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The Faculty met June 1st 1838 Present all the members- [EVENT: Course Reference:Law ] Professor Davis (P33195) laid before the Faculty his monthly report of the Standing of Candidates for Graduation in Law.-
The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's monthly report of assessments - which was on motion made seconded and passed, confirmed.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] The Professor of Ancient Languages (P25515) reported, that Mr. Keaton (Keating) S. Nelson (P38502) answered badly during the last month and Mr. Edward F. Montague (P25123) was always unprepared.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages ] The Professor of Modern Languages (P43621) had no complaint.
[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics ] The Professor of Mathematics (P43623) reported Mr. K. S. Nelson (P38502) as often absent and inattentive - that Mr. Edward F. Montague (P25123) has made no improvement and that Mr. A. S. Brockenbrough (P27585) is some- what inattentive
[EVENT: Course Reference:Natural Philosophy ] The Professor of Natural Philosophy (P43634) had no complaint
[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry ] The Professor of Chemistry (P43625) reported Mr. W. L. Binford (P35678) as doing no good.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine ] The Professor of Medecine (P43661) had no complaint.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Anatomy ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Surgery ] The Professor of Anatomy & Surgery (P39304) reported Mr. W. L. Binford (P35678) as doing but little good.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy ] The Professor of Moral Philosophy (P43619) reported Charles H. Constable (P25255) as often absent -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Law ] The Professor of Law (P33195) reported that Messrs. S. E. Edmunds (P27890) and Z. P. Spence (P33733) who were brought to the notice of the Faculty at the last monthly meeting have decidedly improved and that Mr. Thomas B. Rupell (P22526) has somewhat improved.-
Mr. Nicholas T. Sorsby (P43000) made application thro' the Chairman for an examination on the English Language - He was sick at the last examination - A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Curriculum:Modern Languages ] A motion was made seconded and passed that the Committee on the English examination, be allowed to hold the reexamination heretofore granted, in the first days of June.-
[EVENT: Curriculum:Natural Philosophy ] Mr. William S. Barton (P30856) made application thro' the Chairman for permission to have a reexamination for Graduation in Natural Philosophy - At the last examination he was sick - A motion was made seconded and passed, that his application be granted.-
A motion was made seconded and passed, that Mr. Keaton(Keat- ing) S. Nelson (P38502) for his inattention in his Schools be repriman- ded by the Chairman, and his guardian be written to.-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal ] The Chairman informed the Faculty, that on friday last he met Messrs. Roberts, (P26892) Beamon (P33977) and Montague (P25123) going to Charlottes- ville (PL4204) without uniform, and that after passing the Chairman they entered a hack.- and further Mr. Beamon (P33977) was yesterday in the bar room of a tavern in Charlottesville (PL4204) with several other students.
Motions were severally made seconded and passed that Messrs. Roberts, (P26892) Beamon (P33977) and Montague (P25123) be sent for.-
Mr. Montague (P25123) first appeared and said that he was invited to ride in the hack by a student - did not pay for it - thinks he has improved in his classes - only missed three questions
last month - was asked if he got assistance in the lecture room- answered that all get assistance there.-Mr. Beamon (P33977) appeared and admitted that he was in Nowles' Tavern (PL8552) yesterday - was asked if he drank anything - does not desire to answer that question.- with regard to being out of uniform and riding in the hack - says it was late in the evening and raining - and he had a book at the binder's which he was anxious to get, and which the servant would not go for -
Mr. Roberts (P26892) appeared and said that he had taken off his flannel, and put on a coat thicker than the uniform - one that could be buttoned and protect him from the cold - the Hack overtook them and as it was raining a little and muddy he got into it.-
The following resolutions were moved seconded and passed.-
Mr. Edward F. Montague (P25123) having recd notice at the last, monthly meeting of the Faculty in writing, that unless he made a speedy improvement in his Schools, he would be dismissed from the University- and further his parent having received notice to the same effect - and the Faculty being satisfied that Mr. Motague (P25123) has made no improvement in his studies - therefore
Resolved, that he be dismissed from the University -
Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed -
The Faculty having satisfactory evidence that Mr. Robert S. Beamon (P33977) has violated the laws by entering a tavern with the apparent purpose of drinking.- by riding in a hack and by appearing beyond the precincts out of uniform - and this being the second occasion on which the Faculty have been called upon to visit Mr. Beamon's (P33977) violations of order with a major punishment - Therefore
Resolved that he be suspended for the remainder of the Session and required to spend the term of suspension at Cocke's Tavern (PL8586):-
The following resolution was proposed seconded and passed -
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty that Mr. William R. Roberts (P26892) has violated the laws by appearing out of the precincts without Uniform, and by riding in a Hack -
Resolved, that he be reprimanded by the Chairman and his guardian written to.-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. George B. Spence (P40454) fired a gun within the precincts, and very near the Proctors office - and that he keeps a gun within the precincts - The Chairman had sent for Mr. Spence, (P40454) who admitted that he had fired the gun near the Proctor's office - had the gun at Smith's shop (PL8592) to be repaired - then transferred it to his room intending to carry it to Smith's (PL8592) house -
A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Spence (P40454) be sent for - the Janitor returned with a Message from Mr. Spence (P40454) that he was too unwell to appear before the Faculty - but request- ed that the Faculty would act upon his case by the Statement which he had made to the Chairman.-
The following resolution was proposed seconded and passed -
It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty that Mr. George B. Spence (P40454) has violated the laws by keeping a gun and by firing it within the precincts -
Resolved, that he be reprimanded by the Chairman- and required to remove his gun out of the precincts.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages ] Professor Harrison (P25515) laid before the Faculty the monthly re- port of the Standing of Candidates for Graduation in Ancient Languages -
[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:granted ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Robert A. Johnson (P44162) late of Transylvania University Kentucky (CB0038), has applied for permission to matriculate. He brought no certificate of good conduct from that Institution, but in lieu of it, offered a letter from the Hon. Richard M. Johnson (P44163) vice- President of the United States- this letter being deemed by the Faculty satisfactory, a motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Johnson (P44162) be permitted to matriculate.-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics ] A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. A. S. Brock- enbrough (P27585) recieve a slight admonition from the Chairman for his inattention in Mathematics.-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Political Economy ] A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Charles H. Constable (P25255) reprimanded by the Chairman for his inattention in Political Economy - and for leaving the Lecture room.-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry ] A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Walter L. Binford (P35678) be reprimanded by the Chairman for his inattention in Chemistry and Anatomy & Surgery.-
The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's report of Students delinquent in payment for board -
whereupon Mr. Davis (P33195) offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed -
[EVENT: University Administration:Banking ] [EVENT: Fee:Room Rent ] Resolved that the Proctor be directed to call on the students reported as delinquent in payment of board and enquire into the cause of their delinquency - and that he enquire particularly whether they have received from home funds with which to pay their board.-
The Faculty adjourned till teusday 5 OClock P.M.
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.[525]
June 5th 1838 The Faculty met according to adjournment
Present Chairman- and Professors Davis, (P33195) Griffith, (P43661) Rogers, (P43658) Blaettermann, (P43621) Cabell, (P39304) and Tucker (P43619) -
[EVENT: Boarding ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that many complaints had been made by students boarding at Col. Ward's (P43873) and Mrs. Gray's Hotels (PL8436) in regard to the fare - the Proctor thought that some of the complaints against Col. Ward (P43873) were well grounded - the number of desserts required by the bill of fare had not been furnished- and the meats were not well cooked.-
The Chairman laid before the Faculty a written complaint signed by Robert Douthat (P26663) and ten others boarding at Mrs. Grays (P43865)- setting forth that the number of desserts required by the bill of fare is not furnished - that four kinds of vegetables are not furnished and not a sufficient quantity of those that are.-
A motion was made seconded and passed that the following s students boarding at Col. Ward's (P43873) Hotel be requested to appear before the Faculty.- William S. Caldwell (P28389) - John W. Lambeth (P31842) - & John R. Briggs (P29425) -
Mr. Caldwell (P28389) appeared and said that he complained of the cooking - it was generally bad tho' clean - Vegetables are not plentiful, consist generally of greens - potatoes - rice- lately lettuce - and once or twice asparagus - but not suffi- cient of the latter for more than three persons - for desserts dried apple pies have been furnished pretty generally - desserts are furnished once a week fowls about once in two weeks - the tea and coffee are very bad - never eats bacon.-
Mr. Lambeth (P31842) appeared and said that there was furnished plenty of Mutton - he does not eat it - generally dressed in one way - has sometimes veal - occasionly shoat - Bacon has been
indifferent middling too fat to eat appears very often - it is sound - potatoes - Rice - lettuce are furnished asparagus once or twice but very scarce. the Castors are supplied with the necessaries for seasoning except oil - desserts are furnished once a week - and are generally dried apple pies - peas were furnished once plentifully - The common vegetables - meats &c are plentiful - fowls are scarce - tea and coffee are sometimes good sometimes very indifferent -Mr. Briggs (P29425) stated that the quality of the meats was good- but they were badly cooked - the fresh meats are mutton veal and shoat varied - fowls have been furnished once or twice since A April - Soup he does not often use - an undue proportion of middling bacon is now furnished - early in the session name were mostly used Lettuce - potatoes - rice and greens are plentiful- desserts have not been good for some time past. there has been occasionly a change - there was a good dessert today- a fruit pudding - for dessert dried apple pies are most generally furnished - they are not good - the pastry tough and heavy - The coffee is not very good - not strong enough - the bread is good - and milk furnished plentifully -
Col. Ward (P43873) was admitted before the Faculty and said that he furnished his table with soup every day, except dessert days- it is made of fresh meats or fowls - Bacon is furnished every day- and no on piece two days succession - has ham one day- shoulder the next - and then middling - furnishes ham just as often as any other part of the hog - his bacon is excellent, not suppossed by any in the County - gets the best fresh meats in the market - has had an undue proportion of shoat - His boarders scarcely ever consume all that is prepared for them-
there is always something left - supplies potatoes and rice plentifully and all the vegetables in their season - asparjus has been scarce - has purchased all he could get - furnishes lettuce with vinegar mustard pepper and sometimes eggs to season and dress it - but no oil - varies the dessert gives green fruit in season - in winter furnishes a dessert of dried apples- sometimes fruit puddings - sometimes made of cherries end some- times raisons &c - there has been a due variety in the desserts- dried apple pies have been sufficiently seasoned and as good as any one can make them -As it regards the Tea and Coffee every effort is used to have them good - the charges against him are unfounded - the Cooking is well done - has one of the best cooks in the Country - one, that has been long celibrated -
A motion was made seconded and passed, that the following students boarding at Mrs. Gray's (P43865) Hotel be requested to appear before the Faculty - Richard L. Brown, (P28030) William H. Woodis (P23713) & George W. Morries (P37496) -
Richard L. Brown (P28030) appeared and stated that Mrs. Gray's (P43865) desserts are good, but not furnished as often as the billof fare requires- has not observed any deficiency in quantity - has heard others complain - last saturday he was called upon to notice that the vegetables consisted of only rice and potatoes - and there was not enough of them - there may have been greens but he did not see them - there are five tables - ham is furnished twice a week shoulder about twice, but mere often middling thin and fat- the veal is very good and plentiful - soup every day - the coffee is very bad, dreggy - and burnt in toasting - is satisfied with the tea - The Bread is not good and there is not a due propor-
tion of biscuits - meat is furnished at breakfast - the butter is good - milk is furnished - there are furnished everything for dressing and seasoning lettuce - Meat is never furnished for supper cold or warm -Mr. Woodis (P23713) appeared and stated that Mrs. Gray (P43865) does not comply with the bill of fare furnishing fowls - she sent him a piece of bacon not fit for a dog to eat - ham is fur- nished once or twice a week - shoulder as often, the rest of the time middling - till today she has not had fowls for 20 day- the tea and coffee are not good - the corn bread is not good- has on 3 or four occasions had dessert not sweet enough - in winter she gives dried apple pies and occasionly rice puddings- and fritters and molasses - Meat is furnished for breakfast- none for supper -
G. W. Morries (P37496) appeared and said that Mrs. Gray (P43865) had not till yesterday, furnished fowls for a fortnight - no dessert is substituted when fowls are not furnished - eggs and broad were once given instead of fowls - the eggs were scarce - the coffee is sometimes good - tea not good - generally too weak - had peas yesterday - no butter with them - rice and potatoes mashed up are standard dishes -
A motion was made seconded and passed that the Proctor be sent for testify in regard to the fare at Col. Wards (P43873) and Mrs. Gray's (P43865) Hotels - He appeared and stated that he generally found the fare at Col. Ward's (P43873) good - went on one occasion at the request of the students to examine the dessert - found a fruit pudding very good - that on the last visit he made that there was a falling off in cooking - it was at a time when the Col. was absent at court - the meat was a little overdone and the
butter indifferent as good perhaps as he could procure - the requisite number of Vegetables furnished - quantity may have been insufficient, the small dishes were all consumed -At Mrs. Gray's (P43865) - the fare is good - today very good - there was every variety the market affords - the last time he was at Mrs. Gray's (P43865) the tea and coffee were very good - thinks that the report against Mrs. Gray (P43865) originates in consequence of an unpleasant feeling between Mrs. Gray (P43865) and one of her boarders- one student (Mr. Brown (P28030)) informed the Proctor that he would not have reported her, but for a remark or threat made by her that she would hold them to the bill of fare - Mrs. Gray (P43865) informed the Proctor that on saturday she had four kinds of vegetables, Veg. Sprouts - potatoes - lettuce and rice - on on sunday she had five - has a middling on one table with greens - and ham or shoulder cold on another - the Proctor has generally observed on his visits a piece of middling some- times fowl - thinks on the whole that Mrs. Gray (P43865) has performed her duty - and that she has always had enough - she has fur- nished a dessert once a week or fowls once a week -
The following resolution was offered seconded and passed -
The Faculty being satisfied that Col. Ward (P43873) and Mrs. Gray (P43865) have failed to comply with the bill of fare, especially in these particulars. Viz, in regard to the desserts furnished in making them of materials not contemplated by the bill of fare; in failing to furnish either fowls as required or the dessirt allowed as a substitute for fowls one of the times in the week on which they are prescribed; in omitting to fur- nish cold meats at supper and in not serving up vegetables in sufficient quantitois - and these and other grounds of complaint
having existed for some while - Resolved, that they be repri- manded and informed that in case of failure to remidy the defects complained of, and to comply with the bill of fare, the Faculty will find it necessary to act with more severity.-[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal ] The chairman laid before the Faculty a letter from J. Wayt (P44150) Esq. a magistrate residing in Waynesboro' Augusta (PL4561), giving the following information: that Messrs. Charles H. Constable (P25255) and John Dodson (P38103) who were on the 15th of May suspended for ten days and required to spend the time of suspension at Tyler's (PL8587) tavern- twice left Mr. Tyler's (PL8587) and went to Waynesboro' (PL4561) at which place they visited a tavern drank freely and once to intoxication- and behaved in a very disorderly and riotous manner.-
A motion was made seconded and passed tat Messrs. Con- stable (P25255) and Dodson (P38103) be sent for - the Janitor returned and reported that they had gone to Charlottesville - and it appear- ing to the Faculty that these men left the University at a time when they know they would be required to appear before the Faculty to answer the charges alledged against them in MR. Wayt's (P44150) letter - the following resolution was proposed- seconded and passed -
It appearing to the Faculty that Messrs. Charles H. Constable (P25255) and John Dodson (P38103) whilst under suspension twice left Mr. Tyler's, (PL8587) where they were required to spend the time of suspension and went to Waynesboro' in Augusta (PL4561), at which place they visited a tavern; drank freely, and once to intoxication and behaved in a very disorderly and riotous manner -
Resolved, that they be dismissed form the University -
The Faculty adjourned.-
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.[531]
June 9th 1838
A meeting of the Faculty having been called by the Chairman, the following members, in addition to the Chair- men attended Viz. Professors Blaettermann (P43621) and Tucker (P43619) a quorum not being formed they adjourned
G. Blaettermann (P43621) Secy pro tempore -
The Faculty met at the Chairman's office June 13th 1838
Present The Chairman and Professors Griffith, (P43661) Blaettermann, (P43621) Davis, (P33195) Tucker (P43619) and Cabell (P39304).-
[EVENT: Official University Celebrations and Events:Public Day ] A motion was made seconded and passed, that the Committee heretofore appointed on this subject be authorised to communicate with Mr. Benjamin F. Minor (P37942) and invite him to deliver an address within the University on the 4th of July. and in the event of his not accepting, to give a like invitation to Mr. Z. M. P. Powers (P41248) -
[EVENT: Curriculum:Moral Philosophy ] Professor Tucker (P43619) asked leave to change the time of holding the last examination for degrees in Moral Philosophy from the 24th to the 25th instant - Amotion was made seconded and passed, that his application be granted.
