25952) and Houson (P22075).-

A motion was made seconded and passed that these gentlemen be sent for

Mr. Whiting (P25952) appeared and said that ht went from the Church to Barrett & McIntire's with the intention of getting a glass of soda water - their store being closed, he and the other two gentlemen went into Nowles () to get something better - it was a wet night and their feet were wet - Some brandy was called for, and whilst the barkeeper was preparing it, the Chairman came in.- It was then proposed to dispense with the drinking - the liquor was paid for and they left without drinking it.

Mr. Lyle (P36274) appeared and admitted the charge - his statement was precisely the same as that made by Mr. Whiting (P25952) - they did not drink the liquor in consequence of being seen by the Chairman.

Mr. Mouzon (P22075) appeared and said that he did not drink - nor did he go with the intention of drinking - was thirsty and went to Barrett () and McIntire's () to get a glass of water.-


Mr. Tucker (P43619) moved that Messrs. Lyle (P36274) and Whiting (P25952) be repri- manded by the Chairman and that their parents be written to -

Mr. Davis (P33195) moved as an amendment, that Messrs. Lyle (P36274) & Whiting (P25952) for having visited Nowles () tavern on teusday night the 22nd instant be suspended for one week and required to spend the term of their suspension at Cooke's () Tavern - and that Mr. Mouzon (P22075) be repri- manded by the Chairman and that his father be written to -

The motion on the amendment was seconded and carried in the Affirmative - the Chairman giving the casting vote -

The Chairman informed the Faculty, that Mr. George B. Wilkinson (P40955) had received from home $100. and and only deposited $60 of it in the hands of the Patron () - Mr. Wilkinson (P40955) informed the Chairman that he didnot know that he was violating the law- did not know the law, not having had a copy of the Laws - the' he admitted that he had seen the notice of the Chairman in regard to depositing funds with the Patron () .-

A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Wilkinson (P40955) be reprimanded by the Chairman and that his father be written to.-

The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Williams C. Wickham (P26374) and Mr. Robert Hackett (P24796) were in Charlottesville () on the night of the address without uniform - Mr. Wickham (P26374) had on a summer coat, and Mr. Hackett (P24796) had informed the Chairman - that some weeks ago he put a Uniform into the hands of a Tailor which is not yet finished.-

A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Wickham (P26374) be reprimanded by the Chairman and his father written to.

A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Hackett (P24796) be censured by the Chairman.-


Messrs. D. C. Butler, (P33808) John J. Donnally (P31984) and John W. Clay (P35247) made application thro' the Chairman for permission to stand an exam- ination in English with those students to whom the Faculty have granted one - A motion was made seconded and passed that their application be granted.-

Mr. Andrew L. Pickens (P35746) made application thro' the Chairman for permission to leave the Class of Political Economy on account of ill health -

Mr. Tucker (P43619) moved that the application of Mr. Pickens (P35746) be granted, and that he be censured by the Chairman for having left the Lecture room and for his in-attention in this Class heretofore.-

Mr. William P. Guerard (P23893) made application thro' the Chair- man for permission to leave the School of Mathematics - Has lost a month by suspension and fallen behind his class -

A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted.-

The Chairman laid before the Faculty a letter from Mr. William W. Boyce (P40570) who was dismissed from the University on the 30th ult. praying the Faculty for reasons therein stated to remit the punishment to which he was sentenced.-

Mr. Davis (P33195) moved, that in consideration of the extenuating circumstances mentioned in Mr. Boyce's (P40570) letter his punishment be changed from dismissal to suspension for the rest of the session this motion was seconded and passed.-

The Chairman laid before the Faculty a letter from Mr. Wm. G. Davies (P36470) who was on the 15th instant suspended for the remainder of the session, praying for reasons therein stated a recission of that sentence -

Dr. Blaettermann (P43621) moved that in consideration of the


extenuating circumstances mentioned in Mr. Davies' (P36470) letter he be admitted into the University after to day -

The question was put on this motion and determined in the negative -

The Faculty on motion adjourned:-

Gessner Harrison (P25515) Ch. Fac.