Murray, Cora
by Julia Munro
"Cora Murray," a photograph by Rufus W. Holsinger taken on January 24, 1915.
The Charlottesville City Directory, 1914-15 states the following about a woman named Cora Murray (possibly the same individual): "Murray, Cora B. teacher Jefferson School h[ome] 313 6th S W" (p.142).
Additional information about Cora Murray will be added as it is researched.
NOTE that the name with which the portrait is labelled (or, labelled "untitled") is not necessarily the name of the sitter(s) in the portrait, but rather the name of the person who paid for the portrait when it was taken (the date and name associated with each photograph is from the business ledgers of R. W. Holsinger).
- "Cora Murray," 1915-01-24 photograph in UVA Library Catalogue (X02970A)
Holsinger Image Gallery of African Americans
J. F. Bell Funeral Home Records
Charlottesville City Directory, 1914-15 [Hathi Trust]
1870 & 1910 U. S. Census - Charlottesville & Esmont Communities
Cite This Entry
- APA Citation:
Munro, J.F. (2022, February 25). Cora Murray. Holsinger Portrait Project.
- MLA Citation:
Munro, Julia F. "Cora Murray." Holsinger Portrait Project. Univ. Virginia (2022, February 25). Web. [Date accessed].
First published: March 1, 2019
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