[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Political Economy ] Messrs. William N. Gregory (P34700) and Elverton A. Shands (P21960) made application for permission to leave the Class of Political Economy: their reasons being satisfactory; a motion was made seconded and passed, that their application be granted.-
[EVENT: Curriculum:Medicine ] Professor Griffith (P43661) applied for leave to hold the 2nd examination for degrees in Medicine on the 30th of June - and
Professor Cabell (P39304) applied for leave to hold the next exam- ination for degrees in the School on Anatomy and Surgery on the 2nd of July - motions wore severally made seconded and passed that these applications be granted.-
The Faculty adjourned,
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.The Faculty met June 18th 1838
Present The Chairman and Professors Griffith, (P43661) Cabell, (P39304) Blaettermann (P43621) and Tucker. (P43619)
Mr. Alexander R. Gates (P32308) made application thro the Chairman for permission to withdraw from the University- his reasons being deemed by the Faculty satisfactory - On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that his application be granted -
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] The chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. B. N. Tucker (P30144) had purchased a coat not uniform -
Mr. Tucker (P30144) was sent for - and said that he had bought it in anticipation of the end of the Session, when it would be necessary to purchase one -
A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Tucker (P30144) be reprimanded by the Chairman and his father written to.-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. W. R. Roberts (P26892) who had lately been reprimanded by order of the Faculty for a violation of the Uniform law, had again violated the law by appearing in Charlottesville (PL4204) out of Uniform - the excuse he offered the Chairman was that he did not think of his uniform when he left home -
On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that Mr. Roberts (P26892) be reprimanded by the Chairman and informed, that but for the approach of the examinations the sentence would be more severe-
The Faculty adjourned -
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.[533]
The Faculty met July 3rd 1838
Present all the members.-
[EVENT: Student Conduct:Course Distinction ] Reports were made by the Committees appointed to conduct the Intermediate and Final Examination in the various Schools of the University - which were on motions severally made second- ed and passed, received and confirmed by the Faculty -
The names of the students who distinguished themselves in their several Classes are as follows -
Henry C. Cabell (P34566) | 1st | and 2nd | Richmond, Va. (PL4711) |
Richard B. Gooch (P32133) | 2nd | ditto (PL4711) | |
John W. Lambeth (P31842) | 1. | & 2 " | Lynchburg (PL4371) |
Wm. B. Lynch (P28952) | 1st | ditto (PL4371) |
Charles H. Barksdale (P33511) | 2nd | Charlotte - (PL4711) | |
Robert S. Brown (P40840) | 2 " | Nelson - (PL5388) | |
Henry G. Cabell (P34566) | 2 | Richmond (PL4711) | |
Richard B. Gooch (P32133) | 2 | ditto (PL4711) | |
Geo. A. Harper (P31851) | 1st | & 2. | Dinwiddie (PL4301) |
Hunter H. Marshall (P34598) | 2 | Charlotte - (PL4711) |
Charles H. Barksdale (P33511) | 1st | & 2nd | Charlotte - (PL4711) |
Henry C. Cabell (P34566) | 1 " | 2. | Richmond (PL4711) |
Willis J. Dance (P40245) | 1 | " 2 | Powhatan (PL4528) |
Calvin D. Jones (P35398) | 1 | " 2 | University of Va.- (PL4214) |
John W. Lambeth (P31842) | 1 | Lynchburg (PL4371) | |
Hunter H. Marshall (P34598) | 2 | Charlotte (PL4711) | |
Wm. W. Roper (P27705) | 2 | Richmond (PL4711) | |
M. W. Smith (P22844) | 1st | Alabama (PL4236) |
William Lisle Baker (P28421) | 1st | Jefferson - (PL6089) | |
John M. Garnett (P27042) | 1 | & 2nd | King & Queen (PL4642) |
G. H. Guerard (P36335) | 1. | 2. | South Carolina (PL4249) |
John W. Lambeth (P31842) | 1. | Lynchburg (PL4371) | |
Alex. M. Morris (P42507) | 1 | & 2 | Caroline (PL4522) |
Edmund T. Morris (P39014) | 1 | & 2 | ditto (PL4522) |
James Morris (P29967) | 1. | 2. | Louisa (PL5558) |
Geo. F. Pitts (P27943) | 1. | 2 | New Orleans (PL4173) |
Geo. W. Purnell (P40635) | 2. | Maryland (PL4584) | |
Henry Spencer (P40643) | 1. | 2 | Charlotte (PL4711) |
John R. Stapler (P39021) | 2. | Georgia (PL4356) | |
Isaac R. Watkins (P22125) | 1. | 2. | Charlotte (PL4711) |
Charles D. Wharton (P41946) | 2. | Goochland (PL4579) |
Benjamin J. Barbour (P38272) | 2nd | Orange (PL4264) | |
Charles H. Barksdale (P33511) | 2. | Charlotte (PL4711) | |
Wm. B. Lynch (P28952) | 2. | Lynchburg (PL4371) | |
F. E. Morancy (P27216) | 2. | Louisiana (PL4231) |
John Critcher (P41383), jr | 1st | Westmoreland (PL4467) | |
John M. Garnett (P27042) | 1. | 2. | King & Queen (PL4642) |
Peter W. Hairston (P41505) | 1. | Pittsylvania (PL5884) | |
Alex. M. Morris (P42507) | 1. | 2. | Caroline (PL4522) |
Edmund T. Morris (P39014) | 1. | 2. | ditto (PL4522) |
William O. Wickham (P26374) | 1. | Hanover (PL4934) |
Wm. P. Bayley (P29866) | 1. | Accomack, Va. (PL4634) | |
William H. Glascock (P34580) | 1. | Alabama (PL4236) | |
Geo. H. Guerard (P36335) | 1. | & 2. | S. Carolina (PL4249) |
Hunter H. Marshall (P34598) | 1. | Charlotte (PL4711) | |
Edmund T. Morris (P39014) | 1. | 2. | Caroline (PL4522) |
Alex. M. Morris (P42507) | 1. | 2. | do. (PL4522) |
James Morris (P29967) | 1. | 2. | Louisa (PL5558) |
Henry Spencer (P40643) | 1. | 2. | Charlotte - (PL4711) |
Charles D. Wharton (P41946) | 1. | Goochland - (PL4579) |
William P. Bayley (P29866) | Accomack (PL4634) - 2nd |
John B. Baldwin (P43748) | 2. | Staunton (PL4177) | |
John s. Burruss (P31276) | 1. | & 2. | Louisa (PL5558) |
Henry C. Cabell (P34566) | 1. | 2. | Richmond (PL4711) |
Charles H. Barksdale (P33511) | 2. | Charlotte - (PL4711) | |
Landon C. Berkeley (P35566) | 2. | Hanover (PL4934) | |
John Staige Davis (P34233) | 1. | 2. | University of Va. - (PL4214) |
Willis J. Dance (P40245) | 2. | Powhatan (PL4528) | |
William L. Early (P37882) | 2. | Madison (PL5471) | |
Peter W. Hairston (P41505) | 1. | Pittsylvania (PL5884) | |
William L. Harris (P28548) | 1. | Tennessee (PL4592) | |
William B. Lynch (P28952) | 1. | Lynchburg (PL4371) | |
Hunter H. Marshall (P34598) | 1. | 2. | Charlotte (PL4711) |
Alex M. Morris (P42507) | 2. | Caroline (PL4522) | |
Edmund T. Morris (P39014) | 2. | Caroline (PL4522) | |
James Morris (P29967) | 1. | 2. | Louisa (PL5558) |
W. W. Roper (P27705) | 1. | 2. | Richmond (PL4711) |
James M. Runson (P23878) | 1. | Jefferson (PL6089) | |
Isaac R. Watkins (P22125) | 1. | Charlotte (PL4711) | |
George B. Wilkinson (P40955) | 1. | 2. | Petersburg (PL4227) |
James L. Woodville (P27310), jr | 2. | Botetourte (PL4654) |
Charles H. Barksdale (P33511) | 2. | Charlotte (PL4711) | |
John Critcher (P41383), jr | 2. | Westmoreland (PL4467) | |
William H. Glascock (P34580) | 1. | Alabama (PL4236) | |
Peter W. Hairston (P41505) | 1. | Pittsylvania (PL5884) | |
William H. Jones (P29749) | 2. | Mecklenburg (PL7273) | |
James Morris (P29967) | 1. | Louisa (PL5558) | |
Goo. W. Randolph (P43788) | 2. | Albemarle (PL5392) | |
Isaac R. Watkins (P22125) | 1. | 2. | Charlotte - (PL4711) |
William J. Harris (P24544) | 2. | Powhatan (PL4528) | |
William L. Harris (P28548) | 2. | Tennessee (PL4592) |
Wm. Lislo Baker (P28421) | 1. | Jefferson (PL6089) | |
John L. Burruss (P31276) | 1. | 2. | Louisa (PL5558) |
Willis J. Dance (P40245) | 2. | Powhatan - (PL4528) | |
Wm. S. Goodwyn (P31169) | 1. | 2. | Southampton (PL4808) |
Mathew M. Harrison (P36356) | 1. | 2. | Brunswick (PL4702) |
James Alfred Jones (P37518) | 1. | 2. | Mecklenburg (PL7273) |
William H. Macon (P37934) | 1. | Hanover (PL4934) | |
Edmund T. Morris (P39014) | 2. | Carolina (PL4522) | |
James Morris (P29967) | 1. | 2. | Louisa (PL5558) |
James M. Morson (P35442) | 1. | 2. | Fredericksburg (PL4252) |
William K. Pendleton (P33628) | 1. | Louisa (PL5558) | |
John G. Peyton (P29059) | 1. | Richmond (PL4711) | |
Geo. W. Randolph (P43788) | 1. | 2. | Albemarle (PL5392) |
Wm. W. Swoope (P42699) | 2. | Augusta - (PL4289) | |
Littleton W. T. Wickham (P36157) | 1. | 2. | Richmond (PL4711) |
Mineralogy and Geology (one examination only)
- Edmund T. Morris (P39014) Carolina (PL4522)
- Thomas Ritchie (P40600) Richmond (PL4711)
- William M. Swoope (P42699) Augusta (PL4289)
- L. W. T. Wickham (P36157) Richmond (PL4711)
William L. Barton (P30856) | 1. | Fredericksburg (PL4252) | |
Eugene Davis (P36104) | 1. | University, Va. (PL4214) | |
William P. Guerard (P23893) | 1. | S. Carolina (PL4249) | |
William A. Horseley (P28049) | 1. | Amherst (PL5635) | |
Wm. Jones Lyle (P36274) | 1. | & 2. | Cumberland (PL4911) |
Daniel B. Bascome (P30720) | 1. | 2. | Turk's Island (PL8356) |
William P. Garland (P39716) | 2. | Albemarle (PL5392) | |
William A. Horseley (P28049) | 2. | Amherst (PL5635) | |
William Jones Lyle (P36274) | 2. | Cumberland (PL4911) - |
Daniel B. Bascome (P30720) | 1. | Turk's Island (PL8356) | |
J. Robert Briggs (P29425) | 1. | 2. | Southampton (PL4808) |
John J. Donally (P31984) | 1. | Kanawah (PL5638) | |
William P. Garland (P39716) | 1. | 2. | Albemarle (PL5392) |
Francis W. Gilmer (P31348) | 1. | Albemarle (PL5392) | |
William A Horseley (P28049) | 1. | Amherst (PL5635) | |
William Jones Lyle (P36274) | 1. | 2. | Cumberland (PL4911) - |
George W. Morris (P37496) | 1. | New Kent (PL5558) | |
James Norris (P34110) | 2. | Charlottesville (PL4204) | |
William E. Pegram (P31307) | 2. | Dinwiddie (PL4301) | |
William H. Phillips (P35291) | 1. | Charlottesville (PL4204) |
Class of Medical Jurisprudence(one examination
- Daniel B. Bascome (P30720) Turk's Island (PL8356)
- J. Robert Briggs (P29425) Southampton (PL4808)
- Wm. P. Garland (P39716) Albemarle (PL5392)
- Wm. A. Horseley (P28049) Amherst (PL5635)
- Wm. Jones Lyle (P36274) Cumberland (PL4911)
- Geo. W. Morris (P37496) New Kent (PL5558)
- James Norris (P34110) Charlottesville (PL4204)
- William E. Pegram (P31307) Dinwiddie (PL4301)
- William H. Phillips (P35291) Charlottesville (PL4204)
Danie1 B. Bascome (P30720) | 1. | Turk's Island (PL8356) | |
Wm. S. R. Brockenbrough (P29501) | 1. | Hanover (PL4934) | |
Charles Carter (P33554) | 1. | ditto (PL4934) | |
John J. Donnally (P31984) | 1. | Kanawha (PL5638) | |
Wm. P. Garland (P39716) | 1. | 2. | Albemarle (PL5392) |
F. W. Gilmer (P31348) | 2. | do. (PL5392) | |
Wm. A. Horseley (P28049) | 1. | 2. | Amherst (PL5635) |
Wm. Jones Lyle (P36274) - | 1. | 2. | Cumberland (PL4911) |
Geo. W. Morris (P37496) | 1. | 2. | New Kent (PL5558) |
William E. Pegram (P31307) | 1. | 2. | Dinwiddie (PL4301) |
William H. Phillips (P35291) | 1. | Charlottesville (PL4204) | |
William R. Roberts (P26892) | 1. | Albemarle (PL5392) |
John L. Burruss (P31276) | 1. | 2. | Louisa (PL5558) |
Henry C. Cabell (P34566) | 1. | Richmond (PL4711) | |
John Critcher, jr (P41383) | 1. | 2. | Westmoreland (PL4467) |
Eugene Davis (P36104) | 1. | University, Va. (PL4214) | |
Richard B. Gooch (P32133) | 1. | 2. | Richmond (PL4711) |
Dabney C. Wirt (P32022) | 1. | ditto (PL4711) |
William J. Harris (P24544) | 1. | 2. | Powhatan (PL4528) |
Wiley P. Harris (P26162) | 1. | Mississippi (PL4259) | |
M. T. C. Johnston (P34949) | 1. | Georgia (PL4356) | |
Aug. E. Maxwell (P41828) | 2. | Alabama (PL4236) | |
Francis E. Morancy (P27216) | 1. | Louisiana (PL4231) | |
William D. Townes (P31476) | 1. | Petersburg (PL4227) - |
[EVENT: Course Reference:Political Economy ] Political Economy (one examination only)
- Sterling E. Edmunds (P27890) Halifax (PL4460)
- Chapman J. Stuart (P24341) Richmond (PL4711)
- James H. Tuel (P39536) District of Columbia (PL4211)
John B. Baldwin (P43748) | 1. | Staunton (PL4177) | |
Richard L. Brown (P40840) | 2. | Essex (PL4389) | |
Clement S. Clay (P30094) | 1. | Alabama (PL4236) | |
Victor M. Eppes (P32047) | 1. | Sussex (PL4568) | |
Wm. W. Goss (P23844) | 2. | Charlottesville (PL4204) | |
Robert S. Hamilton (P40627) | 1. | Fredericksburg (PL4252) | |
Benjamin B. Minor (P29737) | 1. | Spottsylvania (PL5046) | |
Elverton A. Shands (P21960) | 1. | 2. | Prince George (PL8336) - |
William W. Townes (P31476) | 2. | Petersburg (PL4227) |
Richard L. Brown (P40840) | 2. | Essex (PL4389) | |
Elverton A. Shands (P21960) | 2. | Prince George (PL8336) - |
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] On the applications of the several Committees on Examination for distinction the following students were excused for having failed to attend the final examination in the schools here- after mentioned -
- [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages ] Malcolm W. Smith (P22844) in the School of Ancient Languages -
- [EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages ] Jules J. Olivier (P38282) ditto do and Moral Philosophy
- [EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy ] Thomas J. Hungerford (P39515) ditto
- [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine ] F. W. Gilmer (P31348) Medical Jurisprudence
- [EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy ] M. L. Throckmorton (P30222) - Moral Philosophy
- [EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry ] Eugene Davis (P36104) in the School of Chemistry
- [EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Law ] Francis T. Ridley (P43189) ditto Law
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:French ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] Mr. William Lisle Baker (P28421) made application thro' the Committee to be excused for having failed to attend the final examination of the Class of French -
Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) made a motion which was seconded and passed- that Mr. Baker (P28421) be placed in the 4th Division in the Class of French.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:English ] Mr. Davis (P33195) from the Committee on the Re-examination on English made the following report - which was on motion made and seconded confirmed by the Faculty -
"The Committee report that the following students passed satisfactorily the re-examination on English -
- John W. Lambeth (P31842)
- George W. Rothwe11 (P24829)
- Wm. H. Macon (P37934)
- Wm. S. Caldwell (P28389)
- Walter L. Binford (P35678)
- John W. Clay (P35247)
- M. M. Harrison (P36356)
- S. E. Edmunds (P27890)
- Robert S. Goode (P22449)
- S. A. Watts (P24989)
The Following students are reported as having failed in the re-examination on English -
- Alex. H. Rogers (P32297)
- WM. L. Early (P42190)
- Robert Gray (P24527)
- Daniel H. Quirk (P39310)
- Richard H. Jones (P31126)
- Nicholas T. Sorsby (P43000)
- Philip R. Mayo (P33301)
- W. S. Norris (P29148)
- John J. Donnally (P31984)
- David E. Butler (P33808)
- Geo. F. Pitts (P27943)
- John C. Meredith (P31196)
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance ] [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension ] The Chairman informed the Faculty, that last night there was a drinking party in one of the vacant rooms on the Western Range - attended with much noise and which lasted from about 9½ till 11½ oClock - that on going out he recognised Messrs. Horace A. Talley, (P36522) W. J. Lyle, (P36274) - Wm. C. Mouzon (P22075) - John J. Donnally (P31984) and Wm. F. Robertson (P30756) - that all of them except Mr. Lyle (P36274) seemed to be labouring under the effects of liquor - Mr. Talley (P36522) especially - that on speaking to them and requesting them to desist from their noise, the latter continued for a long time after to make as much noise as before -
Motions were severally made seconded and passed that those gentlemen be sent for -
Mr. Lyle (P36274) appeared and admitted the facts allodged by the Chairman - the students were leaving - & the lectures were over - they had no intention whatever of disturbing anyone- does not think there was a bottle consumed by each person -
Mr. Robertson (P30756) - appeared and said that he contributed to the party - did not drink a great deal himself - there was brandy as well as wine - and there was not a great deal drunk by the party collectively - the drinking did not last more than an hour - it was not their intention to disturb any one - nor w were they aware that they were doing so - it was a leave taking party -
Mr. Mouzon (P22075) appeared and said that he did drink - was not intoxicated and made no noise - was asked if he contributed- would not answer the question - He drank punch - the party continued from 9½ to 11½ oClock - there was also a supper- there was not much liquor drunk - thinks that not more than a bottle of spirits was drunk -
Mr. Talley (P36522) appeared and said that he was a member of the party - he did not contribute to furnish the liquor, but did as to the supper - He drank brandy and water - did not think much noise was made - he felt glad the session was over - He did not desist when spoken to by the Chairman because he thought it would not matter much what the Faculty did with him -
The Following resolution was proposed and seconded -
The Faculty having information that Messrs. Wm. J. Lyle (P36274)- Wm. F. Robertson, (P30756) John J. Donnally (P31984) and W. C. Mouzon (P22075) were members of a drinking party attended with much disturbance and the intoxication of one of its members
Resolved, that the Faculty severly censure their conduct- and that they be suspended for the remainder of the session -
Mr. Tucker (P43619) moved as an amendment to strike out all after the word "they" and insert the following, "be reprimanded by the Chairman and that their parents and guardians be written to"
The amendment was seconded and carried in the affirmative.-
The resolution as amended was then passed -
[EVENT: Boarding ] [EVENT: University Administration:Student Restrictions ] Mr. Davis (P33195) offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed -
Resolved, that hereafter, it shall be a condition of licensing the Keepers of the out boarding houses, that they receive as a boarder no student, or person intending to become such, until he shall have obtained leave from the Faculty or Chairman to reside in such house, and that the Proctor be requested to communicate this condition to such Keepers, and obtain their express assent thereto.-
Mr. Tucker (P43619) proposed the following resolution which was seconded and passed -
[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension ] [EVENT: Student Conduct:Course Distinction ] Resolved, that it be respectfully suggested to the Visitors to pass an Enactment by which, if any student at the end of the course commit any offence by which he would incur a sentence of suspension, he shall not be allowed to receive any honor or certificate from the University during that Session.-
The following resolution was then, proposed, seconded & passed -
[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal ] Mr. Horace A. Talley (P36522) having been a member of a drinking party on saturday night, at which he drank to excess - and not having only behaved in a very noisy and disorderly manner- but being guilty of contumacy in persisting in such conduct
after being required by the Chairman to desist.Resolved, that he be dismissed from the University -
[EVENT: Student Conduct:Course Distinction ] The Committes appointed to conduct the Examinations for Grad- uation and for Certificates of Proficiency in the various Schools and Classes of the University, made their reports- which were read - and on motions severally made and seconded- confirmed by the Faculty -
The following are the names of the students who graduated and obtained Certificates of Proficiency in the Schools and Classes hereafter mentioned -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Latin ] Latin Language and Literature -
- John W. Clay (P35247) of Alabama (PL4236)
- Wm. H. Glascock (P34580) ditto (PL4236)
- Thomas J. Hungerford (P39515) Westmoreland (PL4467)
- P. Thornton Lomax (P23747) Fredericksburg (PL4252)
- Feilding L. Marshall (P31864) Fauquier (PL4532)
- Thomas L. Reynolds (P42024) South Carolina (PL4249)
- William W. Roper (P27705) Richmond (PL4711)
- C. R. G. Slaughter (P37143) Charlottesville (PL4204)
- Henry Spencer (P40643) Charlotte (PL4711)
- Chapman J. Stuart (P24341) Richmond (PL4711)
- L. W. T. Wickham (P36157) ditto (PL4711)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages ] School of Ancient Languages
- George H. Guerard (P36335) South Carolina (PL4249)
- Donald H. Harrison (P23946) Amelia (PL4739)
- William H. Jones (P29749) Mecklenburg (PL7273)
- William M. Swoope (P42699) Augusta (PL4289)
- Louis Turner (P25903) Louisa (PL5558)
- Charles D. Wharton (P41946) Goochland (PL4579)
- Isaac R. Watkins (P22125) Charlotte (PL4711)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:French ] School of Modern Languages, French
- Richard W. Bushnell (P25965) Rockingham (PL4879)
- John Critcher (P41383), Jr Westmoreland (PL4467)
- John W. Clay (P35247) Alabama (PL4236)
- Thomas O. Dabney (P33522) King William (PL5312)
- Eugene Davis (P36104) University of Virginia (PL4214)
- Donald M. Harrison (P23946) Amelia (PL4739)
- James A. Jones (P37518) Mecklenburg (PL7273)
- William H. Jones (P29749) ditto (PL7273)
- Hunter H. Marshall (P34598) Charlotte (PL4711)
- Lewis Turner (P25903) Louisa (PL5558)
- Thomas Towles (P24008) Louisiana (PL4231)
- Thomas H. Watts (P37123) Alabama (PL4236)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:Spanish ] Spanish Language and Literature
- Robert L. Brown (P40840) Nelson (PL5388)
- Richard W. Bushnell (P25965) Rockingham (PL4879)
- Thomas O. Dabney (P33522) King William (PL5312)
- Eugene Davis (P36104) University of Virginia (PL4214)
- Donald M. Harrison (P23946) Amelia (PL4739)
- William H. Jones (P29749) Mecklenburg (PL7273)
- James M. Morson (P35442) Fredericksburg (PL4252)
- Thomas H. Watts (P37123) Alabama (PL4236)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:Italian ] Italian Language
- George W. Blaettermann (P44221) University of Virginia (PL4214)
- James Alfred Jones (P37518) Mecklenburg (PL7273)
- Lewis Turner (P25903) Louisa (PL5558)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics ] School of Mathematics
- Richard W. Bushnell (P25965) Rockingham (PL4879)
- Solomon Carr (P28385) Nansemond (PL5761)
- James Alfred Jones (P37518) Mecklenburg (PL7273)
- James M. Morson (P35442) Fredericksburg (PL4252)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Natural Philosophy ] School of Natural Philosophy
- Richard W. Bushnell (P25965) Rockingham (PL4879)
- William S. Barton (P30856) Fredericksburg (PL4252)
- Solomon Carr (P28385) Nansemond (PL5761)
- Eugene Davis (P36104) University of Virginia (PL4214)
- Donald M. Harrison (P23946) Amelia (PL4739)
- William J. Harris (P24544) Powhatan (PL4528)
- William W. Roper (P27705) Richmond (PL4711)
- William B. Stanard (P40376) ditto (PL4711)
- Dabney Carr Wirt (P32022) ditto (PL4711)
- Charles D. Wharton (P41946) Goochland (PL4579)
[EVENT: Course Reference ] School of Civil Engineering
- William S. Goodwyn (P31169) Southampton (PL4808)
- Matthew M. Harrison (P36356) Brunswick (PL4702)
- Calvin D. Jones (P35398) Albemarle (PL5392)
- George W. Randolph (P43788) ditto (PL5392)
- William H. Woodis (P23713) Norfolk (PL4459)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry ] School of Chemistry
- John B. Baldwin (P43748) Staunton (PL4177)
- William S. R. Brockenbrough (P29501) Hanover (PL4934)
- George H. Guerard (P36335) South Carolina (PL4249)
- James Alfred Jones (P37518) Mecklenburg (PL7273)
- Benj. B. Minor (P29737) Spottsylvania (PL5046)
- William H. Phillips (P35291) Charlottesville (PL4204)
- William R. Skipwith (P23557) Richmond (PL4711)
- William B. Stanard (P40376) Richmond (PL4711)
- Thomas H. Watts (P37123) Alabama (PL4236)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine ] School of Medicine
With the title of "Doctor of Medicine
- William F. Robertson (P30756) Alabama (PL4236)
- George W. Rothwell (P24829) Albemarle (PL5392)
- William R. Skipwith (P23557) Richmond (PL4711)
- William D. Willis (P26240) Albemarle (PL5392)
- William P. Whiting (P25952) Cumberland (PL4911)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy ] School of Moral Philosophy
- John B. Baldwin (P43748) Staunton (PL4177)
- James M. Browning (P25967) Alabama (PL4236)
- John Burruss (P31276) Louisa (PL5558)
- John Critcher (P41383) Jr Westmoreland (PL4467)
- Thomas O. Dabney (P33522) King William (PL5312)
- John M. Garnett (P27042) King & Queen (PL4642)
- Robert S. Goode (P22449) Amelia (PL4739)
- Thomas J. Hungerford (P39515) Westmore land (PL4467)
- William H. Macon (P37934) Hanover (PL4934)
- Benj. B. Minor (P29737) Spottsylvania (PL5046)
- Alfred H. Powell (P40958) Winchester (PL4267)
- Eleverton A. Shands (P21960) Prince George (PL8336)
- Joseph D. Shields (P27155) Mississippi (PL4259)
- William B. Stanard (P40376) Richmond (PL4711)
- Thomas H. Watts (P37123) Alabama (PL4236)
- Dabney C. Wirt (P32022) Richmond (PL4711)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Law ] School of Law
- Richard L. T. Beale (P28925) Westmoreland (PL4467)
- Mordecai Cooke (P41382) Norfolk (PL4200)
- James T. Dillard (P34471) Bedford (PL4278)
- Terisha W. Dillard (P39453) ditto (PL4278)
- William N. Gregory (P34700) King William (PL5312)
- William T. Joynes (P43746) Accomac (PL4634)
- Peter K. Skinker (P41455) Fauquier (PL4532)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine ] Proficients in Medical Jurisprudence
- Alfred H. Powell (P40958) Winchester (PL4267)
- John D. Wright (P25889) South Carolina (PL4249)
- William R. Roberts (P26892) Albemarle (PL5392)
- Charles Carter (P33554) Hanover (PL4934)
- Price M. Watson (P36554) Albemarle (PL5392)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Materia Medica ] Proficients in Materia Medica
- William S. R. Brockenbrough (P29501) Hanover (PL4934)
- James Norris (P34110) Charlottesville (PL4204)
- William H. Phillips (P35291) Charlottesville (PL4204)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Physiology ] Proficients in Physiology
- William S. R. Brockenbrough (P29501) Hanover (PL4934)
- Charles Carter (P33554) Hanover (PL4934)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Political Economy ] Proficients in Political Economy
- John R. Baldwin (P43748) Staunton (PL4177)
- John Critcher, Jr. (P41383) Westmoreland (PL4467)
- Benj. B. Minor (P29737) Spottsylvania (PL5046)
[EVENT: Student Conduct:Award/Excellence ] The following students having graduated in the Schools of Ancient Languages, Modern Languages, Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and Moral Philosophy, a motion was made seconded and passed that they be admitted to the Degree of Master of Arts -
- Thomas O. Dabney (P33522) King & Queen (PL4642)
- William B. Stanard (P40376) Richmond (PL4711)
Mr. Davis (P33195) Offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed.-
[EVENT: Boarding ] Resolved that the students allowed to reside in the University during the vacation, be not permitted to occupy dormitories on the Lawn -
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics ] Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) reported that Messrs. A. S. Brockenbrough (P27585) and Richard B. Gooch (P32133) failed to attend the final examination in Mathematics
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Natural Philosophy ] The Professor of Natural Philosophy (P43634) reported, that Mr. A. S. Brockenbrough (P27585) failed to attend the final examination in his school.-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Latin ] The Professor of Ancient Languages (P25515) reported that Mr. James C. Banister (P31394) failed to attend the final examination in the Senior Latin Class -
The Faculty adjourned.
Gessner Harrison (P25515) Ch: Fac:The Faculty met July 6th 1838 -
Present the Chairman and Professors Tucker Griffith (P43661), (P43619) Bonnycastle, (P43623) Cabell, (P39304) Davis (P33195) and Emmet. (P43625)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry ] [EVENT: Student Conduct:Course Distinction ] The Committee on Graduation in Chemistry informed the Faculty that the name of Mr. William R. Skipwith (P23557) was accidental- ly omitted in the report which was presented on the 3rd instant-
A motion was thereupon made seconded and passed that Mr. Skipwith (P23557) be declared a Graduate in the School of Chemistry.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics ] [EVENT: Student Conduct:Course Distinction ] Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) informed the Faculty, that in the report of the Committee on Examinations for distinction laid before the Faculty on the 3rd instant, the name of Mr. John B. Baldwin (P43748) who was distinguished in the Junior Class of Mathematics was
accidentally omitted - A motion was made seconded and passed, that the Committee be allowed to amend their report so as to place the name of Mr. Baldwin (P43748) in the first division in said Class -The Faculty adjourned.
Gessner Harrison (P25515) Ch. Fac.The Faculty met September 3rd 1838
Present the Chairman and Professors Griffith, (P43661) Cabell, (P39304) Davis, (P33195) Blaettermann (P43621) and Emmet (P43625) -
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. Price Watson (P36554) made application through the Chairman for permission to board with his particular friend Miss Terrell (P43999)- A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Messrs. P. B. (P36760) and Wm. M. Prentis (P44273) made application through the Chairman for permission to board with their particular friend Col. Woodley (P44018) - A motion was made seconded and passed that their application be granted -
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. Jon. A. J. Bishop (P27148) made application thro' the Chairman for permission to board with his brother Joseph Bishop (P44155) - On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. James Minor (P38493) who is within five months of the age of twenty, and Mr. William Q. Johnson (P40066) who is over twenty years old made application for leave to board with Miss Torrell (P43999) -
On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that their application be granted.-
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. Madison McAffee (P30407) who is over the age of twenty applied thro' the Chairman for permission to board with Mr. Geo. W. (P43705)
Spoonor. A motion was made seconded and passed, that his application be granted -[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. Charles Carter (P33554) who is above the age of twenty made application thro' the Chairman for permission to board at Mr. Isaac White's (P44035) - On motion made and seconded - resolved that his application be granted -
[EVENT: Boarding Action:denied ] Mr. Thomas B. Rupell (P44164) who is under the age which entitles him to board out of the precincts made application thro' the Chairman with the written consent of his father for permission to board at Mrs. Brochenbrough's (P44061) - On motion made and seconded- resolved that Mr. Rupell's (P44164) application be not granted -
[EVENT: Boarding Action:postponed ] Messrs. Thomas Woodley (P34849) and Robert H. Whitfield (P24950) who are above the age of twenty three, but who reside within the precincts at Col. Woodley's (P44018) made application thro' the Chairman to be exempt from the rules and regulations for the goverment of students - On motion made and seconded, Resolved that the Faculty have not power to grant their application, but that it be recommended to the favorable consideration of the Executive Committee -
[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:postponed ] Messrs. John J. Wilson, (P29895) John R. Wilson (P39667) - Jno. S. Staples (P41898) and John L. Smith (P28483) from Randolph-Macon College (CB0039) - Mr. J. W. H. Parker (P42651) from College Illinois (CB0054) - Mr. Nathl. Manson (P25293) from Washington College (CB0021) - and Mr. Armistead (P27990) from the University of William and Mary (CB0008) - who failed to bring with them Certifi- cates of good standing in the respective institutions to which they belonged - made application through the Chairman for permission to matriculate - Motions were severally made seconded and passed, that they be allowed to matriculate on condition that within a reasonable time they obtain from
their respective Colleges Certificates, or other satisfactory testimonials of their good conduct -[EVENT: Student Status:Readmission Action:denied ] Mr. Richard H. Weightman (P44165) who was on the day of in the year expelled for violating the Enactment against duelling, made written application for permission to re enter the University as a student - whereupon
Mr. Davis (P33195) offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed -
The application of Mr. Weightman (P44165) having been considered; resolved, that the Faculty have no power to allow Mr. Weightman (P44165) to matriculate, the law having declared that the sentence of expulsion formerly passed against him shall not be remissible by the Faculty -
[EVENT: Curriculum Action:granted ] [EVENT: Fee ] Mr. Lewis Carusi (P44060) made application thro' the Chairman for permission to give lessons in Dancing &c to the students of the University -
On motion made and seconded resolved, that Mr. Carusi's (P44060) application be granted under such restrictions as to time and place as the Chairman may prescribe and upon condition that his fee for a course of twenty four lessons in Dancing Waltzing and Gallopade shall not exceed ten dollars.-
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. Joseph D. Shields (P27155) who is under the age of twenty, made application thro' the Chairman with the consent of his and occupy one of Dr. Blaettermann's (P43621) rooms- mother to board with his particular friend Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061)-
On motion made and seconded, Resolved, that his application be granted under such special pledges as the Chairman may requite -
The Faculty adjourned -
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.[553]
The Faculty met September 8th 1838 Present the Chairman and Professors Cabell, (P39304) Tucker, (P43619) Davis, (P33195) Rogers (P43658) and Griffith (P43661) -
[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:granted ] Mr. Henry C. Mayer (P28302) lately of Cambridge University (CB0041) made application through the Chairman for permission to matriculate.-
He brought no certificate from said University, but produced other testimonials of good conduct- which being deemed satis- factory - a motion was made seconded and passed, that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:granted ] [EVENT: Boarding ] Mr. J. W. Morton (P26341) late of Hampden Sydney College (CB0055) made appli- cation thro' the Chairman for permission to matriculate, and to board with his brother in law Thomas Wood, (P37674) Esq.- He failed to bring with him a certificate from said College-but alledged that he left there in good standing - A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Morton (P26341) be allowed to matriculate on condition that he procure in a reasonable time a certificate of good conduct - and that he have leave to board with Mr. Wood (P37674) -
[EVENT: Boarding Exception:granted ] Mr. Walter S. Binford (P35678) who wants seven months of being twenty years old, made application through the Chairman, with the written approbetion of two members of the Executive Committee for permission to board with Mrs. Jones (P44167) - A motion was made seconded and passed, that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:granted ] Messrs. Richard Walker (P42679) and William Walker (P44166) late of Hunts- ville Academy (CB0056) made application through the Chairman for permission to matriculate - they failed to bring the certi- ficates required by the Enactments.- A motion was made seconded, and passed, that they be allowed to matriculate on condition that they procure in a reasonable time certificates or other satisfactory testimonials of good character -
Present Professor Bonnycastle (P43623) -
[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:granted ] Messrs. John W. Warwick (P27112) and Th. F. Perkins (P38303) late of Washington College, (CB0021) and Mr. John Shore (P36144) late of Hampden Sydney- (CB0055) Made application severally thro' the Chairman for permission to matriculate - they failed to bring the certificates from their respective Colleges which the Enactments require.-
Motions were thereupon severally made seconded and passed, that they be allowed to matriculate on condition that they procure within a reasonable time certificates or other satisfactory testimonials of good character -
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] The following students who are above the age of twenty, made application through the Chairman for permission to board out of the University -
Mr. Richard Gambill (P27517) at Miss Terrell's (P43999) -
Mr. Wm. Sizer (P26027) with Mr. James Goss (P43526) -
Rolin H. Kirk (P25245) with Mrs. Jones (P44167) -
Thomas J. Wertenbaker (P32294) with his brother Wm Wertenbaker (P43631)
Motions were severally made seconded and passed that these applications be granted.-
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. William S. Norris (P29148) who wants eight months of the age of twenty, made application thro' the Chairman for permission to board with his particular friend Capt. Perrow (P44168) - A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted-
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. Lewis E. Toxada (P26698) and Mr. John A. Strother (P37901) who are above the age of twenty, made application through the Chairman for permission to occupy rooms on the land of Dr. Blaettermann, (P43621) and to board, the former with Mrs. Jones, (P44167) the latter with Mrs. Brockenbrough, (P44061) Motions were severally made seconded and passed, that their applications be granted on their making such special pledges to the Chairman as he may require.-
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. William S. Harris (P24544) who is above the age of twenty three, made application for permission to board at Mrs. Jones, (P44167) and to be exempt from the rules and regulations prescribed for the government of students - A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted -
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. John D. Bracy (P37246) late of the University of Alabama (CB0013) made application thro' the Chairman for permission to matriculate, and to board with Mrs. Jones (P44167) - He failed to bring a certificate, but offered other satisfactory testimonials of good character, and is above the age of twenty.- A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted -
[EVENT: Curriculum Action:granted ] Mr. Louis (P44060) ussi made thro' the Chairman, application for a license to give lessons in dancing to the students - A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted, under such restrictions as the Chairman may pres- cribe, and upon his producing such evidence of his qualifica- tions, good character &c as may be satisfactory to that Officer.-
[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:granted ] Mr. William Anderson (P39799) late of William and Mary (CB0008), made application thro' the Chairman for permission to matriculate-
A motion was made seconded and passed, that his application be granted, on condition that within a reasonable time he procure a certificate or other satisfactory testimonials of good character.-
The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Bank reports for June, July, and August, and mentioned that, that for June was not received till July 19th
The Chairman submitted the following resolution which was seconded and passed -
[EVENT: University Administration:Facilities Management ] [EVENT: University Administration:Banking ] Resolved, that the Patron (P43659), in the opinion of the Faculty - is justified in paying orders of students for oil for light at suitable prices, if he can do so without pre- judice to himself arising from the fulfillment of the Enact- ment page 47. Sec: 17 -
The Faculty adjourned -
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.The Chairman called a meeting of the Faculty at half past 4 oClock P.M. on Saturday Sept: 15th 1838 - at which hour the following members met -
The Chairman - and Professors Griffith (P43661) - Blaettermann Emmet- (P43621) who remained together 40 minutes, and a quorum not being formed adjourned.-
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.The Faculty met September 19th 1838
Present the Chairman and Professors Tucker, (P43619) Davis, (P33195) Rogers, (P43658) Emmet. (P43625) Cabell (P39304) - Bonnycastle (P43623) -
[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:granted ] D. S. Read (P28857) late of the University of Pennsylvania (CB0057) made application through the Chairman for permission to matri- culate - A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted on condition that he procure in a reasonable time satisfactory testimonials of good character -
Mr. Read (P28857) also applied to be exempt from the rules and regulations for the government of Students, on the ground, that he is above the age of twenty three- a motion was made seconded and passed that this application be granted -
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. John G. Peyton (P29059) who has arrived at the age which entitles
him under the laws to board out of the University, made appli- cation thro' the Chairman, for permission to board with Mrs. Brookenbrough (P44061) - A motion was thereupon made seconded and passed, that his application be granted -[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. John H. Perry (P24657) late of St. Louis College (CB0058) made application thro' the Chairman for permission to matriculate - A motion was made seconded and passed, that he be allowed to matri- culate on condition that he procure in a reasonable time a certificate from said college or other satisfactory testimonials of good character -
[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:granted ] Messrs. Thomas Y. (P35089) and Patrick F. Henry (P23097) made application through the Chairman for permission to matriculate - they informed the Chairman that they had been four or five weeks at Hampden Sydney College (CB0055) - and were dismissed in consequence of not rising sufficiently early in the morning - on saturday they received a notice from the Faculty and were dismissed on the monday following- A motion was made, seconded and passed that these gentleman be allowed to matriculate, on condition, that within a reasonable time, they procure satisfactory testimonials of good character -
[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:granted ] Mr. James P. Holcombe (P43718) late of Yale College and MR. Robert S. Jackson (P26267) late of College made application, severally, thro' the Chairman for permission to matriculate - Motions were severally made seconded and passed, that their applications be granted on condition that, they within a reasonable time obtain certificates or other satisfactory testimonials of good character.-
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. James L. Woodville (P27310) who is under the age which entitles him under the Enactments to board out of the precincts, made
application thro' the Chairman for permission to board with Mrs. Brockenbrough. (P44061)- Although Mr. Woodville (P27310) has no acquaintance with Mrs. B. (P44061) yet between his family and her, for many years, the most friendly relations have existed - A motion was there- upon made seconded and passed, that his application be granted[EVENT: Boarding Action:postponed ] Mr. J. P. Tabb (P40095) made application thro' the Chairman for p permission to board with his particular friend Mrs. Brocken- brough (P44061) - A motion was made seconded and passed that a consid- eration of Mr. Tabb's (P40095) application be postponed -
[EVENT: University Administration:Banking ] The Chairman stated to the Faculty that Mr. J. P. Halbach (P44169) a Tailor of Charlottesville (PL4204), had informed him, that Mr. Adoniram J. Stringfellow (P31716) gave him a cash order on the Patron for work executed for him, which order was not paid on presen- tation for want of funds - A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Stringfellow (P31716) be sent for - Mr. Stringfellow (P31716) appeared before the Faculty and stated that he was not aware that he was violating the law - and certainly, that he had no intention of doing so - He was in expectation of funds at an early day - Mr. M. Kennis (P44170) had books which he wanted, and which he was fearful would be sold before his funds arrived- without intending to consummate a purchase, he requested Mr. M. Kennis' (P44170) clerk to lay the books aside for him and at his request he gave him an order on the Patron, with the under- standing that it was not to be presented until funds were de deposited and the books taken away - in the man time he gave Mr. Halbach (P44169) an order which he wished to be presented and paid- before however it was presented, Mr. M. Kennis (P44170) forgetting the understanding with his clerk and before the books were taken away, presented his order, which covered the amount of his
unappropriated funds in the hands of the Patron (P43659).-The Chairman submitted the following resolution which was seconded and passed -
In order that the law regarding early rising may be enforced more effectually according to its provisions, The Proctor (P43659) is instructed to make report to the Chairman weekly of all vio- lations of the law, or oftener if in the opinion of the Chairman it shall at any time become desirable; and in like manner to report all violations by Hotel Keepers of the Enactments in regard to cleaning &c of the dormitories.-
The Chairman laid before the Faculty the following communica- from the Proctor -
Proctor's Office Sep: 11th 1838
[EVENT: Fee:Room Rent ] [EVENT: University Administration:Banking ] [EVENT: Boarding ] In estimating the value of the separate items included in the sum of One hundred and twenty five dollars for board &c I submit the following statement
For dieting | $100 - |
" washing | 10. |
" Servants attendance | 10. |
" use of bed - bedding and furniture | 5. |
$125 |
I make no allawance for damage to furniture, that being always a separate charge, depending upon the specific injury
Wes. H. Woodley (P43659) Proctor
To Dr. G. Harrision (P25515) Chr of Faculty
Board washing &c | $125 |
Rent of Dormitory $16 (if two in a room) | 8 |
Fuel and Candles $40 (ditto ditto) | 20 |
$153 | |
Ice say (but it scarcely ever amounts to as much) | 2 |
$155 |
A motion was made seconded and passed that the estimate made by the Proctor of the value of the separate items included in the one hundred and twenty five dollars charged for board &c be sanctioned by the Faculty -
Mr. Davis (P33195) offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed -
Resolved, that in consequence of the uncertainty exist- ing as to the construction of the laws relating to the board &c to be charged at the cut boarding houses, the Proctor be requested to communicate with the Executive Committee on the subject, and after obtaining their views to prepare an estimate of the price which may be charged at such out boarding houses for board and other accommodations.
The Faculty adjourned -
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch: Fac:The Faculty met September 25th 1838
Present the Chairman and Professors Griffith, (P43661) Davis, (P33195) Tucker (P43619) - Bonnycastle (P43623) -
[EVENT: Curriculum ] A motion was made seconded and passed, that a Committee be appointed to arrange the hours for extra lectures - whereupon Professors Bonnycastle, (P43623) Rogers, (P43658) Blaettermann (P43621) and Cabell (P39304) were appointed to constitute the Committee.-
Pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Visitors (CB0042), Professors Tucker (P43619) - Griffith (P43661) and Davis (P33195) were appointed a committee to arrange the Engravings bequeathed to the University by Christian Bohn (P44171) -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] Mr. Thomas Slaughter (P33960) made application through the Chairman for permission to leave the School of Mathematics and attend another School- On motion made and seconded, Resolved, that this application be granted-
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. Muscoe R. H. Garnett (P41786) made application thro' the Chairman for permission to board with Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061) - his mother who came with him to the University is the particular friend of Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061) and makes this request on account of his health which is delicate - On motion made and seconded - resolved that Mr. Garnett's (P41786) application be granted.-
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. Joseph D. Shelton (P29255) who is above the age of twenty - made application through the Chairman for permission to board at Miss Terrell's (P43999) - A motion was made seconded and passed, that his appli- cation be granted -
The Faculty adjourned
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.The Faculty met September 29th 1838
Present all the members except Dr. Blaettermann (P43621)-
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. John P. Tabb (P40095) who matriculated as a resident student made application through the Chairman for permission to board with his particular friend Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061) - The Faculty being satisfied with his reasons, on motion made and seconded - resolved that his application be granted on condition that Col ward (P43873) the Hotel Keeper consents to it -
[EVENT: Fee ] Mr. Isaac R. Watkins (P22125) made application through the Chairman for authority to the Patron (P43659) to pay to Mr. Wertenbaker (P43631) a debt of about eight dollars contracted during the last session - the reasons being deemed satisfactory - a motion was made seconded and passed that the application be granted -
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] P. Thornton Lomax (P23747) made application through the Chairman for permission to board with his particular friend Mrs. Brockenbro' (P44061)- Dr. Cabell (P39304) is of the opinion that the state of his health requires
this indulgence - A Motion was made seconded and passed that his application be grantedThe Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's monthly report of deposites made with the Patron by the Students, inclu- ding a report of the violations of the law regarding early rising for the present week.-
The Chairman communicated to the Faculty a letter from Commo- dore Elliot (P44274) presenting to the Museum of the University () certain specimens of Antiquity, therein named; whereupon On motion of Pro- fessor Bonnycastle (P43623), it was resolved that the Chairman be requested to convey to Commodore Elliot (P44274) the thanks of the Faculty for his donation, with suitable expressions of the sense they have of the obligation he has conferred.-
The Faculty then adjourned -
Gessner Harrison - (P25515) CH. Fac.The Faculty met October 8th 1838
Present the Chairman and Professors Griffith (P43661)- Emmet (P43625), Davis (P33195)- Tucker (P43619) - Cabell (P39304) & Bonnycastle (P43623) -
[EVENT: Student Status:Readmission Action:granted ] Mr. James Chapman (P25161) who was dismissed from the University during the 13th Session, made application through the Chairman for re admission into the University - He produced a certificate signed by several reputable gentlemen of the County of Orange testifying to his good conduct, since his dismissal - On motion made and seconded, it was resolved that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:granted ] Mr. William Palmer (P27972) late of Richmond Academy (CB0059) made application thro' the Chairman for permission to matriculate - He failed to bring with him the Certificate of Good Standing which the law re- quires - A motion was thereupon made seconded and passed, that his
application be granted on condition that within a reasonable time he obtain from said academy a certificate of good standing -[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. John H. Bryant (P42270) a married gentleman, who resides with his father in law Mr. William Garland, (P44184) but who is under the age of twenty three, made application thro' the Chairman with the assent of two members of the Executive Committee to be exempt from wearing the Uniform prescribed by the Enactments -
On motion made and seconded - Resolved that his application be granted -
Professor Blaettermann (P43621) joined the Faculty -
[EVENT: University Administration:Banking ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Bank Report for the month of September -
[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine ] Mr. Reuben P. Thomas (P36950) made application through the Chairman for permission to leave the School of Medicine & join another School-
On motion made and seconded - Resolved that his application be granted -
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] [EVENT: Fee ] [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. William M. Walker (P43055) had received funds from home since his matriculation which he failed to deposite with the Patron (P43659), and that he had with the funds so withhold, purchased clothing not uniform -
A motion was made seconded and passed, that Mr. Walker (P43055) be sent for.- He appeared before the Faculty and said, that he was compelled to purchase articles which the Patron would not pay for. He reed $150- of which $66 was deposited with the Patron by his brother - $50 was spent, and he has $30 remaining.- besides a suit of Uniform, he purchased with the money, a frock coat at $20 and also a vest which was not uniform - He was aware that he was acting contrary to law -
Mr. Davis (P33195) proposed the following resolution which was, seconded and passed -
Mr. Wm. M. Walker (P43055) having failed to deposit funds received by him, since his matriculation, with the Patron, as required by the Enactments; Resolved that he be suspended for one month, and requiredto remain at Mr. Hamner's (P43771) during the period of his suspen- sion
The Faculty adjourned
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch: Fac:The Chairman called a meeting of the Faculty at 4 OClock P.M. on Thursday October 18th 1838 -
Present the Chairman and Professor Davis (P33195) - A quorun not having been formed the meeting was adjourned -
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.The Chairman called a meeting of the Faculty at three OClock on Saturday the 20th October 1838
Present the Chairman and Professors Davis (P33195) and Cabell (P39304)-
The Secretary of the Faculty being engaged in the Library
Professor Cabell (P39304) was requested by the Chairman to act as Secre- tary pro tempore.- A quorum not being formed the meeting adjourned.-
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch: Fac:The Faculty met October 27th 1838
Present the Chairman and Professors Emmet (P43625), Griffith (P43661), Tucker (P43619), Cabell (P39304) and Davis (P33195) -
[EVENT: Boarding ] [EVENT: Fee:Room Rent ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty on estimate regarding Board at the out boarding houses, made by the Proctor, in con- formity to a resolution of the Faculty of the 19th September, and after communicating with the Executive Committee on the subject -
On motion made and seconded Resolved that the said estimate be approved as follows. Vig -
For board, washing, bed and bedding Servants attendance &c | $125.00 |
For rents, ice, damage, &c | 20.00 |
For fuel and candles, where the room is occupied by one $40. when occupied by two, each | 20.00 |
$165.00 |
[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. William M. Walker (P43055) who was on the 8th instant suspended for one month and required to remain at Mr. Hamners (P43771) in this county during his suspension, had left that place before the expiration of the term of suspen- sion and returned to the University - whereupon
Mr. Davis (P33195) offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed -
Mr. William M. Walker (P43055) who was suspended for one month and required to remain at Mr. Hamner's (P43771) in this county during his suspension, having left said place before the expiration of the term of suspension and returned to the University: Resolved that he be dismissed from the University.-
[EVENT: Student Conduct:Course Distinction ] The Chairman presented to the Faculty applications from the following students for permission to become Candidates for Graduation -
- [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Latin ] Mr. P. B. Prentis (P36760) in the Latin Language and Literature.
- [EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy ] Mr. John A Washington (P24225) in Moral Philosophy
- [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine ] Mr. John R. Pettus (P26531) in Medicine -
Their reasons for not giving in their names in due time being satisfactory - Motions were severally made seconded and passed that their applications be granted.-
The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Bank Report for September.
[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:granted ] Mr. James (P29987) & Mr. Dowell () late of Washington College (CB0021) and Mr. Samuel O. Scruggs (P33933) late of Nashville University (CB0016) applied thro' the Chairman for permission for permission to matriculate- they failed to bring with them the Certificates required by law -
Motions were severally made seconded and passed that these gentlemen he permitted to matriculate on condition, that within a reasonable time, they produce certificates, or other satisfactory testimony of good character.-
[EVENT: Boarding Action:postponed ] Mr. William M. Woodson (P25839) a resident student in Mrs. Gray's (P43865) district made application through the Chairman for permission to remove from the precincts and board with Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061)-
He is above the age of twenty - A motion was made seconded and passed, that Mr. Woodson's (P25839) application be granted on condition that he make such arrangement as may be satisfactory to the Hotel Keeper -
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. William P. Read (P43081) who is above the age of twenty three, and boards out of the precincts made application through the Chairman to be exempt from the rules and regulations for the government of students- On motion made and seconded - Resolved that Mr. Read's (P43081) application be granted -
[EVENT: Student Misconduct ] [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that he had repeatedly admonished Messrs. Wm. B. Lynch (P28952), Thomas T. Henry (P35089), Patrick F. Henry (P23097) and Thomas Towles (P24008) for violating the law regarding early rising not withstanding which they still persist in violating the law -
A motion was made seconded and passed that these gentlemen be sent for -
Mr. Lynch (P28952) appeared before the Faculty and said he had
no reason to justify himself for violating the law - at one time he made an effort to comply with the law - has now aban- doned all effort - He rises about 7 oClock- and gets to breakfast before half past 7 -Mr. Thomas Y. Henry (P35089) appeared and said that late rising was habitual with him - to save his life he could not rise early - never rises before breakfast - The Chairman requested. [EVENT: University Administration:Banking ] Mr. Henry (P35089) to explain to the Faculty why he had drawn on the Patron for allarger amount than he had in his hands - Mr. Henry (P35089) said that when he gave the order he thought he had funds - it happened in consequence of Valentine, Fry & Co. (CB0068) having hold up an order for 12 or 15 days - it appeared from the Patron's book that he had $6. for this amount he drew, supposing that all the orders he had previously given were paid.-
Mr. Thomas Towles (P24008) appeared and said that he had been reported only three times during the session - He went to see some friends in Charlottesville (PL4204), returned late at night and overslept himself - has tried to get up - makes the servant wake him, tho' he does not always get up when the servant wakes him - goes to bed about 11. or 12.
Mr. P. F. Henry (P23097) appeared and said that the Janitor (P43951) had caught him in bed but once since he was admonished by the Chairman - gets up generally in due time - wakes himself -
The Servant comes into his room before day - is roused some- times by students - retires about 10.
The Chairman offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed,
Messrs. William B. Lynch (P28952) and Thomas Y. Henry (P35089) having
persisted in violating the law regarding early rising after being repeatedly admonished - Resolved, that they be suspended for a fortnight and required to spend the time at Mr. Joe B. Browns (P44132) in this County -On motion made and seconded -
Resolved that Messrs. Thomas Towles (P24008) and Patrick F. Henry (P23097) for their frequent violations of the law regarding early rising be reprimanded by the Chairman -
The Faculty adjourned -
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.The Faculty met November 1st 1838
Present the Chairman and Professors Griffith (P43661)- Emmet (P43625), Davis (P33195), Tucker (P43619) and Blaettermann (P43621).-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] The Chairman called upon the Professors for the names of such students as are inattentive and not making due Proficiency in their respective Schools.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages ] The Professor of Ancient Languages (P25515) reported that-
- Mr. James W. Morton (P26341) was irregular in attendance and not
- attentive to his studies -
- Mr. M. W. Smith (P22844) often absent
- Mr. John H. McAfee (P22105) does not answer well -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages ] The Professor of Modern Languages (P43621) had no complaint -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics ] The Professor of Mathematics (P43623) was absent -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Natural Philosophy ] The Professor of Natural Philosophy (P43634) was absent -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry ] The Professor of Chemistry (P43625) had no complaint.
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine ] The Professor of Medicine (P43661) reported that, Mr. John H. Bryant (P42270) does not answer well -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Anatomy ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Surgery ] The Professor of Anatomy & Surgery (P39304) was absent -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy ] The Professor of Moral Philosophy (P43619) informed the Faculty that Mr. Rolin H. Kirk (P25245), was frequently absent- inattentive, and answers badly -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Law ] The Professor of Law (P33195), said Mr. R. H. Kirk (P25245) was frequently absent, and seldom or never prepared.-
[EVENT: Library ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Librarian (P43631)'s Bi- monthly report -
[EVENT: University Administration:Banking ] [EVENT: University Administration:Facilities Management ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor (P43659)'s monthly report of Assessments - which was on motion made seconded and passed, approved.-
The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor (P43659)'s monthly reports, of deposites made by students with the Patron, of violations of the law regarding early rising, and also a special report from that Officer in regard to the Hotels - com- plaining of the failure of the Hotel Keepers in cleaning up and washing the dormitories, and also a failure of duty in other respects - The Chairman thereupon offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed-
Resolved, that the Hotel Keepers be informed that the Faculty will require a strict compliance with the law enjoin- ing cleaning up and washing out of the dormitories, and other attention to the dormitories required by the laws.-
The Chairman laid before the Faculty a special report from the Proctor (P43659) relating to the deportment of students at Col. Ward's (P43873) Hotel - in which it was mentioned, that altho' Col. Ward (P43873) did not wish to appear voluntarily before the Faculty, yet he was desirous of being called before it, for the purpose of stating in detail the conduct of some of his boarders -
A motion was thereupon made seconded and passed that
Col. Ward (P43873) be sent for.- He appeared before the Faculty and read a Journal which had been kept by him for some weeks, in which were noted various irregularities and some indecorous conduct on the part of some of his boarders.- Whereupon a motion was made seconded and passed that this matter be re- ferred to the consideration and action of the Chairman.-[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:granted ] Mr. John H. Bell (P32190) late of Washington College (CB0021) made appli- cation through the Chairman for permission to matriculate -
He failed to bring the certificate which the law requires -
Whereupon a motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Be11 (P32190) be permitted to matriculate, on condition, that within a reasonable time to produce a Certificate or other satisfac- tory evidence of good character -
[EVENT: Epidemics ] [EVENT: Boarding Exception:granted ] The Chairman applied in behalf of Mr. John Scott (P41212) for leave to board out of the University with Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061) - on the ground, that his health was such as to make his remaining in the room he occupies very hazardous.- Mr. Scott (P41212) states that he is hereditarily exposed to consumption, and that he has been continually ailing since he entered the University.- that his room smokes badly and compels him to leave the window partially opened whereby he is exposed to irregular currents of air in addition to the like exposure from the construction of the room whenever his door is opened, and that his Physi- cian (Dr. Cabell- (P39304)) is of opinion that these causes tend to increase his danger.-
On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that the Chairman be autorized to grant this leave, if in the opinion of Dr. Cabell (P39304) it should seem necessary.-
The like application was made in behalf of Mr. Washington, (P24225) and on the same grounds:- Viz his hereditary exposur to
consumption, his present insecure health, and his exposure from the condition of his room. On motion made seconded -Resolved that the same authority be given to the Chairman in regard to Mr. Washington (P24225).-
Mr. Elisha K. Kane (P26560) made application through the Chairman for leave to occupy a vacant room in the Old Library above stairs; Viz the S. E. room- He stated as the ground of his application, that he was subject to a Rheumatic affection of the heart, and that his dormitory smoking badly he was obliged to keep his window partly open, and was consequently exposed to currents of cold air, seriously endangering a recurrence of his malady; that he had already suffered from this cause.- Dr. Griffith (P43661) who had been consulted by Mr. Kane (P26560), ans was acquainted with his case, confirmed this statement, and expressed the opinion that it is very important to Mr. Kane's (P26560) health, that he should have a room more comfortable and with less exposure -
On motion made and seconded - Resolved that Mr. Kane's (P26560) petition be granted, and that his room mate Mr. Robert Patterson (P39573) be allowed to occupy the room with him -
The Faculty adjourned.-
Gessner Harrison (P25515) Ch. Fac.The Faculty met November 10th 1838
Present that Chairman Mr. Davis (P33195), Tucker (P43619), Emmet (P43625), Cabell (P39304), Bonnycastle (P43623) and Rogers (P43658) -
[EVENT: Curriculum ] The Faculty proceeded to appoint the periods at which Examinations for graduation in the various Schools shall take place - Viz -
[EVENT: Curriculum:Ancient Languages:Latin ] In Ancient Languages
- 1st Geography & History Feby 15th
- 2nd Translation May 17th 18th
- 3 Etymology June 14. 15.
[EVENT: Curriculum:Ancient Languages:Greek ] Greek
- 1 Geography & History Jan 18 & 19
- 2 Translation May 24. 25
- 3 Etymology June 7. 8
[EVENT: Curriculum:Mathematics ] Mathematics
- Arithmetic & Algebra 8th November
- Geometry & Trigonometry 20th Dec
- Geo: Analysis 5th Feby
- Diff: Calculus 18 March
- Int: Calculus 30 June -
[EVENT: Curriculum:Natural Philosophy ] Natural Philosophy
- 1st December 31.
- 2nd April 6th
- 3rd June 24th
Civil Engineering
- 1st Feby 20th
- 2nd June 22nd
[EVENT: Curriculum:Chemistry ] Chemistry
- June 15th & 23rd
[EVENT: Curriculum:Medicine ] Medicine
- 1. Feby 27th
- 2 June 28th
[EVENT: Curriculum:Medicine:Anatomy ] [EVENT: Curriculum:Medicine:Surgery ] Anatomy & Surgery
- March 7th & 9th
- June 25th
[EVENT: Curriculum:Moral Philosophy ] Moral Philosophy
- January 10th
- March 20th
- June 17th
[EVENT: Curriculum:Political Economy ] Political Economy
- March 15th
- June 21st
[EVENT: Curriculum:Law ] Law
- 1. December 24th
- 2 Feby 25th
- 3 May 1
- 4 June 24th
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr John H. Bell (P32190) who is above the age of twenty three made application through the Chairman for permission to be exempt from rules and regulations made for the government of students and to reside out of the precincts - On motion made and sec- onded- resolved that his application be granted -
[EVENT: University Administration:Banking ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Bank Report for the month of October.-
[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Natural Philosophy ] Mr Aaron Jeffery (P29166) made application through the Chairman for permission to quit the School of Natural Philosophy - his reasons being deemed satisfactory - a motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:postponed ] The Chairman read to the Faculty a letter from John B. Minor (P22874), Esq. giving a statement of the causes which had led to the expulsion of Mr. J. Taylor (P30080) for admission into the University -
A motion was made seconded and passed that the Chairman be requested to inform Mr. Minor (P22874), that the Faculty are willing to apply to the Faculty of Kenyon College (CB0070) for a statement of facts in regard to Mr. Taylor's (P30080) case - on on receiving such statement, will consider and determine whether it will be p proper to admit him into the University.-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that week before last Mr. Thomas B. Rupell (P44164) visited Charlottesville (PL4204) without Uniform- A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Rupell (P44164) be sent for.- He appeared and said that he went no further that Mr. Cooper's (CB0072) Tailors Shop which he did not regard as being in Charlottesville (PL4204).- he were on old cost made of cloth of domes- tic manufacture.- thinks a student is justifiable in violating
the Uniform law when there is no probability of his being detected.-A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Rupell (P44164) be reprimanded by the Chairman.-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct ] [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Messrs. Abner L. Duncan (P36308) and Thomas Towles (P24008) who had been admonished by him for violating the law regarding early rising, were reported by the Proctor for persisting in the violation of the same law.
A motion was made seconded and passed that the Messrs. Towles (P24008) and Duncan (P36308) be sent for.-
Mr. Towles (P24008) said that he found it impossible to get up in due time every morning - generally gets up in time.- sometimes the Servant wakes him before a fire is made.- and in waiting for a fire falls asleep again and oversleeps himself.- has been caught in bed only four times during the Session- Makes every effort in his power to comply with the law - has been accostumed all his life to rising late -
On motion made and seconded
Resolved, that Mr. Thomas Towles (P24008) for having violated the law regarding early rising after being repeatedly admonished by the Chairman - be reprimanded by the Chairman and informed that a more sever punishment would be inflicted but for the belief that he has endeavored to comply with the law.-
Mr. Duncan (P36308) appeared and said, that all his life he has been accostumed to late rising, and cannot well rise in due time - tries as much as in his power - he very seldom rises in due time - not half the times - retires between 10 & 11- The Servant generally waken him when he comes to make a fire-
he then falls asleep again - has been roused by the Servant a second time, and stille could not get up - hopes by trying he may yet succeed.-On motion made and seconded
Resolved, that Mr. Abner L. Duncan (P36308) for persisting in violating the law regarding early rising, after being admon- ished by the Chairman, be suspended for one week, and required to spend the time at Mr. Hammer's Tavern (CB0071) in this County, or in Staunton with Mr. J. Towles (P24008)
The Faculty adjourned,
Gessner Harrison (P25515) Ch. Fac.The Faculty met November 14th 1838
Present the Chairman and Professors Davis (P33195), Tucker (P43619), Rogers (P43658), Emmet (P43625), Bonnycastle (P43623), Cabell (P39304) and Blaettermann (P43621) -
[EVENT: Student Conduct:Illuminations ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Destruction of Property ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that on monday night the 12th instant, there was an attempt at illumination- which failed, but which was followed by the breaking open of the Bell room door- ringing the bell - firing of pistols- shouting and noise of various kinds - a fire was kindled on the lawn - some windows of the Rotunda (PL8428) were broken - the door and some of the windows of the Janitor's shop were also broken, besides other damage to the public property.-
The Chairman stated that the Proctor saw Messrs. Kennedy (P39957), McAfee (P30407) and Duncan (P36308) coming out of Mr. Malebrow's (P44217) room seeming excited and evidently appearing to belong to the riotous party - The Proctor saw Mr. Glascock (P34580) putting up candles and desired him to desist.- this he did not think proper to do, but continued to put up candles.- He also heard
Mr. Duncan (P36308) say - "Come on dawn expense"- he seemed intox- icated -The Chairman stated that Mr. P. F. Henry (P23097) illuminated and made some noise by shouting -
A motion was made seconded and passed that Messrs. Kennedy (P39957), John H McAfee (P22105), Duncan (P36308), Glascock (P34580) and P. F. Henry (P23097) be sent for -
Mr. Kennedy (P39957) appeared before the Faculty - and said that he told the Chairman all he had to say - was asked if he rung the bell - there was no answer for some time - at length he said he didnot ring the bell - admitted that he assisted in breaking open the bell room door - an axe or hatchet was used- he did not procure the hatchet - had drunk very little.- did no other injury to property.-
Mr. Duncan (P36308) appeared and said that he was somewhat under the influence of liquor - did not make or contribute to a drinking party - nor was it at his room, shouted on the lawn, but had nothing to do with the riotous party- He was in the Portico of the Rotunda (PL8428) - procured the liquor himself - it was not a party.-
Mr. John H. McAfee (P22105)- said that he injured no property- was interrogated in regard to ringing the bell - making a noise by shouting &c and kindling a fire on the lawn - but declined answering the questions - He did not assist in break- ing open the doors - admitted that he had been drinking spirits mixed with water - he drank early. before 9 oClock- the drinking was on the lawn-
Mr. P. F. Henry (P23097) admitted that he illuminated, and shouted first under the arcade and for and for a short time on the lawn, had
net been drinking - did not shout at the Rotunda (PL8428) - or under the Gymnasium (PL8500) - does not remember the latest hour he shouted- was not on the Rotunda (PL8428) - does not know why others illuminated- didnot intend beforehand having anything to do with the dis- turbances - did not hour it spoken of before - does not know who else in his neighborhood illuminated - known of no eating or drinking party that was in his room - was absent some time- he was in the rooms of his acquaintances a good part of the time- was drawn upon the lawn by the noise he heard.-Mr. Glascock (P34580) said that he was putting up a candle when Col. Woodley (P44018) came up and requested him not to do so - He told Col. Woodley (P44018) that he did not think that he was violating any law, and would do so just as soon if all the Professors were looking at him.- the occasion was the same as that which caused the disturbances last your - he did not know before, that any disorder was intended, had, and intended to have nothing to do with the disturbances - did not shout or drink.-
[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal ] Dr. Cabell (P39304) offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed
It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty, that Messrs. Francis H. Kennedy (P39957) and John H. McAfee (P22105) were members of a party engaged in a riot in which public property was injured on the night of the 12th instant -
Resolved, that they be dismissed from the University and interdicted from the precincts.-
Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed -
It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty that Mr. Abner L. Duncan (P36308) on the night of the 12th instant
during the continuance of a riot in which public property was injured, was guilty of disorderly conduct on the public lawn, that during the continuance of that riot he sent for liquor and excited himself by its influence; and it appearing moreover, that at the time of so acting, Mr. Duncan (P36308) was under suspension therefor - Resolved that he be dismissed from the University and interdicted from the precincts.-The following resolution was proposed seconded and passed
Mr. William H. Glascock (P34580) having on the night of 12th thereby seeming to give encouragement and countenance to the riot which ensued
Resolved, that he be reprimanded by the Chairman and his father written to -
[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal Action:postponed ] A motion was made seconded and passed that the consid- eration of the case of Mr. P. F. Henry (P23097) be postponed -
[EVENT: Curriculum:Modern Languages ] At the request of Professor Blaettermann (P43621) the following periods were appointed for the Examinations for Graduation in the School of Modern Languages -
At the request of Professor Blaettermann (P43621) the following periods were appointed for the Examinations of the Candidates for Graduation in the School of Modern Languages.-
- [EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:French ] 1st History of France December 5th 27
- 2 Literature of France March 25th
- 3. French Language May 5th
- [EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:Spanish ] 4 History of Spain Feby 22nd
- 5 Literature of Spain March 30th
- 6 Spanish Language May 10th
- [EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:Italian ] 7 History of Italy March 15th
- 8 Literature of Italy April 10th
- 9 Italien Language May 15th
- [EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:German ] 10. History and Literature of Germany April 15th
- 11 German Language May 20th
- [EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:English ] 12 History & Literature of the Anglo-Saxons April 24th
- 13. Anglo-Saxon Language May 30th
The Faculty adjourned.-
Gessner Harrison (P25515), Ch. Fac.The Faculty met November 16th 1838
Present the Chairman and Professors Rogers (P43658), Davis (P33195), Griffith (P43661), Cabell (P39304), Tucker (P43619) and Emmet (P43625) -
[EVENT: Student Conduct:Illuminations ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Destruction of Property ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking ] The Chairman informed the Faculty, that he had well grounded reasons for believing that Mr. Richard T. Holstead (P25014) was actively engaged in the riot of the 12th instant.
A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Holstead (P25014) be sent for.- he appeared and admitted that he illuminated- shouted on the lawn and rung the bell a little - He did not drink - nor did he furnish any liquor - did not think he was doing wrong in illumijating - or know that it was unlawful- did not assist in kindling the fire on the lawn - nor in breaking open the bell room door - nor did he attack the house of any Professor- heard nothing beforehand of the contemplated frolick - he went to bed about 10 OClock -
Mr. Davis (P33195) offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed -
[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal ] It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty that Mr. Richard T. Holstead (P25014) was one of a party engaged in a riot in which public property was injured on the night of the 12th instant-
Resolved, that he be dismissed from the University and interdicted from the precincts.-
Present Professor Blaettermann (P43621) -
The Chairman informed the Faculty, that on sunday evening he saw Mr. Walter L. Binford (P35678) who boards with Mrs. Jones (P44167) engaged with others in firing pistols at a mark near the public road -
A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Binford (P35678) be sent for.- He appeared and said that he did shoot a pistol on sunday - did not know that he was violating the law - the pistol did not belong to him - fired it but once.- was asked if he keeps a pistol, will not answer the question - does not keep gunpowder - was asked if it was his first offence - will not answer the question
Present Professor Bonnycastle (P43623) -
The following resolution was offered seconded and passed.-
[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension ] Mr. Walter L. Binford (P35678) having been guilty of disorderly conduct in firing a pistol at a mark on sunday the 11th instant near the public road, and in violation of the law prohibiting the use of fire arms.-
Resolved, that he be suspended for two weeks and required to spend the time at home.-
The Chairman informed the Faculty that on the night of the 12th instant Messrs. Willis J. Dance (P40245) and John Shore (P36144) illuminated the arcades in front of their dormitories, but participated in no other way in the disturbances which took place on that occasion -
A motion was made seconded ansd passed, that Messrs. Dance (P40245) and Shore (P36144) for illuminating the arcades in front of their dormitories on the night of the 12th instant thereby seeming
to give encouragement and countenance to the riot which ensued, be reprimanded by the Chairman and their fathers be written to -Professor Griffith, retired from the Faculty -
[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension ] The case of Mr. Patrick F. Henry (P23097) having been considered the following resolution was offered, seconded and passed -
Mr. Patrick F. Henry (P23097) having illuminated the arcade in front of his dormitory, and made a disturbing noise on the night of the 12th instant -
Resolved, that he be suspended for one month and be required to spend the time at home.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Materia Medica ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] Mr. Reuber P. Thomas (P36950) who attends four schools made appli- cation through the Chairman for permission to leave the Class of Materia Medica - On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] [EVENT: Epidemics ] Mr. Edward B. Davis (P29328) a resident student made application through the Chairman for permission to board out of the University with Mrs. Jones (P44167) - his application is grounded upon the following reasons.- His father, brother and other members of the family have died of consumption - and he thinks that he is now affected with the same disease.- his room is very uncomfortable and in order to prevent its smoking he is com- pelled to keep his windows partially open - this admits currents of air into his room which endangers his health - moreover his mother is particularly desirous that he should room with, and be under the care of Mr. English (P26348) who boards with Mrs. Jones (P44167) -
On motion made and seconded - Resolved that the application of Mr. Davis (P33195) be granted, if in the opinion of
Dr. Griffith (P43661) it is necessary -The Faculty adjourned -
Gessner Harrison (P25515), Ch. Fac.The Faculty met November 22nd 1838
Present the Chairman and Professors Davis (P33195), Tucker (P43619), Cabell (P39304), Bonnycastle (P43623), Rogers (P43658) and Blaettermann (P43621).-
[EVENT: Student Conduct:Illuminations ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Destruction of Property ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking ] The Chairman stated to the Faculty that the Proctor (P43659) had received through the key hole of his office an anonymous communication informing him, that Messrs. Nelson A. Patterson (P31623), Henry C. Mayer (P28302) and Thomas B. Skipwith (P40284) were ring leaders in the riot of the 12th instant; since that time evidence has been obtained which renders it certain that these students were actively engaged in said riot - and that Mr. Mayer (P28302) was suspected before the receipt of the anonymous communication
A motion was made seconded and passed that Messrs. Patter- son (P31623), Mayer (P28302) and Skipwith (P40284) be sent for -
Mr. Skipwith (P40284) appeared and said that he had nothing to say one way or another.-
Mr. Patterson (P31623) appeared and confessed that he had some participation in the disorders; but that he did no injury to property - he shouted and assisted in making the fire on the lawn - he did not drink or procure any drink, was not on the Rotunda, nor did he assist in breaking open the bell room door - the disturbances were premeditated, but not on his part - he joined about half past 8 and went in on the spur of the moment.
Mr. Mayer (P28302) then appeared, and said that he had nothing to state, and would answer no questions.-
[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal ] The following resolution was then proposed seconded and passed -
It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty, that Messrs. Nelson A. Patterson (P31623), Henry C. Mayer (P28302) and Thomas B. Skipwith (P40284) were members of a party engaged in a riot in which public property was injured on the night of the 12th instant.-
Resolved, that they be dismissed from the University, and interdicted from the precincts -
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. Thomas B. Rupell (P44164) made application through the Chair- man for permission, either to board out of the University, or to exchange the dormitory now occupied by him for some other room in the University; this application was grounded on the same reasons which influenced the Faculty in granting permission to Mr. Edward B. Davis (P29328) and other students to board out of the University - on motion made and seconded -
Resolved, that Mr. Rupell's (P44164) application be granted, if the Chairman after consultation with Dr. Griffith (P43661) shall deem it advisable -
[EVENT: Boarding ] [EVENT: Epidemics ] The Chairman stated to the Faculty that Mr. Peter W. Hairston (P41505) had been twice compelled to leave the University on account of ill - and from that cause is now absent from the University -
On motion made and seconded -
Resolved, that Mr. Hairston (P41505) on his return to the University be allowed to board out of the precincts, if the Chairman after consultation with the Professor of Medicine (P43661) shall deem it advisable.-
[EVENT: Student Conduct:Celebrations Action:denied ] Messrs. Donald M. Harrison (P23946) and Thomas D. Shelton (P29255) made application through the Chairman for permission to attend a
party at M. Goe's tavern (CB0073) on friday next -On motion made and seconded - Resolved that their application be not granted -
The Faculty adjourned.-
Gessner Harrison (P25515), Ch. Fac.The Faculty met December 1st 1838
Present the Chairman and Professors Rogers (P43658), Griffith (P43661), Emmet (P43625), Tucker (P43619), Cabell (P39304) and Davis (P33195).-
[EVENT: Boarding ] [EVENT: University Administration:Banking ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's (P28387) report of Assessments for the month of November, which on motion made seconded and passed was confirmed.-
The Chairman laid before the Faculty the monthly report of the Proctor (P28387) of deposites made with the Patron during the month of November, of the violations of the law regarding early rising; and of the failures of the Hotel Keepers to clean the dormitories by the hour prescribed by law.
Professors Harrison (P25515) and Davis (P33195) laid before the Faculty reports for the month of November of the Standing of the Can- didates for Graduation in their Schools.-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] The Chairman informed the Faculty, that on friday week last, he was going towards Charlottesville (PL4204), and met Mr. M. L. Throckmorton (P30222) without Uniform.- That yesterday he met Mr. Benjamin F. Peters (P36193) at the edge of Charlottesville (PL4204) without Uniform as to coat -
A motion was made seconded and passed, that these gentlemen be sent for -
Mr. Throckmorton (P30222) appeared, and said that he had no excuse to offer - it was a casual visit to Charlottesville (PL4204) and he was altogether without uniform.-
Mr. Peters (P36193) appeared and said, that the Editors of the Collegian (CB0075) were going to Charlottesville (PL4204) and called on him, and informed him that by going down he could get his number- without reflection and without thinking of his Uniform he set off with them.-
The following resolutions were offered seconded and passed-
It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty, that Mr. Maurice L. Throckmorton (P30222) on friday the 23rd November visited Charlottesville (PL4204) without Uniform.-
Resolved, that he be reprimanded by the Chairman and that his father be written to.-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty, that Mr. Benjamin F. Peters (P36193) visited Charlottesville (PL4204) yesterday with- out Uniform - Resolved that he be reprimanded by the Chairman.- [EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] Mr. William Leonard (P30901) who attends four Schools made application through the Chairman for permission to leave the School of Ancient Languages.- On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Boarding Action:denied ] Mr. William M. Thompson (P36111) made application through the Chairman for permission to leave Col. Ward's (P43873) Hotel on the ground that he does not furnish good and proper fare -
The Faculty being satisfied from the Proctor's (P28387) report, that Mr. Thompson's (P36111) complaint is groundless, on motion made and seconded - resolved that his application be not granted-
[EVENT: Student Status:Readmission Action:denied ] The Chairman read to the Faculty a letter from Charles F. Mayor Esq (P44219)., father of Mr. Henry C. Mayer (P28302), who was dismissed on the 22nd November, for having been a member of the party engaged in the disturbances of November 12th expressing a hope that the Faculty would mitigate the sentence passed
against his son, and at an early period readmit him into the University -On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that the Faculty do not deem it expedient to grant Mr. Mayer's (P44219) request-
[EVENT: Student Conduct:Celebrations Action:granted ] Mr. Reuben P. Thomas (P36950) made application through the Chair- man for permission to attend a dancing party at Mr. Fitch's tavern (PL8536) on friday next - the subscription will be $2 or $3- and the number of subscribers limited to 25 of whom 5 only are to be students - On motion made and seconded -
Resolved, that Mr. Thomas (P36950)' application be granted.-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] The Chairman called upon the Professors for the names of such students as are inattentive and not making due proficiency in their Schools.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages ] The Professor of Ancient Languages (P25515) - reported
- Mr. James M. Morton (P26341) as being nearly always absent and never prepared -
- Mr. James P. Holcombe (P43718) was 7 times absent
- Mr. M. W. Smith (P22844) was nearly always absent
- Mr. John A. Strother (P37901) was 13 times absent -
- Mr. Benj. F. Peters (P36193) was 11 times absent, for which he had been admonished by the Chairman-
- [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Anatomy ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Surgery ] The Professor of Anatomy & Surgery (P39304) men- tioned that Mr. Peters (P36193) had been unwell -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages ] The Professors of Modern Languages (P43621) and Mathematics (P43623) were absent; but the Chairman mentioned to the Faculty, that Mr. Morton (P26341) was inattentive and not making due proficiency in Mathematics.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Natural Philosophy ] The Professor of Natural Philosophy (P43634) reported, that
- Mr. R. H. Kirk (P25245) does not answer well -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry ] The Professor of Chemistry (P43625) reported, that,
- Mr. R. P. Thomas (P36950) had been often absent
- John H. Bryant (P42270) do not answer well -
- Thomas Towles (P24008)
- Geo. Blaettermann (P44221)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine ] The Professor of Medicine (P43661) had no complaint except against
- Mr. W. L. Binford (P35678) who is under suspension.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Anatomy ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Surgery ] The Professor of Anatomy & Surgery (P39304) had no complaint -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy ] The Professor of Moral Philosophy (P43619) reported that
- Messrs. J. P. Holcombe (P43718)
- Drury Wood (P23304) were often absent-
- M. W. Smith (P22844)
- Mr. R. H. Kirk (P25245) was too often absent & unprepared
[EVENT: Course Reference:Law ] The Professor of Law (P33195) reported
- Mr. Kirk (P25245) as having been 3 times absent and not usually prepared -
- W. S. Norris (P29148) was 5 times absent.
- S. A. Watts (P24989) was 6 times absent.-
The Following resolution was proposed seconded and passed -
It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty that Mr. James W. Morton (P26341) is inattentive and not making duo pro- ficiency in his Schools - Resolved, that his father be informed, that unless a speedy amendment takes place, his son will be dismissed from that University -
A motion was made seconded and passed, that the Chair-
man be requested to make enquiry of the following students
as to the cause of their frequent absence from Lectures-
M. W. Smith (P22844) - John A. Strother (P37901) - R. P. Thomas (P36950) - James P.
A motion was made seconded and passed, that the Chairman be requested to make enquiry of Messrs. John H. Bryant (P42270), Geo. Blaettermann (P44221) and Thomas Towles (P24008) as to the cause of their want of preparation in Chemistry -
A motion was made seconded and passed, that the Chairman be requested to admonish Mr. Robin H. Kirk (P25245) for his inattention and want of preparation in his classes generally -
The Faculty adjourned.-
Gessner Harrison (P25515), Ch. Fac.The Faculty met December 19th 1838
Present the Chairman and Professors Davis (P33195), Griffith (P43661) and Cabell (P39304)
Professor Davis (P33195) remained fifteen minutes and a quorum not being formed, retired -
Present Professors Rogers (P43658), Blaettermann (P43621) and Tucker (P43619).-
Mr. Lawrence M. Dyson (P28874) made application through the Chair- man for permission to withdraw from the University on account of ill health - Dr. Cabell (P39304) stated to the Faculty that this application was made in accordance with his advice - A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Dyson's (P28874) appli- cation be granted -
Mr. Reuben P. Thomas (P36950) made application thro' the Chairman for leave of absence 8 or 10 days to visit his relations - he had obtained verbal permission from his guardian - On motion made and seconded - Resolved that Mr. Thomas (P36950)' application be granted.-
Mr. Robert M. Anderson (P43258) made application through the
Chairman for leave of absence ten days to visit home - A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted.-Mr. William H. Janson (P29749) applied through the Chairman for leave of absence ten days from friday next for the purpose of going home - his reasons being satisfactory - on motion made and seconded - Resolved that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Student Conduct:Course Distinction ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Latin ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine ] Messrs. Madison McAfee (P30407) and John H. Bell (P32190) applied thro' the Chairman for permission to become Candidates for Graduation, the former in the Latin Language and Literature, the latter in the School of Medicine - their reasons for not giving in their names in due time being satisfactory - Motions were severally made seconded and passed that their applications be granted -
Mr. A. S. Brockenbrough (P27585) made application through the Chair- man for permission to leave the [EVENT: Course Reference ] Class of Logick - no satis- factory reason being offered - On motion made and seconded -
Resolved that his application be refused.-
Professor Bonnycastle (P43623) joined the Faculty -
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Destruction of Property ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Riot ] [EVENT: Student Status:Readmission Action:granted ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the following letter from Mr. Henry C. Mayer (P28302) who was dismissed from the University on the 22nd of November -
Baltimore (PL4215) Dec: 10th 1838
To the Faculty of the University of Virginia. (PL4214)
- The importance to me of an early resumption of
my studies, which can be pursued nowhere to such advantage
as at your institution, the disgrace which I feel hanging
over me while away from it, and the sincere desire which
urges me to retrieve that character, which through my reck- lessness and folly, but not through any ill will towards the Faculty or any of its members, or any premeditated ill design,- I have lost among you - induce me to make this application for a reunion with the University, at an earlier period than would perhaps be otherwise advisable or expedient- - The end of punishment is the prevention of crime in
others, and the correction of the offender - The punishment
which has been inflicted by the Faculty in this instance,
will surely be sufficient to prevent the recurrence of
another disturbance of this kind, and the small number of per-
sons who were engaged in the riot, itself, sanctions this
suppoosition - As respects the correction of the Offenders,
I can of course, only speak personally; and I assure the
Faculty of the pain and discredit of my dismission have
taught me a lesson that I shall not easily forget - The
knowledge that it was deserved and the absence of any
provocation vhlch could serve as a motive for my conduct,
have rendered the punishment grievous as it is, yet more
grievous.- But this very want of motive may yet serve to
show, that my conduct was the result of thoughtlessness
and folly, and not of any rebellious disposition towards
the College government - The thought of calibrating a
rebellion never entered my head, though I was aware that it
was the anniversary of the dismission of the Company;- and
I was entirely deceived as regarded the nature of the dis-
turbances, and the extent to which they would be carried
when I first engaged in the riot.- My subsequent conduct
was the effect of excitement, for such conduct my sober
senses would never have sanctioned or permitted me to enact.- - The disgrace is the principal punishment which the Faculty could inflict.- This has fallen upon me, nor can it now ho removed; but the neglect of my studies, which is the natural consequence of this disgrace, may be obviated, and it is for permission to resume these at the University, that I address this letter to the Faculty -
- In order in some measure to extenuate my conduct, (if it admit of extenuation) to divest myself of the odium of a general participation in the riot of the 12th and especially to exonerate myself from the disgraceful attack upon the private property(as it may be called) of the Professors, I fool myself bound to make the following statements of the particular instances in which I did, and did not participate in the disturbances on account of which we were dismissed -
- I fired a pistol several times, and once on top of the Rotunda; but as there was no wadding in it, the safety of the building was not thereby endangered -
- I broke a pane of glass in one of the Rotunda windows, but none in those of the Janitor's apartment.
- I assisted in ringing the bell, and participated in shouting, upon the lawn, but I had no hand in dragging the tin pipe or kettle about - On the other hand I was on the West- ern Range, when the Belfry doors were broken open.- I had no concern in obtaining materials for, or in lighting the bonfire, nor did I make any attack against, or in any manner injure the Professor's doors or either one of them -
- "The reason, Gentlemen, why these circumstances, which
may possibly serve to extenuate my participation in the riot,
and which certainly exonerate me from a participation in
certain particulars of it, which ashamed as I am, of any participation, I should be especially ashamed of, why these were not mentioned before you, when I was called upon to answer the charges brought against me, arose from a mis- apprehension of the proceedings of the Faculty in these cases - I believed, that the Faculty never acted but upon direct and positive evidence of participation in particular Acts - I knew that no such evidence could be brought against me; and on this ground, I refused to answer any questions, by means of my answers to which I might possibly disclose my participation in the riot to a greater extent than was already known to the Faculty - - Having candidly stated the extent of my participation in the disturbances, having stated the reasons for my conduct when brought before the Faculty, and also my reasons for this early application, to which I may add the wishes of my father, I would respectfully ask of the Faculty, permission to rejoin the University, either on my own pledge to them, as gentlemen and as a body, to preserve as far as regards myself, good order, and a faithful observance of the laws, or on the Security of one or more of my former fellow students.-
- Very respectfully Henry C. Mayor - (P28302)
The Chairman laid before the Faculty two letters from John C. Patterson Esq. (P44220) father of Mr. Nelson A. Patterson (P31623) who was dismissed from the University on the 22nd of November for having been a member of the party engaged in the riot of November 12th, praying the Faculty for reasons therein stated to readmit his son into the University -
The Faculty having given due consideration to the applications of Messrs. Henry C. Mayer (P28302) and Nelson A. Pattenson, (P31623) on motions, severally made and seconded - Resolved that they be readmitted into the University, on making pledges to conform to all the laws,and on each giving two Sureties to be approved by the Chairman for his good conduct -
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages ] The Professors of Ancient Languages (P25515) - Modern Languages (P43621) and Mathematics (P43623), having reported that Mr. William B. Lynch (P28952) is inattentive and not making due proficiency in their Schools
[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal ] On motion made and seconded - Resolved that the guardian of Mr. Lynch (P28952) be informed, that, unless a speedy amendment takes place his ward will be dismissed from the University -
The Faculty adjourned.-
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.The Faculty met December 26th 1838
Present the Chairman and Professors Emmet, (P43625) Rogers, (P43658) Cabell, (P39304) Blaettermann (P43621) and Tucker (P43619).-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Noise Disturbance ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking ] The Chairman stated to the Faculty, that about midnight of the 24th instant, he heard much noise on the Western Range (PL8484), as if proceeding from a drinking party - that upon going out to ascertain the facts, and to put a stop to the disturbance, he found that there was a noisy party in dorm- itory No 45 occupied by Messrs. Wm. Leonard (P30901) & S. O. Scruggs (P33933)-
In proceeding to the room, he found under the Arcade nearly opposite the door of this dormitory, seemingly much excited, and so far as he could judge intoxicated, Messrs. Robert B. Prentis, (P41211) R. W. Walker, (P42679) & Geo W. Blaettermann (P44221) - He attempted to procure admittance into the dormitory, but succeeded only
in effecting only a partial opening of the door, resistance being made from within, although he endeavored by calling to these in the room to make known his right to enter, and believed at the time that some must have recognized his person, if not his voice-of the persons within the room he recognized Messrs. Duval, (P24420) Taylor, (P22062) Jordan, (P24670) Dabney (P33522) & Rice (P33849)- there was some shouting after he retired and a pistol fired several times-whether by the members of this party he had no means of ascertaining-A motion was made seconded and passed that the fore- going gentlemen be sent for -Mr. Leonard (P30901) appeared before the Faculty and said that he was out of the room when the door was closed against the Chairman-they had only an egg nogg party-at which some of their friends were invited- the invitation was not general, but all who were invited didnot attend- supposes that twelve persons were present-there was nothing but egg nogg-and he does not know what kind of spirits it was made of-he bought the eggs, and negro man furnished the rest of the materials and made the egg nogg-he drank about half a glass- the party was breaking up when the Chairman came - there were no cards - and he does not think that many were excited.-
Mr. Scruggs (P33933) appeared and said that he and his room mate furnished the egg nogg - he had been informed by old students that at Christmas College rules were suspended - and this idea was confirmed by the knowledge of half a dozen other parties of the same kind - he endeavored to suppress the noise - but there were some gentleman who came from other parties - this was the case with those gentlemen met by the Chairman at the door.- there was about an average of two glasses to each person - some attended who were not invited - He presumes he was in the room when the Chairman came - was in the closet changing his coat-
and thought it was a quiz when he heard it said that the Chairmen was there.-Mr. Robert R. Prentis (P41211) appeared and said that he was not at all excited - he drank two glasses - his purpose in leaving the room was to take two gentlemen home - he made no noise - and thought it allowable to engage in such parties at Christmas- had heard the Proctor say at the dinner table, that notice was not generally taken of those violations of the law at Christmas- unless carried to too great an extent - he attended no other party that night - or before -
Mr. Richard W. Walker (P42679) appeared and said that he was present at the party by invitation - He was informed that the Proctor (P43659) had declared that he would at Christmas shut his eyes and ears- was aware that he was violating the law, but understood that there was an implied permission from the Proctor - Mr. Prentis (P41211) was with two other gentlemen who have not been called up - The Chairman was mistaken in supposing Mr. Walker (P42679) to be one of them- Mr. Prentis (P41211) did not attend him subsequently - nor did the Chair- man see him - he drank about three glasses - does not remember to have made a noise - spoke loudly once.-
Mr. George W. Blaettermann (P44221) appeared and said that he was not intoxicated - did not drink as much as two glasses - was leaving the party when met by the Chairman - there was one song and loud talking - went home immediately -
Mr. Elisha H. Rice (P33849) appeared and said that he was at the party - being unwell he refused at first to drink, but did drink half a glass which was pressed upon him - Had been previously informed by Col. Woodley (P44018) that no notice would be taken of such violations of the law at Christmas.-
Mr. Benjamin R. Taylor (P22062) appeared and said that he was at the party by invitation - and drank one or two glasses - but was not at all excited - was not aware that the Chairman was at the door - did not touch the door - he went home immediately -
Mr. Thomas B. Jordan (P24670) appeared and said that he was at the party - was invited - drank two glasses and was very little excited - he made very little noise - talked and laughed - went immediately home - Understood that the Proctor had given an implied permission -
Mr. Wm P. Duval (P24420) appeared and said that he was at the party by invitation - he drank but little, was but little excited and made no noise - it was he who pushed the door when the Chairman attempted to open - did not know it was the Chairman - when he found it was really the Chairman he desisted - Understood distinct- ly beforehand that parties of the kind would not be noticed- if not attended by disorder - Students from another party made most of the noise-
Mr. Walker (P42679) returned and said that he was not intoxicated with the liquor at the time - but felt the effects of it about half an hour afterwards - his excitement was caused by the occasion, Company &c
A motion was made seconded and passed that the Proctor (P43659) be requested to appear before the Faculty -
The Proctor appeared, and said, that having been asked by two or three students, whether the Faculty would punish for drinking egg nogg at Christmas, he replied, that whilst the Faculty would give no permission for such parties, he had no doubt that neither the Faculty, nor any of the Officers would make themselves busy in detecting them, provided that they did
not carry the drinking to much excess as to make them intox- icated, noisy or riotous - and that tho' they might be disposed on account of the general custom of the Country, to connive at little indulgences, if attended with decency and order, it was nevertheless their duty to notice them, if they were carried to excess - and that the Faculty would probably punish for excesses at Christmas as soon as on any other occasion.-Mr. Rogers (P43658) offered the following resolution which was seconded and passed -
It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty, that Messrs. Wm Leonard (P30901) - Samuel O. Scruggs (P33933) - Robert R. Prentis- Richd W. Walker (P41211) - Goe. W. Blaettermann (P44221) - Elisha H. Rice (P33849)- Benj. R. Taylor, (P22062) Thomas B. Jordan (P24670) - WM. P. Duval (P24420) and Thomas O. Dabney (P33522) were members of an egg nogg party at the room of Messrs. Leonard (P30901) & Scruggs (P33933) on monday night - it appearing further that they committed this violation of the law under the impression, founded upon a suggestion of one of the Officers of the Institution, that the Faculty would be inclined to look upon it with indulgence.
Resolved, that they be reprimanded and their parents informed of the Offence - and Resolved further that they be informed, that though inclined to treat the present Offence with great lenity from the misapprehension refered to; no such indulgence is to hereafter be expected either on holy days or at other times.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry ] [EVENT: Student Conduct:Course Distinction ] Mr. Thomas M. Young (P27645) made application through the Chairman for permission to become a Candidate for Graduation in Chemistry - On motion made and seconded - Resolved that his
application be granted -The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Bank report for November -
Mr. Thomas Towles (P24008) made application thro' the Chairman for leave of absence for three days to visit his brother in Staunton (PL4177) - A motion was made seconded and passed that his application be granted -
[EVENT: Student Conduct:Celebrations Action:granted ] Messrs. W. S. Boyd (P34740) and Thomas M. Muldrow (P28848) made application through the Chairman for permission to attend a Ball at Orange C H (PL6766) on the 27th instant -
On motion made and seconded - Resolved that their appli- cation be not granted -
The Faculty Adjourned -
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.The Faculty met January 1st 1839
Present the Chairman and Professors Davis, (P33195) Cabell, (P39304) Bonnycastle, (P43623) and Blaettermann (P43621)
[EVENT: Curriculum ] Professor Harrison (P25515) laid before the Faculty the monthly report of the Standing of Candidates for Graduation in his School-
[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted ] The Chairman stated to the Faculty, that Mr. John G. Peyton (P29059) with the written consent of his father, had applied for permission to withdraw from the University on account of bad health -
On motion made and seconded - Resolved that his appli- cation be granted -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:Spanish ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] Mr. Hugh S. Clay (P27293) made application through the Chairman
for permission to leave the Class of Spanish - His reasons being deemed satisfactory - On motion made and seconded, Resolved, that this application be granted -[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] Mr. Henry C. Mayor (P28302) who attends four Schools made appli- cation through the Chairman for permission to leave the School of Mathematics - A motion was made seconded and passed, that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry ] [EVENT: Student Conduct:Course Distinction ] Mr. Price M. Watson (P36554) made application through the Chair- man for permission to become a Candidate for Graduation in Chemistry - His reasons for not giving in his name in due times being satisfactory - On motion made and seconded, Resolved that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] The Chairman called upon the Professors for the names of such students as are inattentive and not making due profi- ciency in their respective Schools - they reported as follows-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages ] Ancient Languages
- J. P. W. Eyre (P26717) - 4 times absent and doing but little good-
- Wm B. Lynch (P28952) 5 times absent, inattentive & doing no good-
- Benjamin F. Peters (P36193) 6 times absent -
- John A Strother (P37901) 12 times absent
- M. W. Smith (P22844) always absent.
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages ] Modern Languages
- W. A. Kimbrough (P27495) inattentive
- Wm. B. Lynch (P28952) doing no good -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics ] Mathematics
- Thomas T. Hill (P26212) 4 times absent
- John A Strother (P37901) nearly always absent -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Anatomy ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Surgery ] Anatomy & Surgery
- - Wm. S. Boyd (P34740) were absent during Christ-
- C. R. Boyd (P36288)
- W. L. Binford (P35678) was week without leave
- J. H. Noil (P22477)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Law ] Law
- Mr. B. F Peters (P36193) was three times absent with leave and 4 times without.-
- J. H. Harrison (P30891) inattentive and doing but little good -
- Thomas L. Wells (P34162) 6 times absent -
On motion made and seconded
Resolved, that Mr. Malcom W. Smith (P22844) be informed, that his conduct has been irregular, in regard to his attendance at Lectures, and that the like conduct here- after will subject him to the action of the Faculty -
On motion made and seconded
Resolved, that Mr. John A. Strother (P37901) he informed that unless a speedy amendment takes place in regard to his attendance at lectures, he will be dismissed from the University -
On motion made and seconded
Resolved, that the Chairman be requested to enquire of Mr. B. F. Peters (P36193) as to the cause of his frequent absence from lectures.-and to reprimand him if he finds that he has not a sufficient excuse -
On motion made and seconded
[EVENT: Course Reference:Law ] Resolved, that the Chairman be requested to make enquiry of Mr. Thomas L. Wells (P34162) as to the cause of his frequent absence from lectures in the School of Law -
Absent Professors Cabell (P39304) and Davis (P33195) and Present Rogers, (P43658) Griffith (P43661) and Tucker (P43619) -
The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Lynch (P28952) who has heretofore received a dismissal notice on account of his idleness and inattention, has been reported by the Proctor
as habitually violating the law regarding early rising-On motion made and seconded
Resolved, that Mr. William B. Lynch (P28952) be summoned before the Faculty-
Mr. Lynch (P28952) appeared and said that for his inattention, he had no excuse - and that he made no effort to comply with the law regarding early rising -
The following resolution was proposed, seconded and passed-
[EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal ] It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty that Mr. William B. Lynch (P28952) has made no improvement since his guardian was informed of his inattention and want of profi- ciency - and it appearing further, that he violates habitually the law regarding early rising
Resolved, that he be dismissed from the University-
The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctors Report of Assessments for the month of December-
On motion made and seconded-Resolved that said report be laid on the table-
[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:postponed ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns ] Mr. J. B. Coanahen (P25329) made application through the Chairman for permission to matriculate - He was late a student of Columbia College (CB0017), S. C. (PL4249) and was suspended from said College with a recommendation by the Faculty to the Visitors for expulsion - The sentence of suspension stated the he was punished for having in his possession a pair of pistols -
On motion made and seconded -
Resolved, that Mr. Cosnahan (P25329) be informed, that the Faculty cannot decide upon his case without communi- cating withthe Faculty of Columbia College (CB0017) -
[EVENT: Boarding Action:denied ] Mr. Daniel H. Quirk (P39310) a resident student made application
through the Chairman for permission to board out of the University on account of bad health.- Dr. Griffith (P43661) stated that he was subject to head ache, and thought that his health would be improved by taking more exercise -On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that Mr. Quirk's (P39310) application be not granted -
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] The Professor reported, that
- Messrs. W. S. Boyd (P34740) were absent from lectures during Christmas week -
- C. R. Boyd (P36288)
- W. L. Binford (P35678)
and that Mr. James H. Noel (P22477) W. W. Spencer (P37536) are not generally well prepared-
The Professor of Natural Philosophy (P43634) stated, that Mr. John H. Harrison (P30891) made but little progress in his School - and that Mr. A. S. Brockenbrough (P27585) was not generally well prepared.-
The Professor of Moral Philosophy (P43619) informed the Faculty, that Mr. John H. Harrison (P30891) is inattentive and doing but little good- and that Mr. A. S. Brockenbrough (P27585) is badly prepared- Mr. James R. Sneed (P24575) is too often absent -
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] The Chairman informed the Faculty, that Mr. John H. Harrison (P30891) was in Charlottesville (PL4204) on the ult. without Uniform - On motion made and seconded-
Resolved, that Mr. John H. Harrison (P30891) for his inatten- tion in his Schools and for violating the law reading Uniform be reprimanded by the Chairman and that his father be written to -
The Chairman stated to the Faculty that Mr. C. M. Towles (P34053) who has herefore been reprimanded for violating the law regarding early rising, still persists in violating the same law - On motion made and seconded - Resolved that Mr. Towles (P34053)
be reprimanded by the Chairman and that his guardian be written to -The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Thomas G. Henry (P35089) who has been punished by suspension for violating the law regarding early rising, continues to violate the same law -
On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that Mr. Henry (P35089) be reprimanded by the Chairman and his father written to -
On motion made and seconded
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages ] Resolved, that Mr. J. P. W. Eyre (P26717) for his fre- quent absince from lectures and want of Proficiency in Ancient Languages be reprimanded by the Chairman and his father be written to -
On motion made and seconded
Resolved, that Mr. Walter L. Binford (P35678) for his frequent absence from Lectures and want of preparation be reprimanded by the Chairman and his father be written to-
On motion made and seconded -
Resolved, that Messrs. Wm. S. Boyd (P34740) - C. S. Boyd (P36288)- and James H. Noel (P22477) for their absince from lectures - and want of preparation be reprimanded by the Chairman.-
On motion made and seconded
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine ] Resolved, that Mr. William W. Spencer (P37536) be reprimanded by the Chairman for his want of proficiency in medecine.-
On motion made and seconded
Resolved, that Mr. A. S. Brockenbrough (P27585) be reprimanded by the Chairman for his inattention and want of preparation in his Schools.-
On motion made and seconded
[EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy ] Resolved, that the Chairman be requested to send for Mr. James R. Sneed (P24575) and enquire into his the cause of
his frequent absince from Moral Philosophy.-On motion made and seconded -
[EVENT: Epidemics ] [EVENT: Student Status:Readmission Action:granted ] Resolved that the resolution passed in the case or Mr. John A. Strother (P37901) be reconsidered.-
Dr. Griffith (P43661) stated to the Faculty that his absince from lectures has been caused by Dyspepsia and Hypochondriasis- A motion was thereupon made seconded and passed that the rese- lution giving notice of dismissal against Mr. Strother (P37901) be rescinded -
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Thomas L. Walker (P34022) left the University of friday before Christman without leave, and remained several days in the Country - that he was also at a party in Charlottesville (PL4204) without Uniform- A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Walker (P34022) be sent for -
Mr. Walker (P34022) appeared before the Faculty, and stated that he regarded it of no importance to obtain leave of absince as he resides in the neighborhood - He was sent for to go home immediately and had not time to obtain leave from his four professors - He staid at home longer than he intended - he left on friday and returned on wednesday - He visited Char- lottesville (PL4204) in an over Coat went to see his friend Peter Carr (P34852) and knew nothing of the party which was at the house at which Mr. Carr (P34852) lives, till his arrival there -
On motion made and seconded -
Resolved, that Mr. Thomas L. Walker (P34022) for having violated the laws in leaving the University without permission- and in attending a party in Charlottesville (PL4204) without Uniform- be reprimanded by the Chairman and his father written to -
The Faculty adjourned.-
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.The Faculty not Feby 1st 1839.
Present the Chairman, and Professors Griffith, (P43661) Davis (P33195), Tucker (P43619), Cabell (P39304), Rogers (P43658), Emmet (P43625), and Blaettermann (P43621)
[EVENT: Student Conduct:Course Distinction ] Professors Harrison (P25515) and Davis (P33195) laid before the Faculty Reports of the Standing of Candidates for Graduation in their Schools for the month of January.-
[EVENT: Library ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Librarian's Bi- monthly report -
[EVENT: University Administration:Banking ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Bank report for the month of December.-
The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's report of Assessments for the month of January - On motion made and seconded -
Resolved that the said report be approved and confirmed.-
The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's monthly report in regard to the police of the University -
The Chairman appointed Messrs. Tucker (P43619), Rogers (P43658) and Griffith (P43661) a Committee to select miscellaneous books for the library -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Law ] Mr. James Chapman (P25161) made application through Professor Davis (P33195) to be exempt from the intermediate examination in the School of Law - Mr. Chapman (P25161) joined the University late, and lost much time on account of sickness - A motion was made seconded & passed, that his application be granted -
Mr. John H. Harrison (P30891) made application through Professor Davis (P33195) to be excused from attending the Intermediate ex amination in Law - He joined the University at a late period of the Session-
A motion was made and seconded that his application be not
granted - The question being taken on this motion, it was de- cided in the negative - A motion was then made by Mr. Tucker (P43619) which was seconded and passed, that Mr. Harrison's (P30891) application be granted.-[EVENT: Course Reference:Law ] Mr. Thomas B. Rupell (P44164) applied through Professor Davis (P33195) to be exempt from attending the Intermediate examination in Law.- on account of Continued ill health - On motion made and seconded-
Resolved, that his application be granted.-
Mr. Robert C. Anderson (P24580) made application through Professor Davis (P33195) to be exempt from attending the examination in Law on the ground, that he did not join the University until some time after the Session commenced - On motion made and seconded -
Resolved that Mr. Anderson's (P24580) application be not granted -
Messrs. Christopher C. Rogers (P38422) and Frederick R. Cotton (P44223) made application through the Chairman to be exempt from the Inter- mediate examination in Law - those gentlemen joined the Univer- sity in the month of December - Motions were severally made seconded and passed that their applications be granted -
[EVENT: Curriculum:Medicine ] At the request of Professor Griffith (P43661), and on motion made seconded and passed - the examination for Graduation in Medecine appointed for the 27th instant was changed to the 20th instant-
The Proctor's report of Assessments for the month of Decem- ber - which was laid on the table on the first of January, was on motion made seconded and passed taken up and considered- On motion made and seconded -
Resolved, that the said report be approved and con- firmed.-
Present Professor Bonnycastle (P43623) -
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Destruction of Property ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that on saturday
night of the 19th day of January the front window of the Proc- tor's Office was broken in places - a blind was taken from dormitory No 4 and broken - an attack was made on Col. Ward's (P43873) window and there was dancing before his door - that these trespasses and disorders were committed by a party of drunken students, and that the Proctor upon investigation, had gathered from various circumstance, that Messrs. William W. Spencer (P37536) and Davidson M. Heriot (P29381) were of the party - The Chairman further stated that Mr. Spencer (P37536) was guilty of disorderly conduct at Mrs. Gray's (P43865) Hotel in knocking at the door of the dining room and in using profane language there - He visits Fitch's Tavern (PL8536) and has drunk there - and also has violated the law which forbids the keeping and using of firearms - Mr. Heriot (P29381) carries and uses fire arms, and has repeatedly visited and drunk at Fitch's Tavern (PL8536).-A motion was made seconded and passed, that Mr. Spencer (P37536) be sent for
Mr. Spencer (P37536) appeared before the Faculty and refused to ans- wer any questions in regard to the Proctor's Office - He has no fire arms of his own - On one occasion borrowed fire arms and carried them to Charlottesville (PL4204) - keeps none in his room- Went to Fitch's Tavern (PL8536) to see a friend - drank with him in his room - has never drunk at the bar - has been probably half a dozen times in the portico of the tavern - never visited it for the purpose of drinking - confesses that he made some noise at the "Hotel door, and probably swore, as he swears sometimes- he intended to make no disturbance - it was more thoughtlessness-
Mr. Spencer (P37536) stated that being desirous of withdrawing from the University he had written to, and obtained leave from his
father to do so - His reason for wishing to take this stop was, that Mrs. Gray (P43865) had reported him - she had met and refused to speak with him - and had circulated reports prejudicial to his character - He therefore did not wish to remain with her -The Chairman, then laid before the Faculty a letter from Mr. Spencer's (P37536) father giving his consent to the withdrawal of his son from the University -
Mr. Hariot (P29381) appeared before the Faculty and refused to answer any question in regard to the trespasses committed at the Proctor's Office &c Has kept and carried fire arms - has none that belongs to him - He has visited Fitch's Tavern (PL8536) on several occasions.-
The following resolutions were offered seconded and passed-
It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty, that Mr. William W. Spencer (P37536) was one of a drunken and riotous party, who on the 19th Ult. broke in pieces the panes and sash of the front window of the Proctor's Office, and were guilty of other disorders; that he has frequently violated the law forbidding the use of fire arms; that he has repeatedly visited Fitch's Tavern (PL8536) in Charlottesville (PL4204); and that he has been disorderly at his Hotel -
Resolved, that he be dismissed from the University, and interdicted from the precincts.-
It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty, that, Mr. Davison M. Heriot (P29381) was one of a drunken & riotous party, who on the night of the 19th Ult. broke in pieces the panes and sash of the front window of the Proctor's Office; that he has frequently violated the law forbidding the use of fire arms; and that he has repeatedly visited & tavern in Charlottesville (PL4204).-
Resolved, that he be dismissed from the University, and interdicted from the precincts.-
The Chairman informed the Faculty, that Mr. Thomas L. Wells (P34162) was absent at Christmas without leave, on a visit to his guardian.-
On motion made and seconded -
Resolved, that Mr. Wells (P34162) be reprimanded by the Chair- man, and his guardian be written to.-
Messrs. James Blackmon (P43285) and J. B. Poyas (P37718) made application through the Chairman for permission to matriculate and attend only two Schools - their reasons being satisfactory -
On motion made and seconded -
Resolved, that their application be granted.-
[EVENT: Course Reference ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] Mr. L. Chevis Johnson (P31180) made application through the Chairman for permission to leave the School of Civil Engineering - Mr. Johnson (P31180) is in bad health and has more than he can do - On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry ] Mr. James P. Holcombe (P43718) made application through the Chairman for permission to be exempt from attending the intermediate examination in Chemistry; on the score of ill health.-
On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that his appli- cation be granted.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry ] [EVENT: Student Conduct:Course Distinction ] Mr. Reuben P. Thomas (P36950) made application through the Chairman for permission to become a Candidate for graduation in Chemis- try -
On motion made and seconded -
Resolved, that his application be granted -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek ] Mr. Muscoe R. M. Garnett (P41786) made application through the Chair-
man for permission to have a separate examination for graduation in Greek on the 8th instant. He was prevented by ill health from attending the first examination - On motion made and secon- ded- Resolved, that his application be granted.-[EVENT: Boarding Action:denied ] Mr. Samuel G. Staples (P41898) made application through the Chair- man for permission to board out of the University on the ground of ill health - On motion made and seconded - resolved, that his application be not granted.-
[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy ] Mr. Thomas B. Rupell (P44164) made application through the Chairman for permission to leave the Junior Class of Moral Philosophy and attend Political Economy
On motion made and seconded - resolved, that his appli- cation be granted.-
[EVENT: Student Status:Admission Action:granted ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Following letter from the President (P44224) of South Carolina College Columbia. (CB0017)
- "I have this morning received your letter of the "9th and hasten to reply to it.
- "By one of the laws of the College, the students are "forbidden to wear upon their persons or keep within the town "of Columbia (CB0017) any deadly weapons, such as are ordinarily carried "secretly about the person under penalty of expulsion - Mr. "Cosnahan (P25329) was found to have brought with him to Columbia (CB0017), and "to have kept in his possession (I think not about his person) "a pair of pocket pistols - He was therefore reported for expul- "sion and expelled from this Institution -
- "I add at the request of Mr. Cosnahan (P25329), that except the "neglect of his studies, I know of no other offences against "the laws of the College of good morals -
- I remain very respectfully
- Your Obt Servant. R. W. Bainewell (P44224) Pres: S. Car College (CB0017)-
A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Cosnahan (P25329) be requested to appear before the Faculty - He appeared and said that he brought the pistols with him - bought them in the first instance to travel with, and makes no other use of them - it is his intention to deposit them with Janitor Smith (P43951) - at So. Car: College (CB0017) he kept them in his room - He was two Sessions, during the first Session he was noted for neglect of his studies, but not the second - He comes here with the intention to study, and assures the Faculty, that it is not his wish or intention, to use or carry fire arms in violation of the laws -
On motion made and seconded -
Resolved, that Mr. Cosnahan (P25329) be permitted to matriculate on surrendering his pistols into the hands of the Proctor (P43659), and giving to the Chairman a Special Pledge, that he will not violate the law which prohibits the use of fire arms.-
[EVENT: University Administration:Facilities Management ] On motion of Mr. Tucker (P43619)
Resolved, that the Proctor (P43659) be requested to direct the Janitor (P43951) to clean out the East Lecture Room in the Rotunda and the marble pavement of the Portico, every saturday afternoon, and that he have one of the University of labourers to assist him in performing the said duty.-
Absent Professors Emmet (P43625), Cabell (P43619) and Tucker (P43619) - Mr. Tucker (P43619) with- drew on account of being unwell-
[EVENT: Student Conduct:Celebrations ] The Chairman stated to the Faulty, that the Medical Class had applied for permission to give Professor Cabell (P43619) a party. On motion made and seconded -
Resolved that, their application be granted under such restrictions as to time place and price as the Chairman may prescribe.-
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. Daniel H. Quirk (P39310) renewed his application with the written consent of his Hotel Keeper to board out of the University -
Mr. Quirk (P39310) is above the age of twenty years, and is in bad health-
On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:postponed ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics ] Mr. Edward B. Davis (P29328) made application through the Chairman with the consent of his mother to quit the School of Mathematics- On motion made and seconded - Resolved that his application be postponed.-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal ] The Chairman requested the Professors to name such students as are inattentive and not making due proficiency in their respec- tive schools.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages ] Ancient Languages
- - P. F. Henry (P23097) 3 times absent & commonly unprepared -
- M. M. McAfee (P30407) 6 times absent without leave and unprepared -
- B. F. Peters (P36193) 7 times absent without leave
- J. A. Strother (P37901) 11 times absent -
- M. W. Smith (P22844) 4 times absent out of 8 -
- R. P. Thomas (P36950) 7 times absent without leave.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages ] Modern Languages
- - W. A. Kimbraugh (P27495) 7 times absent -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics ] Mathematics
- - John A. Strother (P37901) always absent -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Natural Philosophy ] Natural Philosophy
- - Wm. E. Hopkins (P39116) badly prepared
- R. H. Kirk (P25245)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry ] Chemistry
- - the Professor was absent -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine ] Medicine
- - The Professor informed the Faculty, that there has been an amendment in those reported at the last meeting -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Anatomy ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Surgery ] The Professor of Anatomy & Surgery was absent -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy ] Moral Philosophy
- - The Professor before leaving the Faculty requested the Chairman to state that Mr. B. F. Peters (P36193) was often absent and doing badly.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Law ] Law
- - W. A. Kimbrough (P27495) 3 times absent and never pre- pared
- J. H. Harrison (P30891) scarcely ever prepared -
- R. H. Kirk (P25245) has somewhat improved -
- W. L. Norris (P29148) 3 times absent and not improving -
- B. F. Peters (P36193) 7 times absent, but not unprepared when present -
- A. L. Pickens (P35746) never present, reported sick -
- S. A. Watts (P24989) 4 times absent, but improving -
- Th. L. Wells (P34162) inattentive and not prepared -
It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty that Messrs. Malcom W. Smith (P22844), Benjamin F. Peters (P36193), Wm. A. Kimbrough (P27495), and John H. Harrison (P27495) are inattentive and not making due proficiency in in their Schools -
Resolved, that their fathers and guardians be informed, that unless a speedy amendment takes place, they will be dismissed from the University -
On motion made and seconded -
Resolved, that Mr. Madison McAfee (P30407) be reprimanded by the Chairman for his frequent absences & inattention in Ancient Languages -
On motion made and seconded -
Resolved, that the Chairman be requested to inquire into the reason of Mr. John A. Strother's (P37901) frequent absence from lectures.-
On motion made and seconded -
Resolved, that Mr. Reuben P. Thomas (P36950) be reprimanded by the Chairman for his frequent absence and inattention in Ancient Languages -
On motion made and seconded -
Resolved, that Mr. William S. Norris (P29148) be repri- manded by the Chairman for his inattention and want of proficiency in Law.-
On motion made and seconded -
Resolved, that the Chairman be requested to inquire of Mr. A. L. Pickens (P35746) the cause of his absenting himself from the lectures in Law.-
On motion made and seconded -
Resolved, that Mr. Simeon A. Watts (P24989) be admonished by the Chairman on account of his frequent absence from Law.-
On motion made and Seconded -
Resolved, that Mr. Thomas L. Wells (P34162) be admonished by the Chairman on account of his inattention and want of prep- aration in law.-
At the request of Professor Davis (P33195) and on motion made and seconded
[EVENT: Curriculum:Law ] Resolved, that the examination for graduation in Law appointed for Feby 26th be postponed till 6th day of March.-
At the request of Professor Blaettermann (P43621) and on motion made and seconded -
Resolved, that the examination for Graduation in
Spanish appointed for the 22nd instant be held on the 31stThe Faculty adjourned -
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.The Chairman called a meeting of the Faculty at 4 oClock on Feby 7th 1839 - The Chairman and Professor Davis (P33195) met at the hour appointed, and remained together till 35 minutes past 4 oClock- when no quorum being formed they adjourned.-
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.The Faculty met Feby 11 1839
Present the Chairman, Tucker (P43619), Davis (P33195), Cabell (P43619) and Bonnycastle (P43623) -
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Guns ] [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension ] The Chairman informed the Faculty, that Mr. Frederick R. Cotton (P44223) keeps and carries a Bowie Knife - and that he constantly violates the law regarding early rising -
On motion made and seconded
Resolved, that Mr. Cotton (P44223) be sent for - Mr. Cotton (P44223) appeared and confessed, that he keeps and carries a Bowie Knife- merely wears it to be prepared for circumstances - would only use it against a person who should insult him and refuse to give him honorable satisfaction - brought it with him not knowing that he would be violating the laws - Has not risen early in consequence of Rheumatism - it is his wish to comply with the law - tho' he is not generally an early riser -
The following resolution was proposed seconded and passed -
Mr. Frederick R. Cotton (P44223) having by carrying a Bowie Knife, violated the law forbidding the introducing and keeping weapons within the University -
Resolved, that he be suspended for the remainde of the Session, and required to pass the time of suspension at home -
The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Bank report for January -
[EVENT: Boarding ] Mr. Marcus L. Armistead (P27990) made complain through the Chairman that he had lost several Articles of clothing which had been sent to Mrs. Gray's (P43865) Hotel to be washed - His clothes are all maked -
On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that the Chairman be authorised to investigate Mr. Armistead's (P27990) complaint, and to direct the Proctor to assess against Mrs. Gray (P43865) whatever leas it may appear that he has sustained -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:Spanish ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] Mr. John M. Perry (P24657) made application through the Chairman for permission to leave the Class of Spanish - His reasons being satisfactory - On motion made and seconded -
Resolved, that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] Mr. Robert S. Lewis (P30661) made application through the Chairman for permission to leave the School of Chemistry & attend some other School-
On motion made and seconded-
Resolved, that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:postponed ] Mr. Patrick F. Henry (P23097) made application through the Chairman for permission to withdraw from the University.-
On motion made and seconded -
Resolved, that the Chairman be requested to inform his father, that it is advisable that he should be permitted to withdraw.-
The Faculty adjourned.-
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. - Fac.[617]
The Faculty met February 23rd 1839
Present the Chairman and Professors Tucker (P43619), Griffith (P43661), Rogers (P43658), Davis (P33195) and Blaettermann (P43621) -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] Mr. J. B. Bird (P30489) made application through the Chairman for per- mission to leave the School of Chemistry and attend some other School - His reasons being satisfactory, a motion was made seconded and passed, that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] Mr. Livingston Brown (P39770) made application through the Chairman for permission to leave Chemistry and attend some other School - On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that his application be grant- ed -
Mr. John A. Strother (P37901) made application through the Chairman to be exempt from the rules and regulations made for the government of Students on the ground that he is above the age of twenty three.
On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that his appli- cation be granted.-
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. Richard B. Gooch (P32133) a resident student, made application through the Chairman for permission to board out of the University with his relation Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061) - On motion made and seconded Resolved, that his application be granted, on condition that his Hotel Keeper Mrs. Conway (P44225) Consents to it -
[EVENT: Boarding ] The Chairman mentioned to the Faculty, that the Proctor had, through inadvertance assigned Messrs. J. B. Poyas (P37718) and J. B. Cosnahan (P25329) to Col. Ward (P43873), who before, had a larger number of boarders than either of the Hotel Keepers - and he applied to the Faculty for authority to transfer them from Col. Ward (P43873) to one of the other districts - On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that the Proc- tor's application be granted on condition that the students above
named do not object to being removed.-[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] Mr. Francis H. Hill (P28693 ) a resident student, with the consent of his Hotel Keeper, made application for permission to board with his brother at the Central Hotel (PL8590), Charlottesville (PL4204); On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that his application be granted -
[EVENT: Boarding Action:denied ] Mr. Robert M. Jennings (P28715) made application through the Chairman for permission to board out of the University - Mr. Jennings (P28715) is in bad health and has sore eyes - He thinks that his health would be improved by taking more exercise - On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that his application be not granted.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek ] Mr. George W. Boirne (P29088) who has been in bad health made appli- cation through the Chairman to be excused from attending the Intermediate examination in Junior Greek - On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy ] Mr. John W. Stokes (P31891) made application through the Chairman for permission to leave the Class of Moral Philosophy and to attend Political Economy only - On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:Spanish ] Messrs. George F. Pitts (P27943) and Charles H. Barksdale (P33511) applied Thro' the Chairman for permission to leave the Class of Spanish- And Mr. J. D. Gildart (P22881) who attends four Schools applied for permis- sion to leave the Class of French - Motions were severally made seconded and passed, that these applications be granted -
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal ] [EVENT: Student Status:Suspension ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Messrs. Rollin H. Kirk (P25245), Walter L. Binford (P35678) and Charles R. R. Boyd (P36288) attented a subscription party without leave at Mr. Ira B. Brown's (P44226) tavern in this county on the 14th instant, and returned on the 15th exhibiting evi- dences of having been drinking - The gentlemen being without funds, had within a short time previous applied to and obtained
permission from the Chairman to purchase certain necessaries on Credit.-A motion was made seconded and passed, that these gentlemen be sent for.-
Mr. Kirk (P25245) appeared and said that he would answer he questions in regard to the party at Brown's (CB0074) - With regard to returning the next morning (friday) says it is false - He was then asked if he did not return some time during the day, if not in the morning, in the evening - refused to answer this question - the charge of drinking if false altogether - he drank at no time during the day - Has received no funds within the last month - within two months he has.-
Mr. Binford (P35678) appeared and said that he could prove that he was at Mrs. Jones (P44167) (his boarding house) an hour and a half by sun.- the day of the party at Brown's (CB0074) - with regard to returning the next day and drinking - will not answer - Has Received no money within two months past and has none now.-
Mr. Charles R. R. Boyd (P36288) appeared and refused to answer any questions with relation to his being at the party - and in relation to his return and drinking the next day - will not say how he re- turned - had not till yesterday received money for a month past -
The Chairman stated that Dr. Blaettermann (P43621) had informed him, that on wednesday the 20th instant, as he was passing along the read opposite Miss Terrell's (P43999) boarding house - some one whom he did not recognise, but who was at this house shouted to him, using among other epithets, "Old hog" "Old rascal" &c. That a party of students was passing on the other side of the road, and he heard one of them say, "it is that drunken follow. or words equivalent-
that on enquiry, he was told by a person who he believed had means of knowing, that Mr. Thomas B. Rupell (P44164) was frequently drunk-and kept spirits in his room - The Chairman added, that he was inform- ed by the Proctor, that it had been reported to him by several persons, that Mr. Rupell (P44164) was killing himself by eating and drinking whatever he pleased;- And further that when the Janitor (P43951) carried the notice to him to appear before the Chairman, a gentleman who was in his company said to him, that he ought to withdraw before the Faculty acted on him.-A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Rupell (P44164) be sent for -
Mr. Rupell (P44164) appeared and said that he hallod. heigh he: not knowing that Dr. Blaettermann (P43621) was passing or within hearing- had drunk nothing that day - Admits that he has sometimes had brandy in his room - Sent for it on account of Colick - as a me- dicine - has but seldom sent for it - Dr. Griffith (P43661) had recommended for a cold something warm -(Dr. Griffith (P43661) here stated that he had never prescribed for Mr. Rupell (P44164) - brandy or any other strong drink) Mr. Rupell (P44164) does not keep liquor habitually - he thinks he has never sent for it, except when sick - does not know how much he has sent for altogether - Sometimes has invited friends visiting him to participate - He did not Shout more than once- when he did so, he was in the door going in the house - Dr. Blaettermann (P43621) was passing at the time - Has bought no segars for a month past for want of money - Was asked if he had sent for as much as five quarts of brandy altogether - He could not say- was not certain as to the amount - Was asked if he had not said before the Chairman that he had obtained only about a pint- admitted that he said so.-
Mr. Davis (P33195) offered the following resolutions which were seconded and passed -
It appearing to the Faculty that Messrs. R. H. Kirk, (P25245) Walter L. Binford (P35678) and Charles R. R. Boyd (P36288) on Thursday the 14th instant, left the University without leave, attended a subscrip- tion ball 12 or 15 miles from the University, and returned on the 15th exhibiting evidences of having been drinking; and it appear- ing also, that these delinquinces were attended by the further Offence of having contracted debts in violation of the laws of the Institution. Therefore
Resolved, that they be suspended from the University till the end of the Session, and required to return to their respective homes -
It appearing to the Faculty that on the 20th instant Mr. Thomas B. Rupell (P44164) used disrespectful and insulting language to a Professor and that he has been in the habit of keeping and drinking spiritous liquors in his room
Resolved that he be dismissed from the University, and interdicted from the precints -
The Faculty adjourned -
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.The Faculty met March 2nd 1839
Present the Chairman and Professors Davis, (P33195) Rogers, (P43658) Tucker, (P43619) Emmet (P43625) & Blaettermann (P43621) -
The Professor of Law (P33195) stated, that in consequence of the sickness of some and the absence of others of the Candidates for graduation in his School, he was unable to make a satisfactory report of their standing for the last month.-
The Professor of Ancient Languages (P25515) laid before the Faculty a report of the standing of the Candidates for Graduation in his School for the month of February.-
Mr. Clement C. Clay jr (P30094) who is in bad health, and who desires to visit Washington City (PL4211) before the departure of his father therefrom - made application through Professor Davis (P33195) for per- mission to have this evening a separate examination for gradua- tion in law - a motion was made seconded and passed, that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Law ] [EVENT: Exception:Granted ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's report of Assessments for the last month - A motion was made seconded and passed, that the said report be confirmed.-
Professor Rogers (P43658) applied to the Faculty for permission to hold his Intermediate Examination on Saturday the 9th instant On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that the application be granted.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Anatomy ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Surgery ] The Professor of Anatomy & Surgery (P39304) applied through the Chairman for permission to postpone the examination for Gradua- tion in his School appointed for the 9th instant, till the 13th A motion was made seconded and passed that said application be granted.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Political Economy ] Professor Tucker (P43619) applied for permission to postpone the examination for Graduation in Political Economy appointed for March 15th to the 12th of April - A motion was amade seconded and passed that the application be granted.-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] The Professors whose Schools Messrs. John H. Harrison (P30891) and William A Kimbrough (P27495) attend, having reported that these students have made little or no improvement - Motions were severally made seconded and passed, that the dismissal notices awarded against
them on the 1st of Feby. be continued:-[EVENT: Course Reference:Law ] The Professor of Law reported that Mr. Livingston Brown (P39770) is inattentive and doing but little good in his School.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Anatomy ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Surgery ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] Mr. John B. Baldwin (P43748) made application through the Chairman for permission to leave the School of Anatomy & Surgery - His reasons being deemed satisfactory - On motion made and seconded.- Resolved, that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry ] Mr. James A. Waddell (P33462) made application through the Chairman for permission to become a Candidatesfor Graduation in Chemistry.-
On motion made and seconded, resolved, that his appli- cation be granted.-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Physical Assault ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty a written communication from Professor Bonnycastle (P43623) (Marked A) Charging Messrs. Franklin English (P26348) and Madison McAfee (P30407) students in connection with other per- sons not students, with having on sunday the 24th ult., assaulted his servant Fielding (P44243), and having inflicted on said servant a severe and inhuman beating.- that in reaching the Scene of Outrage between Wertenbaker's (P43631) and McKennie's (P44094) whither he repaired for the purpose of preventing his servant from being murdered- he was treated with great disrespect by Mr. M. McAfee (P30407) - that he (prof: Bonnycastle (P43623)) was seized by the collar by said McAfee (P30407)- who used towards him threatening - Profane and abusive language- he charges farther that, both English (P26348) and McAfee, (P30407) notwithstanding his presence, and the previously severe and cruel boating which his servant had received, continued to boat him in such a manner as to endanger his life - and that whilst McAfee (P30407) and others were beating the servant, he was hold by English (P26348) to prevent his interference in rescuing his slave - He further charges on evidence which he had received - that the servant was headed by
Mr. John H. Harrison (P30891) who drew a dirk and threatened to stab him -The Chairman then laid before the Faculty a written commun- ication from Messrs. Franklin English (P26348) and Madison McAfee (P30407) (marked B) requesting for reasons therein stated to be excused from personal attendance before the Faculty - expressing extreme regret for what had happened - alledging that their conduct towards Professor Bonnycastle (P43623) under the excitement of the moment was influenced by the Circumstances of the case - and by the consideration; that he had thrown off the garb of a Professor and assumed (as they supposed) that of a man recklessly inter- posing to screen his servant from merited chastisement and to protect him in a course of extravagant impudence and abuse.-
The Chairman laid before the Faculty the deposition of Garrison (P44275) (marked C) who was present at the commencement of the affray - The witness proved that Fielding (P44243) was very insolent to Benjamin Johnson (P44244) - and English (P26348) who were endeavoring to dis- perse a large and disorderly assemblage of negross in the Street near Littleford's (PL8591).- for his insolence Fielding (P44243) received from English several stripes with a switch - that for continued in- solence the latter struck Fielding several blows with a stick.- Fielding then moved off, but using such insolence as induced English (P26348) and Johnson (P44244) to follow him - He was overtaken near McKinnie's (P44094) and when witness reached them, they had Fielding down near Miss Terrell's (P43999) - but he did not see what they were doing with him - they let him to - that in going off, his insol- ence induced them to pursue him again - He was overtaken and beaten - Witness then left for home - No serious injury was inflicted on Fielding while he remained.-
The Chairman laid before the Faculty the deposition of
Mr. Hezekiah Perry (P44276) (marked D) - who states that on sunday even- ing a large crowd of negroes were collected near Littleford's (PL8591)- that whilst two of them were engaged in a fight, witness ran up and requested the other negroes to separate them, that when two of them were about to do so - Fielding (P44243) took a stick from one of the combatants and told the bye standers to stand off- that they were free and should not be parted - about this time English (P26348) & B. Johnson (P44244) came up to separate the combatants and disperse the crowd - Johnson (P44244) was heard to say "Down you, do you dare to push me." witness does not know to whom this was applied, but he saw Fielding backing up to the fance, when Johnson (P44244) caught up a stick and give him several blows; English gave him several stripes with a switch and ordered him off - He went off - and at a distance of 15 or 20 yards mattered something which caused E English to follow, in doing so he called to B. Johnson (P44244) to come on that Fielding had picked up a stone - He was overtaken and whiped again by English (P26348) - Witness saw them engaged at McKennie's (P44094) and again at Miss Terrell's (P43999) but was at too great a distance to see or hear what passed - Fielding (P44243) received no serious injury in his presence, and was very insolent -The Chairman laid before the Faculty the deposition of Mr. Jesse L. Hoeshill (P44053) (marked E) - The witness did not see the commencement of the affray - Saw English holding Fielding around the arms passing from McKennie's (P44094) towards Wertenbaker's (P43631) - Fielding (P44243) had a stone in his hand motioning and threatening to strike English (P26348) with it and was very insolent in manner and language- Fielding (P44243) continued to hold the stone contrary to the advice of witness - English stopped Fielding nearly opposite Wertenbaker's (P43631) when B. Johnson (P44244) came up and struck him (Fielding) several times
with a hickory cane - did not knock him down - Calvin Jones (P35398) strcuk him also several times with his fist - Fielding (P44243) was then gotten down - and was beaten by B. Johnson (P44244) - Fielding begged - was then suffered to get up and depart - in doing so he picked up a stone, motioned to strike with it, and was again insolent.-He was pursued by Johnson (P44244) and English (P26348) overtaken and again beaten-
On again begging was suffered to depart - and on again picking up a stone and motioning to strike, was again pursued - Mr. McAfee, (P30407) now, at the request of English joining in the pursuit- these gentlemen assisted by Mr. John H. Harrison (P30891) succeeded in stopping him at the University gate - He was tied carried back towards Heirkell's (P44053) - He clung to the fence saying he would go no further - was again beaten, but by whom owing to the crowd now gathered, witness knew not - English (P26348) & McAfee (P30407) were endeavoring to get Fielding from the fence when Professor Bonnycastle (P43623) inter- posed and caught McAfee (P30407) by the cellar of the coat - and said something which witness did not distinctly hear - to which McAfee (P30407) replied in a loud voice - "Madison McAfee (P30407) from Mississippi (PL4259)"- and "that any man who would protect a negro as much in the wrong as Fielding is no better than a negro himself"- At this moment the excitement was great - and a personal rencontre between Messr. Bonnycastle (P43623) and McAfee (P30407) would probably have been the con- sequence, had not English prevented it by taking Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) by the arm - Fielding being now released was urged by his master to run and make his escape - but this, he seemed unable to do effectually in consequence of exhaustion and the beating which he had received.- He was pursued, overtaken and beaten by B. Johnson (P44244) with a stick - he was knocked down by a student whom witness did not know - Fielding on being caught hold of by
McAfee, (P30407) seized the guard chain of the latter and threw his watch on the ground - the last blow inflicted on Fielding which felled him to the ground, was by English - Fielding now humbled himself and English Expressed himself satisfied.-Mr. George Houchens (P44116) at the request of the Faculty appeared, and said that he saw the latter part of the affray - English (P26348) and McAfee (P30407) were carrying Fielding towards Hieskell's (P44053)-when he stopped and swore that he would go no further, that they might kill him- they struck him several blown, not severely, in order to force him on - Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) then came and seized McAfee (P30407) very roughly by the Collar - and asked in a peremptory manner " what he was beating his negro for"- McAfee (P30407) replied with an oath, "that if he came there to protect his negro, he would whip him Mr. Bonny- castle (P43623)"- the latter asked Mr. McAfee (P30407) his name - who replied with oaths "Madison McAfee (P30407)"- Johnson (P44244) & McAfee (P30407) then followed Fielding (P44243) who had got loose and struck him several times - Witness saw Fielding (P44243) on his knees, how he came there he does not know- Fielding (P44243) kept muttering, but he heard not what he said - it seemed that he was unwilling to be subdued - regarded his con- duct as extremely impudent before Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) came - and it continued so afterwards - is acquainted with Fielding and thinks him an impudent Servant.-
The Faculty being desirous of examining Messrs. English (P26348) and McAfee (P30407) on some points not embraced an their communication, On motion made and seconded, Resolved, that they be requested to attend before them.-
Mr. McAfee (P30407) appeared and said that he was collared by Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) and asked in a most violent manner "what he was about"- he was not then beating Fielding (P44243)½ but merely holding
him - He let the negro go and laid hold of Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) - the negro showed his insolence to him by laying hold of his watch guard - breaking it, and throwing his watch on the ground- when Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) first asked his name he gave it - when asked the second time for his name, he did not give it - some onw requesting him not to do so - He cursed Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) in consequence of being collared by him - In interfering in the Affray he had no other object than that of assisting Mr. English (P26348) in securing the negro - that being accomplished he intended to leave him in the hands of English to do with, as he pleased.-Mr. English (P26348) appeared and said that he endeavored to offer an explanation to Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) - who was unwilling to listen to one - the servant was insolent after Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) came - and the latter did not try to stop his insolence - during the affray he used several sticks - one was a pretty large one - did not at first know to whom the servant belonged - Saw Fielding lift a stone once - other persons saw him lift several - His object in taking hold of Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) was to make an explanation to him and also to prevent collision between him and McAfee (P30407)- Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) did not allow him to explain - hence it was, that he struck the negro again - does not recollect saying that Fielding should not go.-
The Chairman stated to the Faculty that Mr. Geo. W. Randolph (P43788) witnessed the latter part of the affray - He desired not be examined before the Faculty - but made a statement to the Chair- man of what he had witnessed - the substance of which the Chair- man immediately after, committed to writing.- this he read to the Faculty, and is as follows.-
Mr. Randolph (P43788) stated that he did not witness the beginning
of the affray on sunday afternoon.- What he was occurred nearly opposite Miss Terrell's (P43999) as the parties were going towards the University.- That when seen by him the servant was very insolent in his language and manner - daring the young gentlemen to come on.- He thought he was him strike at Mr. English, (P26348) but does not know if he struck him.- The servant provoked the renewed attacks upon him by his insolent conduct; but he saw the attack once renewed when the servant was not provoking it - He had broken away, or been released, and was removed a few steps, when the young men pursued and struck him - was of opinion that the boy was not restrained by Mr. Bonnycastle's (P43623) presence and that the blows which he received after Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) came were as severe if not more so, than any before inflicted. He had little doubt, that if Mr. Bonnycastle's (P43623) manner of interference had been different the matter might have been easily put a stop to.- that it was calculated to irritate.- He saw the stick with which the blows were chiefly inflicted - it was a hickory walking cane, without the bark - such as he himself sometimes carried - (This he showed to the Chairman, it was about and inch in diameter at the larger and, or something less - and tapered gently to the other extremity -)The following resolution was then proposed seconded and passed unanimously.-
The Faculty having deliberately considered the evidence in this case are unanimously of the opinion, that the alledged out- rage against Mr. Bonnycastles (P43623) servant ought to be left to the cognizance of the Courts.- And they are further unanimously of opinion, that under the peculiar circumstances of this case, no action can be taken by them against Messrs. English (P26348) and McAfee (P30407)
for disrespect to Mr. Bonnycastle. (P43623)-[EVENT: Boarding ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty written communication signed by twenty three of Col. Wards (P43873) Boarders complaining of the fare at his Hotel in several particulars -
A motion was made seconded and passed that the Faculty adjourn till Friday the 8th instant at 3 oClock P.M.
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch: Fac:Friday March 8th 1839 The Faculty met pursuant to adjournment
Present the Chairman and Professors Blaettermann, (P43621) Rogers, (P43658) Davis, (P33195) Tucker (P43619) and Bonnycastle. (P43623)-
[EVENT: Curriculum:Mathematics ] At the request of Professor Bonnycastle, (P43623) the examination for Graduation on mixed Mathematics appointed for this day, was on motion made seconded and passed, postponed until monday the 11th instant -
[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics ] Mr. Malcom W. Smith (P22844) who has been in bad health since the commencement of the Session and who desires to attend the Greek as well as Latin Class in Ancient Languages, made application through the Chairman for permission to leave the School of Math- ematics - A motion was made seconded and passed that his applica- tion be granted -
[EVENT: Boarding Action:denied ] Mr. Rob't M. Jennings (P28715) renewed his application thro' the Chairman for permission to board out of the University on account of ill health - He has obtained the consent of one member of the Executive Committee - A motion was made seconded and passed, that his application be not granted.-
[EVENT: Boarding Action:denied ] Mr. Richard B. Gooch (P32133) renewed thro' the Chairman his applica- tion to board out of the University with his relation Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061) - On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that
his application be not granted.-[EVENT: Boarding Action:denied ] Mr. Robert S. Jackson (P26267) made application through the Chairman for permission to board out of the University on account of ill health - On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that his appli- cation be not granted.-
Mr. James A. Jones (P37518) made application through Professor Davis (P33195) to be excused from the Intermediate examination in Sr. Law -
His reasons being satisfactory - A motion was made seconded and passed, that his application be granted.-
[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics ] Mr. John A. Critcher (P41383) made application through Professor Bonnycastle (P43623) for permission to leave the School of Mathematics -
His reasons being satisfactory; On motion made and seconded -
Resolved that his application be granted.-
Professor Bonnycastle (P43623) requested, and obtained leave to place upon the minutes the following statement.-
"Acquiescing in the decision of the Faculty - I desire to "make remarks which my position renders necessary - they are "grounded on these opinions -"
"1. That it is due to a Professor who absents himself from "a court where he will be called to act in his own case - that "great care should be taken to understand the evidence he may "desire - or which he might have called.-"
"2. That in regard to the more character of an Offence "other evidence failing - the Opinions of the Officer charging "contumacy - is of more weight than the opinion of the student "charged"
"3. That restraint by an Officer to prevent violence on a third party does not necessarily remove a charge of contumacy-"
"4 That all assertion by the party charged of such impedi-
"ment of the law - should be most fully and carefully examined- "and when possible, on the testimony and cross examination of "impartial bystanders.-""Holding these opinions, I regret, that in a case where "some thirty or forty whites were spectators, including an Officer "of the Institution, no one was examined before the Faculty, but "the persons offending, and one other who besides his not having "been present, is placed by station almost under control of the "Students.-
"That a Student of highest character, whose examination "before the Faculty and in presence of the party charged, was "strongly requested of the Chairman (a request still more urgently "pressed on one of the Professors) was not called before that "body.- but in place of such examination a verbal report of a "conversation with the Chairman was substituted -"
"I regret that circumstances presenting considerable "difficulty caused all action to be delayed for a week - And "that the failure of the evidence once before the Chairman in "the case of Mr. J. H. Harrison (P30891), notoriously known to have vio- "lated both the law of the land and of the College by the use "of a dirk - should not have been communicated to me.-
"These remarks I desire to make, with the view of showing "that I May have had stronger provocation to bring this matter "before them, than appeared on their evidence - and without "desire of blaming any of the Authorities of the Institution.-"
C. B.
[EVENT: Boarding ] The Chairman called the attention of the Faculty to the Communication laid upon the table at its last meeting from twenty three of Col. Ward's (P43873) Boarders complaining of the fare in several
particulars - A motion was made seconded and passed that Messrs. G. A. Harper (P31851), J. P. Holcombe (P43718), and John W. Lambeth (P31842) three of the boarders complaining be sent for.-Mr. Harper (P31851) appeared and said that for a month past the beef has been generally bad - the steaks made of it are tough - The bacon is not generally spoilt - every now and then - has old bacon only 2 or 3 times in 2 or 3 weeks - hams are spoilt.- the potatoes are not all rotten - one or two in a dish are sometimes rotten inside - are furnished whole - At breakfast and supper the bread is often not done - at dinner it is good - the biscuits and rolls are not done - Cannot speak as to the Coffee - the Tea looks dark and dreggy and is not good - the Butter is some- times (the' not often) rancid.- there is plenty generally- there is seldom complaint on this score - Meats are sometimes not done enough - He has never complained to Col. Ward (P43873) - thinks the fare rather worse this year than last -
Mr. Holcombe (P43718) appeared and said that it was Mrs. Ward (PP43909) who was alluded to as being an unworthy adviser &c - The Beef steak is generally tough - does not often eat bacon, it is sometimes tainted - heard Col. Ward (P43873) express a fear at Christmas that the warm weather would spoil his bacon - Knows nothing of the Cabbage-
The bread is never well baked - particularly the biscuit - the rolls and light bread are better - has never noticed any differ- ence in biscuit at the beginning and end of the meal - The Coffee is not clear, the tea is bitter and of bad quality - The Butter is seldom good - sometimes so - within the last few days- it has been rancid - meats are sometimes well done - sometimes not so - The tumbler glasses are not always clean - there can be no complaint as to the knifes forks &c.
Mr. Lambeth (P31842) appeared before the Faculty and stated that the beef has been invariably tough throughout the Session - It is sometimes roasted, sometimes made into a kind of fry - the pieces very thin - the fore quarter is generally used - The Bacon has been fat and bad - during the Session - hams are less frequently served than shoulders - sometimes middlings - it is not infrequently tainted - The potatoes are bad - the cabbage so bad that he seldom tries them - The bread at dinner is good- at breakfast it is not half done - the biscuit particularly- the wheat rolls are pretty good and the corn bread better - the' not made with eggs or butter - The Coffee is indifferent - muddy- in other respects it does pretty well - The tea is not good- it is bitter - The butter has not been good - it is not exactly rancid - it varies in color - his remarks apply to all parts of the Session - brushed white sugar is used for the tea.
A motion was made seconded and passed that Col. Ward (P43873) be requested to appear before the Faculty -
Col. Ward (P43873) appeared and said that his Beef has been equal to any furnished in the University or Charlottesville (PL4204) - in Feby MR. Marchant (P44246) sold him somethat was not very good - it was however the best then in the market - buys a side of beef at a time- which is cut up for roasting pieces, steaks &c. Steak is taken from the rounds - The Bacon is good - he cured it himself- early in the Session purchased his supply of Mr. Reuben Lewis (P44245) who is celibrated for making good bacon - what he purchased was decidedly good - puts on the table hams, Shoulders-middlings and jowls - no one two days in Succession - when jowls only-two at a time - On dessert days the supply of meat is not so heavy as at other times
The potatoes are small but very sound - and are prepared
in various ways - they are mountain potatoes - The Cabbage are decidedly good - can now exhibit 100 very superior heads -There can be no just cause of complaint against the bread- the biscuits with very few exceptions have been well done- there has been no other bread furnished which has not been well done - The best Java Coffee and the best brown sugar purchased in Richmond (PL4711) thro' the agency of the Proctor, is furnished - the coffee is clear and well made - The Tea is good - gentlemen some- times eat molasses with their Coffee and tea and this destroys the flavour - uses brushed white sugar for tea - occasionally leaf - Has not had one pound on rancid during the Session - it is sometimes strong but not rancid - he has this session been supplied with butter of better quality than usual - it has been generally good - sound and sweet.-
A motion was made seconded and passed, that the Proctor be requested to appear before the Faculty -
Col. Woodley (P44018) appeared and said that he had visited Col. Ward's (P43873) Hotel regularly and found the fare pretty good - the dinners very good - hearing no complaints as to breakfast he has not investigated this meal lately - at his last visit, he thought the beef a little overcooked - there was beef both boiled and roasted - has heard C. P. Johnson (P35454) & Stuart (P24341) say that there was no cause of complaint as to breakfast - The Bacon is sound - the Cabbage very fine - four or five of the boarders are anxious to go out of the University - Lambeth (P31842), T. Hill (P26212) - Jennings (P28715) & Jackson (P26267) have spoken to him on the subject.-
Mr. Bonnycastle (P43623) proposed the following resolution which was seconded and passed -
The Faculty having diligently enquired into the causes
of complaint alledged against the boarding house kept by Col. Ward (P43873) - Resolve, that Col. Ward (P43873) be admonished of the necessity of providing good provisions at his Hotel - that he be required to make improvement in the cooking which seems justly objected to - and to furnish his boarders with leaf sugar for tea -[EVENT: Student Status:Readmission Action:denied ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty letters from Messrs. Charles R. R. Boyd (P36288) and R. H. Kirk (P25245) who were on the 23rd Ult. suspended from the University for the remainder of the Session, praying for reasons therein stated to be readmitted into the University -
On motion made and seconded - Resolved that the petition of Mr. Boyd (P36288) be laid on the table -
On motion made and seconded
Resolved, that the Faculty deem it inexpedient to readmit Mr. R. H. Kirk (P25245) into the University.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages ] Professor Harrison (P25515) from the Committee appointed to conduct the Intermediate examination in Ancient Languages - made the following report -
Th. C. Williamson (P28039) & B. Matthews (P35544) - Committee recommend to be excused (having joined the Class lately) from the examination in Junior Latin
J. W. Stokes (P31891) and J. B. Cosnahan (P25329) - Committee recommend to be excused from the Intermediate examination in Junior Latin and Greek - they having joined these classes lately -
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages ] The Following students gave in blanks.
- J. W. Morton (P26341) Junior Latin; absent from Jun; Greek -
- Benj. F. Peters (P36193) " "
- James L. Woodville (P27310) Jun: Greek.
- John S. Barbour (P31480) " "
- John S. Caskie (P22691) Jun: Greek.
- Thomas Slaughter (P33960) " "
- J. P. Holcombe (P43718) " "
None of the Senior Latin Class and none of the Senior Greek Class answered any of the questions on the History.-
J. P. W. Eyre (P26717) answered very little in both Jun: Latin and Jun: Greek showing much inattention -
Edward B. Davis (P29328) answered very little in Jr. Latin, showing inattention
- Thomas S. Henry (P35089) ditto ditto
- Reuben P. Thomas (P36950) ditto ditto
- Isaac D. Gildart (P22881) ditto ditto(badly taught previously)
- V. M. Butler (P43171) ditto ditto
- John Scott (P41212) absent from Examinations(Sr. Latin) alledges sickness-
- John P. Tabb (P40095) absent from University with leave
- J. Blackmon (P43285) absent from examination in Jun: Latin; came late made no application to Committee.-
A motion was made seconded and passed that Messr. Th. C. William- son (P28039), Beverly Matthews (P35544), John W. Stokes (P31891) & Jos. B. Cosnahan (P25329) be excused as recommended by the Committee.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages ] Professor Blaettermann (P43621) from the Committee appointed to conduct the Intermediate Examination in Modern Languages - reported, that
- Thomas B. Hordan (P24670) gave in blanks
- J. P. W. Eyre (P26717)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics ] Professor Bonnycastle (P43623) from the Committee on Examination for distinction in Mathematics reported that the following students gave in blanks at the Intermediate Examination -
Intermediate Class -
- M. V. Lanier (P23843)
- G. F. Harrison (P28562)
- Th. T. Hill (P26212)
- B. P. Teel (P33387)
- S. M. Teel (P34910)
- R. R. Prontis (P41211)
- A. J. Stringfellow (P31716)
- F. M. Morancy (P27216)
Junior Class
- Charles Hamlin (P43237)
- Aaron Jeffrey (P29166)
- Th. S. Henry (P35089)
- Ch. M. Towles (P34053)
- G. W. Bierne (P29088) nearly blank
[EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy ] Professor Tucker (P43619) on the part of the Committee appointed to attend the Intermediate Examination in the School of Moral Philosophy made the following report -
- Drury W. Wood (P23304) Did not attend the Examination.-
- Madison McAfee (P22105)
- B. F. Peters (P36193)
- John H. Harrison (P30891)
- W. R. S. Brockenbrough (P29501)
- Wade Keyes (P26827) gave in blanks
- W. S. Caldwell (P28389)
[EVENT: Course Reference:Law ] Professor Davis (P33195) on the part of the Committee appointed to attend the Intermediate Examination in Law, made the following report -
Senior Class -
- John D. Bracy (P37246) These students handed in blanks -
- Davis E. Butler (P33808) They are all good students; and
- Jos. D. Shields (P27155) Mr. Bracy has been in bad health -
- James R. Sneed (P24575)
- L. E. Texada (P26698)
- Alex. Walker (P33315)
Mr. Hairston (P41505) was absent from the Examination - Mr. H. (P41505) had been sick and absent from the University since Nov. until a few days
before the examination and supposed that he was therefore not required to stand it.-The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Bank report for Feby.
The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Librarian's Bi- monthly report -
Professor Blaettermann (P43621) laid before the Faculty his report of the Standing of the Candidates for graduation in Modern Languages for the month of Feby.
The Faculty adjourned
Gessner Harrison (P25515) Ch. Fac.The Faculty met April 1st 1839
Present the Chairman and Professors Cabell (P43619), Emmet (P43625), Blaettermann (P43621), Bonnycastle (P43623) and Tucker (P43619) -
The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's monthly report -
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's monthly report of Assessments - which was, on motion made seconded and p passed, approved and confirmed.-
The Chairman called upon the Professors for the names of such students as are idle and inattentive in their respective Schools
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages ] The Professor of Ancient Languages (P25515) stated, that
- J. P. V. Eyre (P26717) was doing no good
- R. B. Gooch (P32133) was 5 times absent
- M. McAfee (P30407) was 4 times absent
- B. F. Peters (P36193) was 6 times absent: twice reportedsick
- Edward B. Davis (P29328) answers badly
[EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages ] The Professor of Modern Languages (P43621) reported, that
- J. P. W. Eyre (P26717) was doing but little good.-
[EVENT: Course Reference:Mathematics ] The Professor of Mathematics (P43623) stated, that
- Edward B. Davis (P29328) was 7 times absent & doing no good
- L. Chives Johnson (P31180) was always absent-
- J. P. W. Eyre (P26717) was doing but little good -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Natural Philosophy ] The Professor of Natural Philosophy (P43634) was absent - but he had informed the Chairman, that
- John H. Harrison (P30891) was doing no good
[EVENT: Course Reference:Chemistry ] The Professor of Chemistry (P43625) had no complaint -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine ] The Professor of Medicine (P43661) was absent
[EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Anatomy ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Surgery ] The Professor of Anatomy & Surgery (P39304) had withdrawn from the meeting -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy ] The Professor of Moral Philosophy (P43619) stated, that
- C. C. Rogers (P38422) was 9 times absent
- M. McAfee (P30407) was 7 times absent -
- M. W. Smith (P22844) was 7 times absent
- John Harrison (P30891) had made no improvement
[EVENT: Course Reference:Law ] The Chairman on behalf on the Professor of Law (P33195), who was absent from sickness stated, that
- John H. Harrison (P30891) had made no improvement
- W. A. Kimbrough (P27495)
- M. McAfee (P30407) was too often absent
- B. F. Peters (P36193) was 8 times absent, twice he was reported sick.-
The following resolution was moved, seconded and passed
It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty, that Messrs. J. P. W. Eyre (P26717), Madison McAfee (P30407) and Benj. F. Peters (P36193) are inattentive and not making due proficiency in their respective Schools - Resolved, that their parents be informed that unless a speedy amendment takes place they will be dismissed from the
University.-On motion made and seconded - Resolved that the Chairman be requested to call the attention of the father of Mr. Richard B. Gooch (P32133) to his frequent absences from lectures in Ancient Languages-
A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. E. B. Davis (P29328) for his idleness and inattention be reprimanded by the Chairman, and that his mother be written to.-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. Jules G. Olivier (P38282) was on the 17th Ult. at Church in Charlottesville (PL4204) without Uni- form as to coat -
Mr. Olivier (P38282) having been sent for appeared before the Faculty and stated, that he was in the read when he determined to go to Church - and set off without thinking of his Uniform - did not purchase the coat this Session - this is the first violation of the Laws.-
A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Olivier (P38282) be reprimanded by the Chairman.-
The Chairman informed the Faculty that Mr. James L. Wood- ville (P27310) was in Charlottesville (PL4204) on the 14th Ult.without Uniform as to coat, vest and pantaloons.-
That Mr. Joseph D. Sholton (P29255) was at Church in Charlottesville (PL4204) on the 24th Ult. without Uniform as to pantaloons -
That Mr. William S. Boyd (P34740) was at the some time and place out of Uniform as to coat - and that
Mr. John H. Perry (P24657) at the same time and place was out of Uniform asto vest.-
[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted ] Mr. L. E. Toxada (P26698) made application through the Chairman for permission to withdraw from the University -
His reasons being deemed satisfactory, a motion was made seconded
and passed, that his application be granted -[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking ] The Chairman informed the Faculty that on friday night the Ult. he saw Mr. Joseph B. Cosnahan (P25329) drinking at the bar of Fitch's Tavern (PL8536).-
A motion was made seconded and passed, that the Faculty ad- journ until monday the 8th instant at 4 oClock P.M.
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch: Fac:April 8th 1839 4oClock P.M. The Faculty met pursuant to adjournment.
Present the Chairman and Professors Tucker (P43619), Davis (P33195), Blaettermann (P43621), Bonnycastle (P43623) and Cabell (P43619) -
[EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages ] Professor Harrison (P25515) laid before the Faculty the monthly re- port of the Standing of Candidates for Graduation in Ancient Languages.-
[EVENT: University Administration:Banking ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Bank report for March.-
[EVENT: Curriculum ] Professor Blaettermann (P43621) laid before the Faculty a letter from Mr. Charles Grimme (P44234) praying the Faculty to licinse him to teach Fencing, Gymnastics &c within the University -
On motion made and seconded - resolved that the said letter be laid on the table.
[EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University Action:granted ] The Chairman laid before the Faculty a communication from Professor Rogers (P43658) acting on behalf on Philip Harrison Esq. (P44256) father of Mr. John H. Harrison (P30891), who, for his idleness and in- attention, is under notice of dismissal, and who from the reports of his Professors appears to have made no improvement in his studies, asking the Faculty to permit Mr. Harrison (P30891) to withdraw from the University - On motion made and seconded - resolved
that he be permitted to withdraw on condition that he return home immediately.-Mr. Charles M. Towles (P34053) made application through the Chair- man for permission, in the purchase of Clothing to exceed the limit fixed by the laws - He came to the University from a warm climate almost destitute clothes - and has in the pur- chase of what was absolutely necessary gone to the amount of $100 - and is greatly in want of summer clothes.-
On motion made and seconded - resolved that Mr. Towles (P34053) have permission to purchase clothes to such reasonable amount as the Chairman may prescribe.-
Mr. James B. Poyas (P37718) made application through the Chairman for permission to wear a summer coat as a substitute for a Uniform one - He has an ample supply of summer clothing and a Uniform Coat, that will not last till the end of the Session - this indulgence will save him the expense of another Uniform Coat.-
On motion made and seconded; Resolved, that Mr. Poyas (P37718) be informed, that under the laws, the Faculty have not the power to grant him the indulgence he asks for.-
[EVENT: Boarding Action:denied ] Mr. Henry C. Mayer (P28302) with the consent of two members of the Executive Committee made application thro' the Chairman for permission to occupy the front room of the Old Library - On motion made and seconded - Resolved that Mr. Mayer's (P28302) applica- tion be not granted.-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Uniform Violation ] The Chairman informed the Faculty of the following vio- lations of the law regarding Uniform -
Mr. Thomas T. Hill (P26212), as to coat at Church in Charlottesville (PL4204), yesterday.
Mr. Thomas F. Perkins (P38303) as to Coat at the same time and place-
Mr. Benj. I. Barbour (P38272) as to Coat at a private house, yesterday
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking ] A motion was made seconded and passed, that Messrs. Cosnahan (P25329) - Woodville (P27310) - Shelton (P29255) and Boyd (P34740) who were brought to the notice of the Faculty by the Chairman at the last meeting- and Messrs. Th. T. Hill (P26212) - perkins and B. I. Barbour (P38272) be sent for.-
Mr. Cosnahan (P26212) appeared and stated that it was true that he drank at the bar of Fitch's Tavern (PL8536) on the night that Mr. Binford (P35678) was brought to Charlottesville (PL4204) - pleads the excite- ment of the occasion as his excuse - drank brandy mixed - drank only once -
Mr. William S. Boyd (P34740) appeared and admitted that he was out of Uniform as to coat - the day before he had torn his Uniform- the coat he were was a borrowed one -
Mr. Shelto (P29255) appeared and said that the pantaloons worn by him were the only decent pair he had - had no Uniform pants fit to wear to Church - brought them with him -
Mr. Perkins (P38303) appeared before the Faculty - and said that his Uniform was out of repair - and he was anxious to hear the Bishop preach - brought the cloth of the coat with him from home - had it made here and paid for the making out of his pocket money - did not have it made to violate the laws.-
Mr. Woodville (P27310) next appeared and admitted that he was out of Uniform as to coat, vest and pantaloons - His Uniform was out of order and had been for some time previous - he went visiting, and it was a case of emergency - brought the clothes with him, except the vest, which he purchased in Washington, during a visit there, with leave.-
Mr. B. J. Barbour (P38272) appeared and said - that he had worn out his Uniform and had a new one making - brought the coat with him which he were - went only to a private house - visited no public place.-
Mr. Thomas T. Hill (P26212) appeared and said that he had lent out his Uniform in the morning, not intending to go to Church- Afterwards hearing that the Bishop was to preach, determined to go -
A motion was made seconded and passed that Messrs. James L. Woodville (P27310) - Joseph D. Shelton (P29255) - William S. Boyd (P34740) - Thomas T. Hill (P26212) - Thomas F. Perkins (P38303) and Benjamin I. Barbour (P38272) or violating the law regard- ing Uniform, be reprimanded by the Chairman and that their parents be written to.-
[EVENT: Student Status:Suspension ] The following resolution was proposed seconded and passed -
it appearing to the Faculty that Mr. Joseph B. Cosnahan (P26212) on friday night the Ult. visited the bar of Fitch's Tavern (PL8536) in Charlottesville and drank spiritous liquor thereat - Resolved, the he be suspended for two weeks and required to spend the term of his suspension at Mr. Ira B. Brown's (P44226) in this County -
The Chairman stated to the Faculty, that Mr. Madison McAfee (P30407) had called on him and assured him that him absence from lectures and apparent inattention during the last month, was occasioned by sickness - whereupon
On motion made and seconded - resolved that the dismissal notice entered against Mr. Mc Afee (P30407) at the last meeting, be res- cinded.
[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] The following applications were made to the Faculty thro' the Chairman -
Mr. John S. Smith (P28483) to leave the Class of Spanish -
Mr. Thomas Slaughter (P33960) to leave Jun: Greek -
The reasons deemed satisfactory, motions were severally made seconded and passed, that these applications be granted.-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty, that Mr. William A. Kimbrough (P27495) his made but little improvement in his studies - and that he has, without permission withdrawn from the School of Modern Language - On motion made and seconded - Res- olved, that the dismissal notice entered against Mr. Kimbrough (P27495) on the 2nd of March be continued, and that he be required to resume attendance on the lectures in Modern Languages.-
On motion made and seconded,- Resolved, that Mr. Isaac D. Gildart (P22881) be reprimanded by the Chairman for his inattention in his Schools.-
The Chairman stated to the Faculty, that Messrs. William S. Caldwell (P28389), Benj: R. Sneed (P24575) and L. S. Joynes (P22495), had repeatedly vio- lated the law regarding early rising - A motion was thereupon made, seconded and passed, that these gentlemen be reprimanded by the Chairman.-
The Chairman stated to the Faculty that he had summoned Mr. Matthew M. Harrison (P36356) before him for violating the law regarding early rising - and he said to the Chairman, that if the Faculty should consider that a repriman was due to him, he would prefer that they should dismiss him-
A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Harrison (P36356) be sent for - He appeared, and said that he had been caught violating the early rising law, but twice during the Session, whilst others had been caught much oftener - Said that he would try not to be caught again - but would not pledge himself to rise every morning by sunrise.-
A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Harrison (P36356) be admonished by the Chairman.-
[EVENT: Boarding Action:granted ] The Chairman stated to the Faculty, that Mr. John P. Tabb (P40095) who had been sometime absent from the University on account of bad health, had recently returned and obtained permission from the Executive Committee to board with Capt. Rose (P43866) - and he made application to the Faculty to do so -
On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that Mr. Tabb's (P40095) app- lication be granted.-
The Faculty adjourned
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch: Fac:The Faculty met April 26th 1839
Present the Chairman and Professors Davis (P33195), Tucker (P43619), Blaettermann (P43621), Bonnycastle (P43623) and Cabell (P43619) -
At the instance of Professor Davis (P33195) and on motion, made seconded and passed, the examination for graduation in Law appointed for May 1st is postponed to May 8th
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Drinking ] [EVENT: Student Misconduct:Gambling ] The Chairman informed the Faculty, that yesterday after- noon as he was passing Mr. Gainers confectionary (PL8566) , he saw Mr. John F. Gibson (P34291) come out, seeming to be intoxicated - The Chairman had information heretofore, that Mr. Gibson (P34291) was in the habit of visiting taverns and drinking there - but in consequence of a pledge made by him to reform - and an assurance from Mr. John Scott (P41212) that his pledge night be relied on, he did not bring the case, at that time, to the notice of the Faculty - The Chairman has some reason to believe that Mr. Gibson (P34291) has been gaming at Gainer's (PL8566) -
Dr. Cabell (P43619) mentioned to the Faculty, that in passing he had
seen Mr. Gibson (P34291) at Tool's tavern and Confectionary (PL8594).-A motion was made seconded and passed, that Mr. Gibson (P34291) be sent for - He appeared and admitted that he was at Garner's and also at Tool's - drank there, but was not intoxicated - admits that he has visited taverns and drunk there - denies positively having played Cards at Garner's - Says the Chairman is mistaken in supporting that he pledged himself to study better &c-
The following resolution was proposed seconded and passed -
It appearing to the satisfaction of the Faculty that Mr. John F. Gibson (P34291) has been guilty of habitually frequenting Taverns and Confectionaries and drinking thereat -
Resolved, that he be dismissed from the University and interdicted from the precincts.-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] [EVENT: Student Status:Withdrawal from University ] Mr. Benjamin F. Peters (P36193) who for inattention to his studies re- ceived at the last monthly meeting of the Faculty, a dismissal notice, made application through the Chairman for permission to withdraw from the University - For reasons satisfactory to the Faculty his application was, on motion made seconded and passed, granted.-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] [EVENT: Student Status:Dismissal ] The Chairman informed to Faculty, that Mr. John H. Harrison, (P30891) who for idleness and inattention was under notice of dismissal, and on the 8th of April was permitted to withdraw from the Uni- versity, on condition, that he would return home immediately; had not complied with the said condition, but has remained here in idleness since that period.-
A motion was made seconded and passed that Mr. Harrison (P30891) be sent for - His appeared and said that he had no excuse to offer for his want of proficiency - Since he recd. a dismissal notice
has made greater exertions than before, sufficient as he thought to save him from dismission - The reason he did not return home, is, that he wanted to hear from his father before taking any decided stop - has not yet heard from him.-The following resolution was proposed, seconded and passed-
Mr. John H. Harrison (P30891) having on the 2nd day of March re- ceived the usual notice of dismissal for inattention to his studies, which was communicated to his father, which notice on the first day April was renewed and continued - And on the 8th day of April, the Faculty being of Opinion, that he had incurred dis- missal by the failure to make due improvement, on the applica- tion of Professor Rogers (P43658) made in behalf of his father, allowed him to withdraw, on condition, that he would immediately return home - which he has failed to do, but has remained here in idleness since that period:- Therefore, resolved, that he be dismissed from the University and interdicted from the precincts.-
[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek ] Mr. James P. Holcombe (P43718) with the consent of his father made application thro' the Chairman for permission to quit the Class of Jun: Greek - A motion was made, seconded and passed that his application be granted -
[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Modern Languages:French ] Mr. Matthew M. Harrison (P36356) made application thro' the Chair- man for permission to leave the Class of French - On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that his application be granted -
Dr. Cabell (P43619) from the Committee on the English Examination stated to the Faculty, that a number of students who failed at the examination, had made application for a reexamination - A motion was made seconded and passed, that the application be granted -
[EVENT: Boarding Action:denied ] Mr. Lawrence W. Archer (P35381) made application through the Chair-
man for permission to board with Mrs. Brockenbrough (P44061) on account of ill health - On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that his application be not granted.-[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:denied ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Moral Philosophy ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Natural Philosophy ] Mr. Jules G. Olivier (P38282) made application through the Chairman for permission to leave the Schools of Natural Philosophy and Moral Philosophy - On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that his application be not granted.-
[EVENT: Student Status:Readmission Action:granted ] The Petition of Mr. Charles R. R. Boyd (P36288) for readmission into the University, which at a former meeting of the Faculty was laid upon the table, was on motion made seconded and passed, taken up - and on consideration of which, the Faculty on motion made and seconded - resolved, that Mr. Boyd (P36288) he readmitted into the University, on making to the Chairman a special pledge to conform to the laws, and on giving two surities for his good conduct, approved by the Chairman.-
The Chairman stated to the Faculty that Mr. Robert L. Brown (P40840) who had exceeded the limit prescribed by law for clothing, made application for permission to purchase some summer clothes- That
Mr. Wm. P. Duval (P24420) who had likewise exceeded the limit to the amount of about $15 made a like application - The Chairman had examined the Accounts for clothing which had been purchased by these gentlemen, and there appeared nothing an them, but what seemed necessary -
A motion was, thereupon, made seconded and passed, that Messrs. Brown (P40840) and Duval (P24420) have permission to purchase clothing to such reasonable amount, as may be sanctioned by the Chairman.-
The Faculty adjourned -
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.[651]
The Faculty met May 1st 1839
Present all the members -
Professors Harrison (P25515) and Davis (P33195) laid before the Faculty reports of the Standing of the Candidates for Graduation in their Schools for the month of April.-
The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's monthly report-
[EVENT: Student Misconduct:Academic Lassitude ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Surgery ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Medicine:Anatomy ] Professor Cabell (P43619) from the Committee to attend the Inter- mediate examination in the School of Anatomy and Surgery made the following report-
- M. L. Armistead (P27990)
- William Cole (P43007)
- B. F. Eppes (P39630)
- W. H. I'Anson (P27351)
- C. W. Mouzon (P22075)
- James Norris (P34110)
- Geo. F. Pitts (P27943)
- James M. Roane (P41513)
- Wm. M. Thompson (P36111)
- Thomas Towles (P24008)
- Th. J. Wertenbaker (P32294)
4th Division
- James H. Noel (P22477)
- Benj: R. Taylor (P22062)
The Professor of Natural Philosophy (P43634) having been prevented by sickness from holding an examination for graduation in his School on the day appointed, asked through Professor Bonnycastle (P43623) a member of the Committee, that the Faculty would sanction an examination held on the 24th Ult. in the place of it - On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that the said examination be sanctioned.-
At the instance of Professor Griffith (P43661) and on motion made, seconded and passed, an examination for Proficiency in Medical
Jurisprudence is appointed for the 10th instant -[EVENT: Student Status:Dropping a Class Action:granted ] [EVENT: Course Reference:Ancient Languages:Greek ] Mr. John S. Barbour (P31480) made application thro' the Chairman for permission to leave the Class of Greek - On motion made and seconded - Resolved, that his application be granted.-
Mr. Davis (P33195) proposed the following resolution which was seconded and passed -
[EVENT: University Administration:Student Restrictions ] Resolved, that playing with marbles on the Lawn be in future prohibited.-
The Chairman laid before the Faculty the Proctor's report of Assessments for April - On motion made and seconded - resolved, that the said report be laid upon the table -
The Faculty adjourned
Gessner Harrison, (P25515) Ch. Fac